The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, August 22, 1923, Image 1

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    r ' ••y- -l»
Investigate Today!
Tb Regular ' ‘
ft,000 Accident Policy Frco
Dally and Sunday—10 Centa a Week.
Eatabliabed 1832
Dally and Sunday—10 Centa a Week.
Middling 24'c
Prevlbui Close. 25c
TlliJj W2AT7IEn:
Cloudy with Light Showers.
VOL. 91. NO. 163
Associated Preaa Service
A. B. C. Paper
Staple Copies 2 Centa Dklly. 8 Centa Sunday.
Fannie Brice Wants New Nose
Poincare Politely Informs Great Pritain That
France Will Maintain Same Attitude In
View of Ruhr Occupation and Rep
arations As Formerly, De
spite Recent British '
(By Associated Press.)
PARIS.—France will stand pat,on her reparations
It was stated here Tuesday that the French reply j
to Great Britain’s recent note, assert sthat Rrance re
fuses to withdraw from the Ruhr, except as she is
paid by Germany and rejects the plan of an Interna
tional re-estimate of Germany’s ability to pay her
The reply was made public Wednesday morning
and maintains that the occupation of the Ruhr is
perfectly legal
To offset the rather determined
attitude shown in the rpJy it was
stated that France would consider
the easiest method of exacting
payment from Germany when thi
“Passive resistance” ceased and
expressed a willingness to continue
the recent discussions with Great
It is possible that, adopting th6
tone of conciliatin advanced in his*
CharievJlJc speed* P/dn/.rc has
sugar-coated the demand until it FrlfindS Of Judge Say Bar
may be discerned by none but the
But, behind whatever formula is
offered for the solution of the rep
arations mess, there will be the ad
amantine resolve of France not to
yield one jot from demands that
Germany pay her enough to pay
America and England, and also
pay her a goodly margin for her
Superficially, Poincare’s answer
is contained in a 40-page docu
ment, replying point'by point and
in parallel columns to the Curzon
note. It restates the complete his
tory of France’s efforts ter get
reparations from Germany, and, it
is understood, discusses but brief
ly the British claim that the occu
pation of the illegal under
the treaty of Versailles. .
Of Atlanta Is Not Whol
ly in Sympathy Witfr
.Fannie Brice, noted comedinne and wife of the famous Nicky Arn<
stein, has decided tha tshc wants to have her nose changed. Dr. Henrjf
J. Schireson, plastic surgeon of Chicago, went to Atlantic City to
change the nose from Roman to Grecian. Here he and nurses arc pre
paring Fannie for the operation.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON — President
and Mrs. Cr.olldge spent their
first day In tho White House.
President and Mrs. Coolidgo
moved quietly late f Tuesday
from their residence at the
New Willard Hotel to their
present home. Only newspa
per photographers know of tho
. — Committee Appointed to
Of Public Park. Bond
Issue is Proposed.
Administration To
Take Steps To Keep
Up Normal Supplies
States White House
Regardless of Whether or Not Conferencc^Rcaches
Agreement, Nation will not Suffer. No In
dications of Method of Action By.
President. Hammond Con
fers With Coolidge.
Endorse Road Lease
Which Affects Raft
V On Coal to Athens
ALBANY. Ga.—Endorsement of
the efforts of the Atlantic Coast
Line,and the Louisville & Nash
ville railroads to lease the prop
erties' of the Carolina, Cllnehfield
& Ohio railroad has been given by
the Albany Chamber of Commerce
The matter was brought to the
attention of the directors at a re
cent meeting and they gave unani
mous approval to the proposed
lease and urged the Interstate
Commerce Commission to permlf
ATLANTA. (5a.'—Attorney Edgar ; Jt.
Latham's charge of “office Jobbery*
The forum meeting of the Cham
ber of Commerce was well attend
ed Tuesday night at the Georgian
hotel when parks and playground*
were discussed nt length and e
resolution passed empowering th<
officers and directors to name «
committee to Investigate the propo-
Actual Work Has Begun j ™
On Pinecrest Country! other forum meeting at » ut.r <i*y
Club. Nine Hole Golf ^ .T. 1 ?.* B °w. ct
CoiirSG roll of the chamber recorded the
: proceedings. Mr. Mell stated what
j the meeting was called for and
Pinecrest Country Club lhrrw “ 0I, * a ,or
is the name of a handsome
new Country club that, B0ND ,88UE
Athens is to have, ^tails-,^^^"^.
for tnC building OI the the City rend a communication t»
duh have bw*n completed !^ w c t f;^.lr W i^, k h o„T^u
and actual work has sufficiently large to take care o'
frtnrfafl fairs, amusement features and av*
oiuriA,u* erythlng thnt goes to make up an
A number of4ne city s « P to «u.te park. He proposed that
leading business rtien Eire rh 0 ' J "m.viTnn%Vui e d 0, m .hTmon
"gainst Judge (Jus Howard, recent
ly appointed to tho now dlvlsior
of the Fulton county superior
court by the governor. Is nothin/-
but politics. Attorneys Edgar Wat
kins and Elliott Cheatham, friends
of Judge Howard declare. They de
clared the charge Is of a f>ollUcal
nature and directed as much
against'’the governor as Judg*
Both attorneys denied that the
Atlanta bar ns a whole is In sym
pathy with Atturney Latham, win* I '
made public charge* of nltfoipte'*•
office Jobt*ry by Judge Howard ptl n f Cnllwinn Falls to
Immediately after, d&»vi rnor Walk , r U° l , tJf 18 .
or announced the Anointment *Mr t Reach Terminal DUS: to
Latham said that Judge Howar** I
had offered him tho post uff^kllci
Appeals Case. Fined Also
For Being Drunk. Had
Liquor When Arrested,
Is Charge.
, tor geriernl of the, m-Mg coum/Cf In
j would divide the fees. In orfir t<
J rrwi'o a campaign fund for Judge
| Howard to use In moping for th-
1 senate against ^eddtor Walter P
|George. Ill* said further that Gov
ernor Walker had pleaded with
him to relinquish his claims to th
Heavy Fogs.
Beacons Fail.
Executive Committee
Recommends Naming of
Atlantian To Newly Cre
ated Office. Governor
Walker Agrees.
behind thd new club and «« .proposing thm a mm
iL„ j* _r mission be created by the ?ity ot
tile plans call for one OI county, depending on where th*
the most modem, conven- r»i k '* ">«“•«•
fRv Acdnriiltpd Praso \
WASHINGTON.—Should the conference between
miners and operators at Atlantic City, fail to reach
an agreement, it will not be permitted to inflict a coal
shortage o nthe nation it was stated at the White
House late Tuesday.
Though it was impossible to determine what ac-
ions the administration would take in the event of a
coal strike, it was announced that President Coolidge
wished to assure the consumers that all the normal
requirements for fuel would be met
His Aunt
• . Several woman dlacuaed tha pro
lent Ellu (Pleasure glVfflgT Jcct, mainly from a playground!
W. Y. Escue was tried in
eorder’a court Tuoeday evening and
fined an aggregate of $60.75 In two
case*, one charging drunkenneiw
and another reuniting from an at
tack on Policeman Ed Posh..
Mayor George C. Thomaa prc-ald*
ed over tho *c*sIon of recorder'*
c»oirt *n which Kwoo was sentenc
ed. He wai fined $50.75 in th«
growing out of hla alleged at
tack on Pollcenmq Poss which wn;
appealed to the higher court.
According to police authorities
Kscoe ponaefwed a gallon of whis
key when he was arrested on Pul-
aski street last Saturday night up
on a complaint call to the police
headquarter*. Hie aserted that tb<
(By Aaaoelatsd Press)
LARAMIK. Wy.—Polled inthree
attempt# Tuesday night to pene
trate tho thick fogs. Pilots H. H.
Judgeship for. th, present with th., roni.i'om on'n twenty eighthour
promise that he should have tb<-
next ono that became vacant.
people sending In the call denied
It when policeman Posa and W. G
Gurry arrived to make the arrest
<*nd this causal his trouble with
the former.
Policeman Poss was seated in th*
call room at police headquarters
Mondny afternoon when Escos
rushed In and hit him. They wer*
separated at once before Policeman
Poms could get out of hi* Chair. H«
was not on .duty at the time, and
H'H «»l« jUUl} ill
wore civilian clothes.
No case was made against Eacoc
for having whiskey and he was no;
hound over to the state courts bj
the acting recorder, Policeman
Poes -toW the court a warrant had
***» issued charging Escoe with
violation ot the prohibition law
The charges against .Fudge Ifow
an! nre to lie heard by the grlev
ance committee of the bar nsso
elation Friday, It was stated Tues
dny by local attorneys In close
touch with the situation.
Smith. Robert P. Jones at
Sibley constitute the committee.
Mr. Watkins explained Judgi
Howard’s attitude In regard to an
investigation by the bar associa
“It scorns that a few member*
of the Atlanta liar association—
my Information is that there were
fifteen out oP 570, less than 3 per
cent of the Atlanta bar—recently
mot and concluded that
should lie an Investigation with
to cnaat air mall flight finally
wn, forced to give up without
reach hi* torinlnal. Chyonno, forty
miles distant.
The relay plane at Cheyenne fi
nally took up the eastward flight
welting for him
It la expected that another plane
much faster than the one which
tnnk ill* the fllnkt. will set out with
Murine;th» California mall, aa soon as
Juhr collision arrives, and overtaken
the east hound plane.
Collision expressed the belief
that he-rearhed Chevenno bnt be
cause of tha fotg which complete,
ly darkened the powerful beacons
was unable to discern his loca
This Is tho only flsw In the
nlxht flight from New York to San
i Francisco. It waa stated. Mall per
vIco officials slated that the flight
reference to tho npisdntinent* ot !was prtjgrcailDg satisfactorily.
Judge Howard. Just the extent o‘ | *®
the rhnrges or investigation I 1,11 , M&brilll MosqilltO
not know, but In behulf of Judge IWroneAO Acsnrfo
Howard and his many friends of HCvi"aat3l nwtris
this bar I can say that if specific
charges are made and presented t«
the grievance committee of the At*
lanta Bar association, or to nn>
other responsible committee of that
association. Judge Hownrd will
feel It his duty to present the fact*
to such a committee.
The narrow^ sllhouet Is not hold,
fng undisputed sway. Many eve*
ning frocks show a bouffant skirt
,w-lth the tightly pitted bodice. JTP
Paris, 1b# sllhouet. known as mina
ret, Is proving popular.
Savannah Officer
8AVANNAH. Qa—Dr. V H. Bas
set. city health officer, has mi1r
the announcement that the control
of mosquito breeding In the city
of Savannah has progressed to
such a point that at the present
time no malarial mosquitoes are
bred within the city. Practfesl
elimination of the mosquito os o
menace to public health has been
brought about chiefly bv system
atically spraying all ditches an(*
Water courses with kerosene.
ATLANTA, Ga.—J. O. C. Blood-
w-orth of Atlanta was to be ap
pointed by Governor Walker Wed
nesday as director of the newly-
created state service bureau of th«
Americnn Legion following recom
mendation by the executive com
mittce at a meeting Tuesday af
Immediately after the committer
recommendation, State Command
er JSdgar B. Dunlap said, Govemo»
Walker waa apprised of the action
and ngrecd to appoint Mr. Blood-
wort(» today.
The position and the bureau
were created by the legislature a
Its roront session, house bill No
48S being sponsored by the Amer
ican Legion of Georgia. The placr
carries a salary of $2,400 a year
with $2,000 a year being allower
for ^expenses. The bureau
the pensions department.
Mr. Bloodworth will he lAlsIni.
officer between the disabled veter
ana In tho state and the govern
ment. It was explained Tuesday
night by Mr. Dunlap, and will have
charge of disseminating Informa
tlnti on fr,feral lawn and provisions
having to do with disabled sol
diers. He will represent both
8panish-Amerlcan and World Wai
veterans, Mr. Dunlap said
in the entire south. I for children standpoint. Among
, ThTlocs.lon or »!,. club •*, jail
Drtvcansrt V o? U *th"' 1 IlamMowi T - J - Shackelford told of post
Drive, a part of the efforts to establish parks hare snf
P2* H O. Kptlng, H. A. M. and other,
spoke In favor of the proposition
a new street that Is now bejng op
ened up. A handsome two a'ory
club house will be constructed
having a large dance floor, loung
ing room, dining room, kitchen and
every modern club house conveni
ence. It will have a facing of $r
feet front and will be equipped
with locker rooms, shower bath*
and the like.
Mr. Kptlng offering the suggestion
that the lake Pleras property
bought for the purpose.
Near the close of the meeting •
motion was made by^has. E. Mar
t'n thnt the committee be named
to study the question and bring
back a report. This action wa»
followed out by the meeting with e
unanimous vote.
Chairman Hammond of the coal
commission who discussod the an
thracite situation late in the day
with the president, aaid, however,
on attempt would be made to fix
responsibility for the failure of
late negotiations, and It wag indi
cated thnt the commission’s find
ings in this particular might be in
corporated In an “emergency re
port” to Mr. Coolidge which is
now in preparation.
Mr. Hammond declared the
commission did not consider the
situation yet warranted the sub
mission of this report. He denied,
however, that either ho or his as
sociates proposed to take the in
itiative ot this time in endeavor
ing a resumption of negotiations
between tho operators and their
“Tho com
Bark of tha club house will be
a sporty nln* hole golf course, Ink*
and playgrounds. One of tho Allan-
professionals, Mr. Livingston.
Is here now laying out the course
and he sfcya It will be the sportiest
nine hole course fn the entire south
Th# total length will be 2.900 yard-
and will be well balanced as tc
short and long holes. A total of
28 acres wilt he embraced In thr
course to begin with and more
acreage will possibly be added
“Now." I* ths slogan of auc-
Meet aucctaa half-way
It’s what the
thinks that counta.
Important facts ran alwaya
be made greeting.
Fortune smiles on the man
who is ready to smile back.
You’re the bora of your own
future—if you want to be.
Football has one good rule
for buaineaa: Hi tthe line hard.
He who advertisfca first, laat
and all the time advertises
Don’t force Old Man Oppor
tunity to wear hia knuckles
out on your door. It make#
him restless.
Before you shop in the
atores tomorrow, shop first
tonight in
Mrs. J. J. Wilder, annt of Pres
ident Coolidge, ralaee chickens for
market on her farm which ad
joins the president's father's farm
«t Plymouth, VL
Farmers Urged to Bring
Samples of Green Toma
toes to Curb Market For
His Inspection.
Th# club will not only embrace
a club hnune and golf rnurnc but
will aliio have In connection an up-
to-date playground for children
equipped with swlnga, MlIdcM, wad
ing pools and the like. A nln-* hoi
putting golf course will also he
laid off near the golf «-ntir*<c for
the pleasure of the children of the
members. The lake will covet
ly two a<res and will nffor.J
mlng. boating and fishing. Tennis,
courts will also he built.
Work has already beer, 'tarte*
ths grounds and Wilttnm J
Miller, engineer and constructor
has been awarded the contract for
th# club house. The house wll*
$>• completed by November firs*
nnd at least four holes of the golf
conrse will he ready for play in
a few months.
The formal opening of the club
win uko place early next spring
when every detail will have beer
Officers of the club have no'
been selected yet nnd will hard!*
be chosen until later. It was an
nounced Wednesday by those vital
ly Interested.
Farmers in Northeast Georgia
who have raised large quantltle;
of tomatoes are requested to bring
Hamplea of green tomatoes to th-
Curb Market Thursday where the>
will bo inspected by a representa
tive of a Florida produce concern.
According to a telegram receive*
by the Chamber of Commerce Wed
nemlay the Moody Produce com
pany of Tampa will send an ex-
l»ert hero to see If large quantltlei
of green tomatoes cAn be fount
here and shippd to Florida when
they nre In great demand.
The tomutoes must be shipped l
refrigerated cars and In order
obtain this type of car a full loai*
must be shipped. It le poselbh
that the pimento and sweet pep
|M-rs grown In this section may b*
sold through the same produc*
The Moody Produde companj
has contracted for the entire toma
to output of the Sweetwater Valley
Truck Growers Association oJ
Georgia, according to J. B. Ogles
by. the secretary at Powdei
Springs, Ga.
commission,” he assered,
“is prepared for eventualities.”
Immcdiaely upon receipt of infor
mation that tho Atlantic City con
ference had broken up over the
question of increased wages, Mr.
Hammond went to the white house
for a conference with the presi
dent. Upon leaving the executive
call .offices, he called an executive
meeting of the coal and after it
had been in session less than an
hur, a recess was taken to enable
Mr. Hammond and Commissioner
Neill to confor further with Presi
dent Coolidge.
The only public statement re
sulting from this second interview
wns the authorized ‘hnounccment
that, regardless of the outcome of
the anthracite controversy, the
fuel necessities of tho public would
be met.
Officials who have followed the
anthracite crisis closely expressed
the opinion tonight that the presi
dent would not intervene until the
operators and miners had been
given an opportunity to come for
ward with a proposal which might
servo as a upon which
negotiations could be resumed.
Public Speaker Will Talk
On Principles of Order
Thursday Njght, Com
mittee Anonunces. Initi
8AVANNAH. Oa.—When the* fun
eral of ths Into President Harding
was held In Wnuhlngtnn last week.
Captain Jared Irwin Wood, of this*
dty. was nppolnted In command of
the guard of honor. This guard
was.picked from each branch off
the army and marched In front of trorhy will be awarded to the pilot
the casket. Captain Wood is the (making the highest speed for 200
•on of Mr. and Mrs. James S kilometers on a cloae court# of 54
Wood, of Savannah. jkllometera. ,
Lours—High ipeed races
for the Pultixer trophy’ and $4,00f
in prises are to be run off here
the lust day of the International
Air Races, October 1, 2 and 8, ac-
cordlng to an am ouncement by tha
8t. Louis Air Board and the Fly
ing Club of St. Louis, <
The first prise of $2 000 and the
An announcement
Wednesday morning
dodgera and members of the ordei
that a public speaking of the Me-
Dorman post of the Ku Klux Klnn,
successor to the Rutherford klnn
here, would be held Thursday night
at the corner of Clayton and Thom
aa street.
The announced speaker la Dr
Rosen and the time la 8 o'clock-
Arrest Five Men and Wn-
rr priTnlUJ men on Charges of
Counterfeiting Revenue
It waa announced Wednesday
morning by F. L. Jones, member of
the McDorroan klan. thnt a pubffr
Initiatory meeting would be held
here Friday night, the lace to be
announced later.
“We have made application for
the use of Sanford Field,” stated
Mr. Jones, “and the Prudentta*
committee of the University trus
tees will pass on tha application
Thursday morning at 10 o'clock,"
ha added.
•At any rata, Whether we ga*
Sanford Field or not, well put on
a public Initiation If we have to u#<
a vacant lot in the city,” ft waa
The meeting Thursday night on
Clayton atreet will be an open af
fair and mlnua th# uniformed ra*
tTum to page sight) >
Stamps For Whiskey.
OIt Associated Prcsa.)
NEW YORK. — Federal secret
service acenta Tuesday mornmir
raided the quarter* of the “Con
solidated Importing and Exporta
tion Company” on Lexington Ave
nue end arrested five men and
women on a charge of counter
feiting revenue itamps, whiskey
labels and physician’a liquor pre-
Ecrintinn blanks.
Resides the counterfeiting 1 par
aphernalia, the agents seized sev
eral stills, and a quantity of whb-
key and alcohol.
The agents also found a matri
monial publication, which they
■aid wax simply a blind for the
real operations.
White Men Forfeit
Bond For Gaming
Four white men, charged wtth
camfng. forfeited bonds of lie.75
each by falling to appear In lic-
cnrder'a court Tneadny afternoon
The men ar.. Bill Jone«. Mercer
Whittle, John Williams and John