The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, September 06, 1923, Image 4

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■RBMMMH *4 THE BANNER-HERALD - r ".": THE BANNER-HERALBlATHENB, GEORGIA THBR8DAV, SEPTEMBER 6, 1923 Wonder When Cal’s Gonna Unpack This One BABL n. BRA'S HEM. H. J. ROWE jfCHAflUSB B. W A-‘ ,T IN Published Every Evening During the Week Except Saturday and Funds> and on Sunday Morning by The Athena Publiihing Company, Athcns.’Ga. ^ Publisher and General Manager ., Editor Managing Editor KntcrcJ at the Athens Postoffice ns Second Class Mail Matter under pi t* the Act of Congress March 8, 1870. v : MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for repub- lication of all news dispatches credited to i' or not othrwise credited in this 'paper, and also the local news published therein. All rights of ropublication of specinl dispatches are also reserved. app! assu all Business Communications direct to the Athena Publish- nv, not to individuals. News articles intended for publics- «*vm ohuiuu be addressed to The Banner-Herald. ' l~Th THE UNDERPRIVILEGED CHILDREN | A most commendable undertaking has been in i' Augurated by the Kiwanis club of Albany, in estab- , lishinc a twice-a-wcek free clinic for children who | may Be unfortunate and need assistance. Doctors and dpntirts have responded to the movement and of fered their services free; the members of the Kiwanis club have raised a fund sufficient to bear all cx- pensos for supplying medicines, dental materials, fecial foods, eyeglasses and such other things as may be needed, in providing for the underprivileged children of that city. This club proposes not to only help those who may ply, but they have appointed committees who will surac the responsibility of hunting up those who may. he in need and yet too proud or timid to seek the benefits which have been provided for them by these'generous-hearted gentlemen.' Theta are children in ail communities who have physical defects and regardless of their station in life dir financial condition, parents should sec to it that proper carp ami attention is given them parly in life. The life df many children is made miserable from some weakness or physical defect which could have been relieved if given the proper attention by physicians and specialists. It is an important move ment and moans much to the coming generation. 'As a suggestion: The Kiwanis and Rotary clubs of this city could not undertake a movement which would mean more to the community than by follow ing the precedent set by the Albany club of Kiwan- lans. It is believed that the physicians, dentists and specialists here would give of their time freely for such a purpose—certainly the professional members of these clubs would contribute generously of their v time to the work cf relieving and aiding ail such cases as might be brought to the clinic.' COME AND GET IT IF YOU WANT IT iv- For some time’The Banner-Herald has Dcen trying to interest not only neighboring farmers, buti the residents of many of the small, towns and villages in this section In the fact that AthcnB as a market could and would take at a fair price all tho produce they pould raise and get to market in merchantable shaprji. An investigation of just what tho Athens , market, alone, can be made to mean to neighboring furms from a cash standpoint indicates that tho fig ures will run into a good many million dollars. Athens’ annual food bill runs from 2 to 3 million dollars a year, and around $1,000,000 could and ought'to be produced and sold from nearby farms. If neajby farmers could bo assured of an annual in- ; , come from the Athens market of $1,000,000 a year, imagine we would hear less of the boll wectil. The chances arc that with such an income yearly coming in from the Athens market and with the prorpects of shipping any surplus to outside markets, it wouldn’t be long before this income could he doubled, for Florida to the couth of us with its winter tourist trade is always in the market for carload lots of chickens and eggs, and butter and milk and cream for the hotel trado. Conservatively speaking, Athens annual food bill will run something like the following: Poultry Products $500,000 Butter 360,000 Milk 008,000 ' I -Pork Products 200,000 Beef 260,000 ‘Potatoes 136,000 •ty/"' /Vegetables 227,000 In round figures nearly $2,000,000 for food most of which can and ought to bo raised on nearby and adjoining farms. Sugar, flour, fish, and other item.: in Athens’ diet will run these figures up a mil lion dollars more a year. It seems that here Is a market if our farmers care to come and get it. May be, when' they get tired of wrestling with tho boll weijvil, they will turn their attention to the food mu ’ bet, not only in Athene but in other nearby cities. H Outside markets for carload shipments can easily be ured so that the local markets can bo stabilized ami any glut he prevented. As indicated Florida in the winter would prove a desirable market for eggs, poulti-y and butter, just as Florida at the present time is calling upon Georgia for late vegetables and tomatoes in carload shipments. The North and East can npt raise their own food and will always take " hat this section could ship in the way of eggs and chickens and fruits and vegetables. As the natives of South Africa for years walked over the diamond fields,* kicking the pebbles out of the way without realizfcg their value, so the farmers’of this section seem to be overlooking 2 to 3 million dollars a year cash money, any day in the year, while they ^BBtintic to lose their money and their tempers over Hhc ravages of the boll weevil. — President Cooiidge has recognized the government of Mekico. Why not recognize the government of Russia, There is little difference in the countries in sofar as their reliability is concerned. A bumper business is predicted for this fall. Now is the time for merchants to replenish their stocks and be prepared for the demand for goods in all lines of business. ‘Tiger” Relents and { Cameraman Gets Forty Photographs (By Associated Press.) rARIS—ueonre Clemohceau hoi olway. had an Intense dislike to. pretw photographs. Many times during his long public career feus he threatened to have them eject ed front the political Assemblies ht whs addressing and twice he 1m. done 86. But last week ho re lented. one American photographer, re ceiving 1 tip that Col. E. M. House intended to vi-dt “The Tiger” Jp his Vendean lair, proceeded thith er with great haste, hoping ugalnst hope that be migh: get a chance to, ‘‘ahoof* the two men Keeping .veil out Of sight on thi beach In front of the former pro* miei’s ratio dwelling, the camera* man waited until Col. and Mrs House and Clemenceau had enter ed, and then, hesitating, knocked at the garden gate. “Ih the Tiger In good humor” ht asked the valet Tho answered the knock. “He’s Just bubbling over with good fellowship. He’s so glad ti see his dear friend, M. House," re plied the servant. dust then Clemenceau hlmueit happened along. The photograph er trembled as The Tiger advanced scowling. “You photographers are a nui sance!” he exclaimed. “Why dc you -want to disturb the repose o! at* old man like me? I have t goed mind to order you off. the grounds. There was a moment's pause The Tiger’s ej 2s twink.cdt ‘Hut on second thought,” he con tinued, “I shall punish you differ- Come right in and shoot away as much a.7 you like. . Hut—you must stay and hav» lunch with us.” Tho cameraman took about 4( pictures. WHY NOT DIVIDE MY / Jr* i i INSURANCE WITH * / * j, JESTER : '\i* Complete Inaunnce Protection <17 Holman Bldg. a? i./JiUTOl R i'ifr I Phono <77 E TAXI SERVICE Day and Night GEORGIAN BAGGAGE Phone TRANSFER CO. Phone gg Office Georgian Hotel gg BAKED FRESH NIGHT &T>AY Bcrton Braley’s Daily Poems THE SLOGAN OF PROGRESS By Bcrton Bralcy. Gangway, please! Kindly step aside n little, • i All you folks who merely stick around. | 11 you stubborn fogies, with) your brains becoming brit tle, Slaves of many doubts, tradi tion bound; Gangway, please; though we do not like to shake you Out of any ancient reveries, Yet unless you move aside wc will have to 'make you. Gangway, please! DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU? A Little of Everything And Not Much of Anything. By HUGH RCWE. The e.I.ction of Dr. J. H. T. , |y • believed that a .light Inerean Mephertonj of tho Univcr»ity would be made over that of' lait of Goorgio, by Governor | „„ nt . coullt ut tho rtduc ,!o er to bo a member of ths apoei* j j n t:«xul>lc properly, but on nccoun il tax commission .’chargcdl with | of an cccnomicnl admlnlstratioi affairs of the country, p* tr ht by ,th«* compUfisloncrs tha minty's business can be il tin the present income with- ny- Increase. the responsibility yf formulating v 4-, of 11 tax system for this state,was «wi-*J* hwu mug - i •I h.n“ u I * fd indbf! of tux * and timely. Ur. McPherson uindo a study of systems many years mid is boyoiid lion, one of tho begt hiformfd in. the state on thr si’bject atlon. Ths disaster in Japan has shocked the world and all na tions aro sympathizing and aid- pig thsc# lunfoitunato peopta In their misfortuno and distress Over a half million lives'have beet- Ganfwsy, please! We are sdrry to upset yon, But we’re moving forward none the less, Don’t attempt to stop us, for wc Thugh* wo'truly* imt/Tu’ causei lo,t und thal " uml,cr cytri distress; { nation Is represented. A nuinbei Glr.d to have you Join us in our j of former citizens and visitors fr6w struggle for improvement. • Georgia have been reported umoihr As we seek (or better days than the casualties, these, Otherwise—we’ll trample you in our onward movement, Gangway, please! Gangway, please! You may flout apd you may jeer us, Say we're on a visionary track; Still, within your licart*of-hcarts you have cause to fear us, We who have no thought of turning back. Vou may look to yesterday, we look to tomorrow; What to us aro all your stern decrees? Clear the path before us or you’ll rue it to your sorrow, Gangway, please! SUMMER COMPLAINT malm. links headway with children whose careful RM.di.ra protect them from rtomach and bowel dieardere, hot weather cramp* hin< diarrhoea - with CHAMBERLAIN’S COLIC and DIARRHOEA REMEDY Quick In action • aatafying In reiuthc WEAK,MOW AND fllLIN Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Brought Relief When Other Medicines Faded Winston-Salem, N. C — •'! wai weak and run-down and had trouble with my side. I hao Councilman H. B. Hcywood has proved a wldc-awzk® re presentative in the c«ty coun cil. His cikggsstion that all Wooden brhlgfca in the city be ro placed with cmfcretc 1b a a ml vunce step in the right dlrectloi lor the protection of the public There are a number of tt .88 oh' ! wooden bridges scattered over tin { city which are not only un^gluiy ' but aic absolutely dangerous t« I life. It Is to he hop?d that *h- ! mayor and council may find by which this Improvemmt made. fho “dog-catcher” position in Athens hss become a mcot- •d question—at much so ns the ng of too man who “tlruck l*«tter>u*n. M . 'Ihe first offt log’ fotte*-rr for this yea*-, sibk and died, and how hit •sadr! without warning to »h* offl-iilH, ceased to enteh th« g canines in the city, prefer- ing 9a [be/th, ut the county farm ‘g catching business Ht enis t unpopular Job In Athens fVrlddly It Has its advantages i disiBvantagos but with ult I sonw ono should bo secured v Will give to this lrH|*ortant !»< t!oii attention und cruorce the law prohibiting the fret- use of .streets to the roaming and dan gerous curs. ATHENS TWELVE YEAR8 AGO Thursday, Hiptombsr 7, 1011 Mrs. A. L. Miller. 29 years of age died. Hr. 8. 8. Smith and Jake Jot' hud .a coilison with automobile i {iimtorcycle on Clayton street. ' | C.mtth was in an auto .anJ air '> { Joe&riding a motorc^cre which »vnr L ' Iiiitlly demolished. | Georgia Tech wan scheduled tt • Evvry-ie 'has their like, and j Ihe I nivrr.Uy of Oeorxlc dislikiTa. l’*3m:timcs they (carried too for. Hero is a fov/ offered by a correspond tent in on exchmee: The middle-aged Indy who a I ways reads the financial page bo caupe Phe once owned throe chttrsn of something. The old fogy who takes half ni hour to tell the dullest sto*-y you tooiball (rain on November 18. Homer Howard was orrentod and failed tor making false elate men In girder to secure a marriage 11 heard. Haul Bartlett, captain of las ye-Ur’s harebell Heam, University o{ Ge«ifgla. will not return to colles* neitt year. /t' meeting was railed of thi farmem union to be held In Athen Tim .an who Ulk. .bout I.U trf, j iwrtlwit'm" ttmlio on'm^hofor'' th. i Wm out^I%C , »wSS,. y ‘”* ‘* k ' I- of ,h. pric. I Tho woman who koop, ln.litl.* ° f * Ua # n °- " »“ ' h »' onB cam I tho. oho h*t»a* .nythinx -lou? ! ‘ "” nv ,r " m ’ I vulgar." Vlte girl who when riding your flivver uplrn u Rolla*-Kuy« and gurgles: “Now that’s what ,llke ’I’hc hostess who looks grievef when you refuse the third helplrp of the worst pie you ever tasted. The girl who wants to toll Kchop( nhuucr on a moonlight I Ifti'L The v* ry homely girl who docen* Want to tnlk ricbopenf suer. Clarlw c.unti”CommiMion. h?/™ !i® h * COB Br»*ul.,cd In holding down tho (ox rot. for onotlr.,- year. It late' gcnorol- pany from whom the union ha< been buying has been chirglm three dollars the ton more than other companies. Chattanooga defeated Atlanta b: u i f ore of 6 to 2. French Master Barbers Meet Prospects were never brighter for a revival in business. Prosperity is here and the crops in this im mediate section were never better to the acreage. If all the people who are claiming kin to President Cooiidge will vote for him for the presidency, the jutlook for access should be iiiosi gratifying-to him. ii nis near-kin in Georgia—that is, those who uaiminjr to he related to him, vote for him he l«ve a respectable following in this state. itUmmm are will Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Coml pound and it has helped me. In ■ then time I was able to do my bouts week Land now I am not only eue to do every Mbit of that and washing and ironing rbut I help my husband St tha store. -Mrs. L.'K.MY*Ra, 1409 E. 14th St, Winston-Salem, N. a ' Feel* New Life and Strength Keen*, N. H.—**I was weak ana I run-down and hod backache and ah | aorta of troubiae which women ban ■ 1 found gnat relief when taking S »E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com d and I also used Lydia E. Pink a Sanative Wash. I am able tc do my woik and feel new life and strength from the Vegetable Com pound.”—Mrs. A. P. Hammonp, 71 Car[«.-nter Street, Keene, N. IL TELLS GIRL FRIENDS ABOUT IT Miss Viola Gibson, Bowling Green, Kentucky, writes: “I want to say that your medicine di<l mo morn good than any medicine I ever took. I recommended it to my girl friends and they aura did find re lief from it.” Hundreds of girls who have nsad beneficial Benedicts would willingly verify Mias Gib- eon’s statements. Gat * bottle of Benedict* from roar druggist to day. J3enedicta HEALTH BUILDER /Sr Women 4RIS—The master barber* ol In Congress nssemblrd dliti-usNcd ninny thing; 4vc to their buslnCfin. One «a permiftition wbould be obtain replacing the word “dan ,— wJUi tho phrase “for ex- |il urc only” on certain lotions It was contended would | likely to disturb nervous cus* ’•’hr barbers dccidsd to ch«rpi no‘.franc for a shave, two for haircut and four for a slptmpoc - ' ma than six, twelve and twontj cents, respectively, at prt-sbnt rate of ezchance. DENNIS FLEMING DIE8 IN ALBANY ALBANY, Go,—-Denis Fleming former state senator fro m the district, and an r,vowed can for congress fum the sec arth- Jfi Gmmumilocatwns ■L In selecting locations for opr ser-jf* vice stations we always endeavor to anticipate the greatest need ^nd convenience of the motoringpublic. Our roomy, station driveways and arrangement of pumps permit easy,, safe access and enable us to give I quicker and better service. We invite you to visit our service ‘ . stations at . ' - * ‘z t: l I Washington and Thomas Streets Hancock and Hull t'i Athens, Ga. : ‘ \ - And nearly everywhere you .. .. wamowmaw —UV|/VUUUUIt; ailU UlWflVS better. Polarine Motor Oil-four grader—all the same high quality. ' . ^ Ask our service station man or our salesman Vfi about coupon books. 1 Ti Better Stick To The Standard Always buy at the station or the dealer with the Crown Sign. .W, 'J NJCO RPfiB ATE Li