The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, August 09, 1923, Image 6
TUB BANNKH'BERAM). ATHENS. GEORGIA Since the object of raising nlfnlfr in rr uet n Heavy production, am a large* gross return It Is gooe practice to use stable manure an.' ;i . Id phosphate or In case stubl* manure ran n«»t be obtained ft high grade fertilizer. It will take 2T> pounds of seed per acre. In nr-illation Is also essential. Inocu lation material can be obtained from the r. S. Department of Agrt •■ulture. Washington. D. C.. th< rjeorgla Department of Agriculture Atlanta. On., or from commercial no of which have loco’ entatlves In Athens. In starting alfalfa it Is necessarj j. T uring the week ending July |, av ,. ..rrtain conditions right | 2Sth. it was difficult to find elthc if high yields and long life arc oh* | adult boll weevils or punctured t:iin*"l J’ii-st select good soil that; squares. The use of. poison earl P»\h n fart that ir veok the of th*3 obi OUR BOARDING HOUSE Usual lv im a pre-viv Hard potato, am' rr TARES A loT-To BOIL me,— but vjseU -raev SflklG A GL)V A -DOLLAR If Is estimated by the Agrlnil- ttiral College specialists, that if acre of land were planted to al falfa. for each mule or row kcp’ on the farm, there would h«. m necessity for buying hay. Then are a good many fields of a I fair throughout the county and these have given satisfaction to a mark* years to either increase their plnnt- iserve the moisture In •re is a dry fall, tome growers of alfalfa n very successful by allowing • cow peas to mature and cutting' ■ m for hay bite in September; •n discing the . land good and vlng the alfalfa seed. Tn fol ding this plan It is inadvisable the land just before seed- firm seed bed ran not be •rotten anil the small alfalfa peed vlll not do well on a deep ti ed bed. to I I WHY NOT DIVIDE MY INSURANCE WITH JESTER Complete Insurance Protection 617 Holman Bldg. - wlntered-over weevils and tl hatching of the first sumrm doubt explains the al genre.- of the weevil during tl last week in July. Since the- r cent rains and since the first August, the writer has been unite a number of cotton fb ’ds Ir Clarke county. Some of these field still free of weevils on Th- Isrj day they were examined, that ir case- during one of the days of the • ending August 4tli. Oth^r fields have bad a very light infestation, stir others had sufficient weevils t« destroy the crop unless measure 1 nre immediately taken to dust these fields with calcium arsenate especially if the daily shower continue for some time, these field that are. at this writing, infested with weevils to nn extent where th weevils are puncturing one or more squares per stalk dally, unless Im mediate poisoning iv resorted to ♦ he chance of making cotton is vert j nnor. Furthermore. there art fields in Clarke county, in whirl | there are from one to two or three j nr more squares containing grubs j under most of the plants. It would j t»e good practice to pick up these j «qnares in addition to poisoning The cotton crop of the county 1 well fruited and Improved a grea deal during July, but It Is not ye out of the woods. Drv nnl bo weather during the next few *«eki In those sections of the retinfy thn have had good beneficial and poisoning should b continued Some few farmers an Planning on laying by right away This Is a serious mistake. Th fields should by- all mens be cul tivated. shallow, until ihe 20th of August. NOTICE OF SALE WHEREAS. Cora A. Whitehead of Athens, Clarke County, Geor gia. by her Warranty Deed dated February 10, 1017, and duly re corded it} Book 22 at page 20 of the Land Records of Clarke Coun ty, Georgia, and in Book QQ at pages 590 and COO of the Land Records of Jackson Connty, Geor gia, conveyed to the Pearsons- Taft Land Credit Company, a cor poration, the following described reai estate in Clarke and Jackson Counties, Georgia, to-wit: In the 1347th Georgia Militia District about 5 miles Northwest of the Town of Athens and bound ed on the North by lands of Thur mond; on the West by lands of Nichols; on the South by lands of Ebcrhnrt and on the East by Old Read and lauds of Eberhart; said tract more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a pine j stump on Thurmond’s line, thence ‘ North 74 degrees, West 34.68 chains to a poplar, thence South 23.40 chains to Sweet Gum; thence South 79Vj degrees, East 36.38 chains to rock on Old Road; thence along said road to beginning, con taining 73.85 acres, more or less in Clarke County. ALSO a tract of land in the 17V7th Georgia Militia District about 7 miles Northwest of the Town of Athens and bounded on the North by lands of Robert Mor ris; on the East by lands of Brown Whitehead, formerly William on the South by lands of and on the West by lands of William Wallace; said tract be- the City of Athens, Count ing in Jackson County, containing j Starke, State of Georgia, 100 aefes, more or less. jthehoursof 10:00 A. SI. and \ „„„ . . - , . . r. M. cn tne 0th day of .Sen? ALSO a tract of .and in the 1903, f or the purpose of 1747th Georgia Militia District | said indebtedness and the c about 7 miles Northwest of the said sale Town of Athens and hounded or. As provided in said dee. the North by lands of Booth, for-!sale wlil bo subject to t|> merly known as Griffith and ;°f the holder of that certain j (r i n Booth, on the East by lands of cipal note for the sum of Fir* v ~ Br^wn Whitehead; on the South:Six Hundred ($5,000.00) '• by other lands of Mrs. Cora A. j arid interest thereon at „ Whitehead and on the West byjcent from March 1, 1022, d< : lands of Peterson; said tract ho- -n and secured by that , ing in Jackson County, containing warranty deed recorded i n 27 acres, more or less, containing 22 at page 23 of the x Lan« all 201 acres, more or less. (ores 01 Clarke County, <;, To secure two promissory notes ,,n( l Book QQ at pages 598 ai of said Cora A. Whitehead, one °f the Land Records of Ja<|, for the sum of Nine Hundred and County, Georgia. Eighty ($980.00) Dollars payable IN WITNESS WHEREOF .th in installments, and <v.e for the raid Pearsons-Taft Company’ ha- sum of Two Hundred ($200.00) .mused these present? to I,' , ' Dollars due March 1. 1927, and'cuted by its President and bearing interest payable March 1 corporate seal to be affixed annually, and in said deed pro- 27th dav of July, 1921. vided that in event of the default! PEARSONS-TAFT COM! in the payment of any installment of said note for Nine Hundred and Eighty ($980.00) Dollars or inter- estVHi said Twq Hundred ($200.00) Dollars note, said Company might declare the unpaid balance of said Nine Hundred and Eighty ($980.00) Dollar note anil the entire princi pal of said Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollar note at once due and pay able and sell said land for the payment thereof; am! WHEREAS. • ‘ FROGS AGAIN ON SALE TOKIO.—Tbo shops of .1 this month 'offering..for KaJIka, or “singing frog,” th.- 1, hiuger of the rainy seison. animals are selling -readily the installment of! thoneh the prices ranee from said Nine Hundred and Eighty I to ten yen whereas- a few : ($-180.00) Dollar note and the in-jacn they, could la- houah tor forest By Oren E.'Taft, r (CORF. SEAL) Aug. 9-16-23-30. SINGING Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollar note due March 1, 1923, was not paid when due and is still unpaid and said Com pany has declared the entire amount of said notes now due and payable; NOW. THEREFORE, the Pear- sons-Taft Company, formerly the Pearsons-Tnft Land Credit Com pany, under and by virtue of the power and authority in said Com pany vested by said warranty deed, will proceed to sell the above described real estate and appurten ances thereunto belonging at public sale to the highest bidder for cash at the door of the Court House in n. Hut like everything a question of -.upply and <1 and while the gatlier-us fi, frogs harder to g»-t. *t):n n of purchaser* has Increased. The frog will sing for lio n time and a couple of fli- : *« nil bo wants in the way of inhment Read Banner-Herald Want Ads. TAXI SERVICE Day and Night GEORGIAN BAGGAGE Phone TRANSFER CO. Phone gg Office Georgian Hotel '00 THE VETERINARY DIVISION Georgia State College of Agriculture , , will Respond to Calls for - Veterinary service A moderate charge will be made. Phone 225-R, Athens, Ga. MONEY TO LOAN"ON ATHENS REAI. ESTATE Interest Rato from 5 to C349I. Pnynblo Monthly or Semi-AnnunRy. See S. W. USSERY or JAY H. EPTING with H. O. E'PTING & COMPANY Ground Floor Holman Builtling What Your First Want Ad Teaches You All your life you have heard <bf people using want ads successfully, Vet it may be that you, yourself, may never have tasted their usefulness. The purpose of these little talks about advertising is to induce you to order your first 'want ad. After you have once made the test yourself and know from personal experience of the rapidity of action and definite results which may be secured, you use want ads, thereafter, as a matter of course. Your first want ad teaches you that it pays to advertise—that tenants may be se cured, that customers may be obtained, that quick sales may be brought about through classified advertising. Study the want ads published on this page and note the very many different ways in which people make use of them. You may telephoiwyour want ad. A courteous trained ad-taker will answer your call and be glad to carry out your in structions faithfully. THE BANNER-HERALD ' PHONE 75 it t ■> - »i. ' ,:t;t i‘ t r. /aoit *