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YPL. 91. NO- 127
Associated Press Servlet
A. B. C. Paper
Single Copies 2 Cents Dally. I Cants Sunday.
Athens Workman Falls 30 Feel? Near Death
-M 1 4H 1
-*• j J.
T A' } T i
•I* *!* •£•
Committees From Jeffer
son, Pendergrass and
Talmo Confer With Re
ceivers of Railroad Wed
Abandon Hope
(8paelal To Bannor-Horald)
.JKFFERBON, da.—Business mer
of Jefferson* PendergraM, Tal
mo, who will be affected by the
proposed suspension of the Gaines*
vllIe Midland railroad from Bel* j
mont to Athens, Wednesday were
making a strong plea to have the
receivers for the railroad, withdraw
their petition with the U. 8. Dis
trict Court.
Stirred to action by publication
of the suspension story In the
Athens Banner-Herald of Tuesday
afternoon, committees from Jeffer
son, Pendergrass and Talmo went
to Gainesville Wednesday to confei
with W. B. Veasy. one of the re
celvers, and urge him not to seel
discontinuance of the line from
Belmont to Athens.
The committee from Jeffersoi
was composed of M. M. Bryan
John C. Turner and Homer Han*
cock. They will ask that the en
tire line be retained and if thlt
falls will seek to hold that par
which runs from Belmont to Jef
ferson, making Jeffsraon the ter
minus. The towns affected arc
looking to Athens for support t?
their #ght to retain the service
of the Gainesville Midland.
The reaaon given for wishing t<
discontinue the service on this pari
of the line is that the receivers may
be enabled to make operating ex*
penses on the remainder of the
line. The road runs from Gaines*
vllle to Belmont where It branche#
off to Athena and Monroe, the
Monroe line running to Wlndef
where the Seaboard Is tapped. At
Monroe the Georgia railroad !r
touched by the branch line from
Social Circle
Lieutenant Telford B. Null, aid
to Both. Little hope is held foi
him, although he is believed tc
have put on a life preserver lie-
fore having the balloon which wa
found In Lake^Brie.
Statements Made By Party
Leaders Proves Interesting
Chairman New York State Republican Committee
Twelve Die of Heat Pros
trations. Five More
Names Added Following
Electric Storm,
(By Associated Press.)
Refuses Answer to Anti-Saloon League.
National Committeeman to Fight
Ford Boom. Liquor Not Be
National Issue.
(By Associated Press.) • Peril (or president by either the
NEW YORK — Politicians Wei- ' Republican or Democratic parties
nesday sre reflecting on three •»- if^’T.o the enV*
nouncements by party leaden here. Herbwt p eU , chairman' of the
which have a direct bearing ou
next year’s national campalgna.
George Morris, chairman of tho
CHICAGO.—Plunging from one Republican State Committee,
extreme of weather, searing heat to atated that be would not reply to
-noline nine, which were followed the recent menage from tho
by terrific lightning storms this 'Anti-Saloon League of America,
city jumped tram tne frying pan which aaked, “Doee the RepoblW
into something just as bad Tuerdoy can leade „ hlp ot New y ork , n _
nl » iv. vi v v done President Harding without u-.n
t „ delineation or does It continue to'cance was attached to the state-
Mrs, Robert Berner of
Macon, State Chairman
Of Legislation, is Princi
pal Speaker on Legisla
Qeorgla club women wen urged
Loses Life
Democratic State Committee, said
that he believed that prohibition
wonld not bo one of the Issues of
the next national campaign, ex-
cept possibly to tho extent of Its l® push proposed legislation which
enforcement as exemplified by the i« being supported by the Stats
Interference by the government In Federation at the Wednesday mor- |
the every day attain of the peo- ,»l«* session here of the special j
pie of this country. 'course at tha University Bummer I
(Particular interest and algnlfl- Schoot , vjK' ISjl!
< . * . 4UBIUIMIUUU u* uucb h LuuuuuD w canoe w33 attached to the state-' Mrs. Robert (Berner of Macon,!_
tr^from P New°York Into l5ie 0 fllr of harmony with there- ’,ment by chairman Poll in view of chairman of theJegialaUve^commlt- j Navy fcjjioon which was wrecked
.. . «~* v. - — ■ ■ - - " - ' * **“ “ “** - waa found
Lieutenant Louis J. Both,
• Lakehurat, N. J., pilot of the U. 8
DuBose Denies
I ewpifprino- citizens here * And thei York ’ announced that he .had called for ,the — ...
5n torrents of It ” “Ah 8ta rted * n active campaign to prohibition statute, to run for the Board of Public Welfare. Women
m " ... hlnrtr tho nomination of Uanrt ' ‘‘ *-
He Helped Frame that , ”bettor,”thy'L'ame’cltixenssld; block * ta nomination of Henry .presidency,
at np mjt Then came the ironic part ot it
New I ax Measure A terribletbundei*tom begjn.
itieing up traffic hi the city for
j hours, and doing a great deal of
Says Tax Bill on Giga- ?„T!LS t'LlS 3SSTJtt
Remains of Navy Balloon
If the service on the *oad Is dis
continued the action will leave Jef*
ferson and the points between here
and Belmont without railroad facil
ities whatever.
rettes Would Array gan to swell again. This time, not
V from the heat but from lightning. | ti
J^very interest Against j?j ve npmes have been added to
the University. I those dead eince Tuesday and it
* , is thought that many more were
in jured with tha probability that
' many ceriou* fires ae. a result of
Representative Toombs DuBose, tbe i nte nse lightning will further
In a telegram to The Banner.Uer-, -dd'to the-damai
aid Wednesday denies that ho was
thor of the
co-author of tbe bill to tax cigar
ettes and email cigars for the pur
pose of raising revenue for the
University, State College and Tech.
The Bannef-Herald was informed
that Mr. DuBose was one of the
authors of the bill but he denies
this, stating that-he la opposed to
the bill. His telegram follows:
“Athens, Ga.
“Your Monday’s edition credits
me as being one of the authors of
bill to tax cigarettes nnd other or.
tides, the proceeds of same to be
divided between three colleges. I
declined to sign this bill. I think
It would be grave error and would
array every Interest against the
Chicago Paper
Gives Methods
Of Rum Running
Would Make
Counties Support
School System!
Superintendent Ballard
Favors Revision of Geor
gia School System. Chief
Support Now on State.
ATLANTA, Os.—A complete re-
vision of Georgia's public school
system, designed to place the fi
nancial support of schools upon
the county in which they* are lo
cated, is the program of N. B. Bal
lard. state superintendent of
schools, and as a first step in that
direction he is asking the General
Assembly to provide for n thor
ough survey ox the system by edu*
cational experts.
This survey wdlild be conducted
“its provided by the
Athens Business
Men To Attend
“Y M Camp Tues.
Rotarians and Kiwanians
Will Enjoy Day.
in Inldustry, for the etate to bur
hooks at (he least pries possible
to school children, attending the
public schools In the stats, appro,
I'tintlon for the Georgia Training
School for Mental Defectivea.
Appropriation for the Oeorgla
Training School for Olrle, Juvenile
court Law. Kindergarten bill. Mar.
rlage Regulation bill. Inoreaaed ap-
pioi.rtition for the etate llbrarjr
commission, motor light law,
Smith-Lever appropriation, Smllb-
IlUKlies fund, Shephcrd-Townor
priatlon, appropriation for re.
(or Wiunln Davis dormitory
et State Normal School, censor. VC
ehlp of motion pictures, hill'for ** ctnlp ® d **f ,1 A
good roads, veteran’s pension bill, th? hoaultidlt^ytha “ nd
study of constitution In schools, j th# *P*l>tt*Hty of the campers.
forestry bill. | Some of those attending from
Athena will go by rail but mua
Overcome By Heat While
Laying Beams on Top of
Auditorium Being Built
At High School.
Fell From Highest Point
Of Structure. Condition
Thought Very Serious at
A large number of Athens Ro*
tarlana and ■ Kiwanians will go tc
the. T. M. C. A. boy# end girls
camp near Tallulah Falla Thurs 1
day and spWKf-the-day- wtttr *lhf
First photo of the crew of the tug Frank
In her addrese Mrs. Berner
stressed the need for revised tog
system in Oeorgla. “All Georgians
sre united on thie one thing,* eh#
•aid. “I believe It le possible to
reduce the tax burdens and make
taxation an Investment Instead of
t harden.”
Mrs. Berner also nrgsd more aid
to the state educaUonal inatitn-j
tlons, pointing oat that other sooth-
era states are glrlng more for
higher education than Georgia.
I Mrs. W. F. Milton, of Atlanta,
state chairman of lltsratura, waa
. another speakrr. She urged that
! clubs give more attention to their
I lifersrv programs giving aogfss-
I tlons vs to how this can be accom-
I nllshed. At the general session In
hauling |>,<io University chapel, Mrs. 1. E.
of them will go up in autos.
Among those going from the Ro
tary club will be President Blllupi
Phlnlay, Tom Nelbllng, M. J. Cos
ta, 11. V. Hardeman, C. D. Flani
gan, J. R Bullock, T. II. Doslcr, Jr.
Julian 8. Ooetchlus, H. H. Gordon
M. O. Nicholson. B. It. Blood
worth, J. W. Jarrell, Jr. II. A. Nta
O. A. Booth. John J. Wilkins, Har
ris Dews and J. Warern Smith.
(By Associated Press.)
CHICAGO—Rum running ha<
developed Into ouch a flourishing
business, almost over-nlaht, that
some of the Florida auto dealer,
■re selling cars which are special'
ly built to traneport - liquor,
■ by specialists provided by
United States Bureau of Edi
Large Delegation wJ&TO&i
Athens Churches Will to pay their expenses While they
Attend Conference j n were »t work. These
Tignall Thurs.,and Fri.
_ ^ _ _ Stanley p ___
aboard This gas bag of tha U. 8. Navy balloon which went down ir j Hares, of Montezuma, state preal<
Lake Erie. The body of Lleutenan t Louis J. Roth, of Lukeliurst N ! dent. Introduced several promt.
J., was found later In tbe derelict basket of the balloon near Pori tnent club women, among them
Stanley, Oot., Lieutenant Telford B Null, his aid. Is still missing. J
Chicago Daily News declared Wed*
Methodists from all over the Ath-
nesdsy morning In the second o!
a series .of copyrighted article!
describing rum running on the At*
lantlo Seaboard.
The dealers selling the special!:
built cars also go a step furthei
and furnish negro chauffeurs with
them, thus aiding In the deceptlor
of revenue officers, the article fur
ther stated. To cap the whole
scheme, safe delivery Is also, guar*
The writer of the articles, nrho
with a bootteggtr named Terry
investigated rum running along th*
Florida coast declared that he har*
***n approached by one of these
dealers, who believed the newopapei
man to be a bootlegger and des*
crlbed the methods of transporta
tion and particularly the hegre
Hodgson Reports TEN 0CL0CK
At City Abattoir
ena district will meet In Tignal
Thursday and Friday for the regu ^ ^
lar conference. Dr. O. F. Venable Ekm!*" would bt "pi
of Athena, presiding elder, will pre* Kn - K
About fifty members of the Meth
odist churches in Athens will at
tend the two day’s session. Among
those going from here are liever*
ands 8. E. Wasson, J. A. Quillian
M. 8. Williams, J. V M Morris, H
A. Bowden, George E. Stone ant'
the following laymen: ,Georgr
ine zoiiowing mjiufu. - ,uwrn
Deadwyler, Dr. N. O. Slaughter, J
M.- Pound, E.* 8. Kirk,* Vf R Tindall
E. D. Sledge.
!er, Mrs. George Mell, Mrs. D. 1
Earnest. Mrs. George T. Hodgson:’
R. J: Hancock, C. W. Crook, D. F
Miller. J. P. Butler, H. 'O. Calla
han. Elva Dunaway.
The business session will open a*
10 o’clock Thursday morning. Aftei
devotional exercises Mayor F. 8
Fortson of Tignall, will deliver the
welcome address. Rev. L. P. Glass
pastor of the Tignall Baptist church
u . .. i, . , , ... I Will welcome the vi.ltor. on behall
Not * single animal carried to of Ua congregation while 8. A
t * * b * ttoir during June w*‘I wooten, a member of the |pde
turned down In the knte-mortem ndent church w m welcome th.
ineoectloo held by Inspector Hodg- vUUor< on beha | f o{ , h e Metho-
ftT'j. 1 T n “ d * r . , ° •b* diets of the city.
Board of Health it it* *e*slon. | following committees will
several o»rte of h “f» be appointed by th. prealdlng el-
sheep were condemned In the| dw during the conference:;
Spiritual State or the Churchr [
B. P. Read, J. A. Mow. A. P. o<-,j
. r m lt .wl.u I P Ilnula .Rpoi'
PotLmortem inspection.
, Inspector Hodgson inspected 822
heed of cattle. 122 hogi, 17 aheep
and tmtiwuiiigla ii U J. '
Several, animals have Jeen turn-
ed down at the Inspections Held at
the Abattoir since its cstablirhment
thus preventing marketing of im-
" thi« city.
Pure meats
ter. .
Huguiey. J F, Dayhyjfieoij
i-td A. fl. Winter..mdjl*
T - *-y activities. —'
M. round.
W. Benson, Miss Ula Tuck.
(Turn to page eight)
•*i‘- iS. * r
d. W
W. O |
■ espert*, he
continued, would work in co-oper-'
ation with the legislative commit-
tie on education and his depart-1
ment, their report! being prepared,
for the next session of the assem-J
"tinder the superintendent's pro-,
posal. the chief support of thel
schools would bo placed upon thel ^ Co | Um bis,
The 1 pweent’funds* derived for Oni I reproduced in fora, . re.
supportof th* public school sy»-1 markable sort** of krtJc!** by It*
tern, would be ^nverted into *it Managing Editor on tho Turner
County Plan. A Georgia associa-
A Series of Articles Showing What the “Cow and
Hog and Hen” Have Done for One Georgia County.
i obnver.—
equalisation appropriation to ba
used to assist weaker counties In
bringing their school* up to a fixed
standard ot a nine months term.
W. I. Abney, B. L. Jackson, A educational purpqee* in each coun-
A. Fambro; I. M Butler, W. A. Fow- ty officials of tM county collecting
is tax would be levied for
in each coun
ty officials 01 IP» couni/
the funds and devoting It to pub
lic school purposes- In c ® un *)“~
chiefly the smaller one*—whej-
this basis tax failed to rob# suf
flcient funds to support the a**®®} 1
nine months, tho lute would ren
der assistance ftom its sqnellsg-
tion appropriation. i
At p.™« n ‘v‘ h «
the public school evetam i» u|><
the statev some (if the counth
list a a result
voting taxes to asalet- » •
(Turn to psge sight)
Gasoline Drops
One Cent Gallon
On Athens Market
The price of gasoline went
down a cent P«r gallon In Ath
ena Wedneaday morning audits
now retailing for M cents. No
maim trnr - ascribed for the
drop. thw whotawl<w* having re.
oMved Word Tnoeday ot the
drop. •’■*'■ 4
bag been formed to extend
this plan to every county In Oeor.
gla and simitar efforts will bi
made In South Carolina. The
Banner-Herald through the sour'
teiy of the Columbia State, will
publish a series of articles sum
marising the Turner County PUn.
The Banner-Herald has alto secur
ed a limited number of reprint*
of the State’s pamphlet and will be
glad to mail one free to any on*
making a request (or some.
(Sljth Article.)
'ASHBURN, Oa.-Georgtans mud
Sooth CsroUntaiu who have been
reading tbla aeries of articles on
tbe Turner county program for
permanent prosperity may bare
discounted somewhat the state,
menu therein of accomplishment*
and prospects.
Perhaps they would prefer to
have the word of a country hank
er. horn and reared In Turner, who
knows, if any man does, what con
dition! here have been and what
they are; who daily^nita hi* judg
ment to practical test and who
risks on his conclusions not his
stockholders’ and depositors’ mon
ey only, hot his nersonal fortune
and repute aa well,
m Let suoh Doubting Thomases
then! ponder the considered lan-
ousgo of George T. Betts, son of
gin Association: A splendid Amer
ican, torwnrd looking, enterprising,
courageous, but with that reasoned
and tempered courage that reapon
nihility develops.
“I wish to emphasise the fact,''
says Mr. Betts, “that the return
ing prosperity of Tamer county le
to be attributed solely"—solely!—
“to the county-wide adoption of
the ila'ry cow, the hog and tbe hen
on the forms In the county. And
the wonderful change In the spirit
of the farmers of the county Is duo
to thelr hnrlng proved to them,
eelve* that farming with the dalrr
hog and Jien la a profitable
Mrs. Prank Harrold of Americas,
state nresident of tha Daugbtara «f
[ the Confederacy.
S Tbiirsdev’e nrorram:
j Mr*. Ira Farmer, Thomson,
I ».*» A. M—Ths Club and Pub
lie Health. Dr. Moses.
‘ 9:M> A. M.—-80*1*1 and Industrial
Condition*—Burr Blackmon.
10:** A. M.—Soriai Hygiene—
Dr. Dalsv M. n. Robinson, U. B.
public Health Rervlee.
11:9(1 A. M.—General Assembly
of Bummer School. '
11:40 A. M.—Child Welfare—
Dr Stewrrt Roberta.
1*:1* P. M—Club Round Table.
The club and Community Naeda*^
• Win. .*. K Hays.
<1:40 P M.—WWet la Clnh News
-Mrs. McCord Roberta. Atlanta.
A ftemoon—Recreational.
Evening—Mrs. Ootthelmeps Re
From the Klwanls club will be
L. F. Edwards W.-T. Forbes. J. W
Barnett. T. W . jBaxter, Jlmml
Bruce, Dr. W.-A.' Clarke, .. ..
Crook, Prof. V. H Davenport. W
L. Erwin.
Bankers Offer
Prizes For Pig
. Clubs In State
W. M. Thornton, a carpenter
who waa working for the W. r
Hinton company, contractors , l>
lying ac the Athens General Huh
Pltal badly injured and in a pre
carious condition as a result of n
fall from tho top of the hew audi
torium building on the High Sehoo
nmpus that the Hinton company
is constructing.
Mr. Thornton was laying beam*
at the highest point of the struc*
ture with a fellow ■worker abou 1
1,: ?° B I* believed by tho »u
perlntendent, S. S. Kent, that he
uecamo overheated, lost his bal
ance and fell to the ground below
a. distance of over thirty feet
striking: In his fall several .
beams, causing- a broken lejf.
eral fracthred ribs, a bad bruise on. ■
bis neck and Jaw and other lucer-
atlons. ————
He wa4 rushed to the Athen
General Hospital and had not re
xalned consciousness at two o'clock
His condition is reportsd fr
hospital as being serious.
Mr. Thornton came hare from
Carlton a month axo and started
working on the auditorium atrm
ture. lie Is about forty-four yeari
or ago and has a wife and
chlldron, two daughters and
son. Ho resides at the corner
Jfl A ftnt * ® ou *berty street.
A workman on the building, and
when he fell says, that
no Injured man had Just passed
him a beam and ho turned *u p"“
it on the scantlings when he hoard
and upon turning
«•(» Mr. Thornton tumbling to tbr
ground striking several cross bar,
which broke the force of the fall
?" ‘! 10 * r °und but which caused
the breaks and lacertatlons that
rendered him unconscious.
An ambulance was called and
the my rushed to the hospital for
Immediate medical attention
The Oeorgla Bankers’ Associa
tion. Heyne. McFsdden, secretary.
Atlanta, hna appropriated (100 to
be utilised as prizes In boys’ club
work In Georgia, Ike prises to be
distributed (his fall to ehort term
conreee at the State College of
l “Yt
. “You are Interested to
bow ranch rapid progress has been
made? Simple enough: By realis
ing the truth of tbe statement that
the farmers of a community rise
no higher thin the business men
of Mat community who servo thel*
the founder of Ashhum. banker, stances
director in a number of enter.
prises and president of the Gcor-
’It is of transcending Impor
tance that country bankers learn
tha advantages of productive cred
it over consumptive credit, from
tha standpoint of both banker and
“I will give one concrete lllue-1
(ration occurring in the bank
which I am connected; it could hr
multiplied by numerous slmllaii
Humphrey by
■n to page eight)
The banker* throughout the
Mate are taking a big Internet In
corn, p| f , oblcken, peanut, oat and
other activities of this nature and
many pritea have been offered In
dividually by *
Fine Programs
At University
Summer School
Approximately 1900 Reg
istered For Straight
Course in School. Enter
tainment Program Pleas
ing Students.
banks In various
First 8»att Bank of Bhslby
which. Jim Johnson, one of tb»
barker* of the Drmpsey OIbbon'
hout. Ii president, dosed Itr
doom Tuesday, according to r
statement made here hr staff
Bank Examiner L Q. Skelton
who le here to take charge of
the Rtnnten Trust and Having'
hmk which went Into voluntarv
liquidation Monday noon.
a resolution of the directors of
the Stanton Bank and Trail
company, which dosed Tuesday
a eking for voluntary llqulda*
tlon. George H. Stanton, presi
dent of the Institution , and one
ol the baCfcsn of the Dempsey*
Gibbons bout at Shelby, pledger'
his entire private fortune to the
settlement of the affairs of tlu
bank If liquidation were allowed
The number of actual students
fregfBterecI at the University of
Georgia, Including only those per
sona who have registered and i»ld
fee* In approximately nlneteeen
hundred. This number Includes
those who arc now actually attend-*
tag claHHes and no others.
About twvnty-flve peraona have
withdrawn elnco opening of school
Dr. RohlnHon, of Washington D. C.
will contniue her lectures on
Science of Life’’ at the University
vr * Af buiiig shown in con.
Over One Hundred Half ncctlon With her lectucea are sold
to bo the most remarkable of their
kind ever seer, here by (hose who
Pints, Captured in Raids,
Ordered Poured Out By
Civil Service Commis
attended Monday Night. Tha
picture* will be shown at the Nor
mal School Thurnday night. «
~ ibl-
On Wednemlay night the Jn„
lee singers of the Colored Metho
dist tChnrch, of Athena, led
by W. A. Fontaine, will sing at tho
University CChapel. The singing
will bo followed by talks by lead
ing women attending the Women*
mm ,JCl*b week at the Summer school
and on the person of people arrest-(IncludingMrs. Haynea, president of
Ons hundred and twelve half pints
of whiskey was poured out by po-
liremen night u£on irder
of the Civil Service Commission. r
The whiskey was captured in raids.?
and on the person of people arrest-1 11
ed for drunkenness. . jtho Gerogln Federation,
m. „ , . I 'Mrs. Bcula McN’emar gave n
,r cldci1 at ita.monodramatlc recital at the Normal'v i, n L n< i- ?n > 0 ^i," ny J n0 i B I Mond *>' n| 3 ht ° n "M«- Wiggs Of
ouart»F* h ™.t. n oil* ft head-.the Cabbage patch’’. A large and
^fed wliwinn^,. eon-1 appreciative audience attended,
nceted with county or state case,. Dr RoMn80n w| „ dur)nf th#
afternoons of this week, have con
ference on health snbjeeta at
will be sent along with the pri
Application for llccna^ of two oV! Y - w - °- Au of the Rummer Schoet
iree taxi drivers was held up uri-| ln,llvlll “* 11 y or In groups.
three „
til another meeting by'the Com-htar any queztlomi on h«al
mission in order that further In- J****". Roud table
vestigation of the character of thei with will be held
applicants can be made. throughout the week.