The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, August 09, 1923, Image 3

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THURSDAY. AUGUST 9. 11123. Tl» BAWNBR-HKItALD. ATHENS, GKORUIX TJ.GE THREE OCIETY Offica 1201—Ily MRS. Al. ICK ADAMS— Residence 832. THE WORLD BUILDERS in'* th«- pool's vision. Grant nifl tin; Lift of sunt;; 1 u. a it*I things I'lrrnal All u£-4h** Iwmlrt belong. Ti' V lire the true world builder Thelrj^sre the deathless years, Tlnlr«4?%» nK«*l«sn jK-epter— \\ i**l(R‘i's of dreams and tear.- \\ l.ere Is tfijuioldier** glory? Where U ike monarch's name? Tin fra Is « hlooitv story. Theirs is .vhllKhtyU fi K ■ More !**the slat detir? Where is' the courtier's pride? in ih** tohihs they rest them, tfy tM^llil ocean side. , M!3S GAMS AND MR. ; SCOTT WED AT BEAUTIFUL } HOME CEREMONY j A wedding of unQsual interest J clmr ieierized l^r beauty and xim f i-licily, was that of Miss .fan* Shields Tallis, daughter of Mr. am Mi lljehaid Fuller Sants, and Al fred Witherspoon Scott, of Athens which occurred Wednesday, ' after noon at JJMHt o'cloek at the home of the bride's parents, on Junipet performed I by R» v. IV. W. Mcntiuinger, rectoi of All Saints' Kpiseopal church. An orchestra rendered appropri- ale w< tiding music. Preceding the ceremony. “t* Solo Mlo" and I Love Volt Truly” were played I.ohcngrin’s W.ddinif March was played during the entry of th* wedding party The charming ypting bride eit tend with In r lath, r who gave hei in marriage and was met at the al tar by lhe{ groom and Ids best mhn William Rhodes Carlisle. j|er hr! dal go wa was o£ soft while eh If foil and lace. The IkhIIco reflect • d the bateau neck and the soft girdle of white chiffon ended at tp left side with a brilliant ornament a’ of rhinestones. The skirt was ful and long and the panels on th< : ld«*#< extended to the Item. The tulle v«*ll was confined i< her hair by a uoronet. of orangr blossoms. Her bouquet was n bride's roses and lilies of the val- n. Mr. and Mrs rip te f North, Carolina Upon their return tiny will niakt I hr Jr IfUfne In Athens, Ha. The bride was love ly In her trav eling costume of brown and beig brocaded crepe, fashioned in tie draped style and worn with a smal' hat,of Id-own velvet trimmed Ii bride is ^ he only daughter o' d Mrs. Richard Fuller Rams Hid a sister Of Richard F. Sams Ij\. of C(frrkston; Bruce Rams, ol *- ~- ' * ' ~ of At Without Porcelain Splashers, ONLY $45.00 $5.00 CASH Balance Easy Terms LIBERAL ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD STOVE This Detroit Jewel is the crowning achievement in modern Family (las Range Building and this is the BRIGHT. BANNER, SELLING EVENT for this wonderful year of 1923—with us! Bakes with the door wide open Boils Water 18 inches above Burner That’s the Unequalled Test DETROIT JEWEL Little Picture, Ills Meaning BUT LISTEN: opportunity,, flies while you wait. This unusual under-price salt- will close in a few days. DONT WAIT and LOSE-DONT Athens Gas, light & Fuel Co. Phone 54 Phone 54 SUMMER COMPLAINT mate little «"»• *^ T fE N J ,? N .|i S0N headway with children who*, cmreful I MIS* ANNE BENSON noth'* protect them from.torn'chend TO 8HARE HONORS bowel disorders, hot weather cramps, I Walter Jones of Athena weakening diarrhoea - with | an ,j mIhk Anne Ikinfion of Wash CHAMBERLAIN’S Inaton. D. r.. Will be the li»l>lru COLIC and DIARRHOEA J tion of the lovely bridge imrty wit REMEDY I which Mrs. T. Nlsbolt Tinsley wl! Quick in action - satisfying In results. I entertaIn Thursday morning at he Ra tden The m College nil card tables will ho plai mI dining li'dng room, library, room where a profuaiot daisies, marigolds nnn : .t. will Im» used effect- ianta. and Itol. at 1‘rlnrctt.n I'nlvcrslty. HI j alb•mlcd the North AventD Frcshyt crian school. gniduated from the Girl's I Hull school, am later attend 1 d Wesleyan college j At one o'c’oek an elaborate lunch- college. R|i«- is a member of tin J. W |H ?ic m-rved. Junior league. , f Twelve or the hetoree’s most in- Mr. Scott is profeasor of clicmis | friends will enjoy this af- | fair.-*-Mnco» News. * University orgip his alma month. he of th< hi Della Thfifn frit le also tlitl post-gmduati he University of Min no •eceivctl his l*h. I). degre. MOONEY-EVERETT . f the At the (T||Jv it basketball pi: Ml in oiith sJly Alla nt -f'MInn. Ilso was dlNiin^ulshed and ■elurn to Atlanta was a me Im* b.iskvlball team of the A title tie club. Durbin the world war he serve.! ] tls country in the depart '""it or the mite,I States reserv' I lory in Washing! Mr. and Mrs. M. It. Mooney o Vewtinn announce (lie engage ment, of their daughter, Mary Hll rah. Ih to Mr. Henry \V. Kverett ol Athens, fin., the marriage to tuk« place September the 1st. —Journal The above announcement Is o' 'vbry cordial Interest here. Miss hr I Moo i«-y has frequently vlsted' lie- l.-unt. Mrs. J. T. Tlbbetu. nwMm | many warm friends who will he de lighted to leant slit- will ma|t" lie home here where Mr. Hvertft| hat idcnllfl.-l iilmstir with the husi- m and social life, being a mem- of the Mo Afte I- »•» " r M-s. nm, Mr.- I^“ r ‘ mC l . n ' .r,.rvr K of Alt;.nt:, . | •'' " 111 iruther „t ,M lss C |„,„ (their trim.Is -OoiisiHuiiun. filing (tip they will take rtr Mllle.lge nvenu- III be .- ♦ home t< m- C-roNEE HEIGHTS NEWS * Miss Mnttie II. Ib-ntiiark Washington was the g„<st frt« nds Thursday afternoon. Mrr. I'etcrson. nt Hast Point, who is so ploa.'antiy remembered here :i " Miss Fleo rnrlledce, is the ittesl of .Mrs. J. Clotfelfer. Rev. Jolley nnci family spent Friday nt Hanh-l prings. iViIsrch Clntfeller were week-ent* i.uests of Misses Hetty and Mar- ' ,,, j nurlte Fowler nt • their homo on Mitchell Rridgn road. Mi>r- Mary Ifeb-n I b ury Is iht 'Rest of her slst»-r at Mayesville. The Community Club will moot ’’tiilay afteiimon. 4 'Hi u’el.e k nt the home of Mrs. J. M. Fleintn?. I \ full al tendance is requested. j Mrs. W. I,. Jolley entertained nt i f()l( j •n informal tea Thursday evening, | n honor of Iter guest Miss Irene h)l' % ey. of Marietta, who was nn nttraetlve student at Summer S. liool. V Mrs. Scroggins lias returned ift« t- a month's visit with her father in Ranks comity. Mrs. W. & Henry le for a short visit with friends in dontli Carolina. Mrs. Hrooks. Ilev. and Mrs. -W. 1 I*. l*rookn b»ft -Monday for Arknn-! ns whevn- Uiey will l»e the guest | of Dr. and Mrs. Guy Hrooks. , . -IlSr, MATTIE SUE MeCALL 1 ENTERTAINS DELIGHTFULLY I Wednesday evening Miss Mattb Cue McCall (>ntcrl:thied ileiightfill of ly the c. a. L Club (a honor of Mr of Ilub.-n Lovtrn of Macon. j ICnjoyahle contest games feature* ho ed the evening'followed by dellci- freshments. Garden flowcrr I urtlatically In the brlgh' —a— Dr. and Mrs. W. II. Garrison Dr. Rums «»f Clarkesvllle wut im'.ne the vljftr* hm Wcilncf. lay for the nu-tllcnl convention. lira. Julian Waters of Atlanta !■- : Nor, Mrs. \V. If. Aslt —W— 'fr. and Mrs. K. G. Famhroilf i v- moved from Mlllcdge Circa their home comer Mllleilgu avc *» and Dealing -a- Itiisn left today fo liter home m Athens after a vlsl t rWnyi v. :ll, Jfr.,. ,\bi in, r., 4 vj on the llill —Augusta Herald. -w- Mrs. Waller Jones, of Athens Mil Miss Annie I'utmon, of Wash, 'ligtoh, D. are the guest i o' rhntls In Macon for a few day*.— If coffee disagrees drinks f Postum -51— Ollvl-i Cook and Miss Dalsj Tburs| r ' ,,U f r,, ‘ Ml from N^w^York Senator William J. Harris It: vis RiiiK his brother. Major Hunter / cirris tills week. —a— MUs Mary Johnson of Charles- D»n. 8. CL, is visiting her mint, Mrs. j. fi. Smith on tho-p«ti|e V .»M. Miss Bertha Kale Davison 'eaves Friday for Boynton to visit .Miss Jne Johnson for a week or tentthys. —@- Mr. J. H. Davison went over to Greensboro Thursday to visit Ms tdsUv, Mrs. 8. (!. Roswell. Dr. fi. D. Coffee and family l«/t Wednesday for a camping trip. 'Messrs Rant Funkonsteln and Milton Ijonser have returned from New York. No Difficulty in Setting Sleeves Into Armholes Mr. Murray Soule is being wel comed home front Oxford, Knglund, hen- he spent the past year studying. -ffl- Mrs. R. W. Ford of Maxeys, was t visitor here Wednesday. _(£— Mlhs Sam Font, daughter of Mr. •nd Mr . II. W. Ford of Maxeys, .a- a visitor 1 nt ehctlyWrW.W vas a visitor in the city Wednea- lay. Prof. c. M. Strahan spent th» .t t-K end with his family at Moun- aln City. — !iR-- Mr. and Mrs. •.* C Harris hav« m ui tailed to North Carolina bj he Illness «*f Mr. Harris' fathei \ ho is in the ho-qiCtat. , —fN— Mr. Frank Lay of Kawunoe. III. Gut h is Item the guest of Mr. tup Mrs. J. F. Tihlu-tta left Thursday • >r Ills home. —RB— >•-. and Mrs .1. F. Tibbetts nn< Mi-; . Tihhe»i t motored to Atian la Iiursday morning f*»r the day Mr —M — and Mrs. Murphy Cum ol little daughter of Mi e guiMts .If Mrs. Jack G< of .Macon stoi t visit to Mr. ser Th^mlay t-tl fn —t*t_ rs. Jo,. i Charle —hH* atid Mr pel ovei uiiil Mrs v tl Giles leave Fr for Ra It in tore after spendlnr »— months with -Mr. and Mrs aides Kthrldge. ( -ffl- lr Jack Goodman returned fron W.iiMt.ui-s.tlcm Thursday aftpr « dslt to his mother. ' , -a- # . Miss .Mimic llllsman return: nun New York this week. —m— Mrs. Thor,11,, Thornton and Mis** t'arithem of Klherton wc-r* dsltors here Wednesday. -po D r - "nd George R. Clark* •f liurtweli were visitors her* f " r Hit) 8tll dlstrlc Medical convention. Mrs. H. R. Wilhite left Wednee. ■ Ivy for Cornelia to visit Sira. HukI . < nllow.-Iv. .,n,i from there wil 'In City. Pittmanvillc Social and Personal News <hir protracted tnrellnj; . m f.'iri Sunday u u,e Baptist tln.reh fcwryiMHty Invited to nfteml sad liolp qut during our mnctlng. Mrs. Allan Wilkcg and two prot- k' littlo daughters, Misses Emma .on and Marguerite of Gteenii- |u»ro .-..-e visiting relatives In Pitt mnnvlllo this week. and .Mrs. \y. m. Slaughter and family, of Athens, were the rucMts of Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Har- tell Sunday afternoon. Miss Lois Pearce, of Atlanta, Is Islting friends in PJttmnnville this veek. •V \ R. 8. Crawford and i.Virs. R. I*. Rowe attended the nwtlns in Athens Saturday afternoon. The barbecue g| V i*n nt the home of Mr. nml Mrs. W. I. Harnett Tuesday wpa. enoyed by a large crowd. After the dinner was over. ..’body war invited lo the hous- and the musicians got together and the Jesuit was an oldtime after noon dame. GRKF.N TOMATO MARMALADR Five pounds green tomatoes, lom-.nri, 5 tablej jwtons minced f»in- ger. H cups nugar. Wash tomatoes nml cut sliee.b* They should 1m* very green without a trace of red. Put in a large crock, rover with cold w« ter and let stand over night. In the morning drain well and chop. Wash lemons. nm| grate rind. Snuoczc out juice. Add lemon juice, grated rind and minced ginger to tomato with just enough water to prevent bunting. Sim mer, stirring occasionally, for an hour. Add sugar and cook till thick. Four into sterilized jaw and seal. Z n smartest gowns this season the set-ln sleeve. There has always he*-n a belief that setting in a sleeve wan the Waterloo of honn* dressmakers. As a matter of fact, sleeves can be put In wRh ^o difficulty and great sttererfs if One follows tbo first principles of a correct'pat tern. The sketches hero show a PALACE SPECIAL Today and Tomorrow RICHARD BARTIIELMESS WITH DOROTHY GISH IN “THE BRIGHT SHAWL” John S. Rcbrrlfton l-rodurttm. Ititt in llrr llr.irl. Death in lie r Smile! , STRAND Now Playing Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson’s TRAILING AFRICAN WILD.ANIMALS ,, roctly fitting a sleeve la an arm hole. Figure ! shows the sleeve, seam joined, notches matched. Figure 2 shows how to pin the sleeve to the armhole with the cor responding notches matching. Thla • . * • . Is done by bolding the sleeve to- Evyry bepst #f tbo African joa*. i ward you and easing fn any full- gl* shown in all fta untamable^ 1 ness, it must then be btstM aid ferocity! | Preparing For College Is Up To the Girls MADISON. Wis.—When is i girl ready for college? The question is nsked in thou-' hands of homes along about this time each year when family con ferences are being held to decide whether or not daughter should go into higher education:! 1 institu tions Mother may say, "I think -she had better slay out for a year un til she becomes more mature before going away lo school, where : l.c will make new friends.” Father probably will say, “Well, it jcpfts^ar heap . of. ;m.on<:y ; .now it casts arrrr rr shrd shrd Hindu mljt.vs to vend a girl to school, but --might as well get it over with; let's send her this yc nr.” Answering the question at a con- ii tenet* *»f deans of women of'tho ll{flv**rsittes of Missouri. Mlnne- ::ola, Indiana, Malm*. Tex.i:; Want- en's College and other institutions. r. -Lot#Nanlln, dean nt Univer sity of Wisconsin, says: To evercojno the present titua- tlon, the deans recommend* d three r medics. 1. Siuf'ents i liould not he allow ed te c'lscoiitlnuothe study of Lat in and Mathematics. 2. Pupils having high term j -ade:: should not he permitted to miss examinations. 3. Systematic acccuMs «»f how time is spent- In study, sleep and recreation—should be kept. High schools and preparatory in stitutions could aid In carrying out the three recommendations, It was suggested. » Examination of Latin and mathe matics front the compulsory ^t*»- dies in high schools' wo-ld def« at every purpose of schools. II was believed. The two studies, the dians hold, are essential In mak ing students Darn the power of concentration. Child-birth Haro U a wonderful Ful message I mothers I When the Little Ono arrives, vou ,n have that moment more free from auffcrtn* than jrojl have perhaps imagined. An eminent phyaielan* expert in this Scranton. Pa* - “With my first two children 1 had a doctor two children 1 '* Mother’s Prk-ad and had on!r a mrar: #e very sick—only about ten or fifteen wln- etss." Use “Mother’s Friend** as our moth ers and rrsndmother* did. Don’t wait, start today, ami meanwhile writs to UrsUAeld Regulator Co.. BA 4C. AUanta. Ga.. far a l free illustrated book rantalnlnc information every expertant mother should have. “Moth er's Friend** b sold bf all drua a torts-* MICHAEL’S TOMORROW—FRIDAY—ONLY No i'honc Orders. No Mail Orders. None Sent C. O. D. TOILET GOODS SALE TALCUM if. 1.25 Coty’s 98c 50c Violet Deodoriz ing 39c 35c Mary Garden .. 29c 25c Mavis 19c 25c ATerinen’s Violet. 19c 25c Mennen’B Borated 19c 25c Ornnde Blossom . 19c 25c I.a/.ellc 19c 25c Babcock’ii Butter fly 19c 35c Amcrny 29c : ; !.00 CJuc! Quo Fleurs 89c CREAMS 50< Djcr Kiss Vanish ing 38c 50c Woodbury’s Fn- cial 38c 50c Nadine Vanishing 38c 35c lluggette & Bums- dellc . 29c 10c Daggett & Itams- dellr 8c 25i Menthplotuni ... 19c 25c Fond’s Vanishing Cveam ■ . ■ 29c 50c Fompeian Day Cream 39c TOII.ET WATER $2.1!) Azurea .... $1.9S $2.10 Floramye .. $1.98 $1.00 Orange Bios* com 89c $1.25 Mary Garden . 98c $1.00 Mavis 89c POWDER $1.00 Mary Garden . 89c 08c Azurea 89c 08c Floramye ...... 89c G5o Java 59c 50c Luxor White ... 39c 60c Pompeian Beauty 39c 50c Mavis 39c Coty’s 89c ,50c: Dit-r Kiss 39c 75c Garden Allah .. 49c TOOTH PASTE 25c Listerine 19c <C5c Prophylactic Tooth Powder ...... 25c Dr. Lyons .. 45c Prophylactic Brushes 50c Pebcco ... 38c ,50c Pepsodent 39c 25c Sanitot 19c 30c Kolynos 24c 60c F,orhan’s 49c SOAPS 25c Pears Scented.. 19c 25c Woodbury’s ...... 19c 25c Cuticura Soap .. 19c 25c Cuticura ointment 19c 15c Say man 11c 15c Lux lie 15c Ivory Soap Flakes 11c I5c Bon Ami 11c 25c Pure Olive Oil Castile Soap 19c 15c Castile Soap .... 19c 25c Johnson’s Baby Soap 19c 15c Peara Unscented 11c 26c Packers Tar .... 19c MISCELLANEOUS 60c Nonspi 39c 30c Mum 26c $1.00 Odorono 89c 25c Ammonia 19c 20c Witch Hazel ... IGc $1.65 Eau dc Quin- nine $1.-19 16c Bay Rum He 50c Packer’s Tar [ Shampoo 38c ] 35c Odorono 29c $1.25 Pinauds Lilac Vcgital 98c 50c Mulsified Cocoanut EXTRA SPECIAL / Palm Olive Soap, 89c Dozen Read The Banner-Herald Want Ads. Our Removal Sale Offers This Oak Dining Room Suite $95.00 This is a beautiful set of eight pieces in the oak finish. Large round extension table, six sturdy chairs upholstered in genuine leather, long buffet with looking-glass. This set will give your dining room an out-of-the-ordinary appearance. It js unusually well made and the tonal high-lights in the finish stand out prom-. inently. Let us show it to you. This Two-Piece Overstaffed Set 2 “$025 An overstuffed set of two worthy pieces, a long daven port and c^air to match. Spring construction throughout of the finest type. Cushions are loose and removable. Pieces are fash ioned in the Queen Anne style. Finished .in mahog any. I9pholstered in figured velour. Beautiful cedar chests, such as shown above, tomorrow for $13.25. These chests are full cedar and the outsides are harpl rubbed to a very rich finish. If you have furs or clothes that need storing away from moths, this of fering of cedar chests will mean much to. you.' Come see them. DORSEY FURNITURE CO. Quality Furniture Since 1884