The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, June 24, 1923, Image 1
* fnveatlgate Today! To Regular Subacrlbara Th6 BANNER.HERALD *1,000 Accident Policy Proa THE BANNER-HERALD Dally and Sunday—10 Casta a Weak. Eatabllahcd 1832 Dally and Sunday—10 Canta i Week. WEATHER: » Cloudy, with fecal thunderstorm* ATHENS COTTON: Middling v. Pravloua Close -27* VOL. 91. NO. 112. Aaaoclatad Press Service ATHEN8, QA„ SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 1823. A. B. c. Paper UNIVERSITY SUMMER SCHOOL BEGINS NEW SESSION ON MONDAY Registration Begins Mon day. Stewart Expects Large Enrollment For Session This Summer. 100 Courses. FACULTY CONSISTS OF 94 MEMBERS Many Special Courses Planned. Entertainment Features Are Splendid Hope For Most Success ful Session. By Monday morning nrorc than twelve hundred young women from mi porta of Georgia will have ar. rived here for the Unlverelty ol Georgia Summer School opening which runa until Auguat 24, hTnal arrangement! fur ■chool'a moat aucceaaful aeaalon have been made by Dr. J. i. Slew ing!, superintendent who bellevea that fully two thoueand peopli will have reglatered for one oi more of the one h jndred course-- offered by the end at the term. REGISTRATION SEDAN SATURDAY In order to accomodate the hun dred! of people who will alien, the achcol dormitory facilities at the University, State Normal School, State College of Agrlcu’- ture and the Lucy Cobb Inatltute, have been brought Into gervlce In addition to aeveral of the fraternity chapter houaea. A large u'jmber ol people are opening their homee to the students. Some of the one hundred courier offered will count for regular col lege' credit while othere are for teachera dealring the different II- c.-raea. Cobb Endorsed For .Judgeship Of City Court Friends Place Name of Noted Jurist Before Governor-Elect Walker For Appointment. The friends of Judge Andrew J. Cobb will preient Us name to Gov- ernor-Elect Walker, for appoint* ment to the judgeship of the City court of Athens. Judge Cobb was for many years a Supreme Court justice and of recent years judge of the Western Circuit. He is one of the ablest jurikts In the count, try and one of the best known lawyers. It Is understood that many en dorsement.i have been given to his friendH whlct* will be filed with the governor at the proper time. The friends of Judge J. D. Brad- well, the Incumbent has also se cured a large number of endorse ments which are to he presented to the governor asking for his re. appointment. Unfll# Coplss a Canta Dally. • Canta Su HURD TIMES GONE, SAYS RIDDING IN TALK TO FARMERS President Tells Agricul tural Middle West That Post-War Depression Is About Over. LAUDS G.O.P. AID TO AGRICULTURE Contraction of Athens City Limits Will Not be Sought by S. M. C, LEGIONNAIRES TO FOR CONVENTION Proponents of BiH Decide Allen Fleming Post Will Not to Have It Introduc ed in Coming Session of Legislature. Points Out Agricultural Credits Act Passed At .Last Sessiop of Congress —Sees Improved Condi tions. 91 MEMBERS OF FACULTY Veil HINT ALL SERVICE 1 TO JOIN POST BEFORE CONVENTION HUTCHINSON. Kan^-Prealdent Harding brought to the agrlcultur- al Middle West Saturday a mea- »age of optlmlam with a prediction that the worst of the post-war de pression had passed and that grad- address devoted to discus sion of the agricultural situation, the Chief Executive reviewed the measures taken by the government OF NEGRO LABOR Georgia Bankers Associa tion Announces Results of Exhaustive Survey of Negro Exodus in State. SUBSTANTIATES SOULE REPORT FAVOR DIVISION WESTERN CIRCUIT Holden and DuBose Non- Committal on Civil Serv ice Bill. Report Advo cates Favor Referendum. , , President Suggests That .... ably Z™ re ‘“ n ' Li ving Conditions Be| otti ' Contraction of the city iimitn in order to leave out the Southern Manufacturing Corrfpany will not be at tempted by legislative act in the next session of the gen Mad e More, Tolerable.} ci ZHLT? Urges Training School, tor amendment of the law which, . f 1920 extended the city Hmita Reporta to the Georgia Bankers taking In the* Southern Manufac-1 tn n i,i . a .Association from ninety two of one! wring company haa been adver- aid the farmera, placing at the hundred and fifty-four counties. Used, It became known Saturday | forefront the farm credits Tegisla-*show that 41,388 negroea have loft{that the advocates of the mean-* 'those counties this year, It wat ure have decided cot to insists Spend Several Hundred Dollars to Brighten Up Main Business Section. LOOMING BIGGER AS DAYS PASS BY Cifford Walker, Senator Walter F. George, Gen eral Frank T. Hines and Many Notables Here. tion enacted by the last Congreaa. I This legislation when carried out he j declared, “will be capable of fur nishing the Amertcah farmers, for the first time In the history of ag* riculture In any country, adequate investment and working capital on terms as favorable as those ac corded to commerce and Indust ry." Furthermore he said. It wIT tend to restore fair prices for farm found that* 77,1 announced yesterday. Th« same counties report that 15,710 whits people have left the farms. Other counties reporting In per? cenetages Indicate that the same general average applies to practl* cally every county in the state. On people If it Is passed,’ for their the same system of percentages, II final approval or disapproval. <■ fmmA ♦ Kn * . 99 KAA nSgTOSS hAVcl upon Its Introduction In tho legis lature at ^18 time. At the same tljne* It was learned that the bill seeking change in the civil Service Commission will be , introduced and Its supporters are . willing that it be referred to tnei nnrtnla It It Im waaaaA iL.t. DECORATE FOR THE LEGION CONVENTION Tht Allen R. Fleming Poet ol **• American legion la going to the expense of aeveral hundred dollars to decorate the main business streets of the city In the national colors for the con- venUon here July 3-4-5. But little* financial assistance haa been gluon tho post by Athenr In IU undertaking of bringing tbe ex-aoldlcra here and the merchants and people can at least co-operate with them by decorating their window fronts, the atores and putting out flags on their hnmes for the dates. 'Flail in step with tbe Legion and let everyone help make this a great convenUon for those for 'whom nothing was too good a tew seasons ago| MCKINNEY APPROVE,! OF HEALTH COMBIl AND OUTLINES PLAi Jamigan Gives Plan to Honor George T. Betts Agricultural College Fac ulty Member Would Es tablish “Betts Founda' tion.” $100 Gift Announ ced By Him., A , plan to perpetuate the mem- dry of the late George T. Betts of Ashburn originator of the "cow, the hog, the hen" farm program was announced here Saturday by Dr. Milton P. Jamigan, head of the deportment of animal huabandry of the State College of Agriculture. The plans am outlined by Dr. Jamigan, provides for establish ment of the "George T. Betts" fund at the State College of Agricul ture for the use*df deserving Geor gia boys who dealra to specialise In animal husbandly. Dr. Jarnlgan proposes that the fund be worked out along the lines of ths . "Charles McDonald Brown" fund at the University of Georgia and announces that $100 will contributed to It by the Georgia Dairy ft Livestock Associa tion. Although much has been said about honoring the late president of the Georgia Association, Dr. Jar- nlgan's la the first plan outlined. Chairman of A t h e n Board of Health Wo Unite City anti Boards. County, SPECIAL MEETING I TO DISCUSS PLAN Both Athens and Clarke Would Get Better Health Protection and Save Money Each Year. A plan to combine the health departments of Ath- ens^and Clarke county, In* eluding 1 all incorporated towns, was outlined ypster- day by Dr. J. C. K-Kinney, chairman of the city health board* Every Ex-Service Man in! products qnd old the farmer lifting debts Incurred during period of depression. the Wilkes County Belongs) Hl * pa "t to Washington Post Ex- A faculty composad of ninety-1 four .xp.rl.ncad taachera haa begr>| Miis.seaion- of tht cept Fifteen. "I confess a frank pride In the government’s part In bettering n nchool. the Unlthrslty. Agricul ture! College, State Norpisl an/ Lucy Cobb all lending their plant* to make one big summnr school fo* Athene. One of the features at this year': school Is the special courses wh!c* will be offered. . These courses will be the w«ek for Parent-Teachers Asso ciations of GeorglA end an eipert In this work wil be here to give instruction to those Interested in P. T. A. elms. Another week will be devoted 11 Instruction of Club women In thf alnr of that organisation and ex peris In that line will also be here Special conferences wll be held. | situation against which you justly , icomplained and which nil the peo- The active members of the Allen pie of the nation deplored,** the 1 R. Fleming Post of th. American I pr * ,la * nl tolJli& In thla Plowi i^einn nm ...u,, . . J agricultural state. "The co-opera- the pi Legion are nnxlous to have (hei tlon of n j j th# governmental agen* the farm# of Georgia, June 15, 1128 remaining ex-soldiers of the coun- elea, and with them the co-opera- ty, especially In the city of Athens who have not joined the post do bo before the convention meets here the first week In July. There are aeveral hundred who &re not members of the post and Athena wants to make a splendid showing when the Legion convenes Georgia Is working for the trophy ngnln thl syenr and every new man Is needed. It Is stated. The blind- some trophy, a loving cup awnrd ed to the state department In New nil during the school Including I ° r,Mn * , tajlt *«**•. w,! * *>• ©n die- Woman’s Club week, P. T. A. weep' play her ® during the convention. Smlth-Hughee Teachers Short* P° ,ta over the state are Course; School Superintendents s°lng to send their entire member- week; •Smith-Lever Agents Short »*raea; Boys and Olrla Short Course. , The summer school faculty met Saturday alternoon In a bustnes: (Toni to page sight) E IS OFF IT SHU General Travis Believes Riot Danger Is Over. Six Held in Attack on Coun ty Jail. SAVANNAH, Gas—Martial law was officially lifted from tho. city of 8*rannah late Friday after al- moat three days of ths mliur> regime. Machine guns which have been trained from the county jail win dows were lowered and soldiers* who have bfcen patrolling the strets •wwa called off duty. They had ***** serving as military police »l»ce late Tuesday night when 100 Wfr * rolled out to disperse a mob of *••• ■forming the Chatham prl "° n to obtain a negro charged w *tl» attacking a white woman. General Travis In charge of the troops advised recalling the militia after consulting civic fceace- offi- ***** *T can ate no Immediate need for marital law now and do not b* Ilf** there will be. a repetition of scene we bad Tuesday night' ship here for the convention. The Jerome A. Wooten post of Wash ington, Wilkes. Is sending Its total membership of 178. The Klwanli club of Washington has pledged enough automobiles to bring the members here. It la also of Interest to know that every white ex-service man Ir Wilkes county, with the exceptlor of 15. are members of the post an: these are being urged to join. tion of the fine forces of leadership which the great national farm or ganisations have developed, made It possible to secure a measure of helpful results In this department of our endeavors, which lias been especially gratifying. Moreover, It haa found prompt reflection In the Improved status of every agri cultural concern. /We have been officially Informed that ow’ng to Improved conditions the farm pro- ducti* of the country for 1928 were worth 12,000,000,000 more than they were In 1921. Clearly, we arc through the worst of the depres sion and can reasonably expect gradual Improvement. "The balance within the industry aa between livestock and grain production, has been restored. left Georgia thla year and 89,618 HAVE MADE white people have left the farms of. IMPROVEMENTS the state. During the three-year I p.rtod of 1.30 J.21 and 1222. It I. opposition to the city limits bill further ahown that 161,428 MSTO*. .prang „„ | mme dhttel y after It was had left the *‘***. , ° r . ' h * ” or,h ~ advertised and City Council adopt, a grand total of 311111 fop tho past , ed a re „ Int , 0I1 ting that the th ™* ,nd °"V h *! f yesr * - ‘ I Clarke county representative! not vacant "V™ the ™«> Council point- cities leavcB 4G.647 \acant fam _ j .». fl a _„- r j v «*>n nnn wnrth nt n .„ r „ T , .... «d out that nearly 330,000 worth of (lwtlllnRH In Georgia j and 55,5.4 l«». Bewer m1 |„„ )mv0 , lp( . n lol(1 In „ ln 10 I n section in addition'to thoui. the farm, of Georgia, June i». itn. . P0 ^ e „.nhl I *n wZf lh * — “0^00 -Sat mJtnct ... „ I th* cltv llmlta In ordar to allow Condition! are Improving In 41 0] . e (onceiT t0 ^ p0 ( outalde the per cent of the counties reporting, are unchanged In 11 par cent of tho countl.a, and 47 par cent of ' th. ana shows no Improvamant, moan ing that th. txodu. continue, from noarly one-halt of ths state. STATEMENT BY JAMES 8. PETERS Jamas 8. P.t.n of Manchastar Or., pnsldant of th. Georgia Bank' tn Anoclatlon, who conducted thlt Inquiry, maku th. following oom. m.nta and Interpntatlon * — flgurts: "This I. a condition and not a theory. Our figures substantiate In a vary large measure tbe Inquiry made under the auptrvUlon of Dr Day by,day and In every way the America a Legion convention of tho Department of Georgia here on July 3-4 and Sth la looming bigger nntl bigger.” • The state convention committee und tbe local committee ere de. termlned that the slogan, "Some thing Doing Every Minute” la lived up Id and It can easily bo aecn from tho program that no 0 no w: be disappointed. During tbe next tow days the en tire Imalneaa aectlon of the city of Athena will be decorated In the natural colore for the occasion and tho finishing touches are be. Ing put on by tho various commit tees so that when the delegates ami visitors begin arriving on the day of the second there will be no de lay In making assignments and the city by the extension In 1930 setting the program under way. Inalatod If one concern Is mllowed Hla statement la aa follows: "Georgia agriculture, and parti- d# y- cularly the live-stock Industry of I the atifte, haa suffered a great loss WILL NOT If adopted the plan will result In saving of 31,200 annually to i city of Athens and $200 each y> by Clarke county In addition Rlvlnjf both better health pro tion than is now possible. The amalgamation of the boards will require legislative ac tion and Chairman McKinney wtll nak the Mayor to call City Council into special session early neat week . This meeting will be at tended also by the County Commis sioners. City and County Health boards. At this time tho plan ns outlined by Dr. McKinney will he discussed and If approved a bill providing for the change will in. Introduced In the .legislature In the session which begins next Wednes- In the untimely death of Oeorge T. Betts. The valuable work thle builder did will never die, but every effort should ha made to perpet uate In connection -With it hla it so that posterity will know corporate bounds. Numerous clt* liens of that aectlon brought Into j While the war Mated thero waa no. Andrew M. Roule, of tho State Col- possibility of overproduction of liege of Agriculture, conducted un- A long distance telephone mea saga from Columbus Friday stated that OenerA' Walter H. Gordon, commander I f Ft. Bennlng, several colonels anS many other commis sioned offlce-a from the Fort arc coming hero for the three'days. Every available room In the ho- telo haa been oommandered by the Legion while the people of Athene are aaked to Invite gueats they know In their homes. There are dosena of old "Georgia” boy. com- Inr bock and meat of tho delgatai sent here will know eomebody In tho city. Y. M. C. A. TENDERS COURTESIES such atoplea aa wheat and cotton, for example; and when peace sud. denly burst upon the world, tbi farmer had plana for a long future which ha could not readjust in stantly. No human wisdom coul< possibly have foretold the count that would ba taken by supplies and demand; and It la aa futile aa It la obvious to us now to aay that Unit (Turn to Pago Four) Funkenstein and Lesser Announce New Partnership Well Known Athenians Will Open Ladies Ready- to-Wear in Head & Mc Mahan Building. aai<T. Court officials her* declare they fTO that the negro gets a f “lr trial regardlee of the hot feel ing that exists. They say they will “•h » change of venue If there Is any* likelihood that violence will retorted to at the trial. Ten of the 1< men arretted for [toting were released In City Court because of “Insufficient evidence" J 1 * Were released on bond sfter demanding fttry trial. Two of the ■I* also ware charged with carry- ,n * weapons and 12,000 bonds war r ®UUlrfd for each. The other /our were waulred to furnish ll.OOd bond each . Their {rials probably will be called next i - The local T. M. C. A., through Wed ford Brown, assistant Physi cal Director, In the absence of \V T. Forbes, has extended the court esles of the city T. M. C. A. to the Legion In part Dr. Brown has written the committee: “It becomes my privilege to ex tend to you, ns one Interested In the American Legion and the T. M C. A., our entire plant, with all ol Its facilities for entertainment during the coming American Le gion Convention. "We will be glad to have yoi- make our building yeur head quarters during the Convention, am* extend to every member of your or ganisation the free use of our baths, swimming pool, gymnasium, and any other department that may add to the pleasure and comfort of those attending the Convention. "If yon are contemplating hold ing a reception, or serving a ban quet during your. Convention, wc will be glad to have you use our equipment for preparing and eert- ig asm# free of charge. "We are here to serve you today as we have In the past, willing!; tmost of our ability." Sam Funkenstein and Milton Lesser have let sad the store room now occupied by Head ft McMa han on tne corner of Clayton and Jackson streets. After extensive improvements are made to the front as well as to the Interior UHjy will open an up-to-date spec ialty shop for the sale of ladles* ready-to-wear and accessories. Mr. Leaser Is at mesent mana ger of tbe local Mayburg store but will sever his connection there on der' smllar conditions. He found that approximately 89/00 negroer had left Georgia, while our inquiry discloses 77.500. Ths dlff< might be explained by the tendency on the part of the bankers to be more conservative In their estl< ihate, ’ "In addition to the number which have left since the first of January should be added those who left durldg the years of 1980-81-88 making In all 888,988. a* number larger than the population of the city of Atlanta. The f#ct that more than one-third of those have left within the past three monthi Indicates that the exodus la on the Increase. Should the present rate continue during the demalnder ol the year, the number of negroet leaving Georgia this year will squat the population of one of our con gresslonal districts or ten of our average Georgia counties. "Our reports' Indicate that the railroads In one of the dtles of tht state have sold more than 6.00C tickets to negroes going to the In dustrial North and East since Jan uary 1 of this year. This number, of course, was indued In the totalr s#» S-WUIBS, TV S. IIH.IUCU IU IftJV IUIGII mentioned above. When we toL* (Turn to Page Four) to he put outsido they would de mand this also. Unofficially. It Is understood that one of the two legislator* from Clarke stated he would not vote for the new bill. He would Introduce, becahae. that waa his duty, but not aupport the meaaure. He finally agreed to vote for Its passage if It was referred to the people for* final action. Ita sup. porters would not agree to this step, however, it Is sold. Finally, the proponents of the bill dedded (Turn to Page Four) MANY NOTED VI8ITOR8 WILL BE GUE8T8 In addition to General Frank T. Hindi. States Commander Rodney Cohen. Earle Coope, National Vice uplift and Improvement of Geor gia. 'How could this be done more fit tingly than by the eatablidhmeni Of A perpetual memorial fund for CUT 8ALARIE8 The saving to the city and coun ty, ’referred to above, i will brought about'without reducing the salary of any officer now connected with either board. “The only per* son affected will be me,” mild “ 1 McKinney with a smile. “I 1 my Job. The board will need < one chairman." McKinney’s the benefit of deaqprlng students (that the Hanitary Department studying animal husbandry In the [taken from under supervision of Georgia State College of Agricul- the Board of Health and turn ture? This suggestion has been discussed with President Andrew M. Soule and other officials of the Institution^ It meets with their hearty Indorsement, provided th« plan Is acceptable to the Immedi ate family of Mr. Ditto. "With hla broad Interest In 4du- cation, and hla belief In the powei of live-stock to bring prosperity to hlo state, no memorial could be Commander. Governor Clifford more useful or more in accord with Wnllrn* n n li. —I a l-l Walker, Senator Walter F. George, (Turn to page eight) Funeral of Herbert Clay to Be Held At Marietta Sunday Afternoon. From Methodist Church. Uncle Sam Seizes Liquor Supplies on British Steamers Baltic and Be- rengeria Saturday. -' NEW TOR2C—Deeplte two fklee ATI A VTA ~n^Z-Funeral .er- ,Urt * ,h * Unll * d 8 *»*« Saturda- ™ L A N T^- I Proceeded to .maah the British Mr. H. S. Bullock Called By Death H. 8. Bullock, aged July 15th. Mr. Funkenstein la 1 ^,2* 8 ' Bu,loc J t * n •ST known to the people of thU " * lo “ l "o*^ “ »=«• .. . - * . ... Saturday morning, from a*.., section as be was connected with Michael's for many years and later leasee of the Colonial Theatre. Both Mr. Funkanatain and Mr. Lesser will go to New York about the middle of July to be cone nc*r- ly a month; they will prepare a stylish mdyto-war for their opening which will be some time between August 15th and September let Th new store wilt be known as -The Fashion Shop” and the own er* promise to make this store al ways live up to ita name. Head ana McMahan an now selling oat tbeir stock and aa soon aa thla is competed work will be gin on the remodeling. Formal announcement of the .lenlng will be made through these columns. heart trouble, following en operation. Tht body wee removed to Dorsey*. Funeral Parlors, prepared and later taken to hi. horn. In Danl.lavllle. - Mr. Bullock U survived by hi. win Mr*. Same Bullock, three aoiu, C. H, H. K. and Rlchvd —'*-i ^ •»*, iv anu niiuyu Butloek each-of DentelavlUt: two daughters. Mrs Wofford Jrrdon of Crawfordvttls. Os., and Mrs. Tlgi Strickland of DanlalavlUe, aaven grand children. Mr. Bullock was a very promt- cltiaen of dent of the Georgia stats senato and a prominent Marlptta lawyer, who died here early Friday In a downtown hotel from heart dlaease, will be held from the First Math odist church In Marietta, Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Rev. B. F, Fraser, pastor of tho Wesley Memorial ehmch, Atlanta, and Rer. It. C. decker, pastor of the Marietta church, will officiate at the services. Interment will fol low In the -Marietta cemetery. Majod D. F. McOlatchey, secre tary of the etate senate, haa named the following delegalou from the 1921-23 tenets membership, over which Mr. Clay presided, to act as an escort of honor for the body: Frank C. Manson, Jonesboro, 15th district; K. A. Jones. Winder. 27th district: O. A. Nix, Lawrence- vllle, 61st district; John H. Jones. LaGranlte, 37th district; Harold Hutchens. Tallapoosa, ilth dla. district; Pat Haralson. Blalnvllle, (0th district; Will Richard, Kill- Jay. 41st district; James H. Mills. Jeaklnsborr. 3th district; J. K. Palmoor, Gainesville. 33rd district; a»>t James H. Boykin, Llncolnton, 29th district Hughes Spalding, president of r-a s.'ae'a Alumni association of the Chi PM fraternity, has named the following committee to attend tbe funeral; DanlelevtUe, having llvad all of kli life in Madison county. Tbe funeral hour hg. net been decided as yet, hut will very Ukely be at the home In DenUlsvllle with the Interment In the Hart burial ground, near Hull. steamers Baltic end Berengarla.' Ths liquor wns brought Into port Friday by the two liners to Mat ths Treasury ruling prohlbtlng Vessels crossing America's thra< mile, dry barfrer with wet goods far the return voyage. By nightfall ell the liquor In eg- ceaa (f that which Dr. B. K. Spra gue, chief of (he publle health ear- vice. considered necesary bed been taken off tbe Baltic, Monday dura to page eight) NATIONAL CONCUIVE hi* views and wiahea. LOAN FUND "A fund mad» up of th# contri bution'll of friends who appreclmt* and admired him could he used br ■* loan-fund for deserving alutnta specializing In animal huabatidry Thla could ba worked out In detail along the general lines of the Charles MacDonald Brown Fund which haa Increased to five timer Ita original amount at th* same time that It haa halped many hun dreds of boys through college, ‘♦Under this arrangement aby sum of money contributed could be utlllzod, thus giving an oppor tunity for friends to subscribe ac cording to their means. "The Georgia Dairy and Livestock Association haa aaked the privilege of starting thla fund with a sub scription of on* hundred dollars There la no 'reason why a i fund of aeveral thousand dollarr should not be raised at once, and as It Increases provide the oppor tunlty for a Urge group of Oeor gla boya adequately ( to prepare themselves for leadership In live stock production. (Signed Dr. Milton P. Jarnlgan.' shall 1 over to City Council elect Us personnel. The proposed change will give the City an additional health cer, tho county three ndditl peoplo to nl/l In its health v and make It p/iudble for the Chlqj Sanitary Officer to demote his tire time to that department, whlaji Is impossible now and results. Is pointed out, in a far less clent supervision of that work, present the sanitary officer Is qulred to devote part of his ‘ to work coining generally supervision of the Healtfj j (Turn to page four) Little Girl Dies After Short Illness CHI PHI PALLBEARERS William G. McAdoo to At tend National Conven tion of Kappa Sigma Fraternity irt Atlanta. (By Associated Prats.) ATLANTA—Meeting (or th, drat time In th. South th, grand .urn-lav# of th* Kapiw Sigma fra- t.rnltf will op«n aspect ed to b# In attendance, repre senting virtually every University _ Fttrh M. BqotL Andrew Calhoun Fort Scott, Frank M. Farley, Lo gan Clarke, Dr. Benjamin Swan- (Turn to Paq* Four) — - -ntln* virtually every University In the United State, Among tfe* notables who have announced their Intention to be preamt are William O. McAdoo, former secretary of the treasury and al Ithe grand officers ol the organization. Nancy, the llttl, fourteen monthr old girl of Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Bailey, of Huntavllle, Ala., died suddenly last Monday afternoon The little girl died following nr lllnern of only a faw hour*. She li survived by her parents and n llttl. brother Harry Jr. her grandmothei Mm. Nancy Bailey, her grand fathar, Mr. Cary A. Lttla of Craw- ford. Mr..and Mr*. Ballay lived .. Athena aeveral years and both wort wall known here. Mrs . Bailey will b* remembered by her (rinds * Miss Lola Little. SELLS iiSDOWORIH- OP PRODUCE HERE ON CURB MARK! Total of 347 Permits Hav Been Issued. Saturday Was' Best Market Day. New Studio For Commercial Work Announcement la made edition of the opmlng of th* L. a Arnett Commercial studio for In door and outdoor photography, ko dak davetoplng. ate. Th* firm of Adam* * Arnett has bam dissolved, by th*. purchase of th* Arnatt Interest by Mr. J. A. Adams, and the establishing of a new studio for commercial work by Mr. I- C. Arnett. Mr. Arnett lsj well known to the people of this city and aectlon, and hla new ven- ture will doubtless be a success. I at the Curb Market torday amounted to around v- according to Mrs. Bosie Trout: market master. Mra. Troutman handled worth of change, having to to the bank several tlrnen in c to keep enough change In han accomodate the market. A total of 347 permits to produce bn the Curb Market been Issued. Mrs. Troutman stated that ■ 200 sellers were on the yesterday and from the hour until noon the sulei Vprjr brisk. * Announcement was also yesterday that Mrs. Troutn not found enough old roi make up the order of loo been given. Now Is the opport cents for those | a♦‘II them at twelve i t K* '"'I price, thoroughbreds, it Is pointed . One man yesterday sold f 10 worth, j of Irish potatoes alone. A 2!'.tie toy, Albert Wler, sge< 9, sold 28.05 worth of peaches am butter In thirty minutes. AJber Is one of the youngest producers oi the market Another man Sold a turtle $1.00 and M. N. Daniel of B< brought the prize beet to the . ket. It weighed two and one-qi ter pounds. New permits are being "very day and the Market ro grow In favor both with pi and consumer. Many of the dueers hav** ararnged plans so can sell out in an hour or lea Tu#*»tday, Thursday and and hav.* the remainder < for their purposes.