The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, June 22, 1923, Image 1
ItoV..* Igvtstlgate Todayl To Regular Subscribers T«B BAhlNER.HERALD J1,000 Accident Policy Free Dally and Sunday—10 Cent* a Week. Eatabllehed .1832 Dally and 8undsy--10 Cento i Week. VOL. 81, NO. Ill Aeeoclated Preee Service ATHEN8, GA., FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 192:1. A. B. C. Paper Single Coplee 2 Centd Dally. Aboard British ToBe Seized Is Ruling Of Sec. Mellon LATE DISPATCH , WASHINGTON—White* 1 Treasury officials were concentrating their attention on the Berengaria,. the steamer Baltic slipped into quarantine here Friday morning with sixty-one hundred and eighty bottles of choice whiskey under the seal of the British govern ment. The officiate here declared that the custom authori ties at New York had instructions to seize all such stores and that there was no question of their authority to proceed at once against the Baltic. Dies Suddenly i (By Associated Press-) LONDON—In connection with the arrival of the liner Berengaria at New York, it was declared in well in formed .quarters here Friday that the British government in no lyay challenges the authority of American officiate to break the British Consular seals and confiscate the liquor aboard the ship. It was pointed out that.the rec- ngnized jurisdiction of the British government In the caso of liquor or any other goods sealed . ■ Brit ish ports, ceases cnee the threz mile limit Is passed. WA8HINOTON.—Secretary Mel lon announced late Thursday tba. It had beeh decided to seise all ship llqhor .brought Ir o American waters, eveh though 1c Is aboard foreign ships and under the seal of foreign governments. Arrangements have been com pleted by the treasury and Instruc tions transmitted to the collector of Customs at New York to' brenk tht seals on liquors stores carried by the liner Berengaria when she docks Friday. The liquor will be seised and deposited under bond. Assistant Collector Stuart at New York will Supervise the seizure ol the Berengaria stores. It Is under- stood'that as a test case, the master of the Berengaria then will file a foimal protest which will be for- warded to the treasury department for consideration. MANY ELKS ATTEND Large Delegations Here From Surrounding 'Towns to Attend Big Initiation and ’Cue. INITIATIONTO ~ BEGIN AT 4 P. M. Barbecue Following Init iation Will Seat Four „ Hundred Local and Vis- of »" n c,t *^ apprehensions of dan. PRESIDENT RENEWS PLEA FOR AMERICA TO JOIN IN COURT (By Associated Press.) ST. LOUIS—President Harding placed before the country Thursday night a raiewed plea for American ad herence to the permanent “fourt of international justice” aa the one and only exiaitlng “agency of peace to which we can safely subscribe without violating the basic prin ciples of our national being)” i Making the first prepared ad dress of his western trip, the pres ident snld that to brlag about the end he desired he “would gladly iting Elks. Athena Lodge No. 790 B. P. O, Elks was preparing fttday to In itiate the largest dags In the hla. lory of the local lodge, Friday aft- any vacancy arising from the rr 00 „";,ock a' n, Ih t t n i° ' t>rt “ wh. a t,veT »uee° r w.CTtntenS- r odock at the K. P. Hall, to.,|Uon from any other body; or, oe followed by a monster Barba-1 second, by continuing the ezlsting cue to which all Elka are Invited.! authority of the permanent cour" More than forty.flvo new mem- No Increase in Appropriations Is Seen By Solons Nothing in Sight With out Constitutional Amendment Which Will "Tbii couii be done inoh* of Require Vote of People. two wnys," he asserted, “first, by ’ r empowering the court Itself to nil wipe out factional difference" and proposed a reconstruction of the machinery of the International tribunal “to dispose conclusively ger from the exercise of any In fluence whatsoever, either open or furtive, by the league of nation* or by any other organisation.'' SEE CHEAPER COAL DATES B Y COMBINE OFT 4 — Registration Opens For Summer School Session Here Monday SOUTHAMPTON—Thy» Cunard liner BerengarU,' which nailed fo» New York laat Saturday carried sufficient alcoholic liquors for hei return voyage under the tame kind of lock an 4 , seal aa that employ ed by the White Star liner Olym pic, which sailed Wednesday, it was learned Thursday. A showdown over the question A rti rT /"if lii/vn whether Brlltsh ahlpa can satisfy |JLA 1 H CLAIMS the thirst of their pasaepgeTs on their trip, from dry America to wet England, t hereto A,, aeema likely t- come eooner than had. been ex pected. of arhltrutlon to nominate and b: transferring the power to eloc from the council and assembly of the league to the remaining mem bers of tht court of Justice.'' bera will be Initiated into the local lodge at the meeUag which will be attended”by”delegations from til the-surrounding towns. The Elberton delegation was the first to arrive in the city.) being made up of more than fifty Elks from that city. Other delegations were expected tn the early after noon, Many'but of town Elks from all sections.of this district were arriving In Athenff Friday morning to take part In the big Initiation. Plans were, originally made -to seat three hundred Elks rt the monster barbecue which follows the initiation and at which all Elka — . will he the guests of the local | thing a great; self-respecting na- lodge, hut due to the .responses, tlon can do." The^crux of the ^coii. which have ooured In from out of ‘ Then anticipating “the voice of the doubter," who might Inquire whether the 40 nations, now repre sented on the court would consent to these changes tn the structure of the tribunl. Mr. Harding ans wered that "to submit terms which we consider essential to the pres ervation of our nationality la not an act of discourtesy; It la the only filr, square and honorable town Elks, the nlass were chsnge 1 to aeat a much larger number. The' barbecue Itself will be 0 masterpiece of culinary art- The best barbecus experts In this sec tion of. tba state have been se cured-for the. occasion and as the dlttons, suggested the. president, described ns “the making of the world , court precisely what Its name'implies.” "Can It bo possible that, despite their protestations,to the contrary, this Is not w^at some of our sister states at honrt qe- slreT" he asked. “Must there ba r test of sincerity abroad ns. wljl ATLANTA. Oa.—There can hr qo substantial Increase in the rev* enuea .of the state before 1920, ac cording to opinion expressed by va rious statehouse officials Friday basing their statement upon the be lief that very little In the way of Increased revenues can result from the Incoming legislature without i constitutional amendment. Chamber of Commerce to Investigate Matter Tues day. Name Transporta tion Committee. • / ALSO NAME TWO OTHER COMMITTEES Railroad Consolidation May Mean $1.00 Per Ton Reduction on Coal Rates to Athens. Athens' cost freight rats may bt reduced on. dollar per ton aa a re sult of ths amalgamation of the Clinchfleld k Ohio line with that of the Atlantic Coast Line, It was learned at the Chamber of Com merce Friday. At the same time ftecretary E W • Carroll announced that Pros. Hugh H. White hag completed the pereonnel of the Transportation commutes of which John B. Tat- madgs will be chairman. The registration books for the University of Georgia Summer Scho'ol open Monday and hundreds of students will arrive over the week end for the session. Last year oyer 1900 .students were registered for the summer ses sion and even more than this number are expected this year. Dr. Stewart announces that all the available rooms on the campus, at the State Normal School and Lucy Cobb have been reserved and will be occupied while many of the chapter houses and private homes will be opened for students. Anger of Etna- I 8 Decreasing Friday Morning Eruption of Volcano-Less Intense Than in Past Few Days. Linguaglossa Saved. • (By Associated Pens.) , CATANIA.—For tK« first time The Transportation committee It since the eruption of Mount Etna ie of the most important In the I first began, several days ago, a,ray This It la stated,, would have If Cl '*. mb «' of Commerce. TNa com-lot hope dawned for the muchly be placed before the people for . b **J**? "*“a‘*« to meet.tried and tired inhabitants of the referendum and, If rushed through ?'* h °„ 1 «K e ™ U *- volc » nlc . re *!° n - - SSS-S 1 “VbieX" b * and ,iut ,n, ° f, t b ®‘ road consolidation on the coat .ore laze. rates t0 Ath ena and other matterr In recommending that the ap- ’hipping Into and out of proprlqtlonn of the. state remah th * c ' ty ‘ . virtually the tame as laat year committee wilf be composed various officials believe the bud- » r - Talmadge. Charles CL Eck- get commission la basing theb ? ord ; B - R ; g 1 .°° dw0 £h. Fleetwood action upon the aaaumptlon that La " ,cr * nd Walter B. Hodgson, there will be no substantial In- Announeaman 1 was alao made create In revenue aa ' both Ta> y AffrJo\*’*.ilral com* Comn.laaloner Henry J. Fullbrlght m,lte ® **••«* oomWd and ie and Comptroller General William c ° m . po * #<J 3 ‘ .Warren Smith A. fright have reported they ex- jJ ia J^ n ? an; | pect only very email Increases un- Cabanlas, L. F. Edwarda, der the present system of taxation *"2 Hlro d Hulme PRUNING TO jeompoeed BE URGED man; C. D. Flanlgen, W. W. Crews • R- M. Anderson. M. N. Tutwller The official report of the budgei “ nd Pr0( - D - L - E*m”t. This com oommlaslon baa not yet been re tables arqcovered and there, (a a. teat of sincerity abroad Jenaod, but member* of that coin » a i r ma ! , , targe covered parlllion. no Incon- aa at homoT Then-the more Q u, ckj* mission hava declared there will and possibility of mnk YApienco will bo expected by rain. It can bo made, the better for thetn <be no | ne |^ aBw j appropriations roe■ • ,n * Ath * n * * terminus. TtioM la nlen n leven navlrlnv ntnnn anti (ha hatter for 118. There It manHnA InAteoflno- nn tha nth 1 There la also a lartte narking place . and the better for ns. There f6r autfimobtles, ho thst cars may I nothing to he accomjjllshed , —w- mm lor aummooiioe, ho mat cars may poumig w ^ . „ . HERBERT CLAY, retiring prcal- drive right un Info the grounds. ambiguity. We want to know. Ana dent of the state senate who died Exalted -Rluler p, S. Johnson ha» I the only way to find out, U to m NEW YORK—Plana of tht cits toms authorities for meeting the challenge by the Cunard line of the treasury department's al)lp liquor ruling by bringing on the Berenga ria tomorrow,, undar governmental ■eat, liquor for use on the return trip, were concealed behind r closely-drawn curtain of allencr Thursday. Peiidergraph Will Return to Athens H. A. Paadergrapb who for some time was head of ' the Doheiiy bond -service here and who was *l*o In charge of sales for the flectric Railway company hut whe was transferred to Montgomery last year and Utter to New York city, will return to Athens to lire next week and will be the "new manager of the consdlldgted sales department of the Athene Railway Electric and Oas company. Mr. Pendergraph will arrive here next Tuesday afternoon and will bo accorded a genuine welcome hack br hla many friends here. At the time of his transfer he was secre. taryot the, AthenB Rotary club and was a member of the commit tee .that made possible the.whke- way opened several month* ago. PLAQUE RAGES, IN INDIA 4IMI.A, India,—liul,null plauge I* raging throughout British Indlr n* it has not raged for five years The disease threatens to become epidemic, and already has beer the cause of panic In eevtral of the larger cities. The rise In this plague rear be- gan In December. During asked that all Elks be,on hand qnlre.' i.nvmnMv at four o'clock for the Initiation an that the large class may be Initiated end the barbecue started at flre-thlrty, as, la plan. ted. The following Is a nartlal list of the new mqmbers to be Initia ted! Hugh H. Gordon, 8. V. Sanford, John R. Northentt, John W. Welch, R. J. Warn.. Fleetwood Lanier. Woo—in—Atlanta Ranrlv1 0o,d " n O. A. Trussell. J. was in Atlanta Keaay | „. p n t r mk. w. a Johnson; Ttwd For Opening or Georgia i”. Hawkins, job h. Down*, e. h. w • « * . * tin • t » y Vlnnnltrn<« If * C% VTnflnr I- D HERBERT CLAY, PRES. SENATE ed Stock Exchange Friday expelled p. o. Stamm fit P. 0. Stamm and Company. Stamm wss ordered to appear before the Board of Governor* of the Consolidated and explain re- K rted fictitious trades snd when did not show up Thursday, •» ordered, it voted to expel him. Legislature of Which He|^ f n ; n br ^; A "'pire. r E cSwfort wheSSvS’U^imber An* Is Member. I Ware. J, P. Ingram. John R. Brant. J? * ^ I lev. W. M. Bryant, W. P. Eher STAMM EXPELLED Associated Press.) (Rjr AiMcUted Press.) f Appropriations by tho lost legla 'i NEW XORK.—*The ij Co(i80udatj uture, according to’ the report, me rise in uui piuvuir jy»» I Ran in Decembor. During r tho previous four year* for th* same month of 14,421. ^Wbatubday ins housewives will attend tfarket Saturday morning rL Market it located on fCnJiriy Farmer* from neany munty in Northeast tieor- me to tho Athens market ■pose of their food crop*, market price listis found market page of The Ban* ■raid Monday, Wednesday (By Associated Press) ATLANTA.—Herbert Clay, son of tho late If. S. Senator Alexander Stephens clay and retiring presi dent of the etate senate died sud denly here Friday lit a downtown Mr. Clay became 111 about 1 o'clock Friday morning and died before medical aid could be sum- coned. A corner's jury rendered a verdict tyat Mr. Clay died from natnral causes. Mr. Clay was a member of tba state senate for two years and was returned to the legislature a* representative from Cobb county this year. He bad arrived here to attend the sesolon of the. legisla ture which convenes next Wednes-, day. Mr. Clay has long been promin ent In Georgia politics, althoogh a comparatively young man. He was prominently mentioned as a' can didate tor the United States senate hart. J. M. Howell. George A. Tobv, W. W. LsngWnn, Lester L. Epnard. Code R..David, J. E. Glbho. Gar land 'M. Turner, 0- E. CFnrrall and Charles J. Coots. W. A. Wowa. J. K: Oohlston, neorge W. WMtetiasd an* .L. L. Moos front Conor; E. H.. Furemn, F'k* L. Hrav. T)r. W. L. Groene, W. P. nohestson and nalph Rlna.J from Crawford: S. I* Maxwell, W. T. Cunningham and W. Tl. Loyd, from Teklngtpn; Daniel Mel) mil from Madison; M. F. HaWthaw. from Cornrila, and R. R. Moon from Veaiey. tlon, he may be expelled. ommended, indicating on the oth er hand,* that the report will urg* ' the leglHkHture to pruno the appro* prlatlons aa much aa possible, cleai Iqg away every Item possible, and i urging economy In the sdmlnlstra- tlon at all dap#rtmenti , I While the eruption is somewhat decreased in intensity, tho danger point has not yet been passsod ns the volcano is still bolchlcng up molten streams of lava and great racks which threaten the complete destruction of all tho surrounding villages. A relatively small number of craters, about twenty in number, opened during the night, indicat ing that tho pressure on tho in side of the volcano is lessening. Latest estimates place the dam age already done by Mount Etna at over one hundred million lire. u racluriva of any injure to crops or Aviation c<. mlttee, will t» „°J, 1^' ? ,u ,' s . < ;' d b >' th ! > “ sb -s ed of Sen T. Epps, chair- ?, nd r .° cin:lc , ra -, Th° destruc- - — tlon by ashes and cinders extends over a vast area. ' Thb lava stream that has been threatening LinguaKlos^a 1ms been turned aside by a spur to the Miuk"Of :tho town and has reach-! meeting, 6 ed the ro«d joining Linguaglossa I Sunday, Juno 24—^Breakfasl an d Randaxzo- } |s(‘rved In all dormitoricH. Tho molten mass is proceeding I Monday, Jivno 25—Registration slowly along this highway which *8:30 to 6:00. Sr.®?® . n , K® 1 } 110 " sldptJ, . and al- Tuesday, Juno 26—Clasios be- mitte is very important *n view of the proposed air ma’l route of thr at Comptroller Gopernl Wright, I reached <9,289,926, leaving an ex*' ceoa of eHtlmated revenue over ap propriations of only <248,392.26. These appropriation* were dlvld ed* among the institutions and de* partmentn of the atate aa follows: . Common ochoola <4,250,000; Uni versity of Georgia <105,11*1; Geor gia Tech <112,500; Rtate - College _ of Agriculture <*17-BOO; North ) Among the distinguished vlaltorr U. S. Agricultural Expert on Visit Here, Talks With Col. Gantt About Farm Conditions. By T. LARRY gAnTT to answer questions regarding his Georgia Agriculture! College. Dab- to Athens this week was Hon. _ financial conditloh to Its sat&fac; lonega, tao.tqo; BoaOon Stats Nor B. Martin connected with the Agri- mat and Industrial College, fit,- cultural department, with • head- 000; State Medical College, Angus- quarters a Waahnlgtton, D. C. .Mr U.-I4S.600; State Normal School Mariln'a duties are to Investlgat. Athene, HI.00" , (Herein Htkte Col (conditions of farmers In all parts ol Reduce Use of -* , n *■* f j lege for Wot ien, MUIedgevllls ' (he United States to see' tiielr Oats By Trucks uouoo: Oeorsla. Htnte ,.Women', | needs and assist In the orxanl.v • a 1 a. College. Valdosta, Mt.OOff; Dlstrlo tlon of ell plubs and aeaoclatlom And Gasoline ;&^iL£!nnd Tuesday R«tnni Dav July Court Terms Next Tuftday la tha Mat return date for ertrs to be tried at the July tend of tba .Clsrka Superior court, which convenes the third Mondar In Jullt Uauallr no jprr. grand er tra- called for tMs session. Savannah, colored Institution. 110,. •Poorat’; Agricultural, Indus' kSHINOTON-Froducmn, « N °,^ 0 ^ oats In tha Unltsd States probably in.mut.on. jiy.uOO. (By Associated Pros.) WASHINOTON—Production t it “ * he T’l™’; 1 (*« jndxa usually disposing of as E. Whtson and wen«.» *» r «. what'boslnhss as can be handled to announce bis i xandldacy al though he never, officially entered the race. . Funeral arrangements hare not been annoanced. ■ - ' Tuck Sunday Sthool ' Class AUBarbecue Sunday —lObVclas* of .Col.- Henry c. Tuck of tl«f Hret Meth. odist ^church enjoyed a delightful barbecue at Lake “Mxfe" Thurs day afternoon. without a jury. Special Deliveries Require. Signature Special drilrtrr.. letter* mpst be Signed for attar July, l, lt was qn •iounced Frf-iv by, Fostmastei Paul Smith. * The , new. order was mode by the Postmaster General. For several months special de livery tetter* have been delivered without the receiver having tr „ slan but the new order will put a Members nf the class, their -stop to that practlca. The post- vrives and friends attended the mom,,, also pointed out thst aped- 'coe which was greatly epJoyed. *1 delivery letters are for speed Col. Tack's class has a large,only and registered letter* for pro- roembershlp. * teetton. BERLIN HELPS NEEDY RU88IA BERLIN—Three mUltnry bar racks In Berlin have been convert- Into dormltorlee for needy , Men's Christian Association, lied; jtho European Students Relief "(I. I contributed to tho undertaking. WARSAW TO HAVE • * SKYSCRAPER WARSAW.—Thla will B6 the first fifty In Enrono to hove a sky- Russtnn student* Thr 1 ejerntgr scraper of 22 stories, which will bo Rdd'Crasd, the' RtNMofcd WMfenj ton - ■ — the 'Lengue W’Nkffcdi.^l^^oitop rumoWM next year. It, Is,I WMW 1 lit' Wrtafces; bocomlhg evdM four trtorlcs." has reached Its highest point/ In the opinion of exports of the Deport ment of Agriculture: Tha ytarbook of tha department for 1221 declare* tha advent of motorised trucking, both In city snd country, and of the tractor or the farm, are reduqlng markedly the commercial demand for feedln, oat*. Tha result, it M predicted, be to’ reduce acreage and pro- estimates first breams available In 1IM. Ths oat cqop now rankt third tn Importance, the -careali being next to corn and wheat The Importance of barley, Which ranks fourth among cereals In thli country, la Increasing ersn though production Is not. Tha average an ' OTHER APPROPRIATIONS tlon of all plubs and aasoolatlonf 1193,600: ( for their betterment I knew Mr Norma'j Martin when h# was aupe'rinten- drnt, <>f education In South Caro lina and also knew that I eould se cure from him valuable Informs tlon for oqr readers and especially firmer* and whatever he sold wo, absolute State hoards received appropria tion* as follows; Board of vocational education, M0.353. educational and correctly- Institution* 114.500:' the academy for the blind, *** 000; the acboo’ for the draft 670,000; eleemosy „„ „ "’nr Institutions, Including thi auction which have Increased raptf. J*’ 1 ’ eenetarlum and tha soldier ly and consistently since annual eni*. >*46 000; .tote board - health »t4l.4*t; nchOttbia,- I1.C50 - 000: tha public debt $3, .00#; **| for the leWe'atlva and ANH- Hal dquartment* 6441.300;. leglslo five exoenee* ll»,33«: . prison de- nartment SiAf.stlO; geological de ngrtment lUhra; denartment o* absolutely authentic. Classes begin Tuesday morning and the session ends on August 24th. Many new and additional fea tures have been added for this session and the prediction is that It will bo tho most successful ever held. ' f J MANY SPLENDID ENTERTAINMENTS Tho entertainment program this year Is a highly Interesting one and will include such features as Dr. Soule on Brazil, Dr. and Mn Cranberry, Goipjral. Pearce, Mm. ! Charles Lane, Lucian Lama Knight, MO. W. H. Felton. Leo Ootthelmer. Dr. Campb Morgn^tfor tt week, Mrs. Katlier- lno Tift 'Jones, Mtss Margaret Morris’ and many other enterti era and lecturers. A now feature of the session this year will bo a week of study nnd conferences for tho Georgia Federation of Women’s clubs from July I) "to tho 15tb„ which bring to Athens many of the state’s leading club women. . Tho Summer School calendar os follows: - - Sturday, Juno 23—Dormltorle: open. Saturday, June 23—Faculty though the stream of lava only nine hundred yard* from Ran- dozzo Friday morning, the situa tion Is not considered serious ns the lava Is rapidly cooling and the eruption Is decreasing-in Us inten.- slty., Sanford, Park-and.- Drewry Go to N. Ga. Ag. College Exercises', FIND SKRLRTO.-v OF CROCODILE THAT LIVED - 2,000,000 YEARS AGO LONDON.—The complete skele ton of a crocodile, which ie estimat ed to have lived more than two million year* ago, has been un earthed from the Oxford cbv of Peterborough brickyards by P. J. Phillips, a noted English geologist. The Skeleton is 16 feet long and i* Identical with' the skeleton of the present day crocodile. T)te htonster was, however, a »ea going agriculture t’m ttt; board qf «, tnmoloep-. S7S.C01: exne.-lme it els Hons S3S.6M; atate llbrarn $»«.- nual production of barley for' the ten .years ended tn 1333 was about . -— 193.900,300 .bushels. The future »•*•» library commlstaon. »«. outlook for this crop la said to br ..archive* are) t-lstory. 64.000; encouraging, "T Rye Is dated as an untmrhHant crop lq this country, blit thire har. been an increase In prCditct|or line* 1311,'-due to an tncrfcjasd ipean demand which la expect ed to disappear later In large mea commissi,.- 96/40; board o' P#> I! V ,welfare. H6.S0#. miliary de rariment, 326AM; public printing tii/rn: n.'HMc buildings on.' rjonml*. $15,009:. contingent finds miscellaneous. Includin' fuel. Indian Springs fund nnd o'he Incidental expenses $34,666. City Court Will building will 'have 1,000 ofOco jbreaturo belonging to the middle rooms. • . | geological period. In discussing thn boll wsevll, Mr Martin said It la conceded that tha peat da here to «t*y, and will never be entirely eradicated. But like the housefly, the weevil can *>• -controlled by proper methods Ths housefly was a great nuleanei but We hava learned that by do- straying It. breeding place* anf screening houses, we can that* li a large measure this nuisance. And It will be the same with tba' bell weevil" By tha Intelligent us* o! Poison and preventing any great Increas* of tba Insect, w* can con tinue to grow cotton under hot wegvtl conditions, and In time prevent: In a large megaurs; ths damage how caused by this tm- portatlon. But Mr,"Martin laid that tht weevil' la tna ' end will pro?* ■' t blessing In dlsgula* to tba South as likewise wilt the emigration of negroes, for with cheap labor and bolding a monopoly in tha produo Men of abort staple cotton, our southern farmers neglected all other crops to grow cotton and of. ten sold It at las* than coat of production. Mr. Martin told that the negro la tha brat tabor to grow C0HVCII6 Monday M,l# a for h* has been* trained tot J ‘W» contorts* to pick It. He told of an experiment by England to Gltv court convenes grain Men- n,l,e M * , ®» to Africa and skilled dev morning at to o’clock. The ™* n cou,d on *y gather about ftftv crimlnri docket will be taken n- * day. n* said that Eng A new tore he* bran drawn and * nd ® d ' d «d by htr expert, the Personnel directed to he #» the '!> abandon all hops of euccera. court house, hy the ||our dvelgr.a. '° f T p '' lnK '*“!> the Routh t r tod. v, l XT--Wl ^ >, . ,# » ‘1,«WI qfi Ito.iwto- II H -x.i-d-l II,ft Ihv.criminal cv-» „n,lrr Pall weevil ran- will In* ilftirfutto! of duriiiK /*»r it rout too much tr the course of the week. (Turn to page eight) gin as scheduled. July 2-7—P. T. A. Short Course. July 9-14—Women’s Club Short | Course. July 9-15—Smith-Hughes Teach* era’ Short Course. July 1 6.2 1 —’Superintendents Short Course August 1-3—Final examinations In Six Weeks’ CourneH. August 3—State Primary Uremia | KarpInatlonH and first part of a v r- * . '.Hlggh School license examinations. ® r# ’ R * : E * | August 4—State Elementary Lie- J" nd d “ hn „ E ,' Drewry of the'onso examinations and last part of Via Won 0 / lh ' l, " lvtr *l 1 >' “f Oeor- High Hchool czomlnatlons. ■ frt? 0 ra ro.v i « D ," h ^ nCta , T ,' ,ur " d “ y August 6-17—Smith-Lever Ag- I where they bad been Invited t„ q h _., rn „ rB „ ■ l"n e se».I > oo 0 n 0 t ‘.i* tV m ™ er „* cho ° 1 August $.17—Boys’ and Girls* In session at the North Georgia Agricultural Collcgo In that place. Tho Bummer echool la tho first cne over held at that Institution and according to thoso In charge. Is proving a success. Nearly hundred etudeuts aro taking courses In tho Institution. Prof. Jnmel Pork, n son of Dr. B.- E. Park of Athens, la principal of the summer school. One of Hr. Hanford's text books on English Is being used In the English courses at tha college. FORE8T FIRES- RESULT FROM CARELESS AUTOISTS CLEVELAND.—One hundred thousand motorists nf "i/yahoga county have heart asked by tho I thero vis so little difference Cleveland Automobile Club to join*tween it and three or four oth« In x movement In keep rump umlidiy* >-n • ith**r nidi picnic sits clean and undeficeil! length of the day &n dto protect tho countryside from [able. Short Course. August 23-24—Final ex&mlnft* j lions In Nine Weeks’ Coureefi. August 24—Summer Scho Closes. Thursday Was , Lpngest Day of Present Y e a i Did Thursday *e*m longer to ; Wednesday, <>r Friday? should have. It wan the longest day or year, accord In trononilml calrulfitionH and gener al belief but a* a matter of fact tho danger of rtro. UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE MAKES GREAT STRIDES IN ENGLAND LONDON.—Esperanto the uni sonal language, I* making much htoowy In England amim* the commercial classes. Tho British Esperanto Association, organized. In the interest of furthering'the language In-Great Britain, has grown .by leap^pnd bounds. , re~T ;j. ,,'.i 4 J. But on June 21at the sun 1* anld to reach its farthereat point to wards the north and after resting thero for a brief period begin* swing back toward* the equato and until next December the dayf will grow gradually shorter. Friday is practically the nn Thursday, only a few seconds - shorter. The nun roue at 4:28 o’clock and will Het at 7:46 P. making the day 14 hour* and *» I t® Broad Street Shoe Merchant Finds Banner-Herald Advertising Pays Athena, Ga., June 21, 1923. The Banner-Herald, Athens, Georgia. Gentlemen: I am so very much pleased with the gratifying reeulte I ob tained from a twenty* inch advertisement placed In your last 8un* day’s paper, that I am taking tha method of expressing to you my appreciation of the effectiveness of Judicious use of the advertis ing columns of your paper. I advertised 150 pairs of shoes In a special tale for Monday. The stock "was not only completely moved, but business this week hac been better with me than any week since I have been been in business. I am convinced that good merchandise, reasonable prices j and the right kind of advertising Is a combination that cannot beat at a stimulus to trade. vr