The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, August 06, 1923, Image 2
page two **——— ORTNEWS Strange Rivals Baseball Results STANDING OF CLUBS SOUTHERN LEAGUE rUHH: - W. T*. :J8 «* 1 .384 AMERICAN LEAGUE Washington .... 45 r»2 NATIONAL LEAGUE CLUBS. W. U New York CO 35 Pittsburg * r,o 39 Cincinnati Cl -10 Chicago . 51 48 Brooklyn 30 Cl) THB BAWNgR-gRRALP, ATHENS. GEORGIA atony the ’Wabit-"— of youn men with whom they might SaYS UIVOrCG rittuii exchange smile* and flirtatious (i raVCl)’ Menaces glances. This was about aii the Our National Life outdoor exercise Argentine young tolk took in those days, say tho (By Associated Press.) older generation. WINONA LAKE, ind.—Divorces r „, Today In Buenos Aires there is ire KraBted fn America at the rate ,626 h ' ,r<11 >' a vacant lot on a Satur- 0 [ one eV ery four minutes through- >(U .day, Sunday or hodliday afternoon out t j, e year, and are more numer- , .505! that is not the scene of a football Q U g hnfe annually In proportion to ( .505 j Kamo. Tennis matches are iy total population than In any other progress on hundreds of courts, country which rtyords marriage golf halls soar over the fairways st^lstfcB. The annual total of de- of olght different courses, swift crees for the 48 states is In tho racing sculls c)eave the waters of neighborhood of 160.000 and is in- the River Lujan, propelled by sun- creasing three times as fast as the burned arms, on running tracks population. Such are the conclu- young men in spiked shoes seek to sfons of Judge W. H. Thomar c f make records In the hundred meter fanta Ann, California, forme; as* dash, the hurdles and like events, j sociate Justice of the California swimming, basket ball and boxing District Court of Appeals, drawn have numerous devotees, wjllb* , from a world survey of marriage •485 young men of wealth Indulge In ( and divorce figures in preparation polo and crack yacht races on the |W an American camj Klvcc Plate. The formal Sunday- national rode govenlng afternoon black of a generation lations. ago has been succeeded by light I Judge Thomas’ stirv tweeds, homespuns, flannels and '4 countries, and the s si»ort clothes. The young men have his study, made publi less time to flirt MONDAY, AUGUST 6, 1023. Ttffi OLH HOMfi-TGWN- ‘ JTfV* 2>t narital re- back to the dome ,co*- nt Ro -t. i/'Hii j Riley, of the famous Devil Dog bar/,,all oLey" Ifanniford, rival first baseman of th« Hou Tore a recent game at the Po!j Ground-*. New York. lldogs Facing Two lard Struggles With bbeuille And Winder Abb. •thirty-five >Ycdnesdny afternoon the \V«* • ttwill team of Abbeville, S «\ will f:of t|*e few tcums this suinmet *• »t«l Georgia Bulldogs, the i their appearance in Alii- cents. second game of the } — ia With Conch Dili A’lilte’s - . t , Lavcnia to Build second Twftn [ nnd at the pres. GrecuWood f [.the Carolina League. Initing team will b Galloway brothers. Those i brothers to “Chick ' Gallo* iw starring with tho Phil* , Athletics, nnd are said to ; ready tor a fling at th< ft Potato Storage figues them* dves. Scouts •m unil.-r tbclr.ry. and it is understood ot will be offered the, the present league Is fjn* loth are splendid fielder* >ng the hardest slugger* In LAVOMA, Ga.—Tho State Cpi- ' h gn of Agriculture furnished plans l ‘ 0r ' for (ho construction of tho .Vo*.- Potato House which will ho built In Lnvonla this summer by Mess-a. R. EE. Vandiver, C. G. Campbell, and Walter N. Hnrrpon. It Is plan ned to make this house the last • word In Itr.t-’ovod plans. Sectlonn bo arranged to take core or .V* ' rotators after they are crated..Po tatoes will lie graded and crated In the field nnd cured In the crates. They will also he sold in the same •long since this team .Bulldogs, when the * invaded the sanctity ate The house will he built In SALLY LEAGUE MONDAYS GAMES SOUTHERN LEAGUE itn at N’nnhville. Chicago nt Philadelphia. NATIONAL LEAGUE Poston at St.*. Brooklyn nt Chicago. New York nt Cincinnati. Philadelphia nt Pittsburg. SUNDAY'S RESULTS SOUTHFRN LEAGUE Atlanta 6: Nashville. 2. AMERICAN LFAGUF V w York 9: SL Louis 8. Washington 6: Cleveland 5. Boston 3; Detroit 2. NATIONAL LEAGUE p e*tr.n 4: 8L* 0. New York 2: Cincinnati. 0. Brooklyn X: Chlcngo 4. NORTH AUSTRALIA MAKES SUCCESS OF COTTON PLANT SYDNEY. N. S. W.—Experiment: «n cotton raising In New S">uth Wales have hern so successful a* to more than double tin* cotton acreage In the estimate foe rvx year. This Increase In acreage |> to the dlsei SCOWS OF LINCOLN'S DAY J STILL CROSS WHIT& RIVER { CHICAGO—A fcijow of .the same*,, rort as that In which young Ahrn- j ; ham Lincoln nnd hlft homo-seek-; p, ing parents were ferried across tin ' vIon. In his conclusions is the sug gesting that our national life is seriously threatened by the present status of our family relationships. Much of our troubles, he believes, i« chargeable to the chaotic, state i j our marriage laws, and his rec- • •unicudatlon is a uniform law. ap plicable to nil American territory 1 used on wisdom and experience. Eye Lost 30 Years Ago Basis of Lawsuit nnnr JV Ini. Hk>« there today, propelled in the |. me manner by »oe current, ac cording to Dr. William B. Barton * VBACUHK—Injury to an in an accident thirty years lit; basis for a damage claim i"ht by Timothy oTounor, East Bridge street. Oswego, nst the City of Syracuse. Connor claims that though he lost iho sight of his rye, . suffered while working for ■ ity has so affected the Id! n that he has been upible < since. STANLEY R05C0E GLCVc-R WAS TERRIBLY EMBARRASSED TODAY WHEN HIS ELASTIC NECKTIE CAME OFF IN FRONT OF THE CENTRAL. HOTEL. OUR BOARDING HOUSE By Ahern j EVERETT TRUE § By Condo Ah,'everistt, just the to Amtgs> to ?es '. UT A "FIVE* Tl - . OUTDOOR SPORTS IN ARGENTINE PUT END TO SUNDAY FLIRTING (By Associated Prefts ) ilUKNOS AIHES.—"Beauty pa rading" and Idle street flirtations, heritage of tho Spanish colonial ffons and the maximum capacity of [days, ore becoming extinct pas- the house will not ha used this J times in Argentina. The devotii. fall. It Is expected to hulM a plant | given by Argentine jouth lu 4 till ^ -me /3 samd3 <yp ^ the 3X5See.i ^ crolo^ col : d^^j ISTAKEKl FOR A COUPLE OF LewW I IT.'-RDS" •SALESMAN SAM By Swan $2,000 GOES BYE-BYE "HD>T mv WMiELF