The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, September 19, 1923, Image 3
VITS-SORES Cleans* thoronghly—t * without robbing, apply— VISISS IiMUU^JmrsUs “* * trrnXESPAV, SEPTEMBER 19. 1.023. lair-Groom" Keeps Hair Combed—Well-Groomed THE BANNEIMIEIULP. ATHENS, GEORGIA’ Offlct 1201 — By MRS. ALICE ADAMS — Residence 83} NATURE'S NIGHT Autumn sings her lullaby. And Winter lays a coverlet white Springtime’s /lowers do not die For them the winter’s only night. 0, they will bloom, a^tin they’ll bloom. And (111 tho air with sweet per fume. Winter’s clouds of blackest hue, Aro nature’s lashes to her eyes, They veil her oyes of heavenly blue Which are the .springtime's ax- ure skies. ties have been planned for this charming young bride elect Among those who will entertain are Mrs George Murphy, Mrs. Virgil Par ham, Mrs. Ralph Clark and Mrs Georgb Crossley. ' When Springtime opens wide her Antf tears of April glisten there, The flowers look up to the skies, And hurst thoV blossoms rich nnd rare. 0, thev will bloom, again they'll bloom. And Ml the n(r with sweet per fume. Hons Use It-* Fine for fylrl -Not Sticky, Dressy or Smelly few cents buys Jkr of ’•Hair- tom” at any * drug*tore, which kes even atub^rp, unruly or impooed hair mtny combed ab In any style you like.—Adver- Muent. coughs oistI/iIb school WORK School teachers should give' the adttce to children who have icha as did this Florida teacher, recommended FOLEY’S HONEY D TAR to the children In my tool who had the ’flu’ and'good ults cams Whenever it was writes Mrs. L. Armstrong, eechobee, Florida. Foley's Mon- and Tar? 001 tdlente print Ickly relieves < up.—(Advertisement) Just Say Cascade Gin- Ale in Bottles At mnts. ATKISON. PARKS The nnnouncemnet, of the wed ding nfsns of Miss Marguerite MU ton Atkinson, of TmOrange, On., and Mr. William Vaden Parks, of-Mi ami. Fla., is of Interest to a large circle of frlerds. The marriage will be solemnized Wednesday afternoon, September 1ft. at the home of the bride’s aunt. Mrs. Lloyd Bradfield. In LaGrange. The bride’s mother, Mrs. Charles T. Brown, will be the matron of honor, and Miss Francess Bell of MllledgevUle^ Ga., the maid of hon or. The little ribbon bearers will be iy>rothy Parks, of MflRedgevIlle, sister of-the groom, and Virginia Brown of Greenville the bride’s sister. Miss Margaret Davis and Miss Blanche McCall will be the flower girls. Miss Atkinson will be given In marriage by her brother, Mr. John P. Atkinson. Mr. R. D. Cole, III. of Newnan, will act as MrM. Park's best man. Before the ceremony a beautiful musical program will be rendered Mrs. John \f. Cooper, o fAtlanta, the bride’s aunt, and Mrs. J .L. Bradfield wit Islng several selec tions. Ml»s Emllr Park will nlay the piano, and Miss Virginia Park the violin. Many rfUfRfrfiif pre-nuptial par- rSubstitutes are gener ally more expensive in the end than genuine articles. Housewives have learned — they ,, KNOW this is true w^yhere bakings are con- \Cemed. Self rising flours are .classed as substitutes for plain flour and good baking powder. The • use of these special mixtures is very liable to result in false econ omy, failures and waste on bake day. Remember there is a big difference, in many ways, between biscuits ana other bakingsmade from these so-called self-rising flours and those made from good plain flour and a de pendable leavener. Try the experiment—make a baking from each— convince yourself. You will find the baking made from flour and baking powder for more attractive in appearance. It will raise higher— retain its full food value and taste better. For best results, do not foil to use Calu met, the Economy Baking Powder, and a reliable brand of plain flour. Just think of it—the sale of Calumet is 2Vt times as much as that of any other brand. It contains only such ingredients as have been officially approved by the United States Food Authorities. It is pure and sure. You save when you buy it—you save when you use it. PACKED IN TIN — —KEEPS STRENGTH IN- MRS. MERRITT POUND HONORS MISS GERTRUDE PARHAM M(s» Gertrud's Parham a charm ing bride-elect of Thursday whose marriage to Mr. Allen Woodall of Columbus will be a social event of state wide Interest was the happy inspiration of Mrs. Merrett Pound’s lovely bridge luncheon Wednesday morning which assembled* three tables of players. x. The guests Included the mem hors of n club of the High. School when the hostess and honoree were students, and the out of town guests for the wedding. A wealth of gorgeous pink roses were the bright decorations ar ranged In silver and crystal vases hanking the hall, drawing room and' dlnfng room. Following the spirited gama —Rosa M. Owen delicious luncheon wag served. ] Miss Parham was presented a unique door knocker and a novelty necklace wag the pretty prize awarded the dinner of tho top score and’ a hand painted picture for the consolation. The charmfrifely planned narty was one of the mbst beautiful of the happy series complimenting the attractive bild'e-elect. —BD— JOINT MEETING OF ALTIORIA AND MILDRED RTHERFORD SOCIETIES A Joint meeting of the AltlorlA and the Mildred Rutherford literary so cieties ocurred Saturday evening In the Pound' Auditorium. Some very Interesting reading were giv- enhy >M(ss Jlmmfe Harvey, Leslie, and Miss Ruth Conyers of Cass- vllle. The president of the Altlorla Literary society. Miss Nellie Shff- let. of Summerville and Miss Lyle w*1ke«- of Conyers, president of the Mildred Rutherford Llternr* society welcomed the old girls back to their respective societies and Invited the new girls to be come members. President Jere M. Pound was master of ceremonies on this oc casion and In a talk to the stu dents emphasised the value of the ^york done in the lletranf societies Wd ItMhbwMJAIs sgortr could--aid In fitting th# girls, for their life’s work. Professor D. L. Earnest and pro fessor P. F. Brown made interest ing and Instructive addresses that were enloyed by all present. They tco, «noke of the Importance of bi coming a member of one of the literary societies. After th# meet ing In the auditorium the Mildred Rutherford society went to! tho Winnie Davis parlors whero re- freshents .were served and the Al- tlorla society were served in Rhodes’ Park. SENIOR DEGREE CLA88 STATE NORMAL MEETING On September U the Senior De cree rings of tho State Normal School held a mectlmr tor tho pur pose of organising. The following officers were elected? President. Miss Lillie Mae Kelley; Vice Pres ident, Miss Ratio Sue Echols: Sec retary. Lucy Bells porley; Treas urer. Josephine Harvey; Faculty AdvHor. Mr. Ritchie; Mascot, Ttalnh Pound; Advisory committee, Florence Ramon, chairman; Lillie I Mae Kelley. Qlfcry iPentlcoat and I Mabel Carson. MRS. W. R. STEADMAN FNTERTAIN8 BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. W. B. Stcadan entertained! her bridge club very delightfully. Tuesday afternoon at her lovely' home on Mllledge avenue which was beautifully decorated with gorgeous senntaa and marigolds nr ranged . effectively throughout the lower floor. Delicious refreshment* followed the Interesting game. Miss Mary Ella Yancey of Atlanta a popular visitor nos given two dainty hand kerchiefs. Mrs. Burney Dobbs was award'd the top* score prise, a pretty flower basket. Three tables of‘players enjoyed the gracioushospitality so happily extended. - ri pp— MR. AND MRS. J. BU8H ENTERTAIN FOR MR. AARON BU8H A recent happy social event was the farewell narty for Mr. Aaron Bush who left for (Columbia Col lege and on which occasion Mr. and Mrs. J. Bush entertained. A notable feature of the evening was the lovely piano ••lections by Mr. 8tric!and of Atlanta, tho guest of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Galloway. Delicious refreshment were ser ved at the close of the Interesting party. Chronic With Many People—Stu art's Dyspepsia Tablets Bring Quick Comfort—8w*eten and 8top Acid, Sour Risings and Such Dyspsptie Distress. When the fact Is considered that sven careful people, thoae who fol-, rtpommyh me but uvum of is- lief. Stunrt’s Dyspepsia Tablet* ran. Sir*. W. V. Watson, Mrs J 2 McKinney. Each circle of the eoclety will have a representative und one wil! ro from each of the Young Peo ple’* Auxiliaries. * /1 »: *>4 The Athena first church society • honored Iu ImU «u SU w*uilwi- ihlp the recording secretary of the 3arepta Union, Mrs. C. M. Walker ind one of the district secretaries Mrs. W. M. Crane, both of whom SIR attend.* ROMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION Tomorrow, (Thursday) afternoon it 4:SO at the Central Presbyter!- church on Prince avenue, the Athena branch of the /Woman'i Christian Temperanec Union will Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION How to Stop Sour Stomach 6 Bell-ans Hof water . Sure Relief ELL-ANS git und 75« Pec8,( ? s Cv«Ww~ - uU—EE have a meeting, to which the pub lic is cordially invited. A special program has been ar ranged consisting ,ot music, read ings, and talks by some of the leading men nnd women of the city Tho organization has just been perfected, nnd, with an earnes* corps of officers, and a representa tive membership, are working foj God and Home and Every Land. Atlanta is the guest of Mrs. Henry Doolittle tof th<T0pert1ng r of the uni versity. **<* < —SB— Mrs. J. D. Taylor of White Plaint spent Tuesday in the city, • —«- | Mrs. T~S, oylun «»£ Commerce «va ■ among the visitors here /Tuesday. —SB— Misses Stephens of Carlton spent I Tuesday In the city. —US— Mr*. J. C. riunter of Atlanta ar rived Wednesday to visit Mrs. Bar rett Phlnlzy. /Mr*.' John L Booth and John Jr, ■*|&nt Monday in Atlanta. * 05— Mrs. John N. Booth will return from Macon Thursday where ah« has been .upending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Marlon O’Farrell. MR8. 8AM BAILEV ENTERTAIN8 BRIDGE CLUB THURSDAY 3:30. Mrs. Ram Bailey will be the'de- tertaln her bridge cub, which will be one o( the brightest of the Inv affairs of the week.' are used by lawyers, doctors, teachers, by business m«n, V.R0.N.AJ5VENU..SEWING abused stomachs In the vorld, those of n host of traveler*. For thirty years people have learned that they may eat what they like or what la set before them, and no matter what the con dition of the, stomach, tf duo to dyspepsia, these wonderful tablets st£p gassiness and sour risings. . they give the stomach the alkaline | Little Miss Alice Hahr Rpsldlni feet which overcomes nddity and has returned to her home In At* CLUB MEET8 WITH MRS. ARTHUR KITTLE FRIDAY 4:00 The Virginia Avenue Sewing clul will hold Its first Fall meetlnr with Mrs. Arthur Kltte Friday af ternoon st 4 o'clock, ascmblng the members for the usual enjoyable pastime over work bags. • Mr. Bryan Lumpkin was expected home today from Atlantic City. New York. Rhrntogn nnd other^polnts of Interest after an absence *of n month. — Mrs. Kittle Jewett Williams, Mta« Dorehes* .Williams and Mrs. II. L Jc-ivcti Williams returned the lat ter part of the week from Van couver, B. C., where they rlccom- ponied Miss Hannah Williams who sailed from Vancouver to China.— Macon News. Metre. I Henry Beach, Jobe Thomas, bharieg add George Oow^-f V.d are among the boys arriving'ttili I week from Brunswick to enter the University. SJr.-R.-L. TIT, A*hcar spent the week-end in Macon, com ing down to join Mrs. Moss nnd Master John Moss, who are the guests of Mrs. M6ss’ mother, Mrs Clarence Cubbedge, at her home or. Bond etreet.—Macon Telegraph. HAVE ENOUGH (Continued From Page Dm) 1 * * Ihus they either avoid distress af ter eating or else they quickly re lieve it. Be fortified. Get a C0- eent box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at any drug store and arm yourself against Indigestion.—Ad vertisement. 7as a Good Jadge of Liquor ’•Since n young man I had a Ilk* Ing for liquor and was considered pretty good judge of It at ono time, but constant drinking gave me a stomach trouble which be came chronic. My stomach would have been a valuable addition to a gas factory. ’ Doctors did not seem to relieve me. One day «ny drug gist got me to try Mayr's Wonder ful Remedy, nnd I am now as good ns new.” It Is a simple harm less. preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the Intesti nal tract and allays the Inflamma tion which causes practically all stomach, liver and Intestinal ail ments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money re funded. For sals by all druggists everywhere.—Advertisement. lanta after an extended visit to hei grand parents, Dr. nnd Mis. Josepl Stewart on the campus. Misses Lillian knight and Paulin Allen of Monroe wsr* visitors heye Tuesday. —S— Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Everet have returned from a visit to 8a vannah and Brunswick HB-. The friends of Mrs. E. F. Porte will be delighted to learn her con ditlon Is satisfactory following a tonsil operation at the Gen4ra hos pital Wednesday morning. Miss Lake- Johnson, Miss Mamie HUsman end Miss Alice earwood will spend Thursday In Atlanta . Mr. nnd MrsT^Jame* White lef‘ Tuesday afternoon, for New York where they will meet Mr. and Mrs William Bradshaw and Miss Julls Bradshaw of Paducah, Ky., who art returning from a delightful trip through many of the Intereetlnr countries In Europe. ' —fW— l * Miss Mary Richards Colvin SMichael ‘Brothers Will Be Closed All ‘Day THURSDAY, SEPT. 20th Re-opening Friday 8 a. m. Watch the Banner-Herald for interesting news for Friday and Saturday. -MICHAEL'S WOMAN’S MISSIONARY UNION TO BE HELD NEXT WEEK Th,' annual meetintr of tho Bop* llat Woman', lllmtanary Onion of th. Borepta A««oeUtion will b. hold «t rmwfonl on Tu«d»T nnd WodDMcdoy,,mb«r it, >1 wwnijf.g |i ?gsMB BALL ROOM DANCING ' PRIVATE AND CLASS LESSONS For Further Information Call Sarah Hall Katherine Bradwell Phone 485 Phone 1012 STATEMENT OF CONDITION. OF The Athens Savings Bank Located at Athena, Georgia, at Clou of Biulneu, September 14, 1923. As Called for By tho Superintendent of Bunk.. RESOURCES Time Loons snd Discounts a .. ;. $929075.19 U. S. Bonds 187,450 Bsnking House 21,073.03 Furniture und Fixtures ... 875.60 Other Real Estate Owned 10,847.39 Cosh In Vault and Amounte Deposited with Approved Reserve Agents .. 165,080.07 Checks for Clearing House 10,720.47 Other Checks and Cash Items <1X5 Overdrafts 5,230.33 U. S. Certificates .. 1. 1.092.00 Internal Revenue 8tamp# .. 100.00 Total .. ..' .51.338/XM.53 LIABILITIES Capital\Stock Paid in ..0100,000.00 Surplus Fund 200,009.00 Undivided Profits 80,080.80 Due to Banks in this State 14,407.61 Individual Deposits Subject to Cheek 5258^08.87 Time Certlficatea of Deposit 77,745.18 Savimn Deposits .. 281,681.01 618.2963M Bills Payable to Banks In this State 275.0V0.09 Bills Payable to Banks in other States SOfiOOM Other Liabilities Not Included Above .. 214.00 Total 51^)00^8 STATS OF GEORGIA - (l»i i... r, „.ity; Before me came G. A. Mell. Cashier of tho Athens Savins* Bank, Wing duly sworn say3 that the above fnrOKoinf. statement Is n true llion of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. G. A. MELL. Sworn to nnd Mtatrriha) he for. nv>, this 19th day of Scntmnber. 1923. LAURENE S. BRAY, N. ‘P, Clmke CV, Ga. Qpv. and Mrs. Morgan, of A then f wore iruonts of Mr, and Mrs. N. L Hutchins while In the city—Law* rencevllle Journal. Miss Amy Lou Lestey of Rome has entered the University. \ ’ factory. It is written to help pre- * • * % ’■ktis uutl’ we supply those at hand. MU8T RAISE MORE COWS ^The 8tate*ColIege of Agriculture has the key tq the solution of tho problerti—raise morn daVy cattle, raise youf own feed for that rat tle. It has been demonstrated that ••'.-JC** e-riio» h' "..fin fHn.l— sour cream or selling sweet milk to the cheese factories unless the cow eato home grown feetr. And It Isifurther demonstrated'that north east Georgia «fs not producing, enough' dairy products to supply { the home markot—not evon meet- Ing the demand! half-way. MILLINERY New Fall Modes in Hats arriving 'daily. Pattern Hall *5.00 to *23.00. Velours, Felt: Duvetyne and Satin Sport Hat! $2.00 to $10.00. THE STYLE SHOP Bliss Susie Wells j PA-LAC THURSDAY <md FRIDAY NOTE—This feature is now playing in one of New York’s Largest Theatres to Capacity Business Extra Added Attraction Larry Semon Comedy “The M«