The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, June 17, 1923, Image 1

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    Igveetlgate Today! '
To Regular Subocribera
J1.000 Accldont Policy Free
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Previous Close „ ........ 2t>/,c
VOL. 81. NO. 106.
Aasoclsted Proto Servleo
A. B. c. Paper
Single Copied t Centa Dally. S Cants Sundays
«Old Grads” Return To
Scenes Of College Boy
Pranks For Reunions
Alumni Day this year on the Georgia campus will
bring back a large number of the “Old Grads,” including
nieinoert from eleven classes, dating back to 1868, the
i i*iss of Captain J. H. Rucker, captain of Georgia’s first
baseball team.
Many of the speakers this year are from the classes
h iving reunions and it is predicted that the largest num
ber of old men since the hundreth anniversary was ob
served will be here Tuesday .
uniqjue stunt
of CLASS OF ’>3
Harry Hodgson, who helped the
Var Memorial Drive and who la a
rlls tee of the University, is chair
man of the arrangements of the
* of 1893. one possessing a
.• number of men who have be-
h prominent in the affairs of
state, and a unique folder has
been issued "by this class.
e folder contains twenty-four
< and carries twenty-seven
campus scenes and more than a
score of individual pictures oi
members of the class. An especially
Interesting feature Is a section de
voted to "Photographs then and
now," showing how many of the
men looked as college students and
how they look today as businiess
end professional men. Two govern-
of the state have come from
i class, Governor Hardwick and VlOVCl Ilvl* "LjICVI
Governor Hugh M. Dorsey. Ath-
men In the class are, Harry
Hodgson. Walter H .Bishop, Louis
ramak. W .B. Dozier, Charles N.
Hodgson. E. 8. Upson. 1. W. Doz
ier. and several other* who are
either dead or have changed their
Hodgson reports that a Urge
delegation will be here for the re
union and a special program has
arranged for Tuesday.
The class will attend all the ser.
•ions of the Alumni Society, Includ
ing the luncheon at Hardman Hall
id B o'clock will be guests M
tea at the home of Mr. Hodg-
n at 128 Milledge avenue. Here
class picture will Ik* taken and
at 8 V. M. a banquet will be enjoyed
lr. the parlors of the Georgian hotel.
Following this the Junior Hop will
In* attended.
NEW YORK—Mrs. Alsu Wil
liams, 24, slender and pretty
with u wasted wlnlfulncss in her
face, walked Into a downtown
store here Saturday morning
and bought a dress.
As she paid out her money,
some of It In pennies, she con
fided to the clerk that she
hadn't had anything to eat for
two days hut that she had al
ways wanted a "pretty dress.”
Three hours later her body
was recovered from the water
near Williamsburg Bridge. A
note was pinned on her dress.
The note read: "I can't stand
it any longer. Please tyury me
in my new dress.”
NEW YORK—Henry Wester
Riving his age as 82 and looking
every day of It, told a police
man he was walking to Elmlia
to see a sick daughter, because
he had no money and asked to
borrow' $10.00 from the cop.
His heart touched by ihe old
man's sincerety, the cop allow
ed his pocket book to become, the
same. He came across with the
ten spot and the old man took
his address saying he would
end the money as soon as 'if
renched his destination.
Ijate that afternoon« the cop
vent to a high priced musheil
comedy and saw the old man on
the front row. He waited at
the door and nabbed him. At
the station $1,700 was found In
his pockets.
Government Boats SiV-(Traveling Man, Claiming
round Rum Smugglers 1 to Have Been Eve-Wit
„ _ye-..
and Gun Bathe Follows! nes8 tu Hazing Party
i Spirited Chase. Saturday.
I Runners Slip T h rou gh; W iiI Go to Chicago to Te.s-
I Cordon WitSun Three tify Concerning Slaying
Hundred Yards of Shore 0 j Northwestern Univei-
Bullets Hy. sity Ereshman.
CLIFTON. Arlz.—R. H. Rouw.
(By Associated Press.)
itneaa in
on u well-hidden “hop joint”
tucked away In Chinatown, po
lice captured a pretty whits
girl who gave her name as Mary
An investigation proved that
■he was the daughter of Her
bert Johnson, a well known
lumber man of Portland. Ore
gon, who had been missing fot
three years and for whom a
nation wide search had been
The girl did not know who
she was, where she came from
or how she came to be there
She was Identified by a little
gold locket In whldh was the
picture of her father and moth
er taken on a wedding anniver
under arrest here
I of shots- were exchanged, rum run-
| SmiJSSL-jiss=
| Bullets whistled over the famou
Roomer in Cousin’s House 1 '”^1 c " 1 !’
Mount. Northwestern univers'ty
tudent. it was stated in repor.s
•king El Paso Saturday. He had
h. d. McDaniel resigns
CHICAGO— Allison Me Re*
a farmer who lives “far from
maddening throng,” rolled Into
town Haturuay morning.
Immediately upon his arrival
he was met iis he left the Dear
born Street station hy an effu
sive stranger, who was "mighty
glad to see him ugaln.” Allison
didn’t remember the stranger
then but he will from now ever
The stranger sold him a half
Interest In one of the best
blocks of property on Michigan
Boulevarc, took him to the
court house to have the deed re
corded and while Allison waited
walked out another door. The
purchase price wum i)9fi.OO and
the Ford car that Allison came
to town In.
Walker to Speak
Here July 4th
Governor - Elect Accepts
Invitation to Address
vention Here.
Another large attendance is ex-
•eti’d hy the class of 1903. Dr. R
P. Hrooks. Alumni Society, halt
■binned. with h committee, the ac
tivities of this class. In addition
the Alumni affairs It will also
banquet at the Georgian hotel
Tuesday night.
lose of this class who will be
• are as follows:
llunley Abbott. New York: B. H,
Gainesville; T. W. Baxter. Athens;
*•, Athens; Cdl. Sandv Heaver,
Dr. Samuel R. Benedict. Birming
ham. Ala.; Claude Bond. Toccoa;
R. I‘ Brooke, Athene.: Wiley O.
('heney, Atlanta; Eugene H. Clay,
Marietta; Dew aid *. Cohen, At-
; Wm. H. Co..u. Wlnterville;
I'oogler. Jonesboro; Cam 1)
Dorsey, Atlanta; J. L. Dowling,
Moultrie; Frampton K. Ellis, At
lanta; i olqultt Finley, Cartersvllle;
Franklin, Evansville; O. J
Franklin. Eastman; Ludlow Grlner.
Fitzgerald; J. Benton High, Arco;
Luther J. Hulsey, Atlanta; J. Carl-
Jester, Athens; Winfield P.
**s. Atlanta; Elmo Kelly. Montl-
u; Andrew J. Lyndon. Macon;
Joseph p. Manlev, Griffin; Edgai
Martin, Lexington; Rucker
n. Commerce; Douglass 8.
McArthur, Lumber City; Chas. D.
Russell, Savannah; Hugh McD
^•ott, Atlanta; Marlon Smith, At
lanta; j. ii. starr, N»wnan: J. W.
Talb**rt, Augusta; William R. Tur
ner. Vfllh-n; Hoy. John D. Wing
J’. < hattanooga; Prof. Wm. A.
Worsham. Hi **ter College; S. J.
Ml. Jefferson.
j (f nil the bands come that
Th, H.„ of 1873. , .mall j of" /hT
"■>*. wtllmLt thta yog. hr the flf- »«< on* rtOu !*«»*
t|»-th nrinivoruarv Li ci ’rh'.» 1 areas down in the Rlveria durlm
H plnS2?S3iJf; n°f th* eta.. C-y t,,llowln * November ll.h
and ia arranging the program T. 8. j 1918 *
Me|| ( M permanent president. The
r, ass has headquarters engaged at
M e Georgian hotel and will attend
Mo* Alumni program In a body, en-
auto rides around the city and
campus In the afternoon and after
meeting at the hotel at 7:16 all
Mo- guests will go to the Linger
Longer Lodge for a dinner Tues
day night.
Go* ornor-Eleot Clifford Walker
has accepted an invitation to he
the Fourtli of July speaker for
Athens this year He will appear
here under the auspices of the
American Legion and be the main
orator for that day during the
state Legion conventlca *hat meets
in Athens July 3-4-5.
Brigadier General Frank T
Hines is also one of the oratory
for the convention. He will speak
before the convention on July 3rd
General Hines is at present head
of the Veteran*' Bureau. He Is one
of the most highly honored offic
ers who participated In the World
War. going in as a captain and
coining out as n general. He is a
graduate of the Utah Agric i” • *J
Since the Armistice he IOTA!,
Hines resigned his commissi >»» and
was engaged in private huvness
when he was named to head the
bureau. He holds a commission of
Brigadier General !*B the Reserve
Other details of the convention
are being worked out hy the com
mittees In charge while Frank O
Miller, general chairman. Is con
tinually in communication with
State Commander. Rodney 8.
rohen of Augusta, on the program
and convention plans.
A program of splendid entertain
ment Is being planned not only for
the I .eg lor delegates and visitors
hut for tl .‘se who are coming to
present tne Auxiliary. Mrs. Ham
mond Johnson Is president of the
loco I Auxiliary and she has her
committees busy.
Various lines of sport await the
.isltors to Athe;s. There will he
,t baseball game on the dav of the
Charged With Killing
Man and Wife in St.
(By Associated Press.)
ST. LOUIS—Held Allaway. aged
thirty, proprietor of a confectionary
store and his wife, Helen, twenty
six years old. were found dead in
their home tier* Saturday, having
been shot to death.
The double killing was ascribed
by police authorities as the work
of a maniac.
Hammle Shane, twenty five
, holiday eromli, to covir In mhnat! Ohlrmgo of hi. wllllngne,, “ - .
i 01 .,i„ r . | ti> no io ciiicaKo and tpii ill. .‘cry 1 F'ederal Grand Jury In-
Hhortly before midnight, l# „l h* dectan-s «.nr.mj » n.l
government boat, from H irneg.1 n * *'; ir,y V,lllril *• " Uhl he » ,l «e
p..rol1ln* th, w.ter. of !h. In* I fA thHr " l "“ •*<*■«* t „
tabled .ever., rum running beta h?.",*".'" | Assaulting Officer,
mony was required in the ca»«
and he will go provided his ea
penses are paid ±
The murder of (fount; who at tl 3
time was a freshman at North-
^omwide 1 pntdirit*y mJ*»n*♦*itbau*- >"* ij ••••u't nnd imgad. «» offi-1 day 6 P. M. Public In- i of the State Normal School
r.rrled ut United bt.te. ...... „ f.ellltv
w _-i diets Sheriff of Lumpkin
iiieru two year. ago. h» wan : County Charged With
about two or three hundred feel . ' ° mf * v
from the shore and trying to make j ' n ^° | ny ,
a landing for their cargoes of con
traband whiskey.
Cn'Mng on the smugglers And
demanding that they stop, the gn
ernment boats attempted to sur
round them when this demand
Judge Broyles to
Make Phi Beta
Kappa Address
' ATLANTA.—Sheriff Jim Davis.
,'of Lumpkin county, his two sons
) and deputi.., jo« and Bob D«vta, Well Known Alumnus
have been indicted by ihe federal • v,. ,
Ki-imd Jury on charge, of conaplr* j tepeBKS in Lnfipel Mon-
Judge Ridhard B. Russell,
Chief Justice of Supreme
Court, Succeeds McDan
iel, As Chairman.
Miss Mildred Rutherford
Made Doctor of Laws.
Prof. W. T. Dumas, Doc
tor of Pedagogy.
Chief Justice Richard B,
Russell of the Georgia Su
preme Court yesterday was
elected chairman of the Uni
versity of Georgia Board of \
Trustees succeeding Ex-
Governor Henry D. McDan
iel, who was elected chair
man emeritus for life.
At the same session hon
orary degrees were con
ferred upon seven noted
people, two of them Athen
ians, Miss Mildred Ruther
ford and Dr. W. T. Dumas
went unheeded,
With the government craft In
hot pursuit the rum runners made
one last deeperate attempt to ea-
and a cousin to Allawayicape and dashing In cloee to the
nrersted in connect!® - -* —
live Investigation has been carried
by authorities in an effort to
He was a clerk in the confec
tionary store run by the Allawaye
and upon being placed In a cell at
police headquarters attempted to
commit suicide hy butting his head
against the iron bars.
When the police arrived at the
Ailaway home, they found Bhane
his clothes drenched with blood
with two pistols In his pocket*
which wero filled with discharged
Ten buDJet wounds were found
I the bodies of Allaway and his
Ife. which jsere found / in their I
bedroom, evidently being killed
hlle they w'er^^leep.
X-lt&y Kills Gland
Every clue which officials traced
down turned into practically noth
ing and for the past few weeks,
the v have been up against
shore no clone that they almost
scraped the bottom of the boats
then sweeping out In single file
succeded In getting safely out of _ , . .. .. . ^
th. trap and r.«chod ih. op»n ... “Chuck Palmer, Northweatnrn
Many .hot. wm c hanged by football .tar wa. implicated tn the
both th. rtirn runner . and tha gov- ' *>7 « woman ’ wl "> " tate ' 1 ,hat >" }>>e battle
ernment men and while none ol Palmer had told her of the hating wounded
the government egente were wound < •«<>'»>* a "'l ">« tragedy In which The indictment ia tha aecond
ed It could not be determined ent.ed Palmer
whether any of the smugglers wi
, Technology.
! Seal.
Miss Rutherford
Saving Lifeofl Popular Play House, Ren
^ ^ . 1 ovated, to Offer Excel
Strangling Baby
Unusual Case Points Way
to Saving Many Infants.
Child Was Choking to
SEW YORK.—Facing certain
I'ctgih becauae alio could not breathe
a boby wa. saved when Dr. Mary
llulluu of No. 17 Ea.t 38th etreet
put the X-r»v to the novel use of
withering the child’s thymus gland,
a mysterious organ, functioning
only In infants, whose real nature
has long puaaled doctors.
The baby was brought to the
New York Infirmary for Women
311 Kant 15th
lent Bills. Popsicles to Be
Given Away Monday.
e- 1
The Strand theat
nicest and fluent
house* in Georgia,
opened Monday at which time the
picture “Snowdrift” In which Disk
Jonea |h the star will be shown.
It is the plan of the management
of the theatre to offer special at
tractions at this theatre at all
times and on Mondays and Tues
days. especially high class attrac-
tions will be shown Just as is the
case at the Palace theatre on
Thursdays and Frldaya. Among the
famous pictures that have already i
been arranged for are “Heroea of !
the Street.” playing this week at ; li
. prohibition nosseji were indicted come to the addrena. Mehibers of the degree of Doctor of L*w*.
ll m wi c!i.‘ hp l ,:r^-r;' 0 ^r n ui!s rrMr^y ,s. -oc., c h . P „.r „ f - «....- ~
on n.w life and the authnrUlcs ThlTS, wJ^l^Ll to Kapp * t,k " ia, '' h "
working on the j«* will again try ^^“oTmbra 5
to piece things together In an ef y..., ./ naiteaii rormia sworn _______ ___ —— _ _ _ __
fort to find the * ,ay " or "** y *” out by tht prohibition d«pa rt mept. j a a rather unuaual hour for B ! E!!”diatHisrula^ed" hfnSf'Tn
Mount h remains were found un- , ,5. fLura* indictment. Sher- , , ., .. ... , na * n »atnigutahad heraelf in
der th. Ev.n.ton pier after irf ‘V.vta nnd hta aonT u ia aet chap *‘ a <*‘"' a “" N«»erthelu.», It la a . *,|i „ being the firat
than two years of the deepest mya - - * - - ■ •- •*»«'•»* *»*• oH.Ippish ■
indictment specifically
barges the sheriff and hi* aona
I with firing upon F. L Souther-
| The trio is also charged with
beating J. B. Johnson, Grayson
Frank Haskins Killed inj.muther and a.. Caswell, other
0 . | i . r-> .ti/ji •. I members of L. Souther a posse,
Stabbing f ray Witn , wjth , biUy . jo, u .peci-
John Latham At Toccoa)»•■*,* * har **d with .hootmg .t
~ . , t.rayaon Souther.
Saturday. ntiiny In pre.enting th* c**« to
the federal r»nd jury, according
I to th* dlatrkt »tiorney’a office
(By Araoctatad Prill I I ,. u . .k-cli.toned hy en effort un
TOCCOA —Frank Ha.kln. who y,, p>rt 0 f Uovernor Hardwick to
nmi children No 321 Kaat 15th p-r-ua na. wm u> j.aid to have <nma to thta .rr-.,.ff L . t i M .ettlement without court
lei m the Howard theatre In Atlanta; tlon recently from Oklahoma I.
Thl’ilh. ilw'l. ihe daunt- " ,!|r ’ th " Ooldeo Weal,” ’More, dead a. ihe re.ult of a knife bat- The tw0 Souther.. Caldwell end
. Mrs Samuel! 10 1)0 Pitied," and many other.. i tie which took place near curra- johnaon. ai.eping In the ho
'“ r . j,.--'. 19tt , I In connection with the opening I hee Mountain, .even mile, from | u .| It Porter Spring., Oa-, on the
■el.1 a;. ...mea’red entlrelv nor. I of lb * Htrand Monday, the manage- , till, city here early Saturday morn- ; night in que.tion when th* aheriff
»tr . » ppe dnyg later! meat *° * lv * P*tron on 1 Ing | and hia aoua cim» there. »nd »t-
*ioisg ano
.Dead Man Suspected of
' Being Implicated in the
,,T. h * rwnger, tso** i Killing of Marshal Fri-
•918 and 1913 are being counted , ** ,IU "
''ipon tu furnish t(he noise and day.
(a.iev dross of the day Tuesday.
K,, Kar B. Dunlap, a live wire from | (Rv Associated Press.)
Gainesville, heads the Thlrteeners i MIAMI —The body of a negro
Bn d Ed alwavs has something that believed to lie Roy Gaines. su»-
n " one elae thinks about. Thirteen pected of being Involved in the
"ill be here with the bells on. slaying Friay of Marshal ( harles
that's a cinch. Bryant at Homestead, was found
Th.* baby class to be back Is 1918.|.Saturday lI ^ orn ; n ‘ r . h ® f hi _ a
! b « R. O. T. C." hoy.. Alfred Scott i south of l ‘
•" ida thta bunch a. chairman of ty-five feet of tne h 'F hwa T
' iitaement. and I. planning The body was cov<re
"°|>,"thing doing ell the while shot wounds and was partially hid
Saundirs Jones la arranging for <•*" ,n * J 1 ® 1 *’ ... o„ a ,u w |,hin
"|e etari of 1908 with DuPre- ffon- 1 Thla , . * h j™ William Sim-
nl 'Utt In charge of the 1898-ers th eP a *‘^ ^ y n ’, h „ t lo.h'ath l,y
Kmmett Bondurant and Ned ".on, haying l«n shot to m^at
the “ r,llr " “'jraaffi had be-n killed
popslckle is
explained that this
on a stick Just Ilk<
■tick Is an all-day
On the streets of
heard with reference to the re- *1
opening of the Strand, It being the made,
general belief of everyone that It
was a wise move.
The house has been repainted
and In general renvoated and Is
even nicer looking than It formally
Fourth. The cloverhurst Country | ^^f^bregthliTg She was ! that da 7 • popslcle
club eolf links will offer 18 holea | ru „hed to the Infirmary, where ar- :_ 0n ,® f
nf golf for the enthusinHtc of that , t |^| C i a i respiration was applied
pame. Then there’s swimming In | thrwUjrb lb ,. use of tanks of oxy-
three resorts near the city wJHi she waB mftde to breathe
tennis, out-door In-door hasebal | aKa|n but breathing ceased every
and the gymnasium of the Athen I t j me t ^ JP oxygen was shut off
Y. M. C. A. that will b« available I The inteniM at the hospital
for use. immensely Interested la the case
There will be dancing galore and ' be< . aUH e the baby appeared normal
except for Inability to breathe,
formed watches and kept up ar
tificial respiration for twenty-four
hours. During this time a careful
X-ray examination wai mide and
It was enlarged.
This organ is a small, ductless
gland, found between the heart and
the root of the neck. It exists in
babies and other young mammals.
Normally It begins to atrophy a
short time after birth, either disap
pearing lor regaining only as an
lused remnant.
Before birth a child doe* not
breathe. After a normal birth It
does. Mtaetly what causes this re
markable physical change has long
been a source of conjecture to
medical science. It now appears
that the thymna gland may have
something to do wit It. The gland
dies, perhaps, because its work has
been accomplished when the baby
starts to breathe.
it of internal revenue, according vited. Initiation Follows., f» cul ty-
»olv7 the murder’an,1 bring" the {“ ’offTc’""-! PHnt W 'ii.'lV in Library. Thofe receiving degree* art
! guilty partiea to Ju.tlce ^ ' ! Prof. W. T. Dum« of the SUU
The chirge. ire en uutgrowth of Whet promt.*, to be one of the NormalsSchool £
an urmed conflict bet' een tha most brilliant addresses delivered of * 0^
Kt. sheriff, his sons and a force of in connection with commencement North Carolina Doctor of Laws* i
^ a * a. umrerelty of Georg,,. la the | N. P. Pratt of Atlanta. Doctor #1 • 1
thi*r ,r whfch*took*place on Muy 12 B ** ta K®Pp® address which will , Science* Henry D. Phillips, Doc* ■
on m y i , lh _ , hon tor of Divinity; Franklin O. Snow,
fn' ,he P hlnL' SP .I ^'t).vi. b delivered In the unlver.ity ! Atlanta. Doctor of Science; Chert..
In the battle Joe Davis was Monday afternoon a t six o'clock b. Seal, Doctor of Science; Mia*
by the Hon. Judge Nash R. Broyles : Mildred Lutherford, Doctor of
questioned turned in the case, and is the sec- of Atlanta, A member of the uni- , Kg**-
und later released. ond now on the docket of the versity class of 1888. orary degrees are members of the
Northwestern University offered United State, district court here.) !fiJultv*<5*the Borgia School d?
a of $6,000 for Information Last October tinyoon Souther, The entire public of Athens and "gg, « r . uSSSSs toST*5 j
leading to the H«mtlon of the mur- brother of F, L. Souther, and J. a n the visitors in the city for com-1 - • y
d*.r but su faf the quest baa been B Johnson, now a mencement exercises are
tmiiiabu States rntriul memDers of tne „ „ . . _
fruitless. ,ilihuim* *«.■* • i*rti+tmA come to the address. Mehibers of .
Phi Hflta ! the second woman ever honored |
| with thia degree by the University
pubUc's atten- ! of Georgia. The firet, Mrs.
working on the case will again • * ne ««• wea wnoveu w t | on ^ ra iied to the fact that the beca Felton of Cartersville \
to piece thln.K together In in *f- *“ wnt of nabe „ carpui , worn .ddreat ta nt ita o’clock, u thta *> v »" h V,^* r T,'* 1«‘ commence-
i msnt Like Miaa Rutherford, abe
la the hour at which the address ever to wear the toga of a United
1* delivered each year. 1 Statea senator.
Judge Broyles Is one of the most I WELL KNOWN
distinguished sons of the university AS EDUCATOR
and while his address will have n I
wide appeal with' everyone, It will | M**s Rutherford ia well knowt)
be of espdclal Interest to th^ mem- i throughout tne country oa an edn-
here of th* her In vl*w of th* fact c * tor •'» hietorUn. For men,
that Judge Broyta, ta I,Inmelt .uch |
an emminent lawyer. Many Athen- „ n JLlIU?_}*** !
rge^r^ ZaStte SS2?bSSvSJ2 1
LKS’f‘or nd nr.. W p:*p. q ra , r, ^r n nh ab p!iT.1lc m ^n h dW
l" carry urtlcl.a. In which .he con- ^ "J. .ou& --h “L"!” SU I
versation between some negro and lween t be states
JUdg* "BrUea," ll h« wa, called. p,.^ n um », of .
wta publtahed. Judge Broyle. la |»«ding educatora nnd hnTbeeo i 1
today a member of the Georgia m e m bgr of the Horm*l faculty for I
Court of Appeals. »everal years, succeeding the late
Following the address In the p r# Hollingsworth aa head of th#
'hapel. the local members of Phi ueoartment of mathematics.
Beta Kapna will repair to th» uni- in accepting Governor M
versity library whero th** new jel's resignation the t nit an J
members of the organization will adopted resolutions praisfng Mm I
he Initiated .Supper will also be for so many yeara of aervice to th# I
served. Those selected this year state and regretting hia action. Up- I
for membership In Pbl Beta Kap- on motion of Marcus P. McWhor- I
oa are: W. C. Fleming of Augusta, ter of Athens he wma unanimouoljr f
Elkfn Vogt of Atlanta. Miss Mar- elected chairman emeritus. 1
than two years of the deepest mya- | out .. did ^lawfully conspire, com*
l er y. | bine, confv Aerate and agree togeth
er to com nit an offense against
; the United State*, that ia to say,
, to forcibly saxault, re»J»t, oppose,
I prevent, impede, and interfere with
otifeer of internal and revenue.
hiB deputies and persons assisting bo of espdclal Interest to th*) inem
e In- According to tho reports to the tacked them according to informs- Elk " vogt or Atlanta, miss Mar- cwrau emeritite
know officer, who Invctlge.-d Ih* tall-'tion in the h»nd. of th. di.trict' writ" Be.l* of Savannah J. E f ' n
hi he Ing Haskins was visited by John attorney. After the melee, three * hapmnn of I olumbus. E. M. Duns- or re I glut ion, insisted that It bo j
r**am Etham who Uvea In the’ wane Tlthe men .r« said to have been Un of Brazil. E. M Everett of At- Governor McDaniel.hte
on a neightMjrhood ami Home women. A taken to Dghlonega, placed In Jell tanta. P. O. Urnry of Auguata. F member of t* 18 boerd of
Iltanut* am..- and the .tabbing then and kept there until the following C Mcl lure of te, A. II. jHIz? f 2T "JJJ ?*" and
latur- fallowed. At a tat* hour Saturday evening. Stephen, of the univeralty math*- :, ha '™*.?_, for °“ n • ***** 1
tin the ,treed of Athene Satur- followed. At a tale Hour nainroay evening . HI. T., ■T7TT
day much favorable comment wa. no rea»„„ for the killing had been; Thorough ■nve.t.g.t.on of the m.tlea faculty, and Kd.ln Thom.. from injng hyltt Pretmrtmjj^j
arrest a had b* t
Special Meeting
Of Legion Post
A apeclal meeting of th* Altan
B. Fleming ooat of the American
l.eglor. has been netted for Tues
day night. June ltth at tho Geor.
gfan Hotel.
'Tome out and hear M, nlane for
the convention" ta what the notice
11 the member* aaya.
Th* meeting ta called far 1:30.
5 Year Old Boy Is
Buried Saturday
Billie Hubbard, 6 year old son of
r. and Mrs. F. W. Tape of near
VTIntervUle. died Friday aftermton
and the funeral xervlcen were con
ducted Saturday afternoon it the
grave, at Carters cemeery, neat'
the home. Rev. rA lien was in
The little fellw Is survived by
Ills mother and father. He was n
bright cheerful boy and his death I
*' •». I
) I affair was made by Doth the gov- of Jeaup.
I ernment and statu authorities, it j
was announced.
One of Oldest Firms on
New York Stock Ex
change Fails There Sat
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK Enaufh. Nachod
and Kuhn**, members of the New
York Stock K:
Chief Prohibition Direc
tor leaves Detroit After
Cleaning Up City. Desti
nation Is Unknown.
(By Afsociated Press)
DETROIT —After putting in mo
tion the greatest crusade against
linage, failed Sat-| illicit liquor dealing ever initietod
in this city, E. C. Yellowly. ct
of Ihe older] 0 f the government’s dry areata.
ily and friends.
Bernstein whi
erage of more than forty patients
are discharged from the Georgia
State Sanitarium every months as
“restored or Improved’ 'htrough
the modern hospital treatment giv
en at the sanitarium for different
forms of Insanity, Dr Roger Swlnt
uperlntendent of the institution
announced Saturday.
the Evchang** . left here Saturday for other fields,
. _ . {having been admitted to mem tier- which he did not divulge.
In charge or tn* Ubln In March 1895 and did a large | Before he left, however, he map.
I hiwinosi between this country and ped out c plan of attack that is
Germany to be carried out during the next
TJi** ilrm was also extensively f»*w days by federal officers that
enrsci'd in (ommercial in\estmonts is designed to remove the stigma
and foreign exchange. -one of the wettest spots” from the
An involuntary petition <n bank. Detroit region
ruptcy filed In the Federal court It was learned that the cam-
hen*. estimated ihe liablliUcs at fiaign to be waged by the officers.
$11,000,000 with assets in securi- as mapped out by Yellowly, Is to
tl«*e At prnctu ally the same arount. ; clone up every nook and cranny
M. S Borland was appointed as where it ran be shown liquor Is
|9fchyf(l «7>.-'!«* ylsbfTtfshrrfluuu sold and also attacking th# liquor
receiver under a bond of $60,000. j traffic at It’s source
from leaving hie home at ModS
la»t year and he could not attend I
tho reselena of the board. Ho wm I
alao prevented from attending th*
»e«,ion, thta year for tha aaaa*
In addition to th# above a _
the board passed a resolution pise- I
, mg the Rad and Black, student J
President of Internation-1 Iot of the^LhMrif'^IJi^SSST^'I
al Tvpogrranhical Union „» 1
Victim of Heart Trouble. >t*ad of j3.oo.
Famous Labor leader. 1 tat.^'wM^th.-'iL
. —r~_. _ . |of a recommendation that the
A,eoclated Preeel ultv chairman of athletice and
INDIANAPOLIS. John MoPar- chancellor h« given auSoritr
land. pro-Ment of the International reorganire the board of di—----
Typographical I’nlen an.l w*M ,h* Athletic Aaioclation
known labor loader, died her* of formity with th* renuirementa
heart tronhle Satunlav. The heart the Southern Inter-Collegiate G
trouble which McFarland 'lied from ferenfc*.
vas brought on hy an attack of In-j The board adjourned at —
fluents. He wxh f«fiv Bvp :«*nn vesterday until 10 o'clock M<
old tnd resided In Now York city, j morning.
McParland was horn In Talbot J _
Australia on January 6. 1868 and j CIVIC CLUBS AT
served an apprenticeship to the! ALUMNI L UNO I COM
minting trade at Newcastle, N. 8. The regular weekly luncheons of
In 1886. the. Kfwanls and Rotarv elnha "
He came to the United States In ] b** held at Hardman Hall
1888 and later located In Chicago, fn conjunction with the
where he first gained prominence
as a Union leader.
He became a citizen of the
United State* fn 1898 and wa* the
first president of the Illinois State
Typographical Union, serving In
that capacity for two terms.
Tuesday 1
of GeArris Alnmnl luncheon.
la! tables will be arranged for
members of these club#.
The time of the meeting
o'clock Instead of two and
attendance Is urred on‘the
both club members.