The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, June 15, 1923, Image 3
JUNE 15, 1923 TUB BAWHBB-HBltALP. ATHENS. GEORGIA *TV m re- contstaad- _-teristic of aMUtForit 1 whole cows’ i about 60% it removed ation. It is ! lermeticaHy i its convett* and When you serve It atbrcakfastforcream- ing coffee, fruit or cereals, use it just as it comes from the can, or dilute it with water, as you prefen For Carnation Milk has the consistency of rich, country cream. A GARDEN A little garden is tbo sign That man believes in God above, And for the lovely things and fine Has room within his heart for love. I never see a pansy bed Or rose In blossom in a yard, A, tulip witty a yellow head; But that house kindly 1 regard. There dwells a man. I tell myself Who trains a summer vine to climb; Despite the age's strife for pelf/ For beauty hero he still has time. Let cynics sneer that men are base And sordid seekers after gold. A little garden Is the place Where man’s affections we be hold. o i e _ complete _i no fival in Ire. And that ICarnationis, |nlyabout6055 * atcr content. I youCMEPIe on for dridk- ply add one If to twonarta Children Use Carnation for every purpose for - which you now use milk—for breakfast, luncheon, dinner, and between meals—for cooking, baking and deskerts. Why not try it today? Grocers everywhere sell Carnation A little garden bright with bloom. With all the beauty that Jt brings. Is proof that someone's heart has room To cherish nature's lovely thing? -W— MR. AND MR8. HUGH HODGSON HONOR MI8S HODGSON Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hodgson en tertained in honor of their lovely young'guest Miss Martha Elkn Hodgson of Atlanta, who is here for thd commencement season at a beautiful supper party Thursday evening followed by a box party at the colonial for the Rotary Min strels. Tho guests included Mist Julia Bradshaw of raducah, Ky., and her guests Miss Rhoda Thomp. son of Galveston, Texas, and Miss Frances Brlghtwell of Charleston, West Va., (Misses Marjorie Hodg son and Messrs. Tom Phinixy, Rob ert Harbin, W. C. Fleming, 3helton Sanford and John Kilpatrick. MI88 NORA F0RT80N GIVEN AUNCHEON ! W*. Henry Tompkins was hostess at a luncheon Thursday at the Piedmont Driving club In honor of Miss Nora Fortson, of Athens, the guest cf Miss Elizabeth Phillips. Tho tablo' on the terrace was over-lald with a lace cover, and wis graced with a large silver bas ket of snapdragons, larkspur, core- lopsis and roses. Encircling this were silver candlstlckn holding un shaded pink tapers, and silver corn- porta of bonbons. 1 Mrs. Tompkins wore a midday model of cocoa brown crepe with turban to match. Cordrs were placed for Misses Fortson, Elizabeth Phillips, Hor tense Adams, Mary McCarthy, Fn *ices ArneVI. and Mrs. Tomp- ktnj. « MR. HARRI8 JONES’ HOU8E PARTY FOR COMMENCEMENT Mr. Harris Jones will entertain a delightful week-end house‘party for commencement at the lovely home of his paronts. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones on Mlllodge avenue, Messrs. Jazz Carraker of Commerce Ware of Atlanta arlved Friday aft ernoon, the boys will include Messrs. Jazz Carraker of Commerce Steve Popper and Stetson Colemsn of Macdn, Pon IJppett And Cobb Torrence of Atlanta.- MRS. JAMES J. PAINE ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB Among the small informal social affairs of the week none were moru "njoyabie than the meeting of Mrs. • •amen G. Paine's bridge club with .ier Friday afternoon, which as sembled the members for the usu al interestin'* game, and delightful hospitality ot the gracious htystess Mrs. J. M. Allen In In Augusta tho guest of Mrs. W. P. Egbert. Mrs. Lula Archer and two child* n of Jefferson who havo been the guests of Mrs. M. A. Coker left Sun- dny for flnlnbrldge to make their home. Mrs. Chafin Adkins of Atlanta it the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. * Baye. Miss Juanita Coker has returned from a visit to Miss Hortense Ar cher of Jefferson and left Sunday for a visit to her aunt, Mrs. J. L. Rhlnehart of Amsterdam, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Rpauldfag and three little daughters of At lanta arrive Saturday to visit Dr and Mrs. Joseph Stewart on the campus. Sneeze Wheez: June Colds 1 Call It “row cold," *duat sold,- "summer cold," or Jut a plain ev,ry-day cold, ue of Vfcka bringa immediate comfort and helpt you shake it off. To clear the head, melt Vicln and inhale the vapora. Apply to throat and cheet at bedtime and you will breathe better, deep better and feel better next day. at: tho home of Mr. and Mra. C. T. jSlis»?feoberta Pittman-of Athens Mentitiie week-end with Mi®» Nino *Mlas Geraldine Relaford of Ath ens is visiting relatives here. - Mr. Jim Chandler motored Athens Saturday. _ „ , Misses Grace end Sue Bullock of Athens arc visiting relatives and friends here for a while. Misses Eadlce Bolton of Now I Harmony and Elanor Tribble of ; Monroe were the week-end guests of Mra. Clyde Martin. Mrs. .. M. Scagraves spent tho week-end with Mra. Tech Smith. Miss Mattie Mae O’Kclley of A'tliens is spending a few weeks with Misses Frances and Janet Massey. Mr. J. A- Stone and family spent Sunday in Gillsvillc.. A large crowd of gitls were the guests of Miss LaPeari Thurmond Tuesday. Mr. Comer Howell of Atlanta ar rived.Friday to be the guest of Mr. Arthur Griffith. Jr., for Georgia Commencement. ATTON MBiy A final camp get together Camp . Rally will be held Sunday afternoon at the T. M. C. A. at 4 o’clock. • her aunt, Mra. W. C. Wyeth want * 0 .re' Invited to be proa before calling with a party on Ihc , nt . parenti are alao Invited to 23rd for Europe. at four Sizty^flve boyn had signed up for through Thursday Mr. William Hnrt Sibley of Har vard arrived Friday to spend com r mencement with M-. and Mra. John "the Y. Camp J. ‘Winking. evening. Thero are at least ten more Ath ena, bo/s who will sign up befors the camp leaves on Tuesday the kiss Frances Langston has re turned from a visit to Mrs. C. S Taylor, at Athens.—Walton News J 19th, Mrs. M. C. O’Farrell is the guest of relatives In Athens.—Walton News. There are also a number of Rev. Marion S. Weaver Is Dead The friends of Miss Annie Comer will regret to lenrn of her l*ln«ni at her home on University lirtve. Mr. and Mrs. Comer Barnett and ddufA ter, Lillis, of Wa Ihlngton, Ga., are guests of Miss Annie Com- F POTATO SOUP IjUMp. floor. 2 tbop. bMk.}< !e a KS& ■to boiUng nh water. kio water in which , n cooked. Melt d floor; then mOk dl- k witrr, and cook for kAddp ‘ “ J paraley. C wt. This n |MKAT PIE F. I cup of potatoes, ipper, allcl pepper, I which bee been left ' *1 broiled f i. nnko . . cold l.——. •half loch cubes, keksoceby CARNATION BUCGIT SSESgR eight btocuKs. , BOILED SOFT CUSTARD A sure, safe way to end CORNS Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Ramsey whose marriage Inst week was an Inter esting • vent have returned to their home in Birmingham after a visit to Mrs. Ramsey’s sisters, Mrs, O, E. Stone and Mrs. F. L. Center. Mrs. H. 8. Jackson, of Athens, was a welcome visitor here Mon* day—Commerce News. too cm cm me pun og Scholl’. Zino-pgd». TWr m—f ric tion-preMti re, and m. Tha. you avoid Safcc* owon in fat, thicken r. add aeaaoning and or water. Mix meat. pand aaure. Add J pour mixture into Ibaklnf diih. Cover **£• I tbep. auger, X up. veoids. Beet egg yolks 33Kd*Vw heal the irritation. The. roe a tion from cut line your coraa or nting e> rnaire acid*. Tim: antUeptic; waterproof. u, calioute*. buaiooa. (Jet a Miss Martha Scarborough Columbus vho is In Atlanta for iTech Commencement will come over for Georgia Commencement and will visit her lister; Mrs. Wal ter Hodgson.. Mrs. J. W. Barnet was cxnect- cd homo Friday from Little Rock where she has been visiting Mrs. Sterling Hubbard. Siaea for com., c ho* today at yoer dnmuta c dealer’s. Mrs. L. G. Hardman and Mrs. W. W. Stark will attend a meeting of •the Shorter Scholarship committee l In Athens (next Tuesday*.—Cotw- • mcrce News, •eking di _l rolled . (tod bako IS to 3$ min- .'S'Sr-uu-a. lure line Mo. mIMS tt^{!?Mr.wdi p.opff arasssf* 1 * | For Cover Map. bekigg powder, CARNATION MILK fRODUCTl COMP A NT IhOCarnatioo Building, ^ Dr Scholls Xino-pads Put one on-thcpain is gone! Miss Lurlint Nix, accompanied I by Mrs. Ablt Nix. of Athens, plan to visit Mr* and Mrs. D. E. Mas sey in Greenville next week Commerce Ntwe. .Wis. Rev. and Mm. J. A. QullHmn of Athens are spending the week with Dr. and Mra A. F. Qullllan—Com tnerce Newa WEAK,RUNDOWN AND AILING Mr Walter Cams left Friday foi »' business trip to Chicago. Miss Cora Brown of Maristta whe the guest of Mra Robert 1%> wlmrter will visit Mrs. 8. V. San- ford befors returning. bon Lydia E Pinlbem’s Vegetable , yn ' ,w,. v..i i, ri.u. Compound Broufht Relief Whe* ,n A ‘ h “— Othcr Medicine* Failed Winaton-Salero, N. C. — "I weak and run-dow \From' Contented Cows'* •niji f been taking med icine for a kWH tint, and nothing- Hr ■ to do m, SSL5d 00 *1;,"- 5 went U the drag iter, in* be said to tig clerk, ‘I want tb, beat medicine yot have for women’i troubles.’He gavi him a bottle u H-uSE. Pinkbam’e Vegetable Com I pound and it haa helped me.Inasbui ttoel wu able to dome bouee work and now I am not only able to do even EfigatBatsfei I F«I* Nw Lif. umI SlfMigtli I Keene, N. H.-“I was weak and run-down and baff McmkIm and aL raa-ssrsg’srai Lydia E. Knkham’a Vegetable Com .J and I alao need Lydia E. Pink -iuud'1 Sanative WariL I am ablate I Emy work and M newMeland !aa*Jtetwjass Carpenter Strait, Keene, N. H. “The LITTLE PRICE” DINING ROOM (tRVgl I MEALS DAILY gaadwlehu, SaladA — Coffee at All Hour*, e HO ClaytMi «L Jamas R. Oray ot Atlanta will join hS family here for the “ -‘I 1 ' W ld i.'“ l i > ‘ l r '^y 0m * 0t , Mr ’ * nd Kre. J. H. Grlrtelh, Mines Hel • a, ' <, Mildred (irlffcth are en- frylni. u motor trip to Rome, Ce. dartown and Atlanta and will rs turn home Sunday. Min Artie Mae SralU, waa a via. Itor in Athens for the psit week end.—Commerce News. Mr. Jones Tow of Norcross ar rives Saturday to spend the week- end With Mr. and Mrs. Golden WMci Sarah Mae and Helen Me whiner*or Winder wen visitor, here this week. Mire Corrine Oerdlne and Mlaa Louie Hudson who are at St. Sim- wUl artve next week to vl>l| Ma . T -, J - "'oofter; their friend, will be Interested to learn they wll- ®* wmtnroi College nt Rook Hill 8. C* next season. Mrs. Jock Goodman has returned from Atlanta accompanied by he fath^, Mr. Murphey Candler. Mrs. Jerniggn-who haa been tht guest of her sister, Mrs. McBride Howell has returned to her home In Dalton. . out-of-town boys who are going tc send in their applications. Sunday the final plans will be announced and it Is important that every boy be present* Letters from the advance party who are now at the Y Camp hard (By Special Correspendent) |«t work getting things ready foi LEXINGTON, Ga.—Rev. Marlon)the opening, are bringing good S. Weaver, Baptist minister and news. straightened up before Hfimrne that bag/’ * said Luke* ! "Bang! A pistol 4>u! . gullet,Binged Luke a ear and his grip left the handle oi the trcaauro ba Afith u policeman in a taxicab careen ing along m pursuit the roboer got away. At Times Square, the nerve cen ter of Broadway. Julius Frank was held up in the washroom of his office and robbed, he said of $4,700 by two men. One man was caught in the subway station after an interesting chase through the streets. , Two men left a girl at the wheel of an auto when they entered Harry Salodar’s drug store in Brooklyn where thely quickly robbed the till, the owner and several customers of $600. They .escaped. A solo bandit with 'A solo bandit with « gun got $160 from Harry Stevens, V0 years old, in a garage hold up. Hagen Loses Title In British Open (By Associated Press.) TROON.—Walter Hagen Friday failed to win the British Open Golf title for the second time, when be mado tho fourth round (a soventy- five, giving him a totar of 290, one more than A. G. Havers a native Englishman who won tho title. Hagen's failure to win tho title means that tho championship trophy will return to Great Britain after staying In this country for two years. Maxcys Social and Personal News Mcsdames L. P. Maxeys, t Gillen and Mrs. J. R. Finley at tended the W. M. U. district meet ing at Sandy Cross Tuesday after noon. Mr. F. A. Gillen of Bishop Is In town this week. Master Carl Ap- plingj Jr., is spending the week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs p. S Hurt r&CP spent a few days last wt«k with relatives at Social Circle. Miss Sara Coldough of Bishop is visiting relatives here thin week. Mr. O. D. Bennett haa returned home after an extended bu si nest trip to Florida. Miss Lois Blrchmnre spent Sunday with her father, Mr. T. E. Birch- more. Mr. Clark Bryant Is at homo with his parents. ' Dr. Henry Maxoy visited Atlan ta one day last week. ATLANTA, Ga.—An increase of $62,500 wil be asked by Georgia Tech at the qext session of the legislature. A total maintenance fund of $175,000 for the next two years will bo requested. The addt- tional fund fs needed in order that (ho tuition charges may be re duced* It Is stated. Cccoanut Oil Fine For Washing Hair If you wnnt to keep your ha!, In good condition, be careful what you waah It with. Many neaps and prepared sham poos contain too much free alkali. This dries the scalp, makes tho hair brittle, and Is very -harmful. Mul- nlfled coconnut oil shampoo (which Is purs nnd entirely frrcnseless). Is mu.ji better than anything else you can usn for shampooing, as thl, cannot possibly -Injure the hair. Simply moisten your hair with water and rub It In. Two or throe tcaspoonfule of Mulsifted will mnkc an abubdnnco of rich, creamy lather nnd elknnse the hair and scalp thoroughly. Tho lather rinses out easily, and removes every particle *80,000 VERDICT 8PURNED NEW YORK—So dissatisfied j ot dust, dirt, dandruff and excess educator died suddently at his home in Lexlnkton Juno 14th, about 11 o'clock, a, m. He had been pastor, ot churches In Oglethorpe and adjoining coun ties (or about thirty yean and had done faithful, helpful and success, ful work In many churches as pas tor during these years. He was greatly beloved by the members of his churcbes. He was a plain, gos pel preacher and told the old story In a way to endear himself to bis flock. Just the old story of Jesus and His love was ever pleasing to him and to those to whom he told It In a plain Impressive way. iMr. Weaver waa also socially a favorite among hla.pepole. He had great learning and always had some time to talk about In tho homes of tha plain people that wad pleasing and helpful to them. He Mrs. Forbes writes that the Laks —Lake Edwards, ts supsrb. Wal ter T. Forbes, Jr., who has charge of tho swimming writes that the grading that waa done In the lake this spring hag mads ft an Idenl place for the beginners In front of the lodge has been specially, pro 'a red. Two long canoe and swim ming platforms run out Into thi water, ltd feet apart The water runs from IK feet to 4H feet deep. The outer edge Is roped In from tho end of on* platform to tho ot- This makes a place for begin' ners that In under Ideal supervi sion and as safe aa the water can be made. Also for canoeing, all of tho shallow places have been made deep enough to allow a ca. noo to th, paddled anywhere. Two hundred and tMrty feet o, was for a number of year* princi pal of Oneson Academy and there are many young men and women of tho county who were his pupils. His work In tha school rooni was eminently successful and he was elected superintendent of Schools for the county and served the peo ple in that capacity for four years having declined 4o offer for re- electlnn. • He Is survived by his wife, who was Miss Hattie Howard before-her marriage Mra. B. C. Faust of Ciiw. ford, Mrs. K. I*. Carpenter of Win der. Mrs. John Lydo of Decaturj Commander D. A. Weaver, D. 8. N., nnd Mrs. F. (• Reid of Lexington. Ho war alao a Confederate Vet eran. having volunteered Into the eervtce aa a boy a few months he. for the close of the Civil War. He wee faithful and 'efficient In every relation of life. For several months has had heen ln falling health and died at the age of •evehtv.elx. Funeral services were conduct* ed Friday afternoon at !:3t in Lex- Ington. Bernstern Brothers were In charge. Sawdust Personal and Social News - SAWDUST. Ga.—A B. V. P- U. social waa given Saturday night ditches for the extension ot tht water pipes to tho now eablna were dug by Agoiond Mapp, Edward llodgeon and Walter Forbes In one day. Thursday the tennis courts Wore finished end are In beautiful con dltlon. If there Is n boy In Athene who could go on this T. M. C. A, Camp and doesn't he will have missed J he greatest man-making expert nee of his younx Ufa. Attend tho rally Sunday u( o'clock St tho T. M. C. A. Bandits Preying On Messengers In New York City NEW YORK.—Sev«n men b*n dita and a girl hauled an ajrgreffftte of $17,475 in four surprise nold-i and all but one got away. Luke McDaniel, negro messen ger for the Hudson Country and Union Tru»t Company, of Jersey City. wa> taking $12,11* to the were Carl Page and* Charles Wandel with the $40,000 verdict n Supreme Court jury car# them Wednesday against the National Surety Company that they will oak Justice Cohalan Monday to net the verdict aside and direct a new trial. Six years ago they eoacehred the idea of selling policlea pro tecting bank account*.iiuin forged checks and signed a two-year con tract with the company. They were to receive 10 per cent of tho profits of a department they or- galnzed. Their mrvicea were dia- penaed with Feb. 17, 1919, and they aued for $3,000,000. The hair drlea quickly and evenly* nnd It leavea It fine and ailky, bright, fluffy, wavy, and eaay to manage. You can get Mulalfled cocoanut oil ahampoo nt any drug atoro. It la Inexpcnaive, and a few> will laat everyone In tho family fo» montha. Bo sure and aak for “Mulslfied.”—Advertia^ment HERALD WANT ADS. Too Late to Classify WANTED—EXPERIENCED SHORT order cook at once. Apply Para mount Cafe, Clayton St. jlSp Last Showing TONIGHT [GLORIA S.ON .‘MY AMERICAN WIFE' BUSTER KEATON Comedy Extra Manhattan El«tric.l ^m^ny'. office In Jersey City and making inspecting way along Sussex ouohfarcs, when a man, tinkering with the engine of a motor car, Mr. Shelton Sanford Is horn, from the* Harvard Medical Schoo! spend his vacation. WEAR M50HAIR SUITS ‘ for Summer Comfort £)rie4(/eq!i The coolest, moat shape-retaining, light-weight niits men fear during the hot sultry days. They tailor like *. worsted and have that look of refinement, which, makes them suitable for wear or eny occasion. For the Business man, they are tod; For the Traveler, they are dustlm'. FOr the Vacationist, they seldom heed pressing and- they ^ equally well for the dance. In fect, e Priestley Mphair.wtU give all-round satisfaction thla summer every,.day and for every oocarioo. - 1 Comet MyIm for ■ Every garment brer, the Priewler UbeL It Uentihe, the fabric. For tale by leading clothier, and teflon. kwwma Tomorrow—Special ANNA Q. NILSSON AND MILTON SILLS ‘THE ISLE OF LOST SHIPS’ First Showing ^‘Fighting * Blood” Series—Each One a Complete Story— Extra Feature ELITE TONIGHT GRAND OPENING STRAND MONDAY ...- •- mi i iripniHiaBli