The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, July 26, 1923, Image 5

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THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1921 \ Talk With An Athens Man r. Lilly. *ton# mason of 221 Barrow Street Telia His Experience erP nothing like a talk with ,{ out own citizens for giving ,mi encouragement to )l!S sufferer from the dread v disease. We therfore, give in interview with an Athens Something About “Where the Pavement Ends,” At the Palace THE BANNBR.HBBALD. ATHENS. GEORGIA Today and Tomorrow tlilnW ware accomplliKfd,' 'and tie r & idyv Senator Harrle said that th< people over the state tell him that hells the first United States Sen ator in the political history •poinn * i P° siti0 much work In a cramp- and damp climates^ kidneys to get In .bad •• says JJr. Lilly. "The kld- e< r *tl<>ng passed freely and so Ming. Nights I had to get ver.i! times. Jdy back was nk I could hardly work, fc-hen I in a cramped position, p s all I could do to straighten Sharp stabbing pains caught t every move I made. I saw s Kidney Pills advertised in S Directory fo I got n box at Sons’, Drug Store. 1 iwo boxes of this medi- ieve my back. I know n cured hecause l havt o do hard work since dgn of the. trouble." .11 df tiers. Foster-MU- Mfr</„ Buffalo, N. Y.~ ’aimer dvertis* HIS LITTLE BABY GIRL! fa Benefited by tbe Good Her j lotbir Got from Lydia E.' Pink* ham’s Vegetable Compound j Georgia to ever tour the state In an off-political year, mixing and mingling with the people. The senator stressed co-opera- tion and he said that greater things could be accomplished by assist ing and helping each other than by denunciation. He pleaded fot the co-operation of the farmer to the business man and vice versa He said both were indispensable to. each other. Senator Harris was the guest of Editor and Mrs. Jim Williams, while in the city. present iF was "sated. J About twenty clubs were repre sented. Tfie delegates all stated that their,clubs were backjpg the cow. hog and hen moveme&rimong the farmers and were endeavoring to bring about a better under standing between farmer and city dweller. J. Y. Bruce of Athens, was in attendance. KIWANIAN8 ARE GIVEN CHARTER AT LOUISVILLE Bruce Attends , Kiwanis Trustees Meet in Macon LOtP)SVILLB, Ga.—The- Kiwanis club of Loulivllle on (Monday night received Its charter at wbat was one of the moat brilliant affairs of Ita kind ever-hald lu Louisville. By this official act the focal club actually became a Klwanls club and admitted Into the-treat na. tloual organisation which includes more than 1,000 tuba throughout the United States and Canada. Maxeys SocTal and - Personal News (LL.LMWUi PAGE PIT> ALICE TERRY_ Palace Special Attraction Today and Tomorrow MACON. Ga.—A meeting of the trustees of the Gcorgta District of tho Klwanls club was held at the Hotel Dempsey Wednesday morn- Ing and afternnon for the further ance of the child welfare campaign of tho organization. Dr. T. K. McArthur was elected lieutenant governor of the f 'ntral division succeeding Peter Twltty. Tho program for, tho district convention to be held In Colum bus, Ga., on October 24-25 waa discussed. J. A. Merrlman. of Sa> vannah, and District Governor Oliver, who presided, spoke on the subject Edward Arras, Interna tional Secretary Parker will ha Pittsburgh, Pa.—“nook LydisE. bkham'a Ve ‘ " " Where the pavement ends, tho,.Metro by Rex Ingram, maker of egetable Compound be- romanco begins—and there Is no was born *nnd the pavcmont beneath the feet ol life effect it ’had waa | ln the South Seas. It Is all nun- pound I tried it and kept on with it stil I continue itp use and recommend 1 to my friends. You may publish i*>se facts as a testimonial for your nedicine.”—Mrs. Wm. Klinge, 169 lymouth S., Pittsburgh, Pa. It is remarkable how many caaaa ive been reported similar to this one. [uty mothers ire left in a weakened mi run-down condition after thebirth f the child, and for aueh mothers the ire of the baby is well-nigh impossi- i. Not only is it hard for the ither, but the child itself will indi. ;t!y suffer. * lydia E. Pinkham’sVcgetable Com ound is an excellent tonic for the nther at this time. It is prepared mm medicinal roots and herbs, and ! .3 act contain any harmful drugs. wonderful. This will be the first cbildlbave nursed as I had to bring my two boys up on the bottle. I waa very nervous and worried, tired all the time,and after I read about tbe Vegetable Com- sblne danger, and the slow, easy poison of lassitude; all lazy surf and white beach and green Jungle. Such Is the essence and the back ground of “Whore the Pavement Ends,” a story by John Russell, which has been plcturized for The Four Horsemen of tho Apo calypse," "The Prisoner of Zends” and other such great photoplays. It Is tbe story of the young daugh ter of a missionary. She was quite alone and young; and the tropic nights, so alive with the pulse of life, quickened her longing for love. Alice Temp Is the girl, and Ramon Novarro the one to sym bolize love to her. Senator Harris Makes Address At Greensboro Ocmulgee Circuit, who r^idis in (Greensboro presented Senator Har ris to the people. Judge Park commented upon the fact of the Senior Senator being a tireless worker in behalf of his people. Senior Senator Gives Ac count of Senate Stewart- ship in Tuesday Speech. Praises Sibley. "If I am still In the United States senate,” said Senator Har ris, “someday I am going to con vince some Democratic president that Judge Samuel H. Sibley, of Greene county, should be on the Supreme Court bench of the Unit ed States.” Judge Sibley resided In Union Point, Greene county, be fore being appointed federal Judge GREENSBORO, Ga.—Senator 0 f the northern district of Georgia. William J. Harris gave an acount Senator Harris also made com- of his stewardship in v the senate here Tuesday at the court house, (addressing an audience Of »jver 70C (enthusiastic men nnd'"Wont*B. Ford Cut-Down $75.00 Ford Sedan $100.00 Conolly Motor Co. Senator Harris delivered a thir- plimentary remarks regarding his private secretary, Cnpt. Cranston Williams, who is a Greene eounty boy. and the son of Editor Jim Williams, of The Greensboro Her- *ty minute address to the Greene “Id-Journal. County Federation of Women'. 1 The Senior Senator told hie ,u- Clube who were meeting at the dlence that thing* were not accom- Preebytertan church. Hie audience Pllehed in the senate by long coneieted moetly of ladlee. epoechee on the floor. He said the I Judge James B. Park, of the committee rooms were where PALACE Today—Tomorrow- Rex Ingram’s •AH** Terry ^ “Where the Pavement Ends” la the masterpiece of the maker of "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." Thornton’s FRIDAY Dinner 50c Vegetable Soup Baked Red Snapper, Dressing Green 1 Cabbage Boiled Irish Potatoes Okra Buttered Pickled Beets Muffina and Biscuits Loganberry Roll Coffee, Tea or Milk MAXEYS, Gn.—Preaching serv ices were conducted from the Presbyterian church Sunday morn ing and evening by Bev. R. B, Anderson. Miss Emily Bryant of Atlanta was the week-end visitor of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Miss Clyde Hale of Winterville is the attractive viaitor of Mrs Robert Finley. Mr. and Mrs. George D. Ben nett and daughters, Sara and Mil dred, and Mr. and Mix. Bennett’s grandson, George Benentt III., motored to Athens early Saturday morning. They were joined there by Mr. and Mrs. Ulrich J. Ben nett, and all went to Tallulah Falls, where a very pleasant day was spent. Miss Christine Copeland of Washington, D. C, Is a popular visitor here this week among her host of friends. Mrs. Charlie Crawford of Lex ington spent Friday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gillen. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Carswell of Union Point visited Air* and Mrs John Wilson Sunday. 50 Cents Supper 50c Fried Calf Liver and Onions French Fried Potatoes Butter Beans Sliced Tomatoes Hot Biscuits Country Watermelon Coffee, Tea or Milk 50 Cents The Banner-Herald’s Sunday Want Ad Page is one of the most inter esting and certainly most profitable pages of the paper. Thousands of people tun) their attention to the Want Ad Page. Mr. arid Mrs. J. W. Redmond made a brief visit to • Lexlngtoh recently. Mrs. L. P. Maxey entertained very beautifully at a rook party Monday afternoon In compliment to Mill Christine Copeland of Washington, D. C., who is a very charming viaitor here. After the Interesting game dainty refresh- ments were served. Mr. Carl Appling, Jr., of Lex ington is spending this week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrz. G. L. Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Jack of Atlanta spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gillen. Mr. M. H. Cook made a’business trip to Athens Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jonea and daughter, Susie, were recent visi tors to Athens. SHORTER SKIRTS Latest reports from Pari* form us that the long skirt crszi is on the wane and that models 1: Inches from the ground are men popular. MOIRE GOWNS The popular bustle—that ia soft puffy bustlo bow—is respori sibie for the revival of the oi< favorite in silk, moire. And thi : moire frock is included in ever smart wardrobe. LIZARD SKIN Pursei of lizard akin, pouch plan or mado into large envelopes, are very fashionable now. "t thi flaj Takes Doctor’s Advice And Qains Over 2SLBS( "Tanlac Increased my weight tweny-flve pounds and made a well woman of me after my family and frlendq thought I would be help less the rest of my days/’ is the truly remarkable statement made, recently, by Mrs. W. H. Adair, of 71 Whitehall Terrace. Atlanta, Ga "My suffering resulted from a general breakdown which kept me confined^ to mf bed most of tbe time for four years. had what Vas called a complication of Stomach and nervous troubles, and 4t times I had smothering spells no "bad my breath would almost stop. \ *T took Tanlac after a physician friend laid it was the beat medi cine of jts kind, and it certainly, was fortunate that* T did. Before 4 the first bottle was gone I was walking to the dining room, eat ing fine, and improving rapidly. Ip a month's time I was feeling splen did and am still In good health.?'**" Tanlao Is for sale by all good druggists. Accept no substitute. Over $7 million bottles sold. V 1 ’ Tanlao Vegetable Pills are Na« ture’s own remedy for constipation. 1 For sals everywhere.—Advertise* ment. . Your Strong Box UNIQUE AND “UP.TO- DATE DKSIQN. Hare la s modal that is exceedingly, youthful.. and one that displays ths latest style features. The fulness over the waistline is held by stays that, could be of braid or embroidered ' * The skirt has circular ful- A BOX in the safety deposit vault of this bank is your strong box. It is the safest place to keep your papers and valuables. The,. . Banner-Herald’s Sunday Want Ad Page neee. and measures S% yards St foot. • >. * | .The pattern la cut in seven elite: 14, SI. it, 40, 42. 44 and 4« Inches bus! measure. A SS-tneh site requires Ift' yards of Sl-inch material. to A .s tt :a« fes-sps silver or stamps; * Commercial Bank of Athens No. „ Nan, ...... 1 Street an* No. ,,.tr..N...v > .r,'- J3E 8ta '* Member Federal Reserve System “ASK OUR DEPOSITORS” •t.) We Move Monday YOUR CHOICE Just Two More Days in Present Location ■ For Friday and Saturday Only— - OF - 36 Wool Suits . . I $10.00 $17.50 88 Wool Suits , T Values Up to $40.00 Included We have only Friday and Saturday of this week in our present location so these prices hold good only these two days All Hats Now Half Price { , # *' **■ ■ .»•' 1 • '-hi**- No Alterations No C. O. D. No Approvals H. J. REID COMPANY THE SHOP OF QUALITY Clayton Street Athens, Georgia • 'i : ... ■ ....