Newspaper Page Text
SUNDAY, JULY 1, 1923
SHELBY, ,4J£pnL—His outdoor
ring fringed by a circle of more
tlmg. fifty Black *>Qt Iudlans and
squaws In picturesque resalla and
war paint fF^duny Gibbons, newly
anointed “Thunder Chief’’ of the
tribe, went througu his dally
dance with his sparring partne
•Saturday, 'jj- • ,
ii was one'of tl:c final workouts t
Gibbons wilLhave beft^re he clash- ;
es wTiin .tack* Dempsey here July
4. Ho .boked six rounds, three of;
them fast Iihil furious, tne
tamo and sometimes comic.
‘Cliff Walker Bee omes
Governor On Mother’s
lBirthday Anniversary
from whence he comes, know that
he is going Jo
and honest, honest to, his convlc
tlona, his trust and to those whe-
come in contact with him, official
ly and otherwise.
Governor iWlker’s rise to th* |
I governorship of the Empire stute t>i
I the South has not £een .meteoric
r R's e , ° f Wafton County Man, and Adopted Son of come governor by chance or a po
Athens, Not Sensational. Builded on Sound Foun- * ,ltical tr,ck - Flrst he wa "
‘X2s[S ignora DeFabri tis
Praises Work of
. Summer School
Teacher’s Examination
Examination for teachers for rival
schools, Clprke County, will be
held on August 3rd and 1th. i'ar.irs
<U siring to this examination,
must register at office c f school
mipcriRtcndent. Hooka tor roglftira-
tion will be oi»cn July 20th to Aug.
2nd, Inclusive.
. June, 30, 1023 .
Jul. 1.2-3-4* 5-6.,
dation a Career of Service to Georgia.
—JUST LIKE the reoulnr Sun
day Funny naper. EVERYDAY
Subscribe Niw—Pho
is what you get when you
send your car to us for
any replacements or re
flitical trick. First „„„ ...
/honest, studious, God-fearing \Yul
ton county boy who went througl
the public schools and thr>n canu
4o the University-of Georgia, fron
where he graduated in 1897, havlni
in Athens as class mates Travel
•S. Erwin. Judge Dowse Bra dwell
Ben A. Crane. Marion DuBose, Dr
J. P. Proctor, Harvey Stovall am'
Dr. WIN Moss. Next he was a
successful lawyer in Monroe, thei
Solicitor Oaneral of the WVsterr
circuit* Attorney General of the
stuto and now he is governor.
In .religion he is a prominen*
and devout Baptist and is a trus
of Mercer
a college
and a m«mb.r ol
the Sigma Alpha Kpsllon frater-
Celebrated Musician and Vocal Instructor Sees Great
Possibilities in Undertaking By University.
That the renaissance of Amei ■: l:cr chr.r:rjng, gracjnuv manner and
lean music must come from thej engaging porsooality have won the
south, the section of the United j admiration of ail those who have
Stat« s where the population most J become acquainted with her.
nearly approximates die pure An-'.Though a naUvo of Italy. Signora
glo-Saxon strain, is the opinion has resided iu America since a
of Signora Caroline De FrabiUs, | ^ ;3re ^ h,IU ’ with the exception of
celebrated Instructor of vofcil inn- i ^i^her'”S‘ “K™. b£
ho Is apsociawa with Mr. j fore coming south, three years aito
Cranberry at thq ..Inmmer School; she was vocal Instructor at the
here this year. SnU who la In | New England Conservatory
i ch:irK( ‘ of «• «**«*<* of those:Music, l.naton, dumg the has
man he i*ooJrrZ "“t?™ voice training while ,tb™ year*, though «he*hw miln-
lack," ami a member m f‘ r - Cranberry ,ta devoting his time, tamed a studio In Augusta, but
married miss
Governor Walker is married and
l He married Mis#
who 1» n huh'
Bosa Matthew
to instrumental music.
Signora De ( Fabrftls, a musician
•not only by training, but by heri
tage as well, for sho is Italian, a.'
though roared In this country, talk*
vith X degree of enthusiasm rela
tive to the great work that the.
diversity of Georgia has under-
4*ter of Dr. fc\ y. Jamieson, for- ,aken ’ through IU Summer School.
mer president of Mercer
**ty. Their two sons
aged I?
. Harold
Sanders, Jr., aged f
and it is useless to say that they
--e the Joy of their parents’ heart
Last Sunday, sitting on the porch
the beautiful Mpnroe home, an
the eve of .their departure for At
lanta where a palatial home will
be occupied on Peachtree road
Mrs. Walker was more concerned
over where the two boys would
romp and , piny thap she was moi
executive receptions and affairs o-
state. Put she is interested In hei
husband's affairs and those who
were close to him in his two cam-
kno ' v ^er wise Judgment
felt, and had
Who took the oath of Governor Of Georgia Saturday »t noon. '
Dixie Garage
Phone 936
221 Thomas Street
Cvor in -Monroe, a neighboring
ty to Athens, there is a shady
sidcntinl street turning off from
main business thoroughfare
lot of jho
re .built pretty homes
tujiful trees and surrounded by ^ u
| singing birds and playing children lc .j * a ,
Down a couple of hloc-kq
< n this street, the name of which
matters not, are two homes,
imposing but stately enough
•*ny city and with all the conveni-
1 nren and /comforts or.e would
want. They face inch other and
thcAfamilies who occupy diem
known throughput Gcorgla-^frorr
the proverbial gap of Rabun to the
light that is supposed to brighter
up Ty bee's marshy shore.
Each of these homes has fur
nished Georgia a Governor.
< n. of the homes is that of for-
Governor Henry D. McDan-
most beloved Georgian and
former chairman of the Board ol
Trustees of the University of Oeor
The other is the-home of Gover
nor Clifford M. Walker, who
yesterday was inaugurated
state chief executive.
It It rather a coincident
Monroe’s two governors should
Ive on the same street, facing encl
ther. Another coincident*—and
ne of sentiment—is that Mr. Wat
er was inaugurated governor
the anniversary of his mother'
Myth. a fact that he is proud of.
“Cliff,” ns Governor Walker
known and called by his thousand!
(<>f personal friends over the state,
.ym^ng and old, is a product* of
Walt-n county, one of the great
old dependable and stablo countie!
ommonwealth und his
and keen advice
Its effect.
Mr. Walker la the soil of Mr. am!
Mr., B. 8. Walker and of courm
their hearts Were filled with ao-
predation when they naw their on
ly son Inaugurated , Saturday at
governor. Mr. Walker Is a promt,
nent banker bf Monroe .and one o’
the county’s beloved dtlaens.
Sanders Walker, an elder broth-
of the governor, was a proml
snt uthelete and graduate of the
University of Georgia but he diet’
several years qgo.
Govern dr Walker Is
In Athens. In fact, Atti
■most claim him ni
son. He cam<
in bringing- about in the south
proper appreciation of music, “the
universal language,” by ithe in
struction which has been provided
during these six week’s summer
copra Mi—she talks with a degree
of enthusiasm that In the outward
manifestation of tbe very earnest
personal interest which she
fnein :n the und&naking, from a
music; I standpoint, that t »e Uni-
•'•rsity has inaugurated.
next year wlir be located
Charleston, S. C., where her hua-
hand is engaged in iiusiness, and
where *he plans to establish the
I>e Fa Iritis School of Voice Culture,
giving instruction in voice, nerqelf,
nnd surrounding hersolf with Mas-
tf ’H in allied arts that are essen
tial to a well rounded musical ed
That Summer School pupils and
Athenians are fortunato in hiving
nn art)at. of such rare ability on
the faculty this year. Is the con
census of opinion, of tlmae wl.o
know of the work Signora I)e-
Fabritls has undertaken horj. ,
Clarke Girls
Return From
Short Outing
Members of Girls’ Club
Enjoy Stay At, Pine
Tops. Will Make It An
nual Event.
that «he can
a relative. If not .
the University.
“It Is wonderful,” she said, "won
derful for this boautiful ilty, for
Georgia and for the South, that
the University”has devised a pvs-
tem whereby, during the summer.
•■'g teachers and those who hope
to become teachers may receive
im ’.ruction along highly specialized ,
Ur** that are designed to better t
eqMp 'tnem for their tnsk of 1m-« Thirty-two girls, members of
parting knowledge to the youth ho County*Girls’ club «re-.
of tho state In the moat approved lurne d home Friday afternoon from
manner. And elie atmosphere of tht a donghtfu! four days camp at
place—these hundreds of young ! Tops.
women assembled for the very se-! vjf camp was conducted by T.
rfous work of acquiring knowledge JJ* Industrial secretary of
i nnd associated with instructors of local Y. M. C. A. co-operating
-strangtM jhe hlgheet rank in e/ery, one of 1 Mra - Annie Mae Wood Bry.
i* ns feeh the many departments--is conduc ,an ll c °unfy Demcrstirator.
my departments--
Mvc of tiro best results
"AnJ think C\ the rare oppor-
Tlio' Rlria hart auch a Rood time
tmt they voted to make camping
here i
many occasions, has < ( mis
lev here. MV,. R ob e rt j„ McWhor .
have"" | ,he " Monroe '"id Athom
been „,ch clour
frlenda, wrom a civic ’, m d ,ocl7,‘
standpoint. ’ Mln
the, wr'L“™ McWhorter. Mr
Mra. F P scverul other sister's:
«„*■ f- n r ’ J? arrold <>f Amerlous
Mm P.,.?'r. M ?, Crary Atlanta
Mm £ U ' P -J°.*! of Atlanta, and
M Mr \-Jlc F e L d of f’aflsrsvillc.
wm, thY ' k ' r u becom< '' Kovemot
with the very best of wishes from
U.C people of Athens nnd Clarke
cnjnty, no muter whether un
supported him or not. They fee
a personal interest In his succ,„,
and are •pulling'* tor him. '
i hoi
ople, those who know of tha ate
Kelly - Springfield
a f-t # '; : ;r ' ;
Ibi^e-Prices are Subject to Withdrawal by The Kelly-Springfield
- ‘.. f. \Tire Company Without Notice.
List. Price Sale Price
30X®Fabric .. .. .' '.. .. .. -$12.50 , $ 9255
SOxfiw Fabi ic 15.59 • ’ 10.95
32x186 Fabric 27.85 * 20.35
3:lx|i Fabric 29.45 21.10
3|x4 l Fabric 30.35 • 22.30
SOxeL Cords 16.50 12.85
3fc»vC Cords 29.90 21.25
S X4 " Cords .. * 34-25 23.9Q
KtS: Cords 35.30 ' 27.75
32sfr| Cords 44.30 34.95
34jc4i/) Cords T. .*. .. .. 45.40 37.25
33x5 CtH-ds .... 55.15 43.30
33x5 Cords 57.95 45.55
Prices on Other Sizes in the Same Proportion.
• I • ...
This is your chance to equip your car -with Kelly Tires at
lowest prices they were ever offered.;
Ei-tS. Sporting Goods
W/W*ington and Lumpkin Sts.
Motorlife Oil
Company ~
Cor. Prince Ave. and Meigs. t -
» ,Tun,, y in ** 1 ine u'Tinwiry vourse nnvf
courtr In muale offorn! The entire ala . n0Xt A t1 ”?’ w
wooks’ inntnirtlon may be obtained llf _ fl ot Wo ^ 8 contrib*.
under tho-direction of this splendid of th ®
ttmater fern aura leas than the coat Afr ,,. P wS?’«nintJfiS^i! , *fc A T ,W /
of railroad f’ re to Ne-R York." ) ■ m PP 1 1 , laJ th ®
Signora Is tulenaely Interested In Oo .. who anroilS^to^WtoWiSStt 1
tho development of a keen appre- W ho inanmi th*. "z?!
elation .of all the arts In- tho south,
nnd espeoialU nu^lc. That the
talent Is hero, lag Is positive; but
generally speaking It In dormant
and awaits the awakening that only
sin'i courses as that Triilch the
Un.verslty"Bummer School has es*
UbVshed cup accomplish. "My
weric UeilB,” she contlm 9d, "is to
take the student who uready baa
some knowledge of music and. us
ing that knowledge ns a foundation.
1 no not bc, leve they will to build a structure that will en-
be disappointed.
Negro Health •
Worker Speaks
Sunday Night
who loaned the camp hla canoe
Joe costa, woo used hli motor
tmat for-tho pleasure of the gli's
and the Allien- Engineering Co.,
and Carter Moa. Lumboa Co., who
furnished transportation trf and
from camp. ,
The Alhens Y. M. J. A. granted
the services of Mr. Worms the
T-dn.trial 8coi%ary and tho eso ol
tho lod^a and grounds nt Pino
T<» HriR wtift attended the canr)
ore M Etti Finnigan. Oliva
which she was not aware that she
poMiessed. »f this can ho accom.
olished to k sufficient extent, these
student-teachers returning to their
hoa* *s. equipped with new knowl
edge of.tho vocal art are In a por
tion to train others. And In due
course, with the continued broad-
on!n" l: tho span of this influence
Dr. Roscoe Brown of Zn^ 0 r “ to *
able the .(dent to ntlllre ro-.n. I.yle, Cl.ertla xi>k. Eml J Mnaon
“ M ' h * h “ Uno Allen. WjS
Dorothv Hanenek, Florence Ran-
cock. iCIara Tolbert. Corine r..irhrr,
Mary Helen Henry. V| v |an Me-
Glnty. Annie Vl^ Butler, Tljia Mae
Flanigan. Maggie IhUley, Eva
Palley. Evelyn Cloti'elter. Mary r»n
Adams. Bertie Leu Lavondcr, Fairy
Clotfelter, Mag .—a Sue Daniel.
ngJhe'work of the Summer .1 m.^ Jo"T
Washington, Expert on ~ar°°wl P »SLwHieaa 0 tha 5 mi'aa1 iGouhe Flanigan, Mliinic
Health Matters to Ad-teaS
dress Members of Race. and . n ' 1 . a ?. nr M aU ? n m i,alc “ " Mrs.' Ann”' m m wmid^rrant '
Dr. Roscoe Brown, of Washing-
»\ B ', C ,; lltactor of the c °l r >red
HeM.h o ‘ he , UDiUd #!*!*•' Public
Service, spoke Friday n!-ht
at the Reeae Street School to an
appreciative audience of ropreren-
tatlva clttkens, and on Saturday
afternoon to « responsive audience
**• Chestnot Drove Baptist
church beyond Uie Epp* Bridge.
«« will speak again on .other
huiriT 01 *“ lu tlon and general
MMth conservation on Sunday
night at tire First a. M. BTdbareh.
oorner Hall and Strong streets. Ho
™n?S.„®* Pert wb, ‘ h' lv on five
continuous years to the presenla.
tlo° of this subject and hu spoken
f5 ° var “•* WMBtir carrying on an
Intonslve campaign 0 f construct!, >
work along that line.
Wibersvdr he has spokeij tbe
catowd people have responded ad
mirably and the leading white and
colored people of tbo community
”*v® co-operated tc make the
meeting a success.
He comes to Athenl under the
uasftices and by the special ce-
queat of the State;Board of Health
„9 e<1 Mrla- The Clark \ Comty
Public Health Officer has done all
IU -Ms power t > secure the co-op.
oration of the people here. It is
•SS*? Ih4t/ ^ ““^ting tonight
will be woU attended.
real act that is destined to place
tbe south In the forefront a* the
exponent-of the American standard
of muelc."
Signora De FahritU has already j
made many friends in Athens. Sey. j
veral audiences have \ een delight-1
ed with her appearance on vocal *
programfi, and besides her singing.
Band Concert At
From 4:00 to CtOO
S. M. C, Band
Palm Beach is the fabric. When it’s-made
up by the House of Kuppenheimer it has
life, lustre and dashing style, because the
fabric is carefully refinished and the gar
ment is tailored x with extraordinary earc
atyTskill. ■ • :3H
McGregor Company
Buya, Buick Truck
This tut gnawing and popular
impangr |a atandardlilng iu
equipment h» all department!!, and
have, settled on the reliable and
economical Batch truck to handle
.thalr transportation needs. _
Tho lettering on this tnitirla
gold and I* most attejfiltfdly du-
pany have
)/ •
Half Price
We have opened a Used Parts Department
.on Broad Street between the Georgia Rail
road tracks and the River Bridge.
We can furnish good used parts for all
makes cars and trucks.
—AT— ^
50% Oft list Price
_^See Us For Parts
■ Auto Wrecking Co.
All regular Kuppenheimer models. Sizes
for men and young men. These suits an-
light and comfortable. The Ideal summer
wear. Get yours now.
Men’s High Grade Oxfords and Shoes,
of broken lots, sized 5 to 11'
At $3.50 Pair
Metfs Shirts, With Stiff (Laundered
At 95c Each . :<
Or Six (6) for $5.00
Men’s Genuine Lorraine Seersucker Suits.
At $10.00
Lee Morris
Comer Broad and Jackson Sts.