The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, July 17, 1923, Image 3

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TUESDAY. JULY 17. 1923. TBH MTOBHIBAID. ATHENS. GEORGIA PAGE THREE Offlc# 1201-j-B? MIlS. AL ICC ADAMS—Residence MX. GIRL RESERVES MEET ^ The - Diet Reserves bro eagerly lookluKf^ani to the month of AugjHpSBilcli a group of thorn will spend nt (he "Y" Camp. I '.at Weniug thefce girls and- tfctelx pty- j nf| met at the Y. camp riilly and to great Air. Forb f ‘ 4 flt|en he returned from the camp infill a gropp pf joys whom lie - Slis bringing hack to Athepp after I Nelr stay at Camp. Mr. 1 Porbts ; 79}d the girls of the improvements iftjtt have.heen, made nt qarpp slnco last summer and of the splendid records which the boys have been | iriaking In athleticsTAHss DuDosc. tfto V. W.‘ C. A. * secretary, talked 6ft what camp can mean to a' girl. Already about-fiftv girlsi have reg istered for tho. camp and registra tions are coming in every day. Mr. Forbes urged the girls to register promptly so that adequate supplies might he ordered and the cami gotten in readiness for the Girl August let. , TEETHWG AND HOt WEATHER' are Very hard on the little one*. Summer disorders of Stomach and bowels, weakening diarrhoea, cholera infantum, quickly controlled ky CHAMBERLAIN’S COLIC and DIARRHOEA REMEDY, CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR CARNIVAL TO BE HFLD FRIDAY EVENING teuperylftlon of the social Com mittee ot the Senior Society.* The public is invited to come down and enjoy an evening of good wholesome entertainment, furnished by Athens Kndeavoreru VISITORS HONORED big tlmo for everyone is the |£T^LOVELY BRIDGE Mrs. Everett Patman entertain ed at a lovely bridge party ’I’ftiif tlayj oft dr noon nt her ho: MlIIcdM avenue m complimci he4* house guest, Miss Katrina Of Macon. SuinmhF flowers *ln effectl r^pgement decorated the ree« roomn whdre the game was p Four table scores and nu: were given ds toj* adore gnd soldtion prixey** 1 Following the ' ganfie' a course was served. The guei eluded the members ofAheln bridge <dub and two N add tables or players. -ffl— Miss Henrietta Turner of We#- minster. S. C., and 'Miss Eli^ah^h Stevens of Caclton will be ! Ue week-end guests of Mrs. Isaac Peid, sf“®SHi i8. CB1 m id. "the week for a visit of several) E! Plantation Melodic, direct from Xha. Southern, faup„ So. addUtafteft the side showr and eats* games of every description will be enjoyed, [the week for a visit of several) The program will’be under the weeks in Eatonton and Madlsotf. ... . in iTirV „ doHiriontlie' , 'Alld^yVandevei*f- Hclps children ond oldqr persona to<v ono w ,„ wnnt t0 ^ r the - 0 ?d of the Ohri|^ian church En deavor Societies, who aro going jfe tethg' 1 ‘ A' ‘y UristiUn lQHlt*§tvor vaVnfvnl*’ m tho ; basement v cff tho church,, and on the lawn Friday pyenlng. commencing at 8:30 o'clock with ’"Community Singing!” Eyeryyone will want to Join'in the fun and march down "Imaginable Broadway” and seethe various sliows that will be "fir line. Along (he Sides will be ice cream arid lemonade stands to add to the ef fectiveness of tho entertainment. The maiden fortune teller will be on hand in Orient costume, while “The Biggest Little Singer on tho f Program” will appear in several» numbers, j Notwithstanding the fact that one of the side issues will he one Pf the greatest attractions in'the form of “Bonaparte Crossing the Rhine" and the "Pretty Girl Con test" is sure to bring "About much fun. fer here girls names will be rl^ced before the voters at cost of one penny and the girl receiv ing tho largest number of votes will lie the winner of a beautiful, cake. “Cjassleal, Singing tnd Mu- qlc" .wifi also he a gteat attract lop flown on the’"Mid “ “** ‘ ' ** —ffl— Trof. and Mrs. James Park of | Dahlonega are guests of Mr. and ■Mrs. C. U. Chandler on Cobh 1 street. ) iMr. and Mrs. E. S. Ryleo have returned from Atlanta where they! spent last week visiting relatives. * corn and cotton. Ho slaps in -a il - item- almwt ■ any’ fnrmtf -Mr..and Mrs. P. J. Neel Ieav Satnri AS HORNETS” 161 from paq« one) Miss.JohnnirEUlay of Craw- but few P*P'« fh»*d arid Mis* Lila EdwrJjs pf Jef ferson 0118/guests of Miss Matt ft O'Kenhy on Barrow street. M. M. JficF— ’ Rev. cFerrin, pastor ,< street Presbytoftnn urcb of Augusta, .la In tho city rpf a Bhcrt visit to, Mrs. .Mao- Herrin who Is with Mrs. V. p. tllenn on North 'Stlllrjgo a von up have ’•You have mere wt.-.dom th-.f the proverbial serpent when il combs to scotching the whool of our, influential citizen without Ios. JHV nis patronage or Jii« subscrip tion. And when ft come:; to quenching; the spirit of a public spirited woman who is anxious to go fadversely, you 1 can nrgctloe' the hayinlessness of a dove and r.till who has done anything well. %|Z^" P ^lUn/H^e^nVO^ puts n .crown on that old Mil Aj^vlDo, Brehard ttd TdiStwSr; • seed's head, even if it is nothing before returning. I but the largest potato grown. |a —(P — * * the county. How that l:in<l ol “f.ittlc Church ArOUIl3 spoofiug does help, iic is .doing! n, 0 Corned” Palace trntion!"j Theatre Special Today • parlment, for tW alleged propa- ^»nd the Corner" featuring 7 gandg she said he been arndinp <**% Windsor, and to be shown to farmers. More than, i- * r ,' J*' e “ ce # ®Jf a ^ re i”* tired thousand nflgroeq Trqm Gear- * PJJPjJj* gift albid* )f*ve hL‘fiii x Hli^ftetJ • Uie ?5 rfien . p ^?.Y e ” **l .^ e norln^^fdi■'**'■“ need ‘m Miss Katrina Bush will return to her Jiomo in Macon Wednes day after visiting rMs. Everett Patman on Millodge avenue for several weeks. Miss. Norin'e Annie Mao Il^ili a western trip. Texas. lilidny and Mim ly leave soon ;for liny will visit; ip Xlearaway Sale of Sweaters One lot of slip-over sweaters in solid colors and combinations* slightly soiled. Crigirtally the pri<;<!s were from $3.60 to $5.00. You"may choose from them at 98 cents. House Dresses for $1.39 n < . l \ \ ' ; * # These dresses are made'of fast color Ginghams in W checks and solid colors in most every color. Trimmed with organdy and self ma terial. • All sizes in a variety:; of attractive styles: You could hot buy the material ■ ip'-': ! . • *!'•* » ' Here’s An Excellent Value in Towels 3-‘ *“ - N’ :! • ». It will pay you to lay in a future supply of these Huck Towels at 15 cents each. They are full 16x33 inch size and good qual ity. Men’s Summer Union Suits r.UMO 1 ''..*' : .*! of good quality check muslin, nicely tailored, cut full. A real good value at 69c. Boston Bags of Real Leather for $1.49 Tljese bags are made of real leather, good quality in black and brown. Nothing better for traveling. MacFeFrrin- 1s assistant }&*vc the world from her activities. teacher to Signora De Fabritfls ‘In ' ' ; -SB- . ‘ -• Augusta and Is here registered In the music department of the Bum- mermor School of tho University. Miss Rorfa Leo Woods Is spond- I .da not say thhi is.'Jfght, but you can dd it. SOF.OMON A "PIKER” "A’most any country town fill ing this week In Athens with her j^ or play rings around Solo- mothrv. Mrs. R. F. Wopd—Atlanta ;n>°n.wlwn It come., to choosing his Journal t *° ca l ne 'Y a Items and proverbs, so as to stimulate the circulation of Journal. • Mrs. John R. Nortlicptt and three children return'd this morning from WrightsviUo Beach, where they siw?nt ten days. y/ Mrs. Horace Holden ^nd Misses an( j the cards of thanlt3 his paper. "But he deals lens than any man living hi the mournful eccles iastical Scripture of life. He pub- lishes less calamitous news than any other editor, chiefly our obit- Queen and Frances Holden return ed Monday from Crawfordvillc. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Holden’s sister, Mrs. W. R Jennings and little daughter Mary Elizabeth Jennings of Atlanta, ieho will ho their guests for some time. Mr. and Mrs. F. Chrmes 're turned yesterday from Atlanta. Mr W. T. ^Forbes returned 'to the "Y” Camp today after, accom panying the following boys home last night nfter a two week's stay relatives put in aftar the funeral, which,* when you think about it, in not so calamitous as if he had dealt in bad news of the living. "Let hard times come Hire a dusty tramp down the road and hf will record hard times in a hriof paragraph on the last page. Then he will make nil the ink on the front page and the editorin! page shout prosperity coming around the corner. He leaves all the ban dit and bootlegger news fot the daily papers, especially the latter, which 1s not popular stuff to toll ft ed •Jo. the Sfrfi6n ptav e rs in the iriJs there , '* - ,nc |h Harlan, Hobart Bosworth, Discussing the et©* : jdwr- ion Russell’s nalism, Mrs. Harris saidf ftho did successful ^tage play. MbTWp,„Hd NEW MINTEnlHr”rURE E ,3^.^ °r Marv ZTSSl •Mv idea at iui clhtral newipn- amount picturv, “Tho Trail of lh« is one that nubHshos 'mucl I^menomo Pine.” will be the at- news of honor, louro-.v virtue. »Wtlon at the Palace Wedn«!»<lay. liatriotlum .mil what so ever thin:. The picture in clean, wholesome u ere of pooS renort.. If I were entertainment from sUrt to fin- nn editor, I would harp n lot on Uh. The Btory is laid in Kentucky the ten comnundmenta. I,would and Tennessee! mountnina and put in something about God, not .deals with a family feud. with a whang, hut just news of ^ — IDs goodness and morcy. ft ‘if - everywhere ih all things, abound ing, hut you never see ,it mention ed among tho local items. . . . . . By 1 all means, go ahead and inter view tho great men nad ciistin- guhhcd women, the and bnseball heroes, but you are miss- mg your cue when you fail to find and reveal the beautiful lives of the silent people, who have never figured ! in historv or in the news pf the ftay. but they arc the oner who hold this world together, and make it safe to live in* in spite of, all tho confusion and perversities, of our times.” Dealer CITIZENS PHARMACY Distributors TALMADRE BROS. PALACE TONIGHT Claire Windsor Kenneth Harlan The Sweetest Love Story Ever Told “The Little Church r Around the Corner” WEDNESDAY , Mary Miles t; Minter . in “THE TRAIL OP THE LONESOME PINE” at tho camp: Rupert Curry. James now in rural communities. Chandler, Arthur Means, Edward “I nni pluckiiig no laurels from Evans of Greensboro, Ilarrv Ste- the* bright brows of you swifter you city editors, with your associated new* services, and your marvelous displays of murder stories and di vorce scandals when I say that he is a wiser man in his county than you acem to be in tho world. "One of your ablest men may mount n bolf weevil and go like Silk Pongee for . 85c yard Good quality Japanese Silk Pon gee for 85c per yard.. < Trunks and Bags of the Highest Quality When you start on a trip whether it iafpf,Bjiort; or * , long trip you want Tug-' gage that can be depend- abron. -Our 'trunks are made of vulcanized fibre wardrobe, dress and garner’-sizes.. Bags of ali,-* leather, imitation leather and matting;- Suit cases arid hat boxes of every kind. Prices reasonable. In itial painted on all u g g a g e free of ‘ arge. ’ ' ; ■_ ■ | Davison-Nicholson Co ATHENS^ BUSIEST'STOltBi'r ^ 1 1UU % David GoldwiiRser. fAwson Cook and Harry Hall of Greene- boro. Miss Myrtle Cry meg and Miss Lillie Lewis are visiting friends in Atlanta. -BP~ / Miss Ruby Andrews ban return : sailing hallelujah through the < "d from Silnam, where oho visited | pressed farming sections, tell for several days. She was aecom-i these old dusty sons of Adam how ponied home by Miss AJary Free- to deal with’the weevil Ip- order to man who will be her guest for become rich and prosperous. Wlut scnic time. I he writes sounds wfae if you have . —fiR— jnever met this weevil face ta-face Miss Edith lister is visiting in your own cotton field. But the Intios in Birmingham. \farmer is not spoofed up hy any • —mh— jof that stuff. Apt as not he does Mrs. George Collins, Mis# Lou-lnot read even your tri-weekly. 4 be Collins and Miss Nancy O’Neal! "In any race, he knows he has left Monday for a motor telp more weevils than ever and that through 'South Georgia. »• i»* ’ (tho 'government is not sending Any jof those aeroplanes so glibly pre- T. Cooper I dieted to apray his cot ton. / Qn who underwent an'operation at tb!|the. contrary, the government j s Ccneral^Iospital njpcntly will re-If.pending more establishing'sport- gret to learn that he is not doingjing speed records in tho air than so well. Mr. Cooper was removed f would be giade to saw* the cot* to his home in Greensboro last ton crop of the south, week. , -j •1:i\ (SL O. •White. Mr. Boone Suddoth, Mrs. J. P. Eberhart and Miss eJnnfe Robinson of Mays- vilie were among the visitors here Monday. HERALD WANT ADS. Too Lato to Classify ‘Farmers do not live by faith in theories and forgotten promises. "They have suffered too much from facts. “They know why the price of wheat went down below the cost of production last year. It was because Mr. Hoover fixed the price of wheat exported to starving Russia, and they know that the AT STUD. BLOODED ESKIMO Spitx, Canadian bred stock, fee . , .... $10.00. Jarroll^Macksort, 662 W.(chief imports from Russia are bol Broad street . j22c ; shclrism, the eight hour day, more for less work, which is KO I RENT—DESIRABLE Fur ’ tr f pB , thc |and of m»hei apartment with connect-1 . They know that th , hi , h intr bath, for light hotiackccplnrf, • iff | mpole( i by- the Republican — on Millcdge Avenue. Phone IJM-lniiniatratlon I, rMponalblo for thc J-uniiuinoua coit of calcium aracnate thin year, and this same Republi MISCELLANEOUS—-P I-AN 0 |C an wlmlniatralion suddenly adopt- Tuning and Repairing. Philadel-.p,, t bi* Democratic ideal of free pliio Graduate. Satlafoctlon Ku»r-|t r adc to.let peanut* in free of uiitccd. All charge* reasonable. duty thereby ruining the peanut bawl. P. Chick. Phon* 1531. itaP:f.m..r. 0 f the »outh. Believe me. jdear brethren, they are mad as fire, and they are beginning to think Ilka hornet*. | “No one undentand* this so] well as the country’ town editor. So, hi* attitude to the farmer ia personal soothing and practically helpful. He meets him when he cornea to town and tells him where 1 he can get what he wants' for the hast cost. He puts in his paner every week what he Should be t|p- ilnded to Ho. -if it ia early spring, he makes a great to do about trimming or spraying fruit troes. lie lets him know in the berry what merchants in towr y hi* berries to ship. Hi hake well tells when the next poultry Capes Capes Capes % In a Big Sale Tomorrow at % Price | Silk Capes Woolen Capes At ^ Kinds of Capes' y • o 100 lovely Capes to choose from, navys, blacks, browns, reindeer, Belgian blues, plain and fur trimmed. Choice of every Ca^ie tomorrow at exactly 1-2 PRICE. Children’s Capes are included in this ■sale- . li'.-i XOJii.3 | W.T. Collins Inc. % BLEACH OUT TAN Mix the juice of two lemons with three ounces, of Orchard White, which any dr supply for a few cents, in it Iwttle, and you have a whole of the luartcr-pint most wonder- complexion boautifier. Massage this sweetly fragrant lemon cream into tho face. n«ck, arms and Stands each dsy apl na& ,how freckles and blemishes natu rally bleach right out and how ' youthfully clear, ^oft and rosy- white tile skin becomes. —(Advertisement.) will be oj the side-track and how to cull fowl^ from his flock foi the market. ATTACKS WALLACE “lie Is, you may say, the poet and prophet of the whlpporwfll pea, when the season is late and maybe no chance to get In enough THE VETERINARY DIVISION Georgia State College of Agriculture will Respond to Calls for VETERINARY SERVICE A modern!charge will be made. Phone 225-R, Athens, Ga. JESTER complete Insurance Protection 617 Holman. Bldg.' . ' l 25clnt Reduction ON . v ' All Clothing j -I ;: ; * EXCEPT s'' Lorraine ^Seersuckers and Suitings Which Are Being Closed Out At $10.00 1-3 Off on STRAW HATS s v These sacrifices make it impossible for us to extend our usual credit courtesies. \ V| E. H. DORSEY “For Quality” :twiwoy