The Banner-herald. (Athens, Ga.) 1923-1933, September 23, 1923, Image 11
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. »23. Office gj ~ By MRS. ALICE ADAMS — Residence M2 SERVICE If amid the mighty tumult there ahall Bound a clear, awcet voice, falling me w make decision, call mg me to make a choice, falling me into the aervlce that outranks the beat of earth, Service eligible only unto those of royal birth— Amid the cries of greed and gain Will my ear# echo that strain? If he offers mo the Jewel that pure pearl of greatest price, That ialr gem of flawless beauty which the highest hopes entice; Radiating lore of living, glowing with the love of love. Win I shrug my shoulders tfterely put it by with careless shove? If hands be ful of tawdry toys. How can I take Vie gem of Joys? If he shall unroll the picture of the future I might lire, With Its high road built of bless ings. I might gain If I would glv< With Its rough and rocky places gilded by lore's golden ray. And Its steep ami tortuous climb ing, eased, becatftc he passed that way. Will my eyee hare loet their vision Of that steep road's end slyslamr If I hearken to the calling, now. today, while I am young: If I choose that precious Jewel, now, discarding others strung: If that scenes of arduous climbing thrills my soul to dare and do. Then I am like David., chosen ol Vie Lord for service true! o. msy ears, hsnds, eyes, all be Heady when the Lord calls me! —Mary Tarver Carroll. Osark, 4V 1 * gj * PAN HELLENIC COUNCIL ENTERTAIN AT THREE LOVELY DANCES The Pan Hellenic Council of thj University of Georgia entertained Thursday. Friday and Saturday evening at their brilliant and very charmingly planned dances incl • dent to the opening of college. The Moss Auditorium made r colorful picture bright and beau tiful in the festoons of crepe pape* carrying' the 1 collego colors of red and black very attractively. Inter spersed with hundreds of lights In gleaming effect. The Footwnrmer’s orchestra fur nished the delightful music. Among the girls dancing were Misses RHkaheth Arnold. Kathe rine Brad well, Louise Morton, Anne Jordan, Louise 1‘hinlzy. Ann* Welding of Atlanta, Josephine ConnosA^r TKnnlngham. Van Clere Wilkins. Martha Bess and Luclle rls and Nan Linthlcum of Atlanta Elisabeth Pekor, Columbus, Ruth Yarborough of Attanta and others STUDIES IN ThSTpSALMS ■ (Miss Baoon's Bible Class) Psalm XV. The Ouest of Clod. Lord, who shall sojourn In thy tab- arn&cle? Who shall dwell In thy holy hill? He that Walketh uprightly. % And worked righteousness. Ahd speaketb truth In hls heart He that slandereth not with hit tongue, Nor doeth evil to hls friend, Nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbor. In whose eyes a vile perion Is con temned: But who honore'Ji them that feas the Lord. He that sweareth to hls own h^an and changeth not. He that putteth not out hls mono* to usury, Nor Viketh reward against the In nocent THE SEPTEMBER CHRISTMAS TREE The annual festival of the Sep* tember Christmas Treo will occui on Thursday afternoon of thli week at Mrs. A. H. IHvteMrt or Prince Avenue, and a’! interested friends are Invited to be present This Includes especially all tji< minuter* of Athene ani. theft WlVfrH- The history of this unique fer- Is k nwn to most Athenian* but a word or two of explanation may not be amiss. Nearly twenty years ago a native Georgian. Mia: Ells Beveret ot Greene coun’jr went out to China as a teacher un der the Missionary Board of th# Southern Methodist hcurcli. O tsrong character and devoted piety she has been recognized by oui own and other churches In Chin; a very remarkable woman. Sev ernl years ago the Missionary So ciety of Vie Athens First church a* sumed her support and have r course been deeply Interested 1# herself and In her school at Chang- chow. Gift* had been' sent to he and to her 'school, but It wan th* happy thought of Mrs. A. If. Davl son to provide all necessary gift- for a beautiful Christmas Tree and send them In full time for the ban py occasion. The project was tak en hold of at once by the Mlssloiy ^forth Carolina. Hnrah, Bry goclety and for several yeai Hall. SUntth Carroll of Atlanta, - - - - Katherine Park. Hazel Hodgson. Hallle Kilpatrick, Frances Rowe. Sarah Price, Mnrgsrcthe Morris Sarah Swift,'Louise and Mathlldi Upson. Katherine Ashford. Mar torle Hodgson. Frances Holden, Fnnnle Murray, Louise Hayes n! Mrintezumn. Susan Moss. Emsl Gamer, of Bs/ord, Gene Claire Nor- ART INSTRUCTION Mn. Cr C. Kinney will taka a faw of China Pointing pupil, at har home, 895 Henderson Avenue. Phone 14M-W. tionable growth may ba ramavad without discom- fart or ramataat dangar af Injuri ous aftsr offsets with ana. applica tion of NELLO package tha . daslrad re- suits. Miss Pansy Moore Clayton Street mi Just Say Cascade Gin ger Ale in Bottles At Founts. MILLINERY Now Fan Modts in Hats art arriving daily. Pattern Hats, KM to *25.00. Velours. Felts, Duvetyne and Batin Sport Hate, ,J TTffi*STYLE SHOP Miss Basis Welle CHILDREN’S DANCING CLASSES No«r-Being Formed Esthetic, Classic, Fancy Miss Blinna Fnnkenstein 154 Hancock Ave. .liSPhone 1278-J the 8undny School children other frlenda have been Joyoua con' trlbutora. In order that^ all contributor mlgh*. ace for themaelven what th tree would be like In China. It ha- become the cuatom to arrange th* gifts on one of the handaome erer- greena on Mra. Davlaon'a lawn. I la really a very charming picture to aee a throng of people, from th- tlnleat toddlera to gray-halred me* and women. In grnupe on (he law* looking with Interest and pleaaur* on the glfta which are to decorat* another Are* on the other aide o' the world and give ao much delight to children and young people br another race. It la hoped tha*. next Tburrda? afternoon will 'be bright and heati tlful* and that all Interested friend- may be able to be present. If fo only a abort time. The various circles of the Mia a Ion ary Society will meet at fou* o'clock for a short, hualnena meet ing and then adjourn to the lawn. Mra. R L Moss, Iff. of Athena tha lovSty guest of her mother Mrs Clarence Cubbege, at her horn, on Bond street, was the Inspire tlon of the bridge luncheon will which Mra. W. H. Mitchell enter talned yea(erday morning at he home on Bond street. Sharing hon ora with Mrs Moss, wera Mrs. Au gusta Kerr, of Augusta, the love!; gueata of Mrs. Chrla Sheridan a‘ her home on Forsyth. The spacious living room or th* Mitchell home was beautifully dec orated with bright garden flow- era. Mias Margaret Wipe was present ed with a dainty perfume bottle foi having the hlgheet score and%Mler Fltzallen Kendall waa presented with a bud vaae as conaolatlor prise. Mra. Moaa MB gueat of hon* or waa given a silver Nmbon dish and exquisite handkerchiefs wen presented to Mra. Logand and Mlai Kerr. At 1 o'clock a delicious lunch Two tables of players enjoyed •he game and eight guests calls* for luncheon.—Macon Telegraph. -B- MR8. HERBERT CHOATE IS HOSTESS HONORING MRS. T. P, VINCENT AND MISS OTEY VINCENT Assembling many visitors and club members,* who formed Psrtlee the regular Friday afternoon tee at the Atlanta Woman's Club prov ed one of the most interestlrg to- dal events of U»o day The club house was decorated wIVi fall flowers, arrange I in all vtr baskets and placed on con* nolea. The individual tea table, ar ranged is tha banquet hall, ware overlaid with Madeira own -nd graced with small Erem* oaskttf filled with dahlias. One af the parties of the afltr- rtoon was given by Mrs. Herbert Choate. In honor of her tweats THE DANNKR UKRAML ATHENS, GEORGIA the honorees were Mr?. Bolling Jones. Jr; Mrs. Xanren Goldsmith Mrs. Norwood Mitchell, Mra. E. 8 Papy and Miss Mary Cowan—Gear glan UNIVERSITY WOMANS CLUB HOtJJS INTERESTING MEETINC The Womans Club of the Un|< vrral'.y held Its first Fall meeting Friday afternoon In Peabody hall which was largely and enthusias tically attended. An Invitation war read from the Chi Omega fraterv nlty to make their room a perma pent place of meeting which war accepted. Tho feature of the meet Ing was a lovely musical program by Prof. Roosevelt Walker wb sang several beautiful selections The following new members wsre cordially welcomed: Mrs. Alfre# Scott, Mrs. Dixon. Mrs. Prank an< Mra. Seerest. All members are urged to use their beat etforta It behalf of the club and attend al meetings .when possible - 8B— MISS OTEY VINCENT TO SHARE HONORS Saturday Mrs. Toldevent wil share honors with Mias Otsy Vln cent, of Athen^ the guest of Mra Herbert Choate, at a bridge-lunch ton at the Drttld Hills Golf Clul et which Mrs. Bolling Jonts. Jr. will entertain.—Georgian. GRADY AVENUE SOCIAL CLUB MEETS WITH Mrs. mccromb The dredjr Avenue Social clnb enjoyed a delightful meeting w'tb Mn. McCromb Friday afternoon it her home on the Boulevard. Baskets of bright garden flow, era decorated the room, very beau tltully. New ofticcn for the year were elected. Mrs. R. E. Carter, president; Mra. Estei. rice prat dent; Mrs. J. E. Wood, re-elected secretary, and treaeurer. iMra. J. M. Burch, corresponding secretary. A lovely social hour followed whdn an elaborate salad course wa, aerved. —ffl— CLASS 1923 ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL ORAOUATES FRIDAY, 8 P. M. The class of nineteen hundred and.twenty-three of 8L Mary-, Hospital will hold the gradun exercises on Friday evening, Sep tember the twenty-eighth nt 8:04 o'clock nt the First Baptist church. The program will be moet In teresting and the occasion will be one of tho most Important events marking tha social calendar thla week. ^ CLARKE REBECCA LOME MEETS TE8DAY EVENING 1:30 O'CLOCK The Clarke Rebecca Lodge meets meet, will celebrate It's anniver sary Tuesday evening at 3:30. The Odd Fallows and Rebeccas and their famlllei are urged resent, end the-public I, cordially invited. WOMAN'S CLUB TO HOLD IMPORTANT MEETING The Athena Woman's Club will hold Its first fall meeting Monday afternoon ~.t 4:30* Every member a urged to be present, as tmalnesa if the greatest Importance will be transacted. — —ffl— Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Davis left •Yldsy for Chattanooga to visit Mr. md Mrs. W. W. Robinson for s areek. opening of college. Household Helps Mr. Hope Oriffcth of Daniels- villa has entered the Ualveralty. Mill Kathleen Soelttn* of Dav- Iclsvlllo I, taking a courts at the BuMaesa College. —ffl— Mrs. Lucy Shorter, who hat boon visiting her son In Atbenk .hat re tarded homo after n pleasant visit. She wot delightfully entertained at an afternoon party by her daugh ter. Mn. Charlea sborrer—Grcens- Hcrald-JournaL Mr. David Lowe Cloud. Jr., or the University of Oeorgla. npent Sunday with hit parent,. Dr. and jfri D. L. McCloud.—Greensboro Herald-Journtl. \ —Sf—' Hon. Xnd Mra. Toombs DuBose, of Athens, are visiting their daugh ter. Mrs. Mllep W. Lewis.—Greens boro Herald-Journtl. •• -ffl— - V - ‘Mr. Tom Walton baa returned to Athens to rehmne bis stddler at the Unlrerslty of Georgia, after sending the summer st home with hls parents. Dr. and Mrs.' T. B Walton.—Washington Nows-Re- Mr. and Mrs. B. 8. Walker vis- lt«; Mr. and Mra. Bob McWhorter. st Athena Tuesday evening and‘conk over.e mow fire, stirring Captain John Nicholson came iown frrm Dehloneca to spend the veek-end with hls family And will » accompanied by Mrs. NtchDlcw md children on his return Mot day. Mr. Walter Jouee leaves today or Lexington, Ky. ffl - Mra. Fannie Long Taylor has re- umed from Pennsylvania. Miss Lacy Linton ban returned rom Atlanta where she spent sev- rals days with Mrs. William Pope ■t the bbme of Dr. and Mn. Marion lull. Mr. and Mn. O. P. Balfour of Uklabona City arrived Saturday to visit thtlr daughter. Mn. John flunnlcutt, Jr. - —ffl— Mr*. C. A. Sc-.tlder ;■ being eor- .llnlly welcomed home from Hali fax, N. 8.. after an extended visit o Mrs. II. L. Writ.-.n. -ffl— Miss Nancy O’Neal la visiting friends In Lawroncevllle. / y — ffl— Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Shellnatt and children and Mra. Upson Harper ire spending the week-entf'ln At lanta. Misses Elisabeth Echols and Nel niackstock of Jeffenoa are th, tnestt for tho woek-end ol Mn. Alice Long!no and Mitt BUck- ,tOCk - ft Miss R. L. Lewis btt returned to the city attar spending the sum- and Atlanta. mer In Now York The frlenda of Mr. D. O. Ander son will regrjt to loam he Injured hls arm In a recent tall. —ffl— Mra. A. W. Calhoun returned to Atlanta Saturday titer a visit to Mrs. Billups Phinlsy. The friends of Mra. John w. Brumby will be delighted to learn tha Is Improving front an lllneat of several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Welter Lamar and Mrs. Blount of Macon art the week-end Sues Is of Mra. Jo liar Talmsdge. •Mist Carolyn Cobb and i Min . attic Ramspeck ol Atlanta are week-end gnesta of Mrs. Howell Cobh and Mrs. Sarah Crnh < niter. —sc— greeted their grand son, Franl jntantly until very hot. Add cream Harold. Jr., who has Just returned ■ to barely cover and continue cook- frotn Europe.—Walton Tribune. jlng fov right minutes stirring con- —ffl— iitnntly. Here, at once. This Is a Mr. Marahnll Pollock ol Monroe dish .“fit for u king" and to my visited here list week (or the mind much nicer to serve to guests (than corn on the cob. If corn Is net fresh from the sar- jdch n. little »uf:ar should be added ■o replace the natural sweetnesa ‘corn very quickly loses its sweet- ■ ness after picking. or course, corn Is delicious "au . _ t , _ noturei," rlsht oh the cob. but ji yulian LOUZC tO there are Innumerable ether ways Celebrate> Its 54th to nerve frenh sweet corn that aro quit® na (IpIIcIous. Corn puddings or souffles, err am cd corn and stewed corn, fried Anniversary in Sept No. 1, Knight, A>fJ>ythlas, estab- Of Space For Ads How to Sew a Collar and Facing io a Garment •fs and halv'd .corn combined with Seplembor 24, IMS other vegetables, all these'ways aid a,,< * ^ w Bwt Pythlau in providing variety to late sum-la tho afato, wlU. celobrato mer menus. The woman In the ■ R* fifty-fourth anniversary 3« p* country will welcome any migge?- j tember 24. with a banquet* A epec- tlon that may.he different In the. 1*1 program Is being arranged and way of serving vegetable*. jplnns for tho* anniversary obser/- * ancu orp nearing completion. COUNTRY | ^ creamed corn New York Stores Cut the tops of the kerAeln and* P |J ' t _ _l_ Nrrape out the hearts. Put In s! X^lippicQ DV LclCK saucepan with 1 tahlrepoon butter' — * - * - - •for eneh cup of corn. 1-4 teaspOot. salt and J-8 traKptMin pepper. Add YORK.-coA«™edof j advertising ,pace In New York's strike hgmpored newspapers will I be reflected In nil branches of I flolnce, commerce ami Industry. ! In the opinion of bualnesi executi ves who have observed the effects 'of the wtlkouL In competent fln- ' nuclnr quarters Urn feu wu ex pressed that unemployment might result from longer crippling of the dally' Itssson between merchant and buyer. Department store heads, even those entering to permanent cus tomers. tail the Inability to pro- moto sales through the newspaper culumns were providing a serious handicap at the opening of tha fall [season. And Well streeL always ! dubious as to tho reel value'of tha small amount of space It uses In tho dsllles, wts convinced Its clients had learned to depend on newspaper advertising for their In formation on financial offerings- Several big offering! of bonds which were to bo pat out thle week were postponed' because of lack of 1 advertising spice. BIG MERCHANT 18 ANXIOUS Honiara uimbuL v»» pwii- dont of the Glmbcl Brothers, I so vran quoted In published state ments as saying he thonght the strike would be Injurious to ho ' largo end small stores. “We depond noon newspaper id vertlsing for much of our soiling power.” he added. “It Is tho news- i kiwr advertising conUcad with the standing o tthe store doing the advertising which mass tho buyer realise hls need of some ar ticle which olherwlee he might have neglected to purchase.” Others wore quoted as follow*: Harold W. Bonwlt. secretary of UonwIL Teller A Company: ”1 bade no doubt that If the rtrlko lasts much longer we will /eel a huge effect. Newipnper *d- vcrtlslng I* doobtlee* the most vnluablo advertising In world and at tho retail store* nr* ds prived of thle medium they will foel the lose more end more. There RETURNS FROM LONG HIKE MACON.—John Carr, 18 yenr ol i ■on of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Curr rd this city, believes In -'seeing America first.* He btt Jnet re turned from x tops jaunt on foot tha*. carried him Into 33 of the forty-clgt states of tho Union. He Jnti. home Juno 37 and since that Cxto has vlsltcil as (hr north as Minnesota, west to the Rocky '-fountain states tad Yellow Btone Park, then South and home (gain bv way of New Orleans. Ho plan* i-ext year io take n nlmllsr Jnunt Into the New England etatea. WILL STUDY TO BACCO GROWING WAYCROSS.—A group of farm ers ttont near Montgomery. Ala. newspaper ndvertlr lag Is eapocinlly Important st the beginning of a season, as now, when the stores rare Introducing their new styles and paving the way for tho nsw plan to visit Wnycross in 1 future for Ihe porpou* of i a study of togacco the marketing of tbo i ing to * Montgomery live who recently i chamber at comnicfu cording to tho rep farmers aro planning I i ibsccn rrowing next '< they visit Wsycroes they taken to Rlnckshc-tr will make first hand ! of tho subject WAYCROSS.—More than pupils In thn public school registered nt tho opening new rchool year and point to n still larger 1 cording to school otflriuK” cross, they say. Is expecting t greatest yenr In tho Motor* of 1 clty'n public schools. t PURE AND SPARKLING | NATURE’S BEST REMEDY Nv oth«r water hit tha wonderful taste, tho Invigorating Ing that It loavoo nftor oach gla*a full—It'a delightful* yec it'i LINTON SPRINGS WATER Drink It All Year 'Round—But Especially la Spring and , • mtr—PHONE 33 Linton Springs Water Company riffle* Breed Street Collar* Ilk* thee* nr* very smart matching. Press the scam open. Just now on tailored blouses and on | Then baste tho facings to the >n*-pi*c* dresses. They look a bit; garment—collar and front facing! implicated, but nr* really easy .to collar and front opening—right -Dough to make If one works <*ic- sides together and st'tch. Close fully. seam at lower part of facing be- The dress I* silt down tha front low opening, for the opening. The collar Is cut) Before turning tho collar right of double material, one to be used'side out. trim tho edges close to | ma bee: for facing. the stitching line. Tbon turn. Unite salc*-1n for facing. Sow tha collar to the neck edge } ell around opening and collar dost with the notches matching. Clip to the edge. edgee at th* nhoulder Turn under raw edges nt front gnd press th* jeam open from the feeing nmT stitch. Slip stlti h the -enter front to th* shoulder. | uoper edge of the facing to tho Sew th* facings together—collar, shoulder and slip stilch tbo back lacing to front facing, notches. of tbo collar to cover the seem. a slight talttag off of i our store. Tho discontinu ance of full new* In thle country and abroad hss a disturbing In fluence on the minds of omtomor* n-d causes uncertainty and unrest, which Is reflected In their bnylng.-' IV, A. Conn*, vice president. Baku A Company: "Th* loai VELVETS of Bottle Green Hue —makes newest Velvet Frocks slim, dis tinctive affairs with graceful, simple lines that owe much charm to embroid eries that effectively use tinsel threed* in antique finish. Fur trims many, and circular tffsete, high collars and long sleeves an quit* In evidence. Bottlt green, tobacco brown, kltt fox grey, navy and black nr* newest colon. Priced u low as 343. Other new Frock arrivals here Include very smart afternoon mode* In black or navy Hr* satin. A special Fall price, *35. - fROCKS! How attractive these new modes here! And how surprisinz. What they appear to be from the front does not indicate what they will be from the back. New sleeves, new collars, new circular ef fects, new plcatinzs, new fabrics, new trimmings! You will find here the very smartest of Fall Frock modes. They’re Slim of Line of Course^- even those with circular effect!, and plaids SI trimmings are veVy new. There's a standing eoUar, * touch of fur, * quaint puffed sleeve and othe( things you will notice. A Special Groups Twill or Rep Coat Frocks SWAGGER lines of braid, clever touches of lingerie trimming, or king’s blue on navy or black, trim many. There are new high collars, long sleeves, quaint peasant sleeves. These Frocks are value-right, fashion-right, the Frocks to buy right new. Specially priced. W. T. Collins Inc. NEW FALL FROCKS Enhancing! Smart!