The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, September 19, 1923, Image 2
WEDNESDAY. SEiTEMBEll IS/Ibm YlTE,BANNER-HER ALP, ATI1ENS. OEOROtA PAGE TWO [Mr. ahVl Mrs. Honrjr Rr Goctohlus of Columbus stopped over w ativi H Tuesday nixlit en roui from Asheville where they the summer. , ' . SPORT NEWS BUICK Pedigreed UaedC .New Ford Coupe. 'r Coed 1321 Font Koati Excellent Buick i R, 1922 model. 1 He-built Cole Roadste Easy Term<^ Conolly Motor J. W. CHEEK Wins 1st Match (Continued From Page One) freshlo appeared at one of the down-town. tonsorial empori um^ and requested that the “Job” be finished, was the first victim of the eagje-eyed sophs and since then there has -been a steady stream of new men flowing into tho scissors shops. BUT WAIT UNTIL SATURDAY NIGHTH Brit tho freshic’s day is com ing. * Saturday night tho members For Twenty Years the Favorite For twenty years Red Devil Lye has been the favorite. The cor.ccntratad.strtngth of R.d Dcvif assure, quick main when thmkml cleaning and work to be done. It is convenient to use, it Is scowidcsl, it tors b its cm,—it Is ths'ftsndsrd fqr gfeod lye, Ask your tracer Cot the An with-tbs smUing red devil oo the label, Wm. Scbield MfgrclfstlLuu, Mo. Good tope last drop j Coaching Staffs of Two i Alabama Championship Contenders Settle Down To Real Work. (By Associated Press.) "BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Cleated shoes, husky shoulders “hitting the dummy” and various other •rrcfon'lcs of the gridiron shook the college firmament this week DAILY PROOF ■ ’°f pm Corona Durability Even a desert sandMomi When Over Eighty He Found a Tonic That Keep* Him Up. RossvlUe. (la.- “About two yeari ago when I was recovering from the ‘Flu* I began taking Dr. Plerce , « Golden Medical Discovery and il helped me eo much I have l^er taking it at times ever since. I nrr cighty-two years of age and get* ting‘.along v«*ry well on the 'Golder Medical Discovery.' It keeps me well and stout for one of my age.* —J. M. Cheek. Keep yourself in the pink of cun* dition by obtaining Dr. Pierce’r Golden Medical IVcovery In* liquid or tablet* from >».:tr neighborhood druggist, or send 10c to Dr. Pierce'* Invalid's Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y for trial pkg. of the tablet*.—Ad vertisement. f§jn state occasions- either festive or grave —die; atten tion is often equally divided between the guest of honor and Maxwell House Coffee. couldn’t phase lT3 “A.machine that Satobtfi the rough wear and tqhf ; ’d| the Arabian desert, thi^vafti a sandstorm could notqfiyftt of business, was ‘soi^t^ type writer, believo me. I m#many other war correspondents car rying Coronas and.; they were unanimous in their /praise of the machine." , W. A. LLOYD Knight of the the Holy Sepulchre. Ex-Ausralian IropecflB^Forces in Near East. ; Representative of r “Lfofrpool • Courier” ui Turkey., I and for tho evening the town is theirs. Members of the sopho more class will bo os senreo on tho streets then as Georgia . Tech men at a Georgia' rally, and vice versa. Thq. fresh'nep will them selves send manv a soph to the clippers before the deadline on haVcutting falls at midnight Saturday. T" the other line of “rush ing”. new men cannot bo tPken Into tho fraternities until they Jmve nsssed up the first term’s w*v’' hut tho 's right on and the "old hovs" pro mustering all their strength and arguments in tagging the "pledges." as the coaches began search for nuw stars' to fill gaps made vacant by passing heroes of the game. You Cannot Steer By a Stcmlight Experience too often only show." us the mistake* of the past. After you have experienced financial loss bv fire, accident *or theft, experience telle you to insure. Do not steer by a sternlight-experi- ence. Insure today—before loss. We can give you ail forms of Property Protection Policies. The Hinton Securitiea Co., Athens, Ga. Alabama cducaitonn! institutions are settling down for the cam paign. The big five—Auburf, (University of Alabama, Birming- i ham-Southern, Howard and Spring- Vo'biii oud program lout for them to begin. From Tuscaloosa comes the first wave of the Crimson tide, literal- »y speaking, the Alabama aspir ants having taken to the field with enthusiasm under their new coach, Wallace Wade. It waa with many veterans of past campaigns missing, however, that the Crim son started work. Who will fill In the gap left va cant by the passing of Bartlett »n the backfield is a querry many are looking forward to the next few weeks' ansering Then Hovn- ter, Cooper and others are lost from the staunc hline last.Cali. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE SUFFERED FIVE YEARS FROM KIDNEY8 “I suffered with kidney .troubP for five years or more. I could not sleep at night and I was alwayr tired after cording home from work and my back ached,” write* John R. Gordon. Danville, III. *e , cured some FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS and after n few treatment* I felt better and could work with ; more ease, became stronger and could sleep better." For quick re lief from Backache, Rfceiimntl* pains, and Kidney and Bladder trouble use FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS. Sold everywhere.—Adver- •Isdbent. 4.4 Miles Minute Is New Air Record M1TCTEL FIELD, N. Y.—Lieut- ‘Al" Williams, navy pilot, Just Say Cascade Gin ger Ale in Bottles At Founts. | B03BY JONES Wiio won hb initial match in the amateur open Tuesday, defeating', Cochran of Witchata Springs, 2j and 1. The surprise of the day. was the defeat of Evans, hus elim inating a, strong contender. ; ... todav established two new elec- tricall v timed nir speed record* over the measured one kilometer at Curtis Ueld. He averaged 247,1-2 mll?H an hour in four trips over the course, and on one flight, cJded fcv *r brisk wind from behind, he reached the speed of 266 miles an hour. Both records were accept ed bv the navy department ns au thentic. r COACH WARE HAS REPORTED * Wade, assistant of Coach Dan McGugin in turning out a south ern championship claimant last year at Vanderbilt, is reported as holding the confidence of the Tus caloosa students to the last man and the cry is said to be taking on a “Get Syracuse*’ tone. The journey into New York state is being understood as the most im portant battle of the'season. At Auburn, the close of the first week’s practice finds the Plains men growing more and more con fident. Termed as skepticala fort night ago, the Tigers, under the work of Coach Pitts, Wilson, Hut- ael f and Cole, have been taking ■ a determined air and it was with n vim that-the candidates, includ ing a sprinkling of veterans, hit the day* of Drake Field this week, i It’s still a question of who wiP QUirlinrr’a and SlliMVK 4Vi acres alO four room houM. This will double in value in a few year.,. Buy now. J. T. Anderson! Phone 840 Sold By __ THE McGREGQk CO. Stationer, and JI-HiVA, Athens, Ga. gee what DELCO-OGHT offers for Sjii iiia/,///. / zb km* Just Say Cascade Gin ger Ale in Bottles At Founts. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM “ sVc : Farmsize Deko;Light step into ShirllnR’, and Shirey* Montgoirr choci and tho came *rv October 6 agalwt Birming ham-Southern is expected to tell the tn’e of what Auburn can hope for The Army. Georgia Tech, Tu- lanc, Centro and Georgia are the major battle, of the Tiger cird. ready to turn on the lights r- Here is what you get-* and \ the Order Blank togetit with BASEBALL. RESULTS ORDER BLANK LIGHT STANDING OF CLUB8 SOUTHERN LEAGUE Now Orleans I Mobile | Memp'.ib .. • Atlanta .... Jflrmlnslmm . Nashville 1 Chattanooga Lltllo Bock . A Builder of Prosperity AMERICAN LEAGUE Cleveland The Southern Railway System spent last year in thejiouth $20,000,000 more Hirq it received from the South. ■ I • Our total payments to individuals, muni cipalities and industries in the South Detroit Equipment of the Southern Railway System includes 2,200 locomotives and 70,000 cats operating on. 6*300 miles of lines, ^ Ft. Lou I* .... Washington Chicago ...» Philadelphia Boston NATIONAL LEAGUE _ v were $136,636,000, while our Receipts from the South were $116,790,000. For every dollar collected from the South’ we gave back $1.17. / r / f * .^1 The Southern Railway System is a South-] era institution—with a Southern personnel -knowing the needs of .the South—and is a builder of Southern prosperity. I New York ... .Cincinnati ., [ Flttsburg .... Chlcrvto 8t. I.oul* Brooikyn .. Horton Phlla Jelphia capacity, 32 volts (freight paid). by purchaser. 2 -One standard Dclco-Light Exide . . . t ^ . Battery* wth 16 largo capacity outlet to bo cell., extra thick plates and he-vj • oc . a ‘ cd m h ° use whei '® v " *P«c»- gias, jars (freight paid). fied b >' P urfihascr - S ^Tho installation of plant and bat* ..Standard set of ten (10} drop light* tory—< except purchaser is to fur* with sockets installed in bouse* nish a concrete base end ft* 7„Ten (10) standard elecCrio light battery rack. ' bulbs. Similar Outfit With Smaller Size Plant—Model 608—$437.50 Deica-LifhlCo, I <— —-IfSfl c-.^. ifcj i , fcf Dmrtoa, Ohio. P%DlMoum| (I TUESDAY’S RES' LTS SOirfREBN LEAGUE Mobile 9: Nashville S. New Orleans 2: Chattanooga r». Birmingham 6-0; Little Rock 7-1 Only games scheduled. AMERICAN LEAGUE .Cleveland 6; Now York 2. Detroit t-9i Philadelphia 2-10. St. Louis 5-1; Washington 1-2. Chlcagp 6; Boston 2. NATIONAL LEAGUE Boston 2: Pittsburg 12. New York 10: St. Loul# 4. Cincinnati -Philadelphia, double* Southern Railway Sys* tern deposits in Sou th* cm banks an average of$150,500each bank* ing hour. Others not scheduled. WEDNESDAY’S GAMES SOUTHERN LEAGUE New Orleans at Chattanooga. Mobile at Nashville. Memphis nt Atlanta. Birmingham at Little Rock, (two games. you cm get your AMERICAN LEAGUE Chicago at Boston. 8t. Louis at Washington. Detroit at Philadelphia. Only three game* scheduled. l C. SOUTHERN SERVES THE SOUTH NATION U LEAGUE Bo,ton nt ntt,burs. .fork it 8t Until. S%Di*count $539.50 1 | for Cub \vX3?\ »*tyM til lisauf-jrl W37.50 1 | >orCMh o ID 1 TAXI SERVICE W) .s > o Day and Night k GEORGIAN BAGGAGE Phone TRANSFER CO. I’honc to 08 Office Georgian Hotel 56