Newspaper Page Text
MONDAY JU ,Y 9 1923.
Aroui d Athens
With Col. T. Larry Gantt
. I city. Mr. liejil ,
j! in the Bander
| closing: out
I i open up lnrgfeij
j I MR. W. W. %
.’leading buslncs
I I land-owners, sa
the Smith She
is plenty of'me
merchant^ will
uucements an
his .‘■hoe sale,
iner to their i
avenue, he has
worth of goods
see several tho
RD, proprietor ot j grants^ brought
Store, says
•y in circulatio
advertise in the ■ . . -. -
Since advertising i people m
vparator,' to mov- j are German
m vistore on College I nI .„
' iold around $10,0;)!) i °^R CHUR
for cash. habhath vv
(tendance on th'
MANAi EK of MayourK'sJ^e™ *1®
- JS high class stores l "' ho
their bur incss
thelwhile and shown
one (If the leadj
in Athene, say
growing all
decided inipn
year. May burg
most persistent
paper and alwa
trade after one
notices appears.
; summer.
ays by advertising Georgia ever put up signs and
Herald they are often strangers lose /ime by taking
old slock and will the wrong road,
with new goods, j “
I MR. TATE WI GHT says the
OTT. one of our Watkinsville road ill be open for
**u*n and largest travel in about thi e Weeks and a
he would like to fine road built to he Oconee line.
'Sana German emi-| About a mile of c< icrete road has
to this section to; been finished on he Danielsville
• | , — v i ueen imi»neu on
is there “J* e the place if exodustmg tie- roa( j, but it will lx several months
lation iflh™ 0 !’ Mr ’ Scftt ^aj^ the Ger-lbefoe the work| is completed.
Snic of the [the Jefferson roj d. A concrete
ir eity and county' r0 ad will be built from the city
traction or birth, i limits to the Lamj tin place at the
77T, 0 „ railroad erosing, t id from thence
HES are filled to the Jackson li e a first-class
n students m at-;top-soil road will be constructed
Summer School-j it is hoped that ackson county
ats vacated by will meet us with a good road to
a o away for the Jefferson.
ement over Inst MR * DETTRAS
is nn? of Tif,:; for President leaf
to th«‘ir new-q
formerly occupii
restaurant, the
month. The ro
pletely remodel 1
one of the han
up-to-date. clo
i, J,dollar for speakei
[of attractive, ^nation.
: the entire logit
& CO. will move in-.
Ilf iters, tho store,'
i by the Delmar;
alter part of thi*
m has bocr. com- i tv
.'ho is the Ford
_ r in Athens,,
ill^ not spend a
iy a _ ..
86 cents. This
affect the home
fife tickets for ' opinion of the Chief
so does not * won for the defendant J
but only I ( hl» petlton :ur
or any other meaif to
personally pay-
campaign. M
cloic touch with
be in the race for
DEAN SNELLI 1G says by the
last of the past wi ?k there will be
fully 1,800 full-tei n students en
rolled at the Sumlner School for
the six weeks. WUen tho^e who
only attend a short! term are en
rolled he expects Ihe attendance
will he around 2,401. Every avail
ab'e place where looms or board
can be had will bl utilized. The
students under strilt discipline and
everything is movilg smoothly and
without friction. I This Summer
School is a great tling for Athens
and keens business frisk during the
in the city Fridat and says the
' wheat crop aroufd Winterville
'threshed out from Your and a half
to thirteen bushels her acre. Farm*-
era are keeping tie boll weevil
(down by the use ff poison. Mr.
Pittard says the I ravages of the
, worm on early corif has been abat-'
icd by the use of I poison, but he
thinks the dry weltner had much
to do with killing Ait the pest.
er neatwArnoldsvillf. in Oglethorpe
county, brought lo town threo
home-raised hams* that weighed
ninety pounds, and bold them at 25
cents per pound, A son of Mr.
Tom Erwin also lfought in some
home-raised meat! *This is a
pointer to indepen|encc and pros*
MR. TOM ERW#4, near Winter
ville, threshed 400 bushels of wheat
and 700 bushels ofLats. His small
grain crop turned #ut all right ]
is using the Hill {Mixture on 1
cotton and gays after three appli
cations he cannot find a\boll wee-
Farmcra repAt that they i
destroying the welvil with .poison
and will this ycal make a cotton
crop, but it is vefr late and back-
BY THE FIR® 1 of next month
work will star! remodeling tho
stores on Claytori street, to be va
cated by H. J. fteid & Company
French stronghold w h 3,000 men
end won ■ lasting vk ory for Brit
ish arms. Both Wo e and Mont
calm, the French lea er, met their
deaths through this lattle. That
the victory waa one if more than
military prestige ia reclaimed by
the stately shaft the stands in the
Governor's Garden i »ve Dufferin
!uebec is eaaenti Iiy .a -eity of
luraent*. Every id bouse and
■th is wreathed in histoHcal
and legend and nany modern
lings occupy fan us sites. As
years pass by, i e number of
** and marbl memorials
o In honor of n s who were
noting character in the early Terrace between thi Citadel and
•he city and pr rinee as well ~ “
military heroes,
e over a century Quebec"
* constantly a ittie-grounj
>ch a Britiab-Fre ch dud was
■ J*!*® was end ed the long
of the Iroquois ndian war-
ii? r ®. ®ere stage the sieges
rairai Kirk in 1*2 and of Sir
-n Phipa in ifck But the
11 bought jrer these
cliffs wiwdhat otthe Plains
Chateau Frontcnac, i nd which waa
raised to the roemor of these two
However, not < iiy military
achievements are a lociated with
the Plaina ot Abral im, but they
remind us of Abrahi n Martin, the
first Canadian Scot nan and the
first St Lawrence B er, pilot, who
■olfe stealthily seaiid the sup-
y impregnable waps of the
nest, practised
tanght himself to I
Lawrence Elver, th
self the first and
pilot on the r"
which passed
New France and 1
Besides the Wolfel
monument there is a I
Wolfe, another t
ing on a protnl
whole city spread t
der: and (till another f
to Queen Victoria. Other memori
als are scattered about be city's
outskirts, including one t Jacques
Cartier, the discoverer o Canadas
and a 66-foot fluted brun i column
bearing on opposite sides t e names
of Murray and do Levis and the
arms of the British and 1 rench.
Every foot of ground In this
ancient capital ia historic ground:
the Post Office stands on t! i site of
an Indian Fort built in 1 49; the
Roman Catholic .Semins y and
Laval University occupy t e farm
of Louis Hebert, the land f which
be cleared and on which te built
the first house in Quebec,' hOe the
Louis, colonial hen
years, part of tho fd
stones of the old structm-
included in today’s modem hotel.
Judge Op]
To “Blood
Savors of
Louisiana S
Court Justice
Against Such
p r e m e
(By AsaodaU
teMtlmony” s.-ivors
according to Charfta
Chief Justice of th
prcpie Court, dissifitini
miijority upholding
for murder, ‘‘and 1
ns witchcraft itsel
affirmed the convi
ell Davis, of F
found guilty becaui
fied a dog followe
the scene of the
brought up at Davi
ter mile nway, but
Iwps sentencea
'•The ruling th
admissible is conti]
weight of authority riid is viola
tive «»f tho fundamental right oi
an accused person in bo faced by
and to cross examine tnc xvltnesh
against him,"* said Itho Chief Jus
tlce. "In a sense,!ot course, I'
may ho said that/the bloodhound
does not testify, Jnat his conduc*
is the subject offl the testimony
merely as the ciirumstanee show
ing guilt of the lierson trailed bj
the hound. But I this statement
St hat the hlondholnd does
could not give Iny reason for hi
<!xpert opinion. rThe ndmlnistration
of justiro is a m-ju-tiea! affair
"Borne men pit more credence ir.
iriL uncunny unexplainable clr-
imatanees tha t they accord t<
d some have mor*
faith even in ui'diumi.stic mcssngef
from pjanchetfos
The so-called
rnony.’ Doing unedhainable, an von
of Bti per^t it Ion, n/d ia ns barbar
ous and dreadful/as witchcraft It-
Read Badner-Herald
Want Ads.
Want Ads.
Frigiid: Fai’n'.srctjes jSt)idy Canadian Crops
tlfy, is only skin
hound. In such
export witness, |
nny reason for
of the guilt of i
A. O’Neill
Lioulslann Su
r from *
The. court To admit ndi lit
of Mitch- is the snme ns
In parish mony of looker
it was testi- j missihle to prov
trail from j ins ^Ith
murder and I simji trailed tie
home a quarjnnd pointed hin
'deep. The blood-
a supposed
vho cannot give
lis expert opinion
person whom h<
the dissenting party even if
such testimony
to say that testi-
ouid he nd
that n human be-
mormnl senso of
person on trin‘
lit os the guilt?
he human being
Four farm<
taken at Monti
'’nd di
ettes have nrrlv«I in Canada from
al, show:* (left to rigitt) Hir Henry
lilpa to tlM>|girlsi ( titelia Wolfe
Joan Mocrei
in gland to study arglcultural conditions. This photo,
’hornten, president Of the Canadian Nntlonal Railway*
Murray (chaperon), Emma Absolcn, Ivy Townsend, MR-
LEFT ALONE! A Slieiit Sermon
Worn j:
Finaiitt ial
lii 2
The ev
ling of ar
down in
listed bel >
efl-present danger of
uncertain. In the
eye” a strong, alert
leath or made a crij
hs ppen to YOU ?
w be a blessing ?
W Ortfl To » fare-paying pa-»cngor
» v ‘ V a passenger in a private mr
vehlolr which if wrecked In an areirient.
po cvhokler the *um of Ona Thousa
I - Roth Feet. Both Homu*. or Hisl
nd One Foot. Either Hand of *
of Om
hide 1.
policy ol
Either I
hfch Is wrecked In an accident, t e
older the sum of Five Hundred >r
Hand Either Foot, or the Sight (of
To Pedestrians struck, knock*?'
* ‘ arawn v* »lcl<
n Readers o:
Travel Acciden
proverbial, “twink
man may be strucl
pie for life. Wha
Would the benefit
( ktualty Company of
leath or injuriea caua-
•ublfc conveyance or
ren or horse-drawn
the Company / will pay
d Bolhtrs for Loss of
of Both Eyes, or One
Foot and tho Sight
public conveyance <
dre'd ftid Fifty Dollars for Lose of Life
illcy ol«ler* injured whlta traveling ai a
pn lie vehicle according A the tern
celve ie - - _
a perl 4
» acre „ . .
. — Ten Dollars per week
__ not exceeding three consecutive
R (ffiitration, Identification and
Benefit—?IC )
Tha Company will after receiving notice i<
m up to Oim* Hundred Ifolla «
In the hands of frlenus If/
with friend* because of aecfdct
c^yl thi,
B.R Blocdworth
of this City.
A few mi rates’ time TODA f to secure one o
these poli ies may be the biggest paying effort ol
your entii j life.
A few str kes of your pen or pencil and a Trave
Accident Policy for $1000 is yours withou
spending (>ne Red Cent for il,
The Ramu ^
if Accident ~
for the Loss yf
Either Eye.
run over by a
Public Il'gh-
the sum of Two Hun-
passenger in a public *
the policy, will re-
•ottlly disabled for
provided tn tha policy
o care Tor and Place a
>|cred unable to com-
itional Casualty Co.,
ollclss and Settl#
Herald Wh
Suddenly Took
Her U
t Would be YOUR
Him” from You?
“Advertigenu*r4 are Copyrigh
Infringements wjlbbo pmnecuted.
d offers a protection that
have. It does not add a pre-
irculation because old readers
ween the ages of 15 and 70
to the benefits.
The Banner-]
every home shoul 1
mium to increase
as well as new be
years are entitled
You Can Ge
There is no “red tai e” about it—no medical ex
amination—it’s easy to get and costs the subscrib
er nothing. All that is necessary is to fill out the
coupon shown below and then comply with the
simple requirements! Nobody can afford to
pass such an opportunity.
Absolutely FREE a
lor $1091)
P AtheBi. 0«..
Athena, Oa. 1
— . im.
(Circulation Department)
In consideration ot my antwc
Daily nnd Sunday for a pell
mn-AC to pay tha regular aubi
FREE, tha Travel Accident |
Deliver the paper aa follow*:!
rtptlon for Tha Banner-Herald.
XI of ONB YEAR, for which 1
■crlption price, I am to receive
laurance Policy described by ro«.
AMjipgaa J
If yog are at present a si
subscriber*, as well a* new. i
, of the Travel Accident Invun
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require a was* or tea days.
huTa*** fakirs
a have been verified. This may
Ft ;e Offer of a $1,000 Travel Acciden : Insurance Policy to All lt_
Readers, New or Old. GET YOURS TOMORROW