The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, June 29, 1923, Image 1

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    Investigate Today!
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Established 1832
Dally and Sunday—10 Cantu a Weak,
Fair and Cooler.
VOL. 91, NO. 117
Associated Prow Service
ATHEN8, GA, FRIDAY. JUNE 29, 192*.
A. B. c. Paper
Single Coplea 2 Cant* Dally. I Cant*
Hardwick Romps on J.f.
Brown’s Department and
Klan in Final Message
Retiring Governor Also
Advocates Regency to
Supplant Board of Trus
tee^ of University of
equalization, law
Would put Public Service
Copimission Member
ship, $ n a c t 1 Strirtgent
Education of Young Men
For Leadership One of
Election Laws, Decrease Principal Aims. Athen-
Oil Inspector Squad.
Urges "Pay as you *o' 'policy
for elate finances.,
llei'omnu nds repeal of blanket
provision for common schools.
Recommends Board of Ilo*
gents for University system,
saying state In “board ridden.”
Bays department of Agricul
ture Is too expensive. "More.
KllticAl machine than a depart
Recommend* complete audit
ing system.
Recommends more stringent
election laws.
Would reduce Public Service
Commission from t to A
Favors law requiring all se
cret organlzntolns file list ol
membership with clerk of court
In each county.
Would make It unlawful for
any man or woman to appear lr
public "masked."
Saya there Is no place In
Georala for ‘Invisible goveIo
nic at."
Advises against repeal of tax
equalisation Uw as It now
stands, saying, such action "will
be neither sane nor safe.”,
ians At Meeting.
A Co-Operation And
World Court Urged
In Harding Speech TRIAL
L. C. McMillan, Local Su
perintendent of Interna
tional Agricultural Cor
poration Plant Here
Dead By Own Hand.
Hurt Seriously in Acci
dent Last Year Which
May Have Affected
Him, Wife Believes.
Touches on World Court
Oeorglaqa representing nearly
every county In the state held an
enthusiastic meeting In Atlanta
Thursday night for the purpose ol
making plans to cany forward the
farm program mapped out by the
Georgia Association.
Among thoeo who addressed the
meeting was Dr. Andrew M, Sonic,
president of the Stale College of l
Agriculture. The meeting was call- Corporation near the plant Just off
ed by James A. Hollomon of the I the Whitehall, read.
Atlanta Conltltntlon. J Mr. McMillan has been brooding
While members of his finally
were , rushing to his room to pre
vent his act L. p. McMillan, local
superintendent of the Internation
al Agricultural Corporation, imp.
tied a load of shot Into his heed
with a Winchester repeater Friday
morning, reeultlng In Instant death.
The McMIlaln home la on, prop
erty owned by .{he International
Directors of the Georgia Assocla-' over recent business reverses and
Athens Music Study Club
Triumphs in Concert.
General Assembly £.t
Octagon Friday Night;
Student* continue to register at
the University of Georgia Summer
School. The registration was jex.
President Declares Need
of Country Is Co-opera
tion to Bridge Producer
/and .Consumer.
DF Flans Completed For
State Convention Of *
Federal Judge Dismisses
Habeas Corpus Writs
Friday Ending Attempt
to Evade Trial Here.
U. S. Commissioner Cor-
in Second Speech. Crowd! nett Sfl y s Court Will Be
Applauds At Mention of
;' (By Associated *rtss.)
IDAHO FALLS—Dcearlng that
the need of tho present is to short*
en the bridge between prodqcers
Ready For Trial in Less
Than 30 Minutes.
' (By Associated Praia)
NEW YORK — Federal
Legionnaires Hert
Final Preparations Mad«
For Entertainment oi
Several Hundred Ameri*;
can Legion Members.
E S D A Y IS 4
Committees Named By}„_, . ~—„ ' .
House and Senate For Glorious Fourth” to Be
Official Parts in Events ^ e f tu V. e , “ . Mee *
Saturday. Splendid Entertainment
J Program Arranged.
Judge Hand Friday dia
misted the habeas corpui
ATLANTA.—Plans *or the In- j Decorations arc going op for tht
augurntion of Governor Clifford M. big Legion convention that con
nected to exceed 1,600 Friday. .Tho j among consumers, financed In part
horseback riding course opened j at least through a carefully organ-
Thursday under direction of Cap- I 1 * 0 / 1 •»*. aupervlsed adaptation ol
tain Nicholson. This course
and consumer*. President Hording writs by which Abe Silver-
In an add»» her. Thured.y night and DominiA Did(lto
proposed a plan of co-operation
Uon elected Q. K. C. Ansley as this, coupled with Ill-effects of In-
proving very popular.
The concert given by the Athens
Music study Club at the University
chapel Thursday night was pro
pounced a great hiutohh i^
president to succeed the late Oeo.
T. Belts and resolution mcmoml-
Islng Mr. Betts for the service hi
rendered the state were adopted.
A. $150,000 campaign fund, was
agreed upon lo put tho program In
every county In Georgia. s
The rrogram adopted by the
meeting follows:
1. Education of young men tor
I leaden hip in better farming.
L A- revised system of taxation
that will taka the burden of sup
porting the state off of tho land.
Juries received In an automobile nc
cldcnt last year, caused him to end
his Ilfs, his widow says.
The dead man was to have sev
ered connection with the Interna
tional Agricultural Corporation
hundreds who crowded tho chapel.
Mr. and -Mra. Hugh Hodgson, di.
rectors of tho club liavo been most
enthuslsaatlcally congratulated b;
tho other noted musicians connect-
ed with tho Summer School Music
department, and others for ihelr
excellent work. The program was
as follows;
Chorus (“Trlnmphant March'
from "Alda”) Verdi; Womens
sought to avoid removal to
Athens Gaq where they are
under indictment in con nee-
principle* of the Havings bank or W I,J, .L. -C r* ■,,
the building and lone society. , ‘Wj® 0,0 e * c «f® “
"I believe the suggestion i.® ,d . 1 Lh “P man * million dollhr
worthy of careful- examlnaUon and, mall robber, from the Atl&n*
consideration,' -the presidenet as-1 ta penitentiary and an Ath*
wrtea. “I am convinced that Its en . hoanital
dismission will be fruitful of good} ** *
results and a reminder to some who |* what h- _ „„„ i
are disposed to take unreasonable ^ Unnwj ‘
tolls from both tho consuming nndj OMary h* Ntw York fed<
the producing public, that this pub officials and many attempts
lla has the right, the pow^r and thf .avoid trial by their attorneys,
ability lo devise tnsans to protect | Dominick Dldato and Aba Silver-
The president further said that I * t ' ,|n ' , * mou * “«nuty msn" con-
" a result of studies and investl- nrcled with Gerald Chapman't
Walker Saturday have been about
completed by the legislature.
The committees from the two
bousts to take official part in tho
Inauguration ceremonies have been
decided upon.
7 illon* he hoped to be able
"recommend fqr the consideration
of tbs congress a measure which
Jujy 1. Why he was to leave the Crorus. Bizet Chorus (“Cigarette I«i.a "represent a beginhlg along
rnmnnnv nftrr thirteen vonri rpp- Chom 1 * from "PiumiihH bhuii r*prt»eni a ocsinnig siong
company after thirteen years ser
vice with them, officials
plant were not disposed to explain
Z. A system of markets for crops I Friday morning. His
other than cotton not only through A. H. Maynard of CarteravlUe, Oa.
point of personal privilege
after the withdrawal cf the
governor and the senate at
conclusion of Governor Hard
wick's farewell address Fri
day,* J. O. Wood Of Fulton
county, declared ho and
"every other member of that
organisation” to which tho
governor referred In speaking
of tho operation of an "in-
vlalbre government" In Georgia
had been attacked and prom-
leatt to answer "that man fully
Monday whan h* Is no longer
chief executive of this elite."
trire lo Inrronofl lb- number of
consumers fos parfabaLle 'product*
closo ta home and to manufacturo
Georgia products In Georgia.
5. Teaching farmers to prepare
their crops for sale.
Lifting of the Immigration
bare to check the drain on south
farmers’ c-opcratlvo agencies bat
by helf of business men In tho
Development of Georgia lodus-
has arrived and appeared to ba In
charge of the plant Friday, al
though Air. McMillan had not offi
cially ended his connection with
atoned the deatrucUon of
gnat money crop and that cannot
(Turn to Pag* Sevan.)
Evqjqtjqn Is Rapid
These Ways
Tftsrs ha* never b««n a time
when conditions changed so
life bettered Itself
hen condlt
so consistently-^when the inven-^
tlve mind turned oo readily “
new thing
(By Associated Press.)
ATLANTA—Governor Thomas (tie Chamber of Commerce.
W. Hardwick delivered his final' -
mesage to the Georgia legislature
Friday, pointing out that in view
of “not only a possible but prob-
nble crop failure In Georgia this
year" he felt It his duty to Invite
the attention of the general assem
bly to It. so (hat It may proceed
along lines of "the most rigid and
ruthleaa economy."
In nddltlon to suffering with the
balance 6t the country from the de
flation of credlta and currency, th<
Georgia farmer, the governor oald
burdened and cursed bj
weevil peat, that, ha»
The Banner-Reraid. Mr. McMillan
went to a closet about P o’ckxft
Friday morning find got a ahot gun
His 'little niece, Cora Belle Mo-
Lain, who lives with the McMIl
’lan’ii saw him and* knowing of hie
cm farm labor. f worried condition and fearing trou-
7. Thn Florida plan for combat- | blf. rushed to the front cf the hou.
ting the boll weevIL ««M Mra. McMillan The 1st-
8. Community markets In all!‘»'- ‘® «/■ McMillan', room
towns and cities to rilllxe Georgia |b“‘ b ' for ' arriving there the shot
food oroducts on Oeorgla tables. | »*• flr 'd and her husband wa>
9. The Turner country 'hog, cow. j dead when sh. reached hla side
and hen” plan of balanced agri- ' hack part of hie head was
ctnlture. ! b,own oK -
Among those attending the meet - {
Ing from Athens were Dr. Soule I SET-SI
and other members of the college | UOH8CTO
and E. W. Carroll, secretary of
'Faust," Gounod.
Folsom (Jraaborr). wm
Acrnrdlng In Inrorm.tlqri^ ^glvcs York, assisted by Mrs. Oran-
Funeral arrangements had not
been completed Friday. The body
wai taken to Doreey’e Funeral
Mr. McMillan, besides hie widow
le survived by four children, one r
baby, four months old. They art
Louise, Calvin, William and Myra I
RaIIb III. falkaw DaaAAlnk *
Chorus" from "Cannon") Blr.ot;Yn ne ’
Chorus ("Humming Chorus" from | . 0n o of tho moat engrossins
/«i } .. ? ucc,n,: P‘*oldema of our time, confronting
di -f 11 ch °™ 8 from 1 »« countries and ail societies, It
2ES*> Leoncaballo; "TcmMo (h .- exorbitant cost of living." tb«
Scene" chorus from "Alda"; "LlNtlp,evident said.
tho iChcruplc Host” from ‘The J
Holy City"; "Waltz Chorus" from AGRICULTURAL
berry, (h-liveri'd a f laotore
Musical Interpretation" at the
Normal Schopl Thursday night. A
large and appreciative audience at
tended. Mr. Cranberry will be
heard a number of times during
the summer In lectures on music,
at the university and the Normal
Reboot. “
Friday night a general assembly
wo. 155 ll ® —> * l the Octagon on the
University Campus. The atudents
at the Normal,-Lucy Cobb. Agricul
tural college and Univeraity-tlhe
entire Summer School will gather
there for entertainment, refmh-
ment*. short speeches, ate. The
faculty will be seated on the stage.
sensational escape from St. MaryT
Hospital hare in Apnl will face a
Jury here next week.
This fact oMame known irlda,
when an Associated Press dispatch
reported that the two alleged sides
of tho "millionaire bandit” were
denied release from custody by
Federal Judge Hand who dismissed
hubeHH corpus proceeding, institu
ted by tholr attorneys
Col. Gantt Interviews
Business Concerns and
Finds Trade Is Splendid
For This Time of Year
Inga that batter fill eld
Now tonvanloneas and comfort*
■ro comlng In all tho tlm#. And
tho condition* under which all
things oro made end sold are sub
ject to frequent alteration.
•Tho rapidity of modarn com-
morclal evolution vitally affects
ua all. And oapaclahy It affacta
the purchasing power of our
Whether you buy- little or
much, you must keep yosraolf
Informed. You must know not
only tho good*, tho atytaa. tho
varieties and the price, but you
must also know whore tho goods f
oro to be Md.
There la onlyoonp woy In which
you' ean kaap your Informbtlon
up to thai minute—
IN tHi» n*w»fapir
Merchants and manufacturer#
are advertising In the nawapa-
parp (or your benefit as waif aa
their own. Tholr advertisements
ere messages from tho business
world to you. They toll you what
la new hi market* and atoro*.
They Inform you of oil test tho
werld of Invsntlon and discovery
la doing to moke your work
easier, your homt life- more plea*-
lo dot your «tettM*o «nd toed preb-
Meitte Jess 1Jlfflcult,, Advortloo-
ment* give you a IjSpwlodgo of
prieos. and values you can’t get
I . from any athtr iouree.
It baa not been very long alnce
thli Reason, was considered the
dullest time of the year with mer
chants. But little cash was In cir
culation and nearly ovr*v one -bad
their purchases charged Fanners
were buying not only supplies for
their hands but whatever their
families needed, on time. The cash
deposits of merchants dropped to
nil, nnd no ono expected much
cash trade until fall. The only
firms paying expenses were tlm*
sale houses. '
Last week I took a round among
the merchants of Athena and In
terviewed the head of each house
I could find 1 In his store about trade
coadltlons, and especially bis cash
sales. But I tint culled at our
banks nnd they reported money ns
easy and said ,the daily deposits
from their customers showed a
most satisfactory cash business for
this season. And bear In mind (hat
this was before the Summer Befool
Opined.' The foluwrlnk Is the IN
(Turn to Page Sevan.)
Belle. Ills fslhsr. Randolph Me
Mlllan, lives In Spartanburg.
Mr. McMillan cams to Athens
/Ive years ago from Greenwood. B
C., at which place he was also as
sociated with th* International Cor
He was Injured severely In an
accident on Lumpkin extension Iasi
year while returning from a hunt
fna trip. Ha loot control of hi:
automobile which ran Into a tel.,
phono poet. H. wap hurt so dan
gerously llltl. hope for hla life was
held and he remained In a boeplts)
for several days, finally recover”
Ing. HI. Injuries were about the
head and his widow bailees affect-
ed him Internally.
Mr. McMillan was thirty-eight'
year. old. •
Hla body will probably be car
ried to Spartanburg for Interment
Singing of Miss Elizabeth
Bussey Is Big Treat of
cent yrnrs alvei
much attention to developing i
system of agricultural finance, par
Ucutorly adapted to the need* of
American farm producers. Some
critics havo indeed protested that
It waa class legislation. Perhapr
It were; but ao ( suggested In dls
ciisalng the problem of agrlcultur:
In Kansas tho other day. It waa It
tho Interest at a vitally Important
section of the community which
has heretofore had altogether to<
little consideration. Not only hav<
no apoloky for wkat ho* been
done In the intercut of the agricul
tural community; not only do 1
regard It aa one of the monumen
tel achievement* of the last gene*
. ration in developing our country*:
iInstitutions; but I venture that w•
might with pro/lt (o tho whoh
world consider the possibility of
effecting an analogous organisa
tion to promole and encourage
through measures of credit, and fl*
nano/ proper organisation of
the consuming community In hot I
cities and country.
T have not attempted to work
out even an outline, much less the
details of ouch a system; but I be.
Heve it possible, feasible and cer
tain to command the sympathy oi
The dispatch did not refer
bond and it la probable the
will be held In jail until tholr trial
here next week before Federal
Judge Samuel H. Sibley who har
called a special term of the United
States District Court to I begin
United Stales Commissioner
Walter O. Cornett of Athens sale*
Friday there is no doubt about the
Tho senate committee will con
sist ol Senator O. A. Johns, of the
Twenty-seventh district, chair
man; William W. -Mundy, of tho
Thirty-eighth district, vice chair
man; John R, Phillips, of the
Eighteenth district; C. D.-Redwlne,
of the Twenty-slmth district; WT.
a Kennedy, of the Forty-ninth
district; Boycp Ficklen, of the Fif
tieth district; J. M. Spence, of the
Eighth district; Earnest M. Smith,
of tho Vbltry-flfth district: R. E.
A. Hamby, of the Fortieth dlatrir* •
and Louis 3. Moore, of the Seventh
Members of the house committeo
will be Representatives Alonzo C,
Stone of Walton, chairman; C. A.
a Dau.-'l, oY Troup, vice chairman;
O. H. Aubrey, of Bartow; Mrs.
Viols Rosa Napier of Bibb; Charles
N. Howard of Chattaboochee; H.
H. Elders, of Tatnall; Sam Ruther
ford, of Monroe; W. O. 8utllve fit
Chatham; Lawrence a Camp, of
Campbell, and A. 3. Bussey, of
Tt. already has been announced
that Judge G. H. Howard of At
lanta, who was Governor-elect
Walker’s campaign manager, will
be master of ceremonies. Other
member* of tho Iocs) committ
ore to be elected Thursday or
vents hero next Tuesday and con
tinues for three days, Including
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thur*-.,
day. The entfro business section of
tho city will be decorated white
many of the merchants are decor
ating their places of business. f
A stage la being built on the ter-
raco of tho Georgian hotol for the„
living pitcures that wm be a fea^v
lure of the program vhlle plans
for the big Fourth of July celebrv J
tion nro comnlete.
Wijh Governor Clifford Walker,
hero for tho main address of tbs
day, a basobnl! game on Sanford-
Field between the University t of
Georgia team representing Athens;
nnd 1 tho Elberton team, followed by‘
daylight fireworks and a torchlight
parade that night, one of the most,
colorful days over enjoyed In Ath
ens will bo put over b} the
Tho highly interesting
picture, “Tho Man Without
Country,’’ will be ahowa
Strand theatre the 4th and 6th
this wll be a part of
program, tho receipts from th# p|C*
ture going towards defraying
of the
1IILO, Island of Hawaii—The
lofty, anow-tlpped eumqilt ol
mVn""b.|n'g*hrought bi”cV tTAth^ •'! aun ". K ' 0 ' tp0 ‘ ln ,h *
nr-xt w«k for trial aftw brine told Hawaiian I,lAndA htti b,rn «ur
Of Judg. Hand’s action by Th, P""** tor ” r,t Mn, ° ,n bl V
Bannw Herald. "Wa wUI ba ready ) or *'
for trial In Ire than Ihlrty mlnut,.."
aald the commlaalontr. It waa ra*, or of . Y ? rk - »^ “V- 1 hlk,r '
ported In AUanla Ihla waak that m°unUln*ril"il»r and wrlfer.
thy two man would not ba tried be-;
fore October. However, action of :
Judge. Hand Friday changes the'
status of tholr case. It Is explained
. Dominick Dldato and Abe Silver,
stein were Identified by Miss Cora
Lea Ramey of St. Mary’s os the
two men with, 'satchel* of money"
Commander Rodney Cohen
the Legion of Augusta and
or stato officers of the Legion
arrive In Athens Sunday
many n fthe delegated will
the city Monday, including
of women visitors nnd delegate!
to the Auxiliary convention. The
Auxiliary will entertain tho visit- y
Ing women at a luncheon f.r tn4
Cloverhumt Country Club Tueiiy
day at 1 o’clock and preparation*
being made for one hundred
its with the local Auxiliary
acting aa boats to the occasion. 4
Thursday’s Meeting of m,n * nd womtn wl >° h »»« ">•««, ,h - |>o*pitai mi., Bam.r mad.,
J ® | Interest of# the country at heart. ? , P* C W WP to New Tork to Identl
I hope to be able, as the result ol
studio* and investigations, to rec-
omraend for the consideration o:
with”th«"i,ngin*"of < mIu h!S5SXSSh TbSTnSSr* I,on? Thu’
Summer SSTla . W? a",d prJiZ. -u.!‘-
who I. from U 7^u M, Sn a r ,> r" n «"^fuliret.nd moa-
aonga, lo th. ^n“h^of t™ *h<>««hl
fnamhaps Oka _ i.a ■
E. W. Roberts Made
Monroe Solicitor
Governor Hardwick hns named
. W. Itoberte, solicitor o| the
Monroe, city court to succeed J.
E. Knox .who realgnqd. Tho ap
pointment was made after Govern,
or Hardwick has consulted with
the Incoming governor. Clifford
.Walbqt, who lives In Mon-no. to
aae IfW hgd an objection jo.the
naming of Mr. Roberta.
American Legion Appeals For Rooms
members. She was accompanied by
8lgnora. Do FabriUs. a nfember o
the faculty.
Dr. T. J. Woo ft or made a talk on
the Summer School and two othe-
membora of -the faculty, visitors
to tho dab. made Intending talks.
W. L. Erwin, who has Just return
ed from Savannah where he made
nir Invoalleatfon of «ha done*
warehouse ajratem Bicce. made a
motion that the club, In coopcm.
tlon with other civic bodies bar*,
takolup the qncstlon-nf marketing
the surplus produce of tfcle lection
and the Board of Governors want
named, aa a committee to funher
Mr. KrwJn's.plan. mainly the -wi t.-
houie Idea for storage and naaem-
Next nook's meeting will be held
on Friday dun to tho American
Legion convention nnd Jimmy
Brace Mil kata charge of .the pro-
The Georgia Department of thn American Legion will hold the
blcceat convention elnce Its founding. In Atbans on July 1, 4, 6.
Rooms and cote are needed to help take can of the visitors who
are coming. Let* everybody co-operate and help out in this matter.
It yon have n room, or a cot which can hn nnd, plaaso communicate
with the Housing Commute by on Ing the coupon below.
Mr. R. D. Branch,
Chairmen Housing Committee,
American Legion,
Box 584, Athena. Georgia.
I can fnrnlah ronmfafor,,,men at per day.
I can furnish yoiLrwII^,..cote or single beds at rental of
.f.r.each. .. ... - j
My telephone number 1*..— ,,„. jt
Sign Here
le that the ahould give
(Tarn to page eight)
In a taxi-cab on the day of Chap
mi»n escape. The men wera Indict
ed by a federal grand jury here
some weeks ago and later hetd'To:
trial under $7,000 bond by Commla
* loner Hitchcock of New York
For several weeks a legal battle
has been underway to prevent the
return of the men to Athena wblot
seems to have failed.
Ryther Leaves
fclarke County’s Two Rep-J j'u
ATLANTA. Oa.—A tentative |
gram haa been prepared ‘ for”
annual promenade of La - BoelsN
deti 40 llommes et S Chevaux,
bo held in Athens, July I. 4 ondj
:»n follows: Monday night, July f
Ing of the Orand Chei
committee); Tue*
ly 3, business
ions of Three Most Press
ing Needs of State.
Colonel D. W. Ryther, com-
mamfnnt of the University of Geor-
tgla R. O. T. C. unit leaves Satur.
(day for Ft. Bragg, where he will
Meeting Will Be Held ,,u ‘) r . <lD J n * «>* “»»“»■
Fridav Ni-ht At
Iiopresenlatlvo Frank A. Holden
in an Interview given In the At.
lanla Journal saya that tax re
vision. Increased appropriations for
tho state's educational Institutions
and laws to encourage more Indus
tries for tho atato are tho three
outstanding. problems fdr the
present session of tho legislature.
R. Toombs DuBose, Clarke’s other
veteran legislator Is also quoted In
a Journal article. Both Mr. Du-
Bose and Mr. Holden dfcrea on two
¥ T C! . _ J measures but where the latter
nere wtuuruay wants something done for new In.
dustrles Mr. DuBose says the third
need of the stele le good roads.
Popular Newspaper
Man With Rogers
COMMERCE. Ga.—FW.ndai .
Paul T. Harber will ba Interested
to know that early lo July ha will
become associated with the L. W
Rogers Realty ft Trust Co. of At-
ten to. one of the leading concern*
In that city engaged - In the real
estate trust, Insurance-and ‘ *|
He accepted An offsr tendered
him some three .ago anil
hss been making preparation;
«r*nee that time to actively take up
his work at an early date.
Friday Ni^'ht At 8:30
O’clock in City Hall tq
Consider'Plan. '
being held there. The other officers
at the' Unly^rslty are also to bo on
similar duty thla summer and moat
of them ba?e left., ’
The articles in connection with
Clarke’s two representatives are
aa follows:
*Toombe DuBose, of Athens, one
of Clarke county’s representatives-
elect answering The Journal ques
tionary, says:
”1. A sane, scientific, method of
(Turn to Page Seven.)
mating- of various city and
county official boards win'be helc*'
In the city hall Friday night nt
1:19 o’clock fbr the purpoec of de
elding who*hnr or not the health
boards shall be combined- . * j
The Board of Health of Clark* ’
county, the Athens healthq»oa*d, th- j
county commimloncre, city c'JncJ j
members of the medical aseociatlor >
and ol (others interested In the i
public welfare will attend the meet-,
Ing. Municipal authorities of White !
hall end WintorvlUe also will be I
present. , I
Dr. J. C. McKinney, president o' •
the Athens Board of Health har I
prepared a bill to be Introduced Inj
the legislature thL year, providing ,
for the consolidation add this plat',
will be discussed Friday night
Combination of the two boards wll'
money and Insure better health I
protection for the county nnd dfy
and municipal corporation* in th*
county, It la said.
For years the question has-bean asked fn Athene every ram
mer, “Why do we not have summer baecbalir
It was asked again earlier in the summer this year and a team
waa arranged for; four games have already been played.
The four gamee already played were attended by only a handful
of people. It taka* money to operate Summer Baseball and nnle,s
the people tarn oat for games the whole schedule muat necessarily
fall through.
Thursday’s game area pronounced the best exhibition of base
ball seen on Sanford Field this season, with tho exception or tho
no hIL ao ran, no man to first base gam* that Sale pitched against
Virginia. The score was one to nothing and ir th-r- pot »■»» a
better loam, wearing a Oeorgla uniform than tho ono now perform
ing for Aliens It was a long time ago, • i
If Athens wants summer baseball now la the time to show It.
Season tickets can he purchased for $5.00. Get one and go to the
tlon of ofllcers and transaction
Hitch other byrine.. a. may
brought before th* convent!
Wednesday night, July .4,
promenade and lnltlatlonr
J. G. C. Woodworth, Jr., of
lanta, 1 f\ grand chef de garo of ,
; Societc and D. J. Mysrhardt.
grand c,)rre»;>ond*nt. Th*'
gate* on! alternate* to th*
promenade from the Atl&nt*
turn include John M. Slsjon,
Step./enr Mitchell, Dr. P. L.
FonvlUo McWhorter, Dr. R. C. 1
nnd Charles H. Cox.
AUGUSTA, Ga—Rodney
state comniHndOr **f th* An
Legion; Spencer L. Hart, state (
jutant and E. C. B. Danforth, J
«tnnt state adjutant, will *'—
Augusta Sunday mornlhg
Athens, to nttend th* state convi
tloa of the l**gion inthat city .
3 to 6, Inclusive. '
George Halmi has been made |
mnnent chairman of the
committee. Other local
naircs who will attend th
jntlon are: Harry Waller, H, !
I Smith, Bright Mct'onnelL Noiy(
Sherry. Waiter Martin, IS. W. *
Bond, Jot* Kinohley, Dr. J. C. ;
riott, William A. Lufburrow,
Shearer. William Robinson!
Albert Ingram. Charlie Stulb,
Cooper, Dr. H. W. Shaw,
Ferris, •Herbert Gray and Jolm|
Battle, Jr.
Charlie Cox May Be
AdjUtant-T ~
Charlie Cox, University of i
gla Alumnus, and well fcttonn
lantan. la slated for appoti
ni adjutant general of Georgia %
Governor Clifford M. W&l
Is reported.
Major Cox will i
jutant General Pope,
a veteran of tho world yrtf I
well known th Aden