The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, August 29, 1923, Image 3

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■""—+.‘•4*!rr’c) .-UhWj' .?iHtr;n ss ;- ,, y»? : *t«ar' ^ THE BANNEB-HBKALP. ATHENS. GEORGIA Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION •n I (larMue in the church basement i lpurs, 12 to I. i Office 1201 — By MRS. ALICE ADAMS — Residence 832 WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN temperance union. A meepng of the A\ C hristian T-^mberance Unlor held Thursday afternou | arrive in Athens Friday afternoor nan * ! Mrs. Miller is u charming young will j wonuin of fine personality ant’ splendidly equipped | Judge and Mrs. Samuel Biblej, {and Misses Sadie and Weldon 8ll»- j ley of Marietta were guests df Mr i Mrs. M. Nicholson Tucadnjr. 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief , ell-ans g9t and 75* Pseksjus everywhere o-eSMk at the Central rresoyterlan, welcomed by the church at Athen*. church. i ns she brings her message of help The list Of Officers an.I sniierln; j fulness to the workers, especially lendenta of the dopartincntk ol i among children. Dr. Miller comes to the Athem this time »rk will be perfected and. the. program planned for the meeting** to be held monthly. Wuigeii of all ilenoininatv>n.H arc urged to uttend this meeting, to he leaders, or followers, whichever way you can accomplish the .most for this great‘cause: . The woman whose heart responds to the ap peal for Missionary service in oth* • cr lands, should naturally ally her self with the Woman ’s Christian Temperance Union which has per* sistently battled with too cnc-my which, more than any other l as hindered the missionary's progress and baffled his labors for the re demption of souls. The Woman's Chrstfnn Tr-.npcr* nnee Union, essentially ChtisMan in character;'finds in eveiy fiHJ oi labor opportunity to minister tc the spiritual side of n».in and therefore should make undeniable appeal to the woman of deep reli gious faith. bet us su recruit for membership j ” jf uigu'i'that Athens retfs thn everyone Ilk., nlndel *llM- . ; r hale „„ ninnv ,„., ocnlcH „ shull also fnhor with us. far God d fnct lsauos chnl and Home and Every Land ' field higlily recommended, and wll no doubt make a large number ol friends In the work here. The Grafton church offered him years more at a neat salary, but' he declined-the offer believing tin work here much bigger, and turly the congregation here will appro Hate the tervlces which ar<* to b< rendered by such an able messen ger of tho Master. The entire church will enjoy n Welcome Reception'' during the coining week in honor of the new pastor and wife an devery member will attend and become acquaint- —I*!— 1 , REGISTER NOW FOR THE C. E. CONVENTION id Aald, chairman of the Reg- ! Istration Committee of tho Distrlr ] hristian KndCoavor Convention t« I be held In Elberton. Oa , Octoh* MRS. 1L E. MARTIN. lorigo. Co Athens W. C. T LOWN SOCIAL FOW CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORERS THURSDAY EVENING A law social will be held the grounds of tlio First Christian church Thursday evening at S:3f oYloolf,. A good!time 1* in for everyone and a large err exported to attend. Preceding the nooial prog .-a x’letli people of the eighth Ath- slioiild take ndvanlng* ‘ntlon. sir.eo tho speak id is i of this era and program will cope with an: of tho state gatherings, and agali tho advantages should bo well fak on, account of tho 1954 state con v ••ntlon to bo hold In Alba no which will mean that tho riistana will keep Homo nwnjr. therefore tfr jpiborton mooting will bo the Ins »om has many friends her< who will l»o grrally Interosled ir tho nbovf. announcement. lie I; the nephew of Mrs. .T. M. Roger? th whom li«* made his homo while resident hero. -RR— ' MRS. GERDINF TO ADDRESS MISSIONARY CIRCLES M. E. CHURCH THURSDAY 4 P. M. n that will h° convJnlen j for all to attend until Ocnbtc** \ P|-ero4Ing thP Soojal program, the! lf>2l. Register today* with O. T election r»f officers for the ensa-j Johnson. Pox <122. Athens. Oa.. am Jng year Will bo hold and a full. roreivo /roe entertainment for Hire attendance r»f every member Is.d.ivs. badge and program. In nddi deslfM.d’T^amar fjilloon, president 11b»n to-'helping your society t- of the society wll Ipresldo at this J Wfi an "Eljfldency _ Banner” for meetliiff nhd many Interesting mat* j registering ten delegates. to.the social will tors addition l»e discus****!. Games of many kind will make up the social program, which wll* be by the ** fvlng of re. fresntmuV f hy the Social commit tee. i'L 5* DR: A^^ M'RS. M. B. MILLER WILL ARRIVE FRIDAY -hi. RCUUTHFPNFRfi HONEYMOON TO RE SPENT AT HOTEL PENNSYLVANIA Much Interest Is centered 'Around the coming of* Dr.' M. B. ! Milfrr pastor .of the First Clirlstlrtp Church and his wife, who art* t» A Southern romance culminated In the, wedding, on Sunday at'hlgh noon, of Miss Nell Antolpetto War ren. and Mr. Charles W. Outlaw Mrs. Outlaw Is tho daughtcr of Mr ard Mrs Walter Preston Warren of Athena, Georgia/and Is promi nent in church and fwial rimes 1? her home city M r. Outlaw- has charge of tho Southern offices o PALACE Thursday and Friday SPECIAL PRESENTATION. Glorious Gloria reach es the shining heights in this story of a girl who found she had married a modern Blue* beard. SWANSON 'BLUEBEARD'S 8 TJ WIFE' The 1923-24 Pre-Rclcasc. Showing this week in Atlanta to enormous business. It’s Gloria Swanson’s best. That makes it the r»l im> ijgst screen entertainment anvwheie. sW • & - --v*. ■- wmnmmmmmm Converse nnd Company, with head quartern In Atlanta. Tho Reverend J. W. Ham, Pastoi of. the Baptist Tabernacle in At l.nnta, who has been occupying th* pulpit of* tile First Baptiste churcl at T^th SJfeot and Broadway, dur 10§ jhe iib#<ince ,,f the rcguln. clergyman, and who is an intimat * friend of both Mr. and Mrd. Out law. officiated at tho ceremony. Mr. and Mrs.,Outlaw are spend ing their honeymoon at Hotel Penn sylvanla, and will make their hom< in Atlanta.—The Pennsylvania Ho tel Register, New York. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Patman havi returned from Gray, Macon and 8t, Simons. , —SB— Mrs. J. T. Norris and Miss Rub) Norris are spending their vacation at Sulphur Springs. N. C. Mr .Harold Hancock Is In At lanta for a short visit. Miss Sarah Swift Is ppendlng u few days in Atlanta. MR. ED WATSON WEDS MISS MINNIE BUGLER A marriage of very cordial In terest was that of Mr. Ed Wnt^qr nd Miss Minnie. Rutler In Gads rn. Ala.. August and after t redding trip East Mr. and Mrr Watson will he at home to the! - friends in Florence, Ala., when Mr. Watson Is connected* wiih th' Inman Williamson* 8tril4ey Cotto 1 Mrs. Isaac Swift leaves this week for Franklin. N. C., to Join Mrs Duncan Tutt of Elberton. —ffi— Mis** Alice. Jones has returned form a two weeks visit in Chat tanooga as tho guest of Mrs. J. H Vandiver who will, be pleasantly remembered as Miss Lucile Call of this city. . Me* CUNBURN Apply Vicks v»rj soothes ths tot VISA* Owr 17 Million Jon CM Yearly Mr. W. P. Glover has returned tc the city and ^purchased the Chero Cola plant and will give to tha' hus’nes his personal attention hereafter. For a nupiber of year? he owned and operated the plant In this city most succcnsfully, selling it vand entering tb** nme lino o business in Birmingham. Many Improvements have be*r. made ni the plant and' Mrs. W. R. Wilson and children of Douglas who have been vistlnr Miss DIuekstock and Mrs . Alice Longino iwive returned home com pan led by Miss Blackstock and Mrs. Longino. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Smith and Miss Annie Tankersley .are expect 'd home Thursday from Charlotte N. C. • The AH the circles of the woman*: missionary society, the young peo ple's society and leaders of_ th* children of the First Methodis rhurch > wjll ujeet jointly Thursday • fternoon at the church aj > o'clock .when Mrs. J. If. L. Oer- dine TScently returned from 'Korea •ind a delightful and charming speaker will address tho meeting following the business session o each circle, when they will all as semble In the main auditorium tr hear Mrs. Gerdlne tell oy’her year’? Isit'in tho Orient. LITTLE MISS ELSIE MAE BRADLEY CELEBRATES PTH BIRThfOAY Little Miss Elslo Mae Bradley the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Rr.tdloy celebrated, bs* *th birthday anniversary with n beautiful party Saturday eyenlnf when a congenial gmupe of play mates nisdo merry * the .'happy* He caslon fwllh her. Garden flower decorated the rooms effectively Mary games featured the evenlnr followed by delicious refreshments The gracious young hostess wa: showered with good wishes anr many pretty gifts. Mr. J. B. Ellis who haa been vis iting in Farmington was a vlsltoi nere Wednesday en routo to his home In Opellkn, Ala. Mr. nnri Mrs. George Cook and Miss fiook of Monroe were vl»itor: here Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Siephent and two attractive little girls leave Thursday morning for n motor trip to North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Stone are spending awhile In Clayton. building which gives to Athens on* of tho most complete bottling works to be found In the state. His many former rlends jmd [Cantivca Escape- i Wintlo TO SPEAK HERE! C. I*. Younts, field secretary i the Retail Credit cn’s Association, of America, will be in Athens Frl dnyVnnd will deliver an address'll* tho city hail in the afternoon a* 3:30 nnd all tho businea men, and Women as well, of Athens are urged *'* nPrnd this meeting nnd hoar Mr. Younts. The jpetnbers of the Athens Rv tail Credit Association are (wpecia !y urged to hear the address and meet this expert on credits. Through Window of Speeding Train SALISBURY, N. C.—Leaping through tho hvoratcry window oi •a moving Southern ruHway train while handcuffed together. V<*l!ev "Weaver and his brother made a •luring (scape from custody t._ sheriffs Monflay night. No trace of thorn has been found They were being transferred to the state penitentiary for convection on a house breaking charge. Steamship Owners Want New Hearing. On Shipping Offer tome.a will be pleased to learn ol his return to the city nnd h' will devote his time and nttentfon to the huslnes which ho n succor* fully conducted wrhen ho wua former resident here. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles L. NJchnh who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stone are now at Frank lin for several days beforo return ing to their home in Oklahoma. -re- Mrs. Sam Goodman and Mis* Evelyn Goodman have returned from Aiken. 8. C.. where they vtr the elementary schools at the ited Mrs. Goodman’s parents. from Glenn family hnye . Springs si C. —SB- • Miss Hone Center leave* at nr early date for FounUiy. N. C« this winter. \vj>ere she will teach MAJOR ROBERT CHENEY HONORED Major Robert M. Cheney, 4th Cnv left June for* Fort Leavenworth to attend the school of the Line As a farewell tribute to '^Unclf Robert'” the officers of the Is* squadron gave film a diner at th Cavalry club on June 18. Thf master of ceremonies was Lt. II T. Sutton. The men of Majo Cheney's eommund presented him with a handsome gold watch, ns i prat gift. Major Cheney is an ex reliant polo hbiyer nnd haa made many friends In sporting circlet here ns wei las Jn the army.—Arm) and Xcvy Journal. July 18, 1923, LUMPKIN 8TREET NEEDLE WORK CLUB MEETS - WITH MRS. E. B. WOOD. The Lumpkin street Needle Work nlulr will meet Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock /Svlth Mrs. E. B. ‘Wood which will nSse'mhle the members for tho usual enjoyable pastime over work bags followed by dainty refreshment* . OCCNEE HEIGHTS SCHOOL OPENS MCNDAY SEPT 5TH The Oconee HMght.n school wll' open Monday September 3rd at 8:3f All children wishing to enter arc urged to register the first day. v° REMEMBER THE BARBECUE Remember, ‘on Friday, Aug. 3t the ladies of the First Chrlstiaf church will serve £ most dcllciout Mrs. F. E. Williamson and Miss Floree Williamson of Comtnorcf were vlstora here Tunday —re- • r : Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Gnulding hnd Miss Gnulding of Colbert spent Tuesday in the city. , -re— MV. nnd Mrs. Brondus Coile are moving from Hill street to Prlncf avenue In the Tribble cottage. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. P. Mason knd little Miss Mildred Mason have turned from a visit to relatives In Atlanta '• •119010 (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO. — Systematic class room work in safety education for f v *ry child in the public school:, is Chicago's plan in the nation, wide campaign to check the mounting toll of accidental death and injury. A plan for. schooling in ncci*. j k #P reve . n *i° n * safet y methods, nnd first aid activities drawn by u committee appointed by Superin tendent of Schools Peter A. Mor- tenson will be put into practice in WASHINGTON.—Representatives of the American Steamship Own er.'! Association and managing op erators of the govern met* mer chant fleet conferred today with the shipping board on ho enes- tfon qf the disposal of o fle.q T!»e meeting \vas~cnlled orlewrlly nt the request c.f thn steamship owners for n v rehearl*’p *'♦ fir, which the board recently re jected. It is understood that tho owners are prepared »to submit another proposal. Ill. Soldiers’ Bonus Board Fail to Get A Biw For Bonds SPIUNCFIBI.I): III.—Tho Illinois Soldiers’ Bonus Board failod to re vive a single bid for $15,000 worth of bonds offered for Bale toveral weeks ago. Ri?presrnta'!vi s pf two groups of bankers were cn hand Tuesday when tho ho*rd net to consider thO bids*. Imf re fit sod lo make an otto rat 4 1-1? per ccrIn • tc rest. The rat'’ was sold to he to** in view of present market con ditions. B iliousness ■lek headache, sour stomach, couatlpaMon, easily avolUod. active /Tver with oat calomel CHAMBERLAIN’S TABLETS Never sicken or gripa—only 25c Banner-Herald Want Adi- Labto Classify FOR SAU&—OveriMtd f?i K . mechanical condition. 'i\so 'iu**-, tires. Price J75.00. Phocc :,1'J „i sec it at 1553 S. Lumpkin SI. 1 a31c( FOR SALE—Wc have several niff pieces ot furniture and tu.. suits a lot of fruit jars, boy 1 .- wajrori mahopany parlor suit, and numcr ous other things to bo su'd a sacrifice by Saturday. Phom 1308-W or call at 370 SoutH Lumpkin St. s30p,' toUND—A man with wonderfu" power. Consult Prof. Gable be fore it is too late, 0 a. m. to K:3tf : ; i ^ p. m., daily. 270% Lunipki r, P - WANTED—Engine and boiler Mention size. Address ‘ Enr P O. B<jx No. 411. r.Jlc FOR SALE—New five Bungalow, has lights find also fixtures for hot wate 60x182. $3,500.00. See ownbr 426 Rocksphing street. - a, a"lc FOR RENT—2 largo uni rooms, to couple withe drrn. Water, lights, gas. 2S6 Boulevard. WNTED—Saleslady McGregor Co. WANTED—To buy two Hoilerman Barred IR Phono 75. visiting Mr. J. M. Warern and Visa Dor othy Utley' have returned to Ral elgh, N. .C„ after a visit te^lfr and Mrs. H. L. Warren. Mis* Vera Clarke of Elberton li the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. I Clarke. The friends of Mr. and* Mrs. W R. Tucker will be pleased to learn that their young son, Billy, who has hern critically lllwna able to he carried to AtlanlaOMuesday. Mrs. J. A. Cook and Miss Lu die Cook are expected home from Franklin Saturday after an sence of several weeks. Mrs. Ossar Da vino A nnd children xpec4ed home this week from are exi Tocron where they have been vis* Ring relatives for sometime. —re- The friends of Mr. J. Henry Wa! kor of Monroe will be interested to learn he will be a member of the High school faculty as sliepce In structor. -Mr. Walker gradtnrtsrf from the University In Juns. m T m i- ‘ , with milk or cream a,part of their regular diet—' r \JlCompleteFood Store Closes MICHAEL’S Store Closes 1 O’Clock Thursday. Shop Early! THURSDAY 1 O’Clock • Thursday, Shop Early 1 DOLLAR DAY Our Dollar Days are growing more and more popular. You should sffl UiJ crowds that pack our Dollar Day Sales. Big Values. Small prices. G-.-t yum- share! opening of the fall term. Safety education through slo gans and jingles, class room games, themes, dramatization and debates is a part of the plan. In addition, an effort will be made to relate accident statistics with the students' work in arithmetic, grammar and geography. "Experience an several cities has shown," Mr. Mortcnscn said, "that safety education in the schools has. been the most effec tive agency in reduring the num ber of accidents to children.” Tho program approved for Chi cago, and believed to bo more ex tensive than any in use elsewhere was arranged by principals in schools here, in cooperation with more than fiO agencies interested in the aims of the undertaking. "It does not contemplate the addition of a school subject," Mr. Mortenson explained, "but rather the implication in several subjects of concern for the safety cf chi! dren.” Separate treatment of various classes of accidents in successive months is provided. September, October and 'November are givei respectively to street danger^ -fires, and weapons; he next thre months to bums and scalds, pois ons and asphyxiation, and elec tricity; and March to June, inclu sivc, to falls, railway accidents, carelessness in play, and drown ing*. The yrjter <fach monthly classification will be graded to meet the requirements of tho vacious ages between the first and eighth grades. "From sense training in the kin dergarten to elaborate projects for study in tho upper grades, there is opportunity, without serious detriment to other worthy sub jects, .to .develop in the child atti tudes and habitg of thought and action that shall servo in the earlier stages to protect him from harm, and in the latter stages, help For $V0U Your choice of a select ed lot of fTne ear rings both plain and fancy. Also cuff buttons," bars, pins and a wonderful selection of Betty Beads Choakers, crystal and colored necklaces. The regular prices tire from $1.25 to $1.65. $1.00 him to protect others from harm, said Mr. Mortenson. White Man Fined $50 For Stabbing Herman Allen, a white man. wv fined 950 Oor sentenced to serv< ninety days I ntho city stockads In recorder’s court Wednesday follow ing trial of a charge that he stabbed W. F. Bpratlin. The men «ro «iU*' to have tiuarrelltd i nthe Southern Mills where they are employed. Kiwanis Meets At Georgian Thursday Athens Klwnnlnns will mce. Thursday at 2 o'clock at the Oeoi gian Hotel* Dr. Per^y organ wll liqienk "Religious Activity Throughout th> World.” Secretary .Walter T Forbes of the Y. M. C. A. will probably have a report ready the Bummer camps conducted foi boys and girls and other interest ing features will form the program Alleged Labor Agbnt WU1 Not Work Himself Albert Turner, an eiloged negro labor agent, wll ltasto of a little labor himself as a result of trial in recorder's court Wednesday. Turner Is said to havo been ngsged in enticing negro labor from this county without a Ucenff which Is against the city ordinance r«R os violation of the state la# was sente deed to payment of' *0 fine or serve ninety ddys in stockade. He chose the latter | For $1.00. Three pairs of-children’s silk sox, either solid colors or fancy. The regular price 5dc pair. 3 Pairs f or $1.00 For $1.00 Two pairs of ladies' rib bed Lisle Sport Stock ings—good to look at —fine wearing. Regular 59c pair. Black, Brown, White. 2 Pairs for $1.00 For $1.00 Five yards of Lad Las sie Rorpper cloth. ^Best patterns—fast , colors. Regularly. 25 c yard. 5 Yards for ll.OO FqPfilmT~ Fifteen Cakes! Palm Olive Soap, Value $1.50. 15 Cakes for $1.00 For $1.00 Lovely quality Step-ins made of shadow stripe Batiste, lace trimmed. Colors, white, orchid and peach. Also vests to match. $1.00 For $1.C For $1.00 Fine Cowhide Boston Bags, Black or Brown. Size 18 inch'. Value. $1.50. $1.00* For $1.00 Eight yards of our fine heavy outing. Solid col ors or fancies. Winter is coming. Regular 15c yard. ; 8 Yards for $1.00 For $1.00 Five yards of good quality Dress Ginghams School and dress pat terns. Fast colors. Reg ularly 25c yard.' 5 Yards for $1.00 One lot of beautiful or gandie bands and edges —quality fine — Reg ularly $1.25 to $1.50. For $1.00 - 1 Prophylactic Tooth Brush .. .... .,45c j 1 Pebco or PepsodeiiC for 50c 1 Woodberry’s Facial !Sjbap z5c 1 Thlctim Powder . .-25'j Regularly .. / . .$1.45 All Dollar Day for $1.00 #■ For $1.00 Carter’s super fine repl lisle cotton summer ■ weight Kmt Teddf Camisole Tops Op seat and tigiil -k% Regularly $1.20.. Dollar : Day for . $1.00 p- * il- For $1.00 For $1.00 One iot of fine French W6ol Serges. Colors, navy, taupe, green, pjur- ple and maroon. Reg ularly $1.60 yard. Dol lar Day for ' $1.00 Yard For $1.00 Onejot of . fancy Hath Towefs, glass towels and Huck towels Reg ularly 25c each. : ^6 for $1.00 f For $1.00 Eight yards of good quality Sea , Island Sheeting.-Special value. 8 Yards for $1.00 For $1.00 Splendid quality linen lawn. Regularly. $1.25 yard. Dollar Day. $1.00 Yard For $1.00 FiVe splendid quality Pillow Cases. Size 42x 36 5 for $1.00 For $1.00 Two pairs of good qual-} ity ciiccked muslin boys’ - nthietic union suits. 1 Regularly 75c each.' ; i 2 Pairs for $1.W ] For $1.00 One box of Michael's: Crushed Bond fine ’ writing paper and two, packages ot envelopes i to match. Colors gi?:y3 and white. Regularly ■’ $1.47. Dollar Day for I ' $1.00 ‘ a a For $1.00 ;| Good quality handker- V chiefs for men that tail regularly, at each. Dollar Day. 9 for $1.00 *• For $1.00 Three yards of fast col or solid color Indian Head. F.’ne for chil dren's and ladies dess es—Regular 50c yard. For $1.00 Your choice of fine lot, of stamped night' gowns in pretty, neat, designs. Regularly ?t^a eaqh. ? $].00 L, For $1.00 • Five halls of Fleisher’s Superior Quality Shet land Floss Knitting Wool. All colors. Reg ularly 25c ball. 3 Yards for $1.00 ; 5 Balia for $1.00 ■