Newspaper Page Text
j? Cents a Woii 'f
MijJMum Chars* of 40 Cant*
Seven tlmea for the
i' of fire Insertions,
-tftacontlnuancee MUS7 be
In person at The Ban*
Vald: Offlcb > ar by letter
»ne dlaco^tjnuances are
*Hd. i . i .
' want An 7u
PHONB . *3
'£*S§j»stand Found
Seed Potatoes for sale.
Haughey & Haughey, or
phone 1630. JulHic.
l»erfe< t condition. Coat
•n month ago. G«m»i1 tires, j
J)an tier *Herald. J4<
LOST—Strayed or stolen |
^Mark and white spotted
41eetle hound ,five months rot sai.b - f.«i> fertilizri!
old. Phone IS50 of call* N,w m " y " ,r
Roy Wilson at Banncr-
Hcra|d Office.
LoST-aKK Jjj'Nni
jfkt'if. Tender* picas.
haach of church key*.
r fot | |€r3 >| e |1 pf! rftT,rn ,n r,r - J - <-•
*Hnklnha^,A First Iinptist church. R«-
Sttwr f«>r 1923. Number 7’
iffAgno S73. .
TED—Boy to carry
s on Barber street
ewtown. Apply
er-HOrald Office.
IIO.MK FOR SALK—Six room dwell
c with nil mofk-rn Improvement
Located near High School and Child:
Street Kchool. Lot 100x200 with yteu^v
of shade tree*. A I .a r gain for’ quick
*alc. $3700. II. O. Kptlng Ac Company,
— le 1*89. • Jul»>
k, ;u*d,two .experienced
Inry to rltfht purtleM.
O 370 S. Lumpkin St.
! for paying guests, situated
t street, right In town. Mo*
tent to business center. Shad-
nelotis grounds. Cull 360-J. Jf,
good for long and sntisfnr
Ice. You save the dlfferenc
Motor Co.
Champion Retains
His Title When He
Wins From Gibbons
Fights Fifteen Rounds and Champion
Wins on Points
Far Rent—Rooms
nimrtrftent In desirable locatloi
j Jdilledgn
house, sic. ping porch and garage
Call 330-W. Jj«
By Associated Press
SHELY,—With the odds all against him in his
battle for the heavyweight championship of the world,
Tommy Gibbons, the challenger for the title, succeed
ed in weathering the storm of rights and lefts, upper
cuts and honks, for fifteen rounds here today, gaining
glory for himself but losing the decision to the cham
pion on points,
The fight was fast throughout, with Dempsey doing
the fighting practically all the way and Gibbons run'
ning away and saving himself by clinching.
Gibbons seemed to be vr.-y tired and hanging on
when-the final round ended.
Tkp champion walked down the aisle to enter the half past five, Eastern time. As the champion
parted the ropes he was given an uproarious recep
tion. He was attired in white fighting trunks and a
faded, blue sweater. Jack Kearns, Dempseys' man
ager was in charge of the champion’s comer. A silk
ribbon of the American colors was tied around
Dempsey’s trunks. Dempsey chose the corner with
the sun at his back. ■
Five minutes later the challenger walked down the
aisle arid entered the ring. He was accorded a more
deafening reception than the champion. He was at
tired in a long brown figured bath robe. His man
ager, Eddie Kane, was in charge of the challenger’s
Legion Wednesday *^ fight( .., were cttlled to the cenlcr of th , rin g
Money to Loan ,
it money. Hanker* Reserve
fi her rent lonhfr are modi
or farm property to buy build.
Improve, or pay Indebtedness. Ilank
Reserve Deposit Company, Kelt!
Illdg., Cincinnati, Ohio. JuHc
would marry If suited.
Violet. Hnx 7X7. Dennison.
Hot Fight Raised
^;In Session of
house, sleeping jioreli and
Call 230-W.
' .......
FOIJ RENT—One foul
Pulaski street. I'hoi
niffA Ilfs' rmdflf•; siflUliU) for light
oekee^ng. I*h.#fel3r,2-W. J*c
iinoM(spirited Discussion Held
'“'7,2! Over Sinking Fund.
Membership Driye Cups
Awarded Post Com
Foil (vtLfc — KllBHlI COUNTRY
Egg* and good Sorghum Molasses.
Call at Uanner-Ilerald Office.
A hot fight was .precipitate^ on
he convention floAr of the^Xfnerl-
can Legion In the first r#MI seHslor
Wednesday morning whin a rcgolu
tlon was presented setting aside
fifty per cent of the due* turned
over to’the department - by the
posts for a sinking fund tn be
eventually used in buying n per
manent home for the Department o'
the state. After inurli dlwiMriot
Robert Troutmnn of Atlanta get
through an amendment to hnvn'a
committee nppolntrd to repor
bnck to-the convention next yem
of what amount of the dues cmih
he put Into u sinking fund and t«
Investigate the advisability of
adopting the resolution.
Resolutions thanking Rod toy
Cohen and Iris crops of assistants
SCAOOARD AIR LINK RV. passed, tho Veterans Bureau • «•
Kortldmund Routhoound commended and the Allen R. Plem
[MicOO a Atlanla-Monroe local $ firlRp'lng |H»st of Athens, the city run
p Atl.-IJirmU:~ham-Mem. 3:1* p the local Auxiliary were* pfalsed
$330.00; 1922 Ford Touring. $223.00;
1921 Frthl Touring* $176.00. CV A.
Trussell Motor Co. J5o
- Norfolk-lUeh.-N. Y.
L p Atl.-Abbeville h>cnl
l p Atl.-Rlrmlnghnm
11:21 p • Norfolk-Washington 6:29 a
11:21 p Wllmlngton-N. Y. 6:29 a
9:12 p the National's program for immi
7:30 a grutlon was endorsed, and athletic
6:29 a urged to lie encouraged while foil
posts In the »tnt» wer* awardee
7:20 pro *:2® * ra
12:19 pm ( 2:25 pm
W- O. Rolton, Agent. I*h< ne 1*91
Centri) oTOeOr*!* Htntlon
Depart fer-Maegn 7:20 a. m.
! i . 4;« p. m. '
Arrive from Miwkm 12:19 p. m.
9:30 p. m.
, por further Information phona
J. Y. Ilruce. C. A., 949.
' Schedulat
Leave Atliena Arrive
7:43 A. M.*
‘ 10:45 A. M.** •♦10:10 A. U.
•Daily. ••Dally Except Sunday.
/ Effective gunday. April 29. 1922.
No. 6 leave* Athens T:45 *. m., ar
rives Lula 9:20 a. m.
No. 8 leaves Alheps 4tl6 p. m., ar
rives I.ula 6:45 p. m.
No. 7 leave* Lhla 9:65 p. m.. or-
r.Vc* A then* 8:30 p. m. . , .
No. 6 leave* Lula 10;19 a m., Ar
rives Athen* linin' a. m.
a. D. MILLER. C. A.. Athens, do.
Telephone 8t.
The class ♦•A*’ cup was woilJi).
the Chkihhm county past rimhh«i
thirty six of Ravammh with i |»er
rentage of 221. Ulass "II" h> tc
Thomas Henry Ross post of At
lantn with 254 tier cent, the clhs-
“C* cup by the Jerome Woottt
post of Washington with « '.Tr-
rent:|?e of 686. This post has en
Hated ns members every-exservU* 1
by the referee for final instruction* at nino,minute*,
to six, Standard Ea*tem time. Gibbon*' weight wa*
announced at 175 1-2 pounc)*, while Dempsey’*
a Juft Jiook to the forehead and
then clinched. Denjpsey landed a
left hook and Solid in return. Gib
bons hooked a left to the Jaw and
a right to the head. Dempsey was
punishing Gibbons severely with
short body punches when the bell
'.-langed, Dempsey was bleeding
from the old wound over the left
. Dempsey missed a left to the
I body, as they fell Into a clinch,
(ribbons jfoked two Ifglit lefts to
t!ie head. Dempsey missed a left
and Tom clinched. Gibbons hooked
two lefts to the head and the crowd
cheered. Gibbons landed the third
left without return. Defhp&ey rock
ed flu* challenger with a right and
•left to the head, and then nallod
him with a solid to the jaw. forc
ing him to clinch. Gibbons danced
away forcing Dertipsey to follow
him. Tom noked a left to Demp
sey’.: face. Dempsey landed a eight
in the body, and Gibbons .sent in a
left to the ribs. Dempsey shot s
left to the head and Gibbons did
tin- same. Giblums booked a left
to Dempsey’s eye. /
Dempsey's left was short In the
"i nch and the referee was forced
fo go between them. Gibbons
■’an 4I away from Dempsev's lead.
'•> a clinch Dempsey bit Tom on
’ • eh'n with short rights. Gibbon*
’’inked a left and slipped through
the rope*. Di-mpsey tilled him
bar k and the crowd booed. They
trad'd lefts tn the head before
clinching. Gibbons missed a left
and in a clinch pounded his foe
on the hack of the head with rah.
bit punches. Dempsey hooked a
rich: and left to the body. Jock
shot a left to the Jaw on his shift
and then shot a left to the body.
Gibbons nailed the chamn with a
left hook to the chin as the round
Breaking away from a clinch Gib
bons swung a'right and left to: the
hamps 'Jaw.
Blbbons danced away from
Dempsey's lead and clinched. Jack
drove two lefts to the head and re
ceived a left tn return. Dempsey
held Gibbons in a clinch punish
ing him with Joltinr rights and
lefts to the head. Jack missel a
right but hooked Tom with a right
to the chin. Gibbons swung
to .the head. Dempsey was short
with a riglit to the body, Demi>*ey
nailed Gibbons with a right to the
Jaw. Dempsey's right wa* short to
the bead and Gibbons missed the
hamp's next right to the Jaw.
Gibbons sent a right and left t othe
body. He found Dempsey’s nose
with a left an<^ backed away from
the champion.
Heavy Hitting Features Second
Game Between Elberton
Heavy hitting in the eighth in- Smith, Sahders <
ning. by members of the Univer- o nc ®»
6 * ! Score by innlnu
—* * 020
sity of Gorgia Summer School nine, ;
Dempsey came fn wit ha crouch
and .thev clinched. Gibbons duck
'd a left and the chomp drove n
. right to the body. Jack chased
j Gibbons around the ring without
landing a punch. Dempsey hooked
me to »he Jaw bet missed the sec-
md left hook to the same spot
Ik mosey continued to force the
fighting with Gibbons clinching at
evo-v emmrtunltv. 8hey clinched
aenfn. Gibbons hooked a left t"
the h**nd. and the chamn Jarred
h'm with a left swine to tlm chin
Gibbons b n at the chnmn to tb«-
• nn^h. ooklng over a right and left
to the head. Dempsey hacked let-
a cornV.- and then came out fight
Ing and fell into a clinch In the
center of the ring.
The crowd began throwing seat
cushions Into the ale as the final
round began. The two fighters
shook hands in the middle of the
ring. Dempsey missed a left, to tho
body. They clinched again. Glb'jons j
I'-ieked away covering nn from
Dempsey's onslaught. Dempsey
hooked a left high to th'* head :•*»'!
then backed Gibbons Into a clla h.
sewed the game up, and Elbe^to
tasted defeat' for the'second time
in the same number of day*. The
largest crowd'of the season wit-
left >the game^ and ,the fum)
result was 14 to 3.
George Morton started in the
pit for Georgia, but was releived
in the seventh by Fred Sale. Hall
started in the box for Elberton and
lasted - the same number of in
nings, Jones taking up the duties.
The firewrorks started In the
first inning, when Georgia push
ed two runs across the plate, **
the result pf two hits, and a field
ers choice. Georgia tallied again
in the fifth by the same route.
Elberton scored twice in their
half of the fifth. Three hits and
an error allowed the runs.
The game was put on ice in the
seventh for Georgia. Eight hits,
tr/o errors and a fielders choice
accounted for these tallies, and a
trio of runs were scored in the
eighth, resulting from two bases
on balls, an error, and a safe hit.
Fred Sale connected with two
triples, and ‘Top” Ramsey got two
doubles. DeLaccy Allen hit safely
three 0 ut of five times, while Rich
ardson and Josh Watr.on got a cou
ple of knocks, in four trips to the
Phillips led the attack with the
willow for Elberton, getting three
hits. Burch got a couple, while
Georgia . . . 200 010 83x~14 10 l
Stolen bases. Watson; two base
hits, Ramsey 2; three’ bug hit*
Sale 2; hit by pitcher, Uwjh, Rur-
nett and Sanders by Morton-
struck out, by .Mbrton 1, Sale
Hall 0. Jones 1.
• BfTTErt
Phone Ydiir Order,
118* \
We Call For dad Deliver.
Bookkeeping, Shorthand and
Typewriting ,
Snv<* CO per cent of expanses by
attending this school. The grad
uates of the Athens Hiialnesu
College always get, the best po
sition. Exery Graduated em
ployed. Write for ■ Information
Box 643, Athens, Ga.'
body i'nd loft to the jaw. * A°. Gib
bons came in the champ hooked a . . * . *
right to the chin- Gibbons hung booked two lefts to th-■
on and backed away after the hr^k rend. Dempsey missed a right J
away. Dempsey swung nnoth’) swing to the head. Gibbons uor’dst-
rlght to'the jaw and Gibbons led In clinching and when be old
durhod a I eft to the herd. He ,rrnf free ran away from the chain*
barked away from a bard right plon. Dempsey swung two lefts
~ ~ right to the head. Gibbons
weight wa* given a* 188 pound*.
The fight proved to be (ho big- *
gest fiasco In the hlrdory of boxa
Before pemi>*cw and Gibbons en
tered the big bowl, built to neat
forty thousand people, the arena
contained lens than seven thou
sand spectators with the reselpts
nrobably not sufficient to pay
Dempsey’s $9600,000 guarantee.
Gibbon*, boxing on the percentage
basis, will In nil f.robaWllty re.
eelvo nothing for his trouble, ex
tent a clmnoo, at tho title.
The ehnbenrer was to receive
fifty per £ent of the second $300,000
in come Into the box office.
With several thousand waltlnr
outside the two main* gates, re
fusing to pay tbe prices for tho
Hckets that wore asked. Jack
K'pnroS decided to sell nil the re-
^nlnlng tickets on hnnd nt ten
dollars each.
Several deputy sheriffs were
o'clock and it wan announced that
the main event would go on im
mediately. The money to pay Ref
eree Dougherty was ohtalnc.ft from
the fight ac«*6unt' in u local bank.
Dougherty was paid and will r<>f-
ereo the fight, Collins the match
maker announced.
The two fighters shook haiida In
the center of the ring and Immedi
ately clinched, after Dempsey
hooked a left to, tho body. D*mi»-
sey landed three lefts to the body
and a right to th^hend. The cham
pion shot a straight to Gibbon's
Jaw, ns he backed away. Dempsey
HwnjRg a left to the law. forcing
Gibbons to retreat. Gibbon* hooked
n left to the head and , repented.
Dempsey hammered Gibbons about
the body with n short right and
HfVfiriu uopuiy moti.1. _ wvra; |n „ c ,| nrh< „|. Gibbon,',
elvun pile, of tlio paotoboanl, anil u( |, waH now hlncillnn. Gibbon,
[j!^ I hnoUo.l n loll In th.' Jaw nn.l fnl-
wlro fonco n*nln,t which W |, h ,.| r hi. In n clinch
w A " ZrtVJ «fl"Wch followed JVnwcy Jorrod
wm*cment was rondo a rain I nihimns with n svi* uimaib.f>nt
•**n I’ellnr hills begnn to pour I
(hrniurli the netting and Into*, the
rtgtft upper-cut
The referee l^oke ‘ them end
loving cups In the memberahir ^. hro ! , J ,, iht * ' nT* Ih« Ikdmxmy* mtaspd f fl right to tho
cnmiwlun wn,cd ,lnce In.t hnndbiws and Michel, of ‘•‘VendT . ■ . •
clinch DeDmpsey
hooking rights and lefts to the
hall'-ngcr’s Imdy and head. Gib
bon- backed into th ropes to escape
punishment. lie appeared to be
weakening under the savage body
nttacl: of the cnampicn.
bons missed two lefts and
fHiipxCy hooked a left to the chin.
W clinch they exchanged punch
es to the head. Gibbons whipped
over to lefts to the head. Demp-
sev drove a* right to the body and
Idrt to the head. Dempsey landeir ’
a left, to the head and Gibbons
smashed the champ with a left to
the chin. He nailed Dempsey on the
shnie spot In a clinch. Dempsey
smashed Gibbons with a left jab.
d-urked a right to the bead. Glb-
* r,-,, covered un to evade Demo-
rpv’s rtmhcs Gibbons was tiring
• -4»’|f seeking protection
dfnrh'ng and running away from^
the cb.-’Tonlon and bis vicious lef(«T*
to bis head as the VII
-*>v**ded ending the round and the
referee poogherty tlmn held no
hand ns the winner nt
(he fight with tho challenger on
Athens Visitors
deputlc. • j ( lpa d., „ , -
Willi tiic rrn bbiln, down ■ oniiND TWO f '
the fir,t pri'limlnary to tbo big! ,
fin 11 rot unil.rwar on ichcdiilo I nlbbc— •••"” 'ib'”'' V'"b l-ft n—.i
tlmn Jiicb McDonnbi of Soaltle/tbov clinched. . on brcnfc-ftw,**
n bravy-wnl-bt with n mean left. fv ln p., » tried , lef. in.tbn bend
book nf.d Id.MHl In bl, eve,, dls- Innd Glblawt, clUicb.'ib, t Dcmpscv
inwcil of l-’rnln RnTlcn of Rochenlnr. I nnnndcd Olhhon, on ,H» Iwck nf
vlr tin. "I>rc»ni|i»nd Sportnl" In tllo| bed In C' , '.'!h nrd h'ni
nrlr nf.-t of.the nccond round. Hcbi ,nd lull on bro,t; G'lMi. ) o-
In W'lkc ccunly. Inclndln: Tim fight which wo, th« flr,t pm.
former resident, nf fourteen stole.
Clan '•!>" wan won by tjie Car*
Iloyd poat, of Carticvllle n new
ono having 178 member,. The com.
mander, of the post, received the
eup, and a arent ovation wa, nc-
eorded the Washington post com.
•SrCO r. M. minder, A. S. Quinn, as ho re
ceived the ono hundred per rent
The next hualnn* session will l.<
Thursday morning.
Fin* Painting and Interior
Phone 1297, Athens; Ga.
1'mlr**-** nn thn menu was slmplv
a mnttrr nf slam—bang 1 —and
Faylcs wan reeling. McDonald fol-
lowed hfs adE’nnUire up like n teal
flirhter. hut the bell saved Sayles.
ronilng nut for the second round,
flu* Seattle heavy rushed his op-
nnnent and showered b»m with
>fl* nqd Hghts. Tho licks that
settled the argument were two left
hooks earning all the weight anil
strength oMtbe westerner behind
thrift. Rayle* staggered around 1 the jre the hodv and Tnm cl
H** like a dnunken man helpless [ ndmmpv mnented '**■
and unable to continue. HI* *ec-
Among thoso visiflng In Athens
Thursday, were, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Tom 'backed Into tho ropes and It. Smith, Atlanta; Robert Carson
Hooked Dempsey on the head with and Mrs. Carson,’ Jacksonville,
a. left. Gibbons swung a right to {Fla.
.lack’s chin. As they clinched
Dempsey Brought short rights and [ R. T. Johnson. Atlanta; L.
a left to Tom’s face. |Pearrei Atlanta; C. H. Pattr-.’son,
'Taccoa. Ga.; Orle N. Thnrp. Llh-
ROUND NINE I« rtv Cltv. Ga.; R. J. DeLoach. Nov
Vork City.
Dempsey feinted ond Gibbons:
backed awoy. Falling Into a clinch.! Robert Bprntt. Atlanta: l». M.
Jack was short with a left. Tom i ’mall. Atlanta; If. W. Webb. At-
danred away from n left and ex- j lantn; R. B. Wilson, Worc» ster
changed lefts with Dempsey. Gib-1 Mass • R. p. Rlckctnon, Warren-
bons landed a llgnt left to the body, ton. Go. «
Rlusfvn Gibbons was gettlg to be • —-- -
n tough target for the champion, i Ga • Fusr** Woo**.aiff, Athnl.arj
Jack hooked a left to the nose Mrs. M. O. Wilson, llawkinHyllle.
Gib.ions drove a left to Dempsey’s J Poland Neel, Macon; Jo,ge ph N
chi nas they clinched. Dempiev i Neel, Macon. '
hooked two lefts to Gibbons’ qond I
Gibbons swung two lefts nud a* vr . f ? Paul.'Kndison: r. K. Gil-
right to D4*mpsey*8 head. **h«y ex- j Atlanta* S. If. Monger. I.e-
ebanged lefts. Dempsey drovo Tom j*o r *» u|»« Ter*.: W. O. Martin. At-
thlo the ropes under a bombard
ment of lefts and rights. Glblionn
booked the chamn with a right and
left to the head, lie then dug n loft
into Dempsey’s stomach
Travelers’ Check
I F you are intending to travel, it
would be to your interest to
see this bank about travelers’
checks. Tiiey are very convenie:
easy to understand and perfe<
k safe. /A, q
Commercial Wank of Athens
Member Federal Reserve System .
held Dempsey’s nrma In clinch
•tvotorl ,bo*1*' G'M*o»»s h’*‘ ,, od b rt
to ch*^ cutting D-'innsevs* riebt
eye Demnsey rrourht right ««tnj t<r the body miking Tom CHnchl
Tom’s mtd-sertion In clinch. Gib- Qiboas sunk a right into tho champ
■ ion's bodv and received two left*
s ■ , .
Gibbons landed a light left to the
head Dempsey hooked a left twice
to Tom's jnw, forcing him to back
away. Jack drove him into the
ropes again with jarring puncher
to the head. Dempsey was wild
with, a left hook but shot a right
bons hooked "p’ld Wt to head nml j 0Jl » s body and received two lefts
- ... . jFr n7 ed Tom’s chin. Gibbons was
Demn«ey retnllfated
minch. The** locked ; n **' J nrh
rounding each other nt the bell.
DeW»T»«e«* drove n rtcht -•»#* ’
much and then nailed Gibbons .
No othor water h„ th, wonderful t«t«, the Invloeratlng feel
ing that If leaven after aaeh gtau full—It’e delightful, yet It'd—
Drink It All Year 'Bound—But Especially la Spring and Eum-
• • mer-PHONE »*
Union-Springs ‘Water ii(fiW5Wr-
• o,»r<, M03 »*>
the Jaw with a. left hook forcing
him to clinch. Gibhong* feinted and
backed away. Dentpsty wan shot
with a left but connected with a
right. He battered Tom’s 1 body
with a right Gibbons landed two
left* and swung right to tho v jaw.
one’s tossed In tbo sponge as the
crowd rftreed and nettled « little
mare on the bsrd Main for tho
'rpvt flgtt on the hill.
I At two o'clock tho second nrell-
mfnarM had not started and It waa
Irnoiorrd ‘hat the delay waa caused
J bv fhc failure of the promoter# to
'■ ■, . Jr-Al-o^Sn mnnpy to ’V»V the boXCr*.
(’oilina. matchmaker, an-
7.- ' r*j l i? , re»’n*H that (he remaining pre-
{i’min>»He« would not he nut on If land left to the body;'
j*9 one w«*4 n nt Immedintely. forth. v
Uomiao^tn nav Referee Jimmy
{nougher’v nnd the other prelimi
nary fighters.
1 in the next preliminary Rud
ICorman one of Gibbons’ sparring
I mrineyH defeated Harry Draake of
Fnrland. who hailed from Demp
sey’s eamn. The men went
^ eight rounds in the -cml final
wind-up. Gorman taking* every
roum' and having Draake groggy
and Molding In the first three
"iinds but was unable to finish
Tim setnf-trindup. considered the
wvs celled off.
hare been be-
mmv Delaney, a conten-
»»er for the I Ight-heavyweight hon
ors and Jack Burke, one of Deipb-
Dempaoy waa .hurt qki
If ft. Hp attPmiHcil to
bon, off hi, fp*t
cllnchvil. Dempspy la JHithl
came togptlipr. Jack Sag a haril
right tnm Tdta> atomaYh ami laml-
fiil anolhor to Hip samn spot. Gib
bon, svmnc a rlKht tn tho Jaw nf
the cAamp at the boll.
w,i called off shortly before three
Dempsey hooked a loft to the
stomach and Tom clinched. The
champion poached Mm around llic
head with rlehts and lefts In close
quarter,. Gibbons backed Into n
earner to nvold two lefts from
Dempsey. When he came out the
two flrhtera clinched, and Demp
sey hurt hjm with hodv punches.
Dcmosey kenClkranrtltlf! Ollilsmi on
the hack of hi, head In the cllqcli.
e*. Dempaev took ■ left Jiook Ifeck
6f the ear. The chuiK.mfht • rlcHt
Into Gibbons body. Gibbon, took
'"rin • Mr. and Mrs. Tf. \V. Shftw,
^Iieiisfa, Ga.; J. M. Lee, Jr.. AU-
H. C. Hoscli. Gainesville, Ga.-
,,f . f» Gnr*loe Fort Hanning. Ga.;
* T, ~\ W. A. IJaycroft, GrrenvIRe.
these i Txautiful c
$1.50 to Tallulah Falls
$1.75 to Franklin, N. CJ *
^ Leave Athens 7:45 A. M.
Maxcys Social and
Personal Nows
VfAXEVS, Ga.—The Woman's
Dlble Sliidy clans of tho Uaptlst
church will meet Wednesday cvcn-
!n« at the homo of Mro. W. II.
short with n left and had the champ j Mrs. Dtrnn and Mr*. Ednn Fcrsn.
bin ked Into tho ropu* ready for a | son of Allien, ore visiting ihelr
aunt. Mrs. A. J..Gillen.
Mis, Dora Nowell nf Wltnervllle
I, nrolnnainx her visit wllli her
slater, Mrs. Robert Finley.
Mr. W. A. Shackleford, editor
thrjnf the Oglethorpe Echo, wa. In
right swing when the boll ended
I he round.
Gibbon, ducko du left to
hend. Ho swung a light left to! town one afternoon last wek.
Dempsey', head. lie naljed Jack Mr. and Mr,. C. B. Bryant and
with a left hook ta. tho chip, am'
receive dthreo lefts to tlje head
and body In return. Gibbon, hacked
away from Dempsey’s, left to .the
head and swung three light left,
to the heath Dempsey hooked him
with two. Jeft up(er-cut*. The
chum p sent A right ppri another lef)
npper-ent to tho A, Gibbons ran
into (be center nan around the rinr
to escape thO' rush of Jhe. cham-
plon. They traded: left, to the head.
Jfcmpeey missed a right and re.
eelved left, to the hewl. Gibbon,
shot two light left, to tho head n,
they clinched..
Gibbon, tried t feint with hi,
left and they clinched. They ex-
changed panrhem to the body at
dose range. Gibbon, danced away
a left' hook. Deianoey miss
ed a right to the head but hooked
u left to the Deed. Gibbon, barked
Away from a left and In a clinch
children motored down from Alp
ena Sunday afternoon to vtnlt Dr.
and Mrs. Leroy Bryant.
Mr,. A. T. Brlghlwell I, visiting
relatives In Covington this week
Dr.. John Mell of Athena, filled
hi, regular appointment nt tn
Baptist church. Sunday afternoon
at 4 o'clock.
**•■•. D. Bennett ban retunte*r
from Florida.
Mr. Will Parker dcjMrted for At-
'anta last Friday. Ho trill bo there
tor quite a while.
(Mr. J. W. Redmond, city 1 mar
shall of Lexington was *n town
Tuesday afternoon.
M..-s.‘ Carl Apullqg of Lexington
and Muster Carl Appling,, Jr., will
be the guests of tho former's par- j
enta 4 Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Hurt. I
tMs week.
Tho Christian Endeavor met
Sunday evening »t 8:30 o'clock
with a very largo crowd Iq attend- j
anro. Several of^he young noople |
rvie Interesting talks on soi— -*
Ujto champ hammered him with ra>>- i the. great prophet, of the ql|r: jhl
bit pnnehea. Denrwev drove u right '• Mr. ami Mrs. A. R. Jaek*«u|e.
am) tofu to the hody and hoot ' iMst
Gibbons with a left to the head .
they* clinched: Dempsey missed ; ajdav,
terete the chin but Jarred tho chSI- The
longer with sharp left to tho
ml,. Mr. nn.l .Vr, A : .!:■ I -
*m«a .—
Atlanta and West Point • Rail* Road Company
The Western Railway of Alabafria^
J Georgia Railroad " to! J'
- V . «10D .c
iffcek-end and summer oxcumlon fare, are now In.Jfftl/lo this
famoen summer rosort. A dollghtful place to Spend the week-
•ini' or Boverat week*; - — t
pi?re'are many ruuvenluiil to the heatl, among tho
best of Whlfh 1s the OoHANlO. Patrons of this hotel may dress
fn. Ihei-r rooms and go direct to tho beach thus affording tho
> Same convenience. In this respect as do the rotlsKM''-
Following rate, are quoted by the Oceanic Hotel wMrirfneluUe
meals and the privilege of serf bathing.
.* 4.00 and S. 4X0,1
i !j
Single rooms without bath ....
Single rooms with bath
Double rooms without bath ...
Double rooms with hath
<■ hlldrcn under twelve years 300 per day
For further Information writo to the undersigned: liuS,
•Jtiv Ue . i .
J. P. BILLUPS, General Passenger Agent|
—— ■ AUanta. GearglJLw. A
nH“i IffHnca'irfl