The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, August 24, 1923, Image 2
J GARTERS No metal can touch y Every year uiorc.inon.coiho to . PAMS—hecau « nxnw ho hr.vo < worn them constantly endorse fy thcmforthciracrviccandcom- Jm. fort and good dealers every* where recommend them. /fjSri “}XO I fan «/M4 C*mfnt~ >SK>2I A.STEIN & COMPANY Vnlnn 2b Wlllianmon 3li Itrnnnon lh Tirkunn rf. Fnlmnr cf. , Lindsey, nn ’birrn c Win Kan! p. Mirk rf. Holland hr. Farmer 3b. McCullough Mltrhrll Thousands of Athenians who have h away this summer, enjoying vacations at seashore and in the mountains, are now turning home. Incoming trains are bring fcack these vacationists daily. We sugf fthat one of the first things returning At! ians will need in the home-coming, picking Atlanta and. West Point Railroad Company The Western Railway of Alabama The Georgia Railroad. Thn Summer Tourist season Is now on and vacations ara In order. You will bo rind to know'that conditions surround ing Summer Tourist travel are more liberal this season than In almost any previous year. Reduced rates are In effect to practically every state In the Union as well as to some points In Canada, the various tours Including delightful trips on the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Great I.akcs, St Law- renco River, Hudson River, through tlio Yollowstouo and other National Parks, to the Grand Canyon, etc. Stop.overa may bo mndo at any point on either going or return trip, within final limit of Ucket, which Is. In most cases, Octo ber 31, 1923. x Let ns help yon arrange yonr vacation. We are here to aorvo and any Information desired will ho gladly furnished by ticket agent In your town or by the undersigned. J. P. BILLUPS. General Paaaengef Agent^ J ! Atlanta, Ga. Miss Mnry Shelton, of Douglat it entirely with tobacco leaves. Ga., designed this hat, trimming m /W, K. 1 Trimble, IS (center), of New York City swam two miles 1 oURfc a thunderstorm to obtain help for his camp mates when their -was overturned in Lake Chsmpiui.i at !’latt$burg. Louis G. libll .11* (left', of Brooklyn, N. Y., ami Charles S. Stryker, 17 tt"qf Somerset, N. .)., were saved. Albert \V. Kampmann of iscy City, N. J., was swept from the capsized canoe anti drowned tfdre riscucrs arrived. t [Albany Again Bows to Fast Americus Nine I HpfirtanlnirR I Smith \ton % WiiVhinKftm. toll® Only Georgia. Play*- to Sun'ive in First tv. BiJlv . in Fifth. Cartersville I Again Trims Buford Team A (\\ RTKItSVILLB. On —(Special PVllnivtr ’—The locals, ptsvlrtit lh Oalncsvlfp the Buford, Shoe makers for the second time In ur I many days by the score of It to l * | Thursday's victory slves tho local. iH N. C.-aHarrls Jones j two of three anaf.'X scries played was 'he only Georgian lh!" week with the Shoemakers, the first flight of. the annual I Tha^Shoemakers pitchers, whf nrr Insdtatlnh tournament to have not boon stopped successive his match Thursday, defeating *7 **''*" season, were hit to nl cor , ,,f Charleston, H. C. I "ers of the lot In the games Wed St'the opening of the nesday and Thursday. Andy Cham ttldw Thursday. Wattr hers, tho south’s greatest collrg, Oa.. eltamplon, fade • hur "' r - ’'riven fr, SMtent game expect- Wednesday's gam. ifrpoyters and lost to I long (Inning, being relieve, Rirktmtrlolt,i 4f‘ J Birmingham 1 nod ,Kr».-«eMle >. Epn. Brown .P' Shoemakers come to,Carter* A tlanflL. hist \o 1 Charles Mnc-, V,M ' n «' "edbesday far the rir« I. Wa.hlngtott. Six and ' five B""”' three gnnto series.- tjoi) pvltfl Henry Went* 1 „ S’'"™ *>y Innlngst R. {I. 1*1 Baseball Results I i Missions, in a Labor Pay me«ag< political, national and inter New Orleans .Mobile Atlanta ... . Birmingham . Memphis .... Nashville .Sumter ooun* d to a peg n**ar*-r the Houth .i championship Thursday, r- laced out a long homer ov-j,,| m||an a right f ,1,1 fence, scoring two, head of him and giving the! AMERICAN LEAGUE 3 Vic* ninth Inning Joe Jnrk- nf mighty sluggyrs was none too safe margin •arly part of the game. bt i > in' r tlfiiiM poke of llrnun* bo game on Ire for Jnckso fit. Americuft started the ^scoring I arly when Williams, the first mar ip In the first Inning laced out a I iiigk* over second. Klmore fol- ^fiw* «I ,wlth one id left, and Wll- stopped at second. Jackson nled out to McCullough, and runners advanced. Itrnnnon * Holland, who let the ball Ret id Williams and Klmore rneod CLUBS— New York ., Cleveland ... Detroit ... , fct. lsOlll8 ..., Washington , Chicago ... Philadelphia Boston ... , | with Henry West-' . r . uUAi'fyJni; score and m,fnrrt 000 010—4 c,Sudeten! OMJHgVflN 22* 40(1 010-It 13 L. t * . 1 jR-'ittfflos: ftmlth. • llct>nn:.l.l it#d jfhffM"”* ""‘I Jaduoh: Stevens nod At hntl »tr* 'ex.i ,or<1 ' ■ ■■■■•■ Kh.1 honors^ • - .1? , f " r ° nr MOUSE OF LORDS FEARS h> the tourna- FOR WEST INDIAN COLONIE8 _ J -LONDON.—Fear that American continue l nthe flrnt- “O ovcntttally affect , will meed Douclai<rTolaUonn botween Knghqtf unu ’•r.irmlnytmm. m v West Indie* has Invnd- r HntI It 1* rumored TaTlIatn^nf fffcd mused some rp in m'nd IHr defent n»omb*?n» p/,thc House of Lords to .Watts Ounn by the Alabn- 'tro that the government loso no golfers. time In strengthening the existing William Phlnixy. Athens, and bonds with the British colonics. CLUBS— Now York .. Cincinnati .. Pittsburg .. hieago .. .. St. ! xu Is .. Brooklyn ... Philadelphia Boston — -— In the f.lndsry first up. singled through • Macon ihort. TJiiroif sacrificed. Norrl. J Spartanburg was. safe on Furmer> error. nn«' i Charlotto .. Lindsey went to third. Nolan Augusta . . walked, filling the bases. William. • Greenville . struck out but Klmore hit a long Cnstonia ... to KhlMdgo, who drbpped the | the Athens ycr. He Is n steady playe Double Grip pall, and Lindsey and Nolan rnred ;iome. .Tlickson was walked pur posely. but Brannon bit one back bp auainst the right field fence Which ‘MjtrhHl leaped Into the ah mil brought down. The Albany out fit then got busy In Its half of the second nnd pushed over two runs. Klntbrell singled tr left and took second when Duren threw wild to first. Mnrqunnl, an •Crncker. doubled to left and Klinbrrll qepreri. Kaln hit to Nor» who threw wild to first, nnd Marnuard rn^ed home. Albany*t >ther tally came In the third when Mitchell hit n homer over left field fence. The. -mine then rocked nlong^ r nice pitcher's battle between Knlr nnd Klngnrd, until the ninth. Kl more. the first man up, crashed nt his fourth hit of the afternoon loo Jackson doubled against th» "iglit field fence and Elmore went to third. Brannon then followed with Ids terrific clout over thi fence by several feet. The two teams will resume play in AmerU-un. Friday. Amerfcua has now won three -apies and Albany one. The serb* continue until one of the tenmi . •• wdn four games. j The box ncore: Americus ab. r. h. pe. a. • \ o 0 o i 3 •! Totals Albany 1h. rf mhrell c. Kldrldge If. ........ Mnrquard. 2b. .. Kaln p. vCameron have been the are now re- are bringing daily. We suggest things returning Athen- the home-coming, picking up regular usual routine of life and business be THE BANNER-HERALD. ..Suppose you phone today and say: “Send me The Banner-Herald.” CIRCULATION PHONE 75 If The ,Rfinner-Hera!d has been sent you while away from Athens, have the paper changed from mail to city, deliv^yy. Qo j Totals S3 3 X 27 10 4 xButted for Clark in ninth. Score by Innings: H Americas 220 000 003—7 Albany 021 000 000—3 Summary—Stolen bases, lough, Kldrldge, Farmer; hits. Duren (2>: two-base hits fey. Marquard (2): home Mitchell. Drnnnoo; base on eff Kaln. r»: off Norris 1: by Kaln 3: by Norris WTngurd 4; left 10. Albany 10: Cullough to Holland; Kaln; passed bn 11, KlmhreJl: hit Ditcher, by Wlngard (Holland); nines pitched by Norris 2 1-3 runs nnd 5 hits; by Wlngard 0 2-3 'th iyt runs and 3 hits; winnlne Pitcher. Norris. Umpires. Mnyff and Evans. Time, 2:00. Ccmmunlst Shocks Common* LONDON — The communistic •>f J. T. W. Ncwlhtkl. the Scottish, have had relatively little effect that stolid body, but the not be said of his hot The house received a hark during London's recent wave when Mr. Newbold {Without a collar. Without tie, collar button, without n his shirt unbuttoned and THURSDAY'S RE8ULT8 SOUTHERN LEAGUE Memphis 4-9; Nashville 6-3. Atlanta 7.-1 J Birmingham tf-1 (first game 10 Innings; second railed end eighth, darkness!) Little Hock 4-5; Chattnnoog^ 14-5 (second gntnc seten innings, darkness.) Mobile 6; New Orleans G (eight Innings, darkness.) AMERICAN LEAGUE Philadelphia 0; Cleveland 10. Washington 1; Chicago 2 (10 In nings.) New York 1; Detroit 2. Boston 1; St. Louis 4. NATIONAL LEAGUE St. 'Louis 7-7; Now York 8-4. . Pittsburg 8; Boston 3. Cincinnati 8; Brooklyn 8. Chicago 5; fhiladelphis 4. SALLY LEAGUE Greenville 5; Charlotto 0. Augusta 1; Spartanburg 0 (five Innings, darkness.) Macon-Gastonia. rain. FRIDAY’S GAMES .SOUTHERN LEAGUE Atlanta at Birmingham. Mobile at New Orleans. Chattanooga at Memphis. Little Rock at Nashville. AMERICAN LEAGUE Boston at St. Louis. New York nt Detroit. Philadelphia at Chicago. Washington nt Cleveland. I NATIONAL LEAGUE I 8t. Louis at New York. Chicago at Philadelphia. ' Cincinnati at Brooklyn. Pittsburg ot Boston. 1922 AU8TRIA’8 DREAD YEAR VIENNA.—During 1922 there •wore 492 labor conflicts In Aus tria. 366 strikes nnd 36.lock-outs. One-third of these strikes, in which 58,732 men were involved took place In Vienna. Only 94 of the strikes were successful, 173 were partially successful and tho test failures. URGED TO I WO OEFOfii (Bv Associated Press.) NEW YORK—A cal! to the p'o pie ..f the United States to brinf all American industrial groups— labor, capital, the mnnagemen nnd the public—together In *'rit;h' relation to the welfare of the whole community," was issued today bj Dr. John McDowell, secretary n* the Presbyterian Board of National the Presbytery of America. Dr. McDowell's communication, entitled, “The enurene s Challenge to Industry" was addressed to 10.- 000 Presbyterian churches, which represent a membership of 1,800,- 000. Special Labor Day services will be held in most of these »>WI a«»«»«»*» iiiuusn jr. mum vimllengC ndt wait to be challenged by in dustry.” He criticized the "rule of grab, get and keep,” and declared that the church must challenge "every thing that is unchristian in indus try today.” The church tntjst establish the authority of Christ In nil human relationships—domestoc, eivlc, com mercial. Industrial educational, Dr. McDowell’s message said "Righteousness cannot be excluded from any department of our mani fold life. “Much of our present indsutria! unrest,’’ he continued. "Is due to the failure of '.he church to In sist that if Christ is to be Master Say* Movies Eeventually Will Need No Censorship he must be Master erywhere. Had the Christian church Insisted fro mthe beginning Jpervisii that Christians cannot exclude theli j Adams business, their positing, their in- , dustry, their national and Interna tional Interests CHICAGO — Another ten years will see the passing of the movie cen. sor, declares Mrs. A. L. Adams, chair man of the Chicago hoard of motion! picture censorship, who says the t>er.H mt day picture director and the pres- ?nt day star need little Supervision from Christ’ eignty, the present Industrial and International unrest would have been Impossbiie. 'In their art. j “It will not be long until such su is entirely super6fuous" Mrs snort*. "Directors «h> not offend the public, piy) they j Imvo learned Hint the public * want:; [dean pictures. Censors, however, ran ' make few Impd ftn'l fast rules. They [ have to Aidgc each pioturo Individual ly. lb; pUt the A Broad-Leaf Chapeau Why HY waste time in useless “shopping around” when the advertisements lay before you the choicest wares of w every progressive merchant in town,? Why use needless effort in an endless stoVe-to-store quest when the advertisements enable you to make your choice of the finest merchandise without even leaving your home? • \ Why pay more than you ought when you can stretch your dollar to the elastic limit by taking advantage of the bargains and good buys that are daily advertised in this paper? Why risk dissatisfaction by buying unknown, unbranded goods when you can assure yourself complete satisfaction by buy-' ing an advertised product, backed by the integrity of a man who spends real money to establish his name and to build up public ‘ good-will? / Read the Advertisements. Buy* Advertised Wares. It Is a Safe and Sound Policy. •: :• 1 ' gfiM ; ORTNEWS - , - -j — Hero and Two He Saved PAGE TWO m BAWHBK-HKAU. ATBHlfB CTOKPCT FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1923. —By Cap Higgihs