The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, September 13, 1923, Image 5
SHAT. New; ford Coupe «t Hdd On Charge Of Murder Following Fire Kiling One C0NOIXV MOTOR CO. : DECATUR, Tex.—Anver Dean It ^in Jail here with a murder charge to be placed against him Tuesday ■ according to officials. The, fire l which started Monday troyed the home of W„ H. Miles, near here, burned to death H. T. ,Jone«, 65 years old, employer of Miles The charge made by Miles ii substantiated bl his daughter. The daughter sdSra she was awakened and discovered Dean ip the house As he fled |»e set fire ta the house in which ten persons were asleep ■*3—rr MAYBURG’S 278 Claytott Street, ^ _ * • - ’ * • <S ■ For Friday and Saturday Fall Dresses . / Special $14.95 Smartly simple things—the good taste frock of Silk; Satin, Canton, Sateen, Flat Crepe, Satin Charmeuse and Crepe de Ghirie. Young ladies planning their college wardrobes will find our styles advanced and authentic and that Mayburg’s prices will ilot'o&rhix their allowance. Sizes 16 to 44. lilored Wool Jersey Dresses effect—they wtir _ fllaek, Drown, Tan, Gray. lftiifrii" See our styles before buying $11.95 MAYBURG’S The Small Shop of Big Values TRANSPORTATION SITUATION iuJ? Uf * ,, ^h*' e Mdit , of t the r c»rrier» r w l »«^b»d,'due f to , Uie 1< WfM»l 0 of^he , l , ''ienrt«te°cSn- E£S ^t’Umtry wn. then doing. Dretent time Americap railway. nre rendering to American buelnc.. more jrrice than at any time |n the history of the country. Iwaya are accompli.hing this achievement at coat to the traveling and ship- nj^phbUt. lower than prevail anywhere elae in the world. . |7^r to fit themselves toifj*.JwFSrtS ■during. 1923 for equipment, management la Juatified and one-half billion, of (Joll.m (»1^^.0M.OO). ln t ji e .pjrit ^industries. j A wlSm^^mt^sr jrMWcUve^^ 1 ^^j^^^ , ^J*J^J rt 1 ^J!2iSrtaSon ^rt"for Jra.-, generally aeem willing to permit a tnai p . jj 0 jj v iew can assist. “ nd R ' prcMnUtl ™ ,n Compress, their sentiments. “ i in bwuii»i»k Y Congress, their sentimenti. 1 Tha need of American taxtawj‘ h ,° eST^jSiSd to°eam^uffici*nt’money to provide adequate equipment and fadlltie. that will prevent these conditions. , . . , 'JffSLWTA the 'average wholesale pr, of. all ^material, supplies, tpxes. “ P rl!i wa in no condition to withstand necessitates the present level of ra***- j 1920 ^,ere was .^deficit of net railway 1 reduction, in ‘heir revenue, at prewnt, *" ln 1922 it was 4.46 per cent. th * tE T {prior to July 1, MW. .. .... n f railway higher than in mb while the Banner-Herald Want Ads average wholesale price of all com-1 . Too Lato to duality - modltlea Is 57 per cent hlghe rthan I ln 1,23. Itoreover, laat year, while .T in 1823. itoreover, last year, wane commodity prices were Increasing, I W g M TF.n_Man with car tu sell **"’**“ ...... .... ,w,u,_w i- J ve 1 , Mm p] e te line high quality tires and tubes. A. money making MR8„TATE WRIGHT H0NER8 MISS OTEY VINCENT One of the loveliest of the smal: social 'affairs, of Thuraday after noon was Mrs. Tath Wrlghf. small and informal bndie party for Ml*> Otey Vlndest who recently rs- i eturned from a very delightful trip to Europe. ■ Brilliant shaded sennit of yellow and red Were artistically arranged 1 Jn french baskets throughout the | attractive home. * „ ' . Delicious refreshments followed the interesting game, and prettj novelties were awarded as the. at* tractive prises. Mrs. Roku Rogers Guild young son Ned, have returned from Virginia where they spent several weeks. Mr. John J. Wilkins leaves th< latter part of the .week for New York : to join Miss Josephine Wil ktns who will "probably return home with him. WOMAN’S COMMUNITY COUNCIL TO GIVE KID,PARTY FRIDAY The Woman's Community Coun cil of Oconee Heights will give a kid party Friday evening ht f o'clock at the school which prom Isos to be a most unique and en joyable occasion. I MRS. JAME8 G. PAINE JR- ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. James O. Paine, Jr. enter talned vers- Informally her bridg, club Thursday ufternoon which as sembled two table, of players fol the usual enjoyable game and de lightful hospitality of the gracloui hostess. - * —in— Miss Margaret Sizer has return* to Atlanta after a visit in the homo of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Win* kins pn Milledge avenue. Mrs. L. A. khackelford of Haw* klnsville Is visiting her aunt, Mrs Fannie Crane. JU- The friends of Mrs. Alex Baye Jr., will be glad to know she is do ing nicely following an operation at the Athens General Hospital. —a&— -Misses Frances Talmadge and Jean Flnnigen have roturned from Bryson City and other points North Carolina.' PROF. AND MRS. D.FORE8T HUNGERFORD ENTERTAIN NURUB ON TUESDAY. Tuesday afternoon Prof. and Mrs. DeForest Hungerford enter mined royally the nursea of ths graduation claaa of SL Mary a hos pital on University Drive at a very delightfully planned picnic, follow ed by ii theatre party at tha iYI- ace. The gueste of honor were Misses Eatelle Scott, Nella Ebar hurL Coralee Ramey. Rose Delay and Benrila Mae Bates. CALLED MEETING ATHEN8- CLARKE COUNTY TUBER- CULOSI8 ASSOCIATION A meeting has been called of the Athena and larke county Tubercu losis association to meet In the Red .Croas rooms Friday morning at 10:10. Mi.a McGInley tho new purae hai arrived." and the cammlitee will bald its first meeting with her. P. t. A. MARY ANN LIPSCOMB SCHOOL MEET8 FRIDAY; 4 O’CLOCK ' The P. T. A. of the Mary Anr, Lipscomb Elementary school ol Lucy Cobb .prill meat Friday after 'anna at S n'cloclf. at 4 o’clock. „ . Mothers of the kindergarten pu 'pllsare cordially Invited to meet with them. WOMAN'S BIBLE'CLASB TO PICNIC FRIDAY All members of the Woman's Bl' ble clan of the Flret Methodist church and their families are re quested to meet promptly Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the church for the picnic. Cara will be pro vlded for alL The friend! of Mias Josephine Wilkins will be Intereeted to learn of .her safe arrival from on extend ed European trip. She landed on •he 10th at Montreal and Is now on a visit to her klnipeople. Col. and Mrs, Wyeth of New Tork. Mr. A. C .Bruce of Roanoke, Va le visiting hie motner, Mrs. W. H Bruce on Strong street cent. MV. Wlnbum asks if any oth er large American Industry reduced to the consumer the cost of It* product in 1922. He declares that the future de velopment of transportation hinges upon the ability of the railways t and-secure suffcllent capital to keep pace with the business demands of the country and nska for a .fair trial of the pr^seht transportation act for a reasonable length Of time under normal'conditions. Attention Is directed to tho fact that despite widespread public <le- liuf there io-no d per cent ■ "guar antee”' of railway earnings, hut that the law oh the contrary limits the -earnings of transportation companies without making up ;de Mr. and Mrs. Julian Miller nnd baby are spending two weeks la Mountain City. . Mr. Charles Blckerstaff Is spend ing a few days In Augusta. Miss Jennie Smith returned Sun day night from a delightful visit to Pennsylvania and Washington -D. C-, where she visited Mrs. Wal ter. Boawsll and Mrs. Hardeman Brumby. Mr, nnd Mrs. F. N. Drewry mo tored ,to Atlanta last week. WANTED—Bid on rough lumj Ate build cottage, delivered at Athsni, q£ . A- E ( , Davison. “ it J *mi. ficits. proposition for either full or part time. Exclusive territory. Sterlingworth Tire & Rubber ""Co., East Liverpool, Ohio. »14p MASONIC NOTICE' A regular communication Mount^ Vernon Lodge,, No.^ sonic Temple thia (Thursda,, evening, September ,13th, at 8 o’clock. All candidates prepared with thi examination for the several degrees will present them selves promptly. By order of, E. O. KINNEBREW, W. M. JNO. G. QUINN, Secretary. I.ESTER—Wm. Hiram. Friends of Mr. Wm. Hiram Lester and wife;’ Messrs. Wsrren Lester, Robqrt Lester, Wallace and WJHIe Lester, Mondames W. F. Epps, H. H. Paul, G. B. Smith. H. T.lMghle; Messrs. Wiley and James Leater, are In vited to attend the funeral for Mr. Wm. Hiram Lester at the Oconeet Street Methodist church Friday at T P. M-, to be conducted by Revs. Horton :and Quilllan. -Dunaway & Rons, funeral direcora. In charge. Interment will follow in Lester . ■ in, I,tv, on Ij-xlngtnn road. Read Herald Want Ads. Substantial Reduction in Prices of WillardBatteries Cars Washed tmd Dbpcd For All Cars. Trade in Price for Ford, Dort, Chevrolet $16.15 Clarke Storage Battery Co. Willard Service Station Phone 677 ' Athens, Ga. WITNESSES ATTACK CHARACTER OF MILLS IN MACON TRIAL (Continued from page one? ship and Dr.‘Green admitted membership. MACON, Ga.—-The prosecution lata Wednesday retted Its case In ike trial of Dr. C. A. Yurinvogh, Macon dentlit, charred with riot ing In connection q-lth floggings in Macon during tho past two yean, and the defense began Its effort to break down the credibility of the wltneuea -offered by the state. When conrt adjourned at 6:55 o’clock tho defense had placed on the witness stand eight witnesses, two -of whom attacked' the eredl- hlllty.of W. W. Arnold and five tho reputation of R. F. iMIlls, who Is the prosecuting witness In the case on trial. The eighth witness was put on the stand to testify regard ing the reputation-of Mills but stated that he could not say wheth er it was good or bad. Wm. Hiram Lester Died Wednesday /; SPECIAL SALEiOF CONGOLEUM RUGS Two days more you will have an opportunity to buy Congolcum Rues considerably cheaper than the regular price. I his sale wilflast for only two days more. Many pretty patterns to choose from. Majof and Mr*. Hunter Harrli Wil 1«peud Sunday at White Sul phur with Senator and Mre. William J. Harris of Washington, D. who ant sojourning there for o Qiontb. * The blends of Mre. Ben Thornton will regret to hear ehe epralneil her ankle very severely at Lake* mont gnd wue brought home thii week. 'Act'tura'^ver'to^^government'.'hau'of id earning, above 5 3-4 per cent. r^y. are ZStf BS5? !{»"g! ! %.o r '1-^Am.ri'c.n induat^ ,h.t ^ con sumer the coat of tte priancts. t ^ thing _the ability of The future development of transportatbn hl ^* u PJ ith the business demand* of th. Alhv.ya to aecure -offctent capUaljo To attract it, ln- th. ennntry, cannot b» Ate retirn, fair, and fr«do» vectors jnust be assured of a reasonaDie i-r :K railway management a chance to * -j- over to government ownership. Mr. and Mre. Julian McCurry have returned to the city after an extended absence in Atlanta, Mad* lion and Hartwell, and will be mos; cordially welcomed by their many friends. * The many friends of Mrs. J, A Darwin who has been ill for severa' weeks at the General hospital fol lowing an auto accident will regret to learn ehe is Buffering with i severe cold. w. A. WINBURN, Praeident. Central of Georgia Railway Company. Jtgvnimnh, Ga., September 11, 1923. Funeral earvices for Wm. Hiram Lester, eg* 76, whn died st the residence la Boulevard Heights Wednesday night at 8:30. will he held from Oconee Street Methodlit church Friday at 1 P. M-, conduct ed by Beva. -Fury, Horton and Quilllan., and Interment will fol low in Lester cemetery on the Lex ington road. Dunaway A 8on«, funeral directors, In charge. Tho following gentlemen will act as pallbearer*, nnd nre asked to meet at th* residence at 13 W., Friday: Messrs. J. L. Hltchell. Grover Preanell, L. C. Beavers, E. a Bur roughs, David Newtome and Alon- xo Anderson. . . „ Mr. Lester Is survived by his widow and tha-following immedi ate' relatives! Sons, Warren Leater. Danielsvllle; Robert Leater. Steph- ena; Walace L. and Willie L. Les ter, Athena. Daughters, Mrs. W. F Epps, Danielsvllle; Mesdamea W. T. Nash. H. H. Paul, G. B. Smith and H. T. Mahle, Athena, and two brothers. Wiley Lester, Wlnter- ville, and James Lestev, of Oconee Heights. Mrs. Marion DuBooe and yount son, liarvln, Jr. were called here from Dahlonega Thursday v. .. count of the continued Illness o: her mether, Mrs. J. A. Darwin., Miss.- Frances Taimadga and Mtsi Flanigan have returned from a de lightful visit to Bryson City and ether point sin North Carolina. Mrs.]Beil Steeiny and Miss Edith laaAl* n# Dnaslanhliss, abba eawls. Steedly ' of Spartanbur^are regie tered at tbe'Georgian. Tdrs. Steed ly nan* here to enter her daughter at ,Lu<&r Cobb, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Powell leave the latter part of the week for, ** v!;!t to AtlareU Ufurt uk- ing poMeeleon of the house recently vacated by Capt. and Mrs. John Nicholson on Cobb street. Mies Van Clave Wilkin* has re* turned from a visit of several weeks to echoo 1 mates in North Carolina. Miss Roberta Jonee left yeater- -V fir Athene, where l&c *.vUi ■J enendlthe winter at Lucy Cobb.— MacortTeleBraph. i'uijn* * 5110 BE MUST Congoleum Art Rugs 9x15 feet 9x 12 feet 9xlOVz feet .. . 9x9 feet ,-. .. . 7‘/2x9 feet .. . . 6x9 feet 3x6feet ... .. 3x4*4 feet - • • ■ 4*^x9 feet .... 18x36 inches .. . Without Border . $20.00 ,. $16.90 . $14.75 . $13.00 . $10.50 .. $8.25 .. $2.15 9x15 feet .... 9x12 feet .... 9x10*4 feet .. 9x9 feet 7*/*x9 feet .. .. 6x9 feet. . $12.00 " $9-60 ‘" .. $8.50 ....$7.25 .. $6.00 ... $4.80 $1.60 .,$1.75 3x6 feet- $2.40 .. $3.50 .... 50c UA? ivvli . ..-••• • I 4*/4x9 feet .. . . .... $3.50 Davison^Nicholson Co* ATHENS’ BUSIEST STORE SAVANNAH'. Oa—The two ont- stapding features of the t«n*l»r- tatlon sitnation at tho present time are th* fact that the railways are rendarlBg to American buelneaa more efficient service than at any time In the hiatory of the country, and aro acoompllahlng this ach ievement at cost* to the traveling and shipping public lower than pra- v*U anywhere else in the world. These statements nra made in a review of tho traneportaUon eq uation by W. A. Wlnhurn, presl- .'•nL r-ntral of Georgia Railway Comnanv* yrar thr railway* nre-texpenuinp for pquipmAnt,' ad'ditiong 'and ilfl «<rnt’i"rr«iTild Ahl* PllOmiO'l* *11101 O • 54 Sales and Servici 170 College Avenue Down Is AU We Ask to Install This Humphrey Gas Water Heater -Ifi Your Home! It insures" plenty of hot Water from your storage tank at all times. And It Costs So Little SPECIAL OFFER Only 95c down—*1.50 per month, payable with gaa bills. 819.95 installed. Thia special otter good only from Septem ber 1st to September 30th, 1923. ■- Athens Gas, light & Fuel Co. Only 95c Down Puts It in Your Home.