Newspaper Page Text
■ 'i
I 1 .• • I fondant in fi fa, under and hy
Advertisements * - ° f *» w™*" i*u»d
vumv wi miifim, !»|i mvui Vi,
faSGIA— 1 Clarko County: GUARANTY TRUST C0RP0RA-
Superior Court of-Raid State TION against SAM WARREN, for
i nnfv: tH« nrineinal utim nf S37fi.R0. t.h«
ufl!S—■ j ttnatnte , re * Dum UA 08 1IIW.IC3V
f’JnvVARD M- 60HEN, HENRY to August 31st f 1023, the further
^dKNHFJMER- and ERNEST sum of $40.41 attorney’s fees, and
Jh’IIAEL, respectfully shows: ’he further sum of $19.75 costs:
14 ‘ 1. besides interest on the principal
1. besides interest on the principal
Petitioners! together with their g U m after August 31st, 1923, at
Muriates, oesfte to be incorpor- the rate of 8 per cent per annum;
MPC1U - * DIMP- _ L_S_ . if J __ 1
Jj „nder the name of the PINE- said execution being issued on, a mon seal, and the right generally
SorsT COUNTRY CLUB for the judgment rendered in the City-to do all other acts which may be
ltd of twenty years, with the Court of Athens in favor of done by corporations of a similar
*" ,—r said charter at the GUARANTY TRUST CORPORA-'-*—-
> ' ntmXf o a m
ifht renew, i
^ pies of isid . _ „
,? a ”ioTi ore the'promption of so- judgment e-sinst SAM WARREN
? intercourse among the mfcm- and - a special lien against the
' ar ,i the eftcouragement of above described land.
:JL ic =. and of* sports and past Said land wa s this day levied on
They desire the right to' by me under and virtue of said
Sd and construct suitable clnh execution, and written" notice of
tennis courts, golf course, the levy was given'the tenant-In
ItmniiiiC pool-end lake and play possession as required hy last,
for children. and Written'notice oftHe levy was
rou \ 3. citkn the defendant in fi fa.
v.ur petifincrl life,Ire the cor. fAfek claim deed for levy and
nratin'i to ul loraled in the City calf was executed by the plaintiff
' Athens, Clarke County, Geor- j n fj f a to the defendant in fl fa
i. ..m, and filed and recorded in the of-
ficc of the Clerk of the Superior
Petitioners ulesira that said cor- Court of Clarke County, as re
l,ion mafUiVe the right to quired by law, before the levy,
wt a board ordirectora by a vote Th j s 4th day of September,
,membera, and elect such of- 4923,
>' a8 they dee* adviaable, and W. E. JACKSON,
,rne and make! all proper and sheriff. Clarke County. Georgia,
swsary by-!aw*irule^andregu- gept. 7-14-21-28
ttions that ai
]virtue ui an execution usuca
'Augukt 31st, 1923, from the City
Court of Athens, tin favor of
corporation have the right to rue’eary by-laws ami regulations, andjJ
and to be suednterfxmtrart andiba to do all other things that diiyjbd I***
e„.-tv.iet,wl tin .eai C r,V ♦ Vl O HtlPCeSSfUl CUT- OUlU J
or uuuu w wwwvv a iv/ii uKuiiisv oaji w/\nnc*n, iur
r: the principal sum of $376.80, the
octition of AARON COHEN, further sum of $27.80 as interest
.1,,,on M. COHEN, HENRY to August 31st, 1923, the further
md County:
business, liquidate
tion, and take aH’.v.— .—
essary for Its dissolution and th
surrender' of 'its charter, when
ever the holders’of two-thirds of
the outstanding cohinion stock of
the outstanding common stock or vote of two-tmros ox
said‘corporation shall vote in favor outstanding at the time,
thereof, - g. They desire for the said in-
iry and may
ig on the ob- GEORGIA—Clarke County:
ition, and also Wi u Be sold before the Court
, common seal, jj ousc d oor j n sa id County on the
to alter, amend fj ra t Tuesday in October, 1923,
ue nnu_ n;
- , , I J. I lav * Uvoiiuj: 1,1 "
ylawa in accord- within the le(ta | hours of sale, to
ititution Whec tho highest bidder for cash, the
following described lands, to-wil:
Those two tracts or parcels of
have W j an u situated in the town of Win-
snt.tleasfrf**: (erville, Clarke Courfty, Georgia,
” And described as follows:
(1). That tract lying on the
the purpose* .of ehq corpora- fj or therly side of Church Street,
, with thV rtftfer th dupose of at a point 282 feet
, ’ and to execute notes and aout h e ast of the intersection of
i£ evidence :of indebtedness chur , h and Harris Streets, and
urred. or Which may j 1 ? running thenco Southeast along
and to secure the »amb h? Mid . chur( . h street 125 feet, thence
Heage, security deed, HW along said Church Street
or other form of hen under 166g fcct to Dozle r street, thenco fw'.oi'og
laws. Novih.n.t along Dozier Street Sept. 7-14-21-Zg.
»#*» . o ,, V..J 102.4 feet, thence at right angles
hat said corporation shall have , n B Northwe st direction 176 feet
apital stock except zuch prep- tQ „ po|ntt thenceM right angles
as it may acquire f r °m votun & Northeast direction 25 feet to
, donations, and dues and as g . pojnti thence .4 rlg ht angles 60
Lenta levied upon its mem fcc *J tQ a po int,Ahcnce , at right
That the membership in said gn(j]es 50 , fee t to a point, thenco
.ration shall be ,U W CC * j?? again at right angles 60 feet to
;,fcr and assignment__under c * ner lrt No . 10, thence South-
7, Petitioners
m. u , lvl .^„ lS -- uunHnm x xhudi uuxvx uha*
Oration of said time.' TION against SAM WARREN on v. retiuoners iurtner oesire
’ 2, ■ . August 31st; 1923, for said sums: that said corporation ' hav^ the
»n, a f the purposes of said cor- said .judgment being a, general right-and i»ower to uWcontinue
Tn «# - 0 . judgment against SAM WARREN busipms, liquidate f thd Corpora-
I legal ‘jrtfeps nec
, Shall cxisi, Tj ij
with such bylaws^
ey desire
tlhe power and authority
for and accept MM"®;
s charter, or either form
, by n vote of.a ma-
H P j£Lnr.ud under the name Eas'
« .j with powers, 200
style aforesaid, WK ‘herein tend
and to be suedjitarcontract andi ba to do all other tnings mu oijfin
contracted with, rto .toy, selLirenb,I necessary for the successful car-
own and * manage * all such prop-1 rying on of said business, includ* --
erty, real and personal, as may beiing the right to buy, hold, and sell P
suitable for the purpose’of the j real estate and personal property a
corporation, to issue notes, bonds, suitable to the purpose of the cor-
or other obligations, and to secure poratiort, and to execute notes ana
the same by mortgage, security bonds as evidence of indebtedness
a—a a-.a , *v er f orm i ncur red, or which may be mggl
now or red, in the conduct of the atiairs
of the corporation and to secure
the same by mortgage, ; security-
deed, or other form of lien, under
existing laws. ,. . .
7. ■ They decire for said incor
poration the power and authority
to apply for and accept amend
ments to i‘s charter of either form
or substance by a vote of a ma
jority'of its stock outitondir- -*
the time. They also ask
ity fob [said incorporeton - ■---
up ltd affairs, liquidatd and dia-
continue its businels at any ttme
* Jatorminp to Hf
County. Georgia, in w
page V. JM1/5 aylHdi
Said property having been lev
ied upon and to be sold as the
satisfying ft certain execution is
sued from‘the City Court of A th
ine some oy mortgage, security
deed, deed of trust, or other form
of security under laws now or
hereafter exisftinfif. Petitioners
desire that said corporation have
the right to have and use a com-
‘ * ‘ rK€ _
WHEREFORE, petitioners pray
that they be incorporated under
the name and style aforesaid, with
the powers, privileges-and immun
ities herein set forth, and such
others as are now or may here
after be allowed corporations of
a similar character' under the lam
of Georgia. ,
Attorney! for Petitioner.
GEORGIA—Cl»rke County:
Clerk Superior Court, Clarke
Plied in office, tnia 6th day 01
September, 1923.
Clerk Superior Court, Clarke
County, Georgia.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
Clerk’s Office, Superior Court.
I, E. J. Crawford, Clerk of the
Superior Court of Clarke County.
Georgia, do hereby certify that
the foregoing Is _a true copy of the
iicatlon of Mrs. C. Y.
application of Mre. C. Y. Wid,
Sr., and A. L. Wier, for incorpora
PANY, as said application Ap
pears on file In my office.
WITNESS my official signature
and the seal df said court. thls
the6th , d Vj. C&WFote
rierk Superior Court, Clarlco
County, Georgia.
coiner oi x> w .
h rules biiu - on j westerly along the easterly line oi
described i» the_bjJ»ws, wd ^ No _ , 0> 150 {act to_ tho begin-
ig, being lots Nos. II to 21. in-
‘ in Blbek.A, of subdivis-
&inlal--Drov«, ai per pl«t
porfeBjirf-Deml B# : 19. P«4e 0,
,Wrke Countv Records, i - •
[la.: ,.^v«sue ,.<or
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice ia hereby given that L.
M. Smith, as administrator ot L.
L. Smith, deceased, having ap
plied to mo by petition for leavo
to sell the real estate of sa d L.
L. Smith, deceased; the sale ti
take place at Danielsyillc, in ths
County where the land is located,
and that lin order was madi
Smith derew'd, will Uke noticJ
fhPt* I wilfSliB upon said appli-
ition-at tbe^wdtobor Term, 1923.
f -&**'*■• Ordinary of
V$nue Aor. ft'jT.w ■ Ordinary oi
.Yegtrfieaste^lr ft^ o« that
^ and running, thane, Clarke, t-o ^y, contr ary, at
sir .Georgia . Awm» “““ * 4 be
width ex?
(run xin. ,
in a Northematerly
■ feet to Church
said time, saidfeawAxiU
.,1 with nower to cell the land ai
Street, 0 and being N«- J g
Block B, of sub-
ed. with power to sell the lan
Danielsviue, Madison County.
rnd with suen aurnuu— >nd
’ j": p „
bE EN a MICHAEL, W.?‘ r ^-
fttorneya, <° r
• ^: c 'j a cr*aotd,
Clerk Superior Court, 12th day of October,
Clarke County Georgia. J • ■ favor of Mrs. Litsie S.
“vy and sale filed and
UIUU, »» * (i 0l
&Z&Z W&SS?
av of Septemocr, 1
day <4 August, 1923. *"’■ — - B ^. E . JACKSON,
E. j: CkAWFORD, CTlff clarUc County, Georgia.
J .vrars^T? HFORGIA C
0 S f r ^3 d co A unty;respcct*uny i sh 0 w.:
order of the court you
by notified to be »nd
he Superior Court of
ity, on the second Monday
b«, 1923. t<> an'"" P'antiff«
for total divorce. - j.
I in default thereof the Court
proceed a.,- to justice shall
itS tht Honorable Blanton
sonfl Judge of said .Court,
the l$th day of August,
petitioners desire, fcj
their associates and
! .uccessdrs, to be incorporated un
arc der the name and Style of WIEIR
uS »d maintain branch office.
;ierk Superior Court, Clarke
County, Georgia.
T & WEST, ; - t
tomeya for Petitioner.
'7-24. Sept. 7-21. *
|hd 8 p'“«[ ,n £y bU d«f”, “wUhin
Snd’iithout 1 tha y stat« of Georgia.
1- necuniary gain to itself an
1GIA—Clarke Omoty: fh ^‘'®l n a SttoicTS^. T h ?‘
ho sold at public "OytctyJfe, tiW». ■»”“ Jbennon rfgh
ktdil.r. or: bidders for said corporation o» .. s)1
tion Is pecuniery gain
^l* h ^*liular burtn«. o tb.t
1 ighost bidder pre bikers for
between the ^2** ho , U T,i°!
fPs sales, on the **ret Yue*?
n Oetober, 1923,
house door of the, j? 0 *™?
hoflse of elkvko I Couatjl
rfa^all of tho following Jc-
sued from‘the City Court of Ath
ens in favor of F. H. McEntire
against the said E. G. Fambrough
and A. H, Shannon.
Deed for levy and sale filed and
».*ecorded before levy, and written
notice given tenant in possession.
This 7th dav.of September, 1933.
Sheriff, Clarke County, Georgia.
Sept. 7-14-21-28.
Idine at States, for the Northern District
aii&oR- cf;&orgia. *
to Wind lit re: Chri* Jones, Bankrupt. No.
a 'Aim. laflR'in rtnnlrrunfrv.
,v may: determine to do so by a
vote of- two-thirds of its stock
». xiivy ac=ixv ,
corporation the right of taw
when and aa provided by the laws
of Georgia, and that it have all
such other-rights, powers, pnvi-
eges and immunities as are inci
dent to like incorporations or per
missible under the laws of Geor-
Wherefore, petitioners pray to
be incorporated under the name
and style aforesaid with the pow
ers, privileges and immunities
herein set forth, and as are now.
or may hereafter Be. allowedi s
corporation of similar character
under the
Petitioner's Attorneys.
Filed In office September 5th
1455 in Bankruptcy.
A petition for discharge’ Raving
been filed in conformity with law
by abpve-named bank»ppt, and the
Court having orde-ed that, the
hearing upon said petition ! be-had
ppnfpniKpp 9!). ■ at’ ten
E. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk.
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
Office of Clerk of Superior Court
of Clarke Coupty.
September 5th, 1923.
f, E. J. Crawford, Clerk of tho
Superior Court of Clarke County,
hereby certify that the foregoing
is a true and correct copy of the
application for charter, of AUTO
same appear, of-file in this office.
Clerk of Superior Court.
Sept. 7-14-21-28.
iropc'rty of E, G, Fambrough and
Vi H. Shannon for the purpose of
In the District Court of the United
Sta*"“ f-.a tli» Ynsdinri? l)!u<pif>t
ing and was the
oooVe r ati v e m e
Revs. A. O. Hood and G. T.
Carithers have returned from Jer
sey where they were connected'
with a revival meeting ihe past
two weeks. They report a good
meeting and the kindest treatment
at the hands of the Waltoft county
Messrs. C. M. and J. F. Bar
N. H. - SlBniflcam M affiSgZSuF
Sweetea yoor tlomach sod breath - only 25e
^ ,
DUUIIAM N. II. — Signfflc
ml.i rend, which i hos bgt-n sawplng
farm life have been brirtight about
by county dgent work* In the Interesst
of better farming, according to a re-
port by J. C. Kendall, director of e<»-
operlve extewdon work Jn the ITnl-
verlsty of New Hampshire. Taking
aa a basis cendlions In Sullivan coun*.
ty, where in August ten year* ago
county agent work was first begun
nett hav» seemed positiona in Director Kendall points o numerous
Atlanta and are now in that city. davMopmentna which.- h« attrliiute.
Friends are sorry to have them directly and Indirectly to extension
leave, yet extend beat wishes for actlvitlw.
nate W -securing
servfcis* of Mr. CI>
tJte'.Jhiancgemenfc c
e 6
Cures Malaria, Chills and
Fever, Dengue or Bilious
Fever. It kills the germs
that cause the fever.
ori September
ATLANTA, UCUCgiM, nutiLc- yf r
hereby given to all creditors and^ipufiats.
other persons In interest to ap
pear at said time and place and
show cause, if any they have, why
the prayer of the bankrupt for
discharge should not be granted.
2t. 0. C. FULLER; Clerk.
who is
■«as fortu-
tJre'.Aiancgcment cf his .wfetL
ghop here. Clyde is a winder an<r
is making good in the pydftaaion.
f^are placing
in bet-
Mrs. M. J. Naber s and son,
Ctaudis, of AtlanU were recent
guests of relatives and friends
GEORGIA Clarke County:
Will be sold before the Court !b;
House door In said County, on the
fifit Tuesday In October, 1923,
within the legal hours of sale, to
the highest‘bidder for ea»h, the
following describe^, property to
Mr. Curtifi Smith and ^family
Have moved here from —--
,,y oro wplrnmed ‘‘back home
their friends.
Mrs. Wreath Sellers of Atlanta
was a recenfviaitor here with her
friends in the-, city.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
Whereas, The Cccrgia National
Whereas, The ucergia national ,
Bank, Executor of the laat will of ® 4 . . 1q2:
Henry Harper, represents to the
Coupt in their petition, duly filed
and entered on record, that they
have fully administered said Henry
Harper’s estate. This Is there
fore to cite all persona concerned,
kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can, why said
locutor should not be discharged
im their administration, and re?
ive Letters of Dismission on'the
st Monday In October, 1923.
R. C. ORR, Ordinary,
bt. 7-14-21-28.
This September 3, 1923.
ln V c. ORR, Ordinary.
Sept. 7-14-21-28.
r.FORGIA—Clarke County:
Clarke County. ,
Witness my hand ajw oiwm
This September 3, W*o.
signature. 0rd i na ry.
Scot. 7-14-21 —
* The"p: ! t{tion of
of Clarke County,
J. R. Brantley,
Georgia, and
All that tract or parrel of lend 1
situate, lying and being in the
City of Athens, Clarke county,
Georgia, on the North aide of Hill
Street, known as No. 868 ’Hill
Street, ahd moro particularly de
scribed as follows:
Beginning ot a point on Hill
Street 226 feet West of Billups
Street, and running thence North
200 feet to a 15 foot alley: thence
Went along said alley 76 teet to a
point; thenco South 200 foot to
Hill Street; thence along Hill
Street East 76 foet to the begin
ning point.
Said land levied on as the prop
erty of R. G. Wallace to satisfy an
- ■ —i the 22nd day
MedtCmfcs L. : *H. ' Arnold and
Moiiio Buicc and daughter of At
lanta were here* with relative, -X0\
revival services at Antiocfi .bis
week. The attendance la good.
of August, 1923, from tho City
court of Athens, In favor of The
Equitable Lifo Assurance Society
of the United States against R O.
^Quit-Claim deed for tho purpose
of levy anil solo riled and recorded
aa required by law anil duo and
legal notice given to tlic defend
ant und tenant in possession.
This 7th day of September. 1923.
iORGIA—Clarke County:
Or. J. L. Pendley, Guardian of
rue St PuTiuley lux* applied to
for a discharge from hil Gnsnr-
inshtp of Clyde E. Pendley, this
therefore to notify all persons
concerned, to file their objectio:
tm --.. iL... OM O. U.4~
Nicholson Social.
And Personal News
if any they have, on or before the
**“it Monday in October next, else
J. L. Pendley will be dU-
arged from his Guardianship -aa
. R. C. ORB, „
[S Ordinary Clarke County.'
Sept. 7-14-21-28. • ' -
NICHOLSON, Ga. — Revival
services will begin here on Fnijsy
evening of this week tinder the
auspices of tho Fire-Baptizod ; Ho-
llnesz church. , Rev C. LWhWey
of Rdyaton and others will be in
charge. A canvas will be spread
near the church building under
which the meeting will he con
ducted. Services (lay and . night.
Your presence is cordially invited,
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
Will be told before , the court
house door, v>Id State and County,
on the first Tuesday In October,
1923, during the legal hours for
sales to tho highest bidder for cash
the following described property,
i One show case, one bar fixture
with broken mirror, one wall
counter, one sink,
j ..Said property levied upon Snd to
bi sold us tho property of Gny
Cow den to eatiefy a Distress
.Warrant issued in favor of Arnold
And Edwards, against Guy Cowden.
i This September 7, 1923.
W. E. JACKSON, Sheriff.
„ .... Hundred W
00) Pf “”Y“' 1 e f f „Mhe payable
vided into M*®”? moo 00) Dollars
of One .Hundred ($100.™, 1*0 k
1 that tract or parcel ot land
the- improvements thereon- IB
e County, Georgia, d
a as lot Number 5 of the B.
rane property, formerly land
rs. Beulah E. Sim.,-said land
ding to the sbrvoy of W. M.
t and a pUt of thc same U-
,f record in the office oL the
ot the Superior Court.
Irf having of 90 to time by » n n ' B 'onrt«k7 to any
” thc roml leading from outstanding common st«x, ThouJ .
ell Bridge to
isgj2S»e s»
^'“dljre tbaf said ^ora
tion have Hu thfaS time
L .WfV'ihey desire f« thorn-
gat^arsgioSid a
INO COMPANY, for th. period of
‘""ty^e* principal-office of «.id
reuTbut petitioner, desire the
Juht to establish branch -office,
within this SUte or elsewhere,
whenever the holders of a >nx °r-
tT.V ♦hn ttock may »o determine.
“ y 3 The oWect of said corpora
tion la pecuniary gain to itself and
“*4 ,h T£ h business to be carried on
lea. tto.
hn t& pu4°=-’ of storing, repafr-
in'rf, painting and washing of any
and all, makes of automobiles. To
pair batteries, tire, and tub*..
™ and deal in scrap iron,’
any other metal asj
• k*’ The capital stock of said j
corporation ah.dl be Five ’ntou.and
($5,000) dollaw, with the privil
ege of increasing same to th* »Mn
of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars
'OfiGlA—Clarke County:
"ill be sold before the court
id door in said county at public
wry to the highest bidder for
[h,j between the legal hours of
-on the fint Tuesday in Octo-
, 1923, the following de-
Ibed property, to-wit:
.. All that lot of land in the
city of Athena, Clarke County,
Georgia, on the east side of the
Oconee River, containing four (4)
serfs, more or less, having a front
age- on Jonas Avenue and being
the property described in a deed
dated December 22, 1917, from D.
51. Moore to J. A. Hunnlcntt and
Deupree Hunnlcutt, said deed re
corded In the office of the clerk
Ot the Superior Court of Clarke
County, Georgia, in deed book 16,
page 543; being the same prop
erty conveyed to E. G. Fambrough
and A. H. Shannon by deed of J.
A.-Hunnlcutt' and Depuree Hun-
nicutt, dated' February 8, 1921,
likewise recorded in said
Tho familiar face of Iff. J. W.
Turner is again seen jin our burg.
Friends arc glad td'note his return
hern tram Atlanta where he has
been several months.
Among those visiting ln Athens
Friilay were: J. H. Fick, Newark,
N. J.; Clinton Davis, Richmond,
Vo.; C. W. Adams, Covington, Gn.J
Miss Mario Deader, LogansvjUe,
Mr. Dock Watkins of Madison
county and Miss Ina Whitehead
of this place were-Happily mar
ried here, recently. This union
was a complete surprise to this
tntlre section. Miss Whitehead la
the daughter of-Mr. and Mrs. Eu
gene Whitehead and has a host of
friends hero that are interested in
her marriage.’Very little is kpown
of the groom in this community,
yet he is congratulated on winning
this fair young lady *s his .future
companion. .-
Your correspondent has returned
home from a two weeks’ stay In
there ha
,Mr.-Veata Llewsllyjt of 'Athana
folks' in
Rev. J. R. Sailors‘is conducting
' ‘ '.loch .bis
Athens Visitors
A. Johnson, Chicago; Mrs, R. P.
Spuncor and children, Gbjutpbus,
Ga.; Mrs. J. W. Harrison, .Colum
bus, Ga.; Mrs. J. D. Daldrop, Hen
dersonville. N, C.; Mre-. J, J‘1 ffV'-
Miss Naomi Jalte, Binjdnqhani,
Aio. : [ . ,‘ltt -e-iTP —
fheSmartestYou EverSaw!
rjr ^ s
r ^Advance
Fall Styles
r Sftet&atr&
Qjfi? £y/amous tS/ioes/orl^n
Th* alyl* illoatrated above (No. 1721) L
on* of tha many eiaaiie modela ive display.
Snappy Nut Drown Russia Bat; Popular Styltsh French
Last; Fancy Patterns and Perforations, Oak Tanned
feather Soles; Two Rous Goodyear Stitching; Rubber
Heels. A classy looking shoe and a whale of a value.
Hdre they are Men. Newark’s Advance Fall Styles with
all the Class and Pep of styles costing double or more —
When you see these Snappy Advance Fall Models you will
realize that :n Newark# you ere receiving more style and
more real value for your money than any shoe .in town.
Judge them yourself! Come in and* try on a pair of the !
niftiest models of the season. They will save you dollars '
also see snappy oxfords at S3.50. !
:*i :$
the Ur««*. ru -»« of Shoe Stor*a in tha United Stata*.
Athens, Ga?, Store, ,151 Clayton St., “Next to Kress.”
AH Newark Stores Open Saturday Evenings To Accommodate Customers
Jjrs.' A. H. Richardson) Boise-
mo.\ Ala.; Mr. and Mrs. L ; T~
Boochor, John N. Beecher, Etf-
minkharo, Ala.; Mia# i.Mnry, Gag5jv>
Warren/ Ohio; Miss Carolyn Brovk,
Ithaca, N. Y. "fS V: I
. W, A. Smith, ChaUahao$a, Tonn.;
rt d s;.rSi&' c hh u
Lttdslngcr, It., Atlanta; rnul
Lasher, New York City; , T. M.
Patterson, Madison, Ga.
J. D. Camp, Atlanta; V. A.
m to tnis Bchlffor, Milwaukee. WIs.; J..«•
hltehead is .Stephens, Macon; M. B. Craig, At-
- ' lanta; C. A. Plummer, AtlanU;
Mrs. E. 8. Wall, Birmingham; Ar
thur C. Hoenig, New York; J. It.
Fr.rsylh. Denver, C61o.; H. »•
Hughes, Memphis, Tenn.
vlilo’s first hate of cotton- woe
grown by. L. V. Donn&rd, a farm
er living about four miles cast of
tho dty. It weighed 483‘ paSMa-
t\T ’Twenty** ive l lltiunwi 11 * IGU i
be i&lBkfCtBurtoo
l. : AH that tract or parcel of
Id lying and being in the city of
hen».‘ Clarke County,- Georgia,
tinning on Jonas Avenue at the
Dperty line of J. A. Hunnlcutt
i Deuprcc Hunnlcutt, and run-
|g[ thence in a northerly direc-
p along Jonas Avenue a dis-
KC of 100 feet; thence in a
sterly direction along the prop
erty of Jonas 212 feet to the,
property line of Mrs. A. V. Bur
ton; thenco In a southerly direction 1
feet ilmg the property of
_J Mrs. A. V. Burton; thence in
an easterly direction 212 feet to
the beginning point; this being
the same lot deeded to 54. Stent
the stocklioiaem, now ‘“,71
divided into .hares ofone hundred
($100.00) dollars each. Ten per
cert of the amount of capital to tne-nme tot aeeoeu xo m. ow...
he'employed by them has been ac- by Mrs. Katie J. Pope, and record-
fiv nafd in. led in the clerk’s office of the Su-
1 (Petitioners desire the right to perior Court of Clarke Comity,
have the subscription .to said cap^jCcorgla, In deed book ts. folio 12.
lul stock paid in nionny or prop-lThiz lot containing one-half acre,
iu to be taken at a fair valua-i m ore or less, ana being the same
Pis!cc' d and S°Sr« ^loK ^
g&fc to'a
WM ^WriwISriF^WM^^’t-.- Gm ’ hf
rdaii in ike ofBcc of th» iccmmon,, „ Pct! ti 0 n.r* desir* tha tight|
of the Superior Court, in|nnd with snob ^ by j la ^ an d he sued, to plead and
look 10, page 034.’’ „ 1”. n SL r Ju, impler *"
ty-rf SAM WANRBN; Witloncre desire that s.Kflcommon
S e or le*#t #no -a».w —
petty conveyed to E, O. Fam-
ugb and At- XL, JShjHiJion fir
Copyikb* MUHiHbm$i d Ki^psJmna-
Do you know this one?
You’ll know a Kuppcnheimer suit any-
iwhere. You know the kind. of. fellow who
jwears.ohe.of these stylish suits, too.
[e’s up-to-date, alive to every opportunity,
ikes pride in his appearance. lie chooses
^because they express his personality
trim models now on display.
Shoes, Hats, Shirts and Furnishings
for Men and Boys.
Just Try the Van Heuscn Collar.
. ’Corner, Broad and Jackson Streets