Newspaper Page Text
all Business Communications direct to the Athens Publish
Ctoitaany. not to individuals. News articles Intended fur public*
Earl ",Croei/?
Mrs. Cheater, of Barnesville, la
with her parents.
Mrs. Byron Williams entertained
the Matron’s Club very pleasantly
on Wednesday afternoon at her
home on Main street.
The Epworth League picnic on
the Truitt Meadow, was largely at
tended and very much enjoyed.
Miss Lillian Uneburger of Char
lotte, is visiting Miss Wllhelmina
Veale for several weeks.
To raise the nap on velvet and
:, Jtakv out heavy creases, put a wet
cloth over a hot Iron, place the
.velvet over the cloth and pull
klowty back and forth until the
team raises the nap.
ML _____
.. clean pfece OTola mkilt cot*
ton slocking Is excellent $r apply
ing a cleaning fluid to dark materi
als, or for sponging dark torool fab
Fashionable turbans are made of
white tulle and.adorned with orna
ments of rhinestones or put uteri.
STOLE N—Black and
white Boston Bulldog;
screw tail; two years old;
name, “F a s c 1”; brass
studded collar. Substan
tial reward. No questions
'asked. B. C. Lumpkin.
» ■ Suffer little children to ccme unto me and for-
31 ibid them not; (or of such is the kingdom of God.
—Luke 18:16. ., , .
There is «i feclinp cf Kternitv in youth which HMkog
Sis' hmends for everything. To be young is to be as
of the immorialt-.—H*izlitt.
5S it looks as if the tax equalization law will be re
pealed The house ways and means committee voted
Adversely against three bills providing, for its repeal
*J)Ut' this report was overruled by the house itself by a
Slecord vote and the bills go oi) the calendar.
Ju Jt would be a shame to repeal the tax equalization
SjaW, if the tax system is to be retained as a
HltanSs It is true the law as enforced is not, satiRfact
entirely. Howevcj. the state’s revenues have
increased since its,adoption in 1'* ** , re
g iealed I he property owners will go back to returning
htir property at any price they desire. This '*oul<l
ftiiOt be right and the state will suffer. '
St iThe present opposition to the tax equalization law,
at least where the objection is made by sensible
§ ioh:ons and not Bolsheviks who woukl abolish < l
orms of taxation—is found in its enforcement. Of
_wWe it would be c«t of the question for the equn)-
Szing board*to inspect all farms and property to as
certain its value but a better way of arriving at the
53,'alwe than is npw ‘employed generally should
B Itbere are too many cases where equalizers sit in
g,B office and “equalize” the lax returns of a county.
Sfit numerous instances “A” is made to pay taxes on
Sjroperty valued as high as f‘B” because they- happen
Sr be neighbors regardless off the income eachi derives
ilirpm the property. “A” ™ay own poor land and
«Teap a poor return from his labor and B may o
land and make money on his property. It makes
fsjid difference tb the equalizers, who may,have never
“* >feh cither piece of property.
•‘•If’ says The Macon Telegraph in commenting
the’agitation against the equalization law.Jany-
'» iHc'e the present law is to benn force—that is,
ieorgia is to have a substantial attempt at equali-
lon—some’such system as the following jnmit be
luted: First, have made a county map which
lilies every lot of land or farm with numbers M
m of each niot designated; yeebnd,, keep, a record (
nook in whictithe names of alj land, owners,and t.icir,
ami are ret down; ami, third, employ three* °r Wur
‘liigent, disinterested men who live out of tne
cmmty and do not own a dollar’s worth of property
in. the county, to make a survey. tt e8 jjj3>££
meet every plot of laud in the county and.f)x to
ne best of their ability a fair, impartial valuation
uj the same, to be turned over to the Clerk of the
loijrt. This appraisement should suffice for a num-
■“Thb^woiild furnish, the tax assessors definite
itla on which to fix the rate. It would also relieve
e’hcnest, conscientious farmer from the humiliation
which ho is subjected in having to subscribe to the
Sit method of returning taxes. He is confronted
a printed form ,at the bottom of which are
ie ominous words, put there'to frighten him into
jiihfulncrs: “ do eclemnly.sweor that I have given
the above property at its true market value. But
scarecrow fails t6 frighten. The farmer knows
tins'people do not give in their property at its true
lkt-ket value—at wjiat they could get for it. Some
■e jt in at less than one-half its value, and others at
' than one-fourth. Just as long as the individual
_^Uce. of returning taxes is observed and just as
t as men-arc selfishly inclined, this variation will
J as some are more selfish than others,
(Surely, there is a better way to equalize taxes—
“ taxes of every kind should equalized.”
he Georgia Editors and their wives, sweethearts
riera will meet in f.avonia, Franklin county Mon-
; Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Editor
F Burton cf The Lavonia Times has had a com-
e of enterprising citizens making ready for the
re visit for several months. Lavonia is certain
ake a line impression' and give the scribes n
I time. 1
une of the-matters which will be brought to the at-
Ation of the editors is n proposal, made by W. T.
nderson of The Macon Telegraph, to .provide., fyr
Iioiarships at the State College of Agriculture fir'
mo'boy in each county ’where tHp?e is i neWK^tfiltr,
heipaptr to give the scholarship. The 'ways’ and.'.'
beans for giving thir prize will probably be left to
jit .editors themselves. The plan is a good one and
Hrtfty of adqption. , ... , if .[ ,
iRif ■■■ ■
i nun v/rv nv rmn
imething concrete is not done sooil to prepare
air here next fall we wUHMMtMiiMffefaiMt JL
may stage an exhibition of »orlHlel(^iftiUifcl
unty pig, corn abd poultry itml ' ‘flm eftfihtifJT
'Ubs and display products of Athens manufacturing
't#rprises by organizing a few weeks before the fair -
t we cannot hold a real fair, one that will command
^’attention and admiration of the entire Hection
lout laying plans NOW.
jie Fair last fall was very creditable. The fair
»t ftil should encompass it. ■ It will not do it if the
ir Association which is already organized does not
‘ bu »y-' t
helby bank and onfc at Great Falls, Mont., have
Officers'of both banks “backed” the Demp-
bbons fiasco at Shelby July 4. Shelby got
1920 Seven Passenger Buick
Touring. *
Buick Touring, $200.00.
Ford Coupe.
1920 Dodge Touring.
Exceptionally good
New Star Touring.
Good Dodge Truck.
Entirely Rebuilt Chandler
Seven Passenger.
Chevrolet Baby Grand* $160.
These twb cars seems to'be
good Shape, but we have
done no work on tjiem.
Atlanta and West Point Railroad Company
The Western Railway of Alabama
The Georgia Railroad
Friday. July 14, 1911.
‘ Tlio hearing before thu -lcglsla-
‘ho committee oil (he city court
Dili was iHwtponod till July 20th,
•u n o’ciocu.
Memphis defeated Atlanta* by a
wore of 4 to 1.
Alice Hutcheson, ejnven year old
girl, in a Sunday School contest,
•ondiictcd by Hr. .f. L. Ponflley, said
over the Ten Commandments v<v-
bntlm iftid then repeated 2.'{7 verses
if the 'Bible.
A hill was Introduced bv Rep
resentative Du Bose putting tho’Au-
TUMta •Medical College under Hie
| control and supervision of the statu.-i
university. Jlodper Alexander, of
lie Kalb county, opposed tin; bill and j I.
(harmed that if the legislature put j i
this 'college under the Unfveridty j
of Georgia one year hence this col. • I
li ge would lie here asking for largo
A Little of Everything And Not Much of Anything.
The bill of Dr. Craig Arnold J- can now be purchased for 22
tu repeal the prohibition law I cents the gallon. This It good news
of Georgia met with disastrous | and now if It would take another
defeat in the senate end, no I drop until the price was In keeping
dojibt, u will meet with the same I with the return ot normal condi-
II,fr- should it come up In the house, j Ilona, the people who own automo-
.......„„„ While (he measure would rot have lilleu could rldo with some pleas.
• udta - —■ -s .—.tulMiiuaid.reBdttiuiW. in Uie'least Inj ure and not be counting over In
JamffsT O.'-raftlCWlih hVhfli^’ "Bus litrfu, yet liid pi'otilliliioiilsts : Mhelr minds the aiublmt it money
dti the lloulevard. „. r ,. j,„t willing to condcde in the ( being burned 1
Mr. r. C. Myers, of Atlanta, here p as t any point pertaining to the
local! a plant for the manufac- .,|,.,„| u te enforcement and malnton-
Tho Sumnler Tourist season is now on and vacations, are'
In order. You will be glad to know that conditions surround^
Ing Summer Tourist travel are moro liberal this season than
la almost any previous year. Reduced rates aro in effect to
practically every state In the Union ns well ns to some points
In Canada, the various tours including delightful trips on
the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, tho Great Lakes, St. Law
rence River, Hudson River, through tho Yelloivstono and
other National Parks, to the Grand Canyon, etc. Stop-overs
may be made at any point on either going or return trip,
within final limit ot ticket, which is. In most cases, Octo
ber 31, 1933.
j Congressman Rodenbprry, ol
: Georgia, introduced a bill prohibit,
j ing llgour advertising matter to
| bo sent through tlio. malls,
taxes, due today.
I’ho Disease That Strikes
Like Lightning.
of tlio present* prohibition
vvnro of InrilK'.xtlon—tho dls-
•«*o that hills more people and kills
hem i|ij| knr than any other. This
vnrnlriR, by phynlelanH, In particu-
ii Jy -.ippIleaMn tills, ftooflon of tho
••■ir, when your Hyatcm *‘le(i
biwii" In tone and vigor with the
itijit approach, of warm weather.
^be w'arnlngs that
tiire of Hteam^Hjs t , im U -o of
Mr. ,T. A. MorDrin Appea^fl b^ijiro •, K , :ll . uro
iho (jhftiu’W'r bf’pTimjmercti nmkre- : -
(iip stod tliatrSthm. ocjrtvnizjaloiv! ’That the ^.violation of the
Mng f(S AthrliMho fabunifl Uni tod P* Volstead act is growing daily
The talk of a park and «ome
place where our people could
spend the evenings outdoors in
comfort is brought forcibly to
mind.hy thtrjient we have'boen ex-
pcrlrnilnr, during the pout few
weeks* WvUy the weather J? seas; L
hfirrme rtght for tb& tnaW-'
property amounted to ( w tr7i the anti-Voistoad fluid plying ing of crop«, yet some plac» fdiould
iit’H »dv‘cH y«u -of the approach of
julJg"htb>n^ . The modlcaL. binikn
-II ii.: I. Onij, which mcahx that
y’oiir frtKt la .fermenting llVateml of
llgefrtlng. -2. A fooling of fullness
•r oppression in tho region of the
(tomach after eating. Tills means
hat tlio gas Iihh liullooned your
lotnach and is pressing tip
g.'UnHt your heart and lungs. 3.
\ dull, lazy feeling, which means
lint you aro not getting nour'.sh-
oent from w!ml you aro eating.
», UestTessness, un-refreshing
Icep, which means that the poisons
f indlgestin nro dl turhing your
•rain and nerves., 5 Sometimes,
■aln and fluttering around the
icarf. theugh this symptom may
omo later.
Don’t take chances with Indlges-
lon—you are too apt to lose. If
•ou have hud any of the synipt«*m»
Mentioned above, get your digestive
•rguns to work at once with Pan-
\ f iuc, tho greatest prescription that
Vas ewer written for. a digestive
< nlc. Itan-Nu^c makes your * dl-
;**>tlon "perfect and complete."
»'AU feel Its helpful effect from flu
-•cry first dose. Get a bottle of
lan-Nux today at any drug store
)an-Xax is so much superior ,to
• ny other remedy for Indlgeation
hat the innnufacturers have In-
itructed every druggist to refunc’
be prite If you do not get relief. s«<
It costs you nothing if you aro not
lelightcd with results. Delay
nlgbt bo dangwous get Dan-Nox'y.-— Adeertlsemer t. - •
1910. ' {the various coastH of tho United j bo provided for thoso who are
ebol.'TnritberR atfonding | statea. It la being brought lnt<
national convention
if Elks in ,At-
thin < housed up frot., early morning until
ioiifjtry from *8011111 Ani^riean j late afternoons In stores and of-
ountrlcs, M<‘Xico, Kngland and I flees, where a breath of fresh air
,Yum o and, no doubt, from other and a plunge In a lake edn be had
•ountries. It is n traffic hard to, to cap the heat and swelter of tho
! control and so long as there is a j day. Now is the time to commence
I control anil SO King rh lucre ir* 11 ti.iv. 10 nit: uiiiv i"
i/unrket for It and It can he nlippi d j the undertaking and lie p/rdpared
through the customs honse ntid j for tho summer months of next
j other officials, the sale of this de- j year.
I sired beverage will be kept up.
Wendell’s Pills, Ambition
Brand, for Run-Down
Tired Out People.
If you fool tire d out, out of s
deSpn.ulent, mentally or physi
depresied, get a 60 cent box
\V« ndeU’ii Pills. ' Ambition ID
tit Palmer & Sons tpday
the ffret Dig stsp town
belter right away..
If you work ton hard, smoke to
much, or hro ntrvous* Wendell
Ullls, Ambition Brand, will mak
feel better In thn
I Dr. J. A. Bell* in charge of
i Rosemary Funeral Parlor*, and
j for many year* active In the
I service of the Matter ae a min.
, inter of the Baptist denomination*
| is devoting his time to this new
ruler a bone dry low, much 1 enterprise. He is n scholarly gen-
nn he sav«|d the state by this body 1 tlcninn and one of the ablest stu-
jPtting down to business ai d at dents In the study of the Bible,
Rather than spending the
1 time of the legislature in de.
, bate and argument over the
j lepeal cf the prohibition meas*
! ufP which is of little iniportnn
eck on Homo pHn whoreliy tho
nd t ik» | income of the state can be Inrreas
fo. lim’ 0( j a fl ( | (jj P obligations of the state
met without borrowing money from
hand to mouth and robbing Peter
to pay Paul. •
tnonej* back from Palmer & 80m j
on the first box purchased. 1
As a treatment for affections of
the nervous system, constipation |
Josi of nppet'.te, sleoplessness. -Ol
Nervous Indigestion, get a t»ox *•
Wendell's PiHsr Ambition ‘Brand
today on the money back plna* ~
Gasoline dropped one cent
the palk-n. not only in Athens,
but throughout the state and it
His knowledge of tho Bible and Its
teachings and hls ability to dissem
inate the Word of God fias been
the source of much good to the
nconle of this section of the state.
Ho hns mnde a study of the World
war and his writings of a histori
cal character has been read with
much Interest by the subscribers
of tho^ Banner Herald.
S.S.S. stops
]UT y.r.HcuniaU^n is ali gone. I
J.V1 feel a ’ wonderful glory
gain in the £rce motion I ;u*<d
to haver
when xsy .d^yn .were
y.lunger. 1 ten thank 8. S. S. tot
it sill Do not
clcs.,c your
eyes and
think tha.t
health,, free,
motion and
tVfft£ l Arc
Confesses to Characteris
tics Often Ascribed to
Americans By Foreign
ers. Herrick Also Duped,
He Admits,
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON—President Hard
ing has confessed to a chamctcrlS’
ften rwcril/ed to Arne
• t
And Social News
it is not su.
S. is 'waiting to help ycu.
When y;u inchcare the nbrr.ber of
your rcd-blood-cells, th- entire eys-
um undergoes a tremendous
change. Everything dw*pcni3 on
loa-atrcngth. Biood which ia
minus pufTicient rcd-cclls leads to
long list of troubles. Rheu
matism is one of them." S. S. S.
is the great blood-clcanscr, blood-
builder, system ctrcngthener, and
nerve inviacrctcr.
nerve invtgcratcr.
S. S. S. it sold at nil coo3
«!ruc stores ia iwa size*. The
larger xL* U cure ec-naaiica!.
5 ha World’* Best
it»U—and the pain r.f that com
SWWatkinsville Personal
iy. 1
'The cnnfcsHkm wn> mn«l» In n
|l«jtt«T >vritt« n to Colonel George 11
c/hristfan father of the se.”-* tury
tpc prwddcnt and has ;t bock-
K'twnd extending into the tay»
wlieh Wnncn U . Harding wan
cdtfing tlio Min-ion 8tar. It was*
ilyn./tbat a Htrnn*er dropiicd into
Miirlon' chlfed on '(Hlltrir
j Hording Dotd Introducing himtuilt
ar»a; nifmlier, of the -Virginia branch
t.f’ tho Harding family mentioned
that his cash In band had unex
pectedly run low nnd that
-,, riT , t Dr. Scholi’a Zino-paJa
<k>-/«///y. They remove the^a»»r-lric-
tion-prcM«ire,an*l heal the imtatum. Tnua
you aviiid infcction uum cutting your
corna or tiling Corrosive acid*. Tkm; an*
titrptic; waterprouL Si»a Lt curne, caP
|,mi-», bunioda. Get a bot luday at four
dnifgUt'a or shoe dealer's.
VI Scholl's
Utit m theUbarttorut tin*
it ft- Ca„ ndktri e/ Dr. SihoWi
Cemjdrt Jf+lUmui, Attk S*ff*
1 Foci
“8cofi*ld.' 'and a member of the
Scofield family of Virginia. The
Judge 1 like the editor extended fi
nancial aid.
Mr. Harding and Judge Scofield
had many a hearty laugh over the
incident, and they laughed even
more heartily on learning Severn?
weeks later that Myron T. Herrick,
then a Cleveland business man but
since governor of Ohio and ambas
sador to France, also had helped
out in the hour of need **a cousin
hy the name of Herrick from Vir
ginia who needed carfare home.
But gradually Mr. Harding ceased
to think of it, until the other day
he received a letter fron) Colonel
Christian, recalling the visit of th*
"Virginia cousin", and saying that
he himself had been recently vie
timfzed in a similar way.
Let us help you arrange your vacation. Wo afo hero to
serve and any Information desired will l>e gladly'furnished
by ticket agent in your town or by tho undersigned.
General Passonger Agent,
Atlanta, Ga.
OL UJ ..
these jbeautt fill vmountaim
$1.50 to Tallulah Falls
$1.75 to Franklin, N. C.
days’ protracted services at the
Methodist church just closed.
■Rev. Hill, an evangelist of na
tional reputation, preached the
series of sermons.
Mr. Bishop, of Athens, conduct-
the singing.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Bob Jordan ahd lit
tle, Bob, Jr., who have been visit
ing Miss Ida Murray returned to
Charlotte, N. C., their home* Tubs
ulil b'o useful. The Pr. nl- -''“T- Jordan came through In
dent then ns now was proud of the f^CAT^for^thein.
name of "Harding", and h
telided the loan.
Bllhr Duggan returned to
Charlotte, V. ,C.. Tuesday after a
pleasant vacation with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duggan, and
THE STORY . I many friends*
. • ! Miss Maggie Wilson Is spending
A few days later Mr. Harding the summer In California with
met Judge Scofield a leading citi-. friends; nnd also sight-seeing,
jr. n of MurPfri .juid a close friend, j Mrs. William Parham and chll*
ahd told the story of tbe^stranger’s [ i!ren of Fort Lauderdple, Fla., are
call., When he had finished Judge 1 upending the summer with Jier
Scofield announced that be had bene mother, Mrs. Sallie Thrasher, out
f I li'iiliyFni h T-"-""l:f : *i j.iiiiiiui al ''vwum
v «rme TcrtTirm-iTr, nno flwrnci Mis* Bess Boviess of Chalfa-
"-.jlitosiU .aa *» illatant i'oustn name* > tanooga. Is spending nomo tlrna
VIA ’ -
The Shortest Route .and Quickest Time.
Through Daily Sleepers.
Leave Athens 11:24 P. M.
Arrive Wilmington .... 12:20 P. M.
Lunch at Beach.
Week End faro of $16.15, Athene trf WrfghtsvIRo flench
and, return. Tickets at this rate ou sale for all Friday.
Saturday and forenoon train* Sunday, during period up to
nod Including September 2nd, limited for return, leaving
Wilmington Monday afternoon.
Season faro of $21.40, Athens to Wrfghtsvtlle Beach and
return, on sale dally up to September 30th, iimked for re
turn until October 31st.
FoRowIng rate* nro quoted hy tho OCEANIC IIOTEL
which Include meals and tho privilege of surf bathing:
Stogie rooms, without bath $4.00 and $4.50 per day
Single rooms, with bath $5.00 and $0.00-per day
Double rooms, without bath ........ $8.00 and $9X10 per day
Double rooms, with bath $10.00 and $11.00 per hay
Children under 12 years $3.00 per dey
For further Information or Pullman reservations, call on
C. S. Compton C. Mayne
Com'l Aqent. a. A. L. T. P.-A., a. A. L.
Athena Os. Atlanta, Qa. nnan
ayvw-j- ,!■
Fred Geisslcr,
At»**. Osr’l 5 '
Passsngsr Agt. ^
Miian.ei, Ga.
ppm J'