The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, August 24, 1923, Image 3
FRIDAY. AVGUST 21. 1923. MB BAWHMt-BBRALD. ATHENS. GKO ROM raf- l?CltVo Office 1201 By MRS. ALICE ADAMS — Residence 832 > still A UTTRE WORLD-SONG TukJ' It all 'round: lt .i'n \vrmdDi ful world, ffnd it 1 heaven-bound; And if nww a heaven should dawn on its sight, Wbat more can wo ask than its Love and its Light— !h? Day and Night? T^ it alb 'rpund. of Its sorrows with I is crowned; It sings to the stars, and answer nfnr That Dove is itH light whe lirlghtest worlds are Its shadowless Star. Take it all ‘round. For the tears of its years there is recompense found; In its weakness is strength; Joy Is born*of Its sighs And Life of Its Death. ns with lifted, bright eyes It sings to the skies. •—Frank L. Stanton. —W— MISS EMILY DEADWYLER SHARES HONORS Tuesday afternoon at six o’clock Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cunnlghntn served under the wide spreading branches of the splendid oaks or the, lawn of their beautiful home an elegant old-fashioned Georgia barbecue complimentary to Miss KmITjf TViblwyler, of Athens, amb Mrs. George Cunningham, .If., of Crawford. The long table covered with white damask, bowls of ’-he brightest, prettiest flnweis «>f the season, myrled glasses of sparkling ij-ed ten, dishes of •nix*? 1 pickles platters of sliced tornados and trays of bread was really a thing ol beauty. When tho guesti, more than a hundred, were all seated bash and the golden brown jury meat smoking from tlm |dt. The most skilled French £hef would have bowed his head in shame be fore the perfect cuisine Mr. and Mrs. Cunnlnghtirn had prepared for this occasion. The sun had drop ped behind the western hills bob DAVISON-NICHOLSON CO. Entertain employees AT BARBECUE THURSDAY Thursday afternoon at Tallasee Slmals the Davison-Nieholson Co. complimented tho employees with a most delightful barbecue,.. wliinli W4s very happily planned 'and 'thoroughly enjoyed by all. *. The T’tie was delicious . and .most bountiful after wfyelr many- fea* Plans Go Forward To Ship Carload Of Tomatoes entertainment the joyous occasion. Tin of the hosts assisted in m afternoon a grand success. ikjnj the MRS. J. R. CANDLE AND MRS. L. D. BENTON ENTERTA TAiN r tbl t the company left the festal board Georgia 1« famous for her whole- souled hospitality and her wonder ful barbecues. Mr. and Mrs. Cun ningham have added a bit to this mfveted reputation of the Empire Htatc of the South when they kille.' tho fatted pig and kid to tnakr merry with their friends. —A Guest -Oglethorpe Echo. «■*_ One of the most enjoyable social affairs of the week was the beau tiful Rook party Thursday after % noon at which Mrs. C. A. Candle and Mrs. L. 1>. Benton entertained jointly at the Palm Garden. The game was fo'-owed by a de licious Ice course Five tables of players enjoyed the happy hospitality* —E*— The friends of Mr. Arthur Cox Jr., will be pleased to learn of bis satisfactory condition following tonsil operation at the General hos pital Thursday. _(£]_ Mr«| William Pope and Misr CalHF Hull who were guests o* Misses Annie and Lucy Linton for tho Hull Harris wedding left Thursday for Atlanta with Dr. and Mrs. Marion Hull. Mr* Pope will return the latter part of next week to continue her visit with Missct Linton. —pH— Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gordon am' four young sons return from the Y camp next week. -91- Huntcr Harris Jr., nr.d Billy Harris who have been spending the summer with their father, Majoi Hunter Harris left Thursday , for Cave Springs to visit relatives ’ fore returning to Texas. -91- Little Dorothy Bone of Comer is visiting little Edna Paul. —®— v The friends of Mrs. Wesley Me Klnnon will regret to learn of hop continued illness at hv home Oak street. Mr M /CONSTIPATION X . A aui. of many Ills. Harm, fill to elderly people. , AUttyi ttlitf tm Ukmt CHAMBERLAIN’S TABLETS E»,y—pl-rant—2Ce 8 IS 6 Cures Malaria, Chills _ and Fever, Dengue or Bilious Fever. It kills the germs that cause the fever. Nearly Died on Birthday ighi and -Mrs. W. O. Bobo and J It. Elder have returned ora a visit to Bishop. -91- Dr. Joseph Stewart has Jolnf' rs. Stewart at the Earl Un$At Clayton^ wlu> will return with.him ty, spent (Monday In Lexington at tend Wtfty coiin; 1 , took dinner with Mr. Charlie Crawford.—Ogle thorpe Echo. Mrs. Van Deadwyler of Athens, with two daughters, Misses Kate and Elizthcth, have been spending some tin$i with their daughter and sister, Mrs. W. T .Cunningham.— Oglethorpe Echo. —®- - Mrs. E. P. Everett andNlatigreter -Miss Mary Frances Everett have returned from Middle Georgia after a month’s visit. Sub-Committee to Work Out Plans For Truck Growls Association Is Also Formed. sub-committee for the pur pose of working out plant) for a permanent organization of 'thq Northeast Georgia Truck Growers Association was named Thursday Betty Compson, Conway Tearle Star in Picture Anna Q. Neilson Also Has Conspicuous Role in “Rustle of Silk” At Pal ace Theatre. BY JOHN E. DRBWRY Gonway Tearle, Betty Compson and Anna Q. Neilson—it is diffi cult to think of a better trio than this one for a motion picture en- ertainment. And to those ^ who seen “The Rustle of Silk, hSociaF'v d Personal News LEXINGTON, i •dltcd HI SI HAY FEVER Treatet sated at'.Home To avoid hay fever entirely, go kway for two month,. If you can’t go, Vick* will help you en dure it at home. Keep Vicki In the noitrQi to protect the metii- the vapors ' picture in which thejf ere Vick> in a spoon to cleer’ iifternocn at a meeting of the ex- (here in ecutlvc committee. Tho following will compose ih» sub-committee; Mrs Bessie is. Troutman, chairman; W. L. Erwin, D. F. Paddock and Philip Hardl- gree. -Plans for shipping tho carload of tomatoea to lorida next Tuesday are going forward. Letters from Mrs. Bessie Troutman, market master, were being mailed to key- in the various counties Fri day from tho Chamber of Com merce. The producers who have boon selling their products at the curb market will bring their tomatoes to tho market next Tuesday at which time they will bo made ready for shipment to Tampa. An expert pro duces man will be hore represent ing the J. S. Moody company, who Is buying the tomatoes. A depost of one cent per pound will be made as soon as tho iomdtccs' are de livered. Tho remainder will be paid as soon as the tomtaocs are sold. Farmers aro urged to bring large, green, tomatoes as those ripe cannot ho shipped. blnying at the Palaco thcatro for the last time Friday, it is obtious that the three stars far surpassed anything they have done recently when they played in the roles they did in this picture. - The picture is unusual in that it is not one of the cut and dried kind in which the usual thirty feet of kissing is the last scene. This does not mean, however, that there is no romance to the pic ture, because, in fact, it is one of the most romatnic pictures shown ere in a long time. .The acting oil the part of the stars is superb with a few excep tions. Conway Tearle in his ad dress in the House of Commons is rather weak. It is altogether pos sible that there has never been such poor acting in this-roie even in the legislatures of some states in which we have lived. A™* then, too, in one of the scenes m which the 1 with Vicks at bedtime wlU often keep away asthma. OmaZMAinniimtoio Yearly it was learned that attorneys seel to secure their release. They art held in connection with recen* floggings. Their attorneys intent’ to try to havo (he bonds reduced. $250 Reward For Slayers’ Arrest .—Crawford Ac* ol begins th» 1112.1-24 session Monday. September •1. The faculty Is complete nnd the prospects arc encouraging for the largest enrollment in the history ol the school. This Is the largest and only accredited school in Ogle thorpe county, and It is the purport of tho management of the school to make it the equal of any Insti tution of the kind in the state. The barbecue Tuesday nft^Wloor than,# a rilled If rofc* ^llwj^ork .Fri-f i day at 12:6'* p. in., Greenwich tlm 4 and at that time the White 8ta. liner. The Olympic which left Ne\ York at about the same tlmo th» Leviathan did last Saturday had not reached Cherbourg, official.' estimate that the Leviathan has beaten the Olympic across u> twelve hours. Read Banner-IIcralil Want Ads. on tho lawn of Mr. nml Mru. W. J Cunninghrtiii complimentary- to Md George Cutrnigham Jr., of Craw* ford and Miss Emily Dfadwyler ol Athens wns iho largest and oho of (hoi most. dcllglitChi social events of |l|© summer in Ia.‘xingtnn. There Wft# more than if hundred guests setfted. The meats were delicious Tho* occasion was delightful from every viewpoint. rs. Ed Blakely nnd young son Ed Jr., yf Monro#-are. spending the Week with Mrs. Binkley’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Henderson. Mrs. Van Dendwyler of Athem has been with her daughter, Mrs W. T. Cunningham for several British' Women Ready To Plflht for Rights LONDON — That'women have bee, deliberate! hoaxed by men lawyer: is tho deepeening suspicion of femin ist leaders In ngland/ 'ho strong that deputation representing the prin cipal organizations of wf>mcn through out the country, is Xf>] .Walt, upon the lB>me Secretary- to urg#’ amendment of tho Sex Disqualification Ilomova! Act| i f * . di*H Kate nnd Emily Dead- wyler have returned to their home in Athens^ having spent some time with their sister, Mrs. Nellie Cun* Mrs. Stockdel! of New York af ter a month’s stay with Mrs. W. 4 B Lester has gone to Atlanta for nj vv ATLANTA.— Governor Walker Friday offered a reward of $250 for the arrest with evidence to s Melissa Davis arrived Sat urday from New York where she spent tho miiinner doing post grad- work. Mr Tearle embrace* Mim> Co rap son there is a twitch in the face of the hero indicating ^ r v «•*=•’«- ««n* wiucucv mi not aa well pleased as he miKiuj convict of the slayers of Ccorifc have been. „ . |Shickcs near Thomasvillc recently. Altogether, however. The Kus- —< • tic of Silk” is one of the best pij-j Extra Session May ^.tiv’ h reminded A the ,, revicw|-of I Be Called Before Gay Bato Poses ^reat Next Thanksgiving ^eviathan Breaks Olympic Record picture ‘"The ” Masque rader”—and a *J*J®* ment like this orie la • slgnifleant because that is one of the great | ATLANTA.—Thd date for the masterpieces of the acrc ® * {extraordinary session of tho Gear- _ S‘o legislature will be announced Grievance UOIanlllW* jin Sunday papers, it was indicat- f oihnm’s Charges jed by Governor Walker Friday. U Hears Latnams s , i8 b , lievt< , that the ' wiU Against u. n. nwaiu convene far in advance of Thanks- Athens Visitors. Himetfme next week. gj Mr. John E. Drewcry haa return- wl from Griffin nnd other points o interest. relatives. i. W. Coffee* will return tc test Sunday after a visit t( Dr. and Mrs. h. E. Park, Misses Katherino and Mary Holt Park left this week In their car for a visit to relatives in Alabama. Miss Mary Katherine Lagare left Friday for Virginia after at tending Summer School. «*On tny bmt birthday months ago. I had another close call. We had* Just finished dinner My stomach began to hurt me. n minute later I lay unconscious Three doctors worked on ine. i wns soaked with u cold sweat wh I canid to. The next week, tcillna a friend about it and be ndvi: trying .Mayr'n Wonderful Hcmcoy. Since taking a course of your medi cine I have been able to eat any thing. I have no inoro pains or bloat ink and am feeling better than for ten years.” It i» a simple, harmless preparation that remove* ihe catarrhal mucus from the in testinal tract and allays the in flammation which Anuses practical ly nil stomach, liver and Intestinal ailments. including appendicitis One dqso will convince refundtd. For sale by’all druggists every where^-Advertlsement. 'Mr. Harold Drewry of Griffin was tho guest of Mr. John S. Drcwry Thursday. —IS— Miss Mary Ann Lipscomb re turned Thursday to her summer home in Uikcmont, after a brief slay i nAtlanta at Ihe Lipscomb homo in Peachtree street.—-Geor gian. Among those visiting in Athem Friday wore E. D Bass, Jr*, At lanta; W. E. Sutton, Atlanta; F G. Wright, Greenville, On: Win' Nell, Philadelphia; It. C. Harring ton, Atlanta. G G Mullins, Atlanta; O II Hall Atlanta: Jr A Whitney Rochester X.. Y; G. E. Giles, Atlanta. Mrs. A II. Freeman, Newnan, Ga; Mr* Garland Jones, Newnan. Ga; Mlsr Mildred Caldwell. Newnnn, *Ga. Miss Myrtle Itcnall, "Newnan, Ga. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. K. Henderson Jr.. Carrollton,- Ga : Mr. and MVi W G Coffen. Miami, Fla; W A Miller and* Mrs Miller, Long Beach California; It. C. Hamlin, Atlanta. II. E. Weeks, Augusta, Gn.; C H Presentt, Atlanta: Mr.* May J Betts, Ashburn; Mrs. Augusta Osh In, Melbourne Fla.; T. . Eberhardt Savannah, Ga.; Mr .and Mrs. J K Griffith, Washington, Ga; White, Atlanta; James Opelika, Ala. * Ellin Mr. and Mrs. Howard Huff an nounce Iho berth of a daughter, August 22 at the General Hospital who will bo called Dorothy Bon ner. —91— . The friends of Airs. Julo McDuf fie will be delighted to learn shfe is convalescing from an IllncFs of several weeks. * — Prof, and Mrs. C. N. WUUer leave Saturday for Newport. —91— Mr. Otlio Brown, Mr. nnd Mrs E. K. Collins and Miss Minnl* Collins, of Athens, are expected to upend nevt Sunday he*o as the and i.Mr W. W. CJean Child’s Bowels with | Stark.—Commerce News. “California Fig Syrup" Mr. 11. S. Jackson, of Athens, passed through hore yesterday cn- routc to •Clarkesvlllo on business. Commerce News. Mrs. W. T. Collins, formerly of Athens, who spent last week her sister, Mrs. W. J. Harris, lefl the first of the week for Atlanta W'heshe she * w ill mako her resi dence.—Commerce News. —fH— Rev. J. A. Qullllan and wife of Athens, are guests of Dr. anti Mrs. A. F. QuilHan.—Commerce News. Hurry pother! A teaspoonful ut -California FIs Syrup” now will thoroughly clean the little bowels and In a few hours you have a well playful child again. Even U cross feverish, bilious, constipated full at cold, children pleasant taste. lovo Tel! your druggist you want only the genuine-“California Vie ff’ i up” which hns directions for ba- Mn nnd children of nil aB« print ed on bottle. Mother, you must My -CnllfimUn.” Refuse sny ration.—Adrcrtiotment. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Cole man of Athens, spent last Th.irs- flajtywtth Mr. and Mr*. FoFsh r C. roivn. The many friends of these popular irartwelllte* were lilitht- eil to sec thorp "back homo” again —Hartwell Sun. Mrs. W. M. Barrett Is baejt from Athena.—Augusta Herald. Mis* Iris Jarrell Is tho guest ot Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Slack for a few weeks. Mis* Jarrell ha* Just ro- giving .day. JUSTJAJ^S tlon Friday begnn henrlns I* T atham’s charges that Judge 0.1 jraward. recently appointed Judg. of the Fulton county superior court made Improptr proposals hefirre tho Judgeship appointment war made by the Governor. Twelve attorneys headed ny p . usnulm „ K K. Jordan, Frank A. IIoop • ^'joffice Friday when he directed a Barrow County Tax Returns Reduced Ten Percent By Fullbright ^ ATLANTA.—Tax Commissioner Fullbright ordered the first cut in property returns since assuming iv. dtiiuuii, - - _ , ' .. lutiivt. *•*wireu ne uireeieu a filed a statement^ challenging " ’dewoMo of ten per cent in return committee’s Jurisdiction <*•«“ * ; 0 f land values in Barrow county, to participate ini the Investigation> . „ dw thu to cqUtt | ize Harrow s v-lal of a Judge by ^turn with those of Walton, Mad- something unheard-of, th*-Jhm ison and Jackson counties, meat read. It is said that it tpnd* to undermine the courts. Cross Continent Air Record Set HEM8TKAD. N. Y.—All record, of Right across the continent wer, broken rlday when Pilot Wesley Smith of tho Air Mall Service landed at Jill* completing n rein; mail flight from San Francisco In 26 hours and 14 minutes, almost Brookhart Renews Meredith Attack JEWELL. Iowa.—Senator Brook- hardt in an address Fif lay renew ed his attack on former Metro tar ay of Agrlculturo Meredith who has stated ho would sue Mr. llrook- hardt for thirty cents libel, welcomed tho suit and opportunity 26 hours ana » I," Th«>» tel1 tho tarmcr * of tho coUnlry r.r^.’w-s^.nturSl -nder oath what he knew o, fit- because of the time lost in stop: changing machine pilots. Spencer Hart Was Tendered Service Place By Governor AUGUSTA, Ga.—A very flatter ing offer Was made to Spencer L. Hart, secretary of tho Board of Commerce, by tho executive com mittee of tho American Legion of the State of Georgia, as director of the service bureau in the^ftate, with a salary considerably larger than that paid him by the Board of Commerce, with tho privilege of remaining In Augusta. At a meeting held at the Board of Commerce Tuesday afternoon by tho directors,, they urged Mr. Hart to remain liore, and promised to givo him more support In tho futuro than has been the cojc *n the i*aat. / J. G. C. Blood worth was finally named by tho governor and he ac cepted. Hudsons of Macon, Flogging. Figures, Arg Placed Under Bond MACON—The sheriff placed tht three Hudson brothers under l*ond« „ of ten thousand dollars each when other year. under oath what he knew ancial schemes to drive them back to peasantry. Mr. Brook hard t said Meredith called tho issue between them a question of whether tho farmer is better off this year than last “That’s not the issue,’’ Brook hardt said, “but it’* whether the farmer is getting a square den* this year, laat year and .every Simple Summer Slipovers Showing New Lines File Barrett Co. Assets Saturday AtTCVSTA. Ga.—Barrett A Company’s schoilulo nr liabilities, (lied with tho United States coart hrre. shnwa total liabilities of $3,- 737,058.45. anil aro as follows: Unsecured creditors . .31,628,290.76 Serai roil creditors ... 1,102,596-62 Votes endorsed ...... 884,059.50 Discounted notes' .... 73,220.75 Taxes 47.669.42 Wages 1221.40 The schedule of assets will be Sled Saturday, August ,25, It was learned. Judge Joseph Gauahl. ref eree In bankruptcy, allowing »n extension until tha time because of the vast amount of work In volved In preparing the schedule. Fiddlers M&t Soon In Greene County An old fashioned Fiddlers con- weeks. Miss Jarre., na. J-i |, Urned from her »a«M"» spnit tw ^ ond ’ one Wrah- travel in the west.-LaOrange R e on An||UIt 2 n and 20. Poth port or. " rot. Prank Holden. nfAlhttll.}^ Brc , cnL and repreentaUve of Clarke cotin-1 those preecnn flays l»cfort* returning to New rk. SOUTH HAMPTON—The ffinn' nirrican nteamshlp, Tho ^cvla* PALACE Last Showing Tonight BETTY COMPSON “The Rustle of Silk” All SiiortlmGsmustbesdldaf? Saturday Special LOIS WILSON and Big Cast “Only—38” STRAND Saturday First Showing the Great Serial WILLIAM DUNCAN (Athens Favorite) “The Steele Trail” Ii’a hero once more—tho Great Seira- AnnualSoh”of Short Lineaof NBWARK Pumps and Ox Horde lor women. And how women-are flocking to ill There’s a good reason lor that. too. because in Ihia aide each season we take all short lines and mark them down In many instances as much aa half. Style after style in popular models and leathers will be found in thin huge assortment. It’s the kind of a sole women love to boy at. bemuse it is follot so many big surprises and wonderlul values. Come tomorrow and take advaitage ol this wonderful opportunity to buy really good shoes cheap. FINAL SEDUCTIONS! Whits Kid. Whits Buck snd Sss Island Dusk Pump, snd Oxford., stylos ws .old «p to 36-NOW QT *TUiDarft Sftee Stem>Ce r Tho Largs.t Chats of Shoo Staros In tha Unitad Stats.. Athena, Ga., Store, 151 Clayton 8t„ "Next to Kress.” All Newark Stores Open Saturday Evening, Tn Arcnmmn,l.iic r.icrmem rfr^sWWWWWWWWWrcniwetre.-. .‘.'A Every suralner has its slipovar dresses and those of this season are no less attractive than the ones we wore last year. Simp!* tha wide belt fitting snugly around the hip*. An Inverted pleat out lined with stitching forma a full; length front panel 6n‘ another.' A third ha* top and |»ttom Hitched together tn the samtf rfg-xag line ..they are. though, there’s not together - - _ one. but shws the influence of as that used for chemise frocks. Long or short alaotb Houses ark Hie WeD-Managed Home T HE manager of a household is the purchasing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do vr good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study gdods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles: in order to make the most of the family Ml And Information is the only basis for intelligent purchasing, the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary informa tion is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions that make your home life easier, more comfortable and more conveniertt. __ They give you information aboijt a thousand and one things that are useful and interesting. ' „ Every manager of a household—every member of the house-" hold who shares the responsibility for the family’s welfare- should make a practice of reading the advertisements. They arc, daily lessons in economy. Read the Advertisements in Order . to Buy Wisely