Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1923.
iW’RQllt-IKmSHVw-;/ ( ^ A j^ ER 7 Draw,n t" by Let Wright.
you? *
“Then come in and be.seated
“Till the kettle I're heated/' In
vited the Rimy.
/‘Oli. we can’t just now*, thank
you," said Nancy. “We’re traveling
amt can’t atop.”
Suddenly tbe Rimy slammed the
doer and wa$ gone.
"WJi-what’a wrong ” asked
•What did I do?”.
■'Vou forgot to speak in poetry
and offended him/ ’explained Mis-
ter Sky Row-. “Here comes anoth
er. Now remember what 1 told
QEORGIA-^CIark* County:
Ail creditors of the estate of t’lurlcs
E. Guest, lutl of Cltfrke County, de
ceased. are hereby notified to render
in their demands to the undersigned
according to law, and all persons in
debted to said/estate are required U
make immediate payment to me.
This July 3rd. 1923. ,
Executor of Charles K. Guest, j
July 6-13-20-27. |
and ($100,000.00) Dollars.
Petition*** desfrtnbtf ’tttftt to
dissolve said corporation' at any
time upon u majority vote of the
outstanding voting stock, after due
L’e to stockholders.
GEORGIA—Clsrke County:
Whereas, Mrs. Amanda Nunnally. I the purposes c
itdininistratrix dc bonis non cuin j issue bonds o
testarnento unnexo, represents to land recure th
Hut before Nancy could say an-• lhe Court in her petition, duly»security d.?ed,
other word, the Rimy began,
Petitioners desire that said cor*
poration have the right to have ant’
use a common seal, to sue and he
sued, to contract and be contract
ed, to buy. own and sell real es- t
her property suitable fori
day in August, 1923, before tbe [me at the regular August term 1921, and likewise recorded in said
. v j— ~ !J ..... ,-.1.™ • *’ ——- of Ordinary of office.
court house door, said state And 1923 of the Court
Cgunt'y, 7<fdSbg thr legal hours of * said ounty. to be held’ Oli the first ,2. All that’ tract ; or .parcel of
sal? ‘ 16 “ tTflST 'TitghefcvWdderfor j'Monday in Ansrtwi,- 1928, «nd all 'tend* lyin^rand beinj? in the city of
cash: -+* f persons concerned are hereby no-'Athens, Clarke County. Georgia,
One 5 passenger. Dodge car, itified to show cause before me on beginning on Jonas Avenue at the
Motor No. 329154, Car No-277774. raid day why said application far prcpcity Hue of A -Hunnicutt
Said property levied upon apd administration shou'd not be 2nd peuprea Ilunnicmr/and'run-
” ’ ' " ' ' ‘ aing thence in n nortNerly direc
tion slop? Jonas
to be sold under a mortgage fi fa. (granted.
Issued in favor of G. P. Harrison This June 29th. 1923.
against E. ' G. Adcock and sqid , R. C. OHR.
4It made Jark laugh .|o ; geo his ck*g chasing a fifth just because they
%lled it a catfish. “He Mtvej* did like., cate, anyway/' he told the v/a-
|rmite. And it ma'de Jft*k !augh loudi
Ssh’was too tricky for Flip,
»e dog.
“The cat had no king
Hut the king had a cat.
Now, please tell mt, sirs,
Where do you live at?”
“On the other side of the fain,
bow door, *
In a nice white house with a big
front door/
The great fisH dodged right away f rom • ans wered Nancy quickly not lor.
v J “'“'ting this time.
vay to a place v whtye many
5 By this time the watermite had led the w
'EuTsufl inn'll ^ re K ? there f In one spot they were'all per':
g&liy still and i.i another place thsy were swimmim? ranidlv ..*i in
*>' d ‘^ Uan - "School has JUst let out,” cxpfaCd th? watermite
“That won’t do,” said the Rimy
shaking his head. “In poethy you
can’t use the same word twice. Try
"In a nice white house with a-a-
a as I Haig before/ 'Nancy declared
“Fine! Fine!” sold the Rimy
“Now as I am the Grand High
Rimy. I will make you both Rlmies
the greatest honor you can hava ”
•'Come, come, most honorable
Rlmies,” called Mister Sky Row,
“we must be going.”
(To Be’ Continued)
filed and entered on record, th.
she has fully administered the aa
Duke Mumilton estate. Thl-
therefore to cite all person*
cerned, kindred d creditors,
show 9a use, If any they can, why
said Administratrix should not. h
discharged from her administration,
and receive letters of diamission,
on- the first Monday In August,
1923. ' .
This July llth a 1923.
It. C. OHR, Ordinary.
July 13-20-27-Aug. 3.
Legal Advertisements
GEORGIA—Clark* County: -
Noi 440&—July T«rir, 1923, Clark*
Sup«rfor Court.
2i* n ;! , th , c " f? , t0,d , J? ck that ‘ho beto policeman wna the one win
l^.Sk .»£ ew y C . ross ,': li thc bus y ‘“•ctions of under the cea
S"?,-®? aw that the octopoliceman was holding out his lone arm
teasur* firoup of ***“*“•a*r vs? 3
By Olive Roberts Barton.
i ’
He touched them both on the head with a email atlck.
a Tho. boat place Mietor Sky. Bow
vxak the Twina to in HainboV Lamd
the town where the Rlmies
3iV0d. .
t They were funny looking little
d<>4 with long hair and spectacles,
i pie Twina knocked oaths door
pf. tho ftret houeo they came to
inrl n Rimy answered It.
-Why, how do yon do,
l “And pray who are you?” he
"Answer him with a rime If
you can," whispered Mietor hky
Bow to Nick. i
“We came hero to ato
“Thla atrange countreo,” paid
Nick, and I think It Was pretty
good poetry for a little hoy. don’t
By Condo
\lfiOA~\OH. MR*. TROS. T&U Know <OM6m
.sextRcn op peaces a\*o FRcebom hc didn't
;TAKe M3 (wives with him. (.bt'S r-hics
our vacations sepnRATeLY- IvHAt po
You SAY*
To Anise D. Applegate. Greeting:
By order of the Court you nri
hereby required, personally or by at
torney, to bo and appear at the Hu
perior Court of Clark* County, to b<
held in and for said County on thi
Third Monday in July noxt, then and
there to answer the Plaintiff's (
plalnf, , a*, In default thereof,
Court will proceed a* to Justice shall
Witness, tho Honorable Blanton
Porting, Judge of said Court, this
16 th da£ of May, 1923.
E. J. CRANFORD, Clerk.
Plaintiffs* Attorney.
May 25, Juno 1-29, July <5-13.
GEORGIA—Clark* County:
No. 4415 July Torm; I«g3, Clark*
Superior Court.
Libel for Divorce.
By order of tho Court you
hereby required to he and appear at
said Court on tho Third. Monday In
July next, to answer Petitioner'
libel for Divorce, nnfl In default
thereof, the Court will proceed
Juste!* shall appertain. i
Witness tho Honorable Blanton
Fortson. Judge of said Court, this
the 11th day of June, 1923:
Deputy Clerk 8. C. C. C.
Petitioner’s Attorneys. *
Jane 15-22, July 6-l8.
corporation propose* to engage it>
is that of manufacturing and mar
keting confections, particularly
GEORGIA—Clark* County:
Clark* Superior ‘Court, July Term,
1923. -i
By order of tho Court you gr*
required to be and appear at said
Court on the third Monday in July,
1923, to answer petitioner’* l(bel for
divorce, and In default thereof the
Court will proceed as to Justice aball
Witness the Hon. Blanton Fortson.
Judge of said Court. This the 9th
day of June, 1923.
E. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk.
Petitioner’s Attorneys.
June 12-29, July 4-13. _
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
To all t\hom it may concern:
J. Thomas 'Heard having in prop
er form applied to me for Perma
nent Letters of Administration .on
the estate of Chas. Arnold late of
said County, this is to cite all and
singular the creditor* and next of
kin of Chas. Arnold to be and ap
pear at my office *wlthin the tlnif
allowed by law, and show cause, il
any they can, why permanent ad
ministration should not be grant*
cd to J'etitioner,# or some suitable
person on Chas. Arnold’s estate.
Witness my hand and official
signature, this 11th duy of July,'this office,
J Witness my official signature,
ORR, Ordinary (and seal of said Court, at Athens,
Georgia, this the 11th day of July
, , ly23>
GEORGIA—Clark* County: » L. J. CRAWFORD,
Clerk, Superior Court, Clarke
id corporation, to
other obligations
amejiy mortgage,
■ed of trifM. • or
ui security under the
laws-now or hereafter existing, and
p' titloner* desire that said corpor
ation have the right generally to
do all other acts or deeds whlqb
similar nature under the laws of
this state.
WHEREFORE, petitioners pVny
to be Incorporated under the name
ami style of SOUTHERN 1'OU-
poweA^ privileges and Immunities
herein set forth, and such others as
;ir«* now or may hereafter be allow
ed corporations of similar charac
ter under the laws of this state.
Attorneys for Petitioners
Filed In the office, this 11th day
of July, 1923.
Clerk, Superior Court, Clark*
County, Georgia.
I, E. J. Crawford, clerk of the
Superior Court of Clarke County,
Jeorgla, do certify that the fore-
coing Is n true and correct copy of
he petition for Incorporation of
ATION as same appears of file in
described property.
This July 10th, 1923.
W. E. JACKSON. Sheriff.
Jonas .Avenue
100 feit^iiien
July 13-20-27, Au*. 3.
!Ordinary, Clarice County, Georgia, westerly direction along the prop-
J.TuU* 13-20-27/' Aue. 3. (erty ot Jonas 212 feat to the
, ——-j, * property line cf Mrs. V. Bur-
GEORGIA—Clarke County: ton; thence in a Southerly direction
To All Whom It May Concern: • ioo feet along \ thc promt/ of
SALE UNDER POWER | Mrs. Eunice V. Akin, the wid >w rjl j,| Mra. A. V. Burton; thonco in
Under and by virtue of thc!of William Baker Akin, ^late of an easterly dircolion ^i2 feet to
Power of Sale contained In a cer Jccld County, /licensed, luvmg filed tn . beginning point; this hein--
tain security dc*!', to the John’a-petition to have William Chan- j| 1P « am „ jot c T eec'?d to M, Ster-i
Hancock Mutual Ufe Insurance Jtilcr Ak. : n, a non of . deceased, ap- by Mrs. Katie J. Pope, and record-
Walter i>oint^d as permanent admini^tra- e ., t h 0 clerk's office hr the Su-
Childg jbn March 1, and record ifttv ct §aid deceasedestate, said pe ricr Court of Ctyrke County,
ed March 5 1918, in Deed Bookfordci* having bsen duly pasrrd on Q cor ^ j n ,; Co ,j hook 15. foiio 1J.
23. pages 4-lsici. seq. of the ‘record^! iaid petition, directing, that cit*-j 0 t containing or.?-half
of Clarko <Iounty, Georgia, thc jtic:i do issue, this is therefore t°!more or less, and feeing the same
undersigm-d. the John Hancock [cite al 1 and singular ths creditors (property conveyed .to E. G. Fam-
Mutunr Uf6 Insurance ‘Company (nnd hc’rs pt law of the said Wil->|>rcugh and A. % JI. Shannc*i bv
...Ml ...II . * .. ... . AUSr. !«♦« nt Quid . . ^ me C-. . - -
sel^ at public outcry ' to thc iJiam Baker Akin, late of saidjdced of M. Stern dotoci March 17,
* ’ County, deceased, to be and op- t c2o, and recorded in’the e'erk'r
July 13-20-27-Aug. 3.
The petition of Arthur L. Fill, of'.Tuly 13-20-27-Aug 3.
the District of Columbia, Michael.
J. Costa, of Clarke County, Qeor-1 GEORGIA—Clarke County:
gin, and Jacob R. Joel, of Clarke
Coi/ity, Georgia, respectfully
That petitioners d.^lre for tbem-
selves f their associates r.nd arfe-
ce*aors, to be fncorporated under
the name and style of '‘SOUTHERN
tho full period of twenty years,
with the privilege of renewal as
provided by law.
.The principal office and place ot
corporate business shall be in the
city of Athens, Clarke County,
Will be sold on thc first Tucs
day in August, 1923, between thc
legal hours of sale, to the highest
bidder for cash, the following real
estate, to-wit:
Three tracts or parcels .of land
lying and being in Sandy Creek
District, Clarke .County, Georgia,
more particularly described as fol
1. ,l A tract containing! three
aerca, more or less, beginning at
comer on old run of branch and
running 8. 48 1-4 W 820 feet, to
a point; thence S. 43 1,4 E. 160
feet to a point; thence W. 48 1-4
Georgia. Petitioners desire the |E. 920 feat to branch; thence along
right to have offices nnd places:the branch 90 feet to old run of
of business elsewhere within and branch? theno© up old run of
without *nid state. 'branch to beginning comer,”
3 i 2. Also that tract of land more
The object of said corporation I« particularly described as follows:
pecuniary gal» to itself and it: I “Beginning at a stone comer on
shareholders. branch, running north 62 degrees
7 4 West 245 feet to a paint; thence
The particular bualn*** that said lmining south 35 degrees West
190 feet, to a stone comer;'thence
south '42 1-4 degrees East 190
feet, to a qprner; thence 69 de«
frosen confections, known ns POP* grees East 124 feet, to a stone r.Kn»eii..
SOLE, the liccnMng and ^prdcor^jc^nor; thence South 42 1-4 de-fTo All Whnm Tfxr
grees East 830 feet, to a stone cor
ner; theuce north along a road 59
degrees East 143 fleet, to a stone
corner; thence north 878 feet, to
the beginning comer, containing
4.09 acres more or leu.”
3. Also that tract of land more
ing of other corpoiatlona, # firms
persona to manufacture and i
said confection* - ; the making and
marketing of sticks, wrapper*,
boxes, syrup* and other ingredi-,D) )e
< ntH or equipment-to be used lit 4.0s
the mnklng and marketing of c
faction*, ice* and similar product
that of carrying on any buslnei
which may he Incident to th* pow
tfa ! - ^re In before in th** paragraph
requested. '
The amount of capital stock of
■aid corporation shall he Twenty
Thousand ($20,000.00) Dollar*, di
vided into shares of tho par value
cf One Hundred (1100.00) Dpllafs
each; said stock to be common
stock; «»ld stock to b? paid for
either in money or In other .as
sets suitable for ths corporate
business of said company. More”
thnn ten (10) per cent of said
capital stock has actually been
paid In. Pstltloners desire that
Said corporation have the right
nnd power to increase its capita)
stock from time to tlmt by a ma
jority vote of the voting stock of
said corporation to nn amount not
in excess cf One IDradred Thous
highest bidder for cash, before th<
urt house door in tjie Qlty - ol
Athens and County of Clarke, with
in the- Inga! hours of sale, on thc
First Tuesday i,n August, 1923, thc
fpllowing described, property, to-
All that tract or parcel of land
situated, lying and being in 'the
218th District O. M„ of Clarke
County, Georgia, bounded on thc
North by other prqperty of Wal
ter Jx Childs, on East ’ by Bh
Cree]c, separating this propertj
from land of the Winter Estate nnd
by lands of Winter Estate, on the
South by property of Matt Bar
nett nnd Claude Tuck, and
West by property of Clpude Tuck
and by property, now or formerly
owned by Deupree Hunnlcutt.
talning 327.64 acres, more or less
and more particularly described by
f>lat of said property hereto at
tached «(recorded in Deed Book 23
page 445 of said Clarke Count j
records) and made a port of th'li
description, except one (1) acre ii
southwest corner of said tract dee*
ed hy A. K. Childs to Clarke Coun
ty by deed recorded in Book 00,
page 494, for purpose of a District
Court Ground; for the purpose of
paying me indebtedness secured hy
Id spcurUy cfced. to-wit: The
office of th* Superior Court of
Clarke County. Georgia, in deed
book 29. page 9. ‘
Said property having Been lev
ied upon and to be sold
principal note far Eleven Thousand
($11,000) Dollars, dated March
1918 nnd due October 1. 1922, to
gether with interst thereon as pro
vided Jn said note and tho experts
cs of this Rale; the said described
property* having been conveyed to
the undersigned In deed above de
scribed ns security for the note
above described, anrl default In thc
payment of said note due October
1, 1922, having occurred nnd <
tlnued to this date. A conveyance
will be executed hy the under
signed to the purchaser at such
sale, as authorized in said se
curity deed. This 12th day of
July, 1923.
ton, Mass.
July 13-20-27-Aug 3. ^
ner; thenco north 40 1-4 degree* ^Witnes^nn^ : 1
West 777 feet to Poplar on branch; IK, l “ nd aI
thence South 83 1-4 degrees West Jggl Ur *’ thls 2nd day of Jul ) r '
220 feet, along, the branch to the D r .
beginning comer, containing three July 13.20.2?. Aug. 3! 0rdlnary *
acres more or less. 1
Said property levied on as the GEOKCIA-CIsrke County:
Her Toes Rake in the Dough
property, of Charlie McMurray, to To AH
eatisfy an execution issued from Miss Irene Culp
form applied tome fo? PermSn:
S' -- St0I Y' Bn( * a S“ lnat Charlie Cn t Letters of Administration on
the estate of Peter H. Culp, late of
This 9th day of July, 1923.
July 13-20-27, Aug. 8.
said County, this is to cite all and
sfngurra thc creditors and nest of
kin of Peter H. Culp to be and
appear at my office within the
time allowed by law. and show
cause, if any they can, why per
manent administration ahould not
ho granted to Miss Ifcne Culp on
PoUr B. Culp’s estate.
,..h Witnei* my hand and official
cash, the following described prop- ^nature, this 2nd d a y of July.
1923. .
R. C. ORR, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
Will bo sold before the court
houso door in said county between
the legal hours of aalo, on the first
Tuesday in August 1923. at public
outcry to the highest bidder for
cash, thc foil*
erty, to-wit:
All thst lot of lend, with. the
improvements thereon; located on Ju | y 13-20-27. Aug. 3
the cast side of MUledge Avenue *
In Athens Clarke County, Georgia, qpoRGIA—Clarke County
ing immediately in rear ox no. i
and being the same size—thp
whole bounded on the west by
Milledge Avenue, on the south by
erty of Billups Phiniiv, and being B H W eifhe}y having in
Uie property convejred to J>n*’> proper form applied' to me fo.
i-P^ofn b in3 Permanent letters, ot -Adminls-
d « d . dat ' d tration on the esWte pf W. H
Wettheriy, late of said County.
deed thi * ** 10 cit * 411 * n<r *‘ n lf' d *r the
Jo^e Smythc Cajnak by deed creditors and next of kin of W. H.
dated June 28, 1»U. ■and~ recor»fl Weatherly, to be and my
ta ° ,fka the time allowed by
law, and .how cause, if any they
Said prepity having been levied can> why pe rmtnen t administra-
mi and to be aold aa-Ui I*opey tiort should not he granted to B.
ol E. M. Howell in order to sat- H Wcather | y on w H w , ath
Isfy an execution issued from the . . „ ut ,/
City Court of Athens in f>vor of fo tne „ my hand and
James Vf. Cstnsk^ against the said aI|rnatun . the Bth day of JuIyi
E. M. Howell. Property pointed
ont In said fi fa; written notice
given to tenant In poaaeasion. and
deed for levy and sale duly filed
and recorded In th* office of the
clerk of the Superior Court pf
amid county before levy. *
All Whom It May Concern:
A. J. Lester having in
rwoper form applied to me for
Permarftnt letters of AdrainU-
tratttm on the estate of A. J.ILes-
■Kt County, this is to
ptrticularly described as follow*:’ t&Sg?—JP 1 . of 4* -^Lemter to
-Bwinning at a atone eorodr on rts ttam 7 ^ i:, ‘
branch, running South 42 1-2 de- caused niv ' ‘I d ,how
greos East 878 feet to a stone man ’. ," d 'i V i ,>L ‘ r '
comer on road; thcncc North 59 u- i . n 8 ^?^ 0n . should not
pear at the Court of Ordinary of
said'County at the August term,
1923, and to show cause, if any
they may have, why letters of
permanent adminisrtation should^ uj#um _
not be grartted to tpe Raid y y*'property of E. G. Fambrough -
liam Chandler Akin on the estate ^ Shannon lor the purpose
of William Baker Akin, deceased- satisfying a certain execution
Witness my hand and official - - * — - - -
signature, this 2nd day .of Ju:y,
R. C. ORR,
Ordinary Ciarkc County. Ga.
Petitioner’s Attorney.
July 13-20-27. Aug. ,3.
GEORGIA—Clsrke County:
Will be sold before thc court
houso door in said county at public
outcry to the highest bidder for
cash, between the legal hours of
sale, on the first Tuesday in Aug
ust, 1923, the following described
property, to-wit:
1. All that lot of land in the
city Of Athens, Clarke County.
Georgia, on the cast side of the
Oconee River, containing four (4)
acies, more or less, having a
frontage on Jonas Avenue and
being thc propirty described in •
deed dated December _22,
rued from thc City Court of Ath
ens in favor of F. H. McEnt:r<*
against the said E.'G. Fambroqgh
and A H. Shannon.
Deed for levy ar.d sale filed an<!
recorded before levy, ami written
notir/? given tenant in possession.
Thin Cth dav of July. 1923.
Sheriff. Clarke County, Georgia.
,1.. 1" on 07 A -to* n
July 13-20-27, Aug.
GEORGIA—Ciarkc County:
To All Whom It May Concern:
J, H. Krumrino and Mrs. Selene
Childers Krumrino, baying in due
form applied to the undersigned
for tho gim.rdUnship of the person
anrl -rop ..y of the r children,
Frances Katherine Krumrino. age
elevn, and Marion .Selena Knjn»-
ine. age four, elfildrcn of Chcrlc::
UttfcCU ^_ f 1917,'H. Krumrino, Jr., late of said
from D. M. Moore to J. A. Hun- county, deceased, notice in hereby
nicutt x and Deunrec Hunnlcutt, given that paid .application will be
slid deed recorded in thc office of heard at th- next CMtf of ordinary
thc clerk of the Superior Court of I for sai county, on^thc first Mon-
Clarke County, Georgia, in deed **“ * * ‘
book 15. page 543; heing tho same
property conveyed to E. G. Fam-
bruogh and A. H. Shannon by deed
of J. A. Hunnicutt and Deup.-ce
Hunnicittt, dated February 8, July 13-20-27, Aug. 3
d:y in August. 1923.
Witness my hand and otaeial
signature, this — day of July,
R. C. ORR, Ordinary.
It Never Rains But it Pours
arke County: I "
It May Concern: £
ulp having i:f proper f.
to mo for Porman.! WP
A day after the Broad Street Station at Bhlladshibia was burn*<I
lown. a train wreck at Villa Nova, a Philadelphhvusuburb, further,
lozzed railroad traffic. NJne persons were Injured wHen one electric
ain side-swiped another, derailing coaches of both trains nnd tewing
p the rails for 590'f«cL - *■ - * ■ 1
The return of the appraiser,
£?T.rnl a of , ( h. Rilh?~ P PhS‘ l,c ‘ ,ln * , «P«H twely9.months’ sup-
g*:* S J‘ po rt to '- Lul * Virgil, widow of Sam
i 1 ? *ST r6 r, p ¥ t *f&j2rvit Virgil, deemised, having been filed
belonging to H. S. Hughes, Lot in my o f(| c0> a u person, concerned
A.Jf°jitint 97 f«t 3 inches are c {t*d to show cause by the 6th
?" A ? e , nu t. # . nd „ ru !; nl , n * day of August. 1923, why said ap.
b»ck 192 fret 9 inches, No. S ly- piciation for twelve months’ sup-
ing immediately In rear of No.. 1 , honld not ^ Kranted .
ith day of July, 1923. ’ .
. R. C. ORR. Ordinary. ■
property of .Mrs. Fannie Long *»!»**■ A *- 3 ‘
ffcylor, on the east by Harris GEORGIA—Clsrke County:
Looks Like a Bull Frdg f
stream-line effect to the nth degree, Are" it il showi 'btinx TetltJ
\|n a Berlin track.' ]
R. C. ORR, Ordinary.
July 13-20-27. Aug. 3.'
GEORGIA—Clsrke County: V
Thomas H. Doxier, Jr., having
made application for appointment
ss permanent administrator of the
« fas Anson, youthful dancer, has educated toes. Hers she is—stgnlim
l movie contract with them—No. she Isn’t ennie««-
_ ... - . “•.. a !!2°S i .’-i. estste of Mrs. Martha M. Conway.
■^ g “" Ute of Clsrke County, Georgia.
July 13-20-27, Aug. 3, ,
GEORGIA—Clsrke, County:
.Will be sold on thc first Tucs-
Pour a little turpentine in ,the
corners of your closet and ypur
litfroen, drawers and trunks if yon
wish to keep the moths sway.
Sleeveless sport costs or emerald
greune or bright orange colored vet'
veteen are very effective with
white eporta costumes.
Printed chiffont'in navy blue or
black with white dots are made
Into very tailored frocks and worn
(or business or shopping.
R E W A R D—Liberal
reward, no questions ask
ed, for return of Boston
Bulldog; name “FaMl”
i Brass studded ^collar; two
Red calico with small figure* In
yallow' and black irykes very swag*
ger collar, cuffs |nd vest for a
blue serge suit with a pleated skirl
nnd bolero Jacket. *
For a young girl w!*h fair com
plexion arid blue oyea, panic Fash
ion recommeuda a bouffant dancing
frock the baby bFbd taffeta com
bined with a frilled top of " k “*
or/an die.
Changeable taffeta !« used
make some of the ginartcst
bouffant frocks. Roles and
of self-material are the most
ored trimmings. f *
tut "^^SJjyears old, Stolen_
will be heard and determined by Iday. B. C. LumpkilU
Want Ads. 1
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