Newspaper Page Text
recently where they” were the KUesti
of Mr and Mrs. J. B. MeKlhannon
M J M Hawk in*, one of Jfiok-
•on’i most belored citizens, and
his daughter. Miss Annie who make
their home during the summer at 1
homes, and to our churboa and!
Sunday Schools. Naturally It is
expected that students will alfllj
Mate with the chuches of their own |
previous choice. Some however,!
may not find a church of their de-|
nomination in Athens. Such are!
cordially Invited to share our pri-'
vlleges of worship, make First 1
Methodist church their church!
home while |n Athens., and feel!
perfectly sure they are welcome. 1
I have had many letters fromi
fathers and mothers asking me'to*
look after their eons while they'
are here. It will be a pleasure f©rj
me to render any assistance that I
may. 1 trust that such young gen
tlemen ns come from many Metho
dist families will begin Immediately
nr.d continue to be. regular alien*
dants at our Sunday preaching ser
vices. Our Sunday School pro
poses to the best It can for every
student, and we hope to have many
of them with every us Sunday. The
Young people conduct the Epworth
League every Sunday evening and|
a special welcome will be given-
students, many of them have been
greatly helpful by taking part In
these Hirelings during their college
life. We hope many will come now
for the college year.
College men have a great respon
sibility. real clttracto foundation'
are made during these days. I
shall tie delighted to have atudentr
worship with us, visit me In mr
home. n r confer with me wher
Idenee in Ap|He/Valley, will
return to Hanford, Fin, the ot
I the month; where they will live
, duing the winter. #
Commerce Social
Anc^ Personal News
: (Sf fecial to The Banner-Herald/
HIGH SCHOOL .Audrey Harris, Thelma Leathers, t
ACTIVITIES I Mary Lester. Isabelle Paine, Emily 1
Almost before chaeog found tbolr 8'nipson. Mary Wood, other mem- j
rooros'or registration was over the bers.
Literary Societies at the Athenr. | The 8enlor Boya’ Society is I
„._w -t—. -- — - - - * - — | 8t . John as ,
Parker, vice (
, — It Is report
ed hero that on accodnt of the
badly congested condition of the
docket m Hinas .ountv superior
court. Judge Lewis C. Russell has
docidt d to told a xpreiat hcssum
of Hanks suiwrior court next week
for the trial of criminal cases only.
At a later date Miring tho fall. It
•a understood that Judge Russel!
will pfohably call a special term
for the purpose of trying civil
rases only of which there nro sev
eral hundred pending on tho dock
ed for trial.’
president; ...
president; Alexander Hush, secre
tary and treasurer; Robert Patter*
noiL parliamentarian; Edwin Trib
ble, critic.
Joel Holey. Jack Bolton, John
Pondurant, Charley Cate, J. B.
Gunnells. Howard Holmes, Joe Ja
cobs; Carlton Jester, Adolph l.nnd,
Jack Martin. Oacar McWhorter,
Moss McCoy. Aldlne Pound, Mack
Slaughter. Frank Stewart. George
Stone, Go Witcher, members.
and 200 Others.
The mayor and council of Com
merce have certainly very largely
Increased their already great per-
scna! popularity by having the
streets of our town sprinkled (Tur
ing tho recent dry spell.
Wo hnvo had a:i unusually long
dry summer, and consequent^ our
I streets were unusually dusty, and
|tho advent of the street sprinkler
was hallo dwltb delight by all ojt
The storv bv Bret Ilarto Is n
classic. The play by Paul Arm
strong was a huge hit. me pic
ture, fashioned fmm both of them,
is a knockout. You CANT be
. Mrs. Sam H. Bailey. Thursday aft
ernoon. which assembled four ta
bles of players for a most snjoy-
abln game.
All kinds of yellow and white
garden flowers decorated the at
tractive homo In artistic arrange
ment. Tho pretty prixe for high
Hon. Woodson L. Williamson l>
no of tho best and most success-
il farmers to be found In the
vor bud vase.
•Mrs. Albert Harper won the
booby, a dainty vanity caac. A de
licious salad and Ice course fol
lowed the game.
[weevil,” etc., Mr. Williamson con
tinues tho even tenor of his way
[pre Hieing bumper crons of all
| trim's by reason of the fact
loppMcs scientific principles U **”
I preparation and cultivation of Co
I Mr. Williamson brought to town
rOLUMflUB.—Fuads for the re
lief of Japanese earthquake suf
ferers went far above the first
inota set for Columbus, FYjrt Den
ning and this community by tho
Ben them Division of the Amerl-
eon Red cross, according to Chair
man John T. Davis of the local
eommitteo. Tho quota was set aft
$1,500 and tho amount collected
Tuesday afternoon at 4:10
home on H'fldcrson avenue.
> w ^ t been brought hero in tropical milt
Jefferson rcrsonal | n tho shed. The web formed- by
And Social News the Insects Is thick and In the
TL— aha$c of s maple leaf. The spiders
TFFFERSON. Oa.—A marriage, j have sharp jaws and long fbedap.
JJSlvVi Kn.t Point on last*When In danger, it Is s*M. they
SSSdmr. that Is of Interest to thijemlt a poisonous, fteam-jlke aub-
frtenda and relatives In thle county stance which forms a moUture on
menus n , w, ir m* hard, smooth sur-
menus nnu -- ----- -
jof the bridegroom, united Mr. H
T. Jennings and Mlaa Stella Cox
Mr Jennings was a citizen of this
! county, and la a brother of M»
Victor Jennings of Jefferson. For
| the past few years, Mr. Jenning*
! resided in Atlanta, and hie bride la
also a resident of that city.
| Rev. B. D. Porter wee a vlslu.i
. to Jefferson a few days ago. srd
was given a cordial greetlpg by
• his many friends here He occupied
the pulpit of the Prince Avenue on
J Inst Sunday morning and evening
lie wss pastor at ons time of the
Jefferson Baptist church, and he
and Mrs. Porter were very popu*
, lar with the people here. He Ir
now living at Itazley, Os., where
he Is serving the First Baptist
church as Its pastor.
| Messrs. Homer and Claud Han-
I cock. J. L. Bailey and E Smith
•P*nt several days at Duke. N C .
ALBANY.—IUbbi E. A. Landau,
for the past . twcnty-flvo yearn
rabbi of the Albany Hcbrow Con
gregation, w-aa fittingly remember
ed and honored by Individual
members and organization* of the
synagogue during the recent oh.
aervance ot tho Jewish New Ywtr.
A number of valuable gift* we-e
presented to him an tokens of es
teem. Rabbi Landau came to Al
bany In 1498.
Methodist Pastor
Welcomes Students
Personally and as pastor of First
Methodist church, I wish to extend
•o the students of "Old Georgia*
Ain’t That the Cat’s Hat?
Every Pair
Comer Clayton and Jackson Streets
10 Years Go
In 30 minutes—my White Youth Clay
By Edna Wallace Hopper
n plain girl, and I made who look like girls—all because at
beauty I grew old. like
Clay purges the skin of all that
clogs it—the causes of sallowness,
blackheads and blemishes. It con-
the skin.
, It brings «he 1iI«mm1 to the skin
.to nourish and revive It. The re-
j suit is that rosy afterglow which »«
I nmazes and delights. Many women
And 7 j In 30 minutes seem to drop ten
j year s.
# . .. _ j Clay firms the skin, combats all
r ,inp " * nd * rtnw «»>
THE MOST larged pores.
The ordinary crude and mudd>
clnyn do that. Then what may you
expect of a new**ype clny. at leas'
tpn times ns effective? You may
exiiect Juft what It did for me.
Now, ftfV?r 40 ye;
star, f ■ till look n girl of is. ) rtantly ren
liecause of beauty aids
French experts perfected.
Now, ns a doty to my r
fer those helps to ethers,
am taking Urn. In n bury life
tell the fedf* «frout '.hem.
You much now about facial
clays. Millions of v-omen
muddy, gike the primitive clays I
muddy, the primitive clays
used malty years ago.
They amazing thinks. Any
woman Who omits clay does her
self Injustice Nothing else can so
multiply beauty or so preserve onejj
} llu% theft are better clays today
Frenefi eXpcrt* after 20 yearn ol
study, hnve perfected a new-type
clay. It Is white, refined and dsln-
ty. It brings manifold effects. Thnt
Is the clny I now use—my White
Youth Clay. And to that I owe my
baby skin a** the nge of fi2.
Most of you know what clny
ddto. You ace beauties every
Literary Societies at the Athenr;
High schaal were ready for tho
year's work, new member* 1*1 «n
In and programs discussed. Tho
English department Is alive to Itn
opportunities and the students arc
ready and eager to bo a part of
an organization which .has as Itf
alms: "To teac hclub organlgatlort
and parliamentary procedure, to
develop a spirit of good fellowship,
to create a profound Interest In
literature, to give to thozo de
siring It additional drill and train
ing In debates, plays, pageants
orations, essays and Impromptu
The department boasts of four
societies: Junior Boys’ and Junior
Girls'; Senior Hoys* and Senior
Girls', with a total memberthlp of
Tho first meeting of tho classes
was held Inst May. and programs
covering a wldo area were enjoyed
j before the closo of the scHool. ,
The officers of the Junior Boys'
Society ure Burtus Bishop, presi
dent; Harvey Head, vice pres. ient:
Milton Jaraignn, secretary and
treasurer; Jobn Venable, parlia
One of the loveliest of the small
social affairs of the past week was
themecllng of lb© bridge chib with
mentarlan; James Haye,'. 'critic C°mV.. Am immpWnlM°of""haruTmc"" am'l
Iko member, including: Hokro. won the low acore. • *11 , - p „,„ lpnr , of toll
Mine Is this new-type clay. I cal
It my White Toufth Clny. It*
supplied by nl! druggists and.toilet
eounVrs at 50c and $1 l*r tube,
Also my Hair T outh * whlrh brought
should follow the clay. My F#eln\
Youth—my famous liquid cleanser
Also my flair Youth, whc!h brought
my luxuriant hair. My Beaut*
I took come* with each.
My day is nearly over. Now
wish to bring to others the Joy*
won nnd keep. N*»w you can havi
the very https wntch made me
what I 'im. Start todav nr IQ* m>
Youth Clny, nnd see whnt tomorrow
Boykin Bolton, Frank Bramblctt
j Montelth Gapps, Harry Carlton,
Jack Dale, Billy Epps; Eugcns Oil-
bland, William Howfll, James
Jcnes. Finlay McLeroyDorsey
Medlln. Stewart Prather, Glenn
Richards. Benjamin Thornton,
James Thornton, Mobley Thrasher.
Steve Upson, lisrry Warren, John
Tho Junior Girls' Literary Socl-
cy has for Its president. Mary
Stewart; vice president, Eugenia party which gives promise
* * * rlan. Nellie
Foster; secretary. - Jennie Loe
Mapp; Thelma Barrett, critic. The CHAPTER F. MEETS
membership being Nellis Foster. • yviTH MRS. A. R-
where {whose complexions are due ( brings you. Rina Wallace Hoppe*
to clay. You see mothers whe J Huslnc** nddress Waukesha, WIs.—
look like daughters, grand motherr * Advertisement.
Read Banner-Herald Want Ads.
Tbo Wlh 'Afternoon! *t*>* recently n atnclo stclk of cotton
*1 .trrlried on liter There | on which are to lm aoen 6* well
' Tbont tWrty flve ln the I crew , ful.y d.y.loped .mil., and
o« be-;not a .Inale one ot them ha. been
Stewart; vice pmldent, Eurcnla p, rty w hl<h ylre. nromi.c m tall
Arnold; parliamentarian. Nellie |„\ , m „.t dollabtful occasion. y I Injured by tho pentiferoua hot
renter: .ecretary. • Jennie Lee ' "tM. .how. what a pnr--
| aocc-ii.ful srlentiric farmer cr
Margaret Bicker,taff. Mabel Wll- nVchOLSON “ , ' c,lon -
llama. Katherine Olenn, Koac; ebaptor P., <|f Emmanuel Guild dry v. rather and hnll weevil.
l.ewta, Agnes Proctor. Marr.arot. meet , *| t h Mr*. A. R. Nlcholaon
Wright. Ella Prtroiml, Stella Pe-
tropal, Victoria Belt*. Sarah Moon.
Sarah Weir. Vera Johnson. Nadine
Cooper. Mattie Sue McCall, Panic
Winifred Fowler la president o:, py^y evening the HI V boy*
tho Sonlor Girls' Society; Mtrtc eI1 t er ulnod their flrt friend* a‘.a
Underwood, vice president; Annle'^^pufy at the Y. M.-C. A* Cartledg*. aocretary and malmnito decorations of cat
trea*n*r; Alice Rowland. I»rll»-, were the bright decora-
mentarlan; Mario Tlhbette, critic; .. , n , he recaption hall.
Obcda Boyd.'Lilli* Brooka. Barah | 0 ,me«'feator«d the *yanln* and
Brown. Kathleon Cauthen, Mary |h koltI of the happy P«rty «-
rant. Yirtss ;!re™r. E«i» H«le Irh--~in» hoanltallty.
A Sale of Dresses
. Sizes
14 to 42
$ 9
Black, Navy,
Brown, Grey
and Cocoa
Being a New Store, Every Garment Is New and “Up-to-the-
Minute” in Style; the Quality Is Oustandingly Excellent
DENVER. Coo.—A new ,pecle»
of .phlcra, with bodies ahnped like
football, and olaht logs, pink anil
■tripped with black, have made
their appearanco In Denver, ac
cording to A. ft. Craig, who ht.«
captured many of them. The In
sects hare wide nostril,, alll eye*,
ainall mouth* nnd ears, and were
discovered in a ihod owned by
and escaped to make their homo
been brought hero In tropical fruit
In tho shed. Tho web formed by
The propaganda against motion picture^ that has been heart oa all aide* (nr the
past few years, Ik something that you are vitally Interested in because ir concerns
your congregations, if for no reason other than a moral one.
Apropos of this, I am suggesting -that you all make it a point to bo present at the
Palace Theatre, on nest
Hollywood really h.
or Friday and ace for yourtdlf just how -bad''
Thom will bo unfolded on the screen • gigantic motion picture appropriately titled
“HOLLYWOOD- god hi which more than slaty stars make their appearance.
The story la one of a young girl—conceited to tho -degree of believing she could
easily win a place In motion picture*. But all ah* bad was bewutv. In motion plctaran
MORE than boauty la required. BRAINS play a prominent part In the selection of
plnyen. * <
If you want the -insidt" story of how this young lady did NOT win a place on tho
screen, then all you have to do is bn present at the Palace Theatre on Thursday or
Friday of this Hook. Than you win non with your own eyes—throurh the eye of thu
camera—just what a pines “Hollywood” really In. This masterful picture will enihre'l
you—win sway your every emotion. And you can feel better qualified tj talk on
"Hollywood'’ and its attendant conditions.
Very truly your,,
Wc Invite You to Inspect the Largest
Showing of,
in Athens.
Featuring All the New Fall
Styles and Colors.
In Satins, Leathers end Suedes
And At Reasonable Prices.
We are ready to serve you with an
experienced shoe force who understand
how to fit shoes.
See Our Show Windows—It Is Worth Your Time.
Sport Coat Special
$9.95 $12.95
: Brown, Tan, Grey Sport Coats in Many Pretty Styles. Real
rj School Girl Coats. You Can’t Get This Value Later.
Do You Know That We Sell Hosiery?
'Guy Bates Post