Newspaper Page Text
;. W**!~
Georgia, nil of the following Je-lpagc O/ Clarjce county record*.
Legal Advertisements "'"All 1 • and ' ■ ‘ • ' -I Soil1 bnd ,cvicd a! ' the prop '
'•All that tract or parcel of lamljj rly ol N . M . Waif to aatUfy an
T6 the Superior Court of said State known ns lot Number 5 of the B.| ior Court °* Clarke County, Geor
JJUl County: A. Crane property, formerly landf^ia, on the 12th day of October,
Th* ; petition of AARON COHEN, of Mrs. Beulah E. Sims, said land 11922, in favor St Mrs. Lizzie S.
EDWARD M. COHEN, HENRY according to the survey of W. M. Lamkln. Written notice of levy
CITATION [first Monday in.petober next, else
County: Dr. J. L. Pcmlfey wi!l,.J>c di:
May Concern: charged from.*'his Guardianship i
ScK.»nd--fiEUIfAH‘applied for;
.living in due town* R. C. ORR,
applied to me for permanent let I Ordinary Clarke County,
ter* of administration upon ihe'gopt. 7.14-21-28
estate of CALLI£ NICHOLS, late I— 5 —--
of said county, deceased, to *
BODENHEIMEK and ERNEST Crane and a plat of the same be-^jven to defendant in Ti. fa. anti,issued to some projicr person; SHERIFFS SALE
MICHAEL, respectfully shows: lr) " °f record in the office of thetenant in possession. Deed for the [this is to cite all and singular thej GEORGIA— Clarke County:
Petitioners, together with their Clarke County, Georgia. Said lot
associates, desire to be incorpor- number f> having a frontage of 90
ated under the name of the PINE-* feet o n the road leading
CREST COUNTRY CLUB for the Mitchell Bridge to Scott Lump-
period of twenty years, with the kins Place and on to Brooklyn,
right to renew said charter at the 311,1 running back in uniform
expiration of said time. “ !J ‘ U - u ~‘‘
vidth about 400 feet to a Branch.
| The rlat of said property show-
That the purposes or said cor- > n K the property above described
poration are the promotion of so- 1* recorded
levy 1
... »aie fiicti
ded in office of the Clerk of
.... Superior Court of Clarke
from County, Georgia, before levy made
This 4th day of September, 1923.
Sheriff, Clarke County, Georgia.
Sept. 7-14-21-28.
r wi ... . ... the office of the
chid intercourse among the mem- Clerk of the Superior Court, in
bers and the encouragement of Deed Hook W, page 634.
athletics, and of sports and past. Said land will be sold as the
times. They desire the right to property of SAM WARRf.N, de
build and construct suitable club fondant in fi fa, under and by
rooms, tennis courts, golf course, virtue of an execution issued
swimming pool and lake and play August .'list, 1923, from the City themselv
grounds for children. (Court of Athens, in favor of
Your petitioners desire the cor- TION against SA.V WARREN, for
potation to be located in the City , the principal sum of $376.80, the
of Athens, Clarke 1 County, Geor- further sum of $27.30 as interest
gia. 'to August 31st, 1923, the furllie-
4. Isum of $40.41 attorney’s fees, and
Petitioners desire that said cor- 'he further sum of $19.75 costs;
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
To the Superior Court of Said
The petition of Mrs. C. Y, Weir,
Sr„ and A. L. Wier, both citiicns
of said county, respectfully shows:
next oi kin and creditors
said Callic Nichols, that said ap
plication will be heard before me
ut the regular October term, 1923,
of the Court of Ordinary of
Clarke County.
Witness my hand and official
ignaturc. This September 3 t 1923.
R. C. ORR, Ordinary.
Sept. 7-14-21-28,
LIBEL FOR DIVORCE I whole country but the white man^most of them not
October Term, 1923,'has not as
iperior Court. Georgia, mbre valuable
Clarim County,* '
yet realized how much Often unapeakabte crtfitoTireV/i 1 ’
Me he mgibt became mitted In tbete unlighted streST
with adequate means of develop-, "by should we have this cond'i
ment. '?">» Are wo a hated race £.
.1 9 „
Will be jold icfore the court
house door, ^aid State and County,
on the first Tuesday in October,
1023, during the legal hours for
sales to the highest bidder for casl
the following described property,
One show case, one bar fixture
(with broken mirror, one wall
• counter, one *ink.
J Said property levied upon and to
GEORGIA—Clarke County: the sold, as the property of Guy
To the Superior Court of Said jCowden. to satisfy a Distress
County: _ i Warrant issued in favor of Arnold
The petition of J. R., Brantley.
That Detitioners desire, for of Clarke County, Georgia, and This September 7. 1923.
dves weir associates and Howard Johnson, of Clarke Coun- _ W. E. JACKSON, Sheriff.
successors!' ^'^'incorporated un-1 tv, State of Georgia, reapectfully
fjer the name and style of WIKRjfhows: . .
GROCERY COMPANY, for the! 1. That they desire for them-
full period of twenty years, with selves, their associates and. auc ;
the privilege of* renewal as pro
vided by law.
2. The principal office and
place of business of said corpura-
poration may have the right to besides interest on the principal (tion shall be in the city of Athens,
elect a board of directors by a vote sum after August 31st, 1923, at ( Clarke County, Georgia^ and^peti-
and places cf business at such
places as it may_ desire, “** “
v „ within
and'without the'State of'Georgia.
The object of said corpora-
of its members, and elect such of- the rate of 8 per cent per annum; j tioners desire that said corpora*
ficers as they deem advisable, and said execution being issued on a 1 tion also have the power to estab-
to use and make all proper and judgment rendered in the City lish and maintain^ branch offices
necessary by-laws, ruics and regu- Court oi Athens in favor of
lations that are necessary and may GUARANTY TRUST CORPORA-
bo proper in carrying on the ob- TION against SAM WARREN on
jocU o f said corporation, and also August 31st, 1923, for said sums;
to have and use a common seal,'said judgment being a general
and with the right to alter, amend judgment against SAM WARREN
and appeal the bylaws in accord- nnd a special lien against the
ante with the constitution wher above described land.
l4|ptod. ' Said land wag this day levied on
5. (by me under and virtue of said
That said corporation have the execution, nnd f written notice of
power to receive, rent, lease, pur- the levy was given the tenant in
chase and hold such realty and possession as required by law,
personalities as may be necessary nnd written notice of the levy was
for the purposes of the corpora- given the defendant in fi fa.
tion, with the power to dispose ofj Quit claim deed for levy’* and
tha same and to Execute notes and sale was executed by the plaintiff
bonds as evidence of# indebtedness in fi fa to the defendant in fi fa
incurred, or which may'be incur- and filed and recorded in the of-
red, and to secure * the same by f ice of the Clerk of the Superior
mortgage, security s deed, trust Court of Clarke County, as re
deed, or other form of lien under .quired by law, before the levy,
existing laws. This ,4th day of September,
6. 11923.
That said corporation shall have W. E. JACKSON,
no capital stock except such prop- Sheriff. Clarke County, Georgia,
ertv as it may acquire from volun- Sept. 7-14-21*28.
tary donations, and dues and as-; ■ - —
segments levied upon its mem-
and Edwards, against Guy Cowden.
Sept. 7-14-21-28.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
' Ka inrnrnoritnfl .ml be * oId before the COUrt
sss": d r it n & c ° unty ^ pu V ic
outcry to the highest bidder for
made a body politic under the
name and style of AUTO WRECK
ING COMPANY, for the period of
twenty years.
2. The principal office of aaid
company shall be in the city of
Athens, State and County afore
said. but petitioners desire the
right to establish branch offices
within this State or elsewhere,
whenever the holders of a major-
cash, between the legal hours of
sale, on the first Tuesday in Octo
ber, 1923, the following de
scribed property, to-wit:
1. All that lot of land Ir the'
city of Athens, Clarke County,
Georgia, on the ea»t »iue of the
Oconee River, containing four (4)
acres, more or less, having a front
glyde'Wae wessinger
By order of the Court you are
required to be and appear at said
Court on the Second Monday in
October, 1922, next, tc acararer Pc
titioner’s libel for divorce, a vin
culo matrimonii, and in default
thereof the court will proceed as
to justice shall appertain.
Witness the Honorable Blanton
Portion, Judge of said Court, this
the 9th day of August, 1923.
Clerk S. C., C. C., Ga.
Attorney for Petitioner.
Aug. 10-24, Sept. 14-28.
No. 4425, October Term, 1923,
Clarke Superior Court, Georgia,
Clarke Count]
Clarke County.
By order of the Court you are
hereby required to be and appear
at said Court on the Second Mon
day in October, next to answer
petitioner's lib'.*, for divorce, and
Co. Chamber
Of Commerce
tion is pecuniary gain to itaelf and) 3. The object of said corpora-
its shareholders. , tion la pecuniary gain to itaelf and
Ittk. atnekma* ao determine a « e on Jona * Av ' ,,ue and bcin K
ity of the atock may ao determine. the propcrty dcscribed in a dwd
a. The particular business that Itt shareholders,
petitioners propose to carry on isl 4. The business to be carried on
- m I Li.ei. t*e* .. IJ ooonAPaflnti la f A ntlV .All
bera. That the membership in said,GEORGIA—Clarke Couqty:
corporation shall be subject toi will be sold before the Court
transfer and assignment under .House door in said County on the
awh rules and regulations as may first Tuesday in October, 1923,
ho described in the bylaws, and|within the legal hours of sale, to
that no right of transfer of such the highest bidder for cash, tha
membership shall exist, except in
accordance with such bylaws.
That they desire for said cor
poration tha power and authority
that of a general mercantile busi
ness, and petitioners desire that
said corporation have the right
and power to sell at retail all
kinds of merchandise. Petitioners
desire that said corporation have
the power to buy, sell, or other
wise deal in all kinds of merchan
dise, both for itself and as a
broker or agent for others. .
6. The amount of capital stock
of said corporation shall be Two
by said corporation la $o bny, sell
and trade automobiles, both new
and aecond-hand. To buy, aell and
trade automobile parts, accessor
ies, tires, batteries snd any and
all automobile parts both second
hand and new. To operate a garage
for the purpose *>f storing, repair
ing, painting and washing of any
and all makea of automobilea. To
repair batteries, tires and tubes.
To buy, sell and deal in scrap iron,
OI said corponuuil nsiosi uu;, ovaa uv-.
Thousand Five Hundred ($2,500.-1 brass and any othar metal as
00) Dollars, all common stock, di- junk.
vided Into shares of the par value
of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars
each. All of said capital stock
has been actually paid in. Peti
tioners desire that said corpora
tion have the right and power to
increase its capital stock from time
to time, by a majority vote of the
outstanding common atock, to any
amount not exceeding Ten Thous
and ($10,000.00) Dollars, which in-
cressed capital stock shall be com
mon and preferred, either or both.
’ - , . ' .1 mull UIIU JIIUtllLU, VIWV*. VI MU
following described lands, to-wit: [„ may be determined bv a ma-
Those two tracts or parcels of
land situated in the town of Win-
terville, Clarke Couifty, Georgia,
and described as follows:
to apply for and accept amend-' (1). That tract lying on the
manta to lt« charter, or either form .Northerly side of Church Street,
of aubatanee by a vote of a ma-'beginning at a point 282 feet
loMW of Ite members. .southeast of the intersection of
WHEREFORE, petitioner! pray'Church and Harris Streets, and
to be Incorporated under the name I running thence Southeast along
and 1 atyle aforieeld, with power*, said Church Street 126 feet, thence
privileges and immunities herein;East along said Church Street
set forth, and with euch additional. 166.8 feet to Dosier Street, thcnco
rights and privileges and immunl-) Northeast along Doxier Street
ttaa as are now or may hereafter 1102.4 feet, thence at right angles
ha allowed a corporation ot simitar (in a Northwest direction 176 feet
character under the laws of Geor- to a point, thence at right angles
in a Northeast direction 25 feet to
Attorneys for Petitioners.
Filed In office Aug. SUt, 1923.
i,lice Aug. him. i uuo.
‘ Clerk Superior Court,
, h Clarke County Georgia.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
I, E. J. Crawford, Clerk of the
a point, thence at right angles 60
feet to a point, thence at right
angles 60 fast to a point; thence
again at right angles 60 feet to
center of lot No. 10, thence South
westerly along the easterly line of
lot No. 10, 150 feet to the begin
ning, being lot* Noe. 11 to 21, in-
Superior Court of Clarke County, ielusive, in Block A, of subdlvls.
hereby csrtify that the foregoing:ion of Winter Groce, as per plat
U a true and correct copy of the'recorded In Deed Book J9, page 0,
application for kharter, of Pine Clarke County Records,
peat Country Club, as tho same (2) That tract beginning at a
appears of file in this office. j| point on the Northerly elde of
. .This 31st day of August, 1923. Georgia Avenue (or Railroad
E. J. CRAWFORD, Street) 200 feet easterly from
V Clerk of Superior Court. Dosier Street, snd running thence
Sent. 7-14-21-28. lEaeterly along Georgia Avanue
j200 feet and with thle width ox-
GEORGfA—Clarke County: 'te'ndirtg' back ln a Northeasterly
Will b« sold at public outary^to diction 350 feet to Church
Street, and being lota Nos. 9 to
16, Inclusive, and lota Noa. 41 to
48, inclusive, of Block B, at sub
division of Winter- Gp6ve, as per
~ ed Book 10,
the highest bidder or bidders for
cash, between tha legal hours for
HI:- riffs salts, on tho first Tues
day In October, 1023, before the
Courthouse door M tho County
Courthouse of Clarke County,
piat recorded in Deed
Upon motion it was ordered by the Board of Commisiioncra of
Roads and Revenues for Clarke County, Georgia, that the following
' tax levy be made for the year, 1923. One Hundred and Sixty (160%)
fig Cant on State Levy. Eight mills or *8.00 on each ti.nnn nn ;
it was further ordered by the Board that the following levies be
inade on State levy for the year 1923, and that the came be collected
by the Tax Collector for the following County purposes, to-wit:
County levy, eight mills or $8.00 on etch $1,000.00 of county taxable
property velucs.
Legal Indebtedness 62% on State Levy ..
Buildings 2% on State Levy ..
Bridges ~ 2% on State Levy ..
Officers Salaries and Fees .. 11% on State Levy...
jority vote of the outstanding
common stock of said corporation,
and with such rights and privi
leges as may be determined by
such majority vote.
6. Petitioners desire that said
corporation have the right to sue
and to be sued, to contract and be
contracted with, to bny, sell, rent,
own and manage all such prop
erty, real and personal, as may be
suitable for the purpose of the
corporation, to issue notes, bonds,
o^-other obligations, and to secure
deed, deed of trust,*or other form
The capital stock ot said
corporation shall be Five Thousand
($5,000) dollars, with the privil
ege of lncressing same to the sum
of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars
($25,000.00), by a majority vote of
the stockholders, said stock to be
divided into shares of one hundred
($100.00) dollars each. Ten per
cent of the amonnt of capital to
be employed by them has been ac
tually paid in.
(Petitioners deaire tho right to
have the subscription to said cap
ital stock paid in money or prop
erty to be taken at a fair valua
dated December 22, 1917, from D.
M. Moore to J. A. Hunnicutt snd
Deuprcc Hunnicutt, said deed re
corded in the office of the clerk
of the Superior Court of Clarke
County, Georgia, in deed book 15,
page 543; being the same prop
erty conveyed to E. G. Fambrough
and A. H. Shannon by deed of J.
A. Hunnicutt and Depuree Hun
nicutt, dated February 8, 1921,
and likewise recorded in said
All that tract or parcel of
land lying and being in the city of
Athens, Clarke County, Georgia,
beginning on Jones Avenue at the
property line of J. A. Hunnicutt
ami Deuprec Hunnicutt, and run
ning thence in a northerly direc
tion along Jonas Avenue a dis
tance of 100 feet; thence in a
westerly direction along the prop
erty of Jonas 212 feet to the
property line of Mrs. A. V. Bur
ton; thence in a southerly direction
100 feet along the property of
said Mrs. A. V. Burton; thence In
an easterly direction 212 feet to
the beginning point: this being
in default tbeivof, tho Court vill
proceed as to justice shall apper
Witness the Honorable Blanton
Fortson, Judge of said Court
This, the 11th day of July, 1923.
Clerk S. C., C. C.
Petitioner’s Attorneys.
Aug. 10-24, Sept. 14-28.
There are numbers of fine agrl- cause of our color?
cultural schools over the south for ' •‘•■"tir isl Am wt
white boys, supported by the re- one to the other?
spectivc states, yet we cannot' We appeal to you for a aqu-B.
point to one respectable agricul- deal.
tural negro school for negro boys.1
I vile ■'“> that had this slue of WaiiIiI U n „ _
the education of negro youth been ** V|4*»4 1 A a V C
vigorously looked after, this seri
ous situation, which now confronts
the south would not obtain.
For years tho negroes have
worked mechanically on the farms
in the south at the white- man’s , .
dictation not knowing why he did: Inaugurated a move,
certain things. An education • " Jnrold bo well f or
would qualify him so that in both .' 0u " ty .‘ 0 amula ‘ e - » is to
quality and quantity he would ,®r*Jl a ,e * county-wide Chamber
satisfy both himself and the white Wltl1 * n . efficient
man for whom ho labors. " Mni “ d . «-
Tho average common school for ?i n .e Cd <]fL w ® r Ji ® ver A.P* rlod „ of at
negroes is a pitiable condition. 1 ] lia wi,l ac-
Wc have no state normal tor col-;«"[Pji a *L r . thc farn jer what
oted teachers, therefore the com-lf™ 1 ™'”,,®/ Commerce have f„ r
mon schools get poorly qualified,{JV®}"**".* 1 ? h ? r , clty - II
teachers — especially the famW*", the farmers
schools l?i * county nekrer together, that
The -south’s, resources are in unity for mu-
wonderful to be developed by un- °, f tb *
skilled labor. It cannot be done .mSt ^8 T ty °I
prbperly In this way. Give th *:thu*j antl
negro better schools. We wiir.^. la end on
siirtlv net satisfactory results in Mid business like lines,
our'seefion from thl?investment.' ar tf * b "l>
It will help the colored man to in th.'iVi« !!J? •
combat with his economic problem ' th ^ 1 or « an,ze
and,thus improve hi. Imi.g von-. every
Joseph Ellison Stono
the same lot deeded to M. Stem
by Mrs. Katie J. Pope, and record
ed in the clerk’s office of the Su
perior Court of Clarke County,
6. Pctitloncrs aesire _tno rig_nt| Thi , lot containinK co-half acre,
^sSdusfh Tnor e or less, ana being the same
he impleaded, Jo have and use a prQ[)my convcycd lo e. g . Fam-
brough and A. H. Shannon by
sary by-lawa and regulations, and
to do nil other things tbit-may be
necessary for the successful car
rying on of said business, includ;
ing the* right to buy, hold, and sc»
real estate and personal property
suitable to the purpose ot the eori
of security under lawn now or
County Executive Officer!
< Salaries and Fees „. __ ..
* Bailiffs ,, , 1 ,, ,, ,, ,,
Non Resident Witnesses and
Extra Service
-Maintenance Expense Court
. .$49,312.17
.. 1,896.62
,. 10,481.42
0% on State Levy
1% on State Levy
2% on State Lavy
IKanuitine and Sanitation .. „„ „.
•wful Chargea 10% on State Levy
“ J - ..40% on State Levy ,.
6% on State Levy
6% on State Levy
7% on State Lavy
12% on State Levy
..- 6,689.87
.. 6,6893)7
.. 6,638.18
.. 11379.73
.. 9,483.11
Total State and County Levy Thirteen mills or $13.00 on each
■HU)00.00 on County assessed valuations. Total assessed taxable values,
was shown by digest $18J)66J220.00. Upon- motion, It -is further or-1
“•red by the Board that any surplus raiaod by any of the above levies,
*W* e 5 aary h* •PPH ed *° any lawful charges against th# cennty,
3>a County Board of Educe.’,on having recommended to this Board
W*ta local tax of Four and one-quarter (4K) mills or $4.26 on each
MR$» on all taxable property within the county of Clarke without
t a incorporate limits of the City of Athens, be levied to supplement
the public school fund in accordance with Section 2 of the Acta of the
• P® 1 ***! Assembly of 1905 snd acts amendatory thereof; It la there-
, fore ordered by the said Board of Commissioners, in pursuance of said
BBOOnunendation snd in pursuance of an election held and carried
: under the section above referred to, that a tax of 4!4 mills ro $4.25
da each $13)003)0 on nil taxable property of the county of Clarke
- lying without the incorporate limits of the City of Athens be snd the
same is hereby levied, and that the same be collected by the Tax Col-
betm of aaid County in conformity with th- law. I
Chairman Pro Tcm.
Clerk, Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Clarke
County, Georgia.
Sept. 21-28, Oct. 6-12-18-26, .
hereafter esfatlngt Petitioners
desire that said corporation havo
the right to have and use a com
mon seal, and the right generally
to do all othar acta which may be
done by corporations of a similar
7. Petitioners further deaire
that said corporation have the
right and power to discontinue
business, liquidate the corpora
tion, and take all legal steps nec
essary for its dissolution and the
surrender of Its charter, when
ever the holders of two-thirds of
tho outstanding common stock of
said corporation shall vote in favor
WHEREFORE, petitioners pray
that they be incorporated under
the name and style aforesaid, with
the powers, privileges and Immun
ities herein set forth, and such
others as an now or may here
after be allowed corporations of
a similar character under the laws
of Georgia.
Attorneys for Petitioners
GEORGIA—Clarks County:
Clerk Superior Court, Clarke
Filed in office, this 6th day of
September, 1923,
Cleric Superior Court, Clark*
County, Georgia.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
Clerk’s Office, Superior Court.
I, E. J. Crawford, Clerk ot tho
Superior Court of Clarke County,
Georgia, do hereby certify that
the foregoing is a true copy of th*
application of Mrs. C. Y. Wier,
Sr., and A. L. Wier, for Incorpora
■incurred, or which may be Incur-
In fhfl Mindnpt of atfmin
or., unu n. u ici, *ui iiivuiiiuie’
PANY, as said application ap
pears on file In my office.
WITNESS my official signature
and the seal jf aaid court, this
the 6th day of September. 1923.
Clerk Superior Court, Clark*
County, Georgia.
Sept. 7-14-21-28.
GEORGIA—Clark* County.
To Whom It May Concern:
Notice Is' hereby given that L.
M. Smith, as administrator of L.
L. Smith, deceased, having ap
plied to ma by.petition for learn
to sail the real estate of said L.
L. Smith, deceased; the sale to
take place at Daniclsville, In th;
County where the land is located;
and order was mad;
thcreor ft the September term,
1923 for citation, and that cita
tion iasttO! all the heirs at law
and creditors of the said L. I..
Smith, deceased, will take notice
that I will pais.upon said appli
cation at th# October Term, 1922,
of the Court of Ordinary of
red, in the conduct of the affairs
of the corporation and to secure
the same by mortgage, security-
deed, or other form of lien, under
existing laws.
7. They desire for aaid Incor
poration tho power and authority
to apply for and accept amend
ments to its charter of either form
or substance by a vote of a ma
jority of its stock outstanding at
the time. They also ask author
ity for said incorporation to wind
up its affairs, liquidate aad dis
continue its business at any time
it may determine to do so by «
vote of two-thirds of its atock
outstanding at the time.
8. They deaire for the said In
corporation th* right of renewal
whan and as provided by the Iowa
of Georgia, and that it have all
such other rights, powers, privil
eges and immunities as are inci
dent to like Incorporations or per-
mfssiblo under the laws of Geor-
Wherefore, petitioner* pray to
be incorporated under the name
and style aforesaid with the pow
ers, privileges and immunities
herein set forth, and as »r* nuw,
or may hereafter ho,' allowed e
corno ration of similar character
under the laws of Georgia.
Petitioner's Attorneys.
Filed In office September 5th
E. J. CRAWFORD, Clerk.
GEORGIA—Clarke County.
Office of Clerk of Superior Court
of Clarke County.
September 5th, 1923.'
I, E. J. Crawford, Clerk of the
Superior Court of Clarke County,
hereby certify that the foregoing
Is a true and correct copy of tho
application for charter, of AUTO
asm* appears of file In this office.
deed of M. Stern dated March 17,
1920, and recorded in the clerk’s
office of tho Superior Court of
Clarke County, Georgia, in dead
bqok 29, jjage 9.
Said property having been lev
ied unon and to be sold as tho
property of K. G. Fambrough nnd
A. H. Shannon for the, purpose of
jsatisfylng n certain execution is
sued from tho City Court of Ath
ens in favor of F. H. McEntire
against the said E. G. Fambrough
and A. H. Shannon.
Deed for levy and sale filed and
recorded before levy, and written
notice given tenant in possession.
This 7th day of September, 1023.
Sheriff, Clarke County, Georgia.
Sept 7-14-21-28,
ime appears of file in this office.
This 5th day of September, 1923.
Clerk of Superior Court.
Sept 7-14-21-28.
GEORGIA—Clark* County:
Whereas, The Georgia National
Bank, Executor of the last will of
Htnry Harper, represents to the
Court In their petition; duly fifed
and entered on record, that they
have fully administered said Henry
Harper’s estate. This Is there
fore to cite all persons concerned,
kindred and creditors, to show
rause, if any they can, why said
Executor should not be discharged
from their administration, and re
ceive Letters of Dismission on the
first Monday in October, 1923.
R. C. ORR, Ordinary,
Sept. 7-14-21-28.
GEORGIA—(Clarke County: - ,
Will-be sold before tho Court
Housil door In said County, on tho
first Tuesday In, October, 1923,
within tho logal hours of salo, to
tho highest bidder for cash, tbo
following described property to
All that tract or parcel of land
situate, lying and being In the
City of Athens, Clarke County,
Georgia, on tho North aldo of ltlll
8trcct ; known as No. 8(8 Hill
Street, and more particularly de
scribed as follows:
Boginning st a point on Hill
Street 225 feet West of Billups
Street, and running thence North
200 feet to,a 15 foot alley; thence
west aiuug milii alloy 75 foot to a
point; thence South 200 feet to
Hill Street; thence along Hill
Street East 75 feet to the begin
ning point.
Said land levied on as the prop
erty of R. G. Wallace to satisfy an
execution Issued on tbo 22nd day
Alta Florin" Martin Stone
Libel for Divorce.
GKOROIA— Clarko County:
Clarke Superior Court, October
term. 1923.
To Aim Florin" Martin Stone:
By order of the court, your are
required to be imd appear at the
next term of the Superior Court
which convenes on the 3rd Mon
day In Octobor, 1923, to answer pe
titioners complaint, as in default
thereof, the court shall proceed as
justice shall appertain.
Witness the Hon. Blanton Fort*
son. Judge of Knld Court.
This 31st day of August, 1923.
Clerk Superior Court, clarko
County, peorgia,
Aug. 31, SepL 14-28, Oct. 5.
and "add we.Uh t. “ n «^gSrS
that auch an organisation would
accomplish. It would unite and
bring in contact farmers from
every community, and who would
co-operate with farmers from
every section of their county.
They would meet and calmly and
intelligently discuss all matters
pertaining to their personal and
public interests* and instead of
their views conflicting they would
all pull and work together. Among
the important matters they would
consider, outside of growing and
marketing their crops, would bo
their public, highways, their
schools, the labor question and all
like matters.
More often than not all megrtci
are judged by the acta of a few,
by the opposite race. There arc
bad people among all races. Ne
groes do not form a bad race. The
negroes themselves deplore acta of
violence on the purt of the mem
bers of their own race as much «
j the whites deplore it. The be*t
colored people labor to suppress
crime. . , .
Intelligent white and colored
people should not be afraid to
come together to talk over their
problems. Much misunderstanding
car. be cleared up by this method.
The feelings and thoughts of ne
groes cannot ba known because of
the great chasm between * u *
fa Relative to the “Jim Crow” car
I should like to say that the
white friends cannot realize or
appreciate the embarrassment
that negroes are subjected to un
less they personally investigate
the conditions. The box cars set
aside for colored people seem to be
about ten or twelve feet long. Im
agine the condition when the seats
arc all crowded and men and wo
men are filling the aisles and sit-
'ting on the arms of the seats.
Edward Grady Perry
Cleo Ryland Perry,
Libel for Divorce.
GEORGIA- Clarko County:
Clarke Superior Court, October
Term, 1923.
To Cleo Ryland Perry, Greet
By the ordor of tho Court you
arc required to bo and appear at
tho Superior Court of said county
the 3rd Monday, in October
next, to answer petitnencm com
plaint, as In dofault thereof, the
Court shall proceed as justice shall
In witness tho Honorablo Blan
ton Fortsbn, Judge of tho said
This 31st day of August. 1923.
Clerk Superior Court, Clarke
County, Georgia.
Aug. 31, Sept. 14-28, Oct. 5.
(By Julia C. Jackson Harris)
At present'wo arc facing a ra
cial situation of so serious an
aspect that it requires' unusual
wisdom to satisfy tho conditions
v/hlch effect the black men nnd
white men of America. It is not
a condition that has sprung into
existence instantaneously, but one
th^t as been in fermentation since
negro slaves were emancipated.
The generous white man knows
that the negro was imported from
Atrica in absolute ignorance—
physically strong—unablo to per
form labor intelligently. After
year* of association with the op
posite race, the negro acquired
Jsvosev IHB uarffru RlTjum-H
some intelligence as tn how tn do
things mechanically. Without mind
training he was unable generally
to know the reason for the thing
he performed. However* there
were exceptions. In this condition
he was emancipated. Set out on
the sea in the ship without a rod-
of August. 1923, from the City b ?"! e ’, TH'' 3 ';
Court of Athens, In favor of Tho *3?*
'(.Ulg Dll ••••» — J,
We cannot picture a worse condi
tion that would argue for better
accommodation on our railroads.
The streets on which negroes
live are never paved, yet some ne-
jrroca own valuable property and
respectable homes. This vital need
goes unattended because people of
color reside on these streets.
The streets oi* which colored
people live are poorly lighted, and
School teachers should give the advice to children' who have
coughs as did this Florida teacher.
I recommended FOLEY'S HONEY
AND TAR to ths children In my
school who had the 'flu' and good
results came whenever It was
-lsed” writes Mrs. L Armstrong.
Okeechobee. Florida. Foley's Hon
ey And Tar contains no opiates. In
gredients printed on the wrapper.
Quickly relieves colds, coughs and
Just Say Cascade Gin
ger Ale in Bottles At
Equitable Lite Assurance Society
of the United States against R. G
, Quit-Claim deed for the purpose
ot levy and salo filed and recorded
as required by law and duo sod
legal notice gtren to the defend
ant and tenant In nosaesilon.
This 7th day of September, 192J.
Sept. 7-14-21-28.~
Clarke Superior Court,
October Term, 1923.
GEORGIA—Clarke County:
Clarke County; and that unlest GEORGIA—Clarke County:
cause is shown to the contrary, at Dr. J. L. Ptndley, Guardian of
said time, said leave will be grant- Clyde E. Pendley has applied to
ed, with power to sell the land at lne*for a discharge from hit Guarr
Danielsrille, Madison County. dlanship of Clyde E. Pend ley, thii
This September 3,_ 1923. ||* therefore to notify all person}
To William Maddox:
By order of the Court you are
required to be and appear at aaid
court on th* second Monday in
October, 1923. next, to answer pe
titioner’s libel for a divroce a
vinculo matrimonii, and in default
thereof the Court will proceed as
to justice-shall appertain.
Witness the Honorable Blanton
Fortson, Judge of said Court.
This the 15th day ot August, thousand years behind him; the
1933. | negro hasn’t had much of a chance-
just himself. It was like putting
a child on the floor and trying to
make him stand alone.
Hie negro used what littla init
iative he had and step by step he
has plodded for a little more than
fifty years. During this time his
home has been confined chiefly to
the southern states. .There have
been myriads of vicissitudes in the
lapse of year*. One would think,
with the contact of two races, one
subject to the other for more than
two hundred years, that there
could not come such strained hu
man rclationshins. Yet hec-u;- -f
these relationships there have de
veloped some elements which have
had a tendency to lower and
coarsen the standnrds of human
Let us face the Issue ns it really
is. There Is a large percentage of
illiteracy among negroea today,
because the conditions for school
ing them have been Inadequate. It
is an unsafe proposition to have*
an ignorant man for a neighbor,
whether he 1a white or colored.
The white man ha. the govern
ment. He has all the money, If.
has a civilisation of more than two
R. C. ORR, Ordinary.
SepL M4-21-28,
concerned, to file their objections,
[if any they have, on or before th*
Clerk S. C.. C. C„ Ga.
Petitioner’s Attorney.
Aug. 17-31, SepL 14-28.
in fifty years, but h* has accumu
lated some property and on this ha
pays his pro rata of taxes,
Th* negro has been a valuable
asset to the south and to this
U> sC
of the Food Value
of Your Wakings
Ham flour has a lame amount
of food value but it must be
combined with good baling
powder in order to retain tUa
Most self rising flours are not
successful became they do not
and cannot raise the bakings to
the proper lightness. This
means a certain loss of nutri
tion because they are heavy
and hard to digest.
i Etonr time -you eat food that
* do not get th'efuUlStritional
value—you are over-taxing
your stomach. Nourishing and
perfect bakings are what good
health demands. The one sure
way is—use pure flour and
good baking powder.
H »u want to find what thou
sands of housewives have
learned—make some biscuits
with self-rising flour —then
make some with good plain
flour and Calumet Baking Pow-
health demands that you make
the experiment.
Those who know—millions of
housewives, domestic sdence
teachers,bighotels, restaurants,
bakeries ana railroads will not
Economy Baking Powder/
Hay safe—use Calumet and
plainflour. It is the most eco
nomical and Mtiafactpry.
where light, wholesome ana
pure foods are desired.