The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, September 23, 1923, Image 1
&S&2SL tub banner-herald *1,000 Aeeidemt Policy Frag THE BANNER- Dad? awl Sunday—10 Cents a We«S, BrtrtHsW MM VOL. 01, NO. 1*0 Associated Pnaa Serrlca SHOWDOWN NEAR IN OKLAHOMA CRISI ymMR^yslIlOVEMENT ON FOOTj TO THWART TAX COMMISSION WORK FID 11200.000 10 BE RAISED FOR THE OKLAHOMA SITUATION “COLLEGE BIGHT REPEAL OF I0BIICC0 TAX, GOV. URGES Makes Public Letter Sent Out By Tobacco Grow ers League Fighting Law. MOM (By Aaaeelaud Praia.) ATLANTA, Ga.—As serting that “while his special-commission is “out in the open in an orderly effort to reform Georgia tax laws,” other plans are being made to thwart these efforts, Governor Clifford Walker Saturday night made public a letter which he said the Tobac co Consumer? League was sending out in an effort to have the Milner tobacco sales tax lew repealed at the extraordinary session in November. Although the eomralnalon haa made no deflnlto determination In "College" night et the Unlversl- ty ot Georgia will 1>« Monday night, according to announcement! that were given out Saturday. A complete program la being ar ranged and will be announced In afternoon r»pers Monday. Thoau who are aelecUng the tpeahcr* nay. that men well known to Georgia,, boy* and people who arc Interest- , ed In the well-fare of the collge”, will conatltuto those selected-W addition to the faculty member*, and outride .posher*, men promln- ent In unlveralty life will also »«rak to the atudenta. The plans tor “College nl|M are being mude by the University Y. M‘. C. A., and Athletic assoc!#-- tlon. _ . THE ETERNAL FEMININE (By Aaaociated Preaa.) ■ ATLANTA, (ia.—Hn. Ollle. iuatiaa. 25, shot and Inatant- ly killed Dewitt Turner aa ahe rod* with Mm in an automo bile late Saturday. According to the atory ahe told the police, U was a caae of deserted love. After killing the man ahe took the wheel and stopped the automobile and whan an ambulancn ar rived wa* holding the dead man’s head in her lap. SCHOOL CONFERENCE WILL BRI DESPITE OPPOSITION CONVICT PROBE WILL Solicitor Ignores gover nor’s Demands and Pushes Inquiry Into .Leased Convict Camp Conditions^ POLICEMAN STIGHi (By Associated Pre*«.) ' MONTGOMERY—'The blame rot [the mutiny In the Banner Mines by convicts leased.the Mine* by th« state of Alabama, near Binning* ; ham on September 10, In which the convict* rebelled aaraln*t Ny* guard* wa* laid to newspaper w .. des and*Elans. Public In- TO SERVE FIFTEEN ] convicts rebelled agnlnri »' Knvnnet, and guns'rcady to f|r, stand at the door of the State Seaat, DerS Ot UK! State legisla- br,r.r is-scs; „ —*■“- —*■» " ,e , ir *" , Poyd, hers Satnrday morning. haa declared a fight to the death with the up luu* man in to meet in an CXtraordl- ■ Ho doollnod to discuss his ap-1 i ^ ,— 1 vxr-j j ponrnnee before the Krnnt! Jury In- vcutigntlon Into condition* at the . n • Rnl * e^nvlcf camp and he would not *aj State Superintendent t>ai- wh0fhf . r ,h 0 convict* would i»e per- lard Will Outline Poll- mitt-i to t-ti?r -r net. Superior Court Jug Re- turns \ erdicb uf LUii«v made no deflnlto determination In of Voluntary MatU. aUg Its atndy of the tax question, pro- 4gr Lite Saturday, 'pathtory to aubmlttlD-: IU report I — to the legislature nt the nxtraor j (Py Associated Prana) . dlnory ice tlon, the governor aald XT lanta. Oa.-Pollcaman a •ttwo or thrae ohaarratlon* from, c stlga ll w aa found guilty tho meotlngi already held” In aev- [ untary manalaughtar by kimvt oral Georgia cities ware llgnlflc- ( , uptrlor court her, late Sntnr y for th, slaying ft W. H. Hume*, a private detective He outlined thsae observations na follows PROPERTY THAT PAY* "L The people are unanimously of the opinion that tho present ad valorem system baa broken down. Not on* dissenting voice waa heard to question tho fact that owneri rivaic urivt-Mtwt gtlgall was aantancad to atrve not leas than fifteen year, and not more than sixteen ,n,p rt*°"; ment. Th, defense Indicated It, would aak for a new trial. Stlgall ahot and killed Hamea th, night of August IS and at the aamt time wounded two men who wer« scrapping with Ham,s In ths down to queatlon tho fact that ownora, «"w™ "•••■ „ ew datlona In rural district* and 1 ad of 'and between option of the unit lac. for counties erty am bearing more than their oui i a . ha|< hesrins more than their out of III testing uerwran SM tbo'tax burdens and that! «nd tha Utmn man iugHnd I; thrif from one-half to two-third* of the i ^ ^quad. .The police Pt °£, l ?» and ° f ** y commute of the city council **!!? & .‘^.“tatnra oroxress'of P°rmptly 'exonerated gtlgall and “ J - 7?“ ^. '"^r nrin commandsd him for the -hooting the auto demand* that this in- ioon n( „ r , he klm „g. Councilman LUC It lulu utiiiuuuo n**m* - — equality be eometed at the earll eat possible moment. “I. While of course, there haa not been unanimity aa to th* plana of taxation, a very largo majority of the people have expressed con fidence In the Integrity and pa- tr.oUsm of the commltteo and de clared that the people should get back of any recommendations which tho committee may make to the legislature. It in not antici pated that any plan of taxation will bn perfect, but plans sug gested can be amended tram time to time, and In this way approxi mate a Just and fair system. PROVIDE BUDpET “4. Th* eommlttee’a suggestion that provisions be made for a business-like budget system to control largely and economically in. expenditure the money that may bo mixed In the future has met with approval. In calling attention to the let ter which he aald la being circu lator by the tobacco consumers league which Itai office. In At lanta and la aald to bn directed by Ftonk Weldon and T. J. Blmmons, the governor remarked that the org-uiaatlon wai asking of cn Jobber and retailer of tobacco and others connected with the Indus try a membership too of ton dollars BE MECTING PLACEilT^,,, ot Oovfctvor Brandon also would not my a* to whether the convtctn** would be bought before the irurf Jury. * * c Again Saturday there woe a I who stated that the cpr jaChools h " required to oppeir "Will Be'DiscuBsed. "" teen Counties to Send Delegates. Nearly $90,000 Worth Food Animals Killed Pit Athens Abattoir story of camp conditions. Solicitor Davis begun tbs Inves tigation and pushed It.ever.In the r-r , ... ----- -- race or a letter to hhn Worn the home thousands of dollars for- — lulll.. klm .low Ik. In. «- .mss* Wall la Man ifl IPB Governor telling him t(t stop the In- Two hundred or more city and vestlgatlon immediately. Thl* the county school officials «nd teach- Solicitor refuted to do and the gov® di..i.o ..A- .nswiHnillng rrnn. nlnfnt hprIr thhl th* nrnhi county school officials ana teaco- wouciior reru^ea to no nna xne rov- era from Clarke and surrounding emor stated agnla that th# probe counties meet In the city hall hers must cease and that Daria vma Wednesday morning for a regional usurping the governor's personal ... ... a nnthnrltv In th* mntlor educational conference. The conference waa called by N. H. Ballard, state school super intendent, who will be one of the speakers. Representatives of the schools In nbotit fourteen counties In this section will attond the meeting which begins at 10 o’clock. authority In the matter. Saturday Governor Brandon would not state as to the convlctf testifying while Davis says the* will, and also that he expected m Interference from tho governor 1 r CONSOLIDATION TO BE DISCUSSED One of the principal anbjeett for discussion will be achool consoll and cttlca whew It can be practl cally worked out The public I* In vited to attend. The county unit plan content * plate, consolidation of the dty and county school board, and opera tion of tho achool, under one aup- orvltor. Tho rural ichool, would ho Councilman Jroro Armuteaa ervuur. ---~ chnirm,n of the commlttM appear, (oqncentrated Onto trio or throe (Turn to -ago Five) - ( T « m <» p *“ ply *> Shad Dinner Figured In Selecting College Site At Least, Dr. Sylvanus Morris, in “History of Athens and Clarke County,” So Intimates. Interesting Book, Published By H. J. Rowe, Just Off Press. ach. •An accountant baa eaUmatod at If smceasful thl, movemxnt III ralae a fund of |we,&00, he Id. “If there la a roaponae by ic-half thoae called on the ram IIOMW will he ralaod. Juri iw thl, fund win ho expand<id of courao, unknown. abould know what la goto* • By DAN MAOILk A ahad dinner, eaten near the bold apring which u,ed to be back ot tho Phi Kappg Ha|l. on the .nnertv of runlel 'Kaaley. played an Important part In tho aelectlon of tho.Uhlyenlty of Georgia. Dr. Bylvanua Morrl,. author of the Initial article In the HUtory of Athena and Clarke County” dtdn t say to. bat he mentions that the committee from the leglaUture which rlalPHl Eea.leyv n *c» en- loved tho "ahad caught that day below Easley’s dam." and waa so pleated with tho location that they decided It tor tho college. perhaps the committeemen II*- nrM i that the boy* would be at tracted to the University It If was rituated near a good ’-nih pond. Dr Morrl,' Intern,ting article l» om of many of hl.torlcal value In ?h“ THIatory of Athena and CUrtta tintv*' nablfsbed by Hugh J. nowe, X whlch Is Juat off McOregor’a TOO Braid of Editor. I* *«a- pW <dClm»c.norD.vWC.B.r- row. Db The book la "Interesting to the core" as thou who have scanned InlUal copies declare. It la chock full ot intereatlog aldellghla on the Uvea of ramoua Albanian,, event, that helped shape thl, city and tho Unlveralty Itulf, naming of thi principal atreeta and sketches ol Athens’ chief executive.' For Instance, very few people know that C. D. Flanlgen. now president of the Athena Railway * Electric company, very nearly estabUshed an Ice factory loro In 1819 when it sold for five cent* per pound. Mr. Flanlgen came hero for that purpoae bat found, after -ZSX!S-giSifSi r the history contains sketches of ww» •— r.;:: the University. 'State College of completely to _. floa a*riculture. State Normal School, At the dose of the the • matter. JAPANESE 1VT IS oy ,ra-^— 1 llnhmtnt of the Athen* AbUat- a loir has Increased the demand merely sent we*t. I* *aan In the faqt that Mil animal* were elaughtered there between la*t • a __.t L’elilnv nlffht. Estimate Made By Minis ter of Navy. American \ Business Men Return to Tokio. - (By Aaaoclated Preaa.) TOKIO.—The Ion to the Jap anese Navy duo to tho recent earthquake Is estimated at more that 850,000,000, according to Ad miral Takarabe, Minister of tho Nxvy. ' American borineM men who left Yokohama and Tokio by tho tint available steamer after the dls- aater are drifting. back to Tokio having titered their previous view, that buslnera would mow to Kobo or Osaka. While tho city haa been struck a terrible blow of courao. ,tdl many who left are coming back, both natlvoa and foreigner, and 1 work la Immediately starting on the r=So!!d!ns which will !»»»• larger acale. I ■auugu.v, wy. ... ... January A and Friday night. It to estimated that th, five thousand and more onlmele ' elelightered eold for n lot,! of abont IM.eoo. fully half of which would hove gone weet If rigid Inepcctlbn regutatlone adopted by the city health beard In conlunctlon with ea* tabUshment of tho sbbettolr, had not resulted In atlmvlatl° n of tho demand for native meats It le further eotlmuted that around IlM.aoo. now being eenl out of tble section annually tor meat could be kept ot home If formes In, the Athene territory would re tee their own feed, develop permanent pastures end raise cettlb for market. • The above 1100.000 represents what I, spent Outside this ter ritory for food animal, stone. Dairy cattle' raising Is another thing. Revenue from dairy cows would 1m an additional Income. Each farm could rail# dairy cattle and base ana cattle for food purpose., it Is eaid. Establishment of creameries and cheese factories and In creased demand tor nntlv, meets os s result of ths abattoir hero has opened more markets for -dairy products and hogs and cattle for good. U O. Price, secretary, atntea. Farm ers are urged to consult with their county agents end Ihs Plate College of Agriculture on how to Increase production • along this line nna keep money from being sent oujylde t tie territory for whet fnn bo raised Just as easily here. Now, You Tell One ■ "If the other freshmen hsva their half cut I want mine cat." Sound almoot unbelievable doesn't It, coming from a trashy man. Hut It* |rue. II. F. DoLanoy la a blind student. Cams to Georgia from the Roys High, Atlanta, registered freshman A. 0.. and is a regular fnahls. I.a-t walked np to a bunch of aopha naif demanded that they cut his hair. Hla lock* meant nothing to him com pared to being “on* of th* rag- ulir rrd raps. Under protect tho shear* were wielded. * After only * day or two on th* campus DoLanoy goto around anywhere ho wants to go. ua- assiated. Tho “Y" will aa* to It that hn la rood to nightly and ho experts to flnlib hla course her? and b* awarded an A. a < '*UpTiiitemUnce recall* that of Welter McDonald, bllndlaw student her*, now a member ot the Public Berylco commlaalon. BE TIGHTENED IF PLAN FOR SESSION) IS IT Governor Walton Says j Sricter Measure to Be j Taken Unless Legislators Cancel Session Call. (By Associated Press.) OKLAHOMA CITY.— A threat to close the Okla homa State Fair and place Oklahoma county under even stricter martial law and enforcement of that law was made here Satur day afternoon by Gover nor Walton, unless mem bers of the state legisla te meet in an extraordi nary session next Wed nesday with the intention of inmeaching the gover nor. The governor declared that the members of the legislature from their own defense of lawful au thority, ovidenty intend to ride thron^li blood up to their bridles and that any one them nro wading slaughter house into Plans to Put Self-Sustaini Being Wi College. crave. ‘ high Plans for a simplified, conatruc- Uv* program to put ths farms of tho state on a self-sustaining basis with a surplus for th* cities are now beldg worked rat, stated Dr. Andrew M. Soule Saturday In re gard to the farm 'program for 1924 which will b* presented by th* College ot Agriculture within tho naxt few days. College officials have boon bnay daring tho post weak In confer ence formulating a definite pro gram for north and south Oeorgla and s gnat deal of Intonorls ccn- CAPTAIN LOONEY REMOVED (By A ISA. tlona College aothorlUea will make. Commenting on th* plana brief ly Dr. Soule aald: "W* will rec ommend that every farm be aolf- suatalnlng above all. and that a surplus be produced to supply tho needs of the local market*. The production of sufficient food crop* will b* on* of tho foatuna of our vocatn Captain Joseph who haa been presidini sessions of the local i mission for the past was relieved from ’ turned to his civil! urdny morning. Captain Looney. «. member of the state for tho capital later in the The reason for his relief wa —I- public. .~,t Saturday Captain I. made the atatement publicly capacity as a atate n— the federal govemmo: called upon ot insure i form of government l if Governor Walton grant permission for ..... dlnary session of tho legislate MARTIAL LAIN HR COUNTRY- The plan will be outlined for thl* saetlou here Friday. x . Th* sorly planting of cereals on a larger seal* win ho urged and Ian Increased production of winter legumes both as feed and cover crop* wUl bo recommended. Tie dairy Industry wUl bo oncouraged to supply th* creamer!** of sooth Georgia and Ike chaeM factories of north Oeorgla. In Southweat ^*mSi , rad P ^r.SU° ,, w.5 (Tun* to Pag* Five) MAKES STARTLING STATEMENT (By Aaaoclated Pn CHARLESTON, w. Kiddies Cheered Rin-Tin-Tin As He Acted Here To Make Stringent Ef forts to Curt) Spread pf Revolutionary Agitation. Report Denied. mnue w rejnwBi University of ““ A .»g that — oo A 1.1.1 tmUtsal ENROLLED AT GA Those people who lov, to M« and hoar children enjoy themselves should have gone to Uio Palace j theatre at one of the performance, I Thursday ur Friday ami heard the (hide chccr at the heroic deeds "f | Rln-TIn-TIn, the Genian police dog that afforded moat of the attrac tion In the picture. “Where tho. (By Asooslatad Pro**) PARIS—The Bulanrtan Logutlen late Saturday nnnouncvd that » had received word that the govern ment at Sofia haa decided to ds- Clare martial law iiauaabsst country In order to prevent »h* hprtad ot ln*urr*ctlonarjr a*lU- irantlup ,h /‘ '! the Ku Kiux Klan held an ini tion in tho dining room o White House, was n state,., made by Rev. Basil K. Newton Oklahoma, representing the Klan nt tho Imperial Council, in an ad dress before a large audience of Klansmon and other* at Hurri cane Friday night. In his ndtlrr s, he stated that the Klan had 227 members in the house of representatives and 27 in tUn esnsto Georgia Y. M. C. A. 5S d » Tt ~ the Klan had VXCU.S.Cts.xv;. wh.; Elects Of,ficers«**£? tomcntionthBtfive , men In the Harding cabinet _ Final Balloting Ended ShuXi' Yesterday. Alton Hosch nowspanermen In front *< Named President Ofli- ” cei s Active Yiar. For uig newspapermen In front -- Rev. Churchman la tho head of t Klan in tkta Motion, ft ii r Now offlcora tor tho University ha'd' ^tVra « absolute denial uf'osorgta Y. M. C. A .have bran from Sofia of ths roports^thal t * announced. Tho oloctlon has boon under way over alnco tho opening msnt had bran proclaimed In soma part* of th# country. offh for that purpose nut loumi. oner A total of 1251 ! l ‘® d ®“ t .‘ aeanras. that Athenians preferred ““Ve‘™ STirtav ; tlon in in* pic*urr, *» *= »•—i Accordinx to olflctal • North Begin*-*’ Th!* of couron. ta J W |,| r h yrtr? made public BaturdnY directed at tho*« who didn’t go. i th# ou tbr»>nk* are aald to ba con That picture proved highly Inter* f , nw j to section known —. iinrti it, iiiy -t^toe ™^tok..Y^Tcoe,,y m.nnre rarran that hra • - •b.^ra.lo. good well water, a g when t. W. Reed * of- bren Installed by the Palace of the martin! law were glven ojjt week that has been given . . ... a— —.lalsafbra Agriculture, State Normal School, Lucy Cobb Institute, AthraF com- tho Prat wmk 1,# * maretal rowth. th. leital prof..- ^ftntoMd a* •km. history of tba medical pro- Before registration is nninw^ been Installrd by the raiac® i* ot iha martial law wer« proving highly *atl*factory to tha | an a u |« not known In what part* patron* and the management haa, of the country the law will be moat received many compliment* on the. etrlctly enforced, improvement, It fa stated. | ..... Athena' la enjoying a tplendldj STUDENT TO MEET ROPIR of attractions now and th* j BARNKHILLB. Oaw—Wat^Corne ■Ion, history of tne rocuicai pro- — -- feosjon, Athraa churches, luduatrial ’SSTSIfra lXW^Lunte wlU r attractions now ana ins iUBXbi'iu.a ™- . " , here are lower, the public Is. lias, haaeywatett of Valdosta, who d. than In other dries the now to ntt.ndlng OorBon Instltnto, - — mi, the picture, * •— - 1 —-d to mast Boh Ropot '155. unuor **«/ ' of regtstration Monday and tha fin si balloting and raledon waa Sat urday near noon. Th* men ratocted to officer th* popular Unlveralty organisation era all popular In college affair*. They are Alton Hoach of Gain*- vflle. president-. V. O. Cooper, At lanta, vlcapraaldent; William Tat* of Tate, treasurer; and Chart#* *. Anderson of Macon, recording sec- rotary. . . . Throughout tho wo* of registra tion nt tho university tho ally Y. M. C. A., its now - been very active In — WASHINGTON DENIES STORY _ WASHINGTON.—The atatemen of Rev. Newton that the Klan had held an initiation in the dining room of tha White House, address made at Hurricane, day night, was declared by House official, to be too " to even discuss. Marston Is New Golf Champion FLOSSMORK—Maratol Philadelphia Saturday won amateur xolf championship from Jess fiweetarr, defending champion, two op. Kweisec had the k'“* luck of hivta.- three stynles f.,r him on the !-«t four hole*. Ing th© match f<>r him. • th* ph»v©r Jhat_<