The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, September 13, 1923, Image 7
THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. 1921 tiie banner-herald. Athens. nr.oRr.iA Your Wants All of Them L .AD Supplied^ Here 2 Cents a Word j„cs for the price of fivo in- "au" 3 discontinuances MUST be irodrf ih person at The Ban- Jer-Hcrald Office or by letter, telephone discontinuances arc Sf- Val ‘ d ’WANT AD 7C lo PHONE *5# BANNER-HERALD WANT ads get results HELP WANTED-Male STEAM PRESSING REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE WANTED— deliv- - er papers on Universi ty Campus, South Jack- son and Baldwin Sts. Apply Banner - Herald Office. FOR SALE—Ground Bone food for the Chickens. National Mar ket, Phone 747, 124 Thomas Street. . CLEANERS THAT * CLEAN flats Renovated. White Pressing Club WANT ANYTHING? MUSIC SHOP FOR SALE—High School uniform with -- — 1 cap. Phone 376 or 62. sllc WE HAVE near Athens, a finfc Piano, slightly used and partly) paid lor, which we will sail to pary willing to complete remain ing mohtnly payments. Swd name and addres for full infor mation. Cable Piano Co., 82-84 N. BrOttd street, Atlanta, Geor gia. , V s!3c. Lost and Found Athens is just starting to grow. Get busy Investor, and “PUT YOUR MONEY IN ATH ENS DIRT.” LOOK AT ATLANTA The tide is turning and growing stronger. Get in the swim and help things boom. Two or three years from now you will be saying, “Wish I had bought something when things were low two years ago.” I HAVE SOME ATTRACTIVE OFFERS Lot 105 feet by tlO feet at the Seaboard Depot with improve ments. The finest place in ^he city for n depot rooming hotel. Dig demand for such an investment in Athens. Stores on Clayton Street for Sale. Stores on Broad Street for Sale or Rent. Pecan grove of 550 budded trees, some bearing, and 12.QOO nursery trees, situated on the Atlanta Highway near Atbctos. Fortune in pecan groves. Small farm of 55% acres on Atlanta Highway. Fine place for pecan grove. Bank stock in the different banks of Athens. Easy terms can be had on real estate purchases. FRANK A. LIPSCOMB, REAL ESTATE AGENT PHONE 109 WHY NOT GET IT WITH BANNER-HERALD ►v Want ads? A Few Slightly Used Phonograph? at a Bargain If Taken This Month. J. L. MORRIS MUSIC SnOP Phono 801-J. 255 Lumpkin St. WANTED—Boy to deliv er papers on South Mil- ledge Ave., Milledge Terrace and Milledge Circle. Apply Banner- Herald Office. / ptjta fraternity pins on same chain. Finder return to Ban- ncr-IIcrad gffice for reward. FRESH MEATS WANTED—Misc. The* rate on Classified Advertising is only 2 cents a word each insertion. 3 insertions for the price of 2 1-2. 7 times for the price of 5. 30 times for the price of 20. No ads accepted for less than 40 cents each issue. MEATS FIT TO EAT We Deliver Free. NORMAL MARKET Phono 1336. 1344 Prince Ave. fANTED—We will buy your WATNED—Boy to deliv er papers on South Lumpkin Street. Apply to FOR SALE—Bed room and dining room auite, ruga, rocker;, straight chairs, guu rango and Colo Hot Blast stove. See M. F. Costa. Phono 1131. site. pul,., hone and cow hides, bees- US and tallow. Oldest hide firm j Athens.' ATHENS HIDE CO., jl/rhomat Street^ * s31p Banner-Herald Office. BARBECUE f ANTED—Plain sewing. Phone 1722 or apply at 367' Strong St. s!6c FOR SALE—Six good building lots near tho corner of Milledge A\o. and Lumpkin Street. $500 each. Campbell & Barrow, 707 Hol- tnan Bldg. WANTED—Boy about 14 years of age to deliver papers around South ern Mill section. Apply Banner-Herald Office. Hare You Tried Our Barbecue? If not try it today. Wo Servo It Fresh Every Day. Flournoy's Barbecue Cafe 151 Broad St. Phono 1740. s27p Almost Everybody in Athens lULBS—Roman Hyacinths, direct from France. Cruccdale Green House. . . s!3c. (ANTED—fo buy second-hand slSp FOR SALE—Ono collection of old United States stamps, coins',' bills foreign bills and conls. Will exchange (or anything I can use. Arthur Howard, 261 Thomas St., Athens, Oa. a!4i>. Reads, The Banner-Herald show case, delivered. W. WANTED—Boarders WHOLESALE FRUITS AND PRODUCE Banner-Herald. RANTED RANTED BOARDERS—Can ac- commodate a 'f^r iftore table boarders, real home cooking, reasonable rate, cose in, Mrs. R. E. Fullilove, 439 College Avenue. Phone 1080-W. ollc. Female Help Wanted FIVE smalt tracts of land, Mitch ell’s Bridge road, near city lim its. Campbell and Barrow, 707 Holman Bldg. s!3p Merry Produce Co., 661 East Broad St. Phono 1461 Wholesale Fruits and Produce. s20e AANTED—Good atoady gtvll to »oik In ahlrt factory Nice, clean work. Apply lUvcr and Bridge Streets. sISp. WELDING AND BOILER REPAIRING MOULDING MOULDING MACHINERY FOR SALE—1 20- HP Farquhar Slab Burner Eri - ginc on wheels; 1 20-UP Frick Engine on wheels; several othei good engines and boilers. Alio real bargains in second-hand Sawmills. Woodruff Machinery Co., 41 S. Forsyth St., Phone Mifin 1568, Atlanta. Ga. Sl9c ANNOUNCEMENT Miscellaneous We Are Now Equipped to Mould Anything antf Everything in Our New Plant. SOUTHERN FOUNDRY COMPANY HENRY LESTER, Mgr. Phone 1351. 303 River St. We wish to announce to tho people of Athens that we are now cqupiped to do any kind of welding and boiler repair work. J. E. BASHAM Formerly with Georgia Car & Locomotive Co., is in charge of our Welding and Boiler Repair Department. HAVE YOUR SEWING Machine cleaned and repaired now, ready for fall sewing,, at reduced prices. We repair all makes. Work guar anteed. Singer Sewing Machine Co., Phone 288. Bite railroad Crimson - Clover, $9.00 per bu.; Dwarf Essex Rape, $11.00 per 100 lbs.; Abrozxi Rye, $5.00 per 2% bu. bag; Burr Clover, 5c lb, <re- cleaned, 10c lb.); Alfalfa and Hairy Vetch (market). Athens I PRINTING PRINTING FOR SAiLE — Furniture, quilts, pillows, dishes, oil stove, heaters, Collie pups. Call 1167, Cruce- dale. - »13p FOR RENT-Unfur- nished Rooms GOOD PRINTING IS AN ADVERTISEMENT FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Johnson Printing Company Phone 926 s Von Canon-Wall Bldg. - ] . ollc. VULCANIZING " TtlTOMOBlLE~PARTO SCHEDULES SEAfcOARD AIR LINE RV. lorthbound Southbound l:M a Atlanta-Monro. local 6:16 P Ml p, 1:14 p MI p Norrwk-Rlch.-N. T. 6:11 P 1:65 p AU.-Abb.vm. local 7:10 a B:« p AtL-Birmingham •:!» a 144 p Norfolk-WMhlnxton !:>• a 144 p WBmlngwn-N. I. *••** a Cleveland Roadster KELLER MOTOR & MACHINE CO. one <351 m West Washington St. FOR RENT-~Two unfurnished connecting rooms. Will rent sep- ' nrately or together. ^Reasonable. Phone 1237 or call at 137 Pc?k Am r / * , sl4p. USED CAR BARGAINS FOR RENT—-Furnished Rooms YOU-DRIVE-IT WATCH THIS PAPER EVERY SUNDAY FOR OUR USED CAR BARGAINS. CITY GARAGE & MOTOR CO. Phone 271. aeonafA railroad irrirt - , IM pa • U:ll pm * CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RY. W. O. Bolton. AgtnL.P Central of Georgia Station Depart for Macon T:M a. m. 4:45 p. m. Arrive from Macon 11:10 p. m. • 9:20 p. m. roe further information phono Auto Parts At Reduced Prices. Auto Wrecking Co. - 840 Broad Street. Want Your Car ' Washed and Greased. Bring It to Ul. You-Drive-It Co. Phono 661. J. L. SMITH, Mgr. BUILDERS FOR RENT—To gentlemen, two newly furnished roonis, connect ing bath, centrally located. Phone 1307-J* * 14c - JNO. K. DAVIS Builder 701 Sou. Mut. Bldg. Phone 1877. _ • COAL-COAL-COAL FOR RENT — Furnished apart ments, consisting of two, three and four rooms; Very desirable. All conveniences. Phone 1171 or ■call 980 S, I.umpkln Street. a!6c FOR RENT—Desirable well fur nished rooms with or without board, at 160 Cloverhurst Tcr- raee. Convenient to Ag. College. NOW IS THE TIME • TO BUY YOUR COAL HANCOCK COAL COMPANY ♦ i i VULCANIZING Good Used Bargains Phone 70? Phone 707 CAKES 1910 Dodge Roadster, $150. 1019 Dodgo Touring, $200. The Soule Cadillac Co. 142 W. Clafton. Phono 918. Invite Us to Your Next Blowout , Phone 271 City Garage & Motor Company STARTERS AND GENERATORS REPAIRED Send Me Your Order For Our Home Made ' Cakes, Plain or Fancy. The Kind You Like. MRS. L. L. FLOURNJ2Y Phone 1740. 153 E. Broad. Thone 142-W. Electrical Testing Equipment, Ignition a Specialty General Auto Repairing STARTER & GENERATOR REPAIR COMPANY i Roy W. Mcwbourne Genuine Ford Paris and Second Hand Parts for aII Makes Carp, Comor Clayton and Thomas Streets, Entrance Clayton Street. Day I’honc 131G. * Night Phone 5D8. FOR SALE FOR SALE—FBFSH COCOANUT syrup, made every wrick In our candy department. -ILF. Chris tian, Grocer and Candy Mfgr, Broad Street. AUTO TIRES AND ACCESSORIES VULCANIZING REAL ESTATE When Year Car Needs _ Retiring -Let Us Put Our Guaranteed Tires All tho Way Round. Motor Tire & Supply Co. Phone 1046. Cor. College & Broad. ■ Sl8c We wash and polish can, dope thorn all over. All work guaran teed. First class vulcanising. UNION VULCANIZING CO., 362 East Hancock Ave. §I8e LIST YOUR PROPERTY INSURANCE INSURANCE WITH E. KAY -the emilinq painter* Fine painting and Interior Dace rating Phone 1297, Athens, G*. H. O. EPTING CO. Athens’ Largest Real Estate Firm We Employ Only Expert Salespeople for Each Department. Watch This Paper Daily For Bargains T9 GO AT A SACRIFICE 40 1-4 acres on Athens-Win- tervile road, for quick sale, $2,750.00; this place has a five room dwelling and out build- ' NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE Lowest Net Cost Most Flexible Contact See me about our increased dividends. Also all lines of Insurance B. R. J3LOODWORTH i 212 Southern Mutual Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN •onertr at a very low rato of terest. H. O. EPTING & CO. W. Ussery Jay H. Epting Manager! Loan Dept, ionc 1C8G. Holman Bldg, f .i ' tofe Phone 14§7 USED CAR BARGAINS in Be sure and see our used cars before you buy. Our Cara ar. all hi good condition. LAWLER MOTOR COMPANY - Phone 1711 Phone 1711 PURE AND SPARKLING NATURE’S BEST REMEDY rater has thn wondsrlul taste, tha , M y„ .fur each glass BATTERY REPAIRING USED CARS 1920 Touring ....$14( 1922 Touring $21( FILLING STATIONS AND ACCESSORIES LINTON SPRINGS WATER H. O. EPTING CO. ATHENS ENGINEERING CO. Have You Tried tho New Navy Gas? it Will Mako Your Motor Step. Ms lerOy service station Phone 711. Smith Bldg. Cell for Either of tho Fallowing Salesmen! H. O. Epting J. H. Epting W. T. Kay S. W. Ussery f. P. Ingram. Jimmie Tack, Jr. Holman Bldg. Phone 1680. K It Ai, Year *~«2**^ * 8Brinfl Lbton Springs Water Company r Office Brotd Street McCormick and Dcering •Mowers, $75.00. Hay Rakes, $37AQ. E. D. Sledge Phone 1327-J. Service That Satisfies. Tires, Tubes and Accessories. Fhono 1357-J - Normal Heights Phone 1357-J Banner-Herald Want Ads. Read Bancr-Hcrald Want Ads. STEAM PRESSING V.444SUVV BY ALLMAN CLEANING, DYEING, REPAIRING AND PRESSING FOSTER PRESSING COMPANY Von Canon-Wall Building , Phone 1886. Wilbur Makes a Suggestion DOINGS OF THE DUFFS GOOD MORNING, OLIVIA HOW ARE YOU . , THIS MORNING ? J'— GEE,TOM WAS IN \ FINE SPIRITS THIS l—-——-—^ MORNING WASN’T J VE5, AND I HE ? DON’T .KNOW 7^ WHERE MY WITS / ]/ WERE-I LET HIM ' f GETAWAY WITHOUT .1 GETTING ANY MONEY GOODBYE, HELEN, *5EE VOL) LATER.! , : GOODBYE,DANNY-YOU , BE A GOOD BOY TODAY WHILE DADDY IS AT J THE OFFICE- \ GOODBYE, 'Tom -come HOME EARLY- /SURE I WILL, DADDY-YOU KNOW ME- j -—^GOOD MORNING, TOM* DON’T TICK LIE ME LIKE \ ^ THAT! SCHOOL SUPPLIES \\Vo Have Provided All the Needs of the School Children »• in Our Complete Stock. ’ -‘i Everything From Pencils on Up. Plenty of Money to Lend on Real Estate Commission 3 per coat, over $1A00| / * 10 par cent up to 11.000. Law offices Phone 1576. 105 Holman Bldg. VULCANIZING We are equipped to give you the best service in tire and tube re pairing in the city. . ATHENS TIRE SERVICE CO. J. H. Posa, Prop. Otic PAINTING PAINTING. PAPER HANGING ' 'Best Good Workmanship. Carl Childers Phono 780. s28o CARS WASHED Bring Your Car to Ua for Washing and Dopeing. Clarke Storage Battery • Company Low Price Batteries for Any Car. Phone 677. ■18c PHOTOGRAPHERS KODAK FILMS DEVELOPED WHILE YOU WAIT. We Take Them at 10 A. M. Out at E P. M. Adams & Arnett Studio 162M Clayton St. sl8c AUTO REPAIRING If Your Car Needs Repairing Bring It to Us. Sam W. Pinson Garage Ford and Cherrolc^ Parts lty W. Clayton. Phone 401. s25c. FARM IMPLEMENTS