The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, August 26, 1923, Image 2
I 1 THE BAWWER.HEBAM). A THEWS. CEORCTA Forward Step Is Taken By Oconee County Women. SUNDAY, AUOUST.M t»23 enthusiastic organization of Oconee County Ladies has been formed for the purpose of working in n co-op. era live way to l»ett«r the condition of our county. The ladies are a? deeply concerned in the recon struction problems as the men and they can work as effectively fbr the improvement of conditions at men. Tlie Oconee County ■ Hoard oT Trade h is also been organized and Its present membership consists oi a fine body of representative men end the laldes organization is go ing to challenge their best effort: for the upbuilding of our county We believe that both of these or ganizations should be greatly en larged by the addition of selected working men and women. The farmers spend a great deal of money and la 1 sir in producing crops of various kinds, but they IN NEW QUARTERS , Corner of Clayton and Lumpltin Ready For Business \J [\ DORSEY FURNITURE COMPANY nt necessity of Investing mon- ind labor in establishing mar for their products. This is i ly false economy. There is as much Wisdom In sue! ■stmeht as there is in refusing pend money for unproductive | mats. Another serious critl- i of the farmer is, that they ? ceased to love work. Nothing !C. of Ga. Ry. Has ! New Band Outfit uly pt fifty-Pin SUCH PAINS AS THIS WOMAN HAD Mrs. Bertha Churchman of CO Mcdor St., Mobile, Ala., wrote: "For months I suffered from ir- I regularities. I had bearing down pains and cramps so badly that I didn't know what to do. Benedicts has done me a world of good. I think it wonderful.” Boncdicta has I music »tore th helped an Inestimable number of j **vcry instrument suffering women, and It can help 1 "i» to date bind and cost 7ou f/ too. Get a bottle Of Bene* j V.'. C. Dean, who, during the work' dicta from your druggist today. | war was the dinctor « ay IJonnett band, will ader of the new band. Natalie K.aston, famous dancer, heads a whole company of pretty San 1'iuncisco show girls who ore hc'ping the World War veteran:, make flags and pennants to decorate the city for the national conven tion of the American Legion in October. Which shows that Califor nia boasts more beautiful things than climate alone. mao/:. , band outfit i the Central land hn.* »r il'splay In U lved splay include: Griffinites Back From Sweden JSenedicta alen- ITCH POOR RUDY XDON—Since Itodolph and wifo have been *jp poster* l ed by newspaper reporters am' I photographers In England, they | plan to visit Italy for a real hon- ' oymoon. Dy SHACK No. 9 fj j c . I Thursday uo had water sport: the * I’kici» were won by the following- Diving: 1. Dora Duehwahl. 2. Esther Garrett. 3. Florence Hewlett. Swimming races: Cornelia MeJntyre. Lillian Forbts. Harriett Proctor. Class GRIFFIN. Ga.—Miss Itossle Rcl Newton and Mrs. Jharles West* brook, of Griffin, who attended th< :* ccrit rr .whins of the Baptist Wc.-ir i\ fllrince in Stockholm, Sweden, cr< back in America. Miss Newton ha: returned to Griffin and repopts ar Inspiring and altogether wonderful HI remain !p In N returning, at- going to ehailen: put in as many houi tin Ir wives put in. fbidding is a gradual process and we must practice the wisdom o' the great poet who said, ‘♦Learn t< Labor and to Wait.” The education of our childrer may depend on the efforts \v make a'nd the si If. denial we prnc I Gen and we believe that publi ' sentiment should be crystallzet j along the i-o-operative Unes w | hope soon to make effective. I York Cla H: KILLED In 30 Minutes with Par-a-sit-i-cide from H. n. FALM1R A »ONS. NECKS ROME—-Many worn6 the Vntlcnn are caut! going Into the Pope’s presence, I covor necks and arms. A few hu\ to borrow shawls to do It. Lcfor 1. Janet Jirnigan. 2. Agnes l*roctt>r. 3 Lnc'le Green. Class C: 1. Janet Fortson. 2. Dora Jbiehwald. 2. Esther Garrett. Class A. Rack Htrokr: 1. IJlli/in Forbes. 2. Harriet Proctor. 3. Lucy McIntyre. Class II.: 1. Agnes Proctor. Floi Pel Dorothy Dudley. Cln* AUGUSTA A GREAT POULTRY MARKET ..Advocate-Democrat, ... Crawford« Vide Georgia.) According to Tlio Augusta Her ald, a conservative estimate made as the result of a survey of Au gusta ns a poultry produco mar ket, shows that $1,500,000 is spent there annually for chickens and eggs, and the farms in the local territory furnish only nhout $180,- 000 woTth, leaving a balance ot $1,350,000 for poultry raisers out- tilde of the territry ns profits or money that should bo spent among farmers of Georgia and South Carolina who live near Au gusta. ( OVFR.V.MENT VICTORY LONDON.—Morning newspapers ’ \ii win * the election prospects In Ireland record the general belief t'iat the success of the government party is assured hut admit the ox- istopce of a sufficient unknown quantity to leave somo doubt -in view of the large number of elec tors. * The opinion seems virtually una- al days beforf I Mraous that however the govern- ' rrent party fares, the new dail will contain a considerable majority favoring n treaty, and a free state constitution. Her Success Thrills New York Society pBBam QPnr.’INr. day vrill call for n lot , of r.upplieu to meet th? nceib of ehPdren, nr<f every day thereafter they will bo using more ar.«l more pap^irtwriets, ink, pons, pencil:., etc*,, i:i pursuing their ctuijlics. \ Wc are ready with the most/ complete ctock of Writing Mater ials, Tcpc, Pen Haiders, Pencils, Crayons, Drawing Material i, Inks, Fcuutnin Pens, Evcrjbarp Pen cils, Rook .Straps, Pencil Boxes, TaW eta, Pads, Pencil Sharpeners, Globe j, end Ihn.1; Satchels thut has jcvci been offered in Athens. GARDNER’S * BOOK STOKE ( - CLAYTON STREET 1. Dora Iluchwald. 2. Karah Hancock. 3. Etfthcr Garrett. The girlH were classified Record 'Inif to age and ability. Cltt»net A , . , and It had to race 20 yard, ouch ! ‘Ills stAtement Is an oye-opon- and class C 300 yards. or to the farmer, of this section We ivivo Home flue swimmers i who are finding It hard to pro- hr re Which made all the event, tluce cotton under boll weevil con- very close and exclllnit. dit-Ion,. That there Is money in hlckettfi and cars is admitted, and Rank At Mnilltric With n market like the (treat city of ! ^iirt *v U l!- e • Augusta right in the front yard, so W ins Machinery in to Hi,oak. this Industry could hr* Bankrupt CrealVicry mado n very profitable ono to the MOULTBli: pa —AS a result of farmers of this section. Chickens a decision recently handed down cr.uld bo raised as a sldo line, anil by Judge William II. Rarrntt ol 'with a ready market for chickens Augusta in the bankruptcy case ol J and eggg they could ho made to the Moultrie Creamery com* any j bring In money at all seasons of the Citizens Dank of Mmiltrli J»s fight to retain the title to cer tain machinery in the creamery in favor i*f certnin machinery Inter ests. It was contended that tin machinery whs placed In the cream «ry after the bank’s mortgage war taken and replaced! d*ertaln othei mm hlnery that wr.n there when the new equipment was installed. tho year. Shingleroof Camp Meeting Is On Farmers, however, who raise chickens should get good stock, prepare for raising them by erect ing the necessary buildings, take precautions ugalmt diseases and thoroughly study the question un- ; til they understand it. In this way ' only can chicken raising be mado profitable. Tho restaurants and other user* McDonough. Ga—The annua camp meeting at the Hhlngleroot Camp ground began Friday, Aug ust 24, and continues for one week This Is said to be ono of the oldest camp grounds In this section of the state, having been organized about 100 years ago. List your 104 fam ilies tented on the grounds during the camp meeting and that numbei Is expected tb bo surpassed thl» VICTOR RED-SEAL RECORDS REDUCED Finest Records by CARUSO, KREISLER, GALLI-CURCI, Me- COKMACK and other famous Victor Artists, while our present stock lasts. Get Your Favorite Red Seal Number* Now! BERNSTEIN BROS. PHONE 61 of poultry 'produce in Augusta are glad to patronize the farmers whenever they can. They will also buy them the year round, and one having chicken* and eggs to sell will have a steady Income all the tfme. Tbo question of raising poultry will certainly bear Investling by the farmer* of Taliaferro cuon- ty Just now, when they must turn to other things than cotton. The all cotton crop is a thing of the past. Oth'? things must be pro duced, and we believe that noul- try could ho raised profitably hero. Anyway. It seems worth trying, alone with hogs, cattle, corn and other crops. Athens, Ga.. will use $5904)00 I worth of poultry products during the year and 1* / al»o a poultry f market that ts worth white. It is estimated that Clarke county farmers produce and sell less than $30,000 worth of this half million dollars. CUBBEDCE DEAO i SAVANNA.—IJ. B. fCutbedge, j iroprictcr of tho Pulaski Hotel, a former well known trainmaster and conductor on the Central of floor long Illness. IN * FIVE MINUTES RANGOON—Recently a fomadr , swept through Moulmeln. near here bun- New York society, always will- . ing to be taken by storm, and cvct ready for a new sensation, is now gasping with surprise at the auc tion bridge exploits of Mrs. Jamcf Lee Shelton, the brilliant social leader of Washington and Rich mond, and at one time a co-bcllc with the famous Langhornc sisters. Mrs. Shelton, who was Lucilla Guest, and was one of the first American girls to be presented at the Court of Rome, has aban doned the Capital and old Vir ginia for a career in cards. The turn to a career was prompted, it is openly known, by a series of financial reverses, and the decision to make a profession out of one of the modern social graces was taken on the strength of a marvelous memory. » I Lucilla Guest was celebrated for her memory as a child of eight, when she astounded Richmond whist players by remembering the fall of every card in the deck. To day, it is said, she can remember how the cards fall in every game played. With this natural gift, which she strengthens by incmor- whtch she strengthens by memor izing whole poems at a glance, she storming into New York rc- r, Bor • — came . ccntly, boldly opened an auction bridge salon at the Vanderbilt Hotel, issued invitations to a sel ected “One Hundred,” and is today rated as one ol the country’s fore most authorities on the strategy and psychology of auction bridge. As a tefcchcr her methods are orig inal and creative. Her private and open classes have enrolled the lead*, ing lights of New York society. »’ What are the secrets of this sud den and brilliant success? »; “The wy to success for any OUR Clearance Sale WILL CONTINUE FOR ONLY ONE (1) MORE WEEK Our advice is not to allow such an'un usual opportunity to pass. - Men’s Suits, Including KUPPENHEIMER And Boys’ Clothing, Men’s and Boys’ Trousers, and W. L. Douglas Shoes and Oxfords are being offered at 1-4 OFF FORMER PRICES HALF OFF ON ALL STRAW HATS Florsheim Shoes and Oxfords at .... $8.85 Pair Exceptional Bargains on Many Other Articles* LEE MORRIS “THE DAYLIGHT CORNER” Corner Broad and Jackson Streets Read Banner-Herald Want Ads m rises Mrs. Shelton, “ts ria tailway died Saturday after * 4h roug h personality, mentality, urn tiring energy, deep spirituality, and . nhnvr all. consistent and nersistent' above all, consistent and persistent sweetness. The flowers that attract the bees are the flower* that have ATTENTION FARMERS We have arranged for and can supply a lim ited amount of Hill’s Mixture at 72c per gallon, plus $3.00 for the container. ^HW Would suggest to those who may need this poison that they supply their needs promptly^ The supply we have is limited. . / IS fiU&\ HGfrtin i *h> f» h. g. story Warehouse Thomas St Athens, Ga. 1 nts 4—