The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, September 20, 1923, Image 8
ere the North Begins,” Palace Big Special Today and Tomorrow jfezj&po worth pf produce fi&tn family gardens at the Curb These two trucks, one from High Shoals and the other from IVatkinsville, have been supplied by the progressive people of those two communities with fresh vegetables, eggs and butter. Oconee county people are demonstrating that the farmer can have a cash crop thruout the year. Yes, lets raise cotton BUT let us have other cash crops during the yeaf. We need more milk corws and chickens to supply the local demands. The Piggly-Wiggly stores are buying eggs from Tennessee hoio and nve don’t want to do this. We want i,ur farmers to get this money. (More milk cows are needed to supply the sour cream for butter! Butter is high now. Are you getting cash daily for your eggs and butter. Congratulations Oconee. The business men and Piggly- lViggly are for you. "Where the North Bogins," a pic ture play of the far north, set is the desolate wastes of snow when men obey their Impulses .under* terred by laws of right and wrong This’ picture comes to the 1'ulacc theatre today and tomorrow. Rlntlntlq, the almost human po lice dog,Is the center of Interest Ir this Warner Brothers classic of teh screen. Around him are grouped the following edeef of plsyefsr tflttMe Adams, Walter McOrsIl Pfct‘ Unrtlgan. Myrtle Owed. Chas PADDOCK & CO., INC. Dave Paddock, Pres. •PIGGLY-WIGGLY 5 Stores in Athen After five men, sent out from a ludrton Bay trading post with fur >adr, hare fulled to return y< 8ha« iallowuy. the flinty f dor, offers Ive hundred dollars to the man inking the trip; and Uubriellc hipre, the young tmpfc)3dtj£ui nowing death stalks'Aim. * Prom this exciting situation' i&rif _lh*ftbsorbUi« Russell Daniel Is New Game Warden Rucssell Daniel has bene named Clarke county game and fish wnrd* en by state gamp warden, Teter 8. Twltty. He Uuceeds OrntTy Crawford and his commission dates September 1st. Mr. Daniel Is now nnmlng his denutv warden* near the emmty ! nnd nil thpse desiring hunting nnd J fishing H?ense should see. him. | THE BANNER-HERALD, ATHENS, GEORGIA • THUR8PAV SEPTEMBER 20,1023 FIRE INSURANCE ' Seventeen Years at Satisfactory Service. Strong Companies. Prompt Adjustments. CAM, FLEETWOOD LANIER, MGR. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, ERWIN & CO. Phone Thrcc-Four-Fivc huy p Goodrich Siivenswn ''CORD TIRES Lawler Motor Company Connally Motor Company BEGINS” JIT PALACE “Rintintin,” Famous Po lice Dog Has Part in Pic ture. Comedy Attraction Also Offered Thursday and Friday. By JOHN E. DREWRY Tho North woods—its glamor, adventure nnd risks— live unfor gettably and beautifully in “Where fhn North Begins’’ which comes to the palace Thursday for showings Thursday and Friday. In addition to this main feature there Is an adu-*d comedy attraction in which I^xrry Scmon has the leading role I ami is supported by many pretty girls. Not an Inch of “Whero the North Begins,'’ hut It spaced with thrills that are as different from {the usual ones as night from day. I It is the genuino article—a grip ping love romance of the far north I where men come to measure their | own ■ brawn and cunning against other men, where might Is right and nature relentless against the weak. Rintintln, the clever police dog, plays In tills picture. His acting Is uncanny to the nth degree. It Is unbcHovable, the manner In which ho registers throughout the story— from the moment when as a hun gry wolf separated from tho pack he attacks a wounded man and then recoils, suddenly remember ing his canine forbears, to the scene whero he leap* through a window and saves the heroine from a diabolic plot that almost gets executed. Ulntlntln Is the princo of dogs. All lovers of animals and good pictures will not miss this rare op portunity to see both n strong drama and unexcelled animal act- DAILY PROOF of Corona Durability nud a ter “I have laid many a day in a shell hole in France pounding on Corona with thn shells burst ing around you so close that you th'nif'ht every minute would be your last. I have used it in muri. Jt has boon in salt water, been abused phnniefully, afid after five years still working perfectly.’** r . d. EWKEZEY 139 N Center Street, .H*n*ndoab, III. Market Gossip Received Over F. J. Linncll & Company’s NEW ORLEANS, La Liver- .Oul Was uue 21 to up by New Sold By THE McGREGOR CO. Stationers and iPrintera Athens, Ga. Just Say Cascade Gin ger Ale in Bottles At Founts. Child-birth H OW thousands of women, by tho simple method of an emi nent physician, have avoided tin* necessary miseries through many months ami an to the moment Baby has arrived, 1* fully explained In the re markable book “Motherhood and tho Baby.” Tell* • nlso what to do / before ^Orleans, 45 to-62 higher by New| York. j Southern spots Wednesday werej generally 50 to 125 up, Texas mar kets 85 to 125 up, Dallas 110 higher, md idling there 28.85; sales Dallas 9,850; all told 38,109 vs 40,587 Tuesday. The excitement in market near close Wednesday was due to Ger man reparations proposals which are about the same as previous proposals turned down by France. However, it is expected that the conference between the premiers, Baldwin and Poincare, will be productive of good results. Attitude of Liverpool, i weather conditions and trade adveies like ly to dominate market Thursday. Owing to the bullish supply and demand situation and the very small stock in New York, market is very sensitive to bi^lish deAd- opments wbereps unfavorable news has little effect at moment. Meanwhile prices are very high for this time of the year; making possible wide fluctuation when least expected. | MARKETS ! i • i Fresh Norfolk Oysters Flounders Red Snappers Fancy Speckled Trout Mullets Wholesale and Retail Athens Fish & Oyster Co. 573 E. Broad St. Better Biscuit by Sweet Rose r ‘ I tell you that I've found the best way In the world to nuke hot biscuit, you’ll be interested, won’t you? My way la so simple and easy that I want to teU you about it. Just try working two tablespoons of lard or butter into a quart of Sweet Rose Self-Rising Flour with your finger tips. Then stir in a cup of cold milk or water. Roll out on a lightly floured board, cut and bake in a quick oven ten to fifteen minutes. But see that your dough to soft before put* ting in the oven. Be sure that your oven to Very hot, and above all, do not add sour milk, soda or baking powder to your mixture. That’s the good thing about Sweet Rose Sclf-Ris. ing Flour, the leavening to already mixed just right. If you'll just follow this simple advice you will find that with hardly any time or trouble you can make the tastiest, most delicious bis cuits that ever melted in your mouth. Remember, you can’t buy better flqur than Sweet Rose. It may cost a bit more per sack but ita quality always tells in your baking. CALLAWAY GROCERY COMPANY Wholesale Distributors Athens, Ga. Norfolk Spots (Frying Fish) Drawn Trout ARNOLD-ABNEY & CO. Fresh Parker House Roils Made Fresh, morning, noon and night, 12c the dozen. ARNOLD-ABNEY & CO, Extra Fine Iceberg Lettuce Extra Large Stalks of Celery Tender Com Tender String Beans Thornton's FRIDAY Dinner 50c > Vegetable Soup Jlaked Snapper, Tartar Sauce String Beans Boiled Irish Potatoes Tomato Salad Muffins and Biscuits Chocolate Pic Coffee,'Tea or Milk 50 Cents Supper 50c Fried Chicken, Cream Gravy Hominy Grits Fried Corn Sliced Tomatoes Hot Biscuits Fruit Pudding ‘. Coffee, Tea or Milk 50 Cents ATHENS COTTON The local cotton market showed > change at the ■ close Thursday. The market closed at the same level as the Wednesday close, 29% cent!. • NEW YORK COTTON Frev. Open High Low Close Close Jan. 28.7(k 29.08 28.70 28.80 28.90 Oc.t. 29.80 30.02 29.52 23.70 29.90 Dec. 29.30 29.75 29.20 29.35 29.05 11 A. M. Bids: January 28.95; October 29.95; December 29.35. NEW ORLEANS COTTON Prev. Open High Low' Close Close Jan. 28.05 29.14 28.40 28.56 28.20 Oct. 28.90, 29.20 28.74 28.94 28.75 Dec. 28.90 29.15 28.65 28.87 28.70 11 A. M. Bids:- January 28.67; October 29.06; December 28.94. Open P. c. Close WHEAT— Sept. • 99% 100 100% Dec. 102% 102% 103% May 108% 108% 109% CORN— Sept 83% 83 84% l*cc 07% 60% 07% May 68% 08% 09% OATS— Sept. — ... 38% 38% 38% Dec 39% 39% 39% May 42 42% 42% LIBERTY BONDS Open 3 l-2s .. .. •J0.2G First 4 l-4s . --If 08.2 Second 4 l-4s 08.3 Third 4 l-4s 98.20 Fourth 4 l-4s 98.3 Vidtory .... 98.23 NEW YORK STOCKS OPcn P. C. Coca Colo .... .... 74% 73% Kennicott Copper — .... 33 II: S. Steel 88% Studubakcr 101% 1( Southern Ry 32% 1 Tho B. Y. P U will meet at the Attica Baptist t church Sunday eve. nlng at eight o’clock Ir. and Mrs. Held Alexander were the guests of the latter’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Roque more, Sunday Millard, the little son of Mr. and SWEET ROSE FLOUR Thh Red Panel is on every bag of Sweet Rose- Plain or Self-Rising CLAIRE ADAMS IN ‘‘WHERE THE NORTH BEGINS." PALACE NOW PLAYING. •WHERE THE NORTH BEGINS" Now Playing at the Palaoe; Rin tintin, Famed Police Dog, Has Important Role Mrs. P Williams Is very ill at tblr writing. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Peterson nnd Mr. W. J. Hale were visiting In Bogart .Sunday afternoon Mrs J. A. Fowler has returned from Athens. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Carruth of Arcade were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hale Hundav afferneen Miss Vlnnio Whitehead has re turned home after visiting rela tives and friends In Atlnnta. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ogletree nri spending a while In Athens with their grand daughter, Mrs. Clar- Hammond. GREEN & MICHAEL LOAN DEPARTMENT 417*421 Southern Mutual Building. A Urge amount of local lands now on hand for ImmedUt Disbursement on City Property. ' SMAYBURG’S 278 Clayton Street Read Banner-Herald Want Ads. In Quality Alone Is There Real Economy / FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY Speaking of Values—These Are in Every Sense Superb LOVELY SILK AND WOOL FALL FROCKS VALUES EXTRAORDINARY and Here are some of the snappiest dresses in Silks and Wool that you have seen in a long while in Athens. When you see them, you will think that there certainly must h^ve been some mistake. But such is not the case—prices are correct—only $9.95-$14J)5. MAYBURG’S always gives you something different for your money. If you don’t want to spend too much for a dress it will pay you to see them—SEEING IS BELIEVING. More Wool Jersey Dresses Just Arrived They are smart in the unusually good effects. They wear well —do not crush. Navy. Black, Brown, Tan, Grey, Henha. Special $9.95 and $11.95 MAYBURG’S THE SMALL SHOP OF BIG VALUES .