Newspaper Page Text
All the ^Mysteries of the Fashions are. Revealed
The very, very new things. The very lovely things. Endorsed by Paris and awaiting the opportunity to grace the American wardrobe. Smart
with the chic of Paris. Copied or adapted to best suit the American tastes and figures. Every clever touch is reflected in these new garments.
Every last minute mode is part of this extensive collection. To choose your Autumn wardrobe successfully you must see thd new things we
are showing. ' V ; ,
\ '• ; 1 !' . . „ ’ ‘
The Coats For Autumn Are Unmistakably
Smart "•>
Coats of that easy,' versatile
style that shops in the morning,
teas in the afternoon, and at
tends the theatre at night, and
looks lovely every minute. Or
coats of that straight and fash
ionably line topped by a huge
collar. Of luxurious fabrics—in
rich tones and oftentimes trim
med with handsome fur collars.
They are fashioned of Camel’s
Hair, overplaids, Velours, Bry-
tonias, Bolivias, Vellesice, Gra
nada. AH sizes for slender, med
ium and stout figures with
prices ranging from $18.50 ' to
A Special Sale of Bath Towels
'-Yop.wiii find a center counter filled with bath towels of differ
twit "sizes, priced 2 for 25c for a special sale.. These towels are
"ghtly imperfect, that’s why you can bfly them so cheaply, and
/’re bargains. f
Mah Jongg Sets
Those who play it think Mah Jongg is a wonderful game, all over
America this aged Chinese game is gaining popularity. We are
showing sets ranging in price from $2.50 to $45.00* made of fibre
in the lower priced, hand carved ivory sets in the higher priced
ones. Score pads and favQrs go hand in hand with theie Mah
Jongg sets. - :
Imported From Japan to IVJIake the Home
More Attractive
Japanese have an art of making attractive articles for
tes, among the new things we are showing is table mats, 'hand
ted vases in a variety of sizes and shapes, hand painted bas-
woorlen novelties, nut sets, smoking sets, trays, swinging
, wail vases, lanterns, parasols, cups and sauces. See these
apanese things in our house furnishing department.
New Shipment Gold Band Glassware
Just received shipment fine crystal glassware with gold band
goblets, saucer, champagnes, sherberts, parfaits, tumblers, sand
wich dishes, cheese and cracker sets, plateaus and bowls. Pret
tier glassware cannot be had at any price.
Single Bed Blankets $1.00 Each
Dark color single bed imported blankets, medium weight a spe
cial value at $1.00. < '
Silk. Marquisette For Draperies At Half Price
One lot short Jer.gtho in silk curtain marquisettes both plain and
in pretty designs—regular price of this material is $1.50—we are
“"ing to sell these short lengths at 75c yard.
Misses’ and Children’s Fall Frocks
Attractive styles in Jersey, Wool Crepes, Velvet, Flannel, Twills
“id Checks. Mijjy of these little frocks are of combination
'ors and materials. Some plain tailored, others prettily em-
idered. All the season’s leading shades are shown and prices
from $3.50 to $18.50 in sizes 4 to 14.
More Charming
We think the new dresses
for fall and wintor are
more attractive than ever
before, and there’s a won
derful variety of new
models to Choose from in
the most favored mater
ials and colors. You may
choose your new dress
from Canton Crepes, Sat
ins, Roshanara Crepes,
Crepe de Chines, Char-
meen, Poriet Twills or
wool crepes. Long slen
der lines with straight
and draped blouses, med
ium and long waist lines,
wrap around ^styles,
blouse and basqtte effects.
Sleeves may be elbow
length, three quarter or
long flowing with deep
flared cuffs, fitted sleeves
with plaiting at the hand,
round and square necks,
with or without coUars.
Some are trimmed with
braids and fine tucks
while others are elabor
ately embroidered. Others
trimmed with fur bn col
lars and cuffjs. You won't
find better looking dress
es anywhere, in keeping
with our policy the prices
in every instance are rea
You’ll Like These New Sport Skirts
The new sport skirts are shown in plaids, stripes, and. solid colors
in plain tailored k and plaited, wool crepes, Prunella and Camel’s
Hair Cloth. Prices from $5.00 to $16,50. . ‘ »
- New Sweaters Are Here.
New sweaters are here in .plain and sport styles, medium, light
and heavy weight. Tuxedb, Jacquette, Golf, Cpat and Slip-Over
models. Solid colors and two-tones. All sizes with prices rang
ing from $4.00 to $21.50. Boys’ and Misses Sweaters are shown
in all colors and sizes and prices.
Thej Smartest of New Millinery
Until you see this collection you will not
realize how delightful the hats are going to
be for the new season. Satins and Velvets ■
are two of the newest fashion notes—and
will serve beautifully on varying occasions.
In scores of delightful models, showing the
Parisian tendency to use two fabrics or
colors cleverly. This department is kept
light up to the minute with almost daily
express shipments. Prices to suit every
Corset Comfort Depends on the Right Corset
The woman who goes in whole
heartedly for sports or bridge or
whatnot wants the kind of cor
set that will mould her figure
and still does not remind her of
the fact in the least. You’ll find
Thompson’s Glove fitting and
LaVictoire corsets as smart in
their invisible effect as they.sjre
comfortable. These answer the
question of tlie smoqthly mould
ed silhouette with careful tun
ing and scientific .designing. For slim, medium and stout figures
there’s a specially designed model. These corsets are no higher
priced than ordinary corsets. - .■>
Roundtree Trunks Are Best
Every trunk carrying thepame of Roundtree carries withlt a
guarantee of long'and satisfactory' service,'fnhdb' '61 MeaVy' VpV
canized fibre Roundtree trunks give years of satisfactory serv
ice. Let .us show you the new Roundtree wardrobe. All sizes
and prices are shown. - ;
Sale of Slipover Sweaters $1.59
One lot slip-over sweaters in a special sale at $1.59, pretty^hades
of Honey-Dew, nayy, tan, brown, jade, red, black and white.,
They’re bargains at $1.59.-
New Fur Chokers
Fashion again says fur chokers will be good this season. Hqre
you wiU find a good assortment of small chokers, in squirrel*
o’possum and mink. Large scarfs will be used a great deal, these
are shown in all the,desirable kinds and colors. Furs to suit,any,
pocket-book, priced anywhere from $10.00 to $72,50.
Corsets and Brassieres in a Special Sale
-rtf 5
In this lot of specially priced corsets we have a number of gop.
models in close outnumbers at $1.98 that originally sold at $2.'$
to $6.60. One lot brassieres specially priced 49c.
- Misses and Junior Coats J
Selected with just as much care as coats for “grown-ups”^ and
the styles are just as attractive. Fashioned from-Bolivias, Overr
plaids and Astrican. Some are plain while others have collars of
fur, loose belted and wrap around styles. Sizes from, 8 to 17
years. -.
Special Sale CongoleumRugs Starts Tuesday
Tuesday will bring a sale of Congoleum Rugs, with prices decid
edly lower than usual. This special sale will last from Tuesday
morning until Saturday night. CONGOLEUM RUGS need no
introduction to housekeepers. / ‘ *.
. $16.95 6x9 ....
. $14.75 3x6 .. ..
«9 1 (5
7»/ 2 x9
. $10.50 3x4*4
Nicholson Company
Athens’ Busiest Store
r s kiMiMkM