Newspaper Page Text
son, Atlanta; C. H. Ward, Boston;
F.« Prescott, AUJWUi C M Chas
tain, Dublin, Ga; R. 1. Reed, At
lanta; R, J. Johnson, Royston. Ga
F. C. Barrett, College Park.
R. D. Smith,, Macon; J A Put
nam, GreenvUW, S C.; C A. Con
nolly, Atlanta, D. P. Coleman, Allan
| Athens Visitors 1
MICHAEL'S-for Friday and Saturday
1 ■ ■ ' Means The Greatest Econony aS
Kayser Chamoisette A SpCCldl DlSpldV
Long Gloves l l '
89c Pair i, Fine Fall SllkDlCSSCS
Tha oritrinal fine ounlltv imriortad * Wt-t- LUKJS I CJ JCJ
ina'thocu vtsltlnit In 'Athene
v&ftitti' j * Nelson, Hal*
o c.. Charles C. Chamber*!,
a j Ren W. Matties, Char-
Walter McElreath, Atlanta;
Mlllan, Marian, N C.
C. L. Peterson, New Britain
Conn.; J. F. Canno, Atlanta; Joseph
C. Levy Augusta; A M McBride
Ashev*He,;lf .; Mrs. H P Kroebor
Atlanta; Charles Blakelcu. New
York City
Residence 832
Office 1201
Woodall -Parham Wedding Lovely
Event Thursday Morning at 11.30
At Central Presbyterian Church
T. A Collins, Ellavllle, Ga; H
C. Groves, Atlanta; R. B. Frank-!
IJn, Atlanta; Gordon Smith, Jame> !
Upshaw, W. Lang. Jos. G. Blount
Toilet Goods Sale
Face Powder
$1.00 Mary Garden .. 89c
98c Azurea 89c
98c Floramye 89c
65c Java 59c
50c Mavis 39c
$1.00 Coty’s H9c
50c Djer Kiss 89e
C. B. Wall; Chicago; M. E. Wll-
See the Great Police Dog Actor
| Carter of Columbus and Bob Hay.
Mr. Hugh Hodgson, Athens* most
gifted pianist presided at the or
gan and Mrs. Kate Bowden of
White Springs, Fla., sang “At
The church was artistically deco-
rated In green and whits with
sUtply pMima and ferns banking
the altar with cathedral candle
sticks holding the sparkling tapers
gleaming agaluat the luxuriant
back ground of greenery. Great
baskets of bride's roses, tho handloa'
j The marriage of Mias Doris qer
trude 'Parbatn and Mr. Allen Me-
Ciehce Wooduil of Columbus was i
lovely aocial, event Thursday morn
ing, Heptember ' the 20th at. the
Central Presbyterian church at hah
after eleven o’clock.
• The Reverend -S. J. Cartfcdge
pastor, jwa# tlid officiating minister
using the ring ceremony.
The bride was given in marriage
by her father, Mr. Henry Jes^o
Parham and attended t.y an at
tractive group of girls who wore
her class mates at Brenau. Miss
Very lovely and handsome new models
of Satin Crepe/ Satin Charmeuse and
Faille Crepe. At $27.50 the value is
extremely fine.
Stewart’s All Silk Crepe
de Chine
51.95 yard
caught with tulle bows, completed
Today's values is at the lowest,
Cuiut Garner ol Buford was m ild
the rich fiorai setting.
$2.50 yard. Colors Black, Navy,
Sand, Grey, Pink. '
50c .Nadine 3!
$2.00 Houbigant’s
Ideal $1.<
Talcum Powders
$1.25 Cotys fii
erf honor and the maids were Misi The lovely young bride presented
Nannie Lee Cauthen of this city a picture of girlish beauty In'
Mies Nan Llnthlcum of Atlanta smart gown of dark blue chunelle
Miss Gene Claire Norris and Mlsr Jacquard velvet, finished with fl
Lorraine Fine Fall
49c yard
Just as fine as the Imported
French and Scotch Gingham and
made in the U. S. A. New pat
terns and colors.
(Poerit lace collar' and fashioned
! huttant style. She wore o brown
l! Duvtyn hnt with a touch of blue
• j and accessories to match; ^»er cor-
■ sage was exquisite orchids show-
I ered with valley lilies.
1 t Miss Garner wore a beautiful
gown of Taupo Charmeuse, with
r brown velvet hat.
• Miss Llnthlcum wore blue Pou-
ret twill trimmed with Ruled 4-uf*
fles and gray velvet hnt.
1 Miss Pekor wore a handsome
black satin gown with touches ol
. cream lace.
Miss Cnuthen wore a lovely gowr
of black chiffon velvet with a touch
of rose and silver trimmings.
! It Isa Norris wore a Molly O* satlr
1 crepe lace trimmed with Log C*b*
I in hat.
1 The maids carried arm bouquet*
j of pink roses and valley lilies.
I The Uttle flower girl was charm-
1‘ing In a .dainty frock of white
crepe de chins and lace trimmed
Messrs. William Gunn, of Pensa
cola, Fla.. Howard Mewhourn, ol
Rlberton, Madison Nicholson and
Alfred Parham of this city.
Litile Ethel Clyde Woodall sister
ot the groom was the dainty /low
er girl and Master Billy Woodall
ring, bearer.
The''ushers were Meant’. Henry
35c Mary Garden .,
25c Mavis
' 25c Mennen’s Violet
25c MenncnV Borate
25c Orange Blossom
25c LateUe
25c Babcock’s
Butterfly .j.i
$1.00 Houbigant’s
Qulauc Fleurs ...
$1.(10 Houbigant’s
25c Djer Kiss
25c Palmolive .•
Silk Stripe Shirt Madras
75c yard
Extra fine quality in beautiful
colors, stripes on white ground.
Stunning styles, and beautiful tailoring
of Flat Crepe, Satiij Canton and Crepe
de Chine* Ail in Black, Nhv^ and
Brown. Such dresses are worth nlticii
more than $14.75.
39c yard
This is tho cenuino Devonshire
Cloth that Is fast color and long
wearing. 32 inches wide in new
and prettier patterns.
Atifactively Priced
New Fall Footwear
Toilet Water
Everfast Suiting
45 cents
Sold in Athens only at 'Michael's!
All colors guaranteed fast. ' The
guarantee includes the cost of
making and trimming.
$2.19 Azurea
Shoes that are at once exceptional in
their fine quality, beautiful, and au
thentic style, and perfect ! fit. The
newest effects in .strap and gaiter'
pumjjg are dhown in-ffcflSf*.*j$ '
Log Cabin Sufcdc' 1 Faient Leather
r 511.85 '$ $3.50
Black Suede ‘‘ Black Satin
$10nn J, $7.95 v|
Brown Satin JBiown Kid
$7.95 $5.00 to $8.95
$2.19 Floramye .... $1.98
a Orange Blossom 89c
Mary Garden .. 98;
$1.25 Pinaud’s Lilac
Vegetal 98c
50c Djer Kiss
Vanishing 3Sc
NOTE:—This Picure Is Now Playing New
York City At Advance Prices.
Lingerie Cloths
49c, 59c •
in beautiful new patterns, weave!
and colorings. Th« widest assort
ment we have ever shown;at un
usually low prices for % such fine
Quality Drug Accessories
for STUDENT Needs
50c Nadine Vanishing 38c
35c Daggett &
Ranisdoli’s 29c
35c Pond’s Vanishing 29c
35c Pond’s Cold 29c
50c Hind's Honey &
Almond 38*'
Silk Parasols
Every one guaranteed not to split,
fade or break. Beautiful handles
and fixings in colors Blark, Brown,
Navy. Rni ; Gray. Pnypj?, GfW!
and "Electric Blue.
•fall season. f '
If - The lovely young bride la one
i j Athena* moat charming 4 and
I popular girls, the only daughter ol
Mr. H. J. Parham and the late Mra.
50 Milkweed Ingram’s
50c Babcock’s Lemon
Tooth Paste
25c Listerine
65c Prophylactic
'j'ooth Powder ....
25c Dr. Lyon’s
45c Prophylactic
Tooth Brushes ...
50c Pebeco
50c Pepsodent
25c Sanitol
30c Kolynos
60c Forhan’s
vunluse bar added to her
J personal grace., ah. graduated (rum
the High school, litter attending
! Brenau College, where ah, w „ i
member of the Alpha Gamma Delta
Sorority and graduated In oratory
Mr. Woodall la the ,on of Mr
and Mra. Clyd. Woodall of Colum*
buo. He attended the University
and I. a member of the Sigma No
Poiret Twill
44 inches wide and all wool. A
fine quality in the most popular
wool fabric. Colors Black, Brown,
Few stores may boast of such a won
derful collection of fine Silk Hose at
the low price. Every pair is perfect
and of excellent wearing qualities.
Every size is hdre. Every shade to
match the new gowns, suits, coats and
shoetf. Their fineness is assured by
the names of their makers—
fraternity, and has many don
. friend, here. Mr. Woodall la ns-
ooclaled wilh hIs father and uncle
Mr, Waller J. Woodall In the In-
| iluatrlal Index In Columbus and a
. member of one of the moet promt*
1 1 pent families. ,
I] Many out-of-town. vlaltor, were
I here for the notable occasion
; Among whom were Mr. and Mrs
! Clyde Woodall and family, Mr. and
: Mra. Waller Woodall of Colutnhua
Miss Kmet Garner, of Huford; Mrs
Kate Bowden,, of White Springs,
Fla.; Miss Elisabeth Pekor of Co
lumbus, Miss Nan Unlhecum o
Atlanta; Mlaa Gene Clatra Norris
of Columbus; Mr. Henry Carter ol
Columbua. Mr. William Gunn ol
Pensacola jtnd Mr. Howard Mew
bourne ot Elberton.
Wc take especial pride in our
■election of Soaps. All chemically
pure and tested. Brushes of nil
descriptions for every purpeee.
Tooth brushes for girls and boys.
For n comfortable shave buy
our articleu — Brushes; Bazars,
Soaps and Creams. Safety‘Bator
Blades to fit any kind.
The fashion demands Jersey and
this ia considered tho finest qual
ity made in the country. It doea
not itifctch und sag like the in
ferior goods. Colors Block, Navy,
Brown, Rosewood, Conn, Tan,
Kayser, Phoenix* Gotham
McCallum, Holeproof
, Corticella
Only at Michael’s, in Athens, are Silk
Hose electrically tested under the pow
erful Showtex Lamp—making the sell
ing of only perfect hose.
Grey, Co pen ami Colonial Blue.
All 54 inches wide.
French Serge
All wool and 42 inches wide,
great value, in Black, Bra
Navy and 10 colors.
25c Pears Scented .. 19c
25c Woodbury’s 19c
25c Cuticura 19c
25c Cuticura Ointment ! i)c
15c Sayman’s 11c
15c Lux Ik-
15c Ivory Soap Flakes 1 lc
15c Bon Ami 11c
15c Castile Soap .... 11c
25c Johnson’s Baby
MR. AND MRS. R. t.
We have several kind, of Cold
Cream which arc sure to be useful
for keeping the face and hands in
good condition. Also Taicume.
The' delichlc fragrance ol
trfumre add freshness
rightness to one’s msi..-u|i.
Stamped Gowns
98 cents
These fiqe Nainsook Gowns ere
all made and ready fdr dainty
simple embroidery.
Includes all good brand,.
Following tho rehearul of the
Parham-Woodall wedding parly
Wednoaday evening, Mr. and Mr*.
R. L. Cauthen entertained at a
very lovely buffet supper honoring
'Our. stock of Fountain
Pens and Eversharp Pen
cils in Silver and Gold is
For the young men our
stock of fine pipes, cigars,
tobaccos, humidors, cigar
ettes and cases will prove
For School and Collegt
the popular brfSt-cicct, wedJiua
i nrtv ati.1 a
Football Sweaters
complete. Writing mater-
25c Packer’s Tar .... 19
25c Resinol 19
10c Palmolive .. 93c do;
Party and out ot town guesto.
The handsome colonial homo
wna ntatonmly decorated with a
ials and Stationery that
lends charm to corres-^
pondence. High grade box'
S aper or pound paper and
avelopes—whichever you
srecncry ot .feraa and exquisite
Slink STIIIft mow omooo
Serges are again very popular and
especially tail fine French all-
wool quality, 44 Inches' wide, in
Brown, Grey, Navy and Black.
#«(1 e«qui»nc
i P* Dk . Klllamey roses (hrouKhout
We also carry leathev
goods in best quality, and
pocket books or card
cases are included. -
vans.sKU Utofc III ail U1U rOOmS,
} with many waxou taper, aheddiny
n anff wadi....
k soft radiance.
| The round mahogany table In
.the dining room was overlaid with
I a Princess lacs cloth, centered
| with a nilver basket of roses.
II around which were grouped silver.
; unshaded candlesticks and sliver
I dl«hea holding the bon-bon,.
|l Pink tulle streamer, extended
from tho drop Bght In graceful
1 festoons, entwined with emllax.
i The icon and cakes were heart-
thapod and the bridal note war
artistically expressed In all th.
pretty details.
‘Tho beautiful party was one o-
tbe brightest honoring tho charm*
19c, 29c
New pretty linen ones, plain, ma
chine and hand embroidered in
white and new colors.
90c Listerine.t. 89c
35c Odorono ........ 29c
$1.00 Cdorono 89c
22c Ammonia 19c
20c Witc'.i Hazel .... ISc
$1.65 Eau de Quinine $1.49
15c Bay Rum 11c
Of pure wool, cut in that swagger
athletic style. The colors are Black,
White, Navy, Maroon and Cardinal.
Such Sweaters are often priced $10.00
to $12.50. v
Prince Avenue Pharmacy
Broad Street Branch
Main Store, 105 Clayton
Royal Pharmacy, Clayton
Michael’s Linen Weave
Fine Stationery
49c Pound
Envelopes to Match . 15c
In the folded and long club styles.
50c Packer’s Tar
Shampoo ...
50c Watkins’s
Cocoanut Oil
Shampoo ...
Twenty-fire enjoyed tN
lov«ly hospitality.
Nervous 7
If Coffee
"There's n Reason "