The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, June 15, 1923, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, JUNE 15,
, „ r thouM door of said County,
I fir! ,t Tuesday In July, 1923, be-
L 1 1„. legal Hours of wile, to the
.t i,id«!cr Toe cash:
,• tract &r parcel cf land on
of Oconee River, In* Athens,
(’ounty, Georgia; bounded on
v, an unnamed Street, on West
,f 1’hurley flood, on North by
."i lings,, agd on-South by lands
s. Beginning at cor-
i:cfi Jennings lot, and running
i fifty feet, thence West to lot
I * , imri.-y flood, thence along said
| ° t flft> - feet to- lot of Bon Jcnnlngtv
I , h _ n ,.,. to Starting point; being , the
,,,-oM^y Anvcyed by deed 'of
\ f s. LyShot to MIttle Goosby, re-
fJLimI inSe&l Book ,6, page 199.
I Clerk’s office Superior Court, said
. iinjrTltinl real estate ndver-
:„1 jo hoAumld as the property
i<> Gooeby, ^deceased, for the
I Ainu.'* of paying debts of the de-
r^sn!. ai f og, distribution among
Book 2». iwges 350-551, u,„ mii
Rachel Stem and The Beale Men
■hduxtrial. Hem. win mu e't puW ic
ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE «tcrjr, between the lent hour, at
at an order from the be ^ lre *>>• Court Houee door. In
—ry of Clarke County. , County. Oeorgla. on the tint
public outcry, before . ay J1 ^ U *T ne *t, to the hi,belt
bidder for caih. the following de-
scribed property, to-wit:
Those two lots -of land lying in
Clarke County. Georgia, and descrlb-
“* “n follows:
A tract containing eighty and
seven-tenths (80,7) acres, and being
IS“t__, N0, aocord !ng to a plat of
,tne Klng-Hodgson Farm made by fl.
I* Veal, in 1917, and of record In
Book 23, page 232, In the office of the
Clerk of the Superior Court of Clarkfe
County, OcorglA. \
2. A tract lying in the 241st Dis
trict fl. al, containing 00 acres, more
nr less, known as the J. E. Bradherry
and bounded on the North by
the ,lands of J. I,. Mi’Leroy, East by
isuke Hardeman, South by Abb Bur
nett. West bg Primitive Baptist
hurch lot, Hinton ,ond Dial, and be
ing the place on which Lesley liar-
ird now resides.
This property will be sold ns the
property of the estate of Wesley
Barnard for the purpose of’Satisfy
ing principal and Interest of two
notes Executed and delivered by the
tag and being In Clarke .County,*Justice shall appertain. ;!
Georgia^ about three miles from
Athens and adjoining on ths North
property of Joe and Laura Smith,
East by property-of Joe and Laura
Smith and Anderson Wyche, South by
property of Wyche and Susan Ruck
er, and West by laads of Susan
Rucker and Is fully and accurately
described by a plat of a survey of
made by F. W. Cheney, ’Janu
ary 31st, 1917*, said plat attached to
and made a part of deed conveying
said tract of land to Holman Smith
by Joe Smith and Laura Smith, said
deed dated February 7th, 1917, and
recorded In Deed Book No. IB, page
40(5, Office Clerk Superior Court,
Clarke County, Georgia. Said tract
containing 3 1-4 .acres, more or less,
and more fully and accurately de
scribed In said plat and deed.
All ! that’ tract or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in said State
and County and in Princeton Factory
District, containing 31
Witness the Hon.
Judge of Bald Court. 1 '^hla th>
day of April, 1923.
E. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk,
Petitiqner’s Attorney.
May 18-25, June 8-22. .
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
No. 4415 July Term, 1923, Clarke
Superior Court.
Libel for Divorce.
| Change of Lift, for this Lady
! Brought Many Dissgroeable
j Symptoms, But She Found
( Csrdui‘Helpful
| Jdorgnnton, N. C.—'“When I had
• change'of life, I suffered with my
now has two nuccesuful bank, and [man and Harare McWhorter,
both are feint well. The cftlxcns' Finance--'\v. K .simmoas, F
Bank ha, a T“~' -*"■*• f‘* *T~ iili iInIf T TT,mijHljfl JMM|
m, with Dr. Sam Durham\ ax'way. A. S. Hardy and J.a Nerln.
■■rceldent, and the Bank of Maxeys, | Honorary Degree*—J. J. Con.ior
m. a W n , ?W.“ P ‘BHgW^U°p«>i- ?„w F- I “* lb ° < * * nd Ch “ nce " or .**»-
J[j® School Brown Fund—Joseph M. Brown.
Uismirie h wlth S W - Bennett, Mgrcue McWhorter,
bonding -I " a COUnC ''*’ Jame ’
Bridge road
Wyche, on
Rucker and
All that tract of land, together
with the improvement thereoh, sit
uate, lying and beln» In Clarke
said Wesley Barnard to the^ said c 9 unt >’» Georgia, about three miles
Mrs. RaciiM Stern, and the said The * “ ““
said Court on tho Third Monday In
July next, to answer Pctitloncrii*
libel for Divorce, and In - default
thereof, the Court will proceed n» td
justcio phall appertain.
. _ , . . .. _ / Wltnoaa the ‘flonotabio Blanton
lea. bounded on tho Routt | Forl „ JudB1 , ( . th|(1
by public mad leading from Eppe,' , he llth , lay Jun „, 1M3 .
*~ the gin of AndeWon N rf)II R
" N “ rth , J* »■“" Deputy Clerk s. O. CO.
I'etltl6m*r’a Attorneys.
TO OLLIE MAY' COKER BROWN, • buck, sides and head,” says Mra J
Greeting: | M. Fisher, of this place. “It seern-
By order of- tho Court you. arc Jed like'all the^ blood in my body
hereby required to bo nnd appear a« rushed to my thead. \My face would
Bessie Mell Industrial Home. Both
of said notes dated January 31st,
1920, nnd drawing interest from date
at the rate of 8% per annum,
falling due January 31st, 1925; the
note payable to Mrs. • Rachel Stem
being for the sum of |5,500.0d princi
pal and the noto duo The Bessie
Me|| Industrial Home being, for tho
sum of $3,000.00 principal, said notes
being secured by security deed to the
above dcscrll»ed property. Each oni
said notes contains the clause
that on default In payment of Inter
est that said notes could be matured,
time being mado of tho essence of
the contract, a default In the pay-
of interest having occurred for
much longer than tho requisite
length qf time, both notes have been
irdance with their
.hgOROIA-^CIafUb County:
L jjy virtu* Bf '?»n order of the Court
ordinary of Clarke County, passed
Juno term, 1923, there will be
jtj ,. n the "first Tuesday In July,
life, before the Court House f.oor.
’ . the r fegal hours of sale, to the
it bidder for cash, tho follow'-
.•scribed property of the estate
T. Moon. late of Clarke County,
»tato, deceased, to-wlt:
t iu,use and lot on East Broad
in tho City of Athens. Clarke
v. Georgia, being bounded on
by Broa<l Street, on the
l,y Dublin StreeL nnd by prop-
„, v ,,( the following parties: Dick
Willie Carter, Mark Stephens ‘cngm 91 ill
’ ’ . • 1 matured In
\ lllie I-ane, j
, that vacant lot on Elborton I terms,
in thVcilf of Athens, l.oundctl I will ho made for tho pur
e North "1>y'Henry Moore. East
by jack Sprauldln, West by Ida Os
and South by Ida Osborn.
„ n || of tho personal property of
,b # e "wii.l C. T. Moon, deceased, con-
wtlng of unc Cole Eight automobile,
S„. 33713. nnd his household and
litchen fur^Hurc.
Said sale ‘ ill taaile for the purpose
rf purine m m- ot said
and making!' divltlon ataong the heirs
May 29th.‘1923.
.L. B. MOON,
Atimlnistrator of tho Eatato of C. T.
June 8-1
GEORGIA—Clark* County:
[!y virtue of tho authority nnd
pewer of sale contained in the last
,111 „t I'rjpT ,U pavl,. late o« paid
Cnunty. tho undersigned n» Admlntu-
with the will annexed will
fell before tho Cotirt House door In
Athenn. Mid Coupty. on the flat
ta.Hlny In July next within the
kpal fide liuurn, tn.hlghent bidder for
a.p tho following roul relate, to-wlt.
Tt»- prior DavD.homo place lying In
Puryear'R ldelrlcl,' aid County, and
1,0 containing 100 acree. and
bounded on we*» by public road and
„( Jae. A.,Rmlth, dcceced. on
H. South hy lande of N. !*■ Dari".
d,< eaned, a nubile road Intervening,
«, the Knot by aid N. B. Davie
mate, and on the North by tnnde of
lire. Dean, the Grnham place, nnd
being the bind occupied hy the widow.
Mr*. J. A. lhtvls. for P*** several
rear*. Hald land to be sold as tho
•iierty of I*. I* Davis, deceased.
<1 sain bad for purpose of dintrl-
of satisfying the ifho’
principal nnd interest, and nil costs
of this sale, the balance. If any, will
be paid to tho estate of Wesley Bar
Thin 8th day of June. 1922.
from Athens nnd adjoining
North property of Joe and Laura
Smith, East property, of Joe nnd
Laura Smith and Anderson Wyche,
South by property of Wyche and
Susan Rucker, and West by lands of
Susan Rucker and Is fully and ac
curately described by a plat of a sur-
ey of same made by F. W. Cheney,
January 31. 1917; which plat is re
corded In the offlco of th* Clerk of
the Superior Court of Clarlra County,
Georgia, in Deed Book 15. page 654,
reference to which Is hereby mad*
more particular description, nnd
consists of two acre* of land con
veyed to Joe Smith by deed of Wal
ter E. Jackson, Sheriff dated Febru
ary 3rd, 1916, and recorded In Deed
B'V>k ... page ... office of Clerk
Superior Court of Clarke County.
Georgia, and 1 1-4 acres cut off of
the home place of Joe nnd Laura
Smith so as to Include the house In
-hich Holman Smith resides and th*
out houses as set nut In plat and
survey abovo referred to.
This sale will bo made for the
purpose of satisfying principal and
Interest of two notes executed and
delivered by sold Hattie Smith to the
June 15-22, July 6-13.
Man Postpones
His Funeral
“I nm 66 years did and for past
two years have been suffering ao
badly from stomach and liver trdu-
blef\ bloating and colic attacks that • from Canlul Is valuable,
I <lld not expect to live more than dec«l No woman entering
burn nnd I would get digzy when I
would etoop"over. \l was so eagily
depressed' nml suffered quite a Io1
ot pain . I wno nervous and *asll)
."I heard of Cnrduf and . . , -
sent for a bottle nnd took It. \
wasn't sure I was better, but 51
knew I wudf no worsen so thought
I would try another bottle. Afte:
the second, I knew I was better.
took about .four In'all, and then twe
«nro later.
* rprtn,n, y was helped.**
J That many of tho disagreeahh
t symptoms attending “the change*
may he relieved, has been proved
by the experience of thousands of
women who have taken CarduL
Certainly every woman Js much
better off who gets through mlddlr
age with as little suffering ns pos-
siblel and the assistance obtain'
tIons,.Prof. J. C. Oliver ts princi
pal, and the school has three
teachers. The town has one Bap
tist nnd one Christian church and
a handsome new Presbyterian
church Is being erected. Anti what
that hustling town undertakes is
always the best.
few months and was arranging
my affairs and oven my funeral.
Three doses of Mayr*a Wonderful
Remedy have entirely cured me.*’
It Is a simple, harmless preparn-,
tlon that removes the catarrhn -
mtirus from the intestinal tract ?
allays the inflammation which
causcfi practically nil stomach, liver '
nnd Intestinal ailments, including
appendicitis. One dose will con ;
vinoe, or money refunded. For sail i
proaching this critical period should
neglect giving this well-known,
tonic medicine a fair trial lmmc-
d^itrly upon Its need being Indl-
O.irdul la for sale by all drug
th. leuatcea uniler lit.
Thl, Jill^lAh.' IMS.
- iV 'H- A - DAY'*'
A4mlnf,trator, <1® bonlx Non with th«
,1 „f I'. U Diivlx. dec!.
11-fe-SJ. i
rt ol Ordinary «f Clarke County.
Petition far Probata o* Will
In Solemn Form.
to: WIB at *"■ M K- «£** .
Ednn Slav COX. heir nt taw or
Mr,. M. ft Hrar.1:
tauiirro Hunlfeutt, havlnc applK- i.
■ icutor, for larohalo In • aolcmn
S ,f ,|„{ Unit. Will nnd Toatnmint
Mr,. M. k.'UMril, at aid County.
said Mrs. Celestla 8. Wood and Miss
nuafece, lAnnlo M. Wood, now Mrs. Annie M.
Attorney. In f.ot for tho E.uto od’wood Bryant. Ono of aid nolo.
Wesley Ilarnanl. poyablo to tho aid Mr.. Cele.tla 8.
(lllKKN A MICHAEL, . Wood for $1,700.00; aid noto dated
January 10th, 1921, nnd due January
10th, 1923. The other not* given for
the principal -sum of 9200.00 payable
to Miss Annie M. 'Wood, now Annie
M. Wood Bryant, said note dated
January 10th. 1921, and due January
10th, 1923, 'both notes drawing inter
est from date at th* rate of 8% p*r
annum. Interest payable annually;
which notes were secured by the exe
cution and delivery of the security
deed to the above described proper
This property will be sold’ as the
property of Hattie Smith for the
purpose of paying said notes, prin
cipal. and Interest, and all costs of
this suit, the balance from said sale,
If any, will be paid to the said Hat
tie Smith.
This 8th day of June. 1922.
Attornyes In fact for Hattie Smith.*
June 8-15-22-29.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
Under and by vlrtuo of a power of
salo contained In a certain contract
entered into between U. If. Daven
port, party of the first part, and W.
G. Smith and Llsale S. Smith, as
parties of the second part, said con
tract dated the 7th day of May, 1920,
the said U. H. Davenport will sell at
public outcry before the Court House
door. In said county, between tho
leQ)l hours of sale, to the highest
bidder for cash, on the first TueMay
in July next, the following described
rroperty, to-wlt:
All that lot of land, with tho Im
provements thereon, situate, lying
and being on the Bast side of Hla-
wnsso Avenuo. City of Athens, said
Stnto and County, nnd more partic
ularly described an follows:
Beginning at a point on the East
side of wild Jllawasse Avenue 105
feet from the Northeast corner of the
Intersection of Hlawasse nnd Lenoir
Avenues, and running in a northerly
direction along the East side of said
Hlawasse Avenue 50 feet to a point;
thence in an easterly direction, par
allel to the North side of Lenoir
Avenue 181 feet, more or less, to line
of tho property of Mrs. Ethel Eppes
thence In a Southerly di
rection, parallel to. the East sldo of
Hiawasso Avenue 50 feet, more or
less, to lino of the property of J. W.
Fulcher; thence In a-Westerly direct
ii-i , Iia V.irtt, ■Idn of*
“Had stomach trouble three
years and finally wan in bed eight,
weeks with terrible cramps,” f
writes A. L. Lyons, Dayton, Ohio.)
“Tho doctors did not help me and i
t could hold nothing on my
stomach. Tried Foley Cathartic
Tablets and now, am a well man.
Can eat anything.” Sour stomach,
headache, bad breath, biliousness,
and other digestive disorders
quickly overcome with Foley Ca
thartic Tablets. Do not gripe, pain
or nauseate.—Adv.
All members of the D. A. V.
Auxiliary aro requested to meet
nt Soule Hall Saturday, 16th, at
3:30 P. M. *
Maxcys Is Fine
Business Town
(Continued from paga one)
is a Prescription for Colds,
Fever and LaGrippe. It’s the
most speedjr remedy wo
know, preventing Pneumo
nia. / ‘
Read Herald
Want Ads.
trnctlvo cyclone swept a path
.through tho country surrounding
•Maxcys, carrying away the home
cf Mr. A. T. Rrightweli with every
dwelling on his farm. Happily the
members of bis family miraculous*
ly escaped injury.
This catastrophe lead <Mt. Bright'
wijll to move to Maxeys where he
toVan to merchandise and built ur
a J.lno business. Ho. was also one
Of. the leading farmers and largest
laud-owners in hJs section,
As evidence of the business
transacted by 'Maxeys the town
GEORGIA—Clarks County:
Will be sold on the first Tuesday
In July,. 1923, before th* Court Houee
door in said State and County, dur
ing the legal hours for sales to the
highest bidder for cash the following
described property, to-wlt:
One Model T Ford Automobile. 1921
Model. Motor No. 4936589. ^
Said property to be Sold to satisfy
a mortgage fl fa. Issued In favor of
the Commercial Credit Co. against
lion, parallel to the North side of|Mrs. Howard Chafln and aald
Lenolr Avenue 181 feet, more or less, [ scribed property,
the beginning corner. J This June 8, 1928.
to the beginning corner.
Tho alwjvo described property will I
niii < tho heir, at tow of
Mrx )i. tt'Uennl, Iwhin n non
■lit of thl* State, aro hcrohjr to-
hr.ri I., b, nltvsiipenr nt tho Cnnr:
■ iniinniy fnr^hlrt County on th-
■il.imtoy in July. MM. wt>on oal'I
Wllrallnn for probate will be. hoard,
■ Kliun' rauxe, Jf .nny you have, or
i. why tho pnjyore of petitioner
k.ui.1 not Tfelkilowod.
Thia tho 4th day of Juno, 15U.
,. H. c. Oltn. Ordinary.
th, Court 'of Ordinary, Clarke
County, Qeorato, Juno Term, IkM.
ITOkato In eolemn Jortu Fffl
I .Mm. M. E. Jleard.
It ai-p?arlnrttnot Albert IL Cox
>■ nut been- nerved with notice ot
ort'liunion to probate thio will ax
•vlili .1 by taw.
And It further appearing that Edna
kr Cox. minor, reatdeo out of tho
*»te nt Ocnrcto,
li Is therefore nfdered that service
> WMeotell on Albert H. Cox n* the
dltnetJ, kndi that tho said Edna-
*07 Cn« tie ,erved by publication ao
tllreeis In such cases, and
•jMtlic next-term of this Court, the
I. tut J, fp declared' to be thd
““I term thereof.
That a copv of thix order bo served
i th. paHier mentioned.
This Juno 4th, IMS. *
It c. oiut
brillr.try cierke County. Georgia.
ua kL
be sold as tho property of tho said
W. O. Smith nnd ijdxxle R. Rmlth for
the purpose Of satisfying thirty-four
notes. ‘ executed and delivered by W..
(1. Hmllh and Mrs. Llsslo 8. Smith to
the-said U. ll_Daven|K,rt. for $»7.M
each. alt . of said notes dated May
7th, 1328. Hie first of said notes due
the 7th day of Auxust. 1922. and ono
,.ti tho 7th dny of each month there
after. All of said notes drawing In
terest from maturity at tho rate of
i% per annum. Each noto contained
n pruvlxlnn that in ruse any three of
said notes should, become duo and
remain unpaid at any ono time lon,or
than ton days after maturity, then
all of tho r o m a I n I n « notes
should h o e o m o due. and more
than throe notoo having remained
unpaid for much lonyer than ten
days, tho said U. It. Davonport has
matured oil of said notes, nnd will
sell • the above described property os
the property of the said W. O. Rnllth
and Mrs. Hislo 8. Smith for the
purpose of satisfying all of said
notes, principal and Interest, and ail
costs of this sale.
This ,th day of Juno. 1823.
Attorney In fact for W. G. Smith and
Mra Little. 8. Hmlth.
W. E. JACKSON. Sheriff.
OEOROIA—Clark, County:
Under and by vlrtuo of tho author
ity fronted under tho power of onto
contained In a certain security deed
executed and delivered by Hattie
smith, on tho 18th day of January.
UHL to Mrs. Celestla H. Wood and
Miss Annie M. Wood, which deed to
recorded in tho Clerk's Office of tho
Superior Court of Cisrho Oopaty.
(Jeoffta, la record of deeds. Book 12.
1 - between the . legal
■"an.-l To a JWrtaln mcu
Wcuim aid .fouvered by
no the 31st day‘of
by Wesley public outcry.
Jannory.-thnur* of sale, before tho Court House
and Tho door in Clarke County. Goorcta,
Judo 3*15-22-29.
OEOROIA—CUrko Countyt
Will bo sold before tho Court Houle
door In said county, on the first
Tuesday In July, 1821. within the
lecal hours of sale, to the li!,hest
bidder for each, the followlns de
scribed property:
All that tract or pared or land In
the City of Athens, on tlw South
sldo of Athens Avsnue, said lot
fronting 54 1-2 feet on aald Avenue,
end runnlna back 120 feet; th, same
betas lor No. .113 In tho survey of
lands of Lumpkin, Bumott and Fow
ler,' tying between I&rber Street and
tho Northeast Railroad (Southern
Railway). A map of which mado by
H. Cosier and recorded In the of*
flee of tho Clerk of the Superior
Count at Clarke County, Georgia. In
Book HH. page ... nnd on which la
located n two room houee and u throe
room house.
Sold land levied on as the property
of E. M. Broom to satisfy an execu
tlon Issued from tho City Court of
Athens. February Term. !i!3. In fa
vor of Zelta J. Stickle and Helen O.
Blair. Executrices ot tho eatato ol
Nancy A. Jukee,, deceased.
Qnlt-CIalfcl’'Deod for purpose of
levy and solo'filed and. recorded no
required by low, and due legal notice
given to the defendant in fl fa., nnd
tenant In' pdssonulon.
Thle June 3th. 1933. . ! "'J
Sheriff. Clarke Comity. Go.
June l-ii-33-38.
Clarke Superior Court, July Term,
OEOROIA—CUrko County:
To A. J. Brook bonk:
By order of tho Court you an re
quired to be and oppegr at the arid
Court on the necoud Monday In July.
1133. next, to ohswer petitioner's
liable for divorce and In default
thereof the Court Will proceed oa to
The handsome hotel at Wataon
Springs Is an annex to Maxey,
and eight miles distant .The Max
eys dopot is the railway station
for this popular resort of health
nml pleasure. Mr. R. P. Brlghtwell
is manage^ and Is building this
resort Into one of the best and
moat popular In the South. There
Is not a like resort In the country
that can surpass Watson’s Springs
In buildings and ssrvlce.
Mr. Brlghtwell owns and oper
ates n targe planing mill at Max
eys. with a capacity of 125.000
feet of dressed lumber a day. it
la equipped with every device to
exnodlte work and save labor. This
mill makes of Maxeys an Important
. lumber center. Mr. Ralph Bright-
well owns there a targe and mod
ern lath mill -and he ships Its pro
ducts all Twer the country.
Since my earliest recollection of
the place Maxeys haa been a center
for loading physicians and la to
day. Dr. Leroy .Bryant la a prac
ticing physician, as also la Dr.
Henry Mnxeys. Dr. Sam Durham,
a member of that famons family
of speclallata does a targe and
widely extended practice and ships
his medicines all over the United
States. Dr. Durham ta a specialist
on female diseases.
Among other enterprises of the
town are channels Oarage, that
repairs and sella automobiles T.
■E. Blrchmore, blacksmith and ro.
pairs; J. W. Ford operates n res.
taurant and. sells frehh meat,;
W. Hansford deals In mules anil
hones; and Dr. W. O. Durham
sunpllea medicines.
But the pride of Maxey, ta tho
stares and buslneu houses. A. J.
union owns a targe department
r.tore that any cRy would be pro
to claim. It Ja a credit to Maxeys,
to Oglethorpe county and to Geor
gia. The old and honored name ot
A. T. Brlghtwell and Bona, also
onentek a mammoth general mer
cantile business and does a large
slid widely extended trade. Maxeys
Trading Co., ta another tine busi
ness establishment. John B. Wilson
has a soda fountain and accessor
ies; F. A. Huet a grocery store,
end J. W. Ford groceries. And all
ot the above named establishments
keep targe and handsome stocks
of goods, suitable for tho high,
class trade of that section. Dr.
Leroy Dryant 1s mayor nnd ho 1a
backed liy a cltlxenahlp that ovor
presses their town to tho front
.Medicinal Virtues Retained and trn*
proved—Dangcl-ou-. and Sicken
ing Qualities Removed. Perfect
ed Tablet Called “Calota'is. ’
*1 he latest triumph «<f *-»• *«l# ri
nolence ta a "dc-nau.<:;iteir' '-.-iIf»-
mel tablqt known to the <Iru^ Ir.nlr
jib “CaJotabs.’’ Calomel, the
jtenernlly useful of nil m«di n'
thus enters upoa n wider field <«f
popularity—purified end rrfinrrl
from those objectionable quhlitier
which have heretofore ilmltid it.-
In biliousness, constipation. h*:id
aches and Indigestion, and In n
great variety of Jl7er» stma • h nnd
kidney troubles calomel won tlir
-Murphy) mo,it Buewssfal remedy b it it-
Candler, G. F. reutaidy. J. W. Bon- ' “*e-Wna often neglected on necoun'
nett, B. S. Miller. L. C. Council, nf "tokening qnalltlta. X"w l|J
Bowdre Phlnlzy, J. R. Pottle,
Property^Oeorge F. Gober, Hart
ry Hodgaon. Bowdre Phlntzy, H.
R. floetchius, Howard Thompion.
Insurance—R. B. Russell, Harry
Hodgson, II. J. Rowe.
Library—u. Peabody. W. E.
Thomas. Howard T|iomption, Har*
Hodgson. B. S. Miller.
Law Library—George F. Oober,
N, E. Harris, .}V. ( E. Simmons, J
R. Pottle
Invitation*—W E. Thomas. D. M.
Hughea, Howard Thompson, Bow
dre Phlnlxy* J. J. Lovvorn,
Auditing—Howard Thompson, H.
. Goetchlua, W. E. Thomas..
Laws and Dlsclpllni
M. Hughea. J. M. Brown, H. R.
Goetchiutri *FL B. Russell.
Branch Colleges -N. E. Harrlr,
W E. Thomas, R. B. Russell. J
L. Lovvorn, E. H. Callaway, A, 8.
Athletics—H.. J. Rowe, Marcur.
McWhorter. Harry Hndgson.i Mur
phy Candw.
Legislative—To b« named.
(By Associated Pratt.)
DUBLIN.—A verdict In favor of
Mrs. Bula Croker wu rendered br
o jury In I le contest over the will
ot the lata Richard coker/here
Friday. When the verdict waa an*
nounced tho courtroom broke into
prolonged cheers.
la t$M eeriest add most ph . m ■
medicines to take. One Cal .» «b ;i
bedtime With a swallow of water—
that’s al\ No takte, no gripi i'-
n<nusen, no salts. A, good nivht
sleep and the next marnlftg vom arc
feeling f’.no, with a clean Jlv< r. n
purlfie<l i vatem and a big :ippc-
tltc. Eat what you
Calotabn are sold onlj
nal, sealed / package
five cents for. the largo
package; ten cents for th
trial size. Your druggist Is
Izrd to refund the . price i
hntee that-you will bo tborougl
delighted with Cajotabs.—A«lv.
Read Bannor-TIerald
Want Ads.
Styles We Sold
Up To $6
: You have but to tee tho Won-
J dei ful Values in this SALE of JLULUBBM^F
> White Buck, White Kid and Sea blend Duck in faxcine-
• ting Pumps and Oxfoxdt that told up to $6 to realize that :
5 this it the Greatett Whitt Sal* of tnt year. Think of it, j
- right at the very commencement of tho season you can !
during thix Big Reduction Sale of our entire line of Ladiex’ ■
While Shoes buy your Summer Footwear at savings that •
will make it worth your while to buy two or more pairs. .
m $mmk Slice EiamCe.
” Tho Utrol Ckoia of 2k«« floras U the UsitoJ tUtos. ’
> Athens, Go., Store, 151 Cl ayton St. “Next to Kress"
S A3 Kowrit State, Opctl SitutJjt EvcsLiw to Atrfosnkl. CoriySWl .
But a writeup nf Uaxoye would
b» Incomplete without some spec
ial mention ot (Mr. A. J. Gillen,
known ax the Peannt King of UpJ
per Oeorgla and ono of (he leading
merchants and largest and most
progressive farmers ot his country.
Mr. Gillen began bnalneaa In Max
eys 13 years ago, and la the archl.
toct of his own fortune. Hn has
done a great deal of work for hix
town and alio for tho farmers In
that section. Whon tho boll wppvII
appeared the peet found Mr. Gillen
prepared to lead a winning fight
hy growing other money crops than
cotton. He le one, of tho moat pro-
rresalve and snccesitnl farmers In
this section of Georgia.
Maxays Is not only a flno busi
ness center but a lovely town nnd
delightful place of residence. Its
people hare ever bocn noted for
their hoepltallty, progress nnd
Oil Painting'of
. Philanthropist Is
Given Trustees
(Continued From Page One)
trust(hd were fixed aa follow*: 10
• m, to ! p, m., and 4 p. m., to
20 |*» m.
Chairman Meldrlm appointed the
following standing commlteee:
Prudential—H^irry* Hodgson,
chairman: Hugh Rowe, vice chair-
Big Tire Sale
Unheard Qf Low Prices
W* Have a Limited Number of
Tires and Tubes We Can Sell at
the Following Prlees:
T HE great Star June Sales are almost at an end! Remem
ber, those who take advantage NOW will reap peat
economies. Never have you seen garments of such lire
quality and advance style at prices so amazingly low!
Don’t Deprive Yourself of
Our Charge Account Plan
S. Tirol
$ 6.90
' 12.50
t-'tionsinGcorg- J—' cHects in silk xx ment of two
ette.TufTct.i, Can- and cloth. Unus- and three - piece
ion, Flat Crepe, ually fine gar-
and Crepe Satin, menu, tailored to
Smartly trimmed* perfection.
So, u« Before Van Buy.
L atest two,
- three and four
button models
in finestwor Jtcds,
tweeds, cheviots,
and serges.
E VEN at this low
price, these
suits combine
the finest in
quality and style.
Something Jpy Cvtry Week
Phone 1366
5L J .