Newspaper Page Text
MONDAY. JUNE 2~, 1923.
Cap’n Grapejack wants to give you, with
his compliments, a cool, delicious bottle of
Take this coupon to the nearest
toft drink dealer and he will give
you, FREE, a bottle of
Coupon is good only on days,
shown at the right.
DEALERS: We will redeem this
coupon at the regular retail price
of Cool-Grape, 5c a bottle.
Budwine Bottling Co.
This offer applies only on Oood*Or»pe
sr.vl onl/ to dealer* in •
Jefferson. Pendergraet, Hoschton,
He, Bishop, Farmington, WlntervfN*,
Msxeys. Hull. Colbert, Com**,
Ccmrr.erca, Mayivilie, GllUvlIle. I
NmUr, Bogart. High Sh
life, Cr.twfcrd, L«**ington. Hutchl
Point Peter, Danlelaville and lla.
Determined to
Discover Best
.g^oncrete Sand
-Associated Press.)
-R6w after row of
ttles, filled with sand
filed away In glass,
eta Is a part of the
irary" at the *6truc-
Jb Research Labora-
s Institute In Chicago,
fcably .the only collection
existence, and the
tatyed on the labels
•gives an interesting
‘V-'pdrt' that Rclence
;jmiodern industrial
“ tibttry” ^as started
,»n years ago, and specimens have
)pon addSd ffom time to time until
hero Are ’InOro th.4n 2,800 dlffer-
‘bf sand In the colelc-
itiio board of education, the health
‘committee of the present grand
-fjury an<r-ttoTTtty*ttnd* comity mv
Famous Novelist
Blamed For 111
Repute of Opals
(By Associated Press,)
cilICAdOO.—Opals have lived
<Iown the superstition of bad luck
long associated with them and
have become today one of the most
fashionable and popular of gems,
P, 1 J.' Coffey, president of the Na.
tlnna! Jewelers Association, said in
an address at the annual meeting
of, the‘organisation here.
' “Mofct people assume that the
idea bf had luck attaching to the
opal is of Immemorial antiquity,”
said Mr. Coffey. “The fact is it Is
, less than a century old. Sir Walter
tion. The siiecimens come from Scott on one of his last novels,
.n-rry state" fh the union and from ‘Anne of Gelerstein,” published In
(\nnida h Cuba. Mexico nnd other 11829, set the myth going. He in-
fore I gn countries. itroduced Into his romance an fm.
ICacb sample has been carefully j aginary opal to which he attributed
tcstcg.jnifl results of the test ja mystic malignancy that worked
are keft fcfhe flics. They include.j misfortune upon all* who wore It.
the .^° specimen, the This fiction was the only basis
crandlng.Mil content and the re^'the superstition ever had, But the
suits of the colorimetric test for win 3 vogue of sir Walter ks a nov-
nrganlc* Impurities. In most in-|elist sent the myth broadcast to
stances mortar nnd concrete tests j the ends of the earth. For centuries
nf the
U. 3. BUY8 8HIP8
before bis time the opal bad been
endowed In popular imagination
with the heneflclent properties of
a talisman.
"There Is no authentic record in
nil history that an opal ever
brought misfortune to nnv one. No
tragedy was ever associated with
it oxcent that wrought by this fan
ciful idea in putting into eclipse
one of the world** most respdend-
,ent Jeyels and preventing a popu-
BIBB COUNTY ADOPTS Ilsritv It otherwise would have pn-
MAcOfw r > flJa.—'The Australian
also have-been made. The reasons
for the testa were to ascertain the
suitability of the various sands for
concrete €£|<E mortar work.
The ej^Wbients with the vhrl-
mis sanilSjjWere undertaken at M10
InboratIKflaft a part of the work
of escertamlng methods that will
assist the concrete user in oh-
t ilnln’g the best results In the uso
of tho materlfl!.
ballot Itilifd will bo put into ef.
feet lit Illbb county, according to a
r<‘comn|!«datlpn mado by tho Bibb
county Jury in Its present
ments tfffii'Wek. The new voting
system will ho Instituted at the
next iystem.'
It wn« apA-^ecommbnded by the
gramf Jury that the country repre-
sontatWMM!<? the General Assent- i
•MIDDLES BORO. Ky.—William
Atkins, deputy sheriff of Bell coun.
ty. was shot to death near Four
Mile this morning ut 6 o’clock. Jim
Williams nnd Germany Williams
were arrested later and aro being
held in connection with the crime.
Atklns/a night guard at the *n-
bly Incorporate into the laws of. lucky Utilities company po* cr
tho strftyuaiyl county the health ; plant, being erected on Cumberland
plan adopted by committees from ; river, was within 150 >ard.i of bin
the following bodies: County dom-j home when fired upon from am-
mlssloners, county nnd city Cham- bush. He walked about 40 pace*
hers of Commerce, boards of health, ‘ and then fell dead.
? 9; .
9-■ : New Statute of Washington
...... — the ba30 of tba nevr Alexander Hamilton
itatuo which Will bo erected at tho couth front of the Treasury building
in Washington.
Dodger Outfielder’s Hard Luck
Bert 'Cfcffft:.. Blooklyn outfielder, g«*w hi* to*
ether dp^jbll* in training at Clearwater, Flo. Dr. Hart ia ibownjitn-
•ed limb Into a cast.
SALE' *. 1
' White Enamel Meat Platters
Smal Size ,
Large Size
Brand New Aluminum Plates sac
Brand iNew Pup Tents, with poles and pins,
- S'Loo
The above are going very fast, get yours now.
Camping Outfits Our Specialty.
STOCKFfdLM—An order for two
passenger motorships for Pacific
Coaft service has beep placed with
a Gothenburg shipyard by an Aiders
company. The vessels will be en
tirely furnished and completed in
Sweden. They will be of 8,000 tons
each and wil fhave a speed of 18
knots an hour.
This Is the tfrst order ever
placed In Sweden by American
firms fsr large ships.
TITLE8 ROUSE WRATH OP !sacred to challenge hint to a foot
with mnglng n seditious speech at* SOUTH 8EAS
a meeting of grain grower* Iqst
January Fred McIntyre,, a farmer*
of the Royal, George School dis
trict, south of Caron, Saak., was
recently committed for trial here.
He was released on ball.
McIntyre l.valleged to hove made
the seditious remarks during a dis
cussion on titles, and is charged
with having said:
t count myself as good a man
King George.
PAGO PAGO. American Samoa—
Thv American barkentine Narwhal
manned by a company of “gentle
men adventurers” seeking stirring
life nnd motion picture films in
the South Seas, recently arrived at
A pin, British Samoa. The party
will proceed for New Caledonia,’
Klllce Islands, the New He
brides, the Solomon Islands, New
I would not be Guinea and Guam.
Atlanta Expects
July Convention!
(By Associated Press.)
ATLANTA;—Not less than fifty
thousand ^ks from all parts of
Amorlca aro exnected to be pres
ent at the annual convention of
the grand lodge of the order which
meets in Atlanta July 9 to 16.
The gathering will assemble dele
gations from M{iine. to Hawaii.
i**arf of the city, and tho
;! grounds and buildings of the Souh-
-lea^teyp, t-alr will be converted into
a monster tourist camp to neddfa-
' module several thousand southern
with present Indications pointing jin tli
to representations from a large ground
majority of tho 1,600 -lodges In | eastern toiirli.. r •swssbm
event! thousand southern
f .- . . - which will make the (rip
convention of tho grand lodge of | }y automobile. Thousands of prl-
Elks has over been hold In tho VBtB home8 fin aIso b „ ope ned.
Southeast, and tho first time In A Bpocla'l railroad rate of a far* ,
ten yean that the- order has come
The Atlanta lodge Is completing
pfeittrations to entertain a mini
mum of 75.000 visitors. The hotel
capacity will be enlarged by July
It college dormitories will be op.
erated ns temporary hotels, two
vast Pullman cities will bo set up.
nnd a half for tho round trip, un
der tho Identification certificate
plan, will bo in forco ovi r prac.
tlcally all lines:
Read Baner-Hcrald
Want Ads.
So he’s arranged to “treat” you through
your soft drink dealer. Simply clip the
coupon printed below. Present it to the
nearest soft drink dealer and you will re
ceive a sparkling, ice-cold, tongue-tickling
bottle of Good-Grape FREE. You don’t
have to make any purchase—you don’t
even sign anything. Just clip and present
the coupon—then drink to your heart’s
Don’t miss this opportunity to
become acquainted with Cap’n
Grapejack’* favorite drink. It’s
new. It’s different: It’s the kind
of drink you’ve always wished
for. Clip the coupon NOW—
present it without delay. The
coupon is good on the following
days of this week:
Monday June, 25 th *
Friday June 29th
Who is Cafn Grapejack?
n Cap’n Grapejack is a good little kid pirate who has a
v real treasure he wants to share with you. His treasure
comes in bottles—and you are going to like it im-
i- • mensely. It is known as Good-Grape—a new, sparkling
•rf* grape drink unlike any beverage you have ever before
heard of or tasted. *
Good-Grape brings you the. real, rich flavor of
sugary grapes—and there’s a good reason why, for its
wonderful flavor is derived by an entirely new process
, _* from the fniit itself. Good-Grape is a carbonated, grape
drink—full of life, and snap, and “pep.”
It’s delicious from the moment it touches your lips.
, It’s satisfying all the way down. Just try it for your-
I self. Take advantage of Cap’n Grapejack’s offer. Clip
\ ' “the coupon and use it NOW.. You’ll thank the Gap’n
once you’ve tried his drink —he’ll be among your \
r foremost friends this summer! ...
Athens Ga.
Exclusively licensed by The Cjood'Qrapc Co., Chattanooga,
Tenn., to bottle QootUjrape in this territory.
O Ml OfloAOnp* Coh dwtttftoo**.Tmn.
Qood only on
these dqyss
June 25Ui
June 29th