The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, July 30, 1923, Image 1

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    | "PV:V :' v r i' 3801
T— Investigate Today!
To Regular Subscribers
$1,000 Accident Folicy Freo
Daily and Sunday—10 Centa a Week.
Established 1832
Daily and Sunday—10 Centa a Week.
Middling 22’/|
Previous Close
Slightly Cooler With Proba
Shower* •
VOL. 91. NO. 143
Associated Press Service
A. B. C. Paper
Single Copies 2 Cents Dally. S Cents Sunday.
Heart Expert
4-4 4-4 4—4 4-4
Follies Queen
Now Wife of
English • Earl
Called In Harding's Illness
4—4 4"4 4-4 4—!• *5—!* 4—5* 4-4* 4—4 4—4 4-4 4-4, 4 4 4 4
Awaits French Reply To British Note
i Newspapers Assert That
Agreement Is Reached
on Main Points, Despite
Cloak of Secrecy.
Slit! ii
Xorthenk, whom she married
cently In Chicago.
(By Associated Press.)
PARIS.-The text of the Bel
gian reply to the British commu
nications dealing with reparations
| was received at the Quay d’Orsay
I Sunday morning and the French
1 and Belgian replies delivered to
• the British foreign office,
j M. Poincare, who is spending the
(Week-end at his country place at
j . (Sampigny, has his first real re-
The latest American girl to Jolr | p. )se after j 9 mon ths in premier-
cl.isive Knglish royalty a Mis. Hhip inU}rrupted durin th £ d to
ssica Drown, n.rmer Pol lies girl | re< . eive the cont , nts </ th e Belgian
a!!Jit 0 11 over a special telephone from
’” arr *** the foreign office.
While the strictest secrecy still
is preserved with regard to the
contents of the replies of France
and Belgium to the British note it
can be said that the Belgian gov
ernment has given effect to cer
tain observations made by the
French government, with regard
to certain phrase in its draft r«-
j ply, as M. Poincare did to the ob
servations of the Belgian govern
ment in the draft of his reply sub
mitted to it on Friday.
The secrecy on which so much
was nisitsed has not prevented the
Brussels and Paris newspapers of
_ , , 1 serious thought from assuring
15 a r r o t* ■CMPPllIttented their readers that the replies will
For Efficient Way He
Monday Athens, along with the rest of the
1 the most interest exciting Sunday in its
Nine years
world, awoke
This date, nine y**ars ago, the great World War had just
started; on Sunday armies were marching all over Europe and
on Monday declaring war was the popular pastime.
On Sunday, as the events broke, all Athens drunk in the
news from bulletins posted by the newspaper* here and it was
clear then that the world was on the eve of a new era, on the
threshold of a catastrophe of world wide import and influence.
Now, nine years later, the actual conflict is over, has been
over nearly five years, but the apparent tranquility of the days
before August 1st. 11*14, seems yet in the distant.
The volcano that erupted nine years ago finally spread its
and hatred to this country and America was swept
into the great cr
hordes toward tic
Since Augus
history that are
November 11th, i
excitement as did
dlict to stop another invasion of the eastern
11*14, there have been many dates in
cinornble but with the possible exception of
K, none of them hardly carried the tingling
unday, August 1st, 1914, nine years ago.
Agricultural Pageant
At 8 O’clock Monday
Predicted Disorders By
Sunday Gatherings
Fail to Mater
History of Agriculture From Washington’s Time Will
Be Depicted in Amphitheater on Campus of
Agricultural College. Will Attract
Largo Crowd of People.
Advertised Roll Weevil
Poison Over the Cotton
be found to be an agreement In
principle on leading points; that
there will be no negotiations with
Germany before abandonment of
Germany’s resistance^
evacuation of
The Agricultural pageant, which
as on the Mummer School enter-
Inment program for last Fridns
•ailed off (tii account of rain
ill be shown at tin* amphitheatre,
AUGUSTA, Ga.—A thorough
subordinate to satisfactory pay-
ment of differences concerning the
method of paying reparations.
Agricultural Col!
elgth o'clock, M<
The final concert of the juimmei
school music department will be
given Tuesday evening, 8:1G at the
University* Chapel.
The theme of the I’agennt to be
that the presented Monday evening will
Ruhr will belP rew, »t ,n graphic form the history
The final concert of the musb
department, to he given Tueadaj
evening, will include vlolln t vocal*
and instrumental numbers. Or*
impositions of Bach
(By Associated Press.)
BERLIN. — Anti-fascist day,
Sunday, with which the German
communists had threatened to
overthrow the Cuno government
and incidentally wipe out the
bourgeois?. revealed itself ns a
bolshevik hoax of the familiar
(type, notwithstanding the fact
that it pro veil to be one of the
chief elements of aggravation is)
the perturbed economic and polit
ical situation during the' past
The demonstration in greater
Berlin and at other points sim*
me red down to indoor meetings
dhtinguishol by lurid oratory
rather than heavy attendances. In
£*eipsic, Dresden and at Thurin-
'in points, where open air dem-
strations wer® permitted, tjie
imnunisls were able to muster
only restricted portions of their
campus, at ( Haydn, ami Mendelssohn, will
’ evening. played by 27 pianists In ensembb,
CToorge Folsom Gran berry t director ^
reorganization of Hill’s Mixture| w | 1 } c h already has been proposed
Corporation is being made, and J.j by Belgium to the allies.
T. Clark has been elected secre-, * ^
tary and treasurer, It was an- « • ■ - iTlieile
- The continue- OOClCty VjlrlS
-.iced Saturday.
or the corporation, it was said, j
will be made under the most
spitious conditions.
Although all of the old officers
< f the corporation have resigned,
of whom Frank H. Barrett was;
president; William M. Dixon, vice
Ordered Around
As Hello Girls
iltliy society girls here
lent; Thomas Barrett, Jr., lnK ordered about daily by their
president and treasurer; Ju- {,y"| er> dictated'by their
liun Barrett, vice president; and nnd >co ided by their friends.
Thomas Getzen, secretary, it was Vet thl . y take it all smiling, for
announced that Frank H. Barrett,,, rt „( their j«»b. For Mlm
D. Hill of Gough, Ga., will Made linc Noyes and Miss Ruth
of agriculture in America, begin
ning with George Washington and
Thomas Jefferson who were farm
ers as wel ns statesmen. The wife
of the- American farmer and thr
American farm boys and girls wit
be introduced, after which the
farm woman wl! ltell of her mul
titudinous duties, mentioning the
fact that she Is still listed In the
United States (Vnsus ns a woman
of the music department, protnl
es a varied program of works p:
the ancient and modern masters o
musical composition and the man^
who have enjoyed former concert-
directed by Mr. Cranberry are an
ticipsting one of the most delight
ful entertainments of the seuaon
In this final -performance.
This concert is especially Inter
est Ing from the social point of
view because severnlj musician!
from all ot
from Alabai
Virginia, who are studying In th*
Music department of the Rummer
School will take part In the pro
Noted Physicians Called
Into Consultation As
President Develops More
Serious Symptoms Mon*
dent Harding will be rushed
hack to Washington by the
fcatest special train avail able,
as soon aa he recovers from
the present illness to be suffi
ciently able to stand the Jour
ney back home.
,/fke unused Villa tomb in the center of an ancient remeterv in
'hihuahua Cite. e.„«,.l ^ orth Mexican fiRf tt7SL time"
following and no where did the < _
parades or pyblic meetings call Chihuahua City, capital of the
for police intervention.
Much criticism has been leveled
inst the Cuno government
, Hitting the reds-to pursue „ . . s
campaign of unusual violence in; And* «o f at heavy expense and much time, he'eftefe’d a ttfftib fdr
their party organs during the past himself, one of the most Impressive In all Mexico,
ten days in view of the prevailing But after Villa as murdered recently, officials refused to permit
unrest growing out of the money his body to be carried here. He lies in Parrall, and the great tomb
eled ’ u Mexico.—Pancho Villa wanted to be buried here
character InTif™ °* b *‘ n ‘ fa ** outstanding
and food situations. That the reds remains untenanted,
were aide to recruit only a small It stands in ■ cemetery in the heart of the capital of the state of
portion uf their following Sunday Chihuahua, and may be seen for miles.
was due in no small measure to The Rodriguez tomb is just north of it. Scores of others surround
the veto placed upon their agita- it, most of them bearing inscriptions dating back to 1700.
tion by the united socialists and It is possible that some time a future administration will permit
the labor federations leaders. j transfer of the body. But that stems a remote possibility now.
Following thin,
the Stale College
will be rated on
information on :
Unci Rani and
of AgriciiHurt
The activities of this department
nnd that of the department n
Public school music directed bj
John Lang Gibb, have been *•
Berlin food facilities are re
ceiving the active attention of the
the i
ntinuc actively connected
«• company.
bankers and cot-
..ere here for sev
eral «lays recently, paid Frank II.
Rarrett a high compliment for the
efficient way in which he has *o
ally advertised Hill’s Mixture over
the American cotton belt, snying
that it is the greatest six months’
advertising accomplishment they
have ever known.
The election of Mr. Clark as
secretary and treasurer was done
by unanimous consent, and when
his name was suggested to a large
banking company which is not in
1 ‘ * ’ th.
sted in the situation, a higher
Harrington, lender* of the yoiuw'r
set became “hello girls’’ helplm
out the telephone company In »
time of emergency.
Altar ........ ...« at the
end of the telephone wire, the.
endorsement was given him, it was
••It's mighty hard to keep a *mll<
In the voice all the rime, but
we're going to stick it through.
Then Iwtween calls. Mis* ’ Kcyei
told of her experiences:
••l’ m afraid I expected everyone
to be as courteous and considerate
to me as though I were In a. ball
room or In my own home," sin
said. "But I soon learned differ
•■hi ly. One man, a butcher, be
came awfully irritated
Mr. Clark
charge of the business
parties announcing the reor
ganization of the corporation said
that the condition of the concern
is all right, otherwise other steps
vould have been taken in the
premises, it was announced by
those interested.
ESSEN, Germany.—Grass has
Ircgun to sprout on the tops of
thousands of freight care lying
idle in the railroad yards of the
Ruhr. Many of them are filled
with merchandise and have not
turned a wheel since the French
J.nd Belgians marched into the in
dustrial area last January.
The grass in some eases grows
luxiantly while London, Parrs,
Berlin and Brussels talk about
(By Associated Press.)
ATLANTA. — Instructions for
Holding the state teachers exami
nations throughout Georgia on
August 3 and 4, were being sent
rut Saturday by State Superin
tendent Ballard. The examination
'‘ill be bald under the direction of
the County School Superintend
ents, who will receive copies or
the questions from the State De
partment of Education.
him the wrong number am!
lime finding it
of fruitless Jig
wearing he yelled Inti
After tr% mlnut
gllng nnd
the phone:
’’Say! Arp you dead? Go on bad.
to mother and gimme somebdy who
can get a number."
Miss Harrington doesn’t like hei
Job much1 eltb
Life wouldn't lw»
soys. “If I had to
o sweet.” sh«
» a telephone
operator all the time.
-The business men alone are nd
mirahle In the way they treat us
Hut even they are wearing on th<
cars lying nerves." ^ _
Wash Alexander, negro, is belt!
In the city Jail charged with cut
ting Charlie Hill, another negro,
Sunday night. Clark HHI.
... of The wounded man. Is also heF
by the police. Alexander cut HU
When the latter tried to stop hlrr
from disturbing the neighborhood
of Fitch's Alley. Alexander nnd
Clarke Hill were drunk. It Is said.
SYDNEY, Australia.—Th" an
nual fruit production of Australia
i Ncientlflc ngrleul-
»e College will ap-
irgn nixed force to
lentiric knowledge
iImh.h of the work
through the prison-
unity spirit,’’ the I
South Carolina nnd 00 „ tr oiler, who is in
touch with the league of aftricul- [
tpre with .the purpose of obtain- 1
lug increased deliveries and also i
improved method* of distribution *
at points of delivery. Imperfect;
organization in connection with
the allotment of consignments of (
cattle, potatoes and dairy pro-,
<1 that It was found Imposslhl. ducts are blao.rd for much of'the ;
combine the two in the final * o0(] shortage in the markets of
‘ There will, therefore, b.
spread thin
The broadei
will he shoi
tilth'll of *’<
rural church, the home twon n»-i
paper, and th** rum* school, all
which are helped and strengths
by tho f*
[.ONDON.—A clispaeth to the'
Cofdrnl News from Berlin saysj
the big cities.
special demonstration of puhll*
•ehoof music Wednesday evening
In view of tho fact that Mr. Glbh’r
work at the Rummer school |r
form'll "what Tjtta *-»Ty Vrouhl. on Sunday In con ,
.ho most suceef,,' NcVltuT J _
wodn , ,&re^n^ f ,rirrhra , S'Elbert County
WodfMda; | up # nl( . t . tiR .. of farmers. One
j communist was
WASHINGTON. — Maryland
and the District of Columbia
are experiencing an influx of
motorist* from Virginia, auch
uh has never before taken place.
The reason 1* Virginia has a
gnsolinu tax of 3 cents on every
gallon of fuel bought there. So
the motorist* come here for
their gas* where it isn’t taxed.
But jhn for long! Beginning
January 1 Maryland and the
District of Columbia will col
lect a 2-cent gasoline tax! At
that, it will be cheaper than
buying fuel in Virginia.
courses offered this yenr. consld , .
jerahlc* Interest Is centered around P 1 ”'
killed and six
Resolution Introduced to
Postpone Action of Tax
Problem to Next
Judge Fortson
To Hear Cotton
Claims Tuesday
were injured,
Day Tuesday
At Agv College
Conference Sunday Night
Futile. Clause May Be
Inserted to Bring About
(By Associated Pre*rf.) ,
LAUSANNE—The Turko-Ameri-
can. Treaty will be drafted In
.three languages, French, English
Land Turkish, with French as th*
I official text If itn agreement I *
reached here, as It now nppeura In-
Men creaain * | y probable.
American and Turkish repre-
Rarrett and Company Ad-j
mlts Insolvency; Willing
to Be Adjudicated a Greek Leeation in London
Bankrupt, Answer Says. I Denies That Republicans
Are Staging Revolution
Judge Blanton Fortson will hear
the claims of thoie.who have un
incumbered cotton stored In the
Independent Warehouses, Incor
porated, here Tuesday. This an
nouncement was made at the hear-
ATLANTA.—The resignation of
Fret! Bridges. ' rending rlerk of _ . . . .
the house, who was attacked in ^ tu , rt ay " hen c * r '*[ n
’ • 1 **' the Injunction sgcursd against
in Greece.
(Bv A»«vlit?d Press.)
I.\ NDON—Although ther Is
continued Republican agitation
Gree, resulting in much appreh* , rtrtn ^ v
slon among the monarchists, there i °**'
Is little cause for Immediate alarm
concerning the stability
Over 200 Business
and Farmers Will Spend I eentatlve. aa.Jn wren [led with th,
Dav Studying Improved cl * l,n * < * u *“ lon " Sunday nizhi
’ ■ w 7 , r I without eomlns to an a.ireement
1* arming iuetnOuS. j l,ut armnaln. fnr another meeting
■ | to b. held Monday monitor.
More than two hundred Elbwt| It t« reuarded as posslhte that
. ounly farmer, and business mar i 'hr wlutlon may he found by In*
tvtn spend Tuesday at the Sun »rtlnr a clause In the treaty .ftp
fotteae of Aarloulture studytnt “•»*'"* that (he American clalnr
methoda to "beat the boll weevil." j w,n h* examine,! hy two .pprnla-
The trip was errs need hy th. clt- I ***• on * Turk nnd one Amerle.n
Irena of that. county for the pur ' Should these two fait to reach n
pose of securtnr more Informetlor 'preetleal nrreement they would he
on alfalfa -and other crops whk-t (empowered to decide on the tneth-
1^.! they are now Interested as a sub- od ° r a*"lem.nt, acordtn* to the
President, of the United
States is a sick man
Howserious the illness
may be was not said, late
Sunday night, beyond the
statement that "new symp
toms have arisen during the
day, indicating complica
tions in the case of the Chief
Though the illness may
be a passing one, it wav
thought serious enough tr.
bring about the cancellation
of the President's entire
California program and to
bring into consulation two of
the leading California phy
A bulletin lhaued early Sunday
by Brt,. den. Sawyer, tho persona/
Physician of President Harding,
stated' "The President In murih
better, but the facta aro that he lie
n really sick man, suffering from
a violent attack of ptomaine poi
After that bulletin was Issued
tho ITtsIdent developed other
symptoms of a more serious na
ture nnd another physician was
called Into consultation. As no
rapid Improvement was shown by
the President, it was thought best
to eSIl two mors physicians in
to consultation.
The four doctors met In consul-
tution and after a rather lengthy
conference emerged from the room
without Issuing any statement, al
though Gen. Sawyer had previous
ly announced that following ih«
consultation, n bulletin of the Pres
ident’s condition would be made
Won** of tho four physicians
would make a personal of unoffi
cial statement on tho condition of
I*re*ldent Harding.
W 1 mnaultln* phyalcl.ina w.r.
General Sawyer. Dr. Hub«rt Work
Seeretary of the Interior and form-'
er Preald.nt of tho American
cal AMnclatlon, Dr. liny T
Wilbur, Prealtlent of Stanford 1 'n
verelty ami th. preaent
the American Medical An
and Hr. charle'a Cooper of ]
fiiro University, . heart
. I (dilute or supplement to cotton fo*
The business men of Elbertoi
’ij^innd Rowtnan have volunteered »u*
the warehouse company by thel throne. Hritish diplomatic officials to * >r * n k the visitors ti
Manufacturing company Alhen. Monday the j |n ra ^ m , nt|ns „„ Th(
oreiyri Offlc. here.
-' ... i,.... t ...i
resolution charging a miscount on
an amendment relating to the D"-. of Agriculture last week, Athene
Moore^chicf c!criT. tC< * ®“ raar * t Action on making th. Injunction j The Greek Legation
The’ ren,lotion* directed n t| permanent wan poatpomd until nnunred that there waa no trt-tl
Bridgi-S Was defeated by the Saturday, August 4th. Ill, reporta of n revolu-
hou.e after several hours’ debate. . Fortaon announced that tionary movement In Oreee. *
The smemhnent which, it is (he would Imhu« an order releas* li is said that these unfoun lcc
alleged was counted out was one* ,nB 8,1 cotton Individually when j rumors have been appearing
removing all appropriations for • 'h' reeelpta have not been hypothe-
the Bureau of Markets. The reso-1 "»*"■' 1 “"<• -here the owners havr
lution nrovided that no one hold- e,tabllahed their elalma lo the
ing office in the Stale Depart-! natlafacilon of the local receivers
ment within the last six months j J- Wilkin, nnd B. F II.rd.mai
could held any poiiticn in the 1 . , T h* cotton that la Involved In
a„„.e Itriilecs wax formerly con-"oana through the failure of Bar-
house Bridges waa'formerly con-'bmn. through
nected with the Department of feU «"d company will be held pond
L'^'ioe'reaJd'Vrom about 1,000,0001 Asserting that aufficient Infor-
ho.he'ls’in 1918 to almut 4,7023"«, raation cannot be obUitud at pres-
J2?tat12* r* th ’ t ^ ,ourt " n more
The fruit finds a ready market I days
, US'»-32 «^-|SS^SSX2&, , 5>SSnr
Ing the outcome of the
C. If. I’hlnlgy. manager of thr
local branch of Bacrett and Com
pany. and C. C McFhall,- book-
k«H-pcf v went to Aur>i«ta Sunday
«H-|a!r,/Wt-ui in AURiiztu
cdtrjmt with them th* recerds ol
(Turn to Pag* Six)-
some time In the European ITesi
nnd that only Sunday night, th*
Legation here received a denial o
them from the Greek Oovernnient.
COLQUITT-The First Natlona
Psnk of Colquitt failed to open Itr
doors Monday, said to b.» the re
sult of a run on the Bank Raturday
The cause of the run was not ni\*
nouneed. The capital stock of thf
bank Is fifty thousand dollars t am’
K Is.reported to , hnvf deppsltr
amountlns to thirty t^ousapd del-
lar»- e
Atlanta Constitution Monday statei
"Between 2&0 and S00 Elbert
county farmers have signed up ft
vlnlt. In one party, tomorrow thi
Rtate College of Agricultare at ker® on th^ nleht
Inserted clause.
KANSAS CITY.—Edward Flom-
ing. Judge of the South Rldo Mu
nicipal Court here, was Indicted
Saturday by the grand Jury on n
charge of leaving the scone of an
accident before officers arrived.
The indictments grew out of the
wrecking of Judge Fleming’s car
__ her® on the nltrht of June 13, which
Ath* ns. ond to study at first ban/1 was responsible for the death or
the practical system of balanced | Mrs. Elizabeth Dugan, who was
agriculture, alfalfa production. «nf riding In the car at the time of
‘n general nil of the ro-ordlnatlns the accident,
branches of huslness-llks, system- {
farming und^r existing’ eco- j \ PROBE AGRFFMENT
nomle conditions
'This is the spirit that wins In the
face of the boll weevil, labor short
nge and other conditons looked up
on as agricultural Hl> It la th«
aplrlt that frequently turns adver*
ally into profit; and that dsvolopf
greater.and bigger things by rea
son of barriers In the old boatdg
(Turn to Pag® Six)
(By Associated Press.)
CHICAGO.—The agreement of
snm® twenty-five leading refiners
of the mid-continent field Satur
day to dose their plants daring
August to combat heavy jfcrodoc-
tion will. be. investigate*! tar th*
affiea .fcan, it
day sight.
Th. culling In of Dr. Coop
(teth.r with oth,r A...inp, ,, ,
Inillcalcil that the effect of p..« ;
oil.!., .nn..1l a. . .. _ ^
alble complication, on tho
iloni-a heart action I. belnir
cil carefully.
An Informal .latomant
Monday mnrnlna conveyed
formutlon thnt Harding
main In Ran FraRcIaco
han completely recovered.
It la thought that du. to _
of .xcrefec on the Ion* trai
t mental trip tha President
mure, susccptlhle to tha
ntomalno polaonln*.
y.r stated that he waa of ...
Ion thnt tha Initial attack
ncs. was roused by tho
CO tin* crab, and fish
Alaskan water which
times with copper and
rapid chan*, from the Alaska
mal. to the much warm.r
aggravated th. attack.
LONDON—England Is , n r „,
danger of n rmallpox cpldonilc a<-
f-nrfling to Ilr. W. W. Kaap. I’hll-
a.lolphla. who Is visiting here. No
vllt* Chamberlin.- Minister of
Health, agrees with him.
Dr. Keen criticised the rei'- nf ac
tion of 1-srlIaip.nt In permitting
“consclenllous objector," to
vncrjnatlon. Gloucester Is now
suffering from on outbreak of thr