Newspaper Page Text
TH'tfgpAy AOOVSt i; 1923.
OCONEE HEIGHTS NEWS | Mr. Jack Wooftrr of AtlMU
Dr. Bennett, pastor of Prince wilt etop over for, a visit to Dr.
Avenue Baptist church and Rev. an< * ^ r **
Henderson, president of the Bap
OHIro^ 1201—nr MKS. A I. JCK ADAMS—Rnidenrc 812.
the ri.ght.way
llmusli th« way or life, oil, im.
I: all drift','!* Junt how you no.
KouKhTu tne w;iy for him and lone
route from Blue Ridge, N. C.
Met eollege at Bowman are cue.t: | .\|l«a Verona Sterne, of Athena,
of RJl'a. and Mrs. T. A. Henry. I was the KUeat of Mias Naomi Calnp
t Th. many friends .,f sir. and I |, c ll lust week end at oait Bower.—
i Mrs. C. T. Iteevea will regret to I Hartwell Sun.
that they are both III attheli '
'alk II without
u la, never eceks, wheti enres op-
presa . ,J
s„n.e louden cause fur happiness;
WTiu dlie*i not 'lotirn' before the ent
MOW much ||.means to bo a friend
Here Is ft Wonderful tfiestage to iQ
4 expectant mothers 1
*V h ,s *»'» &'»•»! set far ahead.
>u ard which iu patience he may
net fin«I in every hour
*f of Clod’s alibiing powei
not vow, that though %
Who dm -
To roach his goal he shall
iiut thankful be. through pc
through strife.
Ho walks with Joy his way of ]
matinee party -
can have that moment more free
from suffering than you
have perhaps imagined.
An eminent: physician,
expert In' this seienea.
has shown the way. It
was he who first pro.
duced the great remedy.
“Moth «'ju.. Friend.**
Mr*. C. J. Hartman,
- ranton. Pa* says: ( i , v t,_ .
-With nur first two Y' I ,s
children I had * doctor shim.
”* and then
, „ __ The matinee was followed by tea
I at th0 home ot Mrs. Houston
u " ll “ mB s,rec ‘-
"s? m -is:
cr« and grandmothers did. Don’t wait, start
todny. ^ndm»«nwhile write to BraillMI
Mary Low; Callaway and
’r aunt, Mrs. Crank Houston, en-
; lertalned at a matlneo party
; 1 RRkflajf afternoon at the Forsyth
! ‘hratro la compliment to Mlaa
, Jeannette Kidd and .Miss 'Marian
I ra.inadge, the puasts ot Miss Mary
I Reid, and Miss Alice Callaway,
~ ‘ "Isltlng Mrs. Jacob Shrop
The Bucsts Included': Mjss Held,
Miss Talmailgo, Miss Kidd, Miss
Alice Callaway. Miss Clayton Cal.
, , law ay and Mlsa Effle Danlcl.-
mrr’^^t'^Atooiyhl".^^ Constitution
er 8 Friend * l*i sold by ail drug stores-*
Now Showing
The Joy and Gladness Picture
“The Ne'er-Do-Well”
.qOMEin! KXTRAi i
Tonight 9 1*. M.
‘*Hipcp Varieties”
Summur visitors continue to bo
tho central figure In a scries of
social affairs.
Miss Mary Long Callaway* was
hostess Tuesday afternoon at n
matinco party at the Forsyth The
atre. followed by- a tea at the
home of her aunt, Mrs. Frank
Houston, in honor of M!ks Jean
nette Kidd, of Baltimore, ?Ir.; and
.Miss Marion Tnlmadgo. of Alle ns,
and Miss Alico Callaway, of Or
lando, Fla., tho guest of Miss Clay-
j ton Callaway.
The guest list Included Miss
Held, Miss Kid, Miss Talmadge
Miss Alice Callaway, »Mlss Clayton
Callaway, and Miss Ellle Aanlci.—
Miss Willie Mne Aycock gave
| pretty Itook party in honor of hoi
little cousin, Miss Martha Jim Ar
nold. of Athens, on Friday after
noon at her home on W. Spring
rtrcetj— ; \Vnlton News.
• 4 * -P-
Mrs. Daisy Talmadge Pitts en
tertained at an elegant stag dinn«*>
Wednesday evening in honor ot
Mr. Hugh Harris' birthday nnn
v» rsary. Covers were placed for
I twelve guests. Heveral dell clou:
courses were served, and tho de
lightful occasion was most happy
it nil Informal.
: m —t-t
| . KILM
§ > 1 Taund Can * *® c
i 2TrToun.I Cnn § Mm
♦ i I 0 Found Can .. $3.20
;t lTm.m! Can .. -«*
2' I’ Can .. .. — i-— •• — ••
t 5 i’ound Can — • • • • W.20
M , Phone 9115
Thp best gtfartmtec of faithful perform
ance of lasting usefulness or of thc definite
tfuaUty of a product is found in that pro
duct’s advertising.
If you value constant satisfaction—if you
Wifnt'to push every dollar to it§ limit, read
thy trdvertisements. In them you will find
many newsy items to save you money, time
and energy.
—Whether your wants are food, clothing,
furniture or a toy for the children — the
a'iilwn&iikhus can Help you.
Banner-Herald advertisements contain
many suggestions to meet the important
. phiblems in the home. To take advantage
of ai\ advertisement is to save—to get guar- s
anteed value.
Ybu Will fold they pay.
| Mr. Allen Collier entertained fl
j number of gtients at dinner at hi
j home Kundity.
Mr. nml Mrs. Donter of Oeoner
bounty, were recent guests of Mr
a:-t Mrs. George Doster.
Mrs. -Dewey Thurmond was s
spend’tha-dny guest of Miss Jnn
Walker Wednesday.
The Junior Missionary Society
will meet at the home of Mr*
Nichols Monday afternoon at flvi
o’cb^c. Quite nn Interesting pro
gram has been t arranged, whirl
will In* conducted by Miss Parr
Thurmond, president of the socle*
ty . N
Mrs. A. L. King and King Craw
ford were nt Gum Sprint; Thurs
day afternoon.
Among those from .Oenno'
Heights taking part in tho Agricul
tural Pageant Monday evenlnr
were Mrs. J. M. Fleming. Mrs. W
E. Henry and Mrs. T. A. Henry
Misses Olivia Lyler, Leila Mm
Jlenry, Blanche Callaway, and Mr
Odelle Henry are the guests ot
Miss Helen Callaway nt Eastvllle
Mr. Stanford and Miss Mnud»
Stanford have returned from At
Mr«. Duncnn Miss Add!
Duncan are In Athens, the „Tie*<
of Mrs. Ell wood Jark son
Mr. nnd Mrs. Latin r Mosemnn
will have apartments with Mr*
Hachucl Alexander.
Mr. Foster Kekles of Jiffcrson
visiting Mr. Adell Henry.
Mrs. Brooks has -returned from
delation, where gho was tho guest
of her mother.
Kcv. W. L. Jolley hag returned
from Marietta, where lm has boon
conducting* a week’s revival .scr
Ice nt his homo church.
Mr. and Mpi. George Doster nn 1
young son were guest:* of Mr. ant*
Mrs. J. M. Fleming Suuday after
Mr. and Mr* Walker Hale had
i their guest. Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and family
from Athens.
Misses Snrnh Wilhite and r.o
bortn Maley of Jefferson, Mlsser
Elizabeth and Doris Eckles of
Commerce, wore tho. nttracMvi
week-end guetts of Miss Martha
Munn nnd Miss Leila Mae Henry.
Boggs Sunday School will have
a picnic luncheon at Gum Spring
Thursday afternoon from 5:30 tt
Tho Oconee Hc'^/j Community
Council met with Mrs.
Callaway Friday afternoon at 4:30.
with Ifcas. J’. M Fleming, vice
president, presiding After
rending of the minutes by tho ^sc-
rctnry. Mrs. Dewey Thurmond and
the reports of th* various rommlt
tees, 'Mrs. Annie Mae Wood Bry-
anc gave an interesting^ account
of tho Break Making Contest,
lilch ( larkn county led In making
the best bread; Newton county In
the highest general average, and
Walton-county In the general av
erage. Mrs. Uryunt’s roport war.
recivod with a hearty applause
ounty appreciates the
wonderful results of the work of
her efficient demonstration, and
especially do the community clubs
feel grateful for her faithful scr-
vice, for It Is not every county
that is so fortunate as to have th%
-operation of her demonstrator.
The club was delighted to have
with them the following guests:
Miss Purcell and Mrs. Carither*
and little Mary Carolyn Ca-rlthers
of Elbcrton; Mrs. Mapp amr Mies
Nellie Mapp. mother and sister of
the charming hostess, who assisted
Mrs. Callaway In the social hour.
Mias'Hn Z ci Hodgson returned
Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs
Robert Woodruff from Asheville,
N. C. t where she was their guca
for a week ut Grove I*ark Inn.
MIsm Morgnrct Bond has return-
fd from Greenville, B. C„ where
she visited Mr. nnd Mrs. Farra
Mr. Toni Dozier Is in 'Atlanta ot
Isses Lula' Bee Ethridge and
Annie Belle Ethridge vwho have
been with Mrs. T. L. 'Elliott for
summer school will return t
‘Khclmnn Friday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Carraker who
have been with Mrs. Dun Du I’roe
'for summer school will leave Sun
day for their home In Warren ton.
Miss Lillian Smith fcpd Mr. <3. D
Smith. !r., are In Atlanta vlsltlm
Mrs. T. L. White.
-w- .
Misses Nelllle Foster, Cnrrlc- Kin-
nehrew and Hasejr McCoy, of Ath
ens. nnd Miss Carolyn Aiken, o'
Winder, have returned Vume, af
ter a delightful stay with Miss
Klolae Briscoe.—Walton ’ }fewo.
Little Misses Alma and Isahsl
Knight of Athens, are the guesti
of their grandparents. Judge end
Mrs. ft. C. Knight.—Walton News
Mr. and Mr#. T. M. Fowler, of
Athens, were the week en I guest.-
of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Rooks
at their home on West Ilowel!
street.—Hartwell Sun.
of this place. It wdd solenwIraW, r
Sunday by Esquire J- O. SLipler. | ;f
The romauce covered a ;>*■-rfod of
nearly two years oml ■ no mr-
prife to our people. Th«- i room is
a prominent young getm man. the j
sou of Mr. und »Mrs- Turin r Brooks,
well as in Ilia home t.uvn. The
and has a host of frl*»««. - hero as
bride Is tho charming daughter of
Mr. uud Mrs. J. U. Duncan and is
, held in high, esteem by a w Ido
, Au *““ t t* 1 *- 1 *, 1 ln tlrclo of Menrf*. Thclr fmir.- plan,
have not been mad** known ns yet
hut they'll doubtless reside near
Revival meeting f* progress
here at the Baptist clmrefi nnd will
contfnuo through Sunday evening.
Services morning ann evening. Tin*
pastor. Rev. N. T. IstnasBr of I
Ktathani has tho mc« ting in chargO.
You're invited to atte nd (hose ser
vices and bring yew friends .
Last Sunday was ;i big day for
tho singers at Illn< k ( reck church.
An all day singing was put nnd and
v ing»'.*s from (l:.rl;<\ Madison.
Jackson anil Bin!.r! counties were
present for the
with hundreds ot
A big dinner w:i
noon hour. All •:*« ;
Dv. and Mrs. Frederick Russell
. asrlton of Haiti announce th*
birth of a
Greenwood, 8. C. who has
•.mined Frederick Busspll Jr.
Mr. and Mih. Robert Woodruff
accompanied by Mrs. Frank Lips
comb ami Messrs Hpunder* Joner
and Gene Kelly arrived last night
from Asheville, N. C. The formei
were enrouto to Atlantu and the
later to SL Louis.
Mrs. E. R. I lodgHon who accom
panied Mrs. Lipscomb to Asheville
is now nt Mr. und Mrs. E. IL Hodg
son's summer homo between Hen
derson vlllc and Luke Kunuga.
Mrs. Jack Dodson and son apen
Jast week In Athens.—Walton Newi
Mrx M. F. Mathews has return
ed from a month stay in Favannah
and Tybee.
Cupt and Mrs. IUchnrd Trimble
and children leave Tuesday fo:
Adalrsvllle for a visit before golnr
to Fort Oglethorpe where Capt
Trimble will be stationed. Thclt
they will be nearer
extended stay in the Philippines.
aslon nlorg
; served nt the
«Tt ah enjoyable
Mr. Hcury Former c f New Har
mony was bur rod nt Antioch
church, Sunday morning. He had
number of friends here and sev
eral attended the funeral. Tho fum-
Athens friends are delighted \ receives th. sympathy of >»!1.
fill be nearer home aft*r an. C * F,n ’ l5! in(1
Oglethorpe county were visiting
^ hero for the wo ‘k-end. Mrs. Smith
Miss Leila May ‘Hull returnr! naf * children will visit hco
Friday morning from the Unlvor- j weeks among rdatlv
alty 'of Virginia, Washington, D. C.
•■Sid Raleigh N. C., after un ub
whence of several weeks.
Mr. Hilly Phlnlxy will go to Ashe
ville, N. C., on the 20th for the
Golf tournament and will stop at
Grove Park Inn.
’ Mr. Walter Bishop who with
Mrs. Hlshop Is -spending Wometlme
at White Sulphur was a recent
visitor here.
The many friends of Miss Elisa
bfth Harris who is visiting
Mexlca will be interested to learn
she will stop over in San Antoni
and New Orleans for
before returning home In October.
FrlontiS regret lo learn of the
illness of the mt!o Infant child
of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Hood. It is
hoped that It will soon recovo
Mr. L N. Butler leaves today to
upend u month at Laketnont Gn#-
Prof. and Mrs. Reeves Little a nr.
Miss Marie Little of Savannah
spent the week end at Colbert will
their aunt, Mrs. 8. B. Little.
• —UP—
Mrs. C. H. Phlnlxy. Jr., of Au
gusta is visiting her parents, Mr
md Mrs. C. H. Phlnlxy. <
United States Ambassa
dor Receives Summons
to Report Home. Wash
ington Concerned Over
(By Associated Press.)
__ WASHINGTON.-—Concern over
PntTnn h„ rHum-.l' 1 lr <'' 1 " " f K-d-lallv.
from TybM | 1 on " ' " ,ia - culmlnatlni[ In tlio
.fp... | cnnctniont of tho Lottery run.
Mlm, M.llth Hodgson nrrlvrd o ^oaulur lo ndvlco ln«l llle Uiiluu
few days ago from Nkw York. “tales, in seen herd t|H a (
where she has been studying foi tor the sudden Hutunions home
sometime nt the White Bible school f*rom Havana, of Ambassador
•4B— Crowdqj, who. Is due to reach
Mrs. Clifford Hodgson and little Washington next Monday,
daughter of Crawford ar* guests of:
Mr. and Mrs! J. M. Hodgson. f , >Vh,, ° 1,10 8 * al o department of
—•»— jflclulu would not deviate from ilml,
Miss Leaf a Potts of North Caro- guarded statenu utn that tho Au»
bassador lias liecn cal!oil' . him
for conference* "on various mat
lers,” Ills summons vis *-».• rally
believed to bo in I ho naU'rp itt i
protest against tho latest legisla
live developments In Cuba.
Mrs. W. D. Branch nnd W. D.
of Baxley are visiting hei
parents. Capt. nnd Mrs. T. II. Lo
xler on Meigs street
Mr. John E. Talmadge left Thurs
day for n business trip to Knox
ville. Tenn.
Mrs. J. E. Rcveren’a friends wll’
Seed Breeders Meet
At State CoIIckc
Plans for Improving tho quality
be delighted to learn she -Is doing of cotton grown in Georgia -
nicely at the General hospital fo!- discussed' here Wcdne.sdny by
lowing an operation, f members of the Georgia Brt*e
—| Association which met nt the Stnlo
Miss Mary Blekeratsff nccom-1 College of Agriculture,
panfed Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hin
ton and party to Helen Thursday. ' t»en r osontslives from tho voca
tional schools at Hartwell, Com-
Nlcholson Social jiuerco, Jefferson and Wlnterville,
A ; attended the meeting. It was urged
And Personal News that a „ communities organize
_ A . - . Pure Seed Associations as Wlntor-
m N iT , | , b»of. 0 * N # 0 *s*i7 A of I V, H« done. This association
.TCLTS!?V Ut Z S-'wm a, ‘ l ,n ‘“Proving tho quality
lion *«. th.t of Mr. W.ltor Brook. ■ of ieedi lt ltal0) ,
of contor and Miss Bonnie Duncan *
Mr. W. B. Steadman and Billy.
.. are expected home Sundai
from UK. of IMm. after . w«k,,' apro , ^ como „ the
ao__ . jmnart front trlmalng for dre»«w.
Mr. aod Mr, I’lnkriry price nnd, .
Imhy of JriffU B-U.U * H,. U,l+-U,e ton* and
Hnro are two variation, of tho
Tho drrf, on the rlrtl ha, a
short apron nhfrt that reaches
above the knee,, pleats end ft
dnd Mrs. J. D. Prlcj^
t ^I&M iry
Carlton Imvs soon for Lmk, June*
K. C.
tho short of It, nt It wen.
A oepnrntr pan. I of pleats flow*
from t.ureil, th- Ion* bib front of
th, drae« on tho LfL Tbl, panel
may be of the
or a
The-back .
Continuing Just Two More Days
Clearance Sale Of-
$27.50 to $35.00 Silk Dresses—Clearance . $18.50
$37.50 to §49.50 Silk Dresses—^Clearance
. $27.50
$57.501 o$70.00 Silk Dresses—Clearance
. $34.50
$62.50 to $87.50 Silk Dresses—Clearance
. $47.50
To $15.00 Wash Frocks—Clearance /,
.. $8.48
To $19.75 Wash Frocks—Clearance
To $25.00 Wash Frocks—Clearance
Glassware and China
The entire stock now contained in our Glass and China down
stairs store is to be moved at a discount of 25 per cent. We need
the spaco for other purposes—Hence the sacrifice.
Imported and Domestic
t ’ *
Dinner Sets
Vases *
Luncheon Sets
Syrups V
Breakfast Sets
Berry and Cake Sets
Tea and Coffee Sets
Cake and Salad Sets
Ice Creams
Bowls and Pitchers
Open Stock China
Salad Bowls
Dishes V
Service Plates r
Clearance Sale Traveling
. Clearance Sale Shoes
Being the most unusual clearance of high grade footwear ever
held in this section. Shoes that are now most in vogue, shoes of
the finest duality, the most wanted'fetyles and colors, shoes made
by the finest manufacturers, and offered at prices that make it
possible for you to buy two pairs for the price of one usually.
Patent Strap Pumps $2.95, $4.95, $6.95
Black Satin Pumps $2.95, $4.95, $6.95
Black Kid Oxfords and Pumps .. .. $2.93 to $6.95
Beige Strap Pumps, medium heel $6.95
White Kid Pumps, Spanish heel $6.95
In many instances the shoe sale prices are less than
half the regular costs. *
Michael’s—Main Floor
-Clearance Sale Silk c Blouses
Every Silk Blouse is Stock
In addition to the above radical pirice reductions are to lie had in
Pure Irish Tabel Linens and Towels, Wash Goods, Colored Voiles,
Organdies, Muslins, Plain and fancy Nainsooks and Crepes
Plaid Woolen Blankets at $6.00 the pair.