The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, July 22, 1923, Image 7
Investigate Today! To Regular Subtoriber* THE banner-herald •1400 Accident Polloy Fro* THE BANNER-HERALD Dally and Sunday—10 Ceuta a Week. Eetabltahed 1832 Dally sad Sunday-10 cams a week. Invest! ale Tedayl To Regular Subscribers THE BANNER-HERALD ILOOO Accident Policy Fxee VOL. 91, NO. 136 r. — Aaeoclated Preee Service ATHENS, OA, SUNDAY, JULY, 22, 1923. Single Copies 2 Cents Dally. S Cento Sunday. By Board of Trustees of the University of Tennessee Upholds President in the Dismissal of Profs. KNOXVILLE, Tenn.—The board of trustees of the University of Tennessee have voted to uphold President Morgan in the dismissal of seven professors. Only two members—Governor Auatin Peay and Bolton Smith, of Mempbls- were opposed to the motion to fully sustain the administration. The seven instructors dismissed were: Dr. Jesse W. Sprawls, psy chology: Dr. John R. Neal, law;. Dean Maurice Mulvania, pre-med ical; Dr. Robert S. Radford, Lat in and elaiaical archaeology: Dr.' Robert Sr, EII ‘»' 1 l"y ch ® 1 ? 8 X' A J* A. Schaeffer, biology, and Mrs. A. M. Wither*, ini tractor of fine SI A demonstration by student* was held in protest against their being birred" from the meeting. All the charges were general in character, specific petty class room violations being charged to D Dr! ,<! Sprowta, whose alleged in troduction of James Harvey Rob inson’s “The Mind in the Mak ing,” and bin subsequent dismiss. il, brought about The turbulent conditions, made public a letter from the dean of the University of Colorado, offering to elect him to the faculty of that institution. "Coma with a book on evolution under each arm,” the letter read; ••we want you to settle down and Stay with us for lift. Governor Peay, head of the board of trustees, blued a state ment explaining hia negative vote. Bolton £nith, whose son was one of the 20 wratllb diplomas at Amherst racenuy, concurred in , th * "My vote In the board of tros tees must not be misunderstood. I vttod against the resolution sus- tsining the dbmbaal of the sever- &l Drafts so rs, or, rather, tne rec ommendation that they not bere- tained because I thought tneir tost some .differences’ could be camoosed to the advantage of the uuimttty on individual consider- "regard Dr. Morgan, as I have often .aid, a» the outstanding «n»n and educator among us, and HU. continuance with the university of j first importance to the stato. In no sense U my voto to be understood as opposed to him. Convicted Slayer Of Brother Now On Oconee Gang 3amett Richards of Tali aferro County Sent to Oconee County Where He Works Out Sentence. WASHINGTON, G». —Oarjett Richards, Taliaferro county white man, convicted In the superior court of (Wilke, county, at the last January term, of manslaughter for ■booUng and killing Jnitan Ricb- irds. hia brother, In 1930, was token from the Wilkes county Jail Fri day morning, under an order from toe state prison commission, vd carried to the chain gong in Oconee where he had been assigned for penal servlet. After Richards bad been twice tried tor murder in Taliaferro county, convicted and aeotenced to life Imprisonment, the verdlcte Of the juriee being reversed by the supreme coart. Judge Shurley changed the venue to Wilkes coun ty. When the case was tried here the Jury returned » verdict of man slaughter and fixed the penalty at from 10 to 11 years on the public works of the state. Exceptions were taken to toe finding of the trie! Jury by attor ney, for Richard, and the case was carried to the supreme court for review again, aed was affirmed soma time ago. Becoming involved In a difficulty with his .brother over the distribu tion of property of an estate In which they are said to have both been Interested, Richards shot hia brother In the abdomen with a pis tol, Inflicting a mortal wound. Much interest was displayed in the homicide and the results of the various trials that followed, by the people of Taliaferro county. KNOW OF ANY OLDER! ATTLEBOROUGH. Eng. Mrs. John Secet and Mrs. Warren of Attleborough, twin slsten, lmvo Just celebrated their 90th birth day anniversary. They are bellevea to be the world’s oldest living twins'. PH- NOW WE KNOW! LONDON.—Preservatives tn tood ere responsible for a lot of toe appendicitis that's floating nrouna now. So a medical officer testified at toe hearing of n firm charge with doctoring sausage bo It wouiu etaln its flavor longer Store Closes Thursday At One Opens Daily at Eight—Clos ing at Six. Saturdays the Store Open Until Six-Thirty. MICHAEL’S New Fall Lines Needlework Pacific and Royal Society— With designs and Materials Even Exceeding the Usual High Standards. Store-Wide oAnnual Summer Clearance ANNUAL CLEARANCE Ladies’ Hand Bags MOSTLY HALF PRICE Just two lots and all from' our regular stocks of fine Silk and Leather Bags. All new styles, shapes, materials and colors are here. You must be early! Were $5.00 to $7.50 Hand Bags Clearance $3.98 Were $7.50 to $16.50 Hand Bags Clearance $5.98 - —Michaal'a First Floor ANNUAL CLEARANCE Stamped Art Goods Consisting of remaining odd pieces from heavy summer selling—designs that are simple though beautiful, on fine materials. Big Savings for Deft Fingers At 39 cents Cunning Chambray Dresses in blue, pink and tan, worth 75c, sizes 2, 3, 4, 5 years. At 98 cents To $2.00 values in 17-piece Luncheon Sets, Pure Linen Scarfs, and Centers, Brown Linenweave, Momie Cloth and Pure Linen Centers, Pillow Tops and Scarfs to match. White Nainsook Teddies for Colored embroidery. White Jewel Cloth Dresser Scarfs and Table Runners. —Michaal’a First Floor ANNUAL CLEARANCE Floor and Window Fixings The entire stock of fine Rugs, Floor Coverings, Shades, Curtain Goods and Draperies are included. • Winter will soon be here and you will want to re decorate or freshen up the home. Now is a time to effect big savings. All Rugs 15 Per Cent Off All Shades ....... 10 Per Cent Off All Curtain Nets .... One-Fourth Off All Draperies ....:. One- Fourth Off —Michaal'a Second Floor ANNUAL CLEARANCE Crockery, China, Glassware ALL LESS ONEFOVRTH A complete and beautiful stock of domestic and im ported table and ornamental Glass and China. Including plain and etched Cut Glass, China, Din ner, Berry, Tea and Cake Sets. _ Wckur> ^ ^ ANNUAL CLEARANCE Odd Skirts—Petticoats AIL LESS ONEFOVRTH None reserved—the entire beautiful stock is yours to choose from. Handsome separate Skirts of Woolens and fine Silks in new sytles, weaves and colors. Petticoats of Radium, Safin, Pussy Willow in every Color and Style. -Michael’. Second Floor This 41st Annual Summer Clearance Sale of the entire store is unusual in every respect. The values are the greatest. The prices are the lowest The merchandise most exceptional. Goods listed here will be sold at the Saje Prices for One Week Only, beginning tomorrow. There will be busy times. One Of Our £Most Phenomenal Sales NEW YORK IMPORTERS . Sample Line of Linens AT A SAVING TO YOU One-Half Less Than Usual Friendship of over 30 years between Michael’s and this griat Linen importer made this sale possible. We wanted something unusual and we got it. We are frank to admit them the lowest priced Linens ever sold by us. Add one-half to the sale price and the result is t|ie usual selling figure for these linens. . QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED Every Piece Pure Irish Linen Napkins H. S. Napkins Squares Guest Towels. Large Towels Scarfs Pattern Cloths H. S. Cloths Tray Covers —Michaal'a First Floor Clearance Silk ^Blouses Our Entire Stock—None Reserved—Of Fine Silk Overblouses Goes Into the Summer Clearance BALL half trice Making the cost to you less than the original cost of manufac ture. Most of these fine materials are French Silks. The styles are from the most expert designers. Every blouse, solid color or handsome prints and weaves, is a beauty. Wero $5.00 Bionic* now .. $240 Were $5.75 Bio usee now .... .... $247 Were $6.75 BIouico now .. $347 Were $740 Blonseo now .. ... $3.75 Were $8.18 Dio aim now .. $424 Wero $10.75 Bionics now .. ... $547 Were $1140 Blouses now ..... $5.75 Were $1249 Blouse* now .. ... $6.25 Were $1340 Blouses now $8.75 Wero $1440 Blonseo now .. ... $745 Were $1540 Blouses now .!... $740 Were $18.00 Blouse* now .. ... $940 Wero $18.75 Blouse, now $947 Were $1940 Bionics now .. ... $9.75 —Michael’s First Floor Clearance Silk ^Dress Goods Several- thousand yards of fine staple Silks—Silks that are al ways used summer and winter. Every yard is guaranteed per fect The prices are obviously the lowest in several years. BUY NOW AND FREELY. Printed Foulards $1.59 yd Regular $1.98 quality—beau tiful and new color combina tions of blues, whites, sands, jade, pink and lavender. Yard Wide Taffeta $1.79 yard Our $2.25 fine quality, crisp and fresh. Colors navy, mid night, brown, white, tan, pur ple, jade, rose, grey, silver, mais, turquoise, black, pink, red. Printed Silk Crepe $229 yard New 40-inch patterns—all lovely. Were $2.50 to $3.50. All Silk Ratine 59c yard This ever-popular fabric sells special for 89c. 36 inches wide in colors white, middy, orchid, coral, jade, tan and Copen. Satin Canton Crepe $2.98 40 inches wide and very hand some. Was $3.85. Only in colors black, navy, toast and grey. A really wonderful buy. Silk Massalines f1.59 yard Now very stylish. Full yard wide in new shades. Regular $1.95. —Mlcbul’i Pint Floor ANNUAL CLEARANCE Every Silk Dress / LESS ONE-FOURTH Regardless of former selling price. This means you choose from our entire Btock of handsome Silk Frocks, paying 25 per cent less than the original prices, and every garment is Michael standard. The newest and smartest of styles, the finest materials; workmanship that is perfect Buy several to wear for the next three months. Yob will want them. —Michael's First Floor ANNUAL CLEARANCE Summer Wash Dresses Dainty, cool, fresh and stylish frocks of Linens, Voile, Organdie and Eponge, in all colors, sizes and styles. Quite, we think, the most beautiful collec tion of warm weather dresses ever assembled here. These sale prices make it imperative for you to be cool. Remember—three more months to wear them. Were $7.50 Wash Frocks ...... J $5.00 Were $12.50 Wash Frocks $8.34 Were $14.50 Wash Frocks $9.67 Were $16.50 Wash Frocks $11.00 Were $18.50 Wash Frocks $12.34 Were $21.50 Wash Frocks $14.34 Were $22.50 Wash Frocks $14.34 Were $27.50 Wash Frocks $18.34 j —Michael's Second Floor ANNUAL CLEARANCE S Silk Underwear Including KAYSER ITALIAN SILK Vests, bloomers,' step-ins, knickers, teddies and nightgowns. Plain, hand-made, lace trimmed and embroidered. Every style, size and color. ONE-FOURTH OFF Made of Kayser’s famous and original Italian silk, crepe de chine, radium, pussy willow, wash satin and the assortments are as complete as to be found anywhere. —Michaal'a Second Floor ANNUAL CLEARANCE Every Suit in Stock ONE-THIRD OFF Ladies’ ahd Misses’ two and three-piece Suits fi jm the finest designers. You’ll find cress suits nnd tailleurs, suits for resort sand traveling, all of the finest fabrics and workmanship. Select now at ONE-THIRD OFF. —Michael's Second Floor ANNUAL CLEARANCE Summer Wash Goods AT PRICES LESS THAN ACTUAL MILL COSTS 32-inch Dress Ginghams 29c Yard 40-inch Fancy Voiles .... 39c Yard 36-inch Dress Linens 64c Yard 40-inch Organdie 38s Yard Imported White Ratine Less 25 Per Cent —Michael's First Floor