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larke County Sets Out to Aid Japanese Earthquake Victims
/W Investigate Today!
*rf T* Regular Subscriber!
the banner-herald
(1,000 Accident Policy Fre*
btOy tnd Sunday—10 Cento ■ Week.
Established I83S
COO!) MIDDLING .. .. 26 S-lc
PREVIOUS CLOSE .. „ 26 12c
VOL. 91, NO. 177
Associated Press Serrico
A. B. C. Paper
Single Copies 2 Centg Daily, f Cents Sunday.
y \T y
Council of Ambassadors
Considers Problem.
!' French Favor Saving the
Leagnc Embarrassment.
Embassadors Consider
Advisability of Investi
gating Slaying of Italian
Boundary Commission.
GENEVA.—The league
of nations has passed the
threatening break up by
avoiding direct issue with
Italy. News of the averted
break is very gladly re
ceived in Europe.
PARIS.—The - Inter-al
lied Council of Ambassa
dors, after a lengthy ses
sion Friday morning ad-
oumed until after noon, to
await definite word as to I
w.helher Italy is prepared
to accept meditatori by. the
council in the present
Greco-Itfdian dispute. All
further discussions are
contingent upon Italy’s
•f*—4*—4* j»-4» 4*—4* 4* , “4' 4* ”4*
•fr—*• 4—* •M* 4—4* 4*-4» 4—4* 4—4* • 4*-4* s
Quake Tolls Reported Much Smaller
Red Cross Committee
Here Issues Plea For
$500. Must Raise It By
Athena and Clarka county arc
naked to auhacrlba not leaa that
•sou to the •1,000.000 Japan/ae ra
ttler fund being ralaed by the Amu
During We morning session the
airbaoradoro discussed tho advisa
bility of aendlng tho commission
to the aceno of the maaacro of the,
nlaW' mltiir.B tO COD*
llallnn boundary'mlaalc.o to cob
duct an lp»*«»lgatlon and report
upon th© responsibility of the
crime. «
The French government fauora
trying eyery possible
‘"““L? 1
m tiling the dlrpute beta* aPpea
Inc to tie league of nation". H I*
emphasised that It I””:
lion the Irnguei' competency, but
trainee that the league, prertlge
wouil he greatly shaken If It
should fall to aottla tha qa«a*">”
and beliaves the supreme tost
should ha held from IL.
OENBVA—The league of eatloni
hn. tahen action which It la , houghl
will prerant a break • with Italy
such ua waa threatened Thuradny
nod Ihua Bare the league from de
The leegie recommend* to th
Paris couocll of ambassadors the
problem of arranging a, baala o
settlement of the Italian damam
for a 50,000.000 lire Indemnity foi
the aldying of Italian official".
The league' reaerves for its nw"
action the question of ““l*"
orupatlon of Corfu, which la con-
_an a _ -l.l.tlon nf A f t lcl.’l tO Ol
sldrred a violation nf Article 10
the league covenant. -
The league trfua avoid" "" °f«
break with Italy.' nnd delayed!"*
final reel nf Ua authority and com
petence to handle Ilia U u **" on '
'Torn to pare clghtl ,4
First Bale 1923 ,,
Cotton Received
In Athens Friday
Athena’ ftrat b«le o> «»» »'
tqn wa. retired Friday by th.
Plnntata Warehouse. U war
grown on the fnrm Of W- »
Reacbam on the Bpp" "ridgi
rend by J. B. Daniel, a colored
Th. slept. will be auctioned
off . Saturday morning at 10. ••
nt tha Cotton exchange In the
Holman building and In «p«t
ed to bring n fancy Price »b°n
th* market quotation. 'The fire
h.i. rthis 1122 cron wan re*
hale of the 1122 crop J**»
reived hare two week, earlier
Thr "Tartu on wtll'ch tht* b*b
waa picked given promha ol
to rules cot « apiendld yield ihli •
1“ “ „ . .... I. con.Herd
lean Red cross, it waa official!)
announced "Friday by the director!
of the local chapter.
Time mean, evarylhlng In rala
Inn thla money, It waa pointed oat
nnd cltlsens dre requested to aenf
In tlulr contribution" In J. L
lnexlon at once w- that by Mnnda>
local quota will be complete
l-the mbney on lie way In rr,
jlleve the suffering wrought It
earthquake and fire In far awai'
■of^ WfjiS’a fciiik piiMl<ii*r-V*o SUBSCRIBE r
may bo called upon to defond their -AT ONOE' ’
cow) tty.
i A itat .of’the contributor" wilt b<
htuhllahcd in RuhdaV’a Banner-
■ lli.riiM
Players and Coaches Will
Arrive Over Week End
Id making Ua pled for Athena t*
roinn forward dnd raise the min-
. Imum of $500 aa lta pert of th
(relief work, thef local director.
! stated:
{•"To the People of Clarke County:
< ‘Tho creatoat oataatrophe in th*
world'a history haa fallen upon th«
Japanese people. Within a few
•hours Ua finest cities have been
'destroyed, hundreds of thousand:
of people killed and still greater
numbers Injured. The survivor*
'in the stricken' districts are suf*
.ferine from hunger, thirst and ex*
For Official Date.
[However promptly we may go tc
phelr relief, it Is certain that thou;
•and* of other* must' dls befori
relief can reach" them. That it 1
our duty to give such relief ea w«
cab, and as quickly As wa can, t«
.those who can be saved, la plain. r "
. “The Red Cross has been calle<
on to raise not ros sthsn $50b 'lr
this community. The manner 1 'll
measured not only by the de
sired amount being contributed
but also by the promptness with
Only a few football player* had
reported here Friday. Joe Bennett
captain, Is rx|»*ct*n on any truth
while practically the entire squad
will be li rc for the first practice
Monday mo- ring. ’ ' . * '
The University la adhering strict
ly to the ruling of the 8. I. C. is
not beginning any kind of prac.
Ilco until the actual date. Work
outs under the super visioni of thr
dipt iln nnd unofficial coaches tha
f,re being practiced by some tearoi .which it Is contributed.
In the conference are not O. K-V
here so far as the local team is cot.\
corned and it will be'Jdonday morn
ing before any men report to Son
ford Field.
Coach Woodruff arrived her«
Friday morning and Coach Thtfin-
ns is expected from Chicago hour
ly. Htegeman nnd • White and
Bnchnmn are here and the * 0, *® w *
ing pluyors have shown up, Shad
Frier. Rose Pay. Martin Kilpat
rick, Jax* Carroll and Som Rlch-
Tho coaches are* hopelng for cool*
er weather over the woek end and
If. the prea/ent heat wave persiatr
, h A’ will be forced to take thing;
rather en.y lor . law ddyn British
U|> caereix**. l-dama and lm»*("
dual work will feature th* Orvl I-F
linya’ work and altar th* ■ Inltla
work th* grid Will grt *>W" ■£
hrrd nnirtlcr. .Uinil: work ond .th<
developing ol.hoth otl«n»« and do-
f 'Th* Unit gam* la pchcdul*d loi
the 29th aa ilnat Mercer in Athena
Macon Has Same
Number Arrests in
August 1922 and 1923
MACON.—An onuaual soind-
donre In th* police rerainla la
shown by tie fact that thenr wore
the same number ot awesta In
August of this year as In the serm*
month last year—3S3. 0 ^*he 3Sj
arrests thin Augti*t. JJJ
and »T ctmvicteii^^
year and the frnit Is considered *- .j*. .,
pmctlmlly out fod nnge r from ’OB nrfnov M^nscj.
tlio boll weevil. * month tdtslcu f 1>5S
“Ths people of thla county have
never walled to be among the flra*
to respond heartily to a worth)
call, and we hope and believe that
our quota will be raised by tomor
row. We have been requested t<
raise this money hf Monday,morn
ing. It Is our desire to forward
check tomorrow. # No canvas:
should he necessary to raise’ thli
money In thla community for and'
a purpose, and yte believe that
none #1H be necs«sary.
‘. •‘Mr. f. P., Sexton will recelV'
(Turn to page eight)
Jury -Finds Mintcr
Guilty of Murder
In Trouton Case
, NEWNAN. qiW. W. Mlnlcr,
Coweta county planter. Thursday
night wa* found- guilty without
recommendation of mercy lor thr
mnriler of Millard Trouton, hla
aon-ln-law. wto disappeared on
Friday, Augnat 14, and whoee de-
compoacd body waa discovered the
fr.tnlwlng Tucaday partly anb-
merged in Une creek.
A Jury In ths Coweta superior
court reached the verdict of guilty
at 6:20 o’clock Thuradny night
a(2:-r deliberating (or leza than
two hour* over the man* ol evi
dence sobmlttsS during the day
hXareu jgdaa • Od «.^Hoop,Mlntej
waa not'II IW 1 **!
Cy c{ tho court, gg 11 !*'! -,i"
Englishman Offers to Sell
Picture of Georgia Foun
der; Says He Died At
Age of 102.
The English newspaper* have evi
dently been misinformed about an
effort that Is being made to have
the bones of James Oglethorpe
founder of the ^ate of Georgln. re
turned to Athena* for Interment on
(he University campus. Severs*
weeks ago a story came out of Eng
land that such .in-.effect was being
made and It waa announced by the
Chancellor and Prudential commit*
tee that no recent ncticn had be|n
taken along thla line. *
At a meeting of the Prudential
committee Thursday a letter wa*
read from an KngUshroan who evi
dently would. Ilka, to sell th* Uni
versity a picture of Oglsthorpe. IU
letter follow*:
“4$ LadyamJrle Avenue, Ensl
llnm. E. *. 2J-8-23.
*Slra: ,7V ", •
“f ee* by the
titiorilng. for. 9 i ft
for ttMfeipar
(wlthoqt spectacles) at the sale o
Dr. Johnson, li fobniary 1781. It
a\ves the date of tils death, SOth
June, 1878 at‘^he sge of 103 years,
said to be ih* oldest general In
Yours faithfully.
It Is possible that another Insti
tution In Osorgla is looking towan'
having the remains of General Og
lethorpe returned' to this countr;
for Interment In an Oglethorpi
shrine hut ths University, if It evet
entertained such Idea*, and It la said
that d(d at one time and met ob-
Jectons In England. Is not contem
plating it now, •
There , le a memorial to General
Oglethorpe in Savannah and thr
county of Oglethorpe, adjoinin'
Clarke, was namftd f*>r the state*!
founder, nnd a town in Macor
county bears, bis name’, and thssr
monuments, one In stone and the
othera a big county, and a , mcI -
shipping town, ere said to, be thr
only ones of consequence In th*
which we respond to this call wil! [state perpetuating hla name and
be measured not only by the de- memory.
America's Emissaries in Japan
Latest Estimate of Dead
in Yokohama Placed At
50,000; Tokio 30,000
None of the Late Wires
Mention the Reported
Plague Reported in Yo-.
| day’s reports from Japan
'indicate that the first es-
Tlilo I, the ofdclal American diplomatic croup In Japan, with which the Slnto Department nt Wii/i liig- 'timates Of the loss of life
to I, frantically trying to ie-ea:ibll«h communication. The picture win snapped olioord the Admiral | , .lomorro Kir oni-tK
-Incr Presldint McKinley In Yokohama Hcrbcc, at t ho wtleom* for the now II. d. minim r. I-elt lo ricih, and damage uy Lrti in
“ fires were
the men am Lieutenant commander Ilullna. aralatant naval attnrhe; iloph Wllaon. ihantc d'nffalrei quakes and
at the American embaaay; Lieutenant Colonel Chari ra Durnetl. and Cyrus K. Wood*, newly appointed I ^y.^rgerated
An Associated
ambassador to Japan.
Pinchot Hopes For
Early Settlement
Of Coal Wrangle
Miners and operators have made
I new k-onceaalona which Indicate s
posnlblllty of an early settlement
of the Anthraeite coal strike. Pin-
rhot's nlan la now meeting wjtfc
I partial success. *
Athens Selected As Urban! HARRjsm)R — and op-
Community m Southeast orators came nearer to an agree-
For Health- Demonstra-
., , n , ... . before. Important conotsalona wer*
tion. Is Big Achievement. I made by both aldea and. In fact.
! all rf the principal barriers lo S
The vancuard of apeclallata to | n , ulemrnt of tho coal controverar
conduct the Uve-year Child" Health • which has abut down the sntbra-
Cilnlc In'Athena under auiplcea j r ii 0 mine shavo bean sat aside
cf the American Child Tealth Aa-1 p v nrrremem of minora and oper-
la expected here within atom, with the exception o| the
•he next few weeke, It wee learned . un ion demand for Increeaa In pty
Friday. | greater than 10 per cent for dey
Dr. J. D. Applewhite, county WO rha In the field end the further
The Day’s News
League prevents break with Ital
Ians and keep* upper hand. Sit
uation over Grecoltalian break
looks better.
Latest reports from Japan
former death lolls much exagerat-
Agriculture department report!
Improvement In agricultural condi
tions over thla season last year.
Athena Red Cross starts out to
aid sufferlnk Japan.
Pinchot and mine figures comlru
closer together through recent con
cessions of miners, and operators
Baptist mission houses in Tokio
reported destroyed; missionary*
Oeorgla announces that grid prac
tice will start Monday morning
Newr York reports that subscrip
tions to Jap relief fund hsvc
reached $2,00,000.
University says It la hot seeking
removal of Oglethorpe’s renutise.'
health commissioner, stated
definite ilmo has been set for the
arrival of the specialists who will
conduct the clinic but le thought
It will bo started within n month,
Athens waa oeleten as the alt*
for tho clinic after competing with
ever IfHrty-two cities in tho south
east, the last threo In the race he.
tog Danville. Va.
Va., and Athena.
union demand for the "check ofT
system of collecting union dues.
It w«s originally proposed that
only three clinics be conduct***!,
on In each section r.t the coun
try. However, the claim of Athene
’T-'vernor PlncLot’a protracted
r %r|„nt to brink'ioperators and
miners to an agtocment upon the
four nolnts which he tendered aa
Charlottesville, i a r .t settlement of the diffi
culty. hat! been successful in part
he -mrounced. at the concluslnit of
executive sessions with them
Thirty.- He gave out n summary
nf tho situation, upon which Mr.
14*win would make no comment
hn which 8. D. Wnrrlner, chair
man of tho operators’ policy com-
U. S. ’Monthly Report
Says Agricultural Condi
tions Are Better Than
Same Season 1922.
(By Associated Press.)
ATLANTA. Ua.—General ?grteu!f
tural conditions outside the. wheat
belt are nppdivntly someWi pt bet
ter this season than last according
to the monthly agricultural review
of the United 8tstes Department
"The Esat,'the Houth, the Corr
Belt, .the Range Country, and thr
Pacific Coast apparently show im
provement both In position pa t*
Mehta and for the outlook for fa!
Itgrome,” th* review atatea. •The
wheat situation is not to be over
looked, however. It Is hn acut«
symptom of the general and per
sistert maladjustment between Uu
returns for labor of country work
era and those of urban workers.**
Despite bedvy market receipts 01
hogs, prices have made a seasons
advance, the review points out
more than ■ 48,800,000 hogs went t<
slaughter dntlng the past flsca
year, or nbout 4,350,00 more then it
[radiogram intercepted
i here estimated the casual
ties at Yokohama at 50,-
000. -
■ Eastern News telegram
said 30,000 bodies have
already been counted in
West Tokio.
A Reuters dtepatclurafll
that all banks gre reopen
ing. The Bank of Japan
is intact according to a
dispatch. It is difficult to
get correct pictures of the
scene in the ruined zone
because of varying re
was so IrslHtrnt and the location | n | t t j, e operators were represent*
rnmo": M,0 he accptabl*. -FJEf- >*“• *• «“{T
hern so admlrahlo that a fourth
won created In order to establish
one here. Thla was made necesaaty
because the committee In -charge
of tho rVrmmrmwralth Fund, with
which money the clinic Is conduct
ed. opened the competition to dtlfi
and counties both of a certain
When Athens entered the field
for the ellnto two of the origins!
three tad b«»n selected and both
In urban communities This left
It up to th© committee, (n fairness,
to iiclact a rural commiintt'* for
tho third site. However. A then*
won out when a fourth clinic wns
agfted upon, nutherfrrd county.
Tennessee la tho rural communltv
In tho Bouthraal whloh will bo a
tUo for tho ottor dlnlr.
Tho Cnmmonaroalth FubiJ
amount, to •BO.UOO.OOO anil la i’ac*I
In oondurtln* those ollnlc,.
IWXKO CITV.—The ahootlna
and burnlna all** V 200 nriaonora
h* the lat* bandit lender VVanelwo
Villa in Ohihiud’iia ei’ter tho bat-
Ilo nf San Andrea da la Blerm on
Bept. «. IMS. la related In n letter..
ed to hnxo left out nil of the de-
mnnda for nrbltfatlon of wn(e
Art Masterpiece
Back From TTiicf
With Death Note
RANCISCO.—Th* price- current of dleantlafnctlon which L
maetorplcce, “Tht 'Bn- atilt a factor to bo reckoned with
I car old
tnmbmcnt of cbrlaL” 0|hk:h wit*
etolen rcccnUjr from tho Crocker
Art'' GnllM?' al Sacramento, boa
botn received by The Son Fran*-
claco Call, accompanied by an un-
liaocd nolo rondlna :’'GQ'I has for-
qlvcn me. You will find my body In
Slow lake."
Tho pollen department Immedi
ately wna notified and a anarch waa
made of the taka, which la located
In Golden Oate park. Word of tha
recovery of tho palntln* also waa
aent to W. F. Jackaon, curator ct
thn cracker Art Onllery.
'The palntlnx wa* received by
The Call In Thunday’s malt. The
wooden nnnel of th* picture had
been hrok* nbut the painting It-
ed by Excelsior, t.-u-tl / Itnry Italian artlat, ,01 *d} ** »» inve«tl*."ttor In Ma>.
jt»ry #
movement shows more poek, lari
and meats but less wheat and cot
ton going out of ths country. Stor
age stocks of dairy products ant
eggs are slightly above the five-
year average.'
The Index of purchasing *owet
of farm products advanced slightl?
during July but is still seriously b*r
liw par ami tn agricuilutaU ctrcJcr
there la a resultant broad umler-'
the review atatea. Tha Index ol
p rrcbaalng power of a unit of farm
products In terms of other com
modules la placed at 72 as com
pared with 71 In June add with •!
In July a year ago.
Newspaper Man Dead
In Japanese ’Quake
Davis, of Now Orleans, fanner OeorqU was awarded tht*
nowajiapor man who was at vari
ous time, connected with tho A,-
•oclaled Preua on tho Loa Angeles
Examiner, lost hla life in tho Japan
earthquake, according to word re-
calved and sect to his brother
•air was ii not harms*. Tha nma- hero. Ha waa connected with -,a
tera(«fo<w».:j»*’ wtffcLoi-.aSii fis** fcwtg'SISaBS
iiirty day
Ih falling
first to
jer the thirtieth. Tho mora-
nient hnn p
due from Soptrmii
Septi *
toriurn ta innpllrabplo outsld'- t® 1
xono of tho disaster. Heavy fine*
uro provided for profiteers. ^
LONDON—A central newn die-
(Turn to Psq* Three)
Contest For Hanford Mc-
Nider Trophy Ends Sep
tember^ .'loth; Georgia
Holds It Now.
! The of tho Am.rir.m
Legion, though It locreaaed It*
mtmbcrahlp aaveml fold iu»t prlqi
to the convention here In loir
would like to havo the aflrhjiera-
tlon of every ex-aervlco mm In
th* county lo the race the Dcp.irt-
tnent of (.norgii la makln* to re
tain the Hanford MeNIdai
n handaome loving cup that 1.1
been dlnplayed heve, for the qrepl
eat Inercaae In meroberahip ovei
the pravloua year.
at th* New Orlton-
the first department ft win it. ana
on August 15th wax far In the lend
for lta retention with a pern ittage
an that data of 1JH. Thr n'nrVt! I
tmapatins atnte in Afttoc.1 -
percentage of M«. <>th
cU« with thla Ctn.o o
. * wi -v *
age trues/