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MIDDLING .. .. 2f>Mc j
VOL, 91, NO. 174
Associated Press Serrica
A B. C. Paper
Single Copies 2 Cents Dully. S Cents Saadsy.
Council Moves to Have Gas Co. Give Better and Cheaper Qas
4* 4*—4 1 4*-4* 4—4* 4>—4* 4^-4* 4*—4 1 4*—4» 4*—4* 4*- J 4*
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England Warns Italy to Listen to League
A Street Scene
In Yokohama
Japanese City Completely
rats I
Nashville, Tenn., Baptist, jllfr T(1
Back From Alliance At u
Stockholm, Declares the
World Is Tired of War.
General Armando Diaz
Is Active Head of
The Italian Army
Stirred By Reports That
Italy Will Spurn League
Decision, London Sounds
American Red Cross Is
Told 1 That Corfu Casual
ties Are 20 Dead and 16
(By Associated Press.)
LONDON.—Stlrrod by reports that
the Italian government has noti
fied Orpeca It will Ignore tbo leagu*
of nations 'decision on their dis
pute qnd that Italy’s representa
tive at,Geneva has boon Instructed
to abstain from discussing the
matter, thcro, (treat Britain had
annpu.iced that sho will give e
eunco of her support to the league.'
Should the league fall. It has boon
hinted that Great Britain Is pro
pared to take some other action to
Bottle the controversy.
Greece, however, has accepted
the Jurisdiction of tho tnter-nlllyi
council of ambassadors In addition
to the league of nations and Paris
anticipates that the Romo gov
ernment will also hoed tho ambas
sadorial docreoa. If there are any.
Although Greeks attacked tho
Italian legation In Athens Mondvy.
quietness prevails over the ro-
muinimr of the kingdom.
Including the Italian occt .ded Isl
and of Corfu. The Italian govern
ment has denied that It Is occupy
ing tbo Island of Samos but It has
neither confirmed j>r denied re
ports that It la homing the Ionian
islands of Paxofs. Jbtlpaxos, and
(By Associated Press.)
ROMfi.—New precautionary a -
rests have been made on the Isl
and of (’Qrfci by the Italians oc
cupying forces and the governor
has divided the Island Into sones
which are presided over by the
Tho consuls of foreign govern
ments residents In Corfu were In
formed, Monday by the governor
that merchandise on boats In Cor
fu before the Italian occupation
began, and from thoso boats which
the Italians have permitted to dock
excepting those of Greece, might
bo unloaded.
(By Associated Press.)
NASHVILLE, Ten.-People the
world over are sick and tired of
war and the sorrows and sacrifices
which It entails.
They long for a better clvlliza
by enabling nations to dwell aide
by enabling nations to dwel aide
by side in harmony and good will.
Such a development Is not ex
pected to come through diplomacy
or any other political of*economic
channel, but only In the establish
ment In the minds and hearts of
(Turn to Page Eight)
Italian Repudiates Recent
Statement That v Italy
Will Spurn League Set
tlement. „•
(By Associated Press)
counter revolutionary Repub
lican movement Is under way In
G-re'.re, sajrs a dispatch received
from Rome; The movement Is gain
ing ground Hesplto drastic meas
ures by the government Including
tho arrest of all suspecta'and con
fiscation of arms. A rigid censor
ship Is said to bo plated* oft all
........ •Hattirhrtnrns.
Despite a Reduction ity
Taxable Values, Rate
Remains the Same For
1 Clarke County.
Would “Have Gas Co, Pay
a Franchise, Tax- and
Procure Cheaper and
Better Gas For Athens.”
“Give the People Better
Service” As Regards Gas
Is Plea At Preliminary
Council Meeting.
City Council took steps In. Its
preliminary meeting Monday night
to havo the Gas Company pay a
franchise and procure "cheaper and
better gas for Avbaalans" or else
stop aside and let the "city ran the
According ia city. Attorney Cui
crossloy the Gas Company, recent
Here Is a typical street scene In; Yokohama,- Japan's largest seaport, said to have been destroyed
by fire and earthquake. Most of tnc houses ar»W flimsy construe iton.
*ay ft Kloctrk) t Ootfjtany,. < ha,
a franchise) from tho cltr. ) I
rjoan Henry . Cul». .who
„.it the matter' to the atten-
,tlon pf council with tho question
if tho company has a franchise,
declared that It should not only bo
made to buy a franchlsn but tp
giro the "people better aenrlce."
Ths boa;d ot county commission'
srs tentatively agreed at the meet'
In, Tuesday on a tax levy, for tht
county of * mills, for 1,23. the saim
as last year despite a reduction In
the taxable valuea. rr.ultinx It
nearly 9S.OOO.OOO shortage for the j SERVICE
The levy will be officially rttad' { “I, for one,” asserted 'Mr. Culp.
(By Associated Prase.)
ATHENS.—A violent demonstra-
tlnn against Italy took place Mon
day after solemn funeral services
hod been hc)d In the Csthollc Ca-
thcdrlal |nr tho victims of the Cor
fu bombardment.
The ;rowd burned an Italian
flag and. attacked 1 the Italian legs
Athenians Go on
Lieutenant Linton Gerdlne.
Warner Jones. Joe Reeves, Charlie
Hodgson and Roy Dean left Mon
day for Charleston, S. C., where
they will board tho U. S. naval
ship, North Dakota for a two
week*' cruise In Cuban waters.
These Athenians go as naval re
servists and will be In training
with the regular forces of the U. S
navy. Routine naval duty, target
practice and verbal Instruction will
i» parts of the program of train
ing. Most of these men served- In
the navy during the world war. :
The cruise .will last two wdeka
and those participating will h»ve
the. opportunity ,of Flatting some
of tho main cities of Cuba and flt
the sametime enjoy the water trip. Sawyer.
- t* ill iM
news of disturbances.
A member of the Italian delega
tion In the assombly of the League
of Nations has authorlxed the
league secretariat to deny that
Italy had ever officially repudia
ted the comyonteiicy of the league
to handle the Groco-Itallan dla-
‘The Italian delegailon said that
It bellhved that ltoly would be.
willing to let a permanent court of
Justice determine the
petence. The situation. In the two
at the next meeting of ths board.
The commissioners In agreeing on
the F mills levy reallxed that near
ly 11.000 lea .than last year and
110,000 lea athan the year before
will be realised In tex' money bul
they were determined to -get
along" on what la realised without
raising the llVy.
The tgxsblp property of the
county fbr »)■ Is 111,949^20.00 snd
4 mills on this will realise 4l»L
749.79 against 9159,919.44 fi r 1922.
countries seemed hetter s'thoueh
In British circles no resson wst
seen for optimism, they holding
that the question Is now a proper
one for the League of Notions and
not a world court.
Rome advice, of disorder. In
Greece ssld that the tomb of
Colonel Gounaris who wa sexecu
ted by the revolumolary govern- bond funds.
of tho drift ot public opinion.
Ncttro Falls Dead
As He Pleads Guilty
Of Carrying Arms
Bell, a negro fisherman,
& gouram,court her.™
charge of carrying concealed w.a-
pons he fell dead. ,
PINEBLUFF, Ark.—Colonel John
r. Portree, mnnuf.c.orer o^ nar-
land County, and Jamee B]
lawyer of Lonoke county, vontegr
snt. for the Dfmocrollenomlnatlon
as congressman from ths sixth Ar
kansas district Wednesday. are JP
■neclal Primary bald to ssta-‘ -
candidate to succeed the late
fri addition to ths .9 mills levied
by the county wilt be tho 9 mini
levied as a stats tax and outslds ol
the city of Athens there Is a sphoo
tax of 4»'mills, making lbs total
levy for those living outside tht
city 1714 mills. Tho corporatlot
tax for the county will total around
413,00.00 for the year.
"am In favor ot either making
them buy a franchise and give
better servloe or have the city
Issuo bonds for the purpoea of
building a municipal gaa plant.
Tho water works are operated sat
isfactorily to toll qpneerned. The
city makes a profit and the peo
ple get water at a -reasonable rate.
Why can't wo run a gaa company
In such a way,” he aiked. He salil
numerous complaints on ths sor-
vlcn had been brought to him.
The upshot of tho discussion
was tho Instruction that the city
attorney and city ongtneer make
a n Investigation of tho matter and
confer with the Gas Company with
the view of getting them to "pay
a franchise tax and give better
(Turn to Patf.f Eight)
The Day's News
First Official Steps To
ward Realization of Pro
ject Taken By City Moii-I ,,,ier " on 0( «"> university of oeur-
XT- uc ll". end H. H. Dejarnette of Eat-
Dr. McPherson
Likely to Be on j
New Tax Board
Prominent University Po
litical Science Professor
Slated For Office. Sols
Dc Jamette.
(By Associated Press.)
ATLANTA.—Dr. J. H. T. Mc-
day Night.
City council Monday^ night au
thorized Captain J. W t Barnett
city engineer, to ascertain whethei
property owner*
Broad street
onton, either will to members ot
Uie biwuImI tnu commission of con
sulting members, Governor Walk 1 *
er announced.
The governor said he would
probably be ready to announce the
want It widened and paved to th. personnel of the body, which la to
extent ot glvlnx a rial* of way forjetady ths statetax problem*' the
the work.
This action was taken after a
committee representing three civic
organisations, Chamber of Com
merce and the Rotary and Kiwanli
clubs with Judge Thomas F. Green
as spokesman, had requested such
Captain Barnett will report the!
results of hla work at the Octobei
meeting of the Counc’il. At thii
meeting, If the right of way hai
been secured, i^ Is probable that
Council will call a bond issue foi
the purpbse of widening, grading
and paving Broad from Lumpklr
street to Milledgo avenue.
Accomplishment of this work, II
was pointed out, will connect the
business section of the city with
r#c #! d .! rom I th * ^^PP*r Mllledge avenue within .
tent puk Twin . sU*icken >Japknese distil^t Pl*re f #w minutes. At the present time
The tax payers' money for th*,the number or dead at 500,000 and traffic coming down Milledgo con-
ye." September l,t 1934 to Sep the number of homes destroyed .11 th „ corner , nrnr lh „ First
tember 1st, 1929 went, in a general 1800,000. It is reported that tnc | ch r i»tl» in church and near the Kirs*
way as follows: For the support American consul general to Japan | Methodist church. This congestion
y *- 1 — 1 4K “ f J - 111 be eliminated, it is said, if tht
of the superior* court, 111,244.8* ils kilted and that offidals of Ja-
For the city court. 412.944.44; P»n also died htjh* catastrophe,
county property, 9*4,1*2.92. Road I
improvements, repairs, 94t.5<4.40
lawful charges, legal iqdebt«dnes:
—A— *-/• Of 1 Cl MnLlna, m lotnl
etc. 978,951. 84, making a total o
9185,926(77 paid out of the count>
funds. In addition to this 4151,431.-
58 was spent on permanent road
Improvements This last Item Ip
* >nd funds. >
Jury duty. In the superior an«
city courts, cost the county, In th«
first named, 99.152-79 and in thi
latter, 92.971.45. The t ot<1 ^ court
cost, not including. Justice courts
fbr the Jrear aws 924.191.21.
Will Ask Realtors
To Organize Here
At Meet Wednesday
J. Clay Mnrphey, president of
the cGorgla Real Estate Board, will
be In Athena Wednesday and will
talk to local rsal estate men ar
the Chember qt Commerce at
11:30. It Is understood Mr. Mnr
phey will urge organisation ot a
real estate board In Athena.
- ; . ..
DOVER, England. — Charles
Toth of Boston, who tried to swim
the English channel last Tuesday
night, was forced to give up after
three hours in the water.
‘ ; - *
England warns Italy to secept
the adjustment of the Italian-
Greco break that the League of
Nations hands pot, or slse Eng
land may be forced to intervene,
in the cause of peace. An Italian
minister saya that Italy ha* never
intended disregarding the settle
ment of the international tribu-
ight mill tea levy for jdl
lain for 1»23, dsspttejF
Pin the tkxabls'valiiei
he county , , . >
Senator: jluHa in! it ^>ee«h at
Danieisvtlle lands the work of
Congresaman Charles H. Brand
of the Eighth District
Baptist delegate to the World
Alliance at Stockholm, Sweden,
offer* brotherly love'as s plan for
Internationa! pence.
' A republican counter revolu
tionary movement le said to be
making great headway in Italy. 'A
rigid censorship has been inaugu
rated ia couch development* front
the knwrledge df ibe world.
Broad street project goes through
Property on Broad street will b#
enhanced In value considerably nn<’
for that reason It la expected tha'
owners of property on the streo:
will do everything possible u
make the right of Way for the elt:
ell takes the posmon that th. pro | and h |* , ntoreit |„ g. B .rtl In the
extent j a f fB | r , „{ government
Three Hundred Thousand
Homes Have Been Burn
ed in Tokio and Yokaho-
ma Since Saturday.
Wireless Message States
That Yokohama Still
Burns. Horrible Details ,
of. Great Tragedy.
(By Associated Press)
Casualties from the earth
quake and firo in Japan now
total 500,000 and 300,000 house*
have been burned, the metro
politan police of Tokio esti
mate. The liners Empress of
Canada, President Jefferson and
Empress of Australia are re-
poftod to have com* uot of th*
tidal wave safely.
Rioting has occurred in a
number of stricken cities.
yijm »L_?
Bond Issue For This Pur-
n Will Find Easy
ng With Aldermanic
Board, Members Say.
bund Issue la called next
month for widening, grading and
paving Broad street, two othera In
cluding parka and playgrounds will
more than likely be Voted upon.
Senior Senator in Address
to Capacity House Lauds
Congressman Brand.
Reports Stewardship.
(Spec's! to Banner-Hsrald)
DAN! El tSVILLB. Ga.~8auato-
<lay at the noon tecess hour of
/ at the noon recess rear ot
ho MidlRon county superior, court
and wa» atentatlveljr beard by a
crewd that overflowed the large
court room.
Senator Harris outlined briefly
hfn record In the Senate since
lecteri in 1918, telling of some of
ttn bills he had uponiored In be*
half of his constituency, his work
on tho appropriations committee
psrty owner*, to a large
Hold the matter ’in their hands.
Council voluntarily discussed in
preliminary meeting Monday
night the .possibility .of i**mng
bonds for, a park and playground
system and came to the conclu
sion .hat If it is asked next .month
to, call an election for tho Rroart
street paving bonds it will also
make provision for voting on park
and playground bonds.
£puppllman H. B. Haywood
brought uo the matter of replacfri.*
about right small wooden bridges
In the <;Uy with concrete and tlje
money t for accomplishing thin,
about $6,100 will bo placed In the
bond Issue It Is thought.
In the meanwhile a committee of
cltlxona Is going Into the park and
playground proportion thoroughly
nnd will have facts on this ques
tion for presentation to council
next month, tt Is thought.
Captain J. W. Barnet was au
thorised Monday night to obtain
data on nar kand playground
proposition. When Introduptd bv _
Alderman Henry Culp of the Fleet | from 15 ™rthqliako“Mich
Ward, tho park end nlvygroutid struck japan the most
Tho United 8tates consul gen
oral of Yokohama hao been kill
ed, saya a dispatch.
The death of Prince Masayo
shi Matsukata -is reported, snd
Prince Shimadzo, formerly of
the greet house of 8atsuma, and
others of royil blood are ns-
ported to have lost their lives.
Shocks continue around Kaw
In Tokio when the fire threat
ened the prison, 1,500 inmates
Were freed including notorius
coommunists. The loss of life
in tTok’o alone is estimated as
high a, 300,000 by .crm. ro-
The flames, from the blazmg
capital are visible for 200 mile*.
The river Sumida has chani
cd ft* course throorvi the
It *s estimated that
tako two years to rebuild To-
A dispatch to Lloyds in Lon
don saya it is believed that
there has been a heavy lose of
life arr-onq foreigners in Yoko
hama* J
Following the earth quake
ny refugees di%| of
heat and exposure according to
witness arriving at Osaka. .A
temperature of 150 degrees
Farcnhite is registered in many
places as a result of the con
The sufferings^ of refugees
from 1 Tokio was aggravated by
torrential rains which hava fall
en since Sunday night.
KOBE, Japan.— dmtruc-
lion and loss of life has resulted
subject was greeted with enthu-
Hiastlc remarks by the rnunqll.
Every member spoke favorable to
Isauance of bonds for this purpose
and all stressed,tho need.of such
a civic Improvement.
In fipnaktiiR of the. work In tha
annate, In conjunction with the
houaa ot repreientaHv?". ha.prata-
«<l the »n-k wf Ju«g« OhalkM/Yl.
Brand, rnngretinnan from the 8th
district, stating that he found In
(Turn to Page Eight)
Street Car Service Has 1 jT JT
Been Forced to Suspend. Schools Ke-Upen
Many Wade to Their
GALVESTON. T,xaa.—A h«avy
downpour which began falling at
5 n'clpcL Tuesday morning has
flooded the streets and earned an
Interruption of the street ca,
messleiu geivin-. Early : morning worketu:
Council at prallmlnary nwssloh service. Karly, *K«nln» worketu
to tiring about »■ bettor ami »« «ms inrtnl»fg .Wttf forcedjo TAW-vt Jttodl enrollment ts..«,
imniuip 4Fn«j dt.rvicd fnr Athens. WadC* * • ’ " ’ .I t pOCtCU-
Here Wednesday
Official opening of Iho public
rchoola will ho held Wednesday
morning at I o'clock.
tTr'fHn-ry work h*s teen C-o'
Ing ot) In the grammar tad Hlah
Schools slhco dfondsy. Tho City's
Marie Prcvost Not
To Defend Divorce:
Few Knew Her Wed
vest, . picture actress, will
not defend divorce action brought
against her by H. C. Gerke who
charged her with desertion. She
entered default on the court rec
ords. Few persons, even among
her dose and Intimate friends,
knew she had been married until
divorce bill was filed.
Standard Oil Men
Escape Unhurt in
Japan; 1 Exception
NEW YORK.—Officials of the
Standard' OH Company have re
ceived word that all of Its cm
ployese in Tokio "lid Yokoham;
with the exception cf one escape,
injury in Uiu earthquake disaster
blow received In her history Both
Tokio and Yokohama art ’ reported
to bo virtually in ruins, hundreds
of cltlaa and towns on tho izu
pnnlnsula havo been leveled by
fire and quake, nnd tho iload at
the present tlmo cannot bo estl-
Yokohnnm Is completely Isolated
and Ja declared to havo burre d or
be burning. It Is^Ioarned uiat tho
chief of police of Yokohama gcnl
a'wireless messagi to Osaka ap
pealing for help and declaring that
“Yokohama Is ft sea of flames."
The city of Kobo wag shaken by
the tremors antT Toyama was af
fected. Tho shocks, accordlne: to
reports hero, seomed to have cen
tered in the Izu peninsula.
Klsen Kalsha steamer Korea
Is safe ftt tho harbor of Yokoha
with 2,500 refugees on board, ac-
cordfng to cablegram received at
the company’s offices here today
front, fighiBln in K..b.-. Cx;~muntoa-
ttons‘ of all kinds havo boon're
opened nn to Numazti. v.'i
(Turn to Page Eight.