Newspaper Page Text
SUNDAY. JUNE 24, 1923
Office 12UI — By MR8. ALICE ADAMS —
Subject: David In poetry, proph
ecy, and thg gospel.
It Is arresting to the beginner in
careful Bible study to discover the
frequency with which the nanio of
David flashes like a thread of
scarlet through the web of human
history. No human name appears
bo often or with anything like tlu
variety and richness of suggestion.
To study its significance through
history, poetry, and prophecy is to
gain a and affecting concep
tion of jtym^Divine tenderness f to
wards men, and the riches of ills
purpose in •human redemption.
Beginning with Ruth ns an an-
vestress oj .David, name the suc
cessive historical books that deal
with David's life. Of these, the
earlier contain more details and
are more vivid. By the time the
.Romans; once In Second Timothy
•twice in Hebrews, and thrice in
Now, as a great Importance, tfy
ti give the significance of these
The city of David. T2»e son of
The sure mercies of David.
Xbe key of the house of David
The root and the offspring of
David. r
Note also the questions asked bj
Jesus in Matthew 12 atfB Mark 12.
Read with meditative care eomo
of the Psalms attributed to David.
Keeping pace wltfe the times
“The piness” will use the Denver
Pressure Cooker haggled by Miss
Bes8io Powell, who recently gave
Chronicles |*ere written, about’K I* demonstration here of its many
r.. 325. the value of public wor-»worth white qualities, the sclent!-
ship in the promotion of nationalise reasons being Its Reading asset,
unity had bocome evident, and* Th< Pines has already won fame
David’s purpose to build the Tem-Jby itr up to date methods given
pie and Us fulfilment through tho i to the public the greateat_and best
agency of Solomon, and David's*" # J **“
contribution to the Hebrew psalter,
which made so large and so glor
ious a part of the temple ritual,
are seen in a larger perspective.
Iff the Psalms wd find the very
heart of David, and the lofty re
ligious emotions of tliq best of the
Hebrew race are there given in
Imperishable form,
variety of food, and the managers
are awake to the progress and ad-
vantagement of everything; they
feel sure that the Denver Pressure
Cooker is ono of the greatest In-
vrntions yet put on the market,
which cooks everything perfectly
and. very delicious, reducing the
shrinkage of foods resulting from
ordinary cooking and maintaining
If possible noto tho occurrence • the food values, doing away with
of David’s name In tho following i much of the danger of food poison-
books: ling, making eve&thlng'pure and
Jeremiah 15 times; Ezek lei. | wholesome.
Hosct, Amos, and J*t?hanah,
times. In the four Gospels, 38
times. In which'of these only one
Why so seldom thorc? With
much significance the name oc
curs 11 times In Acts; 3 times In
Domestic science experts, phy
sicians, nurses, scientists, progres
sive houewlvo and oxpert home
canner endorse the use of the
Denver (Pressure Cookers which
are bound to prevail for hygenlc
and economic reasons.
Probably no place In tho city
can give a hotter testimonial of
its worth- than The Pines which,
serves meals to hundreds daily.
The Lucy Cobb Institute will be
open throughout the Summor
r School session and guests have
' commenced to arrlvo. Dr. and Mrs.
(Cranberry of Now York came In
!1ast week, Senora De Falrltllt of
; Charleston and Misses (Martha 'Memorial Hospital at
'’Sweet, Sani-
( iary and
c6sta's ice cream
may bo enjoyed by
baby aa well , aa by
Phono 192
Southern Mutual
Wall of Augusta, Edith Holliman
| and Alice Ray of Macon havo
(registered. Dr. Cranberry Is head
[of the Music department or summer
school, and ho and his charming
I Wife are being very cordially wel-
roiped* Scqpra Do Ffbritito Wfll bf
at the' head of the voice depart-
(summer school
Every year the Unlvorelty Sum
mer School baa aeroral atudenta
from Florida, end these have been
among tho moat Intelligent and re-
aponalvo of the student body.
Among the first arrivals for
tho present senior ere Mlaaea
Melissa and Viola Smith and their
brother, Mr. Al. O. Smith of Wall,
nbula, Fla. The former are atu.
dents of Agnes Scott College, the
latter has been for two yean at
Oglethorpe University.
Mrs. R. A. Lavendar fa vlaltlnK
her daughter, Mrs. E. L Morgan.
Mrs. BUcksBear received the sad
news of the death of her little
granddaughter, Christine, the In
fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
C. .Rogers of Demoreat who passed
away Saturday offer a long Ill
ness. Mrs. Roger* will he remem
bored here as Miss Floyd Black-
shear, and their many friends
| deeply sympathise with them In
! their great sorrow. .
„ 1 Mrs. Eugenia Bayne*. Mrs. Rose
7 Creekmore and children, of Ath
Miss Clara Bradley who has
f «^ntly graduated from the Onrflrb 1
D. C„ Is i
Mrs. a W.
Is Completed
Athens Funeral Directors
Have One of Most Con
\yeni4nt and Beautiful
Places of Kind in Coun
Bernstein Brothers new (intern
parlors, just completed on Broat
street In the building next door to
of the same
I aa one of the
d convenient In
and since b-
public has at-
rnbie comment
the show placer
White Footwear
Just received a big shipment of
White Kid and White Canvas
Milit&ry or Spanish heel strap
Pumps, price
$5.00 to $10.00
Wig assortment of children
White Slippers also
home in equip-
a have Ie*t noth
s it an oiUstand-
ban a thousand
and admired Mu
filch the owner:
I Interior both
to look at. The
id are a sun
joth attractively
shed with hand
ires. Statues art
or lamps with
p> and the fur
ppointments nr
and comfortifbb
>nnects with thr
j, the woodwork
fhk main recep-
toilsomely mur
ith the reposing
rooms can
>r n parlor fun-
?ry conveniently
nl entrance I
tolr with a piil
i* performing th
seats necomn
and fifty per-
> aa well ns oth
ao arranged th.i*
ct Is obtained
vs. The mat
rh pews, and th-
mbtes that o
>r, carpeted t<
I at all. ertendr
building with
each of the va-
•t Including
the use 'if
Jased, a room
» displayed, t
the night men
paraphernalia, r
burial laments
ilng room donr
hlngs and a bus' i
roodwork in thr*
the corridor h f
with Ivory wallri
To Attend Course
School Will Give Course £“2 «■£ “
For First Time in Its'- —- da " r
History This Year.
dns, are visiting Mrs. O. A..Tucker. 1
—‘Montlcello News. Jr OTmt- I CaCtierS
'Miss Hattie Gould Jefferies, wbo
has been visiting Atlanta friends
since Lucy Cobb commencement,
is now with Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry
Oatts.—Augusta Chronicle.
Mrs. Carlton Beusse, Miss Min
nie Paschal! and Henry and Janies
Beusse notored to Atlanta for the
and Mrs. Will Griffith 0 1
Wafklnsville spent Saturday In th'*
city. *
Friends of Mr. and mA. E. Wen-
dllnger will be glad to learn that
their little daughter Maudo Vir
ginia Is Improving after an Illness
of two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Colie Thornton and
young 6on Bobbleare spending the
weekend in Augusta.
The friends of Mr. Leon Lester
will be pleased to learn of his
satisfactory condition following an
operation at tbe General Hospital
for appendicitis.
Little Miss Alice Atkinson of
Atlanta is visiting her /Hint, 'Mrs.
Alice Fambrough on Hall street.
—HH* -
Mrs. (R. T. Dudley Is visiting in
Mrs. J. E. IJIghtower left tkb
morning for Americus, after spend
Ing two week* with her parents.
Misa Annie Re Jago will vlall
relatives in Americus for sever*
Mlss Ruth Hightower has return
ed home after visiting relatives ir
the city.
- (S’ -
Mrs. T. E. Jago is spending some
time with her parents. Judge and
Mrs. Thornton on Oakland avenue
4 “to—
The Clarke County Choir will
meet with the Attica Baptist church
on the third Sunday afternoon
July 15. at 3 o'clock. A Inrgf*
crowd is expected.
Mr*. C. O. Carter of Memphis Ir
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ber
nkrd on the Jefferson Rond.
Messrs. Alvin Teat nnd Aubrey
flllder hiked to Rnyston Frida*
.night to attend tho play “Wjomcn’r
for the day.
At eleven o'clock eadh day tho
Association will Join wire tno Sum,
mer School (n the general assem-
T f k .1 q »,.«{b!y. exercises. On one morning
mere JUIV Z-/tn 0,680 *H1 be conducted by tho Aa-
* j sociatlon.
From 8-9 the members may take
Subsequent Judge Russell madjjwiii vjsiriCWcixo, Ori^f lUplds j POUCEMAKE
Sa o.*? na ! P*/n. Nunnall/!ha. left for tho market. Mr. Bern-.
will visit (Chicago, Grand Rapids j
and NeW York for tho purnoao of
lor governor against Joseph Mi; nurchsslng new goods.
Brown of Marietta. Although unsuc. | m ‘
cesfnl In his campaigns for gov* Gprsliline Farrar la
entered the lists as a candidate fof i Uera J? ,ne / 81 I. ar ",
PAOB ukup
TTriiverdifw q „ „ » . *•» memnern may take ernor was moro fortunate when hdi
university bummer part in physical training classes, the court of appeals. He served!
In October, 1923, the State Ex
ecutive Board of Dae P. J. A.
adopted a resolution urging that
the State University put on a
course for Parent-Teacher mem
bers as Boon as possible. Mrs. Ma
bel Jonos, president of the Geor
gia Branch, sent tne resolution to
tho Summer School and offered tho
services of Mrs. Winifred Car-
berry as lecturer. The director ac
cepted the offer and arranged for
the week, July 2-7, for Shis special
recent letter Mra. Jones
says: "Your letter was received
with pleasure. I am glad to know
that one of my dearest hopes Is
aboot to be realised and that we
are to have this course for Geor
gia this summer. I*shall be glad are with it.
the work will
meet the
wishes of the committee.
What a Battery
Service Re a 1 ly
Means Explained
Few motorists really know much
about the battery that makes their
car efficient c*r troublesome as tbo
case may be, and fewer still know
what “battery service” , embraces.
That a practical battery scrvIdU,
embodies more than the sale or
recharging of a battery is demon
strated dally by the Athens Bat
tery r©.. Fxide dealers and service
on all makes.
Few motorists who uso the Exld'
eerhaps kno*" thej. up to your
years ago “Exlde” was a trade
name little known, but in that time
ninety-nine per cent of tb<* motor-
to come over and help If I can.
and hope to 'soak in’ tbq. course
Tbe National Association put on
the course at Columbia last sum
mer and will do io again «t Chat
institution and at Boston Univer
sity, Ifyatfnls (Mass.) Normal
School. It Is the hope of the Na
tional Association that representa
tives of the local P. T. A.'s In the
south Atlantic states be represent
ed so that they may carry on the 1
work to better advantage during
the next year. At least pne repre
sentative from tho District Assoc,
iallons should be sent and It Is
expected Chat largd numbers from
the nearer branches will attend. It
»s ono of six opportunities to ob
tain this instruction this summer.
Mrs. -Carbary, tho Field Secre
tary, Is a graduate of the Uni
versity of Wisconsin. “With her
wide experience In P. T. A. work
sho has been invaluable to thr
National Congress In effecting
slate organisations and Instructing
local branches.”
Lectures By Mr* Carberry Dally
From 8:00 to 11:00
Monday, July 2. 1.—History of
toe National Association.
Object—1. To give parents beat
opportunity to secure fnformatfor
in regard to home-building, chlld-
renrlng, and educational opportu.
2. To bring home and school-fnto
dose, hnrpiantoiiM 'partnership.
To bring to the school tho re
sources of the homo.
3. To study conditions In com
munity affecting leisure time o'
TuePday,* Julv 3. H.—Typo of
work dono by ^arent-Toacher As
Sociological oasts.
Departments: Health, education.
i’iomo service, public welfare, or
ganization, and efficiency.
Wednesday, July 4. III.—How can
tho Parent-Teacher Association
help tho home?
How can the Parent Teacher As
sociation help the school?
Exlde storage batterjes are mad-
by pioneer manufacturers, and ar*
used for many purposes. Tralnr
are lighted, fire department ap-
peratus equipped with them, tele-
Inhono and telegraph and radio
companies use them, nnd it Is op'
of the most popular automobile
batteries on tho market. Tho army
monoplane T-2*nsed by I.fcuten
ants Kelly and MacReady In their
non-stop transcontinental flight
was equipped with an Exlde bat
Athens Batterv Co. are dff r\!bn
tors for the Exide and operate- nor
vice station on all makes. Rbar'
their announcement In this Iasi".
PBINNE, Prussia.—Oil Contain
Ing 20 per cent benzine in rcimrt
ed to have been struck at Olberpr
near here. It is stated, that tin
wells spouted as high as the loft;
boring towers when tho first strik-
was made. The area under i x
ploltatlon covers 9.D00 acres.
Chief Justice of State Su
preme Court to Be Can
didate For Senate, Is
Report \
ATLANTA.—Chief Justice Rlcv.
ard B. Russell of Ihe -jcurxla Su
premo Court will bo a candidate
for the United States Somite Ir,
opposition to Senator William J.
Harris, according to a story' the
Atlanta Journal la publishing Sun
Sonator Harris, tho Journal story
.story saye. will stand for re-elec-
tiru It !• accepted as cortaln. Th»
senior senator has been In Georgia
pioce the adjournment of congress
How can tho Parent Teacher Aa-i ,ookln * after his political fenac.
sociatlon help tho community?
How can tho Parent Teacher As
sociation help the rural commu
Thursday, July 5. IV.—How to
orgamze a Parent-Teacher Assoc
How to conduct a Parent-Teach
er Association.
Friday, July 0. V.—-Work: (Plan
ning programs; study of school
systems; attendance problem: pu
pil government In home and school:
H d*’al activities; recreation and
The first hour each day, t*10,
will bo a lecture, followed by a
round-table discussion of tho topic
Corning on the evo of tho ....
sembling of tho Georgia general
assembly and at a time when moqy
politicians are in Atlanta tho re.
port concerning Chief Justice Rus
sell’s amoltlon and purpose wqjr
the subject of widespread interest
and comment . *
J«dge Russell has been a famil
iar figure and on Important fac
tor In state politics Blnco 190tf
•*hen ho made a spectacular al
though unsuccessful canvass for
the gubernatorial nomination om
of a field of several candidates
Including Hoko Smith,'Clark How
ell and the late James Smith of
OglethoriK} cmrfty, J. II. Estell of
rs have spare*’
tho new funern*
itiful ns well */
ind Jhey 4lbv*
Who have. no>
yet visited this new funeral horn
should avail H»q«gM"Wr
first opportunity, ns It Is n re vein
tion to be aborted lhro';gh e*i ox
cclient an vtabiiahment
Special Prices on
Brand New Sandals
White Kid Trimmed in Red Kid.
White Kid Trimmed in Green Kid.
White Kid Trimmed in Black Patent.
White Reignskin Cloth Trimmed in White
Tan Calf Trimmed jn Dark Russia.
$8.50 Values
Now $6.00
Green and Blue Kid Sandals 1. $6.50
White Calf California Sandals .. .. .. $6.85
Johnson Shoe Co,
261 Clayton Street
Granted Her Divorce
NEW YORK—Omldlna Farrar
with distinction on the bench o|; Has won her suit for divorce again*'
this court for'several years and Id Lou Teilcgen, ti was anounccd Sat-
tho last democratic primary waa d.urday night by Samuel Untermey-
candidate for Chief Justice of thd^r, for Miss Farar. s ..
Supremo Court apainst WUIam H.J A refreree’s report recommencing
Fish. Judge Russell won a hand^i* decree, was filed Saturday, h<
some victory. jsald.
j Action by Miss Farrar was J>e-
Jgun .two years aog and In her
I complaint sho charged her actoi
I husband with infidelity with three
jHvomen. It was reported that
_ _ (Referee Harrison's. report held the
IVIaV"U' , 4af in Fast opera star had sustained her al-
maiACl III ugattoM on two counts. The court
recently struck out charge^ that
Jake- Bernstein' of Bernstelri Miss Stella Lorriraore and Tellr-
Brothers, furniture establishment, gen had bene intimate.
Bernstein Off
For Furniture
liquor Raid
Headed by detective Charlie Sea-
graves the police made severe! lt(fc J
uor raids Saturday morning and |
made three arrests. H. and Othia .
Dawson who live on Washington '
street were apprehended with
gallon and Robert tBurgess, a negro
living on Hull .street, was taken
In tow with two gallons.
Warrants were taken out ag
tho alleged offenders In the
courts. ,
Sunday Afternoon
By S. M. C. Band
From 4 to 6
Cool Summer Focks
imS51 Fw i***
TTB Select from this bip lot of cool summer dresses,
■ ■ ^ made from Voile. Swiss Batiste.
made from Voile, Swiss Batiste, Shantung (cot-
“•B* ton), Ratine, French Gingham, Linens, and
Organdies, your supply for this season at this
greatly reduced price. Not a dress in this lot that sold for less
than $6.00,*and many are much better values. Broken lots and
sizes up to 42 only; but wonderful values at this price for Mon
day $4.75
Pongee Silk and Tub Silk Dresses Special At $9.95
You will make a mistake if you do not see these special dresses.
They .are cool, they are washable, and we believe they are the
best values offered in this kind of dress. Several styles in sizes
to 40 only. - Special .. $9.95
See the Now Pastel Shades in Pretty Georgette Crepe Dresses
Priced $19.75 to $45.00
. He^6 ■ is a wonderful
value in Slipover
Sweaters; • all long
slceVe and most every
color. About 300
Sweaters to choose
from; all wool and
. silk and wool. Values
to $4.50.
Special .. .. .. $1.89
$3.75 Silk Princess Slips
Black, navy, grey and
biege only in a nice qual
ity silk. You will pay $5.00
elsewhere for this quality.
Special Monday ... $3.75
278 Claytoit St. *
Pleated skirts in
cream and white are
very smart. We show
several styles.
Specially Priced
$8.45 to $9.95