Newspaper Page Text
Investigate Today!
To Regular Subscribers
$1,000 Accident Policy Free
•Ingle Copies ! Cants Dally.
. This shows a typical scene at Wichita, Kiis.. wnen SO city bluet.;- were turned Into cuttsis by
if the Big Arkansas and Little Arkansas Rivers, All Industries Were tied tip. The flood waters crca V
nuch suffering and made thousands homeless In Wichita and two neighboring cities, Arkansas City end
Winfield, Kas. Several persons arc reported missing. Property damage totaling several million dollars la
teported. * ' •
BIG con
Bad Memory Helps
Find: Watch Owned
I. T.KflpatricI
• !. T. Kllpatrlcf., well knowi
Athenian has a bad memoir
At I,east, bis memory Is not goot
enought to trust. Bo when i
friend? -recently naked him t
buy an article Mr him on a trtj
to Atlanta Mir. Kilpatrick tied i
memorandum with the man'i
name to hla watch. Mr. Kil
patrick value# hla watch vert
highly./It le over one hundret
wears old.
And when he lost It In At
lanta II was like losing a best
friend. "I'll never see It again,’
thought Mr. Kilpatrick. Ho redl-
ly thought ao, He came back t(
Athena and gave up all hope ol
again seeing hla valuable tlm<
Plc-e. a day or an later he wai
reading The Banner-HeraM
Want Ada. He saw an ad, Jus
a few lines, advertising for th(
owner of a watch tJund In At
lanla. The description flttej
that of hla own watch precisely.
"That's my watch." thought Mr.
Kilpatrick. Friday morning he
, came to the Banner-Herald of.
lice to nee If It was really hla
-watch. It was. You can Imagine
how glad Mr. Kilpatrick was.
I wouldn't have taken $200 foi
that- watch," saya Mr. -Kll
A meeting o( Athenians to
take action on the proposed
suspension ol the GalnesvMIe
Midland railroad service from
Athens to Belmont waa culled
for Monday afternoon at five
o’clock by. director# of the
Chamber of Common:?. Repre
sentatives of this body and
other civic organizations as well
as towns afefeted by the sue.
pension will attend the meet
ing In the Chamber'ot Com
merce headquarters.
VOL- 91, NO. 129
Middling 2S J ,
Previous Close ....26'.
Showers Friday with lower
Associated Press Service
I Cents Sunday.
Dally and Sunday—10 Cants a Week
Established 1132
• Dally end Sunday—10 Cents a Week.
t "•I* v 4*-4»
v t t *r *«* *1*
Girl’s Death
Wichita Business District Inundated By Flood
L. H. Carr, Durham, N. C.
Killed. T Injured Rushed
to Huntsville Hospital
Friday Morning.
(By Associated Press.)
MEMPHIS—One man was
killed v ifcnc! thirty others in
juretf, many of them thought
fatally, 1 when the Memphis
Spciali one of the fait fly
ers of the Southern system
running from New York to
Memphis was derailed about
two miles east of Larkins
ville, Ala., Friday morning
The train was running
along at an average rate of
speed, reports state,' when
the accident occurred, four
Pullmans, all of them full of
pasifciigers, and two day
coaches were torn loose from
the eftgtne, mail express and
combination cars and hurtled
down an embankment, when
the ‘tyetiMlment happened
HUNTSVILLE. Ala.—Fifteen of
tho injured persons In the wreck
of the- firnt Memphis Special be
tween New York and Memphis
were brought here early Friday
morning following the wreck and
taken to a local hospital.
The fifteen brought to this city
were among the most seriously In
jured, twelve of them aald to be
very seriously hurt.
One man wan killed L. H. Carr
nineteen ypnrs old and living In
Durham, N. C.. while soveral more
are said to be lying at the point
of death.
According to reports from per
sons who were In the pullmane
when the wreck occurred, the train
was running along smoothly, at an
average speed, when ther came a
slight Jolt. Immediately following
by the cars turning rapidly over as
they plunged down the embank
ment wher the derailment pc*
curred 4he train crew aided by
the passengers who escaped Inji^ry
immediately set about rescuing the
passengers who were trapped In
the overturned cars.
A wrecking train left Immediately
for the scene of the wreck as soon
as reports of thg accident were re
A Brick ia all right in ita
Make, fine building mater
Von can’t use it se a substi
tute for e cent of invitation.
'They toll us it's e social cr-
ro? U try It
In other words—
Don’t Interrupt the other
fellow's affairs to tell him
about your affairs—to e*k him
to do business with you. for
Catch him when he wants to
be eaoght—when he’s at lib
Limburg and Barmen. Oc
cupied By French Troops
—City Officials Held As
(By Associated Press.)
DUSSELDORFf-The town rf>f
Limburg. ‘Just beyond the Cob
lenz bridgehead, whfch the Ameri
cans formerly hold, was occupied
Friday by French troops «a h p©r-
magent occupation town, it was
announced Friday morning.
Barmen, a small town in the El*
borfield manufacturing district wgt
also occupied by French troops.
Ssyor&l of the officials of the t«wn)
were arrested by French soldiers,
dfter^which the trops withdrew.
- Tho announcement telling of the
occupation of the towns and the ar
rest of the officials, does ndt tgll
the number of officials or their
names, who wero arrested .to be
held as hostages. < {
However, it was understood that I
operations on a considerable scale
was undertaken so to Impose a |
penalty for the numerous frontier
Incidents in which sabotage has
been charged to the Germans in
the occupied area.
Barmen was Just’ outside the oc- \
cupled area and frontier, affairs 1
culminated recently In one which -
Involved the. security police.
Paris was silent Friday morning
the resplt of the occupation anf
the taking of hostages.
Double-Barrelled Cannon
Used in Atlanta Parade
By Local Elks. 150 in
University of Chicago Students Quiz
zed By Police in Connection With
the Case. Last Seen in the
Room of Student.
Delegation of Business
Men Visit Y. M. C. A.
Camp For Girls and Boys
in Mountains.
Quite a delegation of Atheni
business men, members of th*
Rotary and Kiwnnls'ck js, went 'to
Camp Edwards, near Tallulah Fall*
Thursday as the guests pf the Y
M. C. A. campets there. The Ath
ens delegation went up by train
and by autos and report a delight
ful trJP- "*** , ,
All of them are singing thi
praises of the cnm»» say that
every boy and gljl ofthe^cion
should take advantage ot the "****"
did environment and recreational
features offored by this camp.
Among those going up were Abl
Nta. Harris I><w. 8. J. Moss Bil
lups Phlnlzy L. K. Bdw - rd - ®j. ®
Flanlgen T. F Orson A “ *? udlc *
J. C. Wilkerson, James White, ft.
H. Gordon. Jr., and others. >
Those who went l»y auto took
the rodtc by Tugalo and visited the
Georgia Railway .and Tower com
pany’s development there.
Sen. Dillingham ,
Dies on Friday
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON, -important
changes in the senate committee
Measure Providing For
Electrocution Gets Ap-
prpval. Income Tax Bill
Put on
Monday’s Calen-
eriT to Helen and be Interest- | ea < ' dl f rl hip will reeult from the
That’s when hd’a In n mood Mch'Mcnrred nt Mont-
It’a when he’e rending hla
hoas newspaper that he wel-
lomrs instead of rtaento—the
other man's atory. Your story.
He’s looking for thing* thht
interest him then. •
■Tour efforts to attract hla
attention doesn’t distract Dora
things hi which he’e more in-
■ Like • brick on the
raft ■ •>
That's one of the
why every dollar put into well'
plagued newspaper advert!*-
Ing, backed by the goods awl
, tho service, clicks onr old
) friend the eaah register and
■hows a profit.
Not merely a profit, hot a
permanent gain In friendship.
Tell your store, news to
yon next d»jr In your «t?re., T
Vermont, which occurred
peller. Vermont, early
morning. *■, '
Senator Dillingham was In Une
to become chairman of the flt.
dietary Committee upon 1 the ra-
organtution of the .caste next pe.
ccmber. ni he was the ranking
member to the tale senator Nelson
of Minnesota who wondurirmwt
until the time of hta death tost
spring. Senator Brandegee. Re.
publican from Connecticut now Is
In line for the place which would
have been Senator Dillingham e.
MANILA.—Smuggling of Chinese
and opium Into the Philippine Isl
ands from ports In British North
Borneo qontlnues on an extensive
™.ta, according to Vicente AL
datteei; Insular eOHeeto?, of en»-
wltb'WW Just returned fmtn
a°visit rohdff'a'ddken port. IX the
archipelago. .
(By Associated Pre«».)
ATLANTA.—Tho bill of Repre
sentative Perkins of tMuscogee,
providing for electrocution as a
method of putting to death per
sons sentenced to die by courts of
Georgia was reported favorably to
the house by the penitentiary com.
mittee Friday. *
The committee also acted fav
orably on the measure of Knight
of Berrien to provide for treatment
of insane prisoners at the state
asylum but the report was delay,
ed until next week.
Langley of Floyd appeared be.
,fore the house constitutional
amendments committee in support
of his measure designed to make
all state house officials constitu
tional officers and elected for four
years instead of two.
The measure also provides that
the governor cannot run for re.
election to succeed himself In of
fice. No decision was reached by
the committee. . *
In tho Senate Lankford’s I Home
tax bill was favorably reported
and put on the calendar fir con.
sideration Monday, while Mason’s
meastiro providing for classiffcar-
tlon of property for taxation pur.
poses was aJ»o approved. The fin
ance committee considered both
Debate on five reeolutions call,
ing for. investigation of the State
Highway Department, chief
among which waa that of Me-
Michael of Marion, tinker indict*
ment in Bibb county on charge of
criminal libel, decupled the house
as a committee of the whole un
til adjournment.
*T have watched legislative in-
vestigations many years,” Barrett
of Stephens asserted, “and It have
not yet sden one that resulted in
accomplishing anything- I dp not
believe in them but I im going to
try and get
The Athens lodge. Number 790
of Elkn, maue a splendid showing
In the big parade in Atlanta Thurs
day. . The lodge occupied a good
place in the line of march and
headed by the Whitehall band and
the double barrelled cannon, over
Ho of the local members inarched.
Tho costume wan purple overalls,
white shirts and broad brim pal
metto hats and a cane.
i m* double barreled cahnon wa*
mounted on a truck and on it was
a large streamer-banner on which
with printed. “The only double
Myirieicd cannon in the world,
made and manned by Athenians."
Tho cannon attracted lots of at
tention and was one of the main
ffutures of the parade. %
Nearly 20,000 Elks participated j
In the parade with lodge numbor
tow of Philadelphia making , th* I
best showing. This lodge had ovei'
600 in line, all costumed and of-1
ferlng a spectacular display oil
gaudlnesa In the way of mard
gras settings mixed with the gen-1
[ernl h« home of r(>*tum!TTff*nBfrlCthJgr fc ' w ' #>• ' ' " - *■
All the convention knew that ! Representatives of Every
Ath **T *.y| County, in This Section
hit with his personally composed ! to Outline Plans For Big-
song, "Uncle Bud."i In !the hotel, ffer FoOcTCrODS.
lobblee, on tile street! and In thej ® ■ ' ■ * .
cafes he eras’alwkjrs tho center *k|
... y|
(By Aseeelated Frees.) _
CHICAGO—Four University of Chicago students
were being questioned by Chicago police Friday follow,
ing the finding of the body of Elsie Campbell, waitress, i
night °* th ° studw,ts boar< * in £ house here Thursday]
The girl died several hours after she had been found
on tho street. She was clad only ih a man’s bathrobe.!
"■"XScof'f'd. a graduate of the University of Chicago)*
told tho police he had induced the girl to' come to the!
rooming house. Scofield said she went into the room of j
David Lnmberg, a Chemistry student, disrobed anti put]
on Lambergs bathrobe. She then turned and locked the
door onrthe inside, Scofield said. “That is all X know ”
he ^aid. ’ 1
Meeting May Be Called
Here Next Week to Dis
cuss Retention of Line to
Athens. ,
Chapel At University
Packed With People
Bent on Enjoying Musi
cal Program At Summer
School. '
J. C. Turner and Thurston Ben
ton, representing the business In
terests of Jefferson spent Friday
morning'in Athens In conference
with • number of Athens’ whole,
snlers and business men in hn ef
fort to elicit co-operation here In
a fight to have the Gainesville
Midland railway maintain its
freight and passenger service from
Belmont'Junction to Athens.
Notice has been rfiven by tho
railroad of application filed with
Judge Barrett of tho Southern dis
trict of Georgia, U. 8. court for a
discontinuance of the scrvico on
that part of the C. M. railroad from i
Belmont to Athens. Tjie heario;
has been set for Ju^y 21st In Au
gusta, Georgia. Jefferson will send
crowd and no person at the con
vention had a greater time than did i Producers of food crops from
the Athens ruler. I {every county In this section and
Arthur Flatau. deputy for the|all the ClarJce copnty communities
Lodge meetings and represgnted the. will be hero Saturday morning foi
state In his official capacity. -a conference with County v Agent
jJ. W. Flror and Mra. Beaalo Trout*
Activities of Chamber of
Commerce, Congressman
Brand and Postmaster
Secures New Service Be
ginning July 16;
'Mall carrier service will be open
ed tor the Normal 8chno! district
July 16. roitmaater Paul M. Smith
announced rriday. 1
The sendee will re permanent,
State! the postmaster, M a reault
ot acUrlllea ot the chamber ot
Commerce'. Congressman C. H.
Brand and the poatmaeter.
The Normal School anhSitatlon
will be abandoaed on July 16,
however, stamps, money orders
may be bought and letters regia.
Peed and Instated In the ntore ot
W. T. Florence on Prince arena*
near Batata.
Packages and letters will be col
lected and brought to the mein of
fice three to four time* dally, aaya
the postmaster.
Will Preach On
93rd Birthday
against it.'
(By Associated Press.)
MEXICO cmr—AJI parcel post
shipments from foreign countries
to Mexico must be accompanied by
a commercial Invoice, certified by
the Mexican consol newest the
point of shipment, accoifllng to a
recent government order. For a
shipment leas than $6, the certifi
cation is free. From $5 to $50 the
charge is $t and from $50 upward
the charge Is $Z.
Shipments arriving without nn
tifvoiee will' result in a fine .being
imposed of"9$ centavos for goods
valued'at ietS'than 100'pesos, and
60 centavo* - for thoae valued at
more than 100-pesos.
Many people failed to got seals a delegation there to'oppose the
at the recital of Mr. and Mrs. High discontinuance of the service and [ r>„„ r n u
U Hodgson > In tho University i this delegation will call upon Ath-; riOV. J. V. «1. luorrio, ro
forty Years Member of
North Georgia Confer-
will leave town ence. At Young Harris
chapel Tburada- night The crowd ! mu to Join Ih tho move to have the
.. ,, - filled the lower floor,of the chspoL! train service continued.
- , .. .- . “W committee I overflowed to the balcony and
*.h7d° iLte DUU ” r ’ tood *' ‘be doorway to on-
for the investigation theii vow | joy ihe splendid program.
The fame of Mr. and Mrs. Hridg-
aon is .widespread and wherever
they give a recital a crowd of
music lovers Is certain to bo at.
Rev. J. V. M. Morris, beloved
Athenian, will cslsbrato his f!r«J
birthday Sunday by preaching a'
Young 'Hart-in Methodist church at
If tho service is discontinued on
this road Jefferson, the county seat
__ __ of Jackson count.v^and an Impor-
tracted. Thursday night was no ex* 1 tant business center of that sec-
ccntion. I tlon, will >bo left without either
The recital was part of the 3um- | railroad freight or passenger ser- ; the m Arnlng service,
raer School entertainment program! rice, the Gainesville Midland rail-; Morris is one of. the oldest
for this week. Mrt. Hodgson, who , road being fhe only line to serve L r <iained. If not the oldest Metho-
possesses a remarkable voice de-^hst city and the points«between dfst minister in the southern
lighted the audience with her sing-. Belmont junction and Athens. . ichui*.:.. 22v was a member of the
ing with Mr. Hodgson as accom-j The delegation to Athens Friday;North Carolina Conference contln*
panist. j urged the co-operation of the Ath- 'uously for fifty years and attend*
v The program was closed with ens shipping public in holding the ed nearly every conference meet-
sieging by Mrs. Hodgson of several ‘service, calling upon them to prom- ilug.
sonde written by Mr.. Hodgson Mae enough supped to the mad §uf- l>n Morrie le etili title and heerty
which, if the applause that foi ficicnUy to authorise^ with lha and enthuriaatlc Is hit, work. Hi.-
lowed if an fndfeetfon. was- the {business of othor points along the oppron.nce at Young Harris church
moat appreciative part of the pro- line, the maintenance of the »er. S«»»day will attract a large
gram. vice. ‘crowd of hie friends and admirtra
Tho Woman’s Club Short
offered by tho University t.l i
gia Summer School, which
bedn in session hero this
comos'to a closo l-riday i
with a record which stampa
groat success In every ».a;
officials, connected with ih**
Tim last meeting for
of club problems was
day morning on the
campus. Dr. n. E. Pork,
spoko on “Literature,"
the groat power of Uterntt
Inspire, anil tho imrUrtan
poetry dun to ita uplifting
Rorrral other short spn-'rb
mmlo on various problems
corning ladles ol tho Womens
Tho week's session i
Friday evening when th
tertatnment nrrangod
eourso, will bo given at
Normal School. At that
pageant will bo staged n n I
mnl School campus. This
talnment Is expected In bo one
tho most brilliant nffnlrs (>r
tveok; tho psgonnt Is nrrangod
Miss Vance, and extend
Former Tenth District j££X u„ v0 «, 1 ;' c p c n S8 n ' I1 ' , ' ! 1
Congressman Succeeds , m«. niid,io n nd’ Mr#, q v.
Phinizy on Board. Sir- m " n r
mans of Waycross Takes
ban, market master.
Th confrcnce will be held In th*
Chamber of Commerce rooms at
11 o’clock. Representatives from
Oconee, Clarke. ’ Madison, Elbert
Oglethorpe, Jackson, Banks and
Barrow counties will be here to
discuss prospects for a bigger food
production next season which will
be followed up with plans for mar
keting. The Ciirb Mbrkot commit
tee will be organised at the meet
Officials Well Please
With Success of
Summer School
For Club Women.
Bennett's Seat on Board.
NT A. —Oovornor Walker
Friday appointed William H. Flem.
Ing of Augusta to repreaent the
tenth district nn the University of
Georgia Board of Trnatces. Mr.
Fleming auecaed* Bowdrco Phlnlzy
of Augusta.
The governor appointed W. E.
Slrman. or Waycrosa to repreaent
.the elerentb dlatricL Mr. Birmans
succeeds .John W. Bennett, also
of Waycrosa. Mr. Fleming to , a
prominent lawyer and former con
Dives Into Water
To Save Girl And
Drowns With Her
(By Aaaooihted Proas.) '
NEW YORK.—A yoong woman,
unidentified, leaped from the East
River re-training wall gt Carl
Schurz park her* Friday. When
two men dived to her rescue she
locked her arms about their n«6k>
pulling one of them. John Dunn,
Momhelly, the survivor, was rts.
cued by park guards.
or prominent club wnrke
have worked so hard lo bring
have received the henrilent
the sucress of tho short cot
aratataltona. from nil who hove ,
tended Ih? meetings, lor tliolr..
cel tant work!
Humane Society
Examines Cows \
Of Local Daii
The Human* Soccty
'»*raln hard ot work In thin cltj
cording to Mrs. Ml
Tkldent of the Athena Mo.-i«*ty.
During the past wsti
Retvca stated, a dairyman
outskirts of the city was
to the Society /or allowing lib
to boom© almost starved.
Officials of the society paid
dairy a«vliit and found that th4
reports were true. Thfy put
man whevowns the dairy on notiei
that If tho cows were not kept
better nhapo and an effort made I
give them more food, a caao w
bo made against him by the
ciety. Chief Health
Hodgson was asked b
these cows and report whether
milk from them was fit 1
The f officials of the
p:i> 1 another visit to the dalrj
a few d*iy« to **•<»• If i
Sell Gate. Thcdxmre 1l |be*?n made o Improve th
•i m of the cows, If not,
caae will bo docketed against I