The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, September 13, 1923, Image 8

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Seventeen Years of Satialacte.-y Service. Strong Companies.
, ' Prompt Adjustments.
Phone Three*Four-Fire
j Dr. Anthony, Former Athens■ Pastdj^,.
! Flays Masked Rule in Sunday Sermon
Dr. Walter 'Anthony, former r-a*-| orderly prnocua of, our law. Obey
. tor of the First MethoJI.t church ">o «*»• Support the law. Speak
out In no uncertain terms against
Around Athens
With Col. T. Larry Gantt
Several intelligent and success
ful farmers wen# the other *
'dlacumlne the coat of ralrln* oot ‘ 4 Hr U the
ton under bolt woevtl conditions ? ow *" uU1 1>0 * '■“S' 1 "'
They said that If ye(i‘ charge. J 'Wljt'nlent and very great benofi-
mg*Inst the expense account your T fartncr> « > < ,,
labor at the regular price paid
Jiands, fertilizers, picking, ginning
rent on your land and calcium ar-
oenate to keep down the weevil you
will find that with a fair crop Ilk*
that made this year around Athct;
svery pound pnaluced cost the far*
iucr at least twenty-throe cents
aw ' —?—jgesa i im i { In Athens .and at present pastor
himself to plant his share of veg- j of the Mulberry Street Methodist
o.p the cannery goln, ch “ rch ’ J* ac0 "' “ B, : r " ,on <l " llv ‘
ered at his church In Macon Sun
day night flayed the Ku Klux
mSvrKets f
and will a. o send the milk from
about one hundred cows ho owns
to the creamery. A cannery failed
In Athens years ago ana this do*
tererd people from nnguln trying
one. , Put that was In old cotton*
Captain J. if. Rucker says
gold mine In Franklin ccuuty that
we wrote up some tlm© since, be
longs to hlin. He Inherited It from
his father who before the civil war
worked It and ho got out nuggets
of gold worth |5. Cnpt. Rucker
iBut If W.T.V® VCct rahTnfiriina ! “f* *• lm * faith In ttat mlw. Th.
the crop I. a practical f.UMrc th« I “ ,,,d , '"'"' nly ,h *« and ,» d,h "T -
outlay to a total low. A farm* I*?"* machinery for mlnln* he
cannot afford to tnko chances an© J il can be ma<Je —
sell cotton at less than thirty
, A large dairyman and
near the city say* that Athens
need* abovf all else a creamery and
Cannery and both should be owned
and operated by farmers Tie sayi
lie will be one of nn hundred far
mers In this section to obligate
( Ciasollne Is now selling at
\ rents per gallon In Athens and 11
farmer * (,ov - W'llt*** can carry his plan
Dinner 50c
Vegetable Soup *
Baked Red Snapper FI*h
String Beans
Om on Cob
Irish Potatoes
Muffins and Biscuits
Pineapple Bomb, Cream Sauce
Supper 60c
Fried Calf Liver and Oniona
Haah Brown Potatoes
Butter Beana
Fried Egg Plant
Hot Blacuita
Candled Yuma
Coffee, Tea or Milk
50 Cents
Corona Durability
Five years of the jungle and
writes perfectly
“I still employ, constantly, tho
same Corona which I purchased
fivo years ago and it, functions
ns perfectly as tho day I first
Sold By
« Stationers and Printers
Athena, Ga.
success It may sell for less. The
three cents per gallon tax placed
by the legislature does not go Into
effect until October next, when thl»
tax will be added.
The Japanese calamity will 1
doubtless advance tin price
lumber as the wrecked houses wll
be built of wood nnd a greater part
of the lumber muat come trorv
AtnfcHda.~'While this section is toe
remote, to seel the Japs the *-
creased ‘demand will effect the
tire market. Lumber bas-
cllnea to $16.80 per thousand feet
and which Is way below cost ol
6n Thursday hnd F ‘day, Sept
ember 13th and 14th, will b
rented nt tho Palace "The French
Pol!." a Metro plpturc. with Mae
Murray. Oeorglne the heroine,
of Infinite grace and piquanl
charm. But Qeorclne has
science nnd a heart—a Parisian
transported- to America! Her par
ents nnd nn unscrupulous furn!
turo manufacture hnd planned to
ensnatr wealthy Americans into
buying fake antiques. But Oeor
glne "Just won’t." The picture
thriller and one of the beat of
b season. During th0 ( wsek un
usual attractions will be at both
the Palace and Strand
W. C. James, a. prominent citl
gen and termer of Franklin county
was in the city Saturday,
says they are making fine crops Itf
Fianklin and cotton is exception
ally good. Some boll weevils, but
they are keeping the pest down
Mr. James says tho oil excitement
has received fresh Impetus. Very
recently strong flow* of oil bare
aJJrared in the Banks well, nnd the
Little well and, * “« w well 1 recent
ly dug has become so Impregnated
with oil th*t they cannot use Its
wafer. He said he drew all the
water from the Banka well and
descended Into It by a rope. -The
sides arc black with qome deposit
and oily water continues to pout
In. Talk of sinking a test well *
again heard.
Klan and the lawless element that
have been conducting n series o>
whippings in the Central City durt
lug the past several months.
Dr. Anthony Js no way In sym
pathy with masked societies. While
ho was pastor here n group of
Klnnsmen visited his church on*
night during a revival and left an
envelope containing a donntlon of
$10.00 on the altar and it \
turned b ythe church board at his
In his sermon Sunday night hr
stated that "lawlessness Is trenson
and no man, not a traitor to his
country, hus any reason to have
rocouse to a ma*k.’* j
"Undernent.-i all mob vlolenco
there Js tho enthronement of self
above country and the common
good," said Dr. Anthony. "The
ho compose mobs are not
patriots. They sre generally the
scum and criminal element of n
community. They engage In theli
Illegal practices, not because they
love their country, but becauso they
desire excitement.’ adventure—or
ns they express it 'fun/ Profession
al patriotism Is the last refuge of
a scoundrel/
al atmosphere In which lawless
ness cannot breathe. Uphold the
hnnds of our officers and courts
Let up do our duty In peace nc lest
than war. And above ull,- lei o*
hack to Ood In submission,
so live as that in us lie may u*
well pleased.’*
Market Gossip
Received Over F. J.
Linncll & Company’s
Private Wire
California Cantaloupes
Snow White Cauliflower
Avocados (Alligator
Fresh Saratoga Potato
Fresh Shipment
Crab Apples,, for Jelly
Quality Bread, 3 Loaves
for 25c - |
Bread is your best and
cheapest food, cat more
of it.
The Best Quality
COURTESY is good, tact is good,
helpfulness is good, but the
first thing you want when it comes
to money is dependability. That is
what this bank has to offer.
Commercial Bank of Athens
Member Federal Reserve System
choose* tho night, nnd numbers,
nnd * mnnk to *mtte out Justice*
to wrongdoers.”
Dr. Anthony spoke from I Bam
uol 15:23-21: ‘•To obey Is better
than sacrifice. Rebellion is ns the
sin of witchcraft, and stubborn
ness Is as Idolatry."
"I believe tbnt the pm© has
come when every citizen, every or
ganization and every Instltuthfn
which Is animated by love of coun
try and reverence for Ood should
.cry nlound nnd spare not' lest the
growing anarchy prove our ruin."
'The reednt disregard of law
hns left untouched almost no part
of the world's life. It found t
national voice In Germany's ruth
less win to power, nnd has come
to fruition In Red Russia, crimson
with her people's blood. Tbit
spreading disrespect -for authority
hns colored the whole stream of
human conduct; the home, with Itr
revolt agnlnat parental authority
by the youth: the school and col
lege with the uprisings of student
bodies against the laws of the
school; the Industrial world wit)
Its lawless conflicts between tfu
men who own and the men Who toll
nnd the State with Its rclme wavts
Its violence, • Its mob law, Its flog-
Kings, nnd Its so-called 'Invisible
'One night In a former pastor
ate," said Dr. Anthony, "when
mob was storming a Jail. I pullet*
my hat down over my face and
slipped Into their ranks to find out
for .myself the type of men whe
join a mob. And I am sure I bar*
never seen so mbch human degre
gation and Infamy nnd criminality
outside n chain gang. They were
not there wtlh a passion for Jusv
tlce. They were an aggregation of
crooks assembled for a gala day.
"And the men who have com
posed the mobs In Macon. Who are
they? Do you believe that they
made up of the really brave
soldier boys, patriots who wen'
overseas nt their country's call to
do battle for the civilisation of the
world? Why the American
gion hurls back the very question
as an Insult!
"Of course, t ?)o not personal?^
know who composed these Macon
mobs; and, ns to the guilt or In
jiocence of the parties now under,
arrest In connection, I have no<
on«f word to say; that Is n mnttei
for the courts and not for the pul
pit. But, I will venture to make
prophecy: If ever the leaden
of these moba are found and con
vlcted, -you will find among them
not soldiers, but the slackers, the
draft dodgers, the sedltionlats, the
sympathisers with Qermany, and
the community cowards. Nobody — ~ *~r ... **,» .traits intc
hut ft..- <iiriioat # V fM» n# action Is due to the straits ityu
but tho dlrtloot typo of ooword) wh)c)] m , ny , unuch , hav .
NEW OBtEANS, La. — Lifer-
pool was due 5 to 7 down by New
Orleans and New York.
Southefn apota. Thursday were
unchanged to 63 down; Texas
markets 35 to 65 lower; Dallas 45
off; middling there 26.86. Sales
decreasing, demand not ao keen
Dallas 6,906; all told 29,742
34,274 bales Tuesday and 43,
Monday. Buyer, probably holding
off owing to better weather, hop
ing to buy at a lower level.
Consumption and spinner tak
ings reports due Friday. August
consumption for United States will
run against 461.000 for July of
this year and 526,000 for August
fo last year; about 403,000 ex
Giles’ semi-monthly crop fore
cast due Saturday.
Italy give, Jugo-Slavia until
Saturday to accept Italian de
mands as to possession of Flume.
Nature of expected new Ger
man reparation, proposal, awaited
wih interest. - -
Thursday’s sessien likely to t>c
dominated by weather conditions,
cables; reparations news and de
velopments in the Balkan*.
> Sentiment remains a little reac
tlonary because of improve!
weather condition and a less ur
gent demand for spots in Texas.
Compared with! last year stock
on shipboard at Galveston- Wed
nesday was 67,000 vs 39,000; New
Orleans 2,000 vs 2,000.
Census comparatives this season
and last season: August consump
tion, lint, blank vs 526,380. August
consumption, lintcrs. blank vs 62,-
841. August consumption, increase
linter's, blank vs 6894121. Mill
stocks August 31st blank vs
024374. Mill stocks July Sl^t
080,230 vs 1,218388. _
of this city, who constitute ffli
RUtrdlnns of the hnrems. havo form
ed a mutual benefit society. This
Local cotton, new, closed at
27 1-2 centi Thursday. Old cot
ton closed St 28 1-4 cents.
Open High Low Close P.C.
Jan. ..26.96 27.29 26.76 26.77 27.06
O'. ..27.65 28.00 27.53 27.62 27.76
D -o. . .27.30 27.82 27.16 27.20 27.46
II A. M. Bids: Jan. 27.14; Oct.
Open Hlghr Low Cloae P.C.
Jan. ..26.73 27.01 27.62 26.52 26.83
Oct. ..26.85 27.25 26.74 26.77 26.99
Dec. . .26.85 27.20 26.68 26.71 26.97,
11 A M, Rida; Jan. 26.92; Ovt.
27.07; Deo. 27.03.
... 6744
.. 68%
Sept. ’
lanto, James C. Tipton. Atlanta; B.
g. Howell, Charlotte; T. R. Wood
ward, Augusta. '
J. U. Griffith, charlotte, N. C.;
C. L. ilarpor, Greenwood, 8. C.;
J; C. Thomason. Atlanta; R. Kemp,
Atlanta; John Newall. New .York;
Mr. pnd Mrs. H. M. Wallace, Lake
McMillan, t-himticiphia.
Ernest Robinson, New York; P.
C. Evans, St. Louis, Mo.; Morgan
Thompson, Hc-wklnavllle; K. N.
Parker, Dublin; Mr. and Mrs. c. j.
Garris and daughter, Memphis,
John Wr.nd„Jr„ Atlanta; W-.ltor
- Winn, Atlanta; Mr. and Mr*.
S. D. Jones, LaOranite. A- W. Hck-
ett. Atlanta; George P. Smith,
Baltimore; A. D. Freeman. Atlan
ta; G. C. Vallle, Providence, R. I.
' L. L. Donl-, Atlanta! Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. Thomas. Miami; Mayna-rd B.
Smith and 'Mrs. Smith, Atlanta; J.
W. Grady. Chicago; Charles R. An
drews, Jr.. Atlanta.
C. H. Bridges. Petersburg, Va.;
L. B. Martin, Louisville, Ky.; 8. A.
Freed, Phlladelhpla. Pa.; H. E-
I-atnb, Nnshvlllo, Tonn.; W. H.
GrJice t Greenville, 8. C,; B. A. Mc-
Cubbtns. Jacksonville, Fla.; Harry
417-421 Southern Mutual Building
A large amount of local funds now on hand for Immeji.,
Disbursement on City Property. '
Food Confections
Wheat-and Rice Grain*
Steam Exploded
Quaker Puffed Grain* are whole grains
steam exploded. They are puffed to airy
globules, thin, crisp, flaky, flavory.
They form the most delightful cereal
foods that children ever get They, make
whole grains enticing,
i ( In millions of homes they are being
served morning, noon and flight See that
your folks every, day, get these fascinat
ing dainties,
Puffed Whea
^ h*v» •
thrown by the abolition of
palace harem, n» well «■ by
creaftlnx poverty among• uppf
clasx Turk*.
Continuing Dr. Anthony xald;
"tt ‘the breaking of the Dlvlnt
law la herexy. the breaking of the
<’ountry*a law la treason. It pro-
fitted , Baul Uttla to profeaa faith
and practice/witchcraft. tt
profits hut Utle an organisation—
whatever tta name—to profea* J
Americanism, and practice lawless*
"That sort of 'patriotism* whlel
In Its written creed, and published |
alms, calls heaven and earth to.
^witness it*. Americanism, and
which, while so profehslng, furnish
es a shelter for flowers nnd nthet
violators of the law. la rhenpei
than dirt. The eery name and In*
atgnia of the Ku Klux Klan, tt
say. nothing of Its Intimate con
nection with the Doggers nnd oth-i
era who have terrorized Atneric*
since the organization was recent
ly revived. Is tta sufficient con
demnation. Its mask. Its'lnvlsl-,
blllty, Its choice of the darltnea*
to say nothing of Its appeal t<
radal and religious preludlee nut.
laws It. For these things not all
Its professed devotion to the Con
stitution ran ever hope to ntone.
Lawlessness Is treason. No man
not a traitor to hia country, ha* I
any reason to have recourse to •
"We cannot be Christians. If we
rnmpte. upon onr country's li
R»nife r nut© Caesar/ ‘said Christ,
the things that a ns- Caesor'ji and
unto Cod the things What ' art
nod’s/ .
"Let us, therefore, stand for the
Silvertown Cords
make your car
look better and
last longer. They
give you the great
est return on your
tjre investment.
Best ir> the Jfyngfyn
Lawler Motor Company
Connally Motor Company