The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, September 20, 1923, Image 2
HAViE TWO v Ino’I^aW for it When Athens Citizens ohow a Wly jj. There can In' no reason why an> render of this who suffers the tor- nrea of an aching back, the annoy, vice of urfnary disorders, the JgjMns and dangers of kidney ill; |neighbor who has found relief. wbnt an Athena citizen says- | , Mrs. Rucl Burners, 137 Peter St. fjpya: '•Whenever 1 stooped I had Itotchea of pnin through the Jtnal - I si my bncH which made me scream fWhen sitting down for a short llmr.l 4j' , could hardly get up again be- j 5^u.<- nn 1 back was so stiff and! Fairs. Mornings when I got up mo>g*dlred than when golnr 1TIR BANNER^ERALn. ocieiy_ Office 1201 — By MBS. ALICE ADAMS — Residence 832 ALPHA GAMMA DELTA , ENTERTAIN FOR MISS PARHAM One of tlie many beautiful pat- Ues'honoring'Miss Gertrude Fir th eluterestins social mark the so< m! calendar, the most important ot which will be the charming arnea of dunce* at the Mori* Auditcrium at which the Par. Hellenic Council la entertaining, beginning tils evening. . ham was th einteresung fcociai j j|, 0 >warm crs Orchestra of [ event of Wednesday afternoon at, Atlanta wi l furnish the music. ; f to bed. I became dizry and black I palm Gnriien when the Alpha j Many- visiting holies from over ?specks enmo before my eyes, a ! (j a aima Delta Sorority entertained the state aro arriving dally adding |frl.nd recommended Doha's Kidnejl at n j ne tables ot bridge tor the . m0 st happily to the gay week, to me sb I got n tx»x at Proit) j charming bride. > I wiiirk Win miU»p thn Intf L& Prti’p. Dim Store, rilhved of nil the‘ trouble with my ) back and •my kidneyn becamp nor- * hwl. 1^|iccns|onally use fv>anV Egad they,always relieve me of any |~tfh*ht return of kidney trouble." BjtPrie*fiOc. nt nil dealers. Don*' ^SOTPly ask for a kidney remedy— , tot DoftWs Kidney Pills—the samr [-feat Burners had. Foster- jgllhnrnwCo., Mfrs, Buffalo, X. Y pHAftverlfserm'nt I which Will oedter the Interest of The I’alni Garden picturesque* the college dancing contingent, in the artistic furnishings ade an attractive setting for the happy oc casion." Dainty bon-bons were served during the spirited - game, followed by a delicious ice course. Miss .Parham was presented with an exquisite set of Madeira napkins and Trench novelties awarded the winners of the high and low score. ■ Just Say Cascade Gi"-j college dances jror Ale in Bottles At EFr,N THUR8DAY Founts. With the opening of the Uni versity many social activities will 1 Breakfast No. 1 The finest cereal dainty ever served r,,No dainty can compare with atcam exploded rice. In textun. Savor and ease ol digestion it hold* the supreme •••Grains puffed to airy morsels, 8 times normsl sue. Food cells brokeo KO digestion is nude easy. A nut-like flavor due to fearful beaL K The greatest night dish is Quaker a jg. jj Puffed Wheat in milk. That is whole wheat steam exploded. The wheat supplies 12 minerals growing children must have. Also their need of bran. Milk is rich in all three vitaminesl Make whole wheat and whole milk tempting in this delightful way. Then people will revel in these matchless foods. Millions.ol people are better fed : * since Professor A. P. Anderson invented Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice.- " ' • . Let no day pus without them. Quaker Quake* p Mucd Rice Puffed Wheat STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF ’ 'I ' Tlie Pittard Banking Company ntliocated at Wintcnrills, Clarke County, Georgia, at Close of Buaincu Eg .|KJl September 14th, 1923. As Called for By the Superintendent ot Banks. II \ V r .. RESOURCES rnHirae Loans and Discounts ..${9,7182111 ^fcemand Loans 9321.99 * C "'W‘ amoM'3etured by Real Eatate 8385.01 [Industrial Stocks and Bonds / 1395.00 BJorniturc end Fixtures 132230 Other Heal Estate Owned 40.58 J»no Dypi Federal Reserve Bank - 2,72332 j Carh in Vault and Amounts Deposited with Approved si Reserve Agents ; .. 9,425.81 «'I., okt f.,r Clearing House I .... ' 204.24 EJwerdfiifts ...... 160.00 mDther Assets Not Included Above 160.00 —SB- EXECUTIVE BOARD WOMAN'S CLUB MEETS FRIDAY, 11 O'CLOCK The executive board of the Wo man's club will meet at the club house Friday morning at 11 o'clock. All members are urged to be pres ent. STORY HOUR FOR JAPANESE RELIEF FUND FRIDAY 4 P. M. Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock Mica Marlon Bloomfield will con duct a story hour at the Paris' House, the proceeds to go to thb Japanese relief fund'. A cordlui In vltatlon Is extended to nil. Then will he a small admission charge. —ffl— Mrs. C A Scudder returned Thurs day from Halifax, Nova Scotia. 1 —l— Mies Sarah Swift has returnee from Atlantic City and New York here she accompanied Mr. und Mrs. Steven Upson and family. Mrs. W. H. Smith and Miss Es- toll Scott spent Wednesday In At- Mlss Valeria Lamar ol Macon arrives this week to visit licr grandmother, Mrs. J. A. i'ltner on Barber atrcct. enroute to New Yuri where she will study this winter. —SB— Mrs. IJr.tun P. Stephens ol Thomson is the guest of Mrs. Hor ace Holden. —98— Mr. and Mrs. Stovon Upson Misses Louise, Matlilldo and Mario Upson and Steve, Jr., wll return Friday front Atlantic Cit‘ and Now York whero they have been spending several weeks. J1-- Mrs. Henry Mcllntton of 14 East 60th street, New York, and o' Georgia, is stopping ip Paris al the Hotel Savoy, where she cxpccti to remain for several months. Sh( entertained at dinner there or, t n day. her.guests being Mr. and Mrs Charles Pelgram, of New York; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Matthews. Chamberlain, of Boston; Dr. Jos- lah Penn'.msit. president of th* University of Pennsylvania, and Mr. Walter Turpin, of Macon, Cu. —The New York Herald, Paris. Hisses Cathertn. Roberts, Millie Stewart and Dorothy Turner ol Dawson have entered the Stato Normal School. -Meiers. Lucius Lamar, Clifford Farrar and Manning Yeonians of Dawson are regletered at the Uni ■pi Total $9331732 LIABILITIES SCapItal: Stock Paid in ..$25300.00 PSurpIusFumi .. .. .. . .. 11,000.00 ■TKiil n " “ i " i" " Ivltlo is the guest of Miss Lorulno CbMk '• " " •' }*« JsrreB this wotk enrtmte ,0 Mrs. W. W. Jarrell of will arrives thlg week to 1 Joseph Jarrell. Mice Julia I).'Loach Is the guost ot her aunL Ver Nooy. Miss'Mary EiS Ygncey return ed to Atlanta WsWdnesdsy after n visit to her sister, Mrs. Howell Eru-ln. Miss Evelyn Jarren of Thomas- Time Certificates of Deposit 16,301.58 EftaaFronds on Deposit .. 13,072.68 Checks .'t 227.14 r<Notcs npd Bills Rediscounted with Federal Reserve Bank .. 11,708.39 Tdab ™- 1 “Yesf We Have No Bananas” I Still setting encore* 1 both ••• »ong end a fos- trot! But have you heard ' Furman * * cwlag f it w Record*? II you’re «"• ol the lew who haven t, juit aak lor— The Song, A-3873 The Fox-trot, A-3924 At Columbia Dealer* Columbia ■ #PVd.' 'wj Process n -^1. . Rq^fords Mr. and Mrs. ^ Percy Johnson, Miss Mamie Hlisman and Mias All^c Ycarwood motored to Atlan- a Tburaday morning for the day. —W— Mias Mnrlon tyiiott nnd ML5: Martha Lowe will leave Friday foi Athens, where they will bo guest; ha* oja^nln •rdtnees ;*t ths Urj! verslty of Ge^.xia.—Macon Tele, graph. -SR- Mr. James Frazer will leave thii eeK ?or Athens, wnere lie will re sume his studies at tho University of (Tforgia.—Macon Telegraph. Normal Seniors Elect President I • , - . By “8. N. 8.” At a recent meeting of the Senior Class, MIbs Mary Gmco Kehrcr, it Nortross, was elected president to succeed .Miss Louise Hhackol-. ford ot Abbeville who on account of illness was not nblo to hold the office at the Stut^ Normul School Mls-s Shnckelford has been a faithful nnd untiring president for the past three years nnd wo re gret her lendeiir.g her resignation. Miss Kchrer is a bu.^y worker in the Y. \V. C. A., nnd that no class enn fail under the leadership of such a girl. it; iL r- TnURSDAYt SEPTEMBER 20. 1923 -----"-'"it -f Ever Play Mah Jongg? Those who play Mah Jongg say it is the greatest of all games. Sets are slhown here in a variety of sizes and kiqds with prices ranging from $2.50 to $45.00. Sweaters For the New Season in f . Many Colors * The nevv sweaters for Fall ai^e shown in a va riety of colors and styles, ligtht and heavy weights, without and with sleeves, and all the variations of collar styles. Athletic models,' •lacquettes, Golf and Tuxedo models! Plain and brushed wool, belts and pockets. Sweaters range in price from $4.00 to $21.50. American Girl Coats For Misses and Juniors ' American girl coats "are made by specialists who make coats for girls exclus ively. There is a variety of styles especially designed for youthful figures. Made of t Bolivias, Ormandales, Brytonias, Astrican, Ve lours and Overplaids. Some of the models are plain tail ored, others are prettily embroidered and others arc trimmed with fur collars and cuffs. Prices ; range from $13.50 to $50.60. Davison-Nicholson Co. Athens’ Busiest Store 400.08 832)71.9'! 322,012.40 National Bank of Athens in the State of Georgia. At tho ,£loae' of' Business on i September 14th. 1923. RESOURCE?! 1. a Loans and discounts, including rcdls- < counle, acceptances ot outer hanks, and ' • foreign bills of exchange or drafts sold 1 * 1 . with indorsement ot this bank (except those shown-in b and c) $1,174394.7.1 Total loaps $1,174,994.71 2. Overdrafts, unspeured .. .. $4,75438 4,75458 4. U. 8. Government securities owned: a Deposited to seedre circulation (U. S. bonds pnr value) .. .. ..$250,000.00 ' Total .. .. •• • ..’ 2B0JMMJM - - fixtures, $1,635.50 .. 7. Rcil Mtatf^own^d othtfr'than banking house 8. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 10. Cash in vnult nnd amount due from national banks It. Amount due from State banka, bankers, and trust j companies in the United States (other than included in Items 8, 0, and 10) 13. Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank (other than Item 12) ! Total of Items 9, 10, 11/12, and 13 , Hb Miscellaneous cash items , j 16. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer •. ' I Total - ..$2,09131432 LIABILITIES * 17. Capital stock paid in ' $250,000,69 ,lg. Surplus fund .. .. .. 4902)00.0.1 ' 19. Undivided profits .. • ; .. * .$241,954.00 c Leas current expenses, interest, and taxes paid ,$ 034820 20. Circulating; notoa outstanding .. 247,400.00 22. Amount due to national banks • • , 63,697.81 23. Amount duo to Stato banks, bankers, nnd- trust com- , panics in the United States nnd fore:gn countries . ' (other than included in Items 21 or 22) 52,019.22 Total of Items.2), 22, 23. 24, and-25 .. ..* 86317.03 Demand dcpojllj) (,»H:r than tank deposits) subject to Reserve (depsip’iaiyoble within 30 days): 20.’Individual deposit, subject to check - 870,151.41 30. Dividends unpaid:".. ■ - — .. .-40.00, Tcta 1 of demand -deposits (other, than hank > 1 deposits) subject to Reserte, Items 26, i , 27, 28, 29, SO, and 31 $876,101.48 .$522396.47 1230536 , 13,762.53 ■ . .$2,09131432 Total STATE OF GEORGIA—County of Clarke, si: I, A. S. I’arkur, Cashier of tho above-named bank do solcmly swear Ih.’t the above statement is truo to the best of mv knowledge and • A. S. PARKER, Cashier. CORRECT—Attest! t ROBERT P. WHITE, —diet. SubsCrilwd and sworn to bofor* me thia 19th day of September 1923. B. F. TUCK, Notary Public, Clarke Co., Ga. JOHN WHITE MORTON, * OVID BIRD. > x Directors. Read Banner-Herald Wants Jtheh Liabilities Not Inejuded Above 186.64 .$9331732 ;; STATE 10F* GEORGI A—Clarke County: ■LBoforti me enme H. F. Pittsrd, Cashier of Pittard Banking Company, nrhb bcin? du|y sworn says that the above foregoing statement is a ■ true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said ■tonin' H. V. FITTARD. Kj^Birop cn d subscribed before me, thi» 19th day of September, J. 8. COILE, N. P, Cl«i4tc Co., Ga. . '* f 14 - The Man Who Laughs ; THE man who laughs is the fel low who has money in the bank. Enough said. Nobody can deny this statement. Come into thb bank and talk happiness. Member Federal Reserve System “ASK OUR DEPOSITORS” mmercial Bank of Athens Col. and Mrs. M. G. Michael ro- i turned from Now York Wcdncsduj afternoon after a visit to Mr. Mrs. Jerome Michael. —-60— Mr. John IL Northcult wont over to Atlanta Thursday morning on e short business trip. Mr. and Mrs.^Frank Foley of Coiumbna were visitors here thlc week, regletered et the Georgian. Mlie Margaret-McNeel of Marl-1 etta will be tho guest of Mrs. Julian a McC'urry tor the week end dance*. Mrs. Rosa D. Hu)). Major and Mrs. Hunter Harris, Mrs. Henry Hull and little Henry Jr., of Jack - BOnvIUe will go to Tallulah Satur day for a Week-end visit. Golden Knight apent Wcd- Atlanta on business. 'Miss Lu$lle Jackson left the first of the week for Columbus where she wliF teach this winter. 1 Mr. Hubert Ven straaten o; Philadelphia and New York Is the gueit of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Van 8traaten. n— Misses Eltiatatb Carroll and Irene Thomas of Atlanta are thn guest* of Miss Sarah Hall for .tho college dances. —-J6— Mises Martha ,Hess and Luclio Dempsey of North Carolina arc th; guests of Miss Van Wilhlns for the college dance*. Just Say Cn«cade Gin- rer Ale in Bottles At Founts, . Mr. Goli OCtdly la 3^1 f MonPate More Fruit v Mon Wholesome Rcfneskmtnl 11 Chero-Cola is now sold in the new twist bottle-*" The most beautiful Sc package in America " a. _ ; ^sn f. ,' 7-- SSSi