Newspaper Page Text
Keep the air Alive
jThe Disease That Strikes
Like Lightning.
When the street rir is
dead and hot, the :ttore
air can be live and cod
with breezes front aG-E
Fan. All it costs to run
the fan all day is the. ten
cent profit on one extra
sale. The cool store gets
the extra sales.
Gets G-E- Ftn'
Athens Engineering Co., Athens, Ga.
Elberton Machine Works, Elbcrton, Ga.
Atlanta Savannah
, Beware of Indigestlon-Uin dis
use that kills more people and kills
, thorn quicker than any other. This
warning, l>y physicians. Is psrtlcu-
| larly applicable this season of the
ll-oar. When "your ey.tom “let.
down. ,ln tono and vigor with the
first approach of warm weather,
what are the warnings that na-
“n„ K 'r/ 0 “. 0f U,e »PPr°«h of
I Indigestion 7 The medical booke
i 10,1 u ® : Gn«, which mean* that
i J J“ ur *« fermenting Instead of
.digesting. 2. A feeling of fullneee
or oppression in the region of the
etonujeh after eating. This means
that the gas has ballooned your
stomach and is pressing ui
against your heart and lungs. \ j.
A dull, lazy feeling, which means
thnt ydu are not getting nourish
l meat from what you are eating,
1 4. Hestlessneae, un-refreehlng
sleep; which means that the poleona
of indlgoetln are disturbing your
brain nnd nerves. 4 Sometimes
pain and fluttering . around' the
heart, though this symptom " may
como later,
Don’t take chances with Indli
lion—yolu are too apt to lose.
you have had any of the eymptomr
mentioned above, get your dlgesUve
organs to work at onco with Dan-
Nar, tho greateet proscription that
was carer written for a digestive
tonic. Dan-Nax makes your dl
gestlon "perfect and complete.
You feel Its helpful effect from the
very first dose. Got-a bottle of
Dan-Nax today at any drug store.
I)an.-Nnx is so much superior to
any other remedy for Indigestion
that the manufacturers havo In
structed every druggist to refund
tho prlco If you do not get relief, so
It costs you nothing If you are not
delighted with results. Delay
might bo dangerous, get Dan-Nax
South Atlantic's .Majestic Hold
Fireproof—American Man—Bathing, Dancing, Fishing
——Sea Food a Specialty-
Roia'fl not. Kemp A Perry, Prop's.
Backache, Rheumatic Pains, dull
hcailacho, tired feeling, too frequent
| urination, discolored or strong
i odor nrc symptoms of kidney and
' bladder trouble. "I was alwsy
having n backache which caused*
mo great suffering,'’ writes Mrs.
Fehor, Medtord, Mas*. "Could not
sleep nml nt times I could not
stand straight. Tried Foley Kid
ney Pills and found relief." stop
backache, kidney nnd bladder trou
bles with Foley Kidney Pills.—Ad-
I vcrtlsemenL
'Athens Visitors
Among those visiting In Athens
Wednesday were: E Nolan, Phila.
dolphin; M. R. Lawrence, Nasb-
cllle; A. A. .Basham, Atlanta: H.
B. Glllent, Knoxville, Tenn.; H. E.
Oglesby, Atlanta.
J. D. Cobb, Acola, Fla.; A. It.
TunBlow, F. H. Powers, A. A. Colas,
Atlanta; C. F. Baker. N. C. St. U;
B. L. Hopper, Atlanta: Wm.
Chambers, Atlanta; ,S. EL Yow.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Cables, Jr.,
Waterbury, Conn.; W. A. Horn.
Louisville;' H. J. Fears.- Atlanta;
James H. Queen, Atlanta; W. W.
Cary. Atlanta; Mrs. Sanford Gay,
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hunt, Crystal
River. Flp.; w. H. Andrews, Palm
Beach, Fla.
J. W. Byrd, Atlanta; G. W. Rob
Inson, New York City; H. L.
Prince, New York City; M. E. Wil
son, Atlanta; R. W. Stewart, Ma-
con; C. A. Ryder. Atlanta; Felton
Pound Macon; R. B. Gunby, Colum.
bus; J. H. Pittard, Gainesville, Git
Athens’ Neighbors
B. Daniel, Colifmbus, Go.;
Victor 8. Woodward, Athnti; Mrs.
M. Kelly, Atlanta; N. E. Bowden.
Atlanta: L. H. Chamberlain. Chi
cago; J. w. Howard, Savannah;
W. H. Klnner, Atlanta. .
JEFFERSON.—Mrs- Jane Smith,
an estimable lady, died at Ila.
The executive committee of the
Athens Presbytery held a very in
teresting- meeting at the home of
Mrs. Jeff Hood 1 of Commerce. It
'vas planned to furnish a room at
the Missionary Training School at
Richmond to perpetuate the mcm
ory of Mrs. J. A. Simpson.
The grain production ip best in
many years*
Miss Mollie Harrison, aged 74
years, and who was reared in
Jackson county, died in Atlanta.
Chief Oliver Sailors, of Nicholson
W. L. GiIlham, Atlanta; Ro|and
A. Wilson, Mrs. Wilson and Roland
RLcr^r'p^r d M” r : • ml*
Margaret Shwrell, Ponjocala, Fla.; j The 9-yearfold daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. G- C. Shackelford, of
Lawrenceville, was instantly killed
’vhen lightning struck the house.
Mrs. W. P. Boggs fell, incurring
lt.nPP fl hrnlfnn nt* Lnill,,
S.S.S. routs
Here’s something about S.S.S,, *600
oueut o.a.s,. «TO ana tl
that you’ll be glad to hear, i bought »75o.
We know there la one thing that
stops eesania and that la more red-
WoodcjU! B. S. 8. bunds them by
tho million! Yon can Increase youi
l-.-V*— "• *• incurring
cither a broken or badly dis!ocatc<
I Mr. W. A. Lyle, aged 72, died
Incur Elmwood.
0” **le«day the lands of estate
of MMra. Nellie Rice brought $510
®nd the Whitehcud land
WASHINGTON—A negro ...
u usnington assaulted Officer
Sturdivant beca me ho slapped a
negro woman for her iiftolence.
Tne officer was not much hurt
an ” tnc negro put in jail.
The Newa-ItcporU'r »aya Judge
^ ex .i, W '.r S o P % !n3 '* * c * , u)i<i > te
for the U. b. Senate.
Mr. R. If. Maxwell was badly
.hurt when he fell off a truck he
had his left leg broken and ankle
The land and building of the
*■ 8J.clOTy.Ma crept ion. throock
It* power of cleansing Ike Blood.
red-hlood^clls to the point where It
la practically lmpoaslble for eczema
to exist We know that as blood-
cells Increase In number,, blood
East Georgia Fair "Association
Vitrc sold to satisfy a tax exefeu-
Mr. Upson L. Goolsby, age 09
died at Tignall.
The City Dairy was sold to Wills
Medicinal Virtues Retained and lm-
proved— Dangerous and Sicken
ing Qualitiee Removed, perfect
ed Tablet Called “Calotaba-”
Tho latest triumph of modern
science Js a "de-nauseated" calo
mel tablet known to the dru.
trade oe "Calotabe." Calomel, thr
most generally useful of all medi
cine. thua enters upon n .wider
field of popularity—purified and
refined from those objectionable
qualitiee' which have heretofore lim
ited Its use.
In biliousness, constipation, head
aches and Indigestion, and In r
great variety of liver, stomach and
kidney troubles calomel woo th<
moat successful remedy, but Its use
was often neglected on account of
Us sickening qualities. Now It ]■
the rosiest nnd most pleasant of
medicines to take. One CalotabV
bedtime with a swallow of water—
that's all. No taste, no griping
noausen, no salts. A good
night's sleep and the- next morn
ing you ere feeling fino, with i
clean liver, a purified system and
a big appetite. Eat what you
please. Nq danger.
. Calotaba are eold only In origi
nal, eealed package., price thirty,
five cent, for the large famllj
package; ten cente for the email |
trial size. Your drugglet la author
ized to refund tho price ns a guar
antee that you will be thoroughly
delighted with Calotaba.—Adv.
Kellogg’s Bran is Guaranteed to
■A “ “ ““ breath,pimples—finally, in many*
Relief from constipation, whether it
lie mild or donate, will follow tho
renter, every-day eating of Kellogg 'a
Bran. We have thousands of letters
from former tnffercra who tell us that
tho natural 11 bulk-act ion” of this
wonderful cereal product has given re
lief they have not knows for years.
We guarantee that Kellogg te Bran
will free the system from constipation
because it is ALL BRAN—not a com-
posltion In which bran is added. If
constipation is to be permanently re
lieved, you must cat ALL BRAN—
that's why yonr physician will recom
mend Kellogg's for constipation.
Constipation creates toxin condi
tions which poison tho blood and
every organ of tho body* It slows
yon down mentally and physically, and
creates sick headaches, nausea, bad
nnd other dreaded illnesses. You must
fight constipation with Kellogg's Bran
regularly if you want health!
You'll any Kellogg’s Bran is really
delicious—it, has a nut-liko flavor thnt
appeals to tho most fastidious appetite.
Eat it ns a cereal, sprinkled on hat or
cold cereals or cooked with hot cereals,
allowing two tablespoonful* of bran
for each person. Bo certain to oat at
least two tablespoonfuls each day; n«
much With’ each meal in chronic cases.
Kellogg's is delicious made into
muffins, macaroons, raisin bread,
griddlo cakes. Recipes in every p icknge.
Kellogg 'a Bran is served by leading
hotels, clubs and restaurants in indi
vidual packages. It is sold by all
More Royal Clinchers
for 1923
United StatesTires
are Good Tires
T HE U. S. Tire people
took plenty of time in
Dinner 50c
thmt night follows day. Both aro filers,
facts! But hare you, eczema suf
ferers, ever actually taken advan
tage of this wonderful fact? Thou
sands just like you havo never
thought about it 3kln eruptions,
eczema with all Its fiery, skln-dlg-
Bing torturo and its soul-tearing,
unreachable itching, pimples, black-
7~— y—"' iiiuuwcr,* uiuuu A mammoth incubator will
Impurities vanish! We also know in.s.atieu to hatch ogn for thn far
that night follows dsy. Both are mers. t0V tho far Gerdine
Friendly People Render
a Friendly Service
^■TELEPHONE service is a friendly service, forming an inti-
A£|/mate part of your daily,! social and business life. The tele
phone workers in Georgia are friendly people, who have
dedicated their lives to a public service.
They have been trained to meet you cheerfully and courteously
land to do their utmost to satisfy you under all conditions.
v*“*F»t»i uiula- | There* Is hardly a person in Ath-
beads, and bolls, they all pack up jins for whoso golnit away eo many
.When you put these facta togrthor, nmI
--then to continue to have ecVcma i I““???* j ,, * ld *-»P«“d prao-
and skin eruptions looks mom like IJ' . 11 , p , u '" u , bcc ‘ m, ° It**
» sin than a disease. S. S. 8. con- tl f " u " d , ,n hrl ' n frlend -
tataa only vcgetablo medicinal In-1 !'j h “ ,ls her dl "‘lnBul«hlnt char-
—dlents. Because 8. 8. 8 does t wn * “ kindly frankness
111 red-blood-colls, It routs «- T*”? w "“ ,. no Protenso In her
aama^.builds Arm flesh, flllaTuthoi- wa * ,ho "P° nta n«>«.
low cheaka, beautifies the complex- f apen-hwfcd na
Ion, builds you up whan you aro I 1 ,
tun-down. 8. 8. 8. la sold at all , B . b ? dld not ■p®" ,lme "®f ®f-
Eood drug stores. Tho largo alzo fort i n ,h<! " ervlc ® nt " friend, no
jbottte fs more oconomlcaL iwas her definition of friend a nar
row on®.
Noodle Soup x
n n ■ „° ld ' Fashion Cherry l*le
Boiled Grocn Cabbago *
K ™ ... . _ .j! Spring Onions
New Irish PoUktoos
. VcgotnMo Salad
Muffins and Biscuits
« Choice of Pics
Coffee, Tea. or (Milk
50 Cents
Supper 50c
Breaded Pork Chops
Fried Sweet I’otatoes ,,, * ,1)r
Hot Biscuit, DU “ Bre,, C,,rr0t,
Coff™, ,1 Toa U o?‘ n M , i' 1 k CrCam SaUC °
SIT Cents
developing the Royal
Clincher Cord.
Whcnitwasiinally placed
on sale there were no mis
takes in it.
Last year we couldn’t
make Royal Clinchers fast
Production for 1923 has
been more than doubled.
But whenever and wher-
- ever you can get a Royal
Clincher—take it.
Where to buy USlins
Morris Yow, Athens, Ga.
C . W. Pittard, Winterviile, Ga
recovered from
Had stomach troublo three
yeara and finally was in bed night
weoks with terrible cramps,"
writes A. L. Lyons. Dayton, Ohio.
"The doctors did not help me and
- could hold nothing on my
stomach. Tried Fblcy Cathartic
Tableta and now am a well man.
Can eat anything.- Soar atoraach,
headache, bad breath, bll'ousueas
end other digestive' disorders
quickly overcome wllh Foley Ca-
thertlc Tablets. Do not gripe, pain
or nauseate.—Adv.
|row one.
1 In thinking of her LIFE la your
thought, wholesome, vigorous
kindly life.
If It }»e not entering secret,
ground It tnny most truly be said
of her that -her children arise up
and call her blessed."
Miss Carrie Walden trill conduct a
Vacation School for pupils from 4
to 12. The work will Include a
Story Hour, Games, Handwork, eta
No study la expected of the chil
dren unices parents desire, special
coaching. The elm le to help the
children spend a faw hours each
morning In a pleasant profitable
way. Tuition Information will bo
given upon request, and Immedlato
enrollment Is requested.—Adv.
Their chief duty is to serve you. They stand guard over youi!
.’service day and night and build constantly to provide for the fu
ture needs of the State. They find much pleasure in a task well
The telephone business is less than fifty years old. Its develop
ment has been rapid and the improvement, in the art has beoi
The friendly instrument in office and home has been taken as a
matter of course and so long as service continues few concern
themselves about the human agency back of their telephone.
^Bepsoi^s thread
* V There are some practices and necessary regulations which are
peculiar to the telephone business. But there is no mystery about
them apd most of them are for the protection of your service.
If you are confused by any feature of the telephone service, or
in doubt about the applicatifin of any of the practices, why not cal]
the local manager and talk it over with him.
He will be glad of the opportunity to meet you and explain every
of all rtf fkawifa crtUarinfa <mri nf nnr nnnrntimr nractic&i
ni* Will DC glaU Ul UIC uppui tuiiujr w mew juu auu CApiau
detail of the rate schedule and of pur operating practices.
C. G. BECK, Georgia Manager
Atlanta and West Point Railroad Company
The Western Railway of Alabama ,
Georgia Railroad.
The Sommer Toariet season it now on and vacations are
In order. Yon will be glad to know that conditions surround
ing Summer Tourist travel are more liberal this season than
In almost aay previous year. Reduced rates are In effect lo
practically every slate iu the Union aa welt as to some points
In Canada, the various tours Ufcludlng delightful trips on
the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Great Lakes, 8t. Law
rence Biver, Ilndeon River, through the Yellowstone and other
National parka, to tko Grand Canyon, etc. Stop-oven may
be made at any point on either going or return trip, within
final limit of ticket, which le, in most cases, October 31,1223.
Let us help you arrange you^ vacation. We aro here to
serve and any Information desired will be gladly famished by
ticket agent In your toVI or byftbe undersigned.
T mil. p. billupST* S'-
Generpl Passenger Agent,
Atlanta, O
When trying on it couple of light Tropical
suits, made to measure for a particular cus
tomer, tho other day, we found the fit perfect
, —not oven a slight, minor alteration nccc-.s.sary,
* when tht; customer said to us:
“You have given me a more comfort
able and better fit than I can get from
a Fifth Avenue tailor and pay him $100
a suit.’’
What'we did for this customer, we Can and will do for you, with the
finest quality of goods that can bo bohght in America, and with <>uc
of the forctnost tailoring organizations in the country to guarantee the
make-up and finish and style of the suits, and at prices about one-
third of what a Fifth Avenue tailor would charge for such a suit
We Can Satisfy You
As to quality of goods and style and workmanship of your next ruit
—make you more comfortable this summer, than you have ever been,
and at a price that will also plcarc you.
Drop in tomorrow and let us talk to you about that' light weight,
epol and comfortable, and yet stylish and dignified, Summer Suit that
you arc going to need shortly.
2-Trousers Suits
Are now being offered at no additional cost
Once you have worn one of these 2-TROUSERS
SUITS you wilL realize they are a Summertime
Sam B. Wingfield
Made-to-Measurc Clothes
Shirts, Collars, Sox, Straw Hat.t add
All Gents’ Furtlsh'ihg ■ - n ’