Newspaper Page Text
Seventeen Yean of Satisfactory Service. Strong Companies.
Prompt Adjustment*.
Phone Three-Four-FIre
. (Continued From Page On*)
utilized in handling the rush. The
nepr, students are being nut
through physical examinations
while vaccination ia part of the
medical routine.
The military department is
making assignments and is bu3y
with* the registering also.
Class work will begin the last
of the week and Thursday, Friday
and Saturday the sections will be I
organized and schedules arranged.
More than 1,500 students are
to register av* *«»e **»»*[
MANILA**Oenernl retrenchment
policy must be adopted in order tc
avoid a deficit In the Philippine
government finances this year, ac*,
cording to a recent statement b>;
Governor General Wood. He de
dared that a number ot project*
which Uie last legislature author
ized, must be held In abeyance un
til the government Is In better fi
nancial condition.
Ity suspending a number of th<
projects authorized by the legisla
ture, such as expenditures In con
.nection with the extension of the
Manila Haihoail nnd the bulldfni
of hospitals, the governor genera’
explained that the government w!J.
be well within its revenue receipts
at the close of the year.
(Continued From Page One)
Thomas Meighan Palace Tonight;.
Barbara La Marr Palace Tomorrow;
Jack Hoxie Western At the Strand
»• - e .r ■ ** •> » '
A decree naming Rivera a* pres
ident of the directorate confers on
him the power to pass upon decree*
Involving public health, which de
crees will be laws ad Interim, but
he can not modify laws passed by
the cortes. In the preamble. Ri
vera declares himself confldert 0‘.
coping with the situation ltf thr
same spirit which led him to ac
cept the leadership of the nation
Although It is not believed thnt th-
members of the new governmen
will be able to discha. ge their
duties In conformity with the law
since they lack experience, It Is
proposed to establish soon a con
stitutional government In Spain
prising persons Indepedent
from and not belonging to vicious
KANSAS f ITY.—Premium mon
ey to be offered for four broods
of beef cattlo at tho American Roy
al Live Stock Show, to be eld,
i iiorc November 17 to 24. will total Poetical organizations,
more Ilian $25,000, according to conclusion Rivera says:
an announcement by show offl-
cl-ils.In addition, there will be sil
ver trophies valued at more than
rass mtn aenune j $2,000. There will bn cash prizes
, f • also for hogs, sheep, draft horses
(By Associated Press.) end mule*.
CHICAGO—With Frank Bthuttt » Cnsh offered In tho cattle carlot
dropping out of the professional I eg riot sheep' classes, $740;
baseball ranks this season, tho las; breods of hogs, moro thnn $7,500;
List of 1906 Cubs
of the two great Chicago teams
that battled for the world's cham
pionship In 1906 have quit activf
participation In the game. True
Frapk Chance of "Peerless Lead-
or*' §fame nnd rat Moran, ot the
Hods, are very much in the spot-
light or the sport today yet neither
cavort on the diamond In ;ictua'
earlf-t swine classes. $1,800; seven
breeds of sheep, nipre than $2,100;
f;nrlot sheep classes, $740! for
draft horses nnd mules. $$7,800,
nnd for the evening horso show,
$14 000.
trl> to tlie time thnt 8chulu> re- | ROCHES TER. — Automboile
aimed from the Oakland rlub el apooners in the town of Gate, are
.linked from the
tho iCoast league, seven
_ thr not getting off with tolerant ad-
formcr stars ot the two 1906 team* monitions from constables patrol-
stlu had something to do with ing the roads. Instead of telling
ln- cball. 8chult* was the only .“petters” to move on, the officers
.one actually playing, however. The aro haling them into court, where
otfc^re were: Cubs: Chnnce nnd there is no hesitation about impos-
JJomn, who are managers nnd Ing a fine.
Jafep Evers, who was with th< | A new record for convictions
White Sox last year Sox: Nick for “obstructing the highway” last
Altrock, now with Washington but month has been filed in the coun-
who la on the coaching line nnd ty clerk’s office from Justice of
never plays; Frank Isbell, owner peace MacDowell’a court, showing
and manager of the Wichita club that nine motorists were fined or
of the Western league and Ed forfeited bail on this charge. Four
Walsh, who Is now scout nnd pitch* [others were convicted of aisorder-
ers’, conch for the White Sox. ly conduct.
Intimate details of the series re
mains in the minds of the base-
lull public even to this day,
HMjttitbv the many remlnlueenoM
heard at any gathering of base-
balk fans. It was remarkable In
one respect a*. least. The under
dog had his day. The Cubs came
up to the big event hailed ns world
beat era In every sense of the
word, while the White Box had
triumphed In the American lerytue
by a acant margin and were
known as the "Hltless Wonders."
Few, outside ot rnbid and parti
san fanr, believed the Box had »
chance to win., Rut win they did
In a moat Impressive manner. Th«
eem s was then a five game nf-
f ilr, three wins/out of five games
dealing the victor.
MONROE.—Whst is declared to
bo JHe fii-st “Underwood for Pres
ident" club in Georgia has been
organized here.
fore they could get the little dog
out. And then, only after doing
considerable damage to* the build
Rut Fireman Charley Baker who
finally reached the aog, -says it
wan well worth it.
Qlobs Doesn't Turn, It Just
Shimmies, Scientist Avert
LONDON This old glebe cf
Is noe ranting as rigid body In the
heavens, but It Is.behaving aa If It
were a Jelly-like substance, and
seme parts of Its surface are moving
relatively to other parts. This start
ling suggestion Is put forward
Prof. W. de Sitter of the University
Leyden, In Nature. According to the
Professor It would follow that
distance between various points
Its surface Is shifting slightly. Wire
less time-signals exchanged between
various obseVvnlories have* shown dis
crepancies. reaching on a erosion* sev
eral tenhs of a second.
'Tho clamor of tho people fof
me gives me comfort nnd hope In
developing my patriotic work.”
(Continued From Page On#)
Bend tbla ad and ten cent# ti
Foley A Co.. 2816 Sheffield Ave.
Chicago, III., writing your namt
and address clearly. You will re
ceive a ten cent bottle of FOLEY'S
Colds, and Croup, alao free sample
packagea of FOLEY KIDNEY
PILLS for Backache, Rheumatic
Pains, Kidney and Bladder trouble,
LETS for Constipation and BUI
oneness. These wonderful reme
dies have helped millions of peo
ple, Try them. Sold everywhere
And Not Movie Money, Either!
cite to riot or violence or obstruc
tion ot the military.”
Orders governing tho conduct ol
business, operation of public util
ities and agencies thnt "contribute
to the welfare of the people” wlf
be Issued from* time to time as the
situation warrants, nccording tc
Lieutenant-Colonel Key. Simul
taneous with the Issue of the gen
eral orders, It was announced at
lllthry headquarters that a speci-
nl district court grand Jury sche
duled to meet tomorrow to Inves
tigate alleged misuse of state
funds by Governor J. C. Wnltnn
would not be convened.
When Informed of the Intention
of the . military to prevent . the
grand jury's meeting, District
Judge George W. Clark asserted
thnt the Jury would be convened
and that the military isuthorltlea
could then order Its adjournment.
"Tho grand jurors will meet,'
Judge Clark declared. "The gov
ernor may deliver Ms order. Ther
I shall a what can be done about
Across the street from the court
house, a machine gun mounted on
the roof of a restaurant, is trained
on the windows of the grand Jury
Courts will function as under
civil rule, according to Major Ger
ald F. O'Brien, executive officer
on Lieu tenant-Colon el Key's staff
with the exception that cates In
volving specific violation of the
general military orders will be
prosecuted before a court martial.
Water Keene* of “Homowgrd
Bound” Shot oh the Thames At
New London, Conn„ Showing At
the PaMce Tonight.
Water scenes filmed on the
Thames river at New London,
Conn., where many university
boat races have been hold, will be
of exceptional interest to all who
see Thomas Meighan’s new picture,
“Homeward Bound,” at the Palace
Theatre tonight.
With a staff of nearly thirty
assistants and players, Director
Incc spent several weeks in and
about New London where the
yacht and dock scenes, shipping
yards, and ocean storms were
filmed. The sea shots by Ernest
Faller, are said to be remarkable
in many respects, while the in
genuity of Director Ince in devis
ing terrific storm scenes with un
exampled realism, Was fully tested.
The pkotograpihng of the water
scenes was watched daily by hun
dreds of spectators who often
manifested their approval by sal-
os of cheers.
The story deals with a sailor
jnd the daughter of a ship owner,
whp are the principals in a thrill
ing love romance. The various
characters are admirably portray
ed. Lila Lee as the heroine play
ing opposite Mr. Meighan.* The
supporting cast is wholly adequate
and includes Charles Abbe, who
played in support of Mr. Meighan
GENEVA—The League of Na
tions has succeded In eettllng the
Greco-Itallan question say dele
gates of that v body, hut It Is de-
! clare.l here 'thnt Italy has defied
i tho League and that some action
• should be taken to reinforce Its
i j prestige.
The council' Is said to be well
aware of the face that, sooner or
Inter, it must render some report
to the assembly ot the league,
which will r*fer to the Italian af
fair nnd dispose of the matter to
the satisfaction of a majority* ol
$he delegates. Some of the mem
bers of the cdunell of the league
fnyored last night
Ftntoment to the assembly. Others
who feared that brusque treat
ment of Italy might risk Rome'i
retirement from the league, coun
selled patience and delay.
Barbara La Marr Pilace Tuesday.
in “Cappy Ricks;” Hugh Cameron,
also of the “Cappy Kicks” cast;
William T. Carleton, Gus Wein
berg, Maude Turner Gordon, Cyril
Ring and others.
Corfu the
The Issue at. stake is generally
deemed to hfve been reduced tc
the question of the Italian o
pntlon of the Italian occupation
nnd bombardment of Corfu, ns the
opinion is growing thnt the firs!
Phase of the Greco-Itallan cnnflf«<
properly belonged to the domain ol
the council of ambassadors and not
to the League of Nation*.
[ 417-421 Southern Mutual Building
A large amount of local fund, now on hand for Immediate
Disbursement on City Properly.
(Continued From Paoa One) j (Continued From Pane Ona)
munlty hatchery for the poul
try growers In this section.
MOULTRIE, Oa.—yi delega
tion of s^ie forty V or fifty
Bleckley county farmers spent
several hour* In Moultrie yes
terday looking over the packing
house of Swift A Company and
the plant of the Moultrie
Creamery Company. They are
making a trip through this sec
tion for th* purpoee of getting
first hand Information a* to
whnt has been done and what
Is being done toward the pro
motion of mixed farming.
The visitors expressed amaze
ment nt the magnitude of the
plant of Swift A Compnny,
which has a capacity of J.OOfr
hogs a day and 600 headof cat
tle. They were nleo shown
through the stockyards near the
packing house where several
ears of hogs were being un
loaded. The Bleckley farmers
also were surprised to lesm
thnt the creamery here In point
of equipment antj in actual
slxe Is the second largest In
the Southeast. They were told
about farmer after farmer who
was making a net profit of from
$10 to $12 per month from every
cow on his place. It vat point
ed out, however, thnt these
dairymen produce most of their
feeds on their farms.
Athens Visitors
fishers E7’ „ Bosto, J P ub : U. L. Home, Tallapoosa, Ga.;
Monday T th ’ * lc * rncd Mr*. S. L. E«cott, Miami, Fla.; R.
Th. hook int fc. . , , S. Kscotv, .Miami. Fla.; W. T. Bol-
Th?Ba^i.r™l A * ev J ter l 1? Homer. j H. B, Arms-
, j Taylor, Columbus; Gp.; Thomas L.
Mrs. Dorothy Jamigan^ A ” ury> Augusta.
Book, “Mafdee Gray’s 1 Mr. and Mr.. John F. Coatc.,
Choice,” Will Come Off Atlanta; W. E. Snoddy. Hender-1
Press This Month. ■ on ‘ ” r ' ~ d Mr -’- H - McMa :
Among those viilting in Athens
Monday were. E. Nioman, New
York; E. JP. Costello, Syracuse, N.
Y.; M. Masson, Baton Rouge: In
man R. Carroll, Atlanta; J. A.
Hendry, Arcadia, Fla,
W. W. Clayton, Atlanta; E. I. ,
Burleigh and Mrs. Burleigh, Flor-1 prrnlitent >.f the far away Baltic
Ida; Lillian L. Wader, Csrlleta nubile i„ Jun .. n. live, m the Uth..
McDonald, J. S. _ Taylor, I. A. nnlan colony of Danville, In studying
at tho University of Illinois, and Is
preparing himself for * public career
when he Is graduated from cotta*®.
way deparment during tho -92:
general assembly when It was urn
d?r investigation as a result of
charges brought by Rcprosentatlv*
E. II. McMJchnol of Marlon. Th<
committee verdict finding tho high
way commission not guilty of Me-
Michael's allegations marked
second exoneration In tho past sev
eral years.
Representative Stewart, ot At
kinson, led the fight ngnlnst the
department of agriculture this
year Early In the ae««tan the fcCUK
of representative* passed a reso-
Hiton calling for nn investigation
of the department, the measure be
ing substituted by the lower body
fbr one sent over by the senate. A
deadlock between the two house*
fiver the wording of the resolution*
resulted. Toward the end of the
seslon. Stewart declared that un
less fhc Investigation were held, h»
would seek Impeachment of Corn-
mlslsoner Brown nt the 1924 sea-
•Ion. Later, the representative
charged ,tho committee appointed
to conduct the Investlgnlon by th<
Speaker and president of the two
houses was "handpicked" nnd that
ita verdict clearing tho department
already was a foregoing conclu
These charges were denied. A’
though Mr. Stewart several weekr
ago nsserted he would not attend
the hearing nnd present his alleged
evidence, several of h* supporters
have stated he has chnnged hi*
mind and will be present Tuesdny.
Youth Stuaes Here for
Life Work In Lithuania
DANVILLE, Ills.,—-In the little vll-
lego of Westvllle, neaf here, lives
Bruce Htulglnskls, who appears des
tined some day to sit In the gov-
eminent councils of Lithuania, one
of the now nations of Europe,
Stulglnskis Is the nephew of Alek-
sandma Stulglnskis, who was elected
ment against the North Carolina
Corporation Commission charging
laxity in enforcement of the state
banking laws, in connection with
the failure of the Liberty Savings
Bank of Wilmington, has been re
turned by the New Hanover coun
ty grand jury.
The action followed the return
Friday of indictments charging T.
E. Cooper and J. C. Fourk, former
president and cashier, respective-
y, of the bank, with «vU contrib
uting to its failure. The grand
jury’s presentment charged the
corporation commission with
knowingly permitting certain ir
regularities (n the affairs of the
bank to continue, when it possess
ed the power to institute correc
tive measures.
"I suffered with kidney troubh
for five years or more. I could not
sleep at night 'ofhf' I was alwny;
tired after coming home from work
and my back ached,” writes John
R. Gordon, Danville, III. "I se
cured some FOLEY KIDNEY
PILLS and after a few treatment!
I felt better and could work with
-- 1 S-.BJ" 11 .... ^
11 Looks for very large
| from Galveston this \veek
I .hapa beeinninc Monday aa .tore
I | !®n chipboard there Saturday
ij 129,000 vs 07,000 last year’ h
Athiyia cotton closed at 28H (possible that exporta from II,.,,!.
ernts Monday. Tho previous close [ton may be large also *
wna 2«X. s'tUaAfll . T hc Gilca report tu! of returns
* i/TT 'Autfuafc Hilt show decline for halt
NEW YORK COTTCiN ‘ month of 5.5 points, 63.7 vs 58 7
Prev. [The deterioration by states is
Open High Low Close Close;follows: Virginia 3 points. North 27.70 28.48 27.50 28.27 27.20 Carolina 11, South Carolina «
Oct. 28.20 29.40 28.20 29.25 27.90 'Georgia 7, Florida 10, Alahsm,
Dee. 28.00 29.10 28.00 28.92 27.60 ;!0, Mississippi 10, Louisiana n
11 A. M. Rids: January 27.02; iTcxaa no change, Arkansan 5
October 28.80; December 28.52. Tenocsacc 7, Oklahoma 2 and Min-’
souri 7. Deterioration due to in
creasing numbers of weevil and
worms and too much rain. The
central and eastern states, panic,
ularly Louisiana and North Caro,
line having suffered severely from
damage by Insects especially from
weevil, which are reported mure
numerous and active than at any
time this year, and have Increasr.l
in Teias where the present out
look, he says, la for a yield of
about 3,750,000 bales.
Cables and weather and devel
opments over Sunday likely to
107Vi (dominate.
| Sentiment remains more bullish
8314 [than otherwise.
67% I *
. Open High Low CIoso Close
immediate J an 2 7.97 28.35 27.25 28.10 26.85
Oil:. 27.70 28.72 27.70 28.55 27.12
Dec. 27,85 28.65 27.65 28.44 27.85
| 11 A. M. Bids: January 27.78;
October 28.10; December 28.07.
P. C.
Dec 102 101%
May 107% 107%
Scpt 82 82%
Dec 65%
May 67% 67% 68%
Scpt 38% 88% 38
Dec t 39%' 30% 30
May 42 42% 42
Apples, 20c gallon.
Beans, string, 20c gallon.
Beans, butter, shelled, 15c pint,
Butter Beans, 20c gallon.
Butter, 30c and 40c pound.
Cabbage, 4c pound.
Carrots, 10c bunch.
Cucumbers, 12V4c pound.
Chickens, friers, 30c pound for
broilers, and 22Vic for stags.
Hens, 20c pound.
.Roosters, 12c pound.
Kggs, 35c to 40c dozne.
Ham, home cured, 25c pound.
Bacon, home cured, 16c pound.
Lard, home made, 28c pound.
Onions, 6c pound.
Peppers, 15c to 20c dozen.
Peas, green, 10c gallon.
Potatoes, Irish 4c pound.
Potatoes, sweet, 2c pound.
Tomatoes, 3c pound.
Corn meal, 3c pound.
Roasting cars, 20c to 25c dozen.
Graham Flour, 4c pound.
Figs, 10c quart.
Sninach. 10c pound.
Turnip greens, 10c gallon.
Okra, 10c pound.
Scuppernongs, 36c gallon.
Pears, $1.00 bushel.
Quits Society and
Goes Into Business
Market Gossip
Received Over F. ' J.
Linncll & Company’s
Private Wire
NEW ORLEANS, La — Liver-
pool was due about unchanged by
New Orleans, shade lower by New
Southern spots Saturday were
unchanged to 30 up; Texas mar-
. , kets 15 to 25 higher; Dallas 15
more cn«e, bream, "hoimer ami up . middling there 26.85. Sale,
enuirt .Iron hett.r- w ... moderate; Dalia, 11,094; all told
32,104 vs 32,088 Friday.
Having entered last half of
September demand in the interior
likely to broaden to fill last half
of September commitments.'
(By AaBoelated Presefl)
LONDON.—"Becauso I hate so
ciety life, the dinners and dances,
and tho constant striving to wear
a prettier dress than the other
woman. Some peopl o like it, but
I prefer the forest and the camp
firo and tho rough life,”
Such aro the reasons given by
Mrs. Diana Strickland, a well
known {Society womait for organ
izing what she calls "an expedi
tion' of adventure and' business"
tlmt will start soon for Central
Tho party will consist of two
women, four men, and three hun
dred native porters. From Moms,
on tho west coast of Africa, It will
mako Its way on foot through tho
BnJ;uni country, which Is practic
ally unexplored through the turt
Forest to tho Northeast Congo,
then east to Lake Edward, and
finally to Konya.
"Wo cxpoct to bo away for 12
months and shall travel, 3.000
miles, s3 os feet,” esSd Mrs. Strict
•‘.The expedition Is limited to
six Europeans on account of the
food difficulty, for wo have to take
jit all with us, and this necetsl-
1 taies 50 native portenr'for each
"We hope to trade In Ivory and
do some prospecting, and wo also
aro making a collection for th«
New York Zoological Gardens, and
hope to get an okapi, a giant field
hog, and somo pigmy elephants.
”Wo shall bo pretty well armed,
and oven aro taking a macblno
gun in case of a serious attack. Of
that there Is llttW danger. Natives
generally attack by stealth and In
small numbers.” s .
could sleep better." For quick ro
llrf from Backaoho, Rheumntli
pains, and Kidney and Bladder
trouble use FOLEY KIDNEY
PILLS. Sold everywhere.—Adver
Want Ads.
ban, Miami, Fla.; Captain
, _" - Mrs. William Dick, Fort Bcnning,
Mardec Gray s Choice” la the Ga.; Miss Margie Luck, Atlanta;
m £ to®* written by Mrs. Malcolm Lockhart, Decatur.
Jartiigan, which i
Zffi-” -- the P""*- of UtUe, I Frank S. Skelton, Decatur, Gu.;
pub- - -- -
j Banner-Herald Want Ads
Toe Let. to Claiaify
WANTED—Three or four unfur-
nwnert room,, close in. Ph-—
ira-W- allc
Vl'Jr T«n„e by ' wTrTh. BUkelyyT H- "' Beftnn, At-
«hJd notbTM^T. r .'k H . e /* ld r °‘ I«lt» J. S. Morris, Jr., und Mrs.
5SZZX?to M S3?j^&W Green,bore^N. C.
- The book ia e story for girls
und, written in Mrj. J.mlgn!
u»uai delightful end original style,
will no doubt prove most popular
throughout tho country. Mrs. Jar-
nigan is well known in club nnd
literary circles in this state and
news that her first book is off the
press will be received with cordis)
interest. .Locally Mrs. Jarnigan
has delighted newspaper reader,
with “Free and J" and other
storiee. Her success in a broader
literary field will cauec delight.
Mrs. Jarnigan’s maiden name _
was MIsa Dorothy Grave. Her school who had the 'flu 1 nnd good
mother is a writer of exceptional [ results came whenever It was
ability and chnnn. having been used." wrltea Mrs. L. Armstrong.
R. A. Porter, Jr., Birmingham;
Sarah Porter. Birmingham; J. p.
Wooten, Sylvestr, Ga.; Mary Lou
McCampbell, Birmingham; W. A.
Taylor, Atlanta; C. C. Davis, At
lanta; D. E. Carroll, Decatur. i
School teachers .should give the
same advice to children who have
coughs as did this Florida teacher.
••I recommended FOLEY’S HONE*
AND TAR to lh^children fr, myi
FOR RENT—One room furnished
or unfurnished, in privstc fam
ily, best residence section, will
rent chesp to desirable person.
Phone 421-L3. , ,io c
FOR RENT — Two connecting
rooms, with bath, water and
lights furnished, fifteen dollars
per month. Day phone 361, night
phone 1333.
LOST—34x4% auto tire between
Athens and Center. Reward.
Write “X," care Banner-Herald.
FOB SALE—Fine Jeraey bull (of
registered stock), three years
old. Phone 70-W or write Mrs.
S. F. Anderson, 425 Church St.
; sl9c
■■ “Jfr\.
Grave, well known here, reside*
in New York where she continues
her literary career.
Oil has been found In Derby
shire, Staffordshire am: Midloth
ian. At iiardstoft, Derbyshire,
well drilled abUqt a year ago
produced a thousand tons of * heavy
oil and the well Is stlQ flowing,
tv* other wells In this* section
shown traces of oil but have
Okeechobee, Florida. Foley’s Hon
ey and Tar contains no opiates. In
gredients printed on the wrapper.
Quickly relieves colds, coughs and
:roup.~ (Advertisement.)
$3.00, $3.50 and $4.00
Levy’s Toggery & Boys
‘ If You Want to Buy or Sell—
Use the
The Sultan of Turkey, abdicated and left dozens of wives un
provided for. The new officials endeavored to dispose of them
through the American newspapers I
We can’t promise such results from our Want Ads—but if you
have anything else you wish to buy, sell or exchange, they’ll
surely help you'accomplish it