The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, September 13, 1923, Image 1

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    Investigate Today I
To Regular Su
f1,000 Accident Policy Pm
^ t 4—4* 4~4* v 4—4» IT **T ■*—»- ...... « ;'-«g
$25,000 Loss In Skelton Bakery Fire Early Thurs
' • . . . ... .... J. A-J. 1 4—* 4—4>‘ 4H 1 4—4- 4—4* 4*-4* * + ■
4^-4- 4*—4* 4—4*
4^4* ' 4—1* 4—4*
^ .*_* +-* 4~-4* 4-4- 4*—4- 4-4- +-* -r-* -r-r -»—r -
Another Victim of Athens" “Parlor Window" Burglar
4—4 1 4a-+ 4-—4-
4—4* 4—4- 4*-4*
4—4-- 4*—4* 4-4-
RELIEF WORK NOW Lloyd George Is Coming
Many Foreigners Thought
Dead Now Found Safe
in Kobe. Relief Vessels
Another victim of the burglar with the penchant; *
>r nSor window entres was discovered Thursday CLEANING UP CITIES
hen it was learned that the marauder eritered the is MAIM TASK NOW
jmc of R. L. Cauthen on Milledgc avenue Tuesday
omitig, stealing a bottle of perfume, a Mddn»-
,t, levying behind several pieces of silver, also the
ft to a Coming bride.
The burglar entered a bedroom
, l|,o second floor of cau.hgl
avrpon the atreet frr.m tht
one of IV, W. Crews, alao robbo#
e name night. He took ft pair
trousers belonging to ft young
n of Mr, Cauthern, took them -to
e parlor window, ran thruogh
rm and departed the way he at. •
red, through the parlor window
The burglar's Anger prlnte Wert
t behind. The bottle of perfumt
in found mleolng M M'ii Oer-
ide Parhnm, who with her fath
If. J. Parham, realde Ih tnt
uthen borne. The perfume wee
wedding preaent to Mlaa rarbam
veral piece* of allver belonging
L-prni piw ul - we.--w-v-
Mine Parhant. 0,1 the table whan
• perfume waa placed., were len
Mnd f . I .
Hr, Cauthen woa away from
me whan the burglary "reurred
t Mra. Cauthen end her children,
. Parham, hla daughter and eoi
il Mra. Caiithen'a mother, were
the home. The burglar rnter-
the bedroom, opening and doe
■ a door 1 loading to tht- upatatrr
II without .awakening anyone.
he name night Coach Oeorgt
odruff 'waa robbed of a v *lu-
. gold watch, a 1400 cheek at
home of W. W. Crewe and tht
glar waa dlacoyered In a bed-
m in the home of B. H. Dorsey,
Mllledge, A f * w block# aWay
ran and eacaped when Mra
n Nicholson and Mlaa Martha
holeon; occupants of the room,
covered him. He etole nln#ty
tn at that place, leaving behind
In a allver -merit bag on W
re. Cauthen did not notify the
•e nf the robbery, thinking ht
Id return It they kept quiet
elated ahe would notify tht
:e Thursday. however
lartea have ber-i made.
rcentaem of Net Sale# For
Puhlir'ty Recommended
- By Experto.
low much ahonld b? put
a advevtialnt?
Enough to do the hn.lnrwc,
ron me. Abraham Lincoln a
twer to the nucetlon of how
g a man’a lego should be:
sne. enough to reach the
■und." applies here,
lut there are tmited aver-
> that help detld* the prob
leaa messages V
by a tidal
Cabo, a smnU’f
west of Lower
above Cape Sun Lticas. The num
b«r of live* lost i> not known.
• Moat of the 500 Inhabitants of the
town are believed to have escapfd
to higher ground when the tidal
wave ewept over the place Wed
nesday, according to radio advice
nent out by a steamer which clear
ed Cape Lucaa shortly before the
To Complete Education
Will Take Much Time $o
Put Devastated Area in
Sanitary Condition and
Start Building.
. TOKIO—Relief ships have ar
rived with groat quantities of sup
plies for relief % of euffert of the ro-
cent earthquake and now that sotm j
of tho excitement of looking fo |
missing loved ones haw calmed j
down the work of clearing up
Pl&ns Underway
For Celebration
Of Armistice Day
$'4 UftS ceei.lg » .-r—
j Many foreigner* from Yokohama
who were formerly-thought dead
are now reported to Mfve arrived at
WASHINGTON, <t). C.—Ambainft;
dor \yooda In an undated radio
message apaprently eent from To- (
Armietlce Day In Athena this
tall, an usual, will bo dlatlnc-
tivo In tho manner of lta nb-
eervance. That la It plana that
are now under way by tho
flTSHU dai several, days ago, reported to
XL on th , I the' elate department ^today that
ilifernla, lull “ " '
Is Succeeded By Peter S.
Twitty Mohday; Made
Splendid Record; Enters
Business Here.
J. Frank Rhodes who haa been
In Atlanta for two yearn, where he
filled the etatehouae office of Game
Thursday, however. niw iu»
arreata in connection'with th. «d/I.b warden^ return, to Athena
lot Ions ago the Dry Good!
rehahla’ Trade Journal f««
,e flgures for retall mof;
nt*. It Btdoraed tn exoen
ire for advertising of ap-
xlraately 4 3-4 per «nt»[
aalre for dcpartmCTt
re*, from 3 D 4 L> 4 Pf
t for a dry Rood" and ni£
in store: from 4 1-4 to 5
rynt for nn exelustve
dy-Vo-wear store* and r*
ted im exclusive shoe store
ch flourished on 2.6j per
m safe rule i«: Advertise
o a definite proportion al
• expectations for the
’* sales.
in- much do you spend.
Merchant, as compattdtu
net sales, for sdvertis-
auu »«.»—«
upon the explrsUon of Ms term
Monday and will engage In busi
ness here again. . ...
• Mr. Rhode* has maintained hla
commission brokerage bualnes.
here and, will again giro bis per
sonal attention to It. Ho wlll bo
succeeded by Peter S. Twitty who
was appointed warden after.he ted
served at private secretary to
Governor Walker since hi. Inaug-
Ur MrI >n ’Rbodea .made a splendid
record In «■» iame warden * of
fice and hla friend, here will con
gratulate him a« welhas
hlm home. He resigned as a nomt
ueeVor the legl.U^ '™'" *<■
county to accept the place.
the relief situation In the Japaneso
capital waa “now thoroughly In
hand." Five American deatroyera.
the ambassador said, had arrived
at Yokohama from Darien.
"All Americano surviving YoKo-
hsma on ships and. In safety,” the
message said. “This embassy has
evacuated 140 American tourists
and 31 British tourists from Tokio
on American destroyer*. Relief
shine being loaded In Telngtao and
Manila. Arrival nf fleet removes
danger ol hunger among Ameri
cans.” ,
Another long lint "of Americans.
:> 'dorinlteIy known to bo Sale," was
forwarded»10■ tho elate department
by Conaul Dlelfovpr at Kobo.
. <» i
Li. c.
Being, Prominently Men
tioned in This Connec
tion; Former Head of
Normal Scohol.
American Legion members ma
terialize. and the chances are
they will.
November 11th this year
falls on Sunday and Instead of
day WHhiUf monster Sunday
service oft Sanford Flotd, ns
The exercisea will take place
In thfc afternoon, very proba
bly, to keep from lnterfemng
with the regular church ser
viced and all the churches,
Will Make Arrangements
to Supply Trade Tem
porarily. Flames Held in
Check By Firemen.
Fire completely destroyed tht
building occupied by Bkolton’i
IJakery on Washington street earl:
‘Thursday morning, the damage ti
stock, fixtures and building amodn'
l-g to appruxlmatsly $26,000. The
structure and bakery were two
LONDON—With a great
past, behind him and con-
vinded that there is a grea J
future before him, Davit
Lloyd George, 'England';'
war premier, hopes to sal"
for America on Sept. 29.' Hr
wants to complete his educa
tion. He wants ter see tha
America concerning which
he has read so much.
"America" to Lloyd George
moans both tho United States and
Canada. Ho has never, forgotten
Oio Conuck'soldlcrs, nor tho Amer
ican doughboys. And he; wants to
sco the two countries. d wh ch
ihoso fighting wen werj> -brought
up. Ho Is oao of the outstanding
Hrltlsh statesmen who believe tho
future of the world largely depends
upon wrnt tho United $tatcs and:
^Ilpsnitftk hiT 1,1 undoubted Iona-I ^ , *^ ton ”" trfct iaw the f,re nn( '
standing doilre to“ this ‘11
^o W m°tan^U l, reCl^rg e t t^ ! m ' n «“ Wa, °'
England and Franco liavo b-como i ,
oven more critical than they are-HOl-D FLAMES
no*, cr If It look* ns If there iCHECK
r i , 0 mont , ’ 0 i a -5 0l wm 1 c«’ol aU P on r : When hi. men reached the Ore
lament, L, O. will cancel all on McDorman etalea, the entlr.
gagementa and stay right hero on L ul|4lng , <urn |ng. part of thi
tho job. ... I roof having fallen In *Jth tht
.. E U. ' ' >0,lt| cal oml lnttrnn- - ( | 01nr „ ||„klnr the lop of the three
tlonhl barometer n set 'fair ho , tory bunding Juat be'ow. The fir-
will go to America. Parliament j (M ,alen down by water am'
mcetaNov. 13 anil he will have K> conftnej't» the building occupier
arrange hie. trip accordingly, ' liy the bakery, however.' Origin
"L. G." I* not going over on at of lt)B |, unknown,
lecture tour. He-will deliver no. Th . Game* reached every pari
talks for money. So far as possible „ t the bo|„ r y, the charred rullni
ho will not talk at all. lie want# tn tha dirflculi
Madrid Declares
Martial Law As
Officers Revolt
(By Associated Press)
MADRID.—Army officers at Barcelona have re
volted and martial law has been declared. The rank
and file of th,e army joined the revolt but the navy
C ersonnel remained quiet. The council of ministers
eld a special meeting this morning to consider the
structure qnu nnKPry wire *
thl-flH covered by Insurance. itateK) situation. - 4-
J. n. Skelton, manager of the bak-.. King Alfonso will return to Madrid Thursday. An
The building, owned 1 by Tan | official statement said that the captain general of
wright and Hugh white caught B arce i ona ^ad proclaimed on his own responsibility a
fire about 2.20 ocIock_Tluirn r ... Af-t-lnfo to annnnrt
About ii*2q o’clock Thurs* Ditl LvlUHa * mu |/i uvitiuiiwu uh $t$w - "h * »/
d"y morning, patroimnn 13d pon. state of seige and invited other districts to support
welkin* hie beat on tho lower end t,la notion Tn oortoin rliotrintc sfntpment said it
u talk* for money. So rar aa poeiinie | <lf , he bakery, the charred rullm
either Saturday or Monday It ho w ,„ n0[ „, k at >n . He wants [,„ arlnI tentlroony to the difficult
la being planned to observe tho to see and hear. fhnttlc the firemen, f£pm both sta-
day with u monater Sunday 1 tionn. hod In holding It In check.
vices, sad all in?;*,
Sunday.eciioila end cducatiun-
al instltutlnus will bo invited
to attend and participate while
aomo mlnlater oI;itat(onitl r;-
pute will be Invlled to d-liver
tho "Armietlce Sc
Athens Lacks $20
Of Raising Quota
For Stricken Jap
Sevonty-flve zubncriptlons to
tho Japaneze relief fund here
nmoont to $477.35. with a llttlo
Hkelton's bakery Is one of
largest ’ In ths ststs.. suppling r
large trade. Mr. Skslton stated
Thursday he will wake Immedtatr
I arrangements to supply his trad*
.4 fempornrily andj plans for re-open-
| iiiM in n iwiTiM66ut iiivp wul It
HOME—MuanoUnl' bar notlfid
the world that ho b v-oniwttnt 'x
handle the brcco-Itallan vltuailon.
At any rate in B etattlhent madi
hero .Wednesday.which h o mado
Proceeds From Seven
Acres, Staked Off,
To Go To Baptists
had acted to hla aatbfactlon? Hi
had acted to hl» aatlafactlon. lie
nmoont to $477.36. with n llttlo bo trilled by him.
more than twenty dollars yet to —a
tori Tyib|ihs,T#odfjqti T , rr . r - r - TS
noiw «UtPr -of - T-nd CWLaMito’ Ob*
server, presidents of the eigth and
xlnth district associations, will
preside at the Joint sessions.
; Following the usur.lhlpbder Ol
business and JuigsJfortson'ji, nd-
** 7 t0 ~tav O wh'lch h' n o made froce^i fron, wMvll are So t»'gtj.t ^^^5° nccordlnr<lW WMUpMt'
hero Wedoewlay.wh eh h 0 made (i> tJ ^ nfii(fttn , niit)|tii| , ( , |itir) , ti jni[n;
nubile he any. h fJJ*ended totejep c ^,j„ g lhc ^.,0. Ber. H.:$L M.l. * "What Does tt CoiL per Thouh-
Lv r ’& >-»• (tum to p. B c six)
ARLINGTON op, — Seven; far-
nwra, rcildlntf near thlX: toWn$ have
staked off sev^n acres of Isnd the
prorefds from which nr® to be’ fhO','!
to thi# DJuffton Bspltst’ enurrh. 4«-
-.,.^•1.,.. tkX u.Mo tf ‘u U.l
King-Hodgson Co. ;
Has Barbecue For;
Employees on Wea,
^‘Sn’c^e? “and NXhol«,n
Over a hundred """gj
prepared barbecue wan aerved. and
In addition. dr,n, ‘a (unnamed, p
ably soda.) and -'bar «ft«hm.^ta
Good country pcenenr, W"?
nnd drink, and good spirit* oil
combined to make the party a wo
] It will be of Interest bore
that Dr. a C. Dranion, former
preaidont .of tbo State Normal
School and* now connected with
tho University of North Caro
lina., la being mentioned- for
the governorship of North
1 Dr.-Branson 'baa been men
tioned in- this connection by a -
number of papers of the etaton-
hat the Sall.bury, Evening Post
believe, thgt he can bait eerve ,
the people: by being left .in-bis
prenent poaltlpn. An editorial
tn the Evening Post follows.
"The Charlotte News Sug-
genln that Instead of trying to
get Dr. E. C. Branson to run for
governor he be left where be
le without reference to a pub
lic office—this public office.
The New* aari:
. “it la a great honor to bo
governor of North Carolina, to
be governor of any state, for
that matter, and It la an honor
that carries with IL of course,
opportunity to be of great
eartwLtrt tf* fttlA'a
uppuituiiiv/ »» --
service to one's fellpw-cltltens,
but just now Ur. Hranson l»m
a field of service which he is
(Turn to P*3e Si-x)
moru IUUII tvtvuv; »—-
be subscribed before the * .<*0, \r
raised. It was announced Thurs
day by tbo Red (Gross.
The money will be forwarded to
natlonai headquarters Friday af
ternoon. The committee cannot
wait further to raise the quota.
Sevcnty-flvo persons have re
sponded to the appeal for relict
tn the stricken orient. Those who
desire-to nubsCribo In any amount
are roqqoated to leave tbo money
wlth.JfiL. Sexton at Flckett'a
Jewelry store on Clayton.
Tho committoo hi anxious that
Athens' qudta be-raised but wheth
er tho full amount 1s subscribed or
not the amount 'raised will bo for-
v arded Friths--nfternoon. Althnuch
tho quota ahotiM have been mb-
scribed by last Monday tho com
mittee obtained further llmo bu.
the limit bsta.-axplred. , ,
■ Those subscribing since the last
report follow: i '
Previously subscribed- ...... I328.W
Mins Ida Callawhy
Minn Annie Crawford ...»
Miss Lucy Linton V
L. F. Edwards
Mis Mnnrv D. Hlllsman ..
Jas. White, Jr.
H. T. Cook
Miss Julia Stovall
Commercial Bank —
Cash ... .*4
Mr. and -MraJR. I*. White ,
Athens Hdva Co.
T. H. Nicholson
Mrs. W. A- Msllory ......
Elks Charity Fund
KiK*A.nBmi5wwM ***»•
MfsaiElberta Roelofa ..
j, Dining 1'. ..»»■.1— 1,1 '
5.00 -
1.00 ‘
MtilU UA twin J11VULU VJhl.Ll VA.NPMA AV.S.S. VV w rrr v..
his action. In certain districts the statement said it
appears that the military forces are disposed to con
cur this attitude of rebellion.
*t? ir”” T *
An address on the question
negro migration to northern stater
by sfudee Blanton Fortson, of the
western superior court circuit, Is
expected to be one of tko princl
pal features of tho Joint seslson ,of
tho Eighth and Ninth District Press
Associations hero Friday. Tho re
marks at the Jurist wiJL .marlMhc
AnCLEOXA.—A Manifesto 1b*
sued by Captain General Rlvhra
who led *tho revolt criticises tho
present government and Ktigma-
(lies Vlio professional polftirian*
for seizing file power and atiaihil-
atlng the, power of tho king.
jin said the military would there
fore take charge. Leaders of thri
movement ’will seek to maintain
normal lifo In the country but will
take charge of nil.utilities and oc-
fc cupy headquarter* of the rommu-
nlst • revolutionary asRoelatlons,
prisons an dtho like.
Iating directly to subjc
he publishing,bui^nrss.’
Ernest Camp, editor of, >
of Mad-
Jt is stntod hero that
garrisons, notably those ...
rid KnratrcsHa. and Seville „ hay*
ftillierred to tho military rjbvoment
whlcji now must ho rocognjzc4y t 3g|
ti regular coup etat.
tTbc present revolt centers In
tliat hot be«t of axitatlon, Ihe dls*
trlet or cntal°nia, with Its populous
capital of Baarcelona. This has
Ion,- l»een .the scene of Garlisl
qo isplracy and a revolt seeking to
.restore the Carllat dynasty, line.
■ Hep-
Farm Activity All Over
Georgia Is Optimistic
( Bv AnnoriaUd Preae.)
MACON.—The defenze In
troduced several wltnt'ases
Thuraday who .-stacked the
characted of R. F. Mill* for
whpae alleyad flogging Dr. C.
A. Yarforouoh la on trial in tha
city court hare. tne w-tneatea said the
character of Mills wae bail.
Writer Revar'.-' testified seat
Mills came to him tha day .«ter
tha whipping and uld It waa A
fnmliv affair and asked him to
Investigate John G. Colbert and
John M. Howard. These two
were In the crowd that whip
ped Mm and arid the me.v
wore khekl and D’gglna.
Several minlatare testified to
the g®od character of Yarbor
ough. All tho dafenao witness-
es were asked by the atata
whcth v i- they were members
Of the Klsn. Several aiked to
- be : excuird from answering.
^losten admitted he had
.omode application for member*
WIUJ8TON. — With Clear.’
warm weather all week, cot
ton Is opening.rapidly and the
' Btreets of Wllllaton have tak
en on looks of old with wag-
. one of cotton and cottonseed
lining the streets. With- cot
ton selling above, 17 cents and
ased soaring towards a dollar
—reaching 87 cent* today-
farmers are smiling even
though their crops me cot
eomewhnt. Approilmately 100
bales -of cotton were ot the
WHIIston ginneries today. Over
200 bales of cotton have been
rold thus far UiU aeaaon In
Thomas Courtly’s Sacond Hog
Auction Proves Success
county's second co-operative
hog f’lo hold hdre. waa more
auccessful oven than the first
ond. according to W. W. Webb
of the State Bureau of Mar
kets. It was one of tho banner
sale* of the entire state, both
In tho prices and la grado ond
rlasees of tho hogs. He Said
that he had rarely orsr seen .
260 hogs that could class any
better than those sold here.
There Were three carloads of
hogs- and they were purchased
by the Hall Commission Com
pany, of Moultrie. There were
alx bidders cm tho ground but
this company hid In the lot.
The price paid was $4,000 for
the' Ilf hogs. Tbo price war
the highest of'thb season'and'
waa twenty points above tho
Camilla sale. Tho hogs were
brought frqm>ll-e»ct4<,J»Hl}|>
«h n Muititw. anil tha farm pm..
It In olno the center of the
I nrntlnl movement which aeeiui oi
man tho great commercial area
arming Tiarcclona a separata ctai.i
of southern Spain, detached from
Madrid os a center of ttbrihem
Sl, nia notable from dispatches lhat
iu- pronent movement la not rtv-
nentlc on the la direct
ed rgnlnnt tho profenslonal pfdi-
ilcinnu for seizing tho P“' vcr » n "
annihilating tho will of the .Mo-,
It la believed to bo tho result of
warring political facllonn. - -
. jKitw tiynt -'-“'T'ffhfl
said. If la planned to hold a
sals eitry six wesks and tho
next one will' be held on the
first Wednesday In October.
“V” to Open Boys]
Clashes ..on Friday
Night; Demonstrative
The fnhral Opening of $*a |wi
gvm cWItees tclll-'he held at Hi-
JI. C. A. Friday nlxht Septeznb.
14th. at S p. m. There will he uet
onrtrntldtie In ’ the type of "
done In th- different 'boys' ol:m»«
In Inarching catenthlcF. mat a-"
gymnoeWm'gamer, light appmi'
work and pool work.
1 Tho parents of tho boys, m-n
here of the Y and friends nrv "
vlted to attend. v
Various Typea of Dealers Do
Capacity Business—To-
bacco Money Flow*
MULLINS.—Trade waa good
In Hollins last week. Thi« waa
tree among all merchants—
grocers, dry goods, shoo deal
ers and druggists—every one
seemed to have had about all
ho could do and thousands of
dollars of tobacco money was
(Turn to Page Six)
Bcdcnheimer Back ~JM
From Eastern Markets
Mr. Henry Bodenhelmor. welt
nflvn Broad atreet merchant, hall
returned from the markets, wlmro
be made his fall and winter pur
chases of ladies readyto wear and
Hr. Bo8ca*Sh5d#, She most AthJ-
, ,n merchants. Wcxpectln* llrelv - -
fnl lbuslOesV.I and"madc bit ’
preparariona accordingly.
I B '