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Investigate Tatar I
Tv Regular Subscriber*
J1.000 Accident Holier Free
Inveatlgate Todayl
To Regular Subacrlbera
91,000 Accident Policy Free
Dally and Sunday-10 Cantu a. Week.
Daily and Sunday—10 Centa a Weak.
•Ingle Coplaa 2 Cantu Dally. I Centa Sunday,
Know One Another Spirit
Wiir Be Feature of Meet'-
inff Which. Begins At
8:30 O’clock.
Mr. Napier, Mrs. Phil W. Davis,
of Lexington, one of Georgia's most
prominent women, will speak. Mrs!
Davis is pnst grand worthy matron
of the Order of Eastern Star in
Georgia. '
!*. P. Hardeman, past grand emi
nent commander Knights Templars
I of Georgia will preside over the
meeting aftet it has been called to
order by Oscar Kfnnehrew. wor
shipful master of /ML Vemon
prevail. ‘ I Lodge.
Thp St. John Tho Baptist tele. I Mr. Nr Piet will be Introduced by
bration will be observed and pastjWUI J*. Erwin and Mrs. Davis by
grand master George M. Napier M^s. 8. p. Reaves. The meeting
will deliver an address. Mr. Napier I will be one of the largest ever
is one of the most eloquent speak- held by Athens Masons. It begins
ers in the state and is well known at 8:30 o'clock.
Well K.nown Surgeon,
Dean of University Med
ical College, Dies Friday
in Augusta.
AUGUSTA, Ga.—Dr. William
Henry Dougfciy, Jr. 9 dean of the]
Univemlty Medical College, a I
branch of the University of Geor
gia, aqd prominet Augusta medical
man/ died here Friday . He had I
been Sick but a few days and hit
death was unexpected. I
Dr. Doughty .wa* one of the lead - 1
Ing surgeons, physicians and «du-|
tutors of the smith nnd It wuu
Every now and/then we offer^Merchandise that we consider re-
To this
markable because of its High Quality and its Low Price,
group of selling Evehts we now add
tutors of the south and It was
largely through his effort* that the I
medical college of the University i
of Georgia, located* in Augusta, hat
attained Its high position as an In
Dr. Doughty wg« a native of
Augusta, having been born, in thlr
city on November 9. 18S«. He was
the son of the late Dr. William Hen
ry Doughty, Sr., and * Mrs. Julia
Sarah (Felder) Doughty. Dr I
Doughty was president of the Geor
gia State Board of Health and watj
a trustee of the Augusta orphan I
asylum nnd the Academy of Rfch-
A Sale of 450 Yards of
Exquisite Fluffy^Ruff
This is a thirty-six inch wide Pure Silk Crepe ideal foi
blouses, dresses, and all sport wear garments- Made
color combinations as-
White Mixed
Grey and White
member* oach from Mt. Vernon
Lodjse: Keystone (Chapter; God
frey de HonIIIon Commandery; So.
. Ionia chapter.
v The membership of Mt. Vernon
Lodge Is 600; Keystone Chapter
400; Go-Trey (\o Bouillon Com-
mandery GOO and Soionla Chapter,
Gowi Features In
MacFadden Magazines
The six .periodicals put out by
the Macfadden Publications, Inc.,
are now on sale at the newstnnds
There Is a distinctive lndlvldunlit?
about this group # of magazines
which In no small measure explains
their mounting sales. Perhaps ll
Is the Impress of their founder—
whose God-driven pen has made
millions think—that acounts foi
the unusual True Story, P4»yslca?f
Black and White
Copen and White
Jade and White
Rose and White
Navy and White
Navy and Tan
Dr. Doughty was well known In
Athens nnd had many warm friends
lirre nnd the news of his death was
-received with genuineywrrow. He
was especially well known among
the University of Georgia circles
His son. Roger, was a graduate of
the University here, several years
Ideal for Summer Wear
Lovely models made of imported Silk Pongee jn natu-
Smart white milans
trimmed with crepe
Dimmed with crepe
and Velvet bonds.
As illustrated
ROME.—America lias no mo*
nopoly on tho high coat of living.
Stnco May the Italian living coat
. , v
Right at the height of the season comes a sale of fine
bathing suits, offering an oportunity to get a fine suit
that will make swimming a real delight. Shown in ath
letic cut in colors Kelley, purple/red, heather and navy.
Culture. MoVle Weekly, National tl6n la further complicated-by the
Brain Power, Beautiful Woman- fall of the lira,
hood and Metropolitan Magazine Government circle! are becom-
The current liuiue* arc chock—a Ing alarmed at thd high commodi-
block with sparkling features. Pop- ty prices, wtfiicb are racing far
ular authors contribute to their ahead of salaries.^ 9*
pages while artists of note Ulus An official commtrtque reports
trato the special articles and flo that Premier Musaollbl will take
tlon, particularly attuned to sum' stringent measures to eliminate
mcr rending. Under the editorial speculation from commerce lo
policy of Fulton Oursler. super- foods. •
vising editor of all Macfadden Pub- Mayors Of towns- will be aum-
lications. the high standard set by moned fo confer with him and aUb-
BeiViarr 'Macfadden is vigorous!* mjL plans for cutting food prices
ral color with dainty hand drawn work,
style that is most becoming to all fgiures.
Don’t (nil to inspect
our tinun illy complete
collection of summer
“sport, milliner?
Special $11.75
Round Hat Boxes
Black enameled boxes, bound in
tan contrasting leather to add to
your travel comfort. Sizes 18 and
30 inches.
, $7.95
Princess Slips *
Made necessary by light weight
dresses, the slip is indispcnsible.
Models of Radium Silk, fine Sat
een and Cotton Satin.
lore Than One Hundred Million 'Founds
j l of Food and Seed Grain a Month Has 1:
•Been Shipped to Russia for Famine Aid
Kandy Kraft
Kandtes for
Prices $2.75 to $8.75
Underwear Specials
Showing a Saving
Nainsook gowns, round and V-
shaped necks, dainty bias stitch
ing. Sold regularly at $1.25.
98 cents
Gowns of White Nainsook, trim
med in orchid and hand embroid
Gowns of Shadow Batiste,
stitched in silk and ribbon trim
med. Colors white and peach.
Step-ins of Shadow Striped Ba
tiste, white, peach and orchid,
trimmed with silk stitching and
lace. Also Vests to match.
\ $1.25
Step-ins of'Plisse Crepe in peach
and orchid.
$2.00 1
Vests to match above.
Teddies made of fine Nainsook,
hemstitched and hand embroider
T e d d i e s—Step-in models of
Plisse Crepe, hemstitched at top
and bottom.
Hot Weather Toilet
30c Mum 24c
35c Odorono 29c
25c Spiro .. 19c
50c Neet 39c
25c Amolin .. . 19c
50c Violet Deodorizer ..:.. .. 39c
25c Mennen’s Talcum .. .... 19c
25c Djer Kiss Talum .. .. .. 19c
25c Johnson’s Talcum .... .. 19c
25c Mavis Talcum 19c
50c Hind’s Honey and Almond 39c
25c Packer’s Tar Soap ... .... 19c
25c Cuticura Soap .. 19c
15c Castiib Soap 14c
9§c Azurea Face Powder .. .. 89c
98c Floramye Face Powder .. 89c
50c Djer Kiss Face Powder .. 39c
$1 Mary Garden Face Powder 89c
35c Pond’s Cold Cream .. ... 29c
35c Pond’s Vanishing Cream . 29c
50c Pompeian Cream- 39c
60c Nadine Vanishing Cream . 39c
Our candy section is more popu
lar than ever since the arrival of
these Kandies for Kiddies. They
are made for children and are
pure. Candies made in miniature
portraying characters in Fairy
land—Little Jack Homer, Jack
and Jill, Mary and Her Lamb,
Little Red Riding Hood, Humpty
Dumpty, etc.,, in attractive boxes.
Swimming Shoes
Rubber Bathing Shoes. Many
colors and indispensible for swim
ming comfort.
No single figure cen give a better
«» of the magnitude of the oper-
1 ( : the American Relief Ad-
bought f rom tho American |
tr and hhipped in American 1
• since the beginning of its 01
as late Ir. August, 1U22. In
> 18 months that figure was V
t to one million tone, or two
pounds. The exact tonnage <
121 up to March 28. 1928. wh
graced to pounds, would give le
fv12,000, or an average of more
~a one hundred million pounds a
, Ola represents tho shipment of
••“tuffs and s*ed only and does
at include fifteen .million pounds of
■wal and hospital auppliee 'or
•ra y a million and a half dollars’
JRh of elothing which the Ameri
ll 3 Relief Administration alio
TOed from America as a part of
i aussian Relief prograifi during
lame period. a
foe food supplies and seed grains
5»ed 237 different ships and this
5 not take Into account the 1
P*rnu, trans-shipments from i
and Hamburg to Rnwian ’
ElectricHair Curlers
Another shipment of guaran
teed Electric Curling Irons. Get
oaf ihipments from tho United
States in small Iota by liners. Sixty-
nine different ahlpa carried the
medical supplies and the cost of
sr&v ' lnr,e ""“h;
Jhe estimated resources mobilized
from all quartan by the American
Relief Administration under the di
rection of Herbert Hoover, for dis
tribution in Russia under its agreed
control will, up to the close or tho
present program after the coming
harvest, amount to upward* of
sec,OCO.OOO. No ateney wen. out of