The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, September 20, 1923, Image 7
I THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1023. 2 Cents a Word I ™ linlmum Chirm of 40 Centa. 00 lot three insertions. Seven lees for the'prfce of five in- 'au"* discontinuances MUST made in pereon »t The Ban- -Herald Office or by letter, telephone discontinuances are :‘r V3Ud ' WANT AD 75 (5 PHONE *W banner-herald want ADS_GET RESULTS Lost and Found 0 S T—Black silk pocket-book „ n lining money and other valuables, t Reward. Return to Hazel Hodfcsbn, >120 Milledge ue, ' s2 le f6rsale‘ )E SALE—Several good used jatteries. -Auto Wrecking Co., 'hor'.e 1696, —nmir s21c )R SALE—Crbltnd Bone good lor the ChlAena: National Mar- Phone 747, 124 Thomas Street. me ': oGc )R SALE-4%0 new bungalows the best llarti of Athens, nt attractive paces,von good terms. Phone 718. [ H. S. Freeman, aglc & FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room for two gentlemen. Phone 1560 L-3 or call at 840 Hancock. s21c. LE-jT! Phono 917. . *20p —~~ m . SALE—Tktoe mules. cheap ‘ ingeic OR SALE—^Several small farms Mar Athena, Ga., and many other farms of larger acreage. Phone 716. R. S. Freeman, « or will a t«r. . and Candy-Mfgr.,-Broad Street. — 1 cxc hange xov Ford road- R. F. Christian, Grocer FOR RENT-r-Two small furnish ed apartments, with all conven iences to eouple without chil dren. .627, Oglethorpe avenue. Phone, 417. - s21c. OR SAL! ittractive . bargains in 716. R. S. choico lots, at and several homes. Phone s21c FOR RENT—Three connecting rooms, suitable for light house keeping, $15.00 a month. Apply at^ H63^hase jreet. «., s22c Wanted—Rooms s21c IELP*WANTED—Male ANTED—Sevefal’ boys and girls for room ahd boaM, all conven iences, hot dnd cold water, close in. Phone 812-W." ol5c. OR SALE—One 1-ton Ford Track, one Ford Roadster, office furni ture, desks, tables, type writer, calculator, add ing maebuye^ everything for an office. See C. C. McPhall at BaiMtt & Cif. Inc. ' 923c. > SCI SEABOARD AIR LINE RY. irthbound — Southbound i:09 a Ailanta-Monrpe local 6:16 P 1:41 p AtL -Blrraln;h*m-Mem. S:1S p 1:41 p Nort< 1:65 p :S4 p AtL-Birmingham :24 p Norfolk^ 1:24 p 3R SALE-^riiMchange—1923 Siudebaker roadster, driven 3000 mllas. perfojt'condltioh. J. R. TlbbetU. Crawford, Ga. s24p. QEORQIA RAILROAD \ -JrjhtX De P wt MO pa €*-> 1:25 pm CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RY. W. O. Bolton. Agent. Thun« 1661 Contra! of Georgia Station Depart for-Macon 7:10 a. m. ' 4:45 p.,m. Arrive from.Macon 12:10 p. m» 9:10 p. m. ffe farther information phone \f.%\ ■ Bruce. C. A., 040. GAINESVILLE MIDLAND RAILWAY Schedules Effective September 9th, 1923 No. 2 Leave, Athena for Galnea- ill* Q ■ m lor rille 8 a. m. No. 12 Leaves' Athena GsinssvUle lml*? m. 1 No. 1 Arrives Athena Gainesville 6:00 p. m. . No. 11 Arrives ..Athena from Czineiville 10*4 (re. m. from TnE BANNEBrniBAH*; A'ngfflretigRfefir Your Wants - r AM PA8t 7~ Of Them Supplied H ere pao m FOR SALE—Cleveland, 3 passen ger roadster in A-l condition. Fine ladies car. Cost $1,500, take $350.00. Leaving town Saturay. See it at Soule Cadillac Ca., W. H. Bishop. . b23c. FOR SALK—Ford Sedan, 1921 motor and chassis. Good condi tion, a cash bargain. See W. D. Paschal or Phone 1279. s23c. FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms. 195 O’Farrell St Address Pox 48.. s23p. FOR SALE or exchange—Twenty purebred Rhode Island Red pul lets, March hatch, for purebred White Leghorn pullets. T. W. Mohlson, W.'nterville, Ga. s20p. FOR RENT—Furnished Rooms FOR RENT—Two furnished roams to students or business men, with or without board. Apply at 784 Prince Ave. or call 1465. s21c HELP WANTED—Male COLORED DINING CAR waller, and sleeping car por’era wanted. Experience unnecessary. We tarin you. Information free. Write 640 Railway Exchange. Omaha, Nebraska. «20p. WANTED—Misc. SEEDS WANTE£—W« will buy your mule, horse and cove hides/bees wax and tallow. Oldest hide firm in Athens. ATHENS HIDE CO.,| 431 Thomas Street a31p WE HANDLE THE BEST OF ALL KINDS OF FARM AND GARDEN SEEtiS * Ul- 5*, Buckeye Incubators Purina Feeds , Igj H. L. COFER SEED COMPANY ' Athens, Ga. WANTED—Good used tires. Auto Wrecking Oo„ Phone 1596. s21c Miscellaneous ALL MAKES of sewing machines repaired. All work guaruntued. Machines rented. Highest qual ity Hemstitching. Singer Sew- ing Machine Company. . o!7c Money to Loan QUICK MONEY—I have on hand at present $15,000.00 to loan on good Athens real estate. Write P. 0. Box 596. s21c ■+T+77T FOR RENT — Partly furnished REAL ESTATE LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH H. O. EPTING CO. Athens’ . Largest Real Estate Firm We want several thousands bushels of Fulghum Oats fj> 41' ol4c MOULDING MOULDING We Are Now Equipped to Mould Anything in Our New Plant. SOUTHERN FOUNDRY C< and Everything SOUTHERN FOUNDRY COMPANY HENRY LESTER, Mgr. Phone 1351. 303 River St. s29c PRINTING PRINTING GOOD PRINTING IS AN ADVERTISEMENT FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Johnson Printing Company Phone 926 Von Canon-Wall Bldg. ollc. AUTO REPAIRING If Your Car Needs Repairing Bring It to Ua. Sam W. Pinson Garage Ford and Chevrolet parti 164 W. Clayton. Phone 461 AUTOMOBILE PARTS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE “PUT YOUR MONEY IN ATHENS DIRT” Some twenty years ago I hung the above sign" in iriy office. Those who did buy real estate then, or “Athens dirt,” and are holding it today are winners, by three or foilrhundred per cent profit. Athens is just starting to grow. Get busy Investor, and “PUT YOUR MONEY IN ATH ENS DIRT.” Auto Parti At Reduced Prices. Auto Wrecking Co. 840 Broad Street. VULCANIZING Invite Us to Your Next . Blowout Phone 271 City Garage & Motor Company a27c LOOK AT ATLANTA The tide is turning and growing stronger. Get in the swim and help things boom. Two or three years from now you will be saying, “Wish I had bought something when things were low two years ago.” I HAVE SOME ATTRACTIVE OFFERS Lot 105 feet by 210 "feet at the Seaboard Depot with improve ments. The finest place in the city for a depot rooming hotel. Big demand for such an investment in *' Stores on Clayton Street for Sale. Stores on Broad Street for Sale or Rent. Pecan grove of/650 budded trees, some bearing, and 12,000 nursery trees, situated on the Atlanta Highway near Athens. Fortune in pecan groves. Small farm of 5516 acres on Atlanta Highway. Fine plaao for pecan grove/ , ^ Bank stock in the different banks of Athens. Easy terms can be had on real estate purchases. VULCANIZING We wash and polish cars, dopo them all over. All work guaran teed. t First class vulcanizin; A-new five room house and 16 , __ . . Tr ,Tv teed. ? First class vulcanizing. DRY CLEANING—PRESSING—HATS CLEANEDIunion vulcanizing co, 302 East Hancock Ave. ol8c house, 249 Bloomfield Street. I acres, land in Wintervillc, Ga. See Erwin & Co. s20p WANTED—Boarders WANTED BOARDERS—Can ac- commodate a few more table boarders, real home cooking, reasonable rate, cose in, Mrs. R/ E. Fullilove, 439 College Avenue. Phone 1086-W. ollc. Equipped for $3,000. Terms. Poultry farm. A new 5 room house and^ large bam with 2. acre lot in Winter- ville, Ga. $2500.00. Terms. BOARDERS WANTED— Wanted roomers and boarders, near * Agricultural College. Apply mt 1323 South Lumpkin Street or phnocl50g. ■ *■?- ■- • ■ '0l9c. ± T ■'Read niA-ffnimm t h n.»7Q 7 i ' ! manner•& * sra»u Want Ads. A new 5 room houao and out building,. With 4 acre, in Win- terville, Ga. $2250.00. Term,. A 9 room house; 2 apartments, Mitchell Bridge Road. 2 acres in lot. $7260,00. Terms.' A 6 room house, No. 324 Boule- vard. corner lot, 100x200 feet, $5000.00. Term,. H. 9'. EPTING CO. Wo Dry Clean Your Clothes—on cheap fiat rate charges—no club tickets—Prices are right—Try us. Have your Felt Hath cleaned Try us. t , . and re-blocked for Fail and Winter. Phone us. We call for and dellVer cl 0 A U slJc th H P ATCL h ^N I N G ft SHOE SHINE SHOP Phone 9147 Clayton Street J ol& CAKES Send Me Your Order For Our Home Made Cakes, Plain or Fancy. The Kind You Like. MRS. U L. FLOURNEY Phone 1740. 163 E. Broad., , ■ • - o7p 1 >; E. KAY THE EMILINQ PAINTER* Fine Painting and Interior Decorating Phone 1207. Athena, Ga. •OOTHERN. RAILWAY liffcctlv, Sunday, April ?«. 1523 - No. I leaves Athens 7:45 a. m.. ar- am Lida 1:20 a. m. I leaves , Athens 4:15 p. m-. ar- IN* Lula 6:45 pi ra.- No. f Uaves Lula 5:55 p. m. ar- avw Athens 1:20 p. tn. ■a No. I leave. Lula: 10:10 a. at-, ar- ►Vi Athens 11:11 a» m. fjjro. B. KILLER..C. .4-, Athena 04. ^ Telephone IL THE RIGHT WAY! There’s no better meth- 0^1 nf vnQ/ihinffrthA 11GO* pic Wi 0(J of reaehingrUie .peo ple than through the ant Ads. Everybody reads t’rem, for they are news to those who - seek some thing and likewise news to those having some thing to sell. Use the Want Ads more —for any purpose—and we are satisfied that ycii will be gratified by the results. Banner-Herald Phone 75 Call for Either of the * Following Salesmen: II. o' Eptlng J. II. Epting W. T. Ray S. W. Uaaery J. P. Ingram. Jimmie Tuck, Jr. Holman Bldg. Phone 1686. VULCANIZING i ive are equipped to give yoti the hMt aarvlea in tin and tube re- %-<phoneM Taxi Service Day and Night i mV F rf , PURE AND SPARKLING ’ NATURE’S BEST REMEDY i No other water has th. wu-darful Uate, th. Invigorating fa.l- In, that It leave. .Per each glas. fu.l-lt's delightful,.yes If- LINTON SPRINGS WATER Drlak It All Yaar 'Round-But E.peclany la Boring and Bum- mar—PHONE 95 Linton Spring* Water Company YeilowCabCo. PHONE 66 v Offlra- GEORGIAN HOTEL The World Reads Our Want Ads! FolksWho. wish to buy or fld) things watch the Banner-Herald Want Ads. They’ve learned from experience where wise traders advertise. Place your Want Ad to day. It will reach all classes of people, and is a sure means of getting in touch with the ones you seek. Banner-Herald In the city. JS TIRE SERVICE CO. J. H. Poas, Prop. o6c Good Used Bargains 1919 Dodge Roadster, $150. 1919 Dodge Touring, $260. The Soule Cadillac Co. 142 W. Clayton. AUTO TIRES AND ACCESSORIES When Your Car Needs Retiring Let Ua Put Our Guaranteed Tires All the Way Round. Motor Tire & Supply Co. HATS FALL HATS POPULAR PRICES $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Levy’s Toggery & Boys Shop 0l7c PAINTING PAINTING, PAPER HANGING Beat Material. Good Workmanship. Carl Childers Phone 780. „ . •Z8e BUILDERS £ JNQ, K; DAVE "» Builder 3 701 Son. Mat. Eidg. 1 Phone 1877. FRANK A. LIPSCOMB. REAL ESTATE AGENT PHONE 109 WELDING AND BOILER REPAIRING ANNOUNCEMENT MONEY TO LOAN We *unk« loans on improved city property at a very low rate of interest. H. O. EPTINp & CO. S. W. Uaaery Jay II. Epting Managers Loan Dept. Phone 1086. Holman Bldg. ' o6c BATTERY REPAIRING Wa’ve a Size For Yhur Car— ATHENS ENGINEERING CO. Smith Bldg. Phono 711. STEAM PRESSING FARM IMPLEMENTS McCormick and Deerlng Mowers, $75.00. Hay Rakea, $37.60. E. D. Sledge Phont 1327-J. 1921 Ford Touring, Dem. Rims. ... $225.00 1920 Touring .... $125.00 1920 Touring .... $125.00 USED CARS C. A. TRUSSELL MOTOR CO Read Banner-Herald Want Ads. “Yes, We Have No Bananas Today.” We have rooms to rent, homes to let, jobs to get, help to get, homes to sell, lots to sell, furniture to sell, things to swap, money to loan, farms to sell, chickens to sell, paint * to sell, service to sell, music to sell, bags to sell, boarders to get, cars to get; brick to sell, autos to cover. “Yes, We Have No Ba nanas Today,” but if you will phone 75 and give us a little classified ad we will get you CLEANERS THAT .CLEAN Hats Renovated. White Pressing Club ol8c MUSIC SHOP A Few SllghUy Uaed Phonographf at a Bargain ■- If Taken Thii Month. J. L. MORRIS MUSIC SHOP Phono 801-J. 255 Lumpkin St. s21o FRESH MEATS MEATS FIT TO EAT We Deliver Free. NORMAL MARKET Phone 1336. 1844 Prince Ave. aSSe BARBECUE Hava Yon Tried Onr Barbecue 1 If not try It today. We Serve It Fresh Every Day. Flournoy’s Barbecue Cafe 151 Broad St. Phono 1740. v s27p We with to announce to the people of Athens that we are now equpiped to do any kind of welding and boiler repair work. J. E. BASHAM Formerly: with Georgia Car & Locomotive Co., is in of our Welding and Boiler Repair Department. KELLER MOTOR & MACHINE CO. Phone 351 / West Washington 8t USED CAR,BARGAINS WATCH THIS PAPER EVERY SUNDAY FOR OUR USED CAR BARGAINS. CITY GARAGE & MOTOR CO. Phone 271. COAL—COAL—COAL NOW IS THE TIME TO HUY YOUR COAL * HANCOCK COAL COMPANY Phone 707 Phone 7$7 STARTERS ANI) GENERATORS REPAIRED Electrical Testing Equipment, Ignition a Specialty General Auto Repairing STARTER ft GENERATOR REPAIR COMPANY Roy W. Mewbourne Genuine Ford Parts and Second Hand Parts for all Makes Cars. Corner Clayton'and Thomas Streets, Entrance Clayton Street. Day Phone 1316. Night Phone 698. •lie .INSURANCE INSURANCE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE Lowest Net Cost Most Flexible Contract See mo about our increased dividends. Also all lines of Insurance B. R. BLOODWORTH 212 Southern Mutual Bldg. / USED CAR BARGAINS WHOLESALE FRUITS AND PRODUCE Merry Produce Co. 861 East Broad St. , Phone 1461 Wholesale Fruits and Produce. YOU-DRIVE-IT Want Your Car Washed and Greased. Bring It to Us. You-Drivc-It Co. Phono 661. J. L, SMITH, Mgr. Be sure end see our used cars before you buy. Our cars are all in good condition. LAWLER MOTOR COMPANY Phone 1711 ’ Phone 1711 s31e FILLING STATIONS AND ACCESSORIES Uavc You Tried the New Navy Gaa? It Will Make Your Motor Step. McLEROY SERVICE STATION Service That Satiafien. Tires, Tubes and Accessories. Phone 1357-J Normal Heights Phone 1S67-J STEAM PRESSING PHOTOGRAPHERS CLEANING, DYEING. REPAIRING AND PRESSING . FOSTER PRESSING COMPANY Von Canon-Wall Building Phono 1886. KODAK FILMS DEVELOPED WHILB YOU WAIT. We Take Tt*"> JO A. M. Out at 6 P. M. Adams & Arnett Studio 162 Vi Clayton St. s30c SCHOOL SUPPLIES We Have Provided All the Needs ot the School Childn in Our Complete atoek. ■ ’ Everything From Pencils on Up Everything From Pencils on Up. THE McUUEGOR COMPANY- Just Say Cascade Gln- jgcr Ale in Bottles At i Founts, Plenty of Money to Lend on Real Estate Commission 3 per coat, over 91,0t$| 10 per cent up to ILOOt. HUBERT M. RYLEE Law offices Phone 167$.